} $NEW = db_mangle_schema($SCHEMA); $text = "<?php // this file was automatically generated by the schema precompiler from '{$new_schema}'.\n\n// ====> DO NOT EDIT! <===\n\n"; $text .= "\$SCHEMA =\n" . db_data_to_code($NEW); $text .= ";\n?>\n"; $outname = "{$BASEDIR}/compiled/{$new_schema_name}"; _writefile($outname, $text); $outname = "{$BASEDIR}/compiled/schema.php"; _writefile($outname, $text); echo "done.<br>\n"; $SCHEMA = $NEW; echo "<br>---------------------------------------------------<br><br>\n"; foreach ($CONFIG["CONNECTIONS"] as $database => $ddef) { $DB_NAME = $ddef["BASE"]; echo "-----> Database '{$database}' name='{$DB_NAME}' <------<br><br>\n"; $connection = _db_open($database, true, true); if (!$connection) { die("Cannot connect to database '{$database}' (fix connection and/or sourcecode in config.php<br>\n"); } $query = ""; if (!$OLD) { $query .= "drop database if exists {$DB_NAME};\n"; $query .= "create database if not exists {$DB_NAME};\n\n"; } $query .= "use {$DB_NAME};\n\n"; $query .= _db_create_tables($OLD, $NEW, $database, $count); if (!$count) { echo "// nothing to do with this database -> skipping<br/><br/>\n"; continue; } $QUERIES[$database] = $query;
function _db_multiquery(&$env, $write, $query, $cb_list) { global $ERROR; $ERROR = ""; global $debug; if (@$debug) { echo "multiquery: {$query}<br/>\n"; } $database = $env["DB"]; $connection = _db_open($database, $write); if (!$connection) { if ($debug) { die("no connection\n"); } return null; } $call = _db_get_driver($database) . "_multiquery"; //if($debug) echo "calling '$call'<br>\n"; $res = $call($env, $connection, $query, $cb_list); return $res; }