Esempio n. 1
    public function home()
        $sql = 'SELECT *
        	FROM _store
        	WHERE store_field = 4
        	ORDER BY store_value';
        $countries = _rowset($sql);
        foreach ($countries as $row)
        	$sv = ucwords(_rm_acute($row['store_value']));
        	$sql = 'UPDATE _store SET store_value = ?
        		WHERE store_id = ?';
        	_sql(sql_filter($sql, $sv, $row['store_id']));
        $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT store_value
			FROM _store
			WHERE store_field = 4
			ORDER BY store_value';
        $countries = _rowset($sql, 'store_value');
        _pre($countries, true);
Esempio n. 2
 protected function _ticket_members()
     $v = $this->__(w('change_user'));
     $sql = "SELECT user_id, username\n\t\t\tFROM _members\n\t\t\tWHERE user_firstname LIKE '??%'\n\t\t\tORDER BY user_firstname";
     $list = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $v['change_user']));
     $members = w();
     foreach ($list as $row) {
         $members[$row['user_id']] = _fullname($row);
     return $this->_dom_ul($members);
Esempio n. 3
    public function home()
        global $core;
        $v = $this->__(array('a', 'p' => 0));
        if (f($v['a'])) {
            $sql = 'SELECT area_id
				FROM _reference_area
				WHERE area_alias = ?';
            if (!_field(sql_filter($sql, $v['a']), 'area_id', 0)) {
            $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(r.ref_id) AS total
				FROM _reference r, _reference_area a
				WHERE a.area_alias = ?
					AND r.ref_area = a.area_id
				ORDER BY r.ref_time DESC';
            $ref_total = _field(sql_filter($sql, $v['a']), 'total', 0);
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _reference r, _reference_area a
				WHERE a.area_alias = ?
					AND r.ref_area = a.area_id
				ORDER BY r.ref_time DESC
				LIMIT ??, ??';
            $ref = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $v['a'], $v['p'], $core->v('ref_pages')));
        } else {
            $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(ref_id) AS total
				FROM _reference
				ORDER BY ref_time DESC';
            $ref_total = _field($sql, 'total', 0);
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _reference r, _reference_area a
				WHERE r.ref_area = a.area_id
				ORDER BY r.ref_time DESC
				LIMIT ??, ??';
            $ref = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $v['p'], $core->v('ref_pages')));
        if ($v['p'] && $ref_total) {
        } else {
        foreach ($ref as $i => $row) {
            if (!$i) {
            if ($this->has_plugin($row['ref_content'])) {
            _style('ref.row', _vs(array('id' => $row['ref_id'], 'link' => _link($row['ref_alias']), 'subject' => $row['ref_subject'], 'content' => _message($row['ref_content']), 'time' => _format_date($row['ref_time'])), 'ref'));
Esempio n. 4
    function _help_home()
        global $bio;
        $ha = $bio->v('auth_comments');
        if ($ha) {
            $ha_add = $bio->v('auth_help_create');
            $ha_edit = $bio->v('auth_help_modufy');
            $ha_delete = $bio->v('auth_help_remove');
        $sql = 'SELECT c.*, m.*
			FROM _help_cat c, _help_modules m
			WHERE c.help_module = m.module_id
			ORDER BY c.help_order';
        $cat = _rowset($sql, 'help_id');
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _help_faq';
        $faq = _rowset($sql, 'faq_id');
        // Loop
        foreach ($cat as $help_id => $cdata) {
            _style('cat', array('HELP_ES' => $cdata['help_es'], 'HELP_EN' => $cdata['help_en'], 'HELP_EDIT' => _link_control('comments', array('mode' => $this->mode)), 'HELP_UP' => _link_control('comments', array('mode' => $this->mode)), 'HELP_DOWN' => _link_control('comments', array('mode' => $this->mode))));
            if ($ha_edit) {
                _style('cat.edit', array('URL' => _link_control('comments', array('mode' => $this->mode, 'manage' => 'edit', 'sub' => 'cat', 'id' => $help_id)), 'UP' => _link_control('comments', array('mode' => $this->mode, 'manage' => 'edit', 'sub' => 'cat', 'id' => $help_id, 'order' => '_15')), 'DOWN' => _link_control('comments', array('mode' => $this->mode, 'manage' => 'edit', 'sub' => 'cat', 'id' => $help_id, 'order' => '15'))));
            if ($ha_delete) {
                _style('cat.delete', array('URL' => _link_control('comments', array('mode' => $this->mode, 'manage' => 'delete', 'sub' => 'cat', 'id' => $help_id))));
            foreach ($faq as $faq_id => $fdata) {
                if ($help_id != $fdata['help_id']) {
                _style('cat.faq', array('QUESTION_ES' => $fdata['faq_question_es'], 'ANSWER_ES' => _message($fdata['faq_answer_es'])));
                if ($ha_edit) {
                    _style('cat.faq.edit', array('URL' => _link_control('comments', array('mode' => $this->mode, 'manage' => 'edit', 'sub' => 'faq', 'id' => $fdata['faq_id']))));
                if ($ha_delete) {
                    _style('cat.faq.delete', array('URL' => _link_control('comments', array('mode' => $this->mode, 'manage' => 'delete', 'sub' => 'faq', 'id' => $fdata['faq_id']))));
        if ($ha_add) {
            _style('add', array('URL' => _link_control('comments', array('mode' => $this->mode, 'manage' => 'add'))));
Esempio n. 5
    public function home()
        $cols = w('Email Nickname Cumpleaños País');
        $sql = 'SELECT user_email, user_username, user_birthday, country_name
			FROM _members m, _countries c
			WHERE m.user_type = ?
				AND m.user_country = c.country_id
			ORDER BY m.user_username';
        $members = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, 1));
        foreach ($members as $i => $rowm) {
            if (!$i) {
                foreach ($cols as $j => $field) {
                    if (!$j) {
                        _style('table.head', array('TITLE' => '#'));
                    _style('table.head', array('TITLE' => $field));
            $j = 0;
            foreach ($rowm as $f => $row) {
                if (!$j) {
                    _style('table.row.col', array('VALUE' => $i + 1));
                switch ($f) {
                    case 'user_birthday':
                        $row_year = substr($row, 0, 4);
                        $row_month = substr($row, 4, 2);
                        $row_day = substr($row, 6, 2);
                        $row = _format_date(_timestamp($row_month, $row_day, $row_year), 'd F Y');
                _style('table.row.col', array('VALUE' => $row));
Esempio n. 6
    public function home()
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _store s, _store_fields f
			WHERE s.store_field = f.field_id
			ORDER BY store_field';
        $store = _rowset($sql, 'store_assoc', false, true);
        $a_country = array('Alemania' => 82, 'Argentina' => 10, 'Bolivia' => 26, 'Chile' => 43, 'Colombia' => 47, 'Ecuador' => 63, 'El Salvador' => 65, 'Espana' => 197, 'Francia' => 74, 'Greece' => 85, 'Guatemala' => 90, 'Honduras' => 97, 'Italia' => 107, 'Mexico' => 140, 'Paraguay' => 168, 'Peru' => 169, 'Uruguay' => 227, 'Venezuela' => 230);
        foreach ($store as $i => $row) {
            $nickname = '';
            $address = '';
            $birthday = '';
            $country = '';
            foreach ($row as $field) {
                switch ($field['field_alias']) {
                    case 'nickname':
                        $nickname = $field['store_value'];
                    case 'address':
                        $address = $field['store_value'];
                    case 'birthday':
                        $temp = explode('/', $field['store_value']);
                        $birthday = $temp[2] . '' . $temp[1] . '' . $temp[0];
                    case 'country':
                        $country = $a_country[$field['store_value']];
            $sql_insert = array('type' => 1, 'active' => 0, 'username' => $nickname, 'password' => '', 'registration' => time(), 'lastvisit' => 0, 'lastpage' => '', 'country' => $country, 'email' => $address, 'birthday' => $birthday, 'birthday_last' => 0, 'gender' => 0, 'date' => 0, 'dateformat' => 'd M Y H:i', 'timezone' => -6, 'dst' => 0, 'login_tries' => 0);
            $sql = 'INSERT INTO _members' . _build_array('INSERT', prefix('user', $sql_insert));
Esempio n. 7
    function home()
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _members
			WHERE user_type = ?
				AND user_birthday LIKE ?
				AND user_birthday_last < ?
			ORDER BY user_username
			LIMIT ??';
        $birthday = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, 1, '%' . date('md'), date('Y'), 10));
        if (!$birthday) {
        $process = w();
        foreach ($birthday as $i => $row) {
            if (!$i) {
                require XFS . 'core/emailer.php';
                $emailer = new emailer();
            $emailer->from('TWC Kaulitz <*****@*****.**>');
            $emailer->assign_vars(array('USERNAME' => $row['user_username']));
            $process[$row['user_id']] = $row['user_username'];
        if (count($process)) {
            $sql = 'UPDATE _members SET user_birthday_last = ?
				WHERE user_id IN (??)';
            _sql(sql_filter($sql, date('Y'), _implode(',', array_keys($process))));
        return $this->e('Done @ ' . implode(',', array_values($process)));
Esempio n. 8
    public function home()
        global $bio, $core;
        $sql = 'SELECT show_alias, show_name
			FROM _radio_shows
			WHERE show_active = ?
			ORDER BY show_name';
        $shows = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, 1));
        $sql = 'SELECT d.dj_show, b.bio_alias, b.bio_name
			FROM _radio_dj d, _bio b
			WHERE d.dj_bio = b.bio_id
			ORDER BY m.bio_name';
        $dj = _rowset($sql, 'dj_show', false, true);
        $sql = 'SELECT archive_id, archive_show, archive_alias, archive_name
			FROM _radio_archives
			ORDER BY article_order, archive_time';
        $archive = _rowset($sql);
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _radio_articles
			ORDER BY announce_show, announce_time';
        $announce = _rowset($sql, 'announce_show', false, true);
Esempio n. 9
    protected function _view_home()
        global $core, $bio;
        $v = $this->__(array('alias', 't' => 0, 'p' => 0));
        if (!f($v['alias'])) {
        $v['field'] = !is_numb($v['alias']) ? 'alias' : 'id';
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _events
			WHERE event_?? = ?';
        if (!($event = _fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $v['field'], $v['alias'])))) {
        if ($v['field'] == 'id' && f($event['event_alias'])) {
            redirect(_link($this->m(), $event['event_alias']) . _linkp(array('t' => $v['t'], 'p' => $v['p']), true));
        // Get images
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _events_images
			WHERE image_event = ?
			ORDER BY image ASC
			LIMIT ??, ??';
        $event_images = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $event['event_id'], $v['t'], $core->v('thumbs_per_page')));
        foreach ($event_images as $i => $row) {
            if (!$i) {
                _style('thumbnails', _pagination(_link($this->m(), $event['event_alias']), 't:%d', $event['event_images'], $core->v('thumbs_per_page'), $v['t']));
            _style('thumbnails.row', array('U_THUMBNAIL' => _lib(w(LIB_EVENT . ' thumbnail ' . $event['event_id'], $row['image'], 'jpg')), 'U_IMAGE' => _lib(w(LIB_EVENT . ' gallery ' . $event['event_id'], $row['image'], 'jpg')), 'V_FOOTER' => $row['image_footer']));
        if (is_ghost()) {
        // Statistics
        if (!$v['t'] && !$bio->v('auth_founder')) {
        $is_future = $row['event_end'] > time() ? true : false;
        if (!$is_future) {
            // Star for favourites
            if (!($star_type = $core->cache_load('star_type'))) {
                $sql = 'SELECT type_id, type_name
					FROM _events_star_type
					ORDER BY type_order';
                $types = $core->cache_store('star_type', _rowset($sql, 'type_id', 'type_name'));
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($types as $type_id => $type_name) {
                if (!$i) {
                _style('star_type.row', array('TYPE_ID' => $type_id, 'TYPE_NAME' => $type_name));
        } else {
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _events_reviews r, _bio b
				WHERE r.review_event = ?
					AND r.review_uid = b.bio_id
				ORDER BY r.review_avg
				LIMIT 0, 5';
            $reviews = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $event['event_id']), 'review_id');
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _events_reviews_rate r, _events_reviews_fields f
				WHERE r.rate_review IN (??)
					AND r.rate_field = f.field_id
				ORDER BY f.field_order';
            $reviews_rate = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, _implode(',', array_keys($reviews))), 'rate_review', false, true);
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($reviews as $row) {
                if (!$i) {
                _style('reviews.row', array('REVIEW_CONTENT' => $row['review_content'], 'REVIEW_' => $row['review_']));
                if (isset($reviews_rate[$row['review_id']])) {
                    foreach ($reviews_rate[$row['review_id']] as $j => $rate) {
                        if (!$j) {
                        _style('reviews.row.rate.field', array('FIELD' => $rate['field_name'], 'RATE' => $rate['rate_value']));
        // Who attend
        $sql = 'SELECT at.type_id, at.type_name_next, at.type_name_prev, b.bio_alias, b.bio_name, b.bio_avatar, b.bio_avatar_up
			FROM _events_attend a, _events_attend_type at, _bio b
			WHERE a.attend_event = ?
				AND a.attend_type = at.type_id
				AND a.attend_uid = b.bio_id
			ORDER BY a.attend_time';
        $attend = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $event['event_id']), 'type_id', false, true);
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($attend as $type_name => $rows) {
            if (!$i) {
            $type_name = $is_future ? 'next' : 'prev';
            _style('attend.type', array('TYPE_NAME' => $rows[0]['type_name_' . $type_name]));
            foreach ($rows as $row) {
                _style('attend.type.row', array('BIO_NAME' => $row['bio_name'], 'BIO_AVATAR' => _avatar($row)));
        // Messages
        $ref = _link('events', $event['event_alias']);
        if ($event['event_publish']) {
            if ($event['event_comments']) {
                $sql = 'SELECT c.comment_id, c.comment_time, c.comment_text, b.bio_id, b.bio_alias, b.bio_name, b.bio_avatar, b.bio_avatar_up
					FROM _events_comments c, _bio b
					WHERE c.comment_event = ?
						AND c.comment_active = ?
						AND c.comment_bio = b.bio_id
					ORDER BY c.comment_time DESC
					LIMIT ??, ??';
                $comments = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $event['event_id'], 1, $v['p'], $core->v('events_comments')));
                foreach ($comments as $i => $row) {
                    if (!$i) {
                        _style('comment_area', _pagination(_link($this->m(), array($event['event_alias'], $v['t'], 's%d')), $topic_data['topic_replies'] + 1, $core->v('posts_per_page'), $start));
                    _style('comment_area.row', array('BIO_ALIAS' => _link_bio($row['bio_alias']), 'BIO_NAME' => $row['bio_name'], 'BIO_AVATAR' => _avatar($row), 'COMMENT_ID' => $row['comment_id'], 'COMMENT_TIME' => _format_date($row['comment_time']), 'COMMENT_TEXT' => _message($row['comment_text'])));
            _style('comment_publish', array('U_PUBLISH' => _link()));
        if ($event['event_posts']) {
            $reply = array('ref' => $ref, 'start' => $v['p'], 'start_f' => 's', 'rows' => $event['event_posts'], 'rows_page' => $core->v('s_posts'), 'block' => 'posts', 'sql' => 'SELECT p.post_id, p.post_time, p.post_text, b.bio_id, b.bio_alias, b.bio_name, b.bio_avatar, b.bio_avatar_up, b.bio_sig
					FROM _events_posts p, _bio b
					WHERE p.post_event = ?
						AND p.post_active = 1 
						AND p.post_uid = b.bio_id
					ORDER BY p.post_time DESC
            $reply['sql'] = sql_filter($reply['sql'], $event['event_id']);
        v_style(_vs(array('SUBJECT' => $event['event_subject'], 'IMAGES' => $event['event_images'], 'START' => _format_date($event['event_start'], 'd F Y'), 'END' => _format_date($event['event_end'], 'd F Y'), 'COMMENTS' => $event['event_posts']), 'event'));
Esempio n. 10
function _countries($s = false)
    global $core;
    if (!($countries = $core->cache->load('countries'))) {
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _countries
			ORDER BY country_id';
        $countries = $core->cache->store(_rowset($sql, 'country_id'));
    if ($s !== false && isset($countries[$s])) {
        $countries = $countries[$s];
    return $countries;
Esempio n. 11
function _rowset_style($sql, $style, $prefix = '', $comp_orig = false, $comp_dest = false)
    $a = _rowset($sql);
    _rowset_foreach($a, $style, $prefix, $comp_orig, $comp_dest);
    return $a;
Esempio n. 12
    protected function _bios_home()
        $sql = 'SELECT field_alias, field_id
			FROM _bio_fields
			ORDER BY field_alias';
        $store_fields = _rowset($sql, 'field_alias', 'field_id');
        $current_fields = array('public_email' => 'email_0', 'fav_artists' => 'fartists', 'fav_genres' => 'fgenres', 'icq' => 'icq', 'interests' => 'interests', 'lastfm' => 'lastfm', 'location' => 'location', 'occ' => 'occ', 'os' => 'os', 'website' => 'website', 'msnm' => 'wlive');
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _members
			WHERE user_id <> 1
			ORDER BY user_id';
        $members = _rowset($sql);
        foreach ($members as $row) {
            $user_firstname = '';
            $user_lastname = '';
            switch ($row['user_id']) {
                case 2:
                    $user_firstname = 'Guillermo';
                    $user_lastname = 'Azurdia';
                case 3:
                    $user_firstname = 'Gerardo';
                    $user_lastname = 'Medina';
            $sql_insert = array('bio_type' => 2, 'bio_level' => $row['user_type'] ? $row['user_type'] : 0, 'bio_active' => $row['user_active'] ? $row['user_active'] : 0, 'bio_alias' => $row['username_base'] ? $row['username_base'] : '', 'bio_name' => $row['username'] ? $row['username'] : '', 'bio_first' => $user_firstname, 'bio_last' => $user_lastname, 'bio_key' => $row['user_password'] ? $row['user_password'] : '', 'bio_address' => $row['user_email'] ? strtolower($row['user_email']) : '', 'bio_gender' => $row['user_gender'] ? $row['user_gender'] : '', 'bio_birth' => $row['user_birthday'] ? $row['user_birthday'] : 0, 'bio_birthlast' => $row['user_birthday_last'] ? $row['user_birthday_last'] : 0, 'bio_regip' => $row['user_regip'] ? $row['user_regip'] : '', 'bio_regdate' => $row['user_regdate'] ? $row['user_regdate'] : 0, 'bio_lastvisit' => $row['user_lastvisit'] ? $row['user_lastvisit'] : 0, 'bio_session_time' => $row['user_session_time'] ? $row['user_session_time'] : 0, 'bio_lastpage' => '', 'bio_timezone' => $row['user_timezone'] ? $row['user_timezone'] : 0.0, 'bio_dst' => $row['user_dst'] ? $row['user_dst'] : 0, 'bio_dateformat' => $row['user_dateformat'] ? $row['user_dateformat'] : '', 'bio_lang' => $row['user_lang'] ? $row['user_lang'] : 'es', 'bio_country' => !$row['user_country'] ? 90 : $row['user_country'], 'bio_avatar' => $row['user_avatar'] ? $row['user_avatar'] : '', 'bio_avatar_up' => $row['user_avatar'] ? substr(md5(unique_id()), 0, 10) : '', 'bio_actkey' => '', 'bio_recovery' => '', 'bio_fails' => 0);
            $bio_id = sql_put('_bio', $sql_insert);
            foreach ($current_fields as $current_field => $new_field) {
                if (isset($row['user_' . $current_field]) && f($row['user_' . $current_field])) {
                    $sql_insert = array('bio' => $bio_id, 'field' => $store_fields[$new_field], 'value' => $row['user_' . $current_field]);
                    sql_put('_bio_store', prefix('store', $sql_insert));
            if (isset($row['user_send_mass']) && $row['user_send_mass']) {
                $sql_insert = array('bio' => $bio_id, 'receive' => $row['user_send_mass']);
                sql_put('_bio_newsletter', prefix('newsletter', $sql_insert));
        $sql = 'SELECT *
        	FROM _members_friends
        	ORDER BY user_id, buddy_id';
        $friends = _rowset($sql);
        foreach ($friends as $row)
        	$sql_insert = array(
        		'assoc' => $row['buddy_id'],
        		'bio' => $row['user_id'],
        		'active' => 1,
        		'time' => $row['friend_time'],
        		'message' => ''
         sql_put('_bio_friends', prefix('friend', $sql_insert));
        return $this->e('~OK');
Esempio n. 13
    protected function _account_home()
        global $bio, $core;
        if (_button()) {
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _bio_fields
				ORDER BY field_alias';
            $fields = _rowset($sql, 'field_alias');
            $v = $this->__(array_merge(w('address password password_verify gender' . _implode(' ', array_subkey($fields, 'field_alias'))), array('timezone' => 0, 'birthday' => array(0))));
            $field_error = array('address' => 'NO_ADDRESS', 'password' => 'NO_PASSWORD', 'password_verify' => 'NO_PASSWORD_VERIFY');
            foreach ($v as $k => $vv) {
                if (!f($vv)) {
            if (is_ghost() && $this->errors()) {
            redirect(_link('my', 'page'));
        if (_button())
        	if (!$this->errrors())
        		$avatar_changed = (isset($this->data['old_avatar'])) ? true : false;
        		// Update DB if something was changed
        		if (sizeof($sql_update))
        			if (isset($sql_update['bio_avatar']))
        				if (f($bio->v('bio_avatar')))
        					@unlink('..' . $core->v('avatar_path') . $bio->v('bio_avatar'));
        				@rename($this->data['old_avatar'], '..' . $core->v('avatar_path') . $sql_update['bio_avatar']);
        		// Redirect to userpage
        } // IF submit
        // Selects
        $this->ss_build('dateformat', 'timezone', 'gender', 'birthday', 'topic_order', 'mark_items');
        // Vars
        $sv = array(
        	'AVATAR_MAXSIZE' => $core->v('avatar_filesize'),
        	'L_AVATAR_EXPLAIN' => sprintf(_lang('AVATAR_EXPLAIN'), $core->v('avatar_max_width'), $core->v('avatar_max_height'))
        + $this->fields_fvars();
Esempio n. 14
 protected final function _replies($f)
     global $bio;
     $rf_k = $rf_v = w();
     foreach ($f as $k => $v) {
         $rf_k[] = '{' . strtoupper($k) . '}';
     $rf_v = array_values($f);
     $f['sql'] = str_replace($rf_k, $rf_v, $f['sql']);
     if (!($rows = _rowset($f['sql']))) {
     // TODO: Control Panel. Modify & remove comments
     $bio = w();
     foreach ($rows as $i => $row) {
         if (!$i) {
             _style($f['block'], _vs(_pagination($f['ref'], $f['start_f'] . ':%d', $f['rows'], $f['rows_page'], $f['start'])));
         $uid = $row['bio_id'];
         $row['is_member'] = $uid != 1 ? 1 : 0;
         if (!isset($bio[$uid]) || !$row['is_member']) {
             $bio[$uid] = $this->_profile($row);
         $s_row = array('V_MEMBER' => $row['is_member'], 'V_TIME' => _format_date($row['post_time']), 'V_MESSAGE' => _message($row['post_text']));
         _style($f['block'] . '.row', array_merge($s_row, _vs($bio[$uid], 'v')));
Esempio n. 15
    public function home()
        global $core, $bio;
        $page = 15;
        $today = _htimestamp('md');
        _pre($bio->v('is_bio'), true);
        // Friends birthday
        if ($bio->v('auth_member')) {
            $sql = "SELECT bio_id, bio_alias, bio_name\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM _bio\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE bio_id IN (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT fan_of\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM _bio_fans\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE fan_assoc = ?\r\n\t\t\t\t\t)\r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND bio_active = ?\r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND bio_birth LIKE '%??'\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY bio_name";
            $birthday = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $bio->v('bio_id'), 1, $today));
        } else {
            $sql = "SELECT bio_id, bio_alias, bio_name, bio_avatar, bio_avatar_up\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM _bio\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE bio_level = ?\r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND bio_birth LIKE '%??'\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY bio_name";
            $birthday = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, 1, $today));
        foreach ($birthday as $i => $row) {
            if (!$i) {
            _style('birthday.row', array('A' => _a($row), 'NAME' => $row['bio_name'], 'AVATAR' => _avatar($row)));
        // Board topics
        if ($bio->v('auth_member')) {
            $sql = 'SELECT t.topic_id, t.topic_alias, t.topic_title, h.highlight_class
				FROM _board_topics t
				INNER JOIN _board_forums f ON f.forum_id = t.topic_forum
				LEFT JOIN _board_highlight h ON t.topic_highlight = h.highlight_id
				RIGHT JOIN _board_disallow d ON t.topic_id = d.disallow_topic AND d.disallow_bio = ?
				WHERE t.topic_show = ?
				ORDER BY t.topic_shine DESC, t.topic_time DESC
				LIMIT ??';
            $topics = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $bio->v('bio_id'), 1, 10));
        } else {
            $sql = 'SELECT t.topic_id, t.topic_alias, t.topic_title, h.highlight_class
				FROM _board_topics t
				INNER JOIN _board_forums f ON f.forum_id = t.topic_forum
				LEFT JOIN _board_highlight h ON t.topic_highlight = h.highlight_id
				WHERE t.topic_show = ?
				ORDER BY t.topic_shine DESC, t.topic_time DESC
				LIMIT ??';
            $topics = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, 1, 10));
        foreach ($topics as $i => $row) {
            if (!$i) {
            _style('board_topics.row', _vs(array('ID' => $row['topic_id'], 'TITLE' => $row['topic_title'], 'CLASS' => $row['highlight_class']), 'TOPIC'));
        if ($bio->v('auth_member')) {
            // Messages
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _bio_messages
				INNER JOIN _bio ON message_from = bio_id
				INNER JOIN _bio_messages_type ON message_type = type_id
				WHERE message_to = ?
					AND message_active = ?
				ORDER BY message_time DESC';
            $messages = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $bio->v('bio_id'), 1));
            foreach ($messages as $i => $row) {
                if (!$i) {
                _style('messages.row', array('U_MESSAGE' => _link(), '' => ''));
            // Friend requests
            $sql = 'SELECT b.bio_alias, b.bio_name
				FROM _bio_friends
				INNER JOIN _bio ON friend_assoc = bio_id
				WHERE friend_bio = ?
					AND friend_pending = ?
				ORDER BY friend_time DESC';
            $requests = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $bio->v('bio_id'), 1));
            foreach ($requests as $i => $row) {
                if (!$i) {
                _style('friend_request.row', array('U_APPROVE' => _link('home', array('x1' => 'friend', 'x2' => 'approve', 'a' => $row['bio_alias'])), 'U_DENY' => _link('home', array('x1' => 'friend', 'x2' => 'deny', 'a' => $row['bio_alias'])), 'A' => _a($row), 'BIO_NAME' => $row['bio_name']));
        // Banners
Esempio n. 16
    protected function _press_home()
        global $bio;
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _newsletter
			WHERE newsletter_active = 1
			LIMIT 1';
        if (!($newsletter = _fieldrow($sql))) {
        if (!$newsletter->newsletter_start) {
            $sql = 'UPDATE _newsletter SET newsletter_start = ?
				WHERE newsletter_id = ?';
            sql_query(sql_filter($sql, time(), $newsletter->newsletter_id));
        $sql = 'SELECT bio_id, bio_alias, bio_name, bio_address, bio_lastvisit
			FROM _bio b
			RIGHT JOIN _bio_newsletter bn ON b.bio_id = bn.newsletter_bio
				AND bn.newsletter_receive = ? 
			WHERE b.bio_lastvisit >= ?
				AND b.bio_status <> ?
			ORDER BY b.bio_name
			LIMIT ??, ??';
        $sql_country = '';
        if (!empty($newsletter->newsletter_country)) {
            $sql_country = sql_filter(' LEFT JOIN _countries ON bio_country = country_id
				AND country_id IN (??)', implode(', ', w($newsletter->newsletter_country)));
        $members = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $sql_country, 1, $newsletter['newsletter_lastvisit'], 2, $newsletter->newsletter_last, $core->v('newsletter_process')));
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($members as $row) {
            if (!is_email($row['user_email'])) {
            $email = array('USERNAME' => $row->username, 'MESSAGE' => entity_decode($email->email_message));
            $core->email->init('press', 'mass:plain', $email);
            if (!empty($row['user_public_email']) && $row['user_email'] != $row['user_public_email'] && is_email($row['user_public_email'])) {
            $sql_history = array('history_newsletter' => $newsletter->newsletter_id, 'history_bio' => $row->bio_id, 'history_time' => time());
            sql_put('_newsletter_history', $sql_history);
        if ($i) {
            $email['email_last'] += $i;
            $sql = 'UPDATE _newsletter SET newsletter_last = ?
				WHERE newsletter_id = ?';
            sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $newsletter->newsletter_last, $newsletter->newsletter_id));
        } else {
            $sql = 'UPDATE _newsletter SET newsletter_active = ?, newsletter_end = ?
				WHERE newsletter_id = ?';
            sql_query(sql_filter($sql, 0, time(), $newsletter->newsletter_id));
            $this->warning->set('finished: ' . $newsletter->newsletter_id);
        return $this->warning->set('completed: ' . $i);
Esempio n. 17
    public final function _install()
        global $core;
        // TODO: Improve module installation!
        // Pre run check
        if (!($modules = $core->cache_load('modules'))) {
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _modules
				ORDER BY module_name';
            $modules = $core->cache_store(_rowset($sql));
        $run_install = true;
        foreach ($modules as $row) {
            if ($row['module_alias'] === $this->m()) {
                $run_install = false;
        // Run module install
        if ($run_install) {
            $proc = $this->install();
            // Post install
            $sql_insert = array('alias' => $this->m(), 'name' => $proc['NAME'], 'author' => $proc['AUTHOR'], 'link' => $proc['LINK']);
            $sql = 'INSERT INTO _modules' . _build_array('INSERT', prefix('module', $sql_insert));
Esempio n. 18
function _rowset_style($sql, $style, $prefix = '')
    $a = _rowset($sql);
    _rowset_foreach($a, $style, $prefix);
    return $a;
Esempio n. 19
    function core()
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _config';
        $this->config = _rowset($sql, 'config_name', 'config_value');
        if ($this->v('site_disabled')) {
            exit('SITE DISABLED');
        $address = $this->v('address');
        $host_addr = array_key(explode('/', array_key(explode('://', $address), 1)), 0);
        if ($host_addr != get_host()) {
            $allow_hosts = get_file('./base/domain_alias');
            foreach ($allow_hosts as $row) {
                if (substr($row, 0, 1) == '#') {
                $remote = strpos($row, '*') === false;
                $row = !$remote ? str_replace('*', '', $row) : $row;
                $row = str_replace('www.', '', $row);
                if ($row == get_host()) {
                    $sub = str_replace($row, '', get_host());
                    $sub = f($sub) ? $sub . '.' : ($remote ? 'www.' : '');
                    $address = str_replace($host_addr, $sub . $row, $address);
                    $this->v('address', $address, true);
        if (strpos($address, 'www.') !== false && strpos(get_host(), 'www.') === false && strpos($address, get_host())) {
            $a = $this->v('address') . str_replace(str_replace('www.', '', $address), '', _page());
            redirect($a, false);
        $this->cache_dir = XFS . 'core/cache/';
        if (is_remote() && @file_exists($this->cache_dir) && @is_writable($this->cache_dir) && @is_readable($this->cache_dir)) {
            $this->cache_f = true;
Esempio n. 20
    public function home()
        global $user;
        $v = $this->__(array('faddr', 'nickname', 'address', 'birthday' => array('' => 0), 'country' => 0));
        foreach (w('year month day') as $name) {
            $v['birthday'][$name] = isset($v['birthday'][$name]) ? $v['birthday'][$name] : '';
        if (f($v['faddr'])) {
            $v['address'] = $v['faddr'];
        if (_button()) {
            if (!f($v['address']) || !f($v['nickname'])) {
            if (f($v['address'])) {
                $sql = 'SELECT user_id
					FROM _members
					WHERE user_email = ?';
                if (_field(sql_filter($sql, $v['address']), 'user_id', 0)) {
                if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9&\'\\.\\-_\\+]+@[a-z0-9\\-]+\\.([a-z0-9\\-]+\\.)*?[a-z]+$/is', $v['address'])) {
            $sql = 'SELECT country_id
				FROM _countries
				WHERE country_id = ?';
            if (!_field(sql_filter($sql, $v['country']), 'country_id', 0)) {
            if (!$this->errors()) {
                $v['birthday'] = _zero($v['birthday']['year']) . _zero($v['birthday']['month']) . _zero($v['birthday']['day']);
                $sql_insert = array('type' => 1, 'active' => 0, 'username' => $v['nickname'], 'password' => '', 'registration' => time(), 'lastvisit' => '', 'lastpage' => '', 'country' => $v['country'], 'email' => $v['address'], 'birthday' => $v['birthday'], 'gender' => 0, 'dateformat' => 'd M Y H:i', 'timezone' => 0, 'dst' => 0);
                $sql = 'INSERT INTO _members' . _build_array('INSERT', prefix('user', $sql_insert));
                require XFS . 'core/emailer.php';
                $emailer = new emailer();
                $emailer->from('TWC Kaulitz <*****@*****.**>');
                $emailer->assign_vars(array('USERNAME' => $v['nickname']));
                redirect('', false);
        if ($this->errors()) {
            _style('errors', array('MSG' => $this->get_errors()));
        for ($i = 1; $i < 32; $i++) {
            _style('days', array('DAY' => $i));
        $months = w('Enero Febrero Marzo Abril Mayo Junio Julio Agosto Septiembre Octubre Noviembre Diciembre');
        foreach ($months as $i => $row) {
            _style('months', array('VALUE' => $i + 1, 'MONTH' => $row));
        for ($i = 2005; $i > 1899; $i--) {
            _style('years', array('YEAR' => $i));
        // GeoIP
        include XFS . 'core/geoip.php';
        $gi = geoip_open(XFS . 'core/GeoIP.dat', GEOIP_STANDARD);
        $geoip_code = strtolower(geoip_country_code_by_addr($gi, $user->ip));
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _countries
			ORDER BY country_name';
        $countries = _rowset($sql);
        $codes = w();
        foreach ($countries as $row) {
            $codes[$row['country_short']] = $row['country_id'];
            _style('countries', array('VALUE' => $row['country_id'], 'NAME' => $row['country_name']));
        if (!$v['country']) {
            $v['country'] = isset($codes[$geoip_code]) ? $codes[$geoip_code] : $codes['gt'];
        v_style(array('NICKNAME' => $v['nickname'], 'ADDRESS' => $v['address'], 'COUNTRY' => $v['country'], 'BIRTHDAY_YEAR' => $v['birthday']['year'], 'BIRTHDAY_MONTH' => $v['birthday']['month'], 'BIRTHDAY_DAY' => $v['birthday']['day']));
Esempio n. 21
    protected function _faq_cat()
        $v = $this->__(w('cat'));
        if (!$v['cat']) {
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _help_modules m, _help_faq f, _help_cat c
			WHERE module_name = ?
				AND m.module_id = c.help_module
				AND c.help_id = f.help_id
			ORDER BY f.faq_order, f.faq_question_es';
        $cat = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $v['cat']));
        if (!count($cat)) {
        foreach ($cat as $i => $row) {
            if (!$i) {
            _style('module.item', array('URL' => _link('help', $row['faq_id']), 'FAQ' => $row['faq_question_es']));
Esempio n. 22
    protected function _create_home()
        if (is_post()) {
            //_pre('a', true);
        $v = $this->__(array('grade' => 0, 'subject' => 0, 'exam' => 0, 'year' => 0));
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _grades g, _sections s
			WHERE s.section_id = ?
				AND s.section_grade = g.grade_id';
        if (!($grade = _fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $v['grade'])))) {
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _subjects
			WHERE subject_id = ?';
        if (!($subject = _fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $v['subject'])))) {
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _exams
			WHERE exam_id = ?';
        if (!($exam = _fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $v['exam'])))) {
        if (!$this->check_year($v['year'])) {
        $sql = 'SELECT s.student_id, s.student_carne, s.student_firstname, s.student_lastname
			FROM _students s, _registrations r
			WHERE r.registration_grade = ?
				AND r.registration_section = ?
				AND r.registration_year = ?
				AND r.registration_student = s.student_id
			ORDER BY s.student_lastname, s.student_firstname';
        if (!($students = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $grade['grade_id'], $grade['section_id'], $v['year'])))) {
        $sql = 'SELECT t.student_id, s.score_points
			FROM _scores s, _students t, _registrations r
			WHERE s.score_grade = ?
				AND r.registration_section = ?
				AND s.score_subject = ?
				AND s.score_exams = ?
				AND r.registration_year = ?
				AND s.score_student = t.student_id
				AND s.score_student = r.registration_student
				AND s.score_grade = r.registration_grade
			ORDER BY t.student_lastname, t.student_firstname';
        $scores = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $grade['grade_id'], $grade['section_id'], $v['subject'], $v['exam'], $v['year']), 'student_id', 'score_points');
        foreach ($students as $i => $row) {
            if (!$i) {
            _style('students.row', array('ID' => $row['student_id'], 'CARNE' => $row['student_carne'], 'FIRSTNAME' => $row['student_firstname'], 'LASTNAME' => $row['student_lastname']));
            if (!isset($scores[$row['student_id']])) {
            } else {
                _style('students.row.text', array('POINTS' => $scores[$row['student_id']]));
Esempio n. 23
    public function use_template($template)
        global $bio, $core, $database;
        $template_parts = array_map('trim', explode('/', $template));
        $template_file = isset($template_parts[0]) ? $template_parts[0] : 'default';
        $template_lang = $bio->v('bio_lang') ? $bio->v('bio_lang') : $core->v('site_lang');
        if (!isset($this->template[$template_lang][$template_file])) {
            // Load template
            if (!($contents = $core->cache->load('email_' . $template_lang . '_' . $template_file))) {
                $sql = 'SELECT *
					FROM _email_template
					WHERE email_template = ?
						AND email_lang = ?';
                if (!($contents = $core->cache->store(_rowset($sql, $template_file, $template_lang)))) {
            $this->template[$template_lang][$template_file] = $contents;
        $this->message = $this->template[$template_lang][$template_file];
        return true;
Esempio n. 24
 protected function _optimize_home()
     $tables = array();
     $sql = 'SHOW TABLES';
     foreach (_rowset($sql) as $row) {
         foreach ($row as $v) {
             $tables[] = $v;
     $sql = 'OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . _implode(', ', $tables);
     return $this->e('Done.');
Esempio n. 25
    protected function _view_home()
        global $core, $bio;
        $v = $this->__(w('alias'));
        if (!f($v['alias'])) {
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _contest
			WHERE contest_alias = ?';
        if (!($contest = _fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $v['alias'])))) {
        $contest['expired'] = time() > $contest['contest_end'];
        $is_contestant = false;
        if ($bio->v('auth_member')) {
            $sql = 'SELECT contestant_id
				FROM _contest_contestant
				WHERE contestant_contest = ?
					AND contestant_uid = ?';
            if (_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $contest['contest_id'], $bio->v('bio_id')))) {
                $is_contestant = true;
        if ($bio->v('auth_contest_view_stock')) {
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _contest_stock
				WHERE stock_contest = ?
				ORDER BY stock_name';
            $stock = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $contest['contest_id']));
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _contest_contestant c, _bio b
				WHERE contestant_contest = ?
					AND contestant_uid = b.bio_id
				ORDER BY b.bio_alias';
            $contestants = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $contest['contest_id']));
            foreach ($contestants as $i => $row) {
                if (!$i) {
                _style('contestants.row', array());
        if ($contest['expired']) {
            if ($contest['contest_auto_win'] && !$contest['contest_has_win']) {
        } else {
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _contest_stock
			WHERE stock_contest = ?
			ORDER BY stock_name';
        $stock = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $contest['contest_id']));
        $sql = 'SELECT b.bio_alias, b.bio_name
			FROM _contest_contestant c, _bio b
			WHERE c.contestant_contest = ?
				AND c.contestant_stock > 0
				AND c.contestant_uid=  b.bio_id
			ORDER BY c.contestant_stock';
        $contestant = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $content['contest_id']), 'contestant_stock', false, true);
        foreach ($stock as $i => $row) {
            if (!$i) {
            _style('stock.row', array('NAME' => $row['stock_name'], 'VALUE' => $row['stock_value']));
            if ($v['expired'] && isset($contestant[$row['stock_id']])) {
                foreach ($contestant[$row['stock_id']] as $j => $row_contestant) {
                    if (!$j) {
                    _style('stock.row.contestant.uid', array('NAME' => $row_contestant['bio_name'], 'LINK' => _link_bio($row_contestant['bio_alias'])));
        v_style(array('CONTEST_SUBJECT' => $contest['contest_subject'], 'CONTEST_CONTENT' => _message($contest['contest_content'])));
Esempio n. 26
    protected function advanced_search_form($category)
        global $user;
        $sql = "SELECT *\n\t\t\tFROM _search_tables t, _search_categories c\n\t\t\tWHERE t.table_cat = c.category_id\n\t\t\t\tAND c.category_alias = ?\n\t\t\tORDER BY table_id";
        $tables = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $category));
        foreach ($tables as $i => $row) {
            _style('search_tables', array('V_VALUE' => $row['table_id'], 'V_NAME' => _lang('TABLES_' . $row['table_alias'])));
            if (!$i) {
                $sql = 'SELECT *
					FROM _search_relation
					WHERE relation_table = ?';
                $relation = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $row['table_id']));
                foreach ($relation as $row2) {
                    if ($row2['relation_name'] == 'Grupo') {
                        $groups = explode(',', $user->auth_groups());
                        if (count($groups) < 2) {
                    _style('relation_field', array('V_VALUE' => $row2['relation_id'], 'V_NAME' => $row2['relation_name']));
Esempio n. 27
    protected function _comments_home()
        global $user;
        $tree = $this->valid_tree();
        if (!$tree['tree_allow_comments']) {
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _comments c, _members m
			WHERE c.comment_tree = ?
				AND c.comment_uid = m.user_id
			ORDER BY comment_time DESC';
        $comments = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $tree['tree_id']));
        foreach ($comments as $i => $row) {
            if (!$i) {
            _style('comments.row', array('ID' => $row['comment_id'], 'USERNAME' => $row['comment_username'], 'EMAIL' => $row['comment_email'], 'WEBSITE' => $row['comment_website'], 'IP' => $row['comment_ip'], 'STATUS' => $row['comment_status'], 'TIME' => _format_date($row['comment_time']), 'MESSAGE' => $row['comment_message'], 'U_VALIDATION' => _link(_rewrite($tree), array('x1' => 'comments', 'x2' => 'validation'))));
        if (!count($comments)) {
        return $this->_template('tree_comments');
Esempio n. 28
    protected function _search_home()
        if (is_post()) {
            $v = $this->__(w('carne code firstname lastname'));
            if (($key = array_least_key($v)) === false) {
            $sql = 'SELECT student_carne, student_firstname, student_lastname
				FROM _students
				WHERE student_?? ' . "LIKE '??%'\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY student_lastname, student_firstname";
            if (!($students = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $key, $v[$key])))) {
            foreach ($students as $i => $row) {
                if (!$i) {
                _style('results.row', array('STUDENT_FIRSTNAME' => $row['student_firstname'], 'STUDENT_LASTNAME' => $row['student_lastname'], 'U_STUDENT' => _link($this->m(), array('x1' => 'view', 's' => $row['student_carne']))));
Esempio n. 29
 protected function _tech_query()
     global $user;
     $v = $this->__(array('tech'));
     if (!f($v['tech'])) {
     $sql = "SELECT user_id, user_firstname, user_lastname\n\t\t\tFROM _members\n\t\t\tWHERE user_firstname LIKE '%??%'";
     $members = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $v['tech']));
     $ret = '';
     foreach ($members as $row) {
         $ret .= '<li id="' . $row['user_id'] . '">' . _fullname($row) . '</li>';
     return $this->e('<ul>' . $ret . '</ul>');
Esempio n. 30
    function _clear_home()
        global $user;
        $v = $this->__(array('id' => 0));
        if ($v['id']) {
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _email
				WHERE email_id = ?';
            if (!($email = _fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $v['id'])))) {
                $this->e('El registro de email no existe.');
            $sql = 'UPDATE _email SET email_active = ?, email_start = ?, email_end = ?, email_last = ?
				WHERE email_id = ?';
            _sql(sql_filter($sql, 1, 0, 0, 0, $v['id']));
            $this->e('El registro de email fue reiniciado.');
        $sql = 'SELECT email_id, email_subject
			FROM _email
			ORDER BY email_id';
        $emails = _rowset($sql);
        $response = '';
        foreach ($emails as $row) {
            $response .= '<a href="/faddr/email/' . $row['email_id'] . '">' . $row['email_subject'] . '</a><br />';