$headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n"; $headers .= " boundary=\"==Multipart_Boundary_x000x\""; // text $body = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n\n"; $body .= "--==Multipart_Boundary_x000x\n"; $body .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"; $body .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n"; $body .= "\n{$text}\n"; // priloha if ($att == true) { $body .= "--==Multipart_Boundary_x000x\n"; $body .= "Content-Type: {application/octet-stream};\n"; $body .= " name=\"{$att_name}\"\n"; $body .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n"; $body .= $att_content . "\n\n"; } // odeslani if (_mail($receiver, $subject, $body, $headers)) { $return = 1; } else { $return = 3; } } else { $return = 2; } } else { $return = 4; } // presmerovani zpet $_GET['_return'] = _addGetToLink($_GET['_return'], "hcm_mr_" . $fid . "=" . $return . "#hcm_mform_" . $fid, false); _returnHeader();
$sent = false; if (isset($_POST['username'])) { if (_iplogCheck(7)) { // nacteni promennych $username = _anchorStr($_POST['username'], false); $email = DB::esc($_POST['email']); // kontrola promennych if (_captchaCheck()) { $userdata = DB::query("SELECT email,password,salt,username FROM `" . _mysql_prefix . "-users` WHERE username='******' AND email='" . $email . "'"); if (DB::size($userdata) != 0) { // odeslani emailu $userdata = DB::row($userdata); $link = _url . "/index.php?m=lostpass&link&user="******"&hash=" . md5($userdata['email'] . $userdata['salt'] . $userdata['password']); $text_tags = array("*domain*", "*username*", "*link*", "*date*", "*ip*"); $text_contents = array(_getDomain(), $userdata['username'], $link, _formatTime(time()), _userip); if (_mail($userdata['email'], str_replace('*domain*', _getDomain(), $_lang['mod.lostpass.mail.subject']), str_replace($text_tags, $text_contents, $_lang['mod.lostpass.mail.text']), "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" . _sysMailHeader())) { $module .= _formMessage(1, $_lang['mod.lostpass.cmailsent']); _iplogUpdate(7); $sent = true; } else { $module .= _formMessage(3, $_lang['hcm.mailform.msg.failure2']); } } else { $module .= _formMessage(2, $_lang['mod.lostpass.notfound']); } } else { $module .= _formMessage(2, $_lang['captcha.failure2']); } } else { $module .= _formMessage(3, str_replace('*limit*', _lostpassexpire / 60, $_lang['mod.lostpass.limit'])); }
$notice = str_replace('*domain*', _getDomain(), $_lang['admin.other.massemail.emailnotice']); if ($ctype == 1) { $notice = "\n\n\n-------------------------------------\n" . $notice; } else { $notice = "<br><br><hr><p><small>" . _htmlStr($notice) . "</small></p>"; } $text .= $notice; // postupne odesilani po skupinach $done = 0; while ($item = DB::row($query)) { $rec_buffer[] = $item['email']; ++$rec_buffer_counter; ++$item_counter; if ($rec_buffer_counter === $rec_buffer_size || $item_counter === $item_total) { // odeslani emailu if (_mail('', $subject, $text, "Bcc: " . implode(",", $rec_buffer) . "\n" . $headers)) { $done += sizeof($rec_buffer); } $rec_buffer = array(); $rec_buffer_counter = 0; } } // zprava if ($done != 0) { $output .= _formMessage(1, str_replace(array("*done*", "*total*"), array($done, $item_total), $_lang['admin.other.massemail.send'])); } else { $output .= _formMessage(2, $_lang['admin.other.massemail.noreceiversfound']); } } else { // vypis emailu $emails_total = DB::size($query);
} else { mysql_query("UPDATE user SET password = '******' WHERE `id` = " . $user_id); echo '<p class="okay"> ' . _('Das Passwort wurde geändert.') . ' </p>'; } } if ($_POST['mail'] != $me->mail) { if (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9.\\-+_]+@[a-z0-9.\\-+_]+\\.[a-z]+$/i', $_POST['mail']) == 0) { echo '<p class="error"> ' . sprintf(_('„%s“ ist keine gültige E-Mail-Adresse. Wenn du das anders siehst, kontaktiere uns bitte.'), htmlspecialchars($_POST['mail'])) . ' </p>'; } else { _mail($_POST['mail'], '[' . $title . '] ' . _('Bestätigung der Änderung der E-Mail-Adresse'), sprintf(_('Hallo! jemand möchte seine im %s angegebene E-Mailadresse zu dieser ändern. Wenn du das warst, klicke bitte untenstehenden Link an. Wenn nicht, ignoriere diese E-Mail einfach. %s'), $title, $mainurl . "setmail.php?user="******"&mail=" . urlencode($_POST['mail']) . "&hash=" . sha1($me->id . $secret . "CHANGEMAIL" . $_POST['mail'])), 'From: ' . $mailsender); echo '<p class="okay">'; printf(_('Es wurde eine Bestätigung zur Änderung der Mailadresse an %s versandt.'), htmlspecialchars($_POST['mail'])); echo '</p>'; } } } else { echo '<p class="error"> ' . _('Das aktuelle Passwort wurde nicht korrekt eingegeben!') . ' </p>'; } } if (isset($_POST['locale'])) { if (in_array($_POST['locale'], $locales)) {
<?php function _mail($from, $to, $subj, $what) { return mail($to, $subj, $what, "From: {$from}\n\tReply-To: {$from}\n\tContent-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1251\n\tContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"); } if (strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) != 'post') { die('unsupported'); } $options1 = array('options' => array('regexp' => '/^[А-Яа-яЁёA-Za-z0-9 .\\-]+$/iu')); $email = $_POST['email']; if ($email === FALSE) { $status = 'invalid'; } else { $subscribe_str = $subscribe ? 'Да' : 'Нет'; $destination_mail = '*****@*****.**'; $theme = 'Подписка на новости о Ёлке'; $message = "Почта: {$email}"; $status = _mail("*****@*****.**", $destination_mail, $theme, $message) ? 'success' : 'error'; } $invalid = array(); if (!$email) { $invalid[] = 'email'; } $data = array('status' => $status, 'invalid' => $invalid); header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($data);
$("#call_status_img").html('<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> OFF'); $("#call_status_img").css("background-color","#CC1E1E"); $("#call_status_img").attr("onclick","changeCallStatus('off')"); }else{ $("#call_status_img").html('<i class="fa fa-check"></i> ON'); $("#call_status_img").css("background-color","#39891D"); $("#call_status_img").attr("onclick","changeCallStatus('on')"); } $.ajax({ url: _U + 'call_report', data: {change_call_status: 1,curr_status:curr_status}, success: function (r) { } }); } </script> </body> </html> <?php if (isset($_mail_send_arr) && !empty($_mail_send_arr)) { if (!empty($_mail_send_arr['to'])) { if (isset($_mail_send_arr['from_email']) && trim($_mail_send_arr['from_email']) != '') { $mail_from_info['name'] = trim($_mail_send_arr['from_name']); $mail_from_info['email'] = trim($_mail_send_arr['from_email']); $mail_res = _mail_with_from($_mail_send_arr['to'], $_mail_send_arr['subject'], $_mail_send_arr['content'], $mail_from_info); } else { $mail_res = _mail($_mail_send_arr['to'], $_mail_send_arr['subject'], $_mail_send_arr['content']); } } }
require 'includes/login_footer.php'; exit; } } if ($_POST['username']) { $q = mysql_query('SELECT mail, id FROM user WHERE (mail = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']) . '" and mail != "") OR name = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']) . '"'); if (mysql_num_rows($q) == 1) { $me = mysql_fetch_object($q); if (strpos($me->mail, '@') === false) { echo "<div style='text-align: center' class='wrongpw'>" . _('Dieser Benutzer wurde ohne E-Mail-Adresse registriert. Tut uns leid, aber jetzt können wir auch nichts mehr machen!') . "</div>"; } else { echo "<div style='text-align: center' class='okay'>" . _("Du hast per E-Mail weitere Anweisungen erhalten!") . "</div>"; _mail($me->mail, '[' . $title . '] ' . _('Passwort vergessen?'), sprintf(_('Hallo! du hast im %s ein neues Passwort angefordert! Wenn du das wirklich selbst warst, klicke auf untenstehenden Link. Wenn das jemand anderes gewesen sein muss, brauchst du diese E-Mail nur zu ignorieren. Achtung! Der Link gilt nur bis heute abend, 23:59! %s'), $title, $mainurl . "lostpw.php?user="******"&hash=" . sha1($me->id . $secret . "NEWPW" . date("d.m.Y"))), 'From: ' . $mailsender); } } else { echo "<div style='text-align: center' class='wrongpw'>" . _('Es tut uns leid, aber diesen Nutzer haben wir leider nicht im System!') . "</div>"; } } ?> <div id="header"></div> <div id="content"> <h2><?php echo _('Passwort vergessen?'); ?>
$channel = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Jonah_Driver')->getChannel($channel_id); if (empty($channel['channel_story_url'])) { $story_url = Horde::url('stories/view.php', true)->add(array('channel_id' => '%c', 'id' => '%s')); } else { $story_url = $channel['channel_story_url']; } $story_url = str_replace(array('%25c', '%25s'), array('%c', '%s'), $story_url); $story_url = str_replace(array('%c', '%s', '&'), array($channel_id, $story['id'], '&'), $story_url); if ($info['include'] == 0) { require_once 'Horde/MIME/Part.php'; /* TODO: Create a "URL link" MIME part instead. */ $message_part = new MIME_Part('text/plain'); $message_part->setContents($message_part->replaceEOL($story_url)); $message_part->setDescription(_("Story Link")); } else { $message_part = Jonah::getStoryAsMessage($story); } $result = _mail($message_part, $info['from'], $info['recipients'], $info['subject'], $info['message']); if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) { $notification->push(sprintf(_("Unable to send story: %s"), $result->getMessage()), 'horde.error'); } else { $notification->push(_("The story was sent successfully."), 'horde.success'); header('Location: ' . $story_url); exit; } } $page_output->topbar = $page_output->sidebar = false; $page_output->header(array('title' => $title)); $notification->notify(array('listeners' => 'status')); $form->renderActive(null, $vars, Horde::url('stories/share.php'), 'post'); $page_output->footer();
} } else { $group = _defaultgroup; } if (SL::$settings['rules'] != "" and !_checkboxLoad("agreement")) { $errors[] = $_lang['mod.reg.rules.disagreed']; } // vlozeni do databaze nebo seznam chyb if (count($errors) == 0) { _iplogUpdate(5); $code = _tmpRegister(_registration_confirm, $group, $username, $password, $massemail, _userip, $email); if (isset($code)) { // poslat potvrzeni $phase = 2; $domain = _getDomain(); $mail = _mail($email, str_replace('*domain*', $domain, $_lang['mod.reg.confirm.subject']), str_replace(array('*username*', '*domain*', '*url*', '*ip*', '*date*', '*code*'), array($username, $domain, _url, _userip, _formatTime(time()), $code), $_lang['mod.reg.confirm.text']), "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" . _sysMailHeader()); } else { // registrace ok $phase = 1; } } else { $message = _formMessage(2, _eventList($errors, 'errors')); } } /* --- modul --- */ if (_template_autoheadings == 1) { $module .= "<h1>" . $_lang['mod.reg'] . "</h1>"; } switch ($phase) { // registracni formular case 0:
// $bcc = '*****@*****.**' ; $bcc = ''; $subject = 'You received a new voicemail!'; // here document for body $body = <<<EOM Dear Name, You have a new voicemail. See the attached file. Sincerely, The voicemail droid EOM; $return = _mail($sender, $recipient, $cc, $bcc, $subject, $body, $file); // status message if ($return) { ?> Message from <?php echo $sender; ?> to <?php echo $recipient; ?> re: "<?php echo $subject; ?> " sent successfully. <?php } else {
/** * * Alert the dispatcher for events * * @param type $type * @param type $data */ function _notifyDispatcher($type, $data) { switch ($type) { case "POSITIVE_CONFIRMATION": # $data is a row from tripconfirmationtexts # we need : driver name , triptime simple // send driver special requests Schedulers::sendTripNotesToDriver($data['tripCode']); $driverName = $data['driverName']; $tripTime = date("H:i", strtotime($data['tripTime'])); $tripDate = date("m/d", strtotime($data['tripTime'])); $subject = "{$driverName} confirmed wakeup text for trip at {$tripTime}"; $content = "Trip Info: {$tripDate} {$tripTime} - {$data['passengerFirstName']} {$data['passengerLastName']} - {$data['carName']} - {$data['vehicleType']}"; $wakeup_notification = Config::GetEmailValue('wakeup_confirmation_email_notification'); $wakeup_notification_emails = plainArray($wakeup_notification, 'value'); _mail($wakeup_notification_emails, $subject, $content); break; case "PROACTIVE_HALT": # $data is a row from tripconfirmationtexts # we need : driver name , triptime simple // Send trip notes to driver upon confirmation Schedulers::sendTripNotesToDriver($data['tripCode']); $driverName = $data['driverName']; $tripTime = date("H:i", strtotime($data['tripTime'])); $tripDate = date("m/d", strtotime($data['tripTime'])); $haltTime = date("H:i"); $subject = "{$driverName} checked in for {$tripTime} trip - {$data['passengerFirstName']} {$data['passengerLastName']}"; $content = "Trip Info: {$tripDate} {$tripTime} - {$data['passengerFirstName']} {$data['passengerLastName']} - {$data['carName']} - {$data['vehicleType']}"; $wakeup_notification = Config::GetEmailValue('wakeup_confirmation_email_notification'); $wakeup_notification_emails = plainArray($wakeup_notification, 'value'); _mail($wakeup_notification_emails, $subject, $content); break; case "DISPATCHER_HANDLED": # $data is a row from tripconfirmationtexts # we need : driver name , triptime simple $driverName = $data['driverName']; $dispatchName = $data['dispatcher_name']; $tripTime = date("H:i", strtotime($data['tripTime'])); $tripDate = date("m/d", strtotime($data['tripTime'])); $subject = "Trip at {$tripTime} was handled by dispatcher {$dispatchName} "; $content = "Driver {$driverName} failed to confirm wakeup text. <br /><br />Trip Info: {$tripDate} {$tripTime} - {$data['passengerFirstName']} {$data['passengerLastName']} - {$data['carName']} - {$data['vehicleType']} "; $wakeup_notification = Config::GetEmailValue('wakeup_red_alert'); $wakeup_notification_emails = plainArray($wakeup_notification, 'value'); _mail($wakeup_notification_emails, $subject, $content); break; case "NOBODY_HANDLED": # $data is a row from tripconfirmationtexts # we need : driver name , triptime simple $driverName = $data['driverName']; $driverNumber = $data['driverNumber']; $tripTime = date("H:i", strtotime($data['tripTime'])); $tripDate = date("m/d", strtotime($data['tripTime'])); $subject = "RED ALERT! Trip at {$tripTime} is orphan. Nobody is available to handle"; $content = "Trip Info: {$tripDate} {$tripTime} - {$data['passengerFirstName']} {$data['passengerLastName']} - {$data['carName']} - {$data['vehicleType']}"; $content .= "<br /><br />Driver Info: Name - {$driverName} | Cell #: {$driverNumber}"; $wakeup_notification = Config::GetEmailValue('wakeup_red_alert'); $wakeup_notification_emails = plainArray($wakeup_notification, 'value'); _mail($wakeup_notification_emails, $subject, $content); break; } }