Esempio n. 1
if (isset($_POST["profile"])) {
    $q = NULL;
    $name = strclean($_POST["name"]);
    $loc = strclean($_POST["loc"]);
    $bio = _hstr_($_POST["bio"], false);
    $web = urlencode($_POST["web"]);
    $work = strclean($_POST["work"]);
    $edu = strclean($_POST["edu"]);
    $bday = $_POST["bday"];
    $sex = intval($_POST["sex"]);
    //	if(!preg_match('-(\d{2})/(\d{2})/(\d{4})-',$bday))
    //	{
    //		exit("<div $style>Your birthday should be in this format {MM/DD/YYYY}</div>");
    //	}
    $status = strclean($_POST["status"]);
    $status2 = $status == 4 ? _hstr_($_POST["status_"], 2) : "";
    list($img1, $img2, $img3) = explode("____", $_POST["imgs"]);
    $img = $_FILES["upl"]["tmp_name"];
    if (is_uploaded_file($img)) {
        $mdir = "{$pth}/profile_pic/";
        $_50x50 = upload_pic($img, $_FILES["upl"]["type"], $_FILES["upl"]["tmp_name"], 70, 70, $mdir);
        $_150x150 = upload_pic($img, $_FILES["upl"]["type"], $_FILES["upl"]["tmp_name"], 150, 150, $mdir);
        $_400x400 = upload_pic($img, $_FILES["upl"]["type"], $_FILES["upl"]["tmp_name"], 500, 500, $mdir);
        $_50x50 = str_replace($pth, "", $_50x50);
        $_150x150 = str_replace($pth, "", $_150x150);
        $_400x400 = str_replace($pth, "", $_400x400);
        if ($_50x50 && $_150x150 && $_400x400) {
            $q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT img1,img2,img3 FROM users WHERE id={$uid}");
            $r = NULL;
            $r = mysqli_fetch_array($q);
            if (!stristr($r[0], "/img/")) {
Esempio n. 2
        exit("<div {$style}>Successfully updated {$name}</div>");
    } else {
        exit("<div {$style}>Error updating {$name}</div>");
if (isset($_POST["add"])) {
    $img = $_FILES["upl"]["tmp_name"];
    $video = $_FILES["vid"]["tmp_name"];
    if (is_uploaded_file($video) && preg_match('/mp4|avi|mpeg|3gp|mkv|flv|mov/', extension($_FILES["vid"]["name"]))) {
        $_300x300 = is_uploaded_file($img) ? upload_pic($img, $_FILES["upl"]["type"], $_FILES["upl"]["tmp_name"], 300, 300) : DEF_VID_IMG;
        $vid = md5($video . " " . date("U")) . rand(0, 9) . extension($_FILES["vid"]["name"]);
        if ($_300x300 && copy($video, "../video/{$vid}")) {
            $name = strclean($_POST["name"]);
            $name = strlen($name) < 2 ? $_SESSION["user"] . "'s video " . rand(10, 999) : $name;
            $name = _hstr_($name, false);
            $info = _hstr_($_POST["info"], false);
            $q = $con->insertInto("videos", array($user, $name, $info, $_300x300, $vid, 1, date("U"), 0));
            if ($q) {
                $q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT id FROM videos WHERE user = '******' AND name = '{$name}' AND vid = '{$vid}'");
                $r = mysqli_fetch_array($q);
                $q = $con->insertInto("hist", array(6, 0, $user, $name . "::__::__::" . $r[0], date("U")));
                $q = NULL;
                exit("<div {$style}>{$name} has been successfully added.</div>");
            } else {
                if (is_file("../prev/" . $_300x300) && strstr($_300x300, DEF_VID_IMG) < 0) {
                    unlink("../prev/" . $_300x300);
                if (is_file("../video/{$vid}")) {
Esempio n. 3

include "../scripts/db.php";
$con = new db();
$conc = $con->c();
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
$user = md5($_POST["user"]);
echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><bubble uid='{$user}'>";
$action = $_POST["action"];
$p = sha1($_POST["p"]);
$id = $_POST["id"];
$time = $_POST["time"];
$msg = _hstr_(strclean($_POST["msg"]), false);
switch ($action) {
    case 1:
        $q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `em` = '{$user}' AND `pass` = '{$p}' ");
        $r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($q);
        if (mysqli_num_rows($q) == 1) {
            echo "<name>" . $r["fname"] . " " . $r["lname"] . "</name>";
            echo "<img>" . str_replace("../", "http://localhost/bubble/", $r["img_m"]) . "</img>";
        } else {
            echo "<error>Invalid Credentials</error>";
    case 2:
        $q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT `email`,`femail`,`id` FROM `pals` WHERE `email` = '{$user}' OR `femail` = '{$user}' ");
        $q2 = mysqli_query($conc, "UPDATE `chat_online` SET `time` = " . date("U") . " WHERE `email` = '{$user}'");
        while ($r = mysqli_fetch_array($q)) {
            $em = $r[0] == $user ? $r[1] : $r[0];
            $tm = date("U") - 60 * 10;
            $q2 = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT `email` FROM `chat_online` WHERE `email` = '{$em}' AND `time` > {$tm}");
Esempio n. 4

include "../scripts/db.php";
if (!isset($_SESSION["uid"], $_SESSION["user"])) {
    exit("<div class='m_s_g'>Invalid Authentication<div>");
$uid = intval($_SESSION["uid"]);
$type = intval($_POST["type"]);
$owner = intval($_POST["owner"]);
$cid = intval($_POST["cid"]);
$id = intval($_POST["id"]);
$action = intval($_POST["action"]);
$post = _hstr_($_POST["post"], false);
$con = new db();
$conc = $con->c();
switch ($action) {
    case 1:
        $q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT,comment.owner,comment.uid,,,users.user,,users.img1 FROM comment INNER JOIN users ON comment.uid = WHERE comment.cid = {$cid} AND comment.type ={$type} ORDER BY ASC");
        echo "<div style='font-size:12px;'>";
        while ($r = mysqli_fetch_array($q)) {
            $del = $uid == $r[1] || $uid == $r[2] ? "&middot;<a href='#' onclick='return _delcom(event,{$type},{$r['0']})'><span class='del'>delete</span></a>" : "";
            echo "<div class='comment_" . $r[0] . "' style='width:100%;'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<table width='100%'><tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td width='10%'><a href='" . PTH . "/{$r['5']}' onclick='return _pop(event,{$r['2']});'><div class='ssmpdiv' style='background-image:url(" . PTH . "{$r['7']});'></div></a></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td valign='top'><a href='" . PTH . "/{$r['5']}' onclick='return _pop(event,{$r['2']});'>{$r['5']}</a>  <i style='_pn'>{$r['6']}</i><br/><span>{$r['3']}</span><div style='float:right;'><span class='del' title='" . date("U", $r[4]) . "'>" . gtime($r[4]) . "</span> {$del}</div></td></tr></table>\n\t\t\t  </div>";
        echo $uid != 0 ? "\n\t<div class=''><div class ='comm'><table><tr><td valign='top'><div class='ssmpdiv'style='background-image:url(" . PTH . "" . $_SESSION["img1"] . ");'></div></td><td><textarea id='txtcom_" . $type . "' placeholder='Comment...' rows='3' class='txt' onkeyup='gment(event)'></textarea><div class='pl2div' style='position:relative'></div><br /><input type='button' onclick='_com(event,{$type},{$cid},{$owner});' style='float:right' class='button1' value='Comment'/></td></tr></table></div></div><a href='#' onclick='addCommentV(event)'><!--span class='__c'>Add a comment</span--></a></div></div>\n\t</div>" : "";
    case 2:
        if ($uid != 0) {
            $q = $con->insertInto("comment", array($type, $cid, $owner, $uid, $post, date("U")));
            $plate = 9 + $type;
            if ($uid != $owner) {
Esempio n. 5

include "../scripts/db.php";
$post = "RP: @fisicallyFeet RP: @omish RP: @papaste @fisicallyFeet @omish @easymind @DonZion";
$post = strclean(_hstr_($post, false));
$post = str_replace("__@", "_@", $post);
$post = str_replace(" _ _ ", " _ ", $post);
//echo $post;
$m = " @papaste @fisicallyFeet @omish [music:5] @papaste @fisicallyFeet @omish";
$con = new db();
$conc = $con->c();
$conc = $con->c();
$q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT id,img1,img2,img3 FROM users");
echo "no. of users " . mysqli_num_rows($q);
if (isset($_GET["no"])) {
while ($r = mysqli_fetch_array($q)) {
    $img1 = str_replace("..", "", $r[1]);
    $img2 = str_replace("..", "", $r[2]);
    $img3 = str_replace("..", "", $r[3]);
    $img1 = str_replace("d70.jpg", "d70.png", $img1);
    $img2 = str_replace("d150.jpg", "d150.png", $img2);
    $img3 = str_replace("d500.jpg", "d500.png", $img3);
    $qq = mysqli_query($conc, "UPDATE users SET img1='{$img1}',img2='{$img2}',img3='{$img3}' WHERE id = {$r['0']}");
    echo $img1 . "<br/>";
$q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT id,img1,img2,img3 FROM art");
while ($r = mysqli_fetch_array($q)) {
    $img1 = str_replace("..", "", $r[1]);
Esempio n. 6
                    $qq = mysqli_query($con, "INSERT INTO trend Values (NULL, {$uid},'{$s}',1," . date("U") . ")");
                } else {
                    $qq = mysqli_query($con, "UPDate trend set tc=tc+1 WHERE trend LIKE '{$s}'");
if (strlen($post) > 0) {
    $con = new db();
    $conc = $con->c();
    $q = $con->insertInto("post", array($uid, $post, date("U"), $client, $loc, $id, $type, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
    if ($q) {
        switch ($type) {
            case 0:
                $v = _hstr_($real_post, 1);
                $v = NULL;
            case 1:
                $q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT user FROM post WHERE id = {$id}");
                $r = mysqli_fetch_array($q);
                if ($r[0] != $uid) {
                    $q = $con->insertInto("hist", array(8, $r[0], $uid, $id, date("U")));
                    s_mail($_SESSION["user"], " replied your <a href='{$id}&t={$type}'>feed</a><br/><div style='font-size:14px'><b><br/><br/>{$real_post}</b></div>", $r[0], $conc, "replied your feed");
                    $r = NULL;
                $q = NULL;
            case 2:
                $q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT user FROM post WHERE id = {$id}");
                $r = mysqli_fetch_array($q);
Esempio n. 7

include "../scripts/db.php";
if (!isset($_SESSION["uid"], $_SESSION["user"])) {
    exit("<div class='m_s_g'>Invalid Authentication<div>");
$uid = $_SESSION["uid"];
$msg = _hstr_($_POST["msg"], false);
$subj = strclean($_POST["subj"]);
$to = $_POST["u2"];
$id = $_POST["id"];
if (isset($msg) && $msg != "") {
    if ($uid == $to) {
        die("You cannot send a message to yourself");
    $con = new db();
    $conc = $con->c();
    if (isset($subj) && !isset($id) && isset($to) && $to != "") {
        if ($subj == "") {
            $subj = "No Subject";
        $qq = mysqli_query($conc, "INSERT INTO `msg_subj` VALUES(NULL,'{$uid}','{$to}','{$subj}','" . date("U") . "')");
        $getid = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT `id` FROM `msg_subj` WHERE `u1` = '{$uid}' AND `u2`='{$to}' AND `subj` = '{$subj}'");
        $nid = mysqli_fetch_array($getid);
        if ($getid && $qq) {
            sendmsg($conc, $nid[0], $uid, $to, $msg);
        } else {
            echo 2;