Esempio n. 1
    if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "sna") {
        $r = sql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) AS data FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN peers AS p ON = p.torrent WHERE p.seeder = 'no' GROUP BY ORDER BY times_completed DESC LIMIT {$limit}") or sqlerr();
        $HTMLOUT .= _torrenttable($r, sprintf($lang['torrent_mostsna'], $limit) . ($limit == 10 && $pu ? " <font class='small'> - [<a href='topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=sna'>{$lang['common_top25']}</a>] - [<a href='topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=sna'>{$lang['common_top50']}</a>]</font>" : ""));
    if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "mdt") {
        $r = sql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) AS data FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN peers AS p ON = p.torrent WHERE p.seeder = 'no' AND leechers >= 5 AND times_completed > 0 GROUP BY ORDER BY data DESC, added ASC LIMIT {$limit}") or sqlerr();
        $HTMLOUT .= _torrenttable($r, sprintf($lang['torrent_datatrans'], $limit) . ($limit == 10 && $pu ? " <font class='small'> - [<a href='topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=mdt'>{$lang['common_top25']}</a>] - [<a href='topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=mdt'>{$lang['common_top50']}</a>]</font>" : ""));
    if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "bse") {
        $r = sql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) AS data FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN peers AS p ON = p.torrent WHERE p.seeder = 'no' AND seeders >= 5 GROUP BY ORDER BY seeders / leechers DESC, seeders DESC, added ASC LIMIT {$limit}") or sqlerr();
        $HTMLOUT .= _torrenttable($r, sprintf($lang['torrent_bestseed'], $limit) . ($limit == 10 && $pu ? " <font class='small'> - [<a href='topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=bse'>{$lang['common_top25']}</a>] - [<a href='topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=bse'>{$lang['common_top50']}</a>]</font>" : ""));
    if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "wse") {
        $r = sql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) AS data FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN peers AS p ON = p.torrent WHERE p.seeder = 'no' AND leechers >= 5 AND times_completed > 0 GROUP BY ORDER BY seeders / leechers ASC, leechers DESC LIMIT {$limit}") or sqlerr();
        $HTMLOUT .= _torrenttable($r, sprintf($lang['torrent_worstseed'], $limit) . ($limit == 10 && $pu ? " <font class='small'> - [<a href='topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=wse'>{$lang['common_top25']}</a>] - [<a href='topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=wse'>{$lang['common_top50']}</a>]</font>" : ""));
} elseif ($type == 3) {
    if (!$limit || $limit > 25) {
        $limit = 10;
    if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "us") {
        $r = sql_query("SELECT name, flagpic, COUNT( as num FROM countries LEFT JOIN users ON = GROUP BY name ORDER BY num DESC LIMIT {$limit}") or sqlerr();
        $HTMLOUT .= countriestable($r, sprintf($lang['country_mostact'], $limit) . ($limit == 10 && $pu ? " <font class='small'> - [<a href='topten.php?type=3&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=us'>{$lang['common_top25']}</a>]</font>" : ""), $lang['common_users']);
    if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "ul") {
        $r = sql_query("SELECT, c.flagpic, sum(u.uploaded) AS ul FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN countries AS c ON = WHERE u.enabled = 'yes' GROUP BY ORDER BY ul DESC LIMIT {$limit}") or sqlerr();
        $HTMLOUT .= countriestable($r, sprintf($lang['country_totalul'], $limit) . ($limit == 10 && $pu ? " <font class='small'> - [<a href='topten.php?type=3&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=ul'>{$lang['common_top25']}</a>]</font>" : ""), $lang['common_ul']);
    if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "avg") {
        $r = sql_query("SELECT, c.flagpic, sum(u.uploaded)/count( AS ul_avg FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN countries AS c ON = WHERE u.enabled = 'yes' GROUP BY HAVING sum(u.uploaded) > 1099511627776 AND count( >= 100 ORDER BY ul_avg DESC LIMIT {$limit}") or sqlerr();
Esempio n. 2
        echo "<br /><br />";
if (user::$current["view_torrents"] == "yes") {
    $r = $db->query("SELECT summary.info_hash AS hash, summary.seeds AS seeds, summary.leechers AS leechers, summary.finished, summary.dlbytes AS dwned, namemap.filename AS name, namemap.url AS url,, summary.speed AS speed, namemap.uploader FROM summary LEFT JOIN namemap ON summary.info_hash = namemap.info_hash ORDER BY seeds + leechers DESC LIMIT 10") or sqlerr();
    if ($r->num_rows > 0) {
        _torrenttable($r, TOP_10_ACTIVE . " </font>");
        echo "<br /><br />";
    $r = $db->query("SELECT summary.info_hash AS hash, summary.seeds AS seeds, summary.leechers AS leechers, summary.finished, summary.dlbytes AS dwned, namemap.filename AS name, namemap.url AS url,, summary.speed AS speed, namemap.uploader FROM summary LEFT JOIN namemap ON summary.info_hash = namemap.info_hash WHERE seeds >= 5 ORDER BY seeds / leechers DESC, seeds DESC LIMIT 10") or sqlerr();
    if ($r->num_rows > 0) {
        _torrenttable($r, TOP_10_BEST_SEED . "<font class='small'>(" . MINIMUM_5_SEED . ")</font>");
        echo "<br /><br />";
    $r = $db->query("SELECT summary.info_hash AS hash, summary.seeds AS seeds, summary.leechers AS leechers, summary.finished, summary.dlbytes AS dwned, namemap.filename AS name, namemap.url AS url,, summary.speed AS speed, namemap.uploader FROM summary LEFT JOIN namemap ON summary.info_hash = namemap.info_hash WHERE leechers >= 5 AND finished > 0 ORDER BY seeds / leechers ASC, leechers DESC LIMIT 10") or sqlerr();
    if ($r->num_rows > 0) {
        _torrenttable($r, TOP_10_WORST_SEED . " <font class='small'>(" . MINIMUM_5_LEECH . ")</font>");
        echo "<br /><br />";
    $r = $db->query("SELECT summary.info_hash AS hash, summary.seeds AS seeds, summary.leechers AS leechers, summary.finished, summary.dlbytes AS dwned, namemap.filename AS name, namemap.url AS url,, summary.speed AS speed, namemap.uploader FROM summary LEFT JOIN namemap ON summary.info_hash = namemap.info_hash WHERE external = 'no' ORDER BY speed DESC, seeds DESC LIMIT 10") or sqlerr();
    if ($r->num_rows > 0) {
        _torrenttable($r, TOP_10_BSPEED);
        echo "<br /><br />";
    $r = $db->query("SELECT summary.info_hash AS hash, summary.seeds AS seeds, summary.leechers AS leechers, summary.finished, summary.dlbytes AS dwned, namemap.filename AS name, namemap.url AS url,, summary.speed AS speed, namemap.uploader FROM summary LEFT  JOIN namemap ON summary.info_hash = namemap.info_hash WHERE external = 'no' ORDER BY speed ASC, seeds DESC LIMIT 10") or sqlerr();
    if ($r->num_rows > 0) {
        _torrenttable($r, TOP_10_WSPEED);
        echo "<br /><br />";
Esempio n. 3
if ($CURUSER["view_torrents"] == "yes") {
    $r = get_result("SELECT f.info_hash as hash, {$tseeds} as seeds, {$tleechs} as leechers, {$tcompletes} as finished, dlbytes as dwned , filename as name, url as url, info, speed as speed, uploader FROM {$ttables} ORDER BY {$tseeds} + {$tleechs} DESC LIMIT 10", true, $CACHE_DURATION);
    if (count($r) > 0) {
        $out .= _torrenttable($r, $language["TOP_10_ACTIVE"]);
        $out .= "<br /><br />";
    $r = get_result("SELECT f.info_hash as hash, {$tseeds} as seeds, {$tleechs} as leechers, {$tcompletes} as finished, dlbytes as dwned , filename as name, url as url, info, speed as speed, uploader FROM {$ttables} WHERE {$tseeds} >= 5 ORDER BY {$tseeds} / {$tleechs} DESC, seeds DESC LIMIT 10", true, $CACHE_DURATION);
    if (count($r) > 0) {
        $out .= _torrenttable($r, $language["TOP_10_BEST_SEED"] . " (" . $language["MINIMUM_5_SEED"] . ")");
        $out .= "<br /><br />";
    $r = get_result("SELECT f.info_hash as hash, {$tseeds} as seeds, {$tleechs} as leechers, {$tcompletes} as finished, dlbytes as dwned , filename as name, url as url, info, speed as speed, uploader FROM {$ttables} WHERE {$tleechs} >= 5 AND {$tcompletes} > 0 ORDER BY {$tseeds} / {$tleechs} ASC, {$tleechs} DESC LIMIT 10", true, $CACHE_DURATION);
    if (count($r) > 0) {
        $out .= _torrenttable($r, $language["TOP_10_WORST_SEED"] . " (" . $language["MINIMUM_5_LEECH"] . ")");
        $out .= "<br /><br />";
    if (!$XBTT_USE) {
        $r = get_result("SELECT f.info_hash as hash, {$tseeds} as seeds, {$tleechs} as leechers, {$tcompletes} as finished, dlbytes as dwned , filename as name, url as url, info, speed as speed, uploader FROM {$ttables} WHERE external='no' ORDER BY speed DESC, {$tseeds} DESC LIMIT 10", true, $CACHE_DURATION);
        if (count($r) > 0) {
            $out .= _torrenttable($r, $language["TOP_10_BSPEED"], true);
            $out .= "<br /><br />";
        $r = get_result("SELECT f.info_hash as hash, {$tseeds} as seeds, {$tleechs} as leechers, {$tcompletes} as finished, dlbytes as dwned , filename as name, url as url, info, speed as speed, uploader FROM {$ttables} WHERE external='no' ORDER BY speed ASC, {$tseeds} DESC LIMIT 10", true, $CACHE_DURATION);
        if (count($r) > 0) {
            $out .= _torrenttable($r, $language["TOP_10_WSPEED"], true);
            $out .= "<br /><br />";
write_cached_version("extra-stats" . $CURUSER["id_level"], $out);
Esempio n. 4
    if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "sna") {
        $r = sql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) AS data FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN peers AS p ON = p.torrent WHERE p.seeder = 'no' GROUP BY ORDER BY times_completed DESC LIMIT {$limit}") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
        _torrenttable($r, "Top {$limit} Most Snatched Torrents" . ($limit == 10 && $pu ? " <font class=small> - [<a href=topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=sna>Top 25</a>] - [<a href=topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=sna>Top 50</a>]</font>" : ""));
    if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "mdt") {
        $r = sql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) AS data FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN peers AS p ON = p.torrent WHERE p.seeder = 'no' AND leechers >= 5 AND times_completed > 0 GROUP BY ORDER BY data DESC, added ASC LIMIT {$limit}") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
        _torrenttable($r, "Top {$limit} Most Data Transferred Torrents" . ($limit == 10 && $pu ? " <font class=small> - [<a href=topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=mdt>Top 25</a>] - [<a href=topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=mdt>Top 50</a>]</font>" : ""));
    if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "bse") {
        $r = sql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) AS data FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN peers AS p ON = p.torrent WHERE p.seeder = 'no' AND seeders >= 5 GROUP BY ORDER BY seeders / leechers DESC, seeders DESC, added ASC LIMIT {$limit}") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
        _torrenttable($r, "Top {$limit} Best Seeded Torrents <font class=small>(with minimum 5 seeders)</font>" . ($limit == 10 && $pu ? " <font class=small> - [<a href=topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=bse>Top 25</a>] - [<a href=topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=bse>Top 50</a>]</font>" : ""));
    if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "wse") {
        $r = sql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) AS data FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN peers AS p ON = p.torrent WHERE p.seeder = 'no' AND leechers >= 5 AND times_completed > 0 GROUP BY ORDER BY seeders / leechers ASC, leechers DESC LIMIT {$limit}") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
        _torrenttable($r, "Top {$limit} Worst Seeded Torrents <font class=small>(with minimum 5 leechers, excluding unsnatched torrents)</font>" . ($limit == 10 && $pu ? " <font class=small> - [<a href=topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=wse>Top 25</a>] - [<a href=topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=wse>Top 50</a>]</font>" : ""));
} elseif ($type == 3) {
    if (!$limit || $limit > 25) {
        $limit = 10;
    if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "us") {
        $r = sql_query("SELECT name, flagpic, COUNT( as num FROM countries LEFT JOIN users ON = GROUP BY name ORDER BY num DESC LIMIT {$limit}") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
        countriestable($r, "Top {$limit} Countries<font class=small> (users)</font>" . ($limit == 10 && $pu ? " <font class=small> - [<a href=topten.php?type=3&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=us>Top 25</a>]</font>" : ""), "Пользователи");
    if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "ul") {
        $r = sql_query("SELECT, c.flagpic, sum(u.uploaded) AS ul FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN countries AS c ON = WHERE u.enabled = 'yes' GROUP BY ORDER BY ul DESC LIMIT {$limit}") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
        countriestable($r, "Top {$limit} Countries<font class=small> (total uploaded)</font>" . ($limit == 10 && $pu ? " <font class=small> - [<a href=topten.php?type=3&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=ul>Top 25</a>]</font>" : ""), "Раздача");
    if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "avg") {
        $r = sql_query("SELECT, c.flagpic, sum(u.uploaded)/count( AS ul_avg FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN countries AS c ON = WHERE u.enabled = 'yes' GROUP BY HAVING sum(u.uploaded) > 1099511627776 AND count( >= 100 ORDER BY ul_avg DESC LIMIT {$limit}") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
Esempio n. 5
   	if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "act")
		  $r = mysql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) AS data FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN peers AS p ON = p.torrent WHERE p.seeder = 'no' GROUP BY ORDER BY seeders + leechers DESC, seeders DESC, added ASC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
		  _torrenttable($r, "Topp $limit virkustu Torrent" . ($limit == 10 && $pu ? " <font class=small> - [<a href=topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=act>Topp 25</a>] - [<a href=topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=act>Topp 50</a>]</font>" : ""));
   	if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "sna")
	  	$r = mysql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) AS data FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN peers AS p ON = p.torrent WHERE p.seeder = 'no' GROUP BY ORDER BY times_completed DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
		  _torrenttable($r, "Topp $limit sóttustu Torrent" . ($limit == 10 && $pu ? " <font class=small> - [<a href=topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=sna>Topp 25</a>] - [<a href=topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=sna>Topp 50</a>]</font>" : ""));
   /*	if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "mdt")
		  $r = mysql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) AS data FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN peers AS p ON = p.torrent WHERE p.seeder = 'no' AND leechers >= 5 AND times_completed > 0 GROUP BY ORDER BY data DESC, added ASC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
		  _torrenttable($r, "Topp $limit Torrent með mestu gögn millifærð" . ($limit == 10 && $pu ? " <font class=small> - [<a href=topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=mdt>Topp 25</a>] - [<a href=topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=mdt>Topp 50</a>]</font>" : ""));
   	if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "bse")
		  $r = mysql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) AS data FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN peers AS p ON = p.torrent WHERE p.seeder = 'no' AND seeders >= 5 GROUP BY ORDER BY seeders / leechers DESC, seeders DESC, added ASC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
	  	_torrenttable($r, "Topp $limit Best seeduðu Torrent <font class=small>(með minnst 5 a&eth; deila)</font>" . ($limit == 10 && $pu ? " <font class=small> - [<a href=topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=bse>Topp 25</a>] - [<a href=topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=bse>Topp 50</a>]</font>" : ""));
   	if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "wse")
		  $r = mysql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) AS data FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN peers AS p ON = p.torrent WHERE p.seeder = 'no' AND leechers >= 5 AND times_completed > 0 GROUP BY ORDER BY seeders / leechers ASC, leechers DESC LIMIT $limit") or sqlerr();
		  _torrenttable($r, "Topp $limit verst seeduðu Torrent <font class=small>(með minnst 5 a&eth; s&aelig;kja)</font>" . ($limit == 10 && $pu ? " <font class=small> - [<a href=topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=wse>Topp 25</a>] - [<a href=topten.php?type=2&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=wse>Topp 50</a>]</font>" : ""));

Esempio n. 6
     if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "sna") {
         $r = sql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) AS data FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN peers AS p ON = p.torrent WHERE p.seeder = 'no' GROUP BY ORDER BY times_completed DESC LIMIT {$limit}") or sqlerr();
         _torrenttable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "{$limit} " . $lang_topten['text_most_snatched_torrents'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type={$type}&lim=25&subtype=sna\">Top 25</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type={$type}&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=sna\">Top 50</a>]</font>" : ""));
     if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "mdt") {
         $r = sql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) AS data FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN peers AS p ON = p.torrent WHERE p.seeder = 'no' AND times_completed > 0 GROUP BY ORDER BY data DESC, added ASC LIMIT {$limit}") or sqlerr();
         _torrenttable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "{$limit} " . $lang_topten['text_most_data_transferred_torrents'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type={$type}&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=mdt\">Top 25</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type={$type}&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=mdt\">Top 50</a>]</font>" : ""));
     if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "bse") {
         $r = sql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) AS data FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN peers AS p ON = p.torrent WHERE p.seeder = 'no' AND seeders >= 5 GROUP BY ORDER BY seeders / leechers DESC, seeders DESC, added ASC LIMIT {$limit}") or sqlerr();
         _torrenttable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "{$limit} " . $lang_topten['text_best_seeded_torrents'] . "<font class=\"small\">" . $lang_topten['text_best_seeded_torrents_note'] . "</font>" . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type={$type}&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=bse\">Top 25</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type={$type}&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=bse\">Top 50</a>]</font>" : ""));
     if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "wse") {
         $r = sql_query("SELECT t.*, (t.size * t.times_completed) AS data FROM torrents AS t WHERE leechers > 0 AND times_completed > 0 ORDER BY seeders / leechers ASC, leechers DESC LIMIT {$limit}") or sqlerr();
         _torrenttable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "{$limit} " . $lang_topten['text_worst_seeded_torrents'] . "<font class=\"small\">" . $lang_topten['text_worst_seeded_torrents_note'] . "</font>" . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type={$type}&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=wse\">Top 25</a>] - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type={$type}&amp;lim=50&amp;subtype=wse\">Top 50</a>]</font>" : ""));
 } elseif ($type == 3) {
     if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "us") {
         $r = sql_query("SELECT name, flagpic, COUNT( as num FROM countries LEFT JOIN users ON = GROUP BY name ORDER BY num DESC LIMIT {$limit}") or sqlerr();
         countriestable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "{$limit} " . $lang_topten['text_countries_users'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type={$type}&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=us\">Top 25</a>]</font>" : ""), $lang_topten['col_users']);
     if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "ul") {
         $r = sql_query("SELECT, c.flagpic, sum(u.uploaded) AS ul FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN countries AS c ON = WHERE u.enabled = 'yes' GROUP BY ORDER BY ul DESC LIMIT {$limit}") or sqlerr();
         countriestable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "{$limit} " . $lang_topten['text_countries_uploaded'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type={$type}&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=ul\">Top 25</a>]</font>" : ""), $lang_topten['col_uploaded']);
     if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "avg") {
         $r = sql_query("SELECT, c.flagpic, sum(u.uploaded)/count( AS ul_avg FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN countries AS c ON = WHERE u.enabled = 'yes' GROUP BY HAVING sum(u.uploaded) > 1099511627776 AND count( >= 100 ORDER BY ul_avg DESC LIMIT {$limit}") or sqlerr();
         countriestable($r, $lang_topten['text_top'] . "{$limit} " . $lang_topten['text_countries_per_user'] . ($limit == 10 ? " <font class=\"small\"> - [<a class=\"altlink\" href=\"topten.php?type={$type}&amp;lim=25&amp;subtype=avg\">Top 25</a>]</font>" : ""), $lang_topten['col_average']);
     if ($limit == 10 || $subtype == "r") {