<?php if (empty($attributes['id'])) { _error("ENoLanguageGiven", "No language given"); } else { if ($oLanguageManager->removeLanguagesByID($attributes['id'])) { _message("MLanguagesRemoved", "Languages removed successfully"); } else { _warning("WLanguageNotRemoved", "Lanugage was not removed"); } } _xfa($myself . "admin.showLanguages");
<?php if (!empty($attributes['fCode']) && isset($attributes['fName'])) { if (!$oPropertyManager->setProperty($attributes['fCode'], array('code' => $attributes['fCode'], 'name' => $attributes['fName']))) { _warning("WPropertyNotSaved", "Something happened when storing property, probably property with such code already exists"); } else { _message("MPropertySaved", "Property was sucessfully saved"); } } else { _error("EWrongFormSubmitted", "Wrong form submitted, or else..."); } _xfa($myself . "admin.showProperties");
if (($x = $stanza->exists('x', NS_MUC . '#user')) !== false) { if (($status = $x->exists('status', null, array('code' => '110'))) !== false) { $item = $x->exists('item'); _info("xmlns #user exists with x " . $x->ns . " status " . $status->attrs['code'] . ", affiliation:" . $item->attrs['affiliation'] . ", role:" . $item->attrs['role']); } else { _info("xmlns #user have no x child element"); } } else { _warning("=======> odd case 1"); } } else { if (strtolower($from->bare) == strtolower($room_full_jid->bare)) { if (($x = $stanza->exists('x', NS_MUC . '#user')) !== false) { $item = $x->exists('item'); echo "presence stanza of type " . ($stanza->type ? $stanza->type : "available") . " received from " . $from->resource . ", affiliation:" . $item->attrs['affiliation'] . ", role:" . $item->attrs['role'] . PHP_EOL; } else { _warning("=======> odd case 2"); } } else { _warning("=======> odd case 3"); } } }); $client->add_cb('on_disconnect', function () { _info("got on_disconnect cb"); }); // // finally start configured xmpp stream // $client->start(); echo "done\n";
<?php if (isset($attributes['fCode']) && isset($attributes['fXCode']) && isset($attributes['fName']) && isset($attributes['fPos'])) { if (strlen($attributes['fCode']) > 0) { if (isset($attributes['entryid'])) { if (!$oPropertyManager->setDictionaryEntryByID($attributes['entryid'], array('code' => $attributes['fCode'], 'xcode' => $attributes['fXCode'], 'name' => $attributes['fName'], 'pos' => $attributes['fPos']))) { _warning("WPropertyDictionaryEntryNotStored", "Something happened while saving property dictionary entry to DB, probably another entry exists with same code or no entry with such ID (already) exists"); } else { _message("MPropertyDictionaryEntryStored", "Property dictionary entry successfully stored"); } } elseif (isset($attributes['propertycode'])) { if (!$oPropertyManager->addDictionaryEntry($attributes['propertycode'], array('code' => $attributes['fCode'], 'xcode' => $attributes['fXCode'], 'name' => $attributes['fName'], 'pos' => $attributes['fPos']))) { _warning("WPropertyDictionaryEntryNotAdded", "Something happened while adding property dictionary entry to DB, probably entry with such code already exists"); } else { _message("MPropertyDictionaryEntryAdded", "Property dictionary entry successfully added"); } } else { _error("ENoPropertyOrEntryFound", "No property or dictionary entry given"); } } else { _warning("WPropertyDictionaryEntryCodeCannotBeEmpty", "Property dictionary entry code cannot be empty"); } } else { _error("EWrongEntryFormSubmitted", "Invalid property dictionary form submitted"); } _xfa($myself . "admin.showPropertyDictionary&code=" . $attributes['propertycode']);
// add necessary event callbacks here // $client->add_cb('on_auth_success', function () { global $client; _info("got on_auth_success cb, jid " . $client->full_jid->to_string()); // create node //$client->xeps['0060']->create_node('pubsub.localhost', 'dummy_node'); // subscribe $client->xeps['0060']->subscribe('pubsub.localhost', 'dummy_node'); }); $client->add_cb('on_auth_failure', function ($reason) { global $client; $client->send_end_stream(); _info("got on_auth_failure cb with reason {$reason}"); }); $client->add_cb('on_headline_message', function ($stanza) { global $client; if ($event = $stanza->exists('event', NS_PUBSUB . '#event')) { _info("got pubsub event"); } else { _warning("unknown headline message rcvd"); } }); $client->add_cb('on_disconnect', function () { _info("got on_disconnect cb"); }); // // finally start configured xmpp stream // $client->start(); echo "done\n";
_warning("WArticleNotStored", "Something happened while storing article"); } } else { _warning("WArticleCannotBeConverted", "Article cannot be converted to " . $l->getEncoding()); } } $tmpFormFieldName = 'title_' . $l->getID(); if (isset($attributes[$tmpFormFieldName])) { $strTitle = html_entity_decode($attributes[$tmpFormFieldName], ENT_COMPAT, $l->getEncoding()); if ($strTitle !== false) { if (!$ogArticleManager->pushTitle($attributes['fuseactionid'], $l->getID(), $attributes['token'], $strTitle)) { _warning("WArticleTitleNotStored", "Something happened while storing article title"); } } else { _warning("WArticleTitleCannotBeConverted", "Article title cannot be converted to " . $l->getEncoding()); } } } $tmpFormFieldName = 'description'; if (isset($attributes[$tmpFormFieldName])) { if (!$ogArticleManager->pushDescription($attributes['fuseactionid'], $attributes['token'], $attributes[$tmpFormFieldName])) { _warning("WArticleDescriptionNotStored", "Something happened while storing article description"); } } } else { _error("ENoTokenGiven", "No token is given"); } } else { _error("ENoFuseactionGiven", "No page is given"); } echo "<script>window.opener.location.reload(); window.close();</script>";
public function handle_other($event, $args) { $stanza = $args[0]; $stanza = new XMPPStanza($stanza); $ev = 'on_' . $stanza->name . '_stanza'; if ($this->ev->exists($ev)) { return $this->ev->emit($ev, array($stanza)); } else { _warning("event '" . $event . "' catched in handle_other with stanza name " . $stanza->name); } }
<?php if (!empty($attributes['id'])) { if (is_numeric($attributes['id'])) { if ($oSecurityManager->checkGroupByID($attributes['id'])) { if ($oSecurityManager->removeGroupsByID($attributes['id'])) { _message("MGroupRemoved", "Group removed"); } } else { _warning("WNoSuchGroup", "No such group found"); } } elseif (is_array($attributes['id'])) { if ($oSecurityManager->removeGroupsByID($attributes['id'])) { _message("MGroupsRemoved", "Groups removed"); } } else { _error("EInvalidGroupID", "Invalid group ID"); } } else { _error("ENoGroupGiven", "No security group is given to delete"); } _xfa($myself . "admin.showGroups");
<?php if (empty($attributes['id']) && empty($attributes['key'])) { _error("ENoFuseactionGiven", "No page or action is given"); } else { $tmpFuseaction = false; if (isset($attributes['id']) && intval($attributes['id']) > 0) { $tmpFuseaction = $oFuseManager->getFuseactionByID(intval($attributes['id'])); } elseif (isset($attributes['key'])) { $tmpFuseaction = $oFuseManager->getFuseaction($attributes['key']); } else { _error("ENoValidFuseactionGiven", "No valid page or action is given"); } if (!$tmpFuseaction) { _error("ENoFuseactionFound", "No such page or action found in DB"); } else { $tmpFuseaction->setResponsibility($attributes['fResponsibility']); if ($oFuseManager->setFuseaction($tmpFuseaction->getName(), $tmpFuseaction)) { _message("MFuseactionStored", "Page/action responsibilities stored successfully"); } else { _warning("WFuseactionNotStored", "Page/action responsibilities not saved"); } } } if (!_gotxfa()) { _xfa($myself . "admin.showFuseaction&id={$attributes['id']}"); }
<?php $tmpUser = false; if (!empty($attributes['fLogin'])) { if ($tmpUser = $oUserManager->getUser($attributes['fLogin'])) { _log("Changing password for user " . $tmpUser->getLogin()); $strNewUserPassword = $oUserManager->resetPassword($tmpUser->getLogin()); } else { _warning("WNoSuchUser", "No user with such login exists"); } } else { _error("EWrongFormSubmitted", "Wrong form submitted"); } _xfa($myself . "home.showPasswordRecoverConfirmation");
<?php if (!empty($attributes['id'])) { if (is_numeric($attributes['id'])) { if (!($tmpUser = $oUserManager->getUserByID($attributes['id']))) { _error("ENoSuchUser", "There is no user with ID = " . $attributes['id']); } } else { _error("EInvalidUserID", "Invalid user ID"); } } else { $attributes['id'] = 0; $tmpUser = new User(); } if (isset($attributes['id']) && isset($attributes['fLogin']) && isset($attributes['fPwd']) && isset($attributes['fPwd2']) && isset($attributes['fEmail'])) { $tmpUser->setID($attributes['id']); if (!$tmpUser->setLogin($attributes['fLogin'])) { _warning("WInvalidLogin", "Login is invalid or empty"); } if (!$tmpUser->setEmail($attributes['fEmail'])) { _warning("WInvalidEmail", "Email address is invalid or empty"); } $tmpUser->setFirstName($attributes['fFirstName']); $tmpUser->setMiddleName($attributes['fMiddleName']); $tmpUser->setLastName($attributes['fLastName']); $tmpUser->setBirthDate($attributes['fBirthDate']); } _assign("arrCountries", $oPropertyManager->getDictionary("fCountry")); _assign("tmpUser", $tmpUser); _display("admin/dspUserForm.tpl");
<?php if (empty($attributes['token']) && !empty($attributes['article'])) { $attributes['token'] = $attributes['article']; } else { if (empty($attributes['article']) && !empty($attributes['token'])) { $attributes['article'] = $attributes['token']; } } if (!empty($attributes['token']) && !empty($attributes['fName']) && !empty($attributes['fComment'])) { if (strlen($_SESSION['SecretUserString']) > 0) { if (!empty($attributes['fHString'])) { if ($_SESSION['SecretUserString'] != $attributes['fHString']) { _warning("WCaptchaStringNotMatch", "Secret user string not match"); } else { if ($ogArticleManager->storeComment($attributes['token'], $attributes['fName'], $attributes['fComment'])) { _message("MCommentAdded", "Your comment is added"); _xfa($myself . "home.showArticleComments&article=" . $attributes['token']); } else { _warning("WErrorSavingComment", "Error happened while saving comment, please try again"); } } } else { _warning("WCaptchaStringEmpty", "Secret user string is empty"); } } else { _warning("WCaptchaStringUnknown", "Secret user string is unknown"); } } else { _warning("WEnterComment", "Please enter your name and your comment"); }
$arrUserGroups = $oSecurityManager->pullUserGroups($userlogged->getID()); $userXFA = $fusebox['defaultFuseaction']; if ($arrUserGroups) { $userlogged->setGroups($arrUserGroups); if (!_gotxfa()) { //find valid user's home page foreach ($arrUserGroups as $tmpGroup) { if ($tmpGroup->getHomePage() && $oFuseManager->getFuseaction($tmpGroup->getHomePage())) { $userXFA = $tmpGroup->getHomePage(); } } } } _xfa($myself . $userXFA); $oUser = $userlogged; $log .= "'... success!"; } else { _warning("WIncorrectPassword", "Password provided for login {$attributes['fLogin']} is incorrect"); $log .= "'... failed."; } _log($log); } else { _warning("WNoSuchUser", "There is no user {$attributes['fLogin']} registered with system"); } } else { _warning("WEmptyLoginCredentials", "Cannot log in with empty login or password"); } if (!_gotErrors() && !_gotWarnings()) { _log("After successful login user became " . $oUser->getFullName() . " (" . $oUser->getLogin() . ", " . $oUser->getID() . ")"); } }
/* * storing data */ if (!_gotErrors() && !_gotWarnings()) { if (empty($attributes['id'])) { $params = array("title" => $attributes['title'], "file" => $oFile->getFileName(), "mime" => $oFile->getFileMimeType()); if (!$ogArticleAttachmentManager->addAttachment($attributes['token'], $params)) { $oFileManager->deleteFile($oFile); _warning("WAttachmentNotStored", "Something happened while storing attachment"); } } else { $arrAttachment = $ogArticleAttachmentManager->getAttachment(intval($attributes['id'])); $params = array("title" => $attributes['title']); if ($oFile) { $params['file'] = $oFile->getFileName(); $params['mime'] = $oFile->getFileMimeType(); } if ($ogArticleAttachmentManager->updateAttachment(intval($attributes['id']), $params)) { if ($oFile) { @unlink($fusebox['pathArticleAttachment'] . $arrAttachment['file']); } } else { if ($oFile) { $oFileManager->deleteFile($oFile); } _warning("WAttachmentNotStored", "Something happened while storing attachment"); } } } else { $arrAttachment = $attributes; }
<?php $result = false; if (isset($attributes['fuseactionid']) && is_numeric($attributes['fuseactionid'])) { $result = true; foreach ($attributes as $k => $a) { if (strpos($k, "sq_") !== false) { $arrID = explode("_", $k); if (!$oSecurityManager->pushGroupAccessByID($arrID[1], $a)) { $result = false; } } } } else { _error("ENoFuseactionGiven", "No fuseaction given"); } if (!$result) { _warning("WExceptionSavingSecurity", "Something happened while permissions update performed"); } else { _message("MSecurityUpdated", "Permissions updated"); } _xfa($myself . "admin.showFuseactionSecurityTokens&id=" . $attributes['fuseactionid']);
<?php if (!$oUser->isDefaultUser()) { $tmpUser = $oUser; } else { $tmpUser = new User(); if (isset($attributes['fLogin']) && isset($attributes['fPwd']) && isset($attributes['fPwd2']) && isset($attributes['fEmail'])) { if (!$tmpUser->setLogin($attributes['fLogin'])) { _warning("WInvalidLogin", "Login is invalid or empty"); } if (!$tmpUser->setEmail($attributes['fEmail'])) { _warning("WInvalidEmail", "Email address is invalid or empty"); } $tmpUser->setFirstName($attributes['fFirstName']); $tmpUser->setMiddleName($attributes['fMiddleName']); $tmpUser->setLastName($attributes['fLastName']); $tmpUser->setBirthDate($attributes['fBirthDate']); } } $oCaptcha = new Captcha($fusebox['pathAssets'] . "fonts"); if (!$oCaptcha->initialize()) { _warning("WCaptchaNotInitialized", "Captcha not initialized"); } _assign("arrCountries", $oPropertyManager->getDictionary("fCountry")); _assign("tmpUser", $tmpUser); _display("home/dspRegistrationForm.tpl");
<?php _warning("WAccessDenied", "Access to this page is denied. Please (re-)login or contact administrator."); _display("home/dspAccessDenied.tpl");
public function closed($event, $args) { _warning("uncatched {$event}"); }
<?php if (!isset($attributes['login']) || strlen($attributes['login']) == 0) { _warning("WEmptyLogin", $oContentManager->getTitle("WEmptyLogin", "Please enter your Login")); } else { if (!($UserID = $oUserManager->checkUser($attributes['login']))) { _warning("WUserNotFound", $oContentManager->getTitle("WUserNotFound", "User with specified Login is not exists")); } else { //set recover signature and send reset link to user _log("Sending reset password link to user"); //for php versions < 4.2 list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); srand((double) $sec + (double) $usec * 100000); $recoverSignature = md5(rand(1111111, 9999999)); $recUser = $oUserManager->getUser($attributes['login']); $sql = "UPDATE " . $fusebox['tableUsers'] . " SET recoversignature = '" . addslashes($recoverSignature) . "' WHERE id = " . intval($recUser->getID()); $oDB->query($sql); $strSubject = $ogMailTemplatesManager->getTitle("ResetPassword"); $strBody = $ogMailTemplatesManager->getContentReplaced("ResetPassword", array("{LINK}" => $fusebox['urlBase'] . $myself . "home.showResetPasswordForm&signature=" . $recoverSignature . "&login="******"{LOGIN}" => $recUser->getLogin())); $oPHPMailer = new PHPMailer(); $oPHPMailer->IsHTML(true); $oPHPMailer->From = $oSettingsManager->getValue("MailerEmail", 'root@localhost', "STRING", "Mailer E-mail"); $oPHPMailer->FromName = $oSettingsManager->getValue("MailerName", 'Mail Robot', "STRING", "Mailer Name"); $oPHPMailer->CharSet = $oLanguage->getEncoding(); $oPHPMailer->AddAddress($recUser->getEmail()); $oPHPMailer->Subject = $strSubject; $oPHPMailer->Body = $strBody; $oPHPMailer->Send(); unset($oPHPMailer); _message("MResetLinkSent", $oContentManager->getTitle("MResetLinkSent", "Reset password link was sent to your email address")); }
} if (isset($attributes['fCode'])) { if (!$tmpoGroup->setCode($attributes['fCode'])) { _warning("WEmptyGroupCode", "Group code cannot be empty and may contain only letters and numbers, no spaces"); } } if (isset($attributes['fName'])) { $tmpoGroup->setName($attributes['fName']); } if (isset($attributes['fDescription'])) { $tmpoGroup->setDescription($attributes['fDescription']); } if (isset($attributes['fHomePage'])) { $tmpoGroup->setHomePage($attributes['fHomePage']); if (strlen($attributes['fHomePage']) && !$oFuseManager->getFuseaction($attributes['fHomePage'])) { _warning("WInvalidHomePage", "Specified home page is not found"); } } if (!_gotWarnings() && !_gotErrors()) { if (!empty($attributes['id'])) { if (!$oSecurityManager->setGroupByID($attributes['id'], $tmpoGroup)) { _error("ECannotSaveGroup", "Cannot save group \"" . $tmpoGroup->getName() . "\""); } else { _message("MGroupSaved", "Group saved successfully"); } } else { if (!$oSecurityManager->addGroup($tmpoGroup)) { _error("ECannotAddGroup", "Cannot add group \"" . $tmpoGroup->getName() . "\""); } else { _message("MGroupAdded", "Group added successfully"); }
<?php if ($ogArticleManager->muteCommentsByID($attributes['commentid'])) { _message("MCommentsMuted", "Article comment(s) muted"); } else { _warning("WCommentsNotMuted", "Something happened while muting comments"); }
function loadActionClass($classname) { global $application; if (!class_exists($classname)) { $mm = $application->getInstance('Modules_Manager'); if (!key_exists($classname, $mm->actionList)) { _warning("{$classname} not found"); $res = null; return $res; } // define the file name for given action $actionFile = $mm->actionList[$classname]; // load the file $mm->includeFile($actionFile); } }
<?php $galleryPath = $fusebox['pathGalleries'] . $attributes['gallery'] . "/"; $thumbsPath = $galleryPath . $fusebox['folderThumbs'] . "/"; if (!empty($attributes['gallery']) && !empty($attributes['image'])) { if ($strImageFileName = $ogGalleryManager->getImageFileName($attributes['gallery'], $attributes['image'])) { if ($ogGalleryManager->deleteImage($attributes['gallery'], $attributes['image'])) { if (file_exists($galleryPath . $strImageFileName)) { if (!unlink($galleryPath . $strImageFileName)) { _message("MGalleryImageFileRemained", "Gallery image file remained on disk"); } } if (file_exists($thumbsPath . $strImageFileName)) { if (!unlink($thumbsPath . $strImageFileName)) { _message("MGalleryThumbFileRemained", "Gallery image thumbnail file remained on disk"); } } $ogGalleryManager->setGalleryUpdatedDate($attributes['gallery']); _message("MGalleryImageDeleted", "Gallery image deleted"); } else { _warning("WGalleryImageNotDeleted", "Gallery image not deleted"); } } else { _warning("WGalleryImageNotFound", "Gallery image not found"); } } else { _error("EGalleryImageNotGiven", "Gallery image not given to delete"); }
<?php if (empty($attributes['id'])) { _error("ENoFuseactionGiven", "No page or action is given"); } else { $tmpFuseaction = false; if (isset($attributes['id']) && intval($attributes['id']) > 0) { $tmpFuseaction = $oFuseManager->getFuseactionByID(intval($attributes['id'])); } else { _error("ENoValidFuseactionGiven", "No valid page or action is given"); } if (!$tmpFuseaction) { _error("ENoFuseactionFound", "No such page or action found in DB"); } else { if (!$oContentManager->deleteFuseactionTokens($tmpFuseaction->getID())) { _warning("WFuseactionNotCleared", "Cannot clear page content. DB error."); } else { _message("MFuseactionCleared", "Page content was removed successfully"); _xfa($myself . "admin.showContentPages"); } } } if (!_gotxfa()) { }
_warning("WContentNotStored", "Something happened while storing content"); } } else { _warning("WContentCannotBeConverted", "Content cannot be converted to " . $l->getEncoding()); } } $tmpFormFieldName = 'title_' . $l->getID(); if (isset($attributes[$tmpFormFieldName])) { $strTitle = html_entity_decode($attributes[$tmpFormFieldName], ENT_COMPAT, $l->getEncoding()); if ($strTitle !== false) { if (!$oContentManager->pushTitle($attributes['fuseactionid'], $l->getID(), $attributes['token'], $strTitle)) { _warning("WTitleNotStored", "Something happened while storing title"); } } else { _warning("WTitleCannotBeConverted", "Title cannot be converted to " . $l->getEncoding()); } } } $tmpFormFieldName = 'description'; if (isset($attributes[$tmpFormFieldName])) { if (!$oContentManager->pushDescription($attributes['fuseactionid'], $attributes['token'], $attributes[$tmpFormFieldName])) { _warning("WDescriptionNotStored", "Something happened while storing description"); } } } else { _error("ENoTokenGiven", "No token is given"); } } else { _error("ENoFuseactionGiven", "No page is given"); } _xfa($myself . "admin.showFuseactionContentTokens&id=" . $attributes['fuseactionid']);
<?php if (!isset($attributes['name']) || strlen($attributes['name']) == 0) { _warning("WEmptyName", $oContentManager->getTitle("WEmptyName", "Please enter your name")); } else { if (!isset($attributes['email']) || strlen($attributes['email']) == 0) { _warning("WEmptyEmail", $oContentManager->getTitle("WEmptyEmail", "Please enter your email")); } else { if (preg_match("/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,3})\$/", $attributes['email']) == 0) { _warning("WInvalidEmail", $oContentManager->getTitle("WInvalidEmail", "Please enter valid email")); } else { if ($_SESSION['SecretUserString'] != $attributes['captcha']) { _warning("WInvalidCaptcha", $oContentManager->getTitle("WInvalidCaptcha", "Security string is not correct")); } else { $replaceFrom = array("{TEXT}"); $replaceTo = array($attributes['text']); $subject = str_replace($replaceFrom, $replaceTo, $ogMailTemplatesManager->getTitle("ContactUs", "Message from site visitor")); $body = str_replace($replaceFrom, $replaceTo, $ogMailTemplatesManager->getContent("ContactUs", "{TEXT}")); $oPHPMailer = new PHPMailer(); $oPHPMailer->IsHTML(true); $oPHPMailer->From = stripslashes($attributes['email']); $oPHPMailer->FromName = stripslashes($attributes['name']); $oPHPMailer->CharSet = $oLanguage->getEncoding(); $oPHPMailer->AddAddress($oSettingsManager->getValue("ContactUsEmail", 'postmaster@' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], "STRING", "Contact Us email address")); $oPHPMailer->Subject = stripslashes($subject); $oPHPMailer->Body = stripslashes($body); $oPHPMailer->Send(); unset($oPHPMailer); _message("MContactUsMessageSent", "Message sent"); } }
<?php if (isset($attributes['fuseactionid']) && is_numeric($attributes['fuseactionid'])) { if (!empty($attributes['token'])) { $arrLanguages = $oLanguageManager->getLanguages(); foreach ($arrLanguages as $l) { $tmpFormFieldName = 'content_' . $l->getID(); if (isset($attributes[$tmpFormFieldName])) { $strContent = html_entity_decode($attributes[$tmpFormFieldName], ENT_COMPAT, $l->getEncoding()); if ($strContent !== false) { if (!$oSEOContentManager->pushContent($attributes['fuseactionid'], $l->getID(), $attributes['token'], $strContent)) { _warning("WSEOContentNotStored", "Something happened while storing SEO content"); } } else { _warning("WSEOContentCannotBeConverted", "SEO content cannot be converted to " . $l->getEncoding()); } } } } else { _error("ENoSEOTokenGiven", "No SEO token is given"); } } else { _error("ENoFuseactionGiven", "No page is given"); } _xfa($myself . "admin.showFuseactionSEOTokens&id=" . $attributes['fuseactionid']);
$thumbsPath = $galleryPath . $fusebox['folderThumbs'] . "/"; if (!empty($attributes['gallery'])) { if ($ogGalleryManager->checkGallery($attributes['gallery'])) { $arrGalleryImages = $ogGalleryManager->getImages($attributes['gallery']); foreach ($arrGalleryImages as $gi) { if ($strImageFileName = $ogGalleryManager->getImageFileName($attributes['gallery'], $gi['token'])) { if (file_exists($galleryPath . $strImageFileName)) { @unlink($galleryPath . $strImageFileName); } if (file_exists($thumbsPath . $strImageFileName)) { @unlink($thumbsPath . $strImageFileName); } } } if (file_exists($thumbsPath)) { @rmdir($thumbsPath); } if (file_exists($galleryPath)) { @rmdir($galleryPath); } if ($ogGalleryManager->deleteGallery($attributes['gallery'])) { _message("MGalleryRemoved", "Gallery deleted"); } else { _warning("WCannotRemoveGallery", "Cannot remove gallery"); } } else { _error("EGalleryNotExists", "Gallery not exists"); } } else { _error("ENoGalleryGiven", "No gallery given"); }
public function on_read_ready($fd) { //_debug("on read ready called"); $raw = @fread($fd, $this->recv_chunk_size); $bytes = strlen($raw); if ($bytes === 0) { $meta = stream_get_meta_data($fd); if ($meta['eof'] === TRUE) { _warning("socket eof, disconnecting"); JAXLLoop::unwatch($fd, array('read' => true)); $this->disconnect(); return; } } $this->recv_bytes += $bytes; $total = $this->ibuffer . $raw; $this->ibuffer = ""; _debug("read " . $bytes . "/" . $this->recv_bytes . " of data"); if ($bytes > 0) { _debug($raw); } // callback if ($this->recv_cb) { call_user_func($this->recv_cb, $raw); } }
/** * Loads the file of the specified event handler, creates an object * and returns a reference to it. * * @return object action */ function &getActionObject($actionName) { global $application; // returns a reference to the class, if it has been loaded if (class_exists($actionName)) { return $application->getInstance($actionName); } // check, if the class is registered in the list if (!key_exists($actionName, $this->actionList)) { _warning("{$actionName} not found"); $res = null; return $res; } // define the file name for given action $actionFile = $this->actionList[$actionName]; // load the file $this->includeFile($actionFile); // create an object copy and return a reference to the object return $application->getInstance($actionName); }