$req = _recaptcha_qsencode($data); $http_request = "POST {$path} HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $http_request .= "Host: {$host}\r\n"; $http_request .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;\r\n"; $http_request .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($req) . "\r\n"; $http_request .= "User-Agent: reCAPTCHA/PHP\r\n"; $http_request .= "\r\n"; $http_request .= $req; $response = ''; if (false == ($fs = @fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 10))) { die('Could not open socket'); } fwrite($fs, $http_request); while (!feof($fs)) { $response .= fgets($fs, 1160); } // One TCP-IP packet fclose($fs); $response = explode("\r\n\r\n", $response, 2); return $response; } /** * Gets the challenge HTML (javascript and non-javascript version). * This is called from the browser, and the resulting reCAPTCHA HTML widget * is embedded within the HTML form it was called from. * @param string $pubkey A public key for reCAPTCHA * @param string $error The error given by reCAPTCHA (optional, default is null)
/** * Calls an HTTP POST function to verify if the user's guess was correct * @param string $privkey * @param string $remoteip * @param string $challenge * @param string $response * @param array $extra_params an array of extra variables to post to the server * @return ReCaptchaResponse */ function recaptcha_check_answer($privkey, $remoteip, $challenge, $response, $extra_params = array()) { if ($privkey == null || $privkey == '') { trigger_error("reCAPTCHA - No private key", E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } if ($remoteip == null || $remoteip == '') { trigger_error("reCAPTCHA - No remote ip", E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } //discard spam submissions if ($challenge == null || strlen($challenge) == 0 || $response == null || strlen($response) == 0) { $recaptcha_response = new ReCaptchaResponse(); $recaptcha_response->is_valid = false; $recaptcha_response->error = 'incorrect-captcha-sol'; return $recaptcha_response; } $response = _recaptcha_http_post(RECAPTCHA_VERIFY_SERVER, "/verify", array('privatekey' => $privkey, 'remoteip' => $remoteip, 'challenge' => $challenge, 'response' => $response) + $extra_params); $answers = explode("\n", $response[1]); $recaptcha_response = new ReCaptchaResponse(); if (trim($answers[0]) == 'true') { $recaptcha_response->is_valid = true; } else { $recaptcha_response->is_valid = false; $recaptcha_response->error = $answers[1]; } return $recaptcha_response; }
/** * Calls an HTTP POST function to verify if the user's guess was correct * @param string $privkey * @param string $remoteip * @param string $challenge * @param string $response * @param array $extra_params an array of extra variables to post to the server * @return ReCaptchaResponse */ function recaptcha_check_answer($privkey, $remoteip, $challenge, $response, $extra_params = array()) { if ($privkey == null || $privkey == '') { die(__("To use reCAPTCHA you must get an API key from <a href='http://recaptcha.net/api/getkey'>http://recaptcha.net/api/getkey</a>", "wp-recaptcha")); } if ($remoteip == null || $remoteip == '') { die(__("For security reasons, you must pass the remote ip to reCAPTCHA", "wp-recaptcha")); } //discard spam submissions if ($challenge == null || strlen($challenge) == 0 || $response == null || strlen($response) == 0) { $recaptcha_response = new ReCaptchaResponse(); $recaptcha_response->is_valid = false; $recaptcha_response->error = 'incorrect-captcha-sol'; return $recaptcha_response; } $response = _recaptcha_http_post(gethostbyname('api-verify.recaptcha.net'), "/verify", array('privatekey' => $privkey, 'remoteip' => $remoteip, 'challenge' => $challenge, 'response' => $response) + $extra_params); $answers = explode("\n", $response[1]); $recaptcha_response = new ReCaptchaResponse(); if (trim($answers[0]) == 'true') { $recaptcha_response->is_valid = true; } else { $recaptcha_response->is_valid = false; $recaptcha_response->error = $answers[1]; } return $recaptcha_response; }
/** * Calls an HTTP POST function to verify if the user"s guess was correct * @param string $privkey * @param string $remoteip * @param string $challenge * @param string $response * @param array $extra_params an array of extra variables to post to the server * @return ReCaptchaResponse */ function recaptcha_check_answer($privkey, $remoteip, $challenge, $response, $extra_params = array()) { if ($privkey == null || $privkey == "") { return "Required reCAPTCHA Keys missing from Setup > General Settings > Security"; } if ($remoteip == null || $remoteip == "") { return "For security reasons, you must pass the remote ip to reCAPTCHA"; } if ($challenge == null || strlen($challenge) == 0 || $response == null || strlen($response) == 0) { $recaptcha_response = new ReCaptchaResponse(); $recaptcha_response->is_valid = false; $recaptcha_response->error = "incorrect-captcha-sol"; return $recaptcha_response; } $response = _recaptcha_http_post(RECAPTCHA_VERIFY_SERVER, "/recaptcha/api/verify", array("privatekey" => $privkey, "remoteip" => $remoteip, "challenge" => $challenge, "response" => $response) + $extra_params); $answers = explode("\n", $response[1]); $recaptcha_response = new ReCaptchaResponse(); if (trim($answers[0]) == "true") { $recaptcha_response->is_valid = true; } else { $recaptcha_response->is_valid = false; $recaptcha_response->error = $answers[1]; } return $recaptcha_response; }