function afterConfigOptionsUpgrade($vars) { $cycle_count = count($_SESSION['upgradeids']); if ($vars['upgradeid'] == $_SESSION['upgradeids'][$cycle_count - 1]) { _action(); } }
function access($ctx) { $this->layout = false; require_once APP_PATH . '/classes/captcha/SimpleCaptcha.php'; $captcha = new SimpleCaptcha(); $code = $captcha->getText(); $token = SafeUtil::set_captcha($code, 300); $ret = array('img_url' => _action('', array('token' => $token)), 'field_name' => SafeUtil::CAPTCHA_FIELD_NAME, 'field_value' => $token); return $ret; }
function success($ctx) { $ctx->title = '绑定成功'; $prj_subscribe_status = $_COOKIE['no_subscribe_prj'] ? WxConnect::PRJ_UNSUBSCRIBED : WxConnect::PRJ_SUBSCRIBED; setcookie('no_subscribe_prj', '', time() + 3600); if (!$ctx->user) { _redirect(_action('/')); } $uid = $ctx->user['id']; $wx_openid = $this->openid; if ($uid && $wx_openid) { WxConnect::bind($uid, $wx_openid); } setcookie(WxTmpLogin::COOKIE_KEY_AUTO_BIND_WX, '', time() - 1, '/'); unset($_SESSION['wx_openid']); }
function index($ctx) { $page = $_GET['page'] ? intval($_GET['page']) : 0; $size = $_GET['size'] ? intval($_GET['size']) : 10; $status = (string) $_GET['status'] !== '' ? htmlspecialchars($_GET['status']) : ''; $type = (string) $_GET['type'] !== '' ? htmlspecialchars($_GET['type']) : ''; $expire_type = (string) $_GET['expire_type'] !== '' ? htmlspecialchars($_GET['expire_type']) : ''; $id = (string) $_GET['id'] !== '' ? intval($_GET['id']) : ''; $ctx->page = $page; $ctx->size = $size; $ctx->status = $status; $ctx->id = $id; $ctx->type = $type; $ctx->expire_type = $expire_type; $ctx->channel_id = $channel_id; $where = 1; if ($id) { $id = intval($id); $where .= " and id = '{$id}'"; } if ($status !== '') { $status = intval($status); $where .= " and status = '{$status}'"; } if ($type !== '') { $type = intval($type); $where .= " and type = '{$type}'"; } if ($expire_type !== '') { $expire_type = intval($expire_type); $where .= " and expire_type = '{$expire_type}'"; } $ds = WxChannelInfo::paginate($page, $size, $where, 'id desc'); $arr_channel_infos = array(); foreach ($ds['items'] as $item) { $channel_id = $item->id; if (!isset($arr_channel_infos[$channel_id])) { $arr_channel_infos[$channel_id] = Channel::get($channel_id); } $item->channel_info = $arr_channel_infos[$channel_id]; } if (!$ds['items'] && $id) { _redirect(_action('edit', array('id' => $id))); return; } $ctx->ds = $ds; }
echo $url; ?> "> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> Prev </a> <?php } ?> <?php if ($dir == 'next' && !$has_more) { ?> <a class="btn btn-sm btn-default disabled" href="#"> Next <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></i> </a> <?php } else { $ks = array_keys($kvs); $start = $ks[count($ks) - 1]; $url = _action('list', array('dir' => 'next', 's' => $start, 'e' => '', 'size' => $size)); ?> <a class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" href="<?php echo $url; ?> "> Next <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></i> </a> <?php } ?> </p>
var pager = new PagerView('pager'); pager.index = <?php echo $s / $size + 1; ?> ; pager.size = <?php echo $size; ?> ; pager.itemCount = <?php echo $total; ?> ; pager.onclick = function(index){ var n = <?php echo json_encode($n); ?> ; var s = (pager.index - 1) * pager.size; var url = <?php echo json_encode(_action('qrange')); ?> + '?' + $.param({n: n, s: s}); location.href = url; } pager.render(); }); </script>
function _edit_url($m) { return _action('edit', $m, $this->module); }
</td> <td><?php echo $m->wx_openid; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $m->prj_subscribe ? '已订阅' : '未订阅'; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $m->wx_subscribe ? '是' : '否'; ?> </td> <td> <a href="<?php echo _action('edit', $m); ?> ">编辑</a> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <div id="pager"> </div>
function _update_url() { return _action('update'); }
if($(this).closest('ul').find('[name="del-menu-second"]').length >= 5) { $(this).hide(); } }); $(document).on('click', '[name="del-menu-second"]', function (e) { if($(this).closest('ul').find('[name="del-menu-second"]').length <= 5) { $(this).closest('div').find('[name="add-normal-second"]').eq(0).show(); } $(this).closest('li').remove(); }); $('#submit').click(function(e) { var url = "<?php echo _action('update'); ?> "; var menus = _tojson(); if (menus == -1) { alert('数据填写错误,请检查'); return; } var data = {id:aid, menus: menus}; doCommit(url, data); }); var menus = <?php echo $menus; ?>
</td> <td><?php echo $m->threshold; ?> %</td> <td><?php echo $m->create_time; ?> </td> <td> <a onClick="if(confirm('确认删除?'))return true;return false;" href="<?php echo _action('del', array('id' => $m->id)); ?> ">删除</a> <a onClick="if(confirm('确认重置监控?'))return true;return false;" href="<?php echo _action('set_new', array('id' => $m->id)); ?> ">重置监控</a> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <div id="pager"> </div> <script>
">强制刷新</a> <?php } ?> </td> <td> <?php if ($m->type != WxAccount::TYPE_QIYE) { ?> <a class="btn btn-xs btn-primary" href="#" onclick="alert($(this).next('span').html())">显示</a> <span style="display: none;"><?php echo $m->get_js_token(); ?> </span> <a class="btn btn-xs btn-danger" onclick="return confirm('确认要刷新 Js Token 吗?')" href="<?php echo _action('refresh_js_token', $m); ?> ">强制刷新</a> <?php } ?> </td> <td><a href="<?php echo _url('/admin/weixin/menu', array('aid' => $m->id)); ?> ">菜单管理</a></td> <td> <a class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" href="<?php echo _edit_url($m); ?> ">编辑</a>
function qclear($ctx) { $req = $_POST + $_GET; if (!is_array($req['n'])) { $req['n'] = array(trim($req['n'])); } if ($_POST) { foreach ($req['n'] as $index => $n) { $n = trim($n); if (!strlen($n)) { continue; } $this->ssdb->qclear($n); } _redirect($_POST['jump']); } $ctx->ns = $req['n']; $ctx->jump = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; if (!$ctx->jump) { $ctx->jump = _action('qrange', array('n' => $n)); } }
<?php require 'config.php'; require './class/sendinvoicetoadherent.class.php'; require './lib/sendinvoicetoadherent.lib.php'; if (!$user->rights->sendinvoicetoadherent->read) { accessforbidden(); } $langs->load("sendinvoicetoadherent@sendinvoicetoadherent"); _action(); function _action() { global $user, $db, $conf, $langs; $PDOdb = new TPDOdb(); //$PDOdb->debug=true; $action = __get('action', 'list'); switch ($action) { case 'list': _list($PDOdb, $db, $user, $conf, $langs); break; case 'listAvoir': _listAvoir($PDOdb, $db, $user, $conf, $langs); break; case 'create': _create($PDOdb, $db, $user, $conf, $langs); break; case 'createConfirm': _create_and_send($PDOdb, $db, $user, $conf, $langs); break; case 'createAvoir': _createAvoir($PDOdb, $db, $user, $conf, $langs);
?> </td> <td><?php echo $m->open_interest; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $m->lmplied_rate; ?> %</td> <td><?php echo $m->modify_time; ?> </td> <td><a onClick="if(confirm('确认删除?'))return true;return false;" href="<?php echo _action('del', array('id' => $m->id)); ?> ">删除</a></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <div id="pager"> </div> <script> $(function(){