function zebra($number) { if ($number++ % 2 == 1) { _E(' odd'); } else { _E(' even'); } }
function EWD_UFAQ_Upgrade_Notice() { ?> <div id="side-sortables" class="metabox-holder "> <div id="upcp_pro" class="postbox " > <div class="handlediv" title="Click to toggle"></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php _e("Upgrade Complete!", 'EWD_UFAQ'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <ul><li><?php _E("Thanks for upgrading!", 'EWD_UFAQ'); ?> </li></ul> </div> </div> </div> <?php }
</h1> <div class="landing-container"> <div class="col-1"> <img src="<?php echo YITH_YWRAQ_URL; ?> assets/images/01.png" alt="CUSTOMISED BUTTON" /> </div> <div class="col-2"> <div class="section-title"> <img src="<?php echo YITH_YWRAQ_URL; ?> assets/images/01-icon.png" alt="icon CUSTOMISED BUTTON"/> <h2><?php _E('CUSTOMISED BUTTON', 'ywraq'); ?> </h2> </div> <p> <?php echo sprintf(__('Choose the style you prefer for your %s"Add to Quote"%s button! In the plugin option panel users will be able to find a section to set colours and text for the button', 'ywraq'), '<b>', '</b>'); ?> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section section-odd clear" style="background: url(<?php echo YITH_YWRAQ_URL; ?> assets/images/02-bg.png) no-repeat #f1f1f1; background-position: 15% 100%">
<?php // INSERT ANY PAGE SPECIFIC INFORMATION $PAGE_TITLE = 'Error 404'; ?> <div id="primary"> <h2><?php _E($PAGE_TITLE); ?> </h2> <p>You are looking for a page that has moved, or does not exist. Follow links on the menu to find what you are looking for.</p> </div>
?> <div id="primary"> <h2>Helper Functions</h2> <p><b>** I am still working on writing the help documentation, but if you have any questions, don’ hesitate to ask! **</b></p> <h3>displayData("New Value", "Global Value", "Separator")</h3> <p>Mainly used for rendering page titles, but could be used in any instance. Checks for a value in "New Value", if there is one, it combines it together with "Global Value", separated by "Separator".</p> <p>Example Code: <?php displayData("Title", "Global", " // "); ?></p> <p>Output: Title // Global</p> <h3>_E("Value")</h3> <p>Used to echo strings, urls, and other data to the screen.</p> <p>Example Code: Four + Four = <?php _E(4+4); ?></p> <p>Output: Four + Four = <?php _E(4 + 4); ?> </p> <h3>_A("URL", "Extras")</h3> <p>Checks the passed url against the current page url. Returns <b>class="active"</b> plus any extra classes passed in.</p> <p>Example Code: <a<?php _A('about')?> href="about">About</a> <p>Output: <a class="active" href="about">About</a></p> <h3>zebra()</h3> <p>A simple function for adding even and odd classes to output. Pass in a number, for example from a for loop, and it will return a class of "even" or "odd".</p> <p>Example Code: <div class="<?php zebra(3); ?>"></div></p> <p>Output: <div class="odd"></div> </div>
function manduca_breadcrumb() { if (is_home() || is_front_page()) { printf('<strong>%s</strong>', __('Home', 'manduca')); } else { ?> <a rel="bookmark" href="<?php echo get_site_url(); ?> "><?php _E('Home', 'manduca'); ?> </a><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> <?php /** * Add custom post types or custom taxonomies here * * @since 16.7 */ do_action('manduca_custom_breadcrumb'); if (is_category()) { $category_ID = get_queried_object()->term_id; $category_object = get_category($category_ID); $parent_ID = $category_object->category_parent; if ($parent_ID !== 0) { echo get_category_parents($parent_ID, true, '<i class="fa fa-angle-double-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>'); } single_cat_title(); } elseif (is_single()) { //Title of post in category $term_object = get_the_terms(get_the_ID(), 'category'); $term = $term_object[0]; $link = esc_url(get_term_link($term)); //get parent $parent_object = get_term_by('id', $term->parent, 'category'); if (!empty($parent_object)) { $parent_link = esc_url(get_term_link($parent_object)); echo sprintf('<a href="%1$s">%2$s</a><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right" aria-hidden="true"></i><a href="%3$s">%4$s</a><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>%5$s', $parent_link, $parent_object->name, $link, $term->name, the_title('', '', FALSE)); } else { the_title(); } } elseif (is_page()) { global $post; $first_parent = $post->post_parent; $first_parent_object = get_post($first_parent); $second_parent = $first_parent_object->post_parent; if ($second_parent) { printf('<a href="%1$s">%2$s</a><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>', get_page_link($second_parent), get_the_title($second_parent)); } if ($first_parent) { printf('<a href="%1$s">%2$s</a><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>', get_page_link($first_parent), get_the_title($first_parent)); } the_title(); } if (is_404()) { _e('Page not found', 'manduca'); } if (is_search()) { _e('Search', 'manduca'); } ?> <?php } }
_E($ROOT); ?> "><?php _E(strtolower(GLOBAL_TITLE)); ?> </a></h1> <nav id="navigation"> <ul> <li><a<?php _A('front'); ?> href="<?php _E($ROOT); ?> ">About</a></li> <li><a<?php _A('help'); ?> href="<?php _E($ROOT); ?> help">Help</a></li> </ul> </nav> </div><!-- #wrapper --> <hr /> </div><!-- #branding --> <div id="content"> <div class="wrapper">
</a><li></ul> <h2><a href="<?php echo $post_link; ?> "><?php echo get_the_title($post_id); ?> </a></h2> <ul class="nav nav-align-right nav-padding-none interative"><li><a href="<?php echo $post_link; ?> "><?php echo getTwitterShareCount($post_link) + getFacebookShareCount($post_link); ?> <?php _E('Shares'); ?> </a></li><li class="divider">/</li><li><a href="<?php echo get_permalink(get_the_ID()); ?> "><?php echo getPostViews(get_the_ID()); ?> </a></li><li class="divider">/</li><li><a href="<?php echo $post_link; ?> "><?php echo get_comments_number(); ?> <?php _e('Comments');
</div> <h2><?php _e('Advanced', TFA_TEXT_DOMAIN); ?> </h2> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="jQuery('#tfa_advanced_box').slideToggle()" class="button"> ↓ <?php _e('Show advanced info', TFA_TEXT_DOMAIN); ?> ↓ </a> <div id="tfa_advanced_box" class="postbox" style="margin-top: 20px; display:none"> <h3 class="hndle" style="padding: 10px; cursor: default;"> <span style="cursor: default;"><?php _E('Private Key Info', TFA_TEXT_DOMAIN); ?> </span> </h3> <div class="inside"> <h3 class="normal" style="cursor: default"><?php _e('Private Key in Plain Text', TFA_TEXT_DOMAIN); ?> </h3> <p> <?php _e('This key is your secret. Never give it to anyone.', TFA_TEXT_DOMAIN); ?> <br> <strong><?php _e('Your private key is', TFA_TEXT_DOMAIN);
/** * Add the customize widget to Common Utilities Dashboard */ public function eventRmcommonDashboardRightWidgets() { global $xtAssembler, $xtFunctions; if (!isset($GLOBALS['xtAssembler'])) { $xtAssembler = new XtAssembler(); } if (!$xtAssembler->isSupported()) { return; } $theme = $xtAssembler->theme(); RMTemplate::get()->add_style('rmc-dashboard.css', 'xthemes'); ?> <div class="cu-box"> <div class="box-header"> <span class="fa fa-caret-up box-handler"></span> <h3><?php _e('Appearance', 'rmcommon'); ?> </h3> </div> <div class="box-content collapsable" id="xthemes-options"> <img src="<?php echo XOOPS_THEME_URL; ?> /<?php echo $theme->getInfo('dir'); ?> /<?php echo $theme->getInfo('screenshot'); ?> " class="img-thumbnail"> <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-justified nav-options"> <li> <a href="<?php echo XOOPS_URL; ?> /modules/xthemes/themes.php" title="<?php _e('Manage Themes', 'xthemes'); ?> " rel="tooltip"> <span class="fa fa-th-large"></span> </a> </li> <?php if (method_exists($theme, 'controlPanel')) { ?> <li> <a rel="tooltip" href="<?php echo XOOPS_URL; ?> /modules/xthemes/theme.php" title="<?php echo sprintf(__('%s Control Panel', 'xthemes'), $theme->getInfo('name')); ?> "> <span class="fa fa-dashboard"></span> </a> </li> <?php } ?> <?php if ($xtAssembler->rootMenus()) { ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo XOOPS_URL; ?> /modules/xthemes/navigation.php" title="<?php _e('Menu Maker', 'xthemes'); ?> " rel="tooltip"> <span class="fa fa-bars"></span> </a> </li> <?php } ?> <?php if ($theme->options()) { ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo XOOPS_URL; ?> /modules/xthemes/settings.php" title="<?php _E('Theme Settings', 'xthemes'); ?> " rel="tooltip"> <span class="fa fa-wrench"></span> </a> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <small><?php echo $theme->getInfo('description'); ?> </small> <?php if ($theme->getInfo('social')) { ?> <hr> <ul class="nav nav-pills xthemes-social"> <?php foreach ($theme->getInfo('social') as $type => $link) { ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo $link; ?> " target="_blank"> <?php echo $xtFunctions->social_icon($type); ?> </a> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php }
CREATED BY RYAN ILG HTTP://RYANILG.COM CREATED: Tue Jul 24 16:07:12 PDT 2007 LAST UPDATE: Fri Sep 9 11:25:28 PDT 2011 */ // LOAD THE LIST OF FOLDER REFERENCES require_once 'folder_references.php'; // LOAD THE INITIALIZATION SETTINGS require_once 'init.php'; // LOAD IN THE EXTRA RENDERING TOOLS require_once 'tools.php'; // LOAD THE DATABASE CONNECTION SCRIPTS if ($DATABASE) { require_once 'database.php'; } // LOAD THE CURRENT PAGE AND PROCESS ITS INLINE SETTINGS if ($DISPLAY_CONTENT) { require_once 'page_access.php'; } // LOAD CONTENT HEADER if ($DISPLAY_HEAD) { require_once _CONTENT . '_head.php'; } // DISPLAY THE CURRENT PAGES CONTENT if ($DISPLAY_CONTENT) { _E($requested_file); } // LOAD CONTENT FOOTER if ($DISPLAY_FOOT) { require_once _CONTENT . '_foot.php'; }
/** * Print the Meta Box content */ function imic_event_feilds_output() { global $post, $line_icons; // Add an nonce field so we can check for it later. wp_nonce_field('event_schedule_meta_box', 'event_schedule_meta_box_nonce'); $feat_data = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'feat_data', true); ?> <div id="field_group"> <div id="field_wrap"> <?php if (isset($feat_data['sch_title'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($feat_data['sch_title']); $i++) { ?> <div class="field_row"> <div class="field_left"> <div class="form_field"><div class="rwmb-label"> <label><?php _e('Start Time', 'framework'); ?> </label></div><div class="rwmb-input"> <select type="text" class="meta_feat_title" name="featured[start_time][]" > <?php $start = "00:00"; $end = "23:45"; $tStart = strtotime($start); $tEnd = strtotime($end); $tNow = $tStart; while ($tNow <= $tEnd) { $sc = $feat_data['start_time'][$i] == date("H:i", $tNow) ? 'selected' : ''; echo '<option value="' . date("H:i", $tNow) . '" ' . $sc . '>' . date("H:i", $tNow) . '</option>'; $tNow = strtotime('+15 minutes', $tNow); } ?> </select></div> </div> <div class="form_field"><div class="rwmb-label"> <label><?php _e('End Time', 'framework'); ?> </label></div><div class="rwmb-input"> <select type="text" class="meta_feat_title" name="featured[end_time][]" > <?php $start = "00:00"; $end = "23:45"; $tStart = strtotime($start); $tEnd = strtotime($end); $tNow = $tStart; while ($tNow <= $tEnd) { $sc = $feat_data['end_time'][$i] == date("H:i", $tNow) ? 'selected' : ''; echo '<option value="' . date("H:i", $tNow) . '" ' . $sc . '>' . date("H:i", $tNow) . '</option>'; $tNow = strtotime('+15 minutes', $tNow); } ?> </select></div> </div> <div class="form_field"><div class="rwmb-label"> <label><?php _e('Title', 'framework'); ?> </label></div><div class="rwmb-input"> <input type="text" class="meta_sch_title" name="featured[sch_title][]" value="<?php echo esc_html($feat_data['sch_title'][$i]); ?> " /></div> </div> <div class="form_field"><div class="rwmb-label"> <label><?php _e('Icon Type', 'framework'); ?> </label></div><div class="rwmb-input"> <?php $sc = $feat_data['icon_type'][$i] == date("H:i", $tNow) ? 'selected' : ''; ?> <select type="text" class="meta_feat_title" name="featured[icon_type][]"> <option <?php echo $feat_data['icon_type'][$i] == 'label-default' ? 'selected' : ''; ?> value="label-default"><?php _e('Default', 'imic-framework-admin'); ?> </option> <option <?php echo $feat_data['icon_type'][$i] == 'label-primary' ? 'selected' : ''; ?> value="label-primary"><?php _e('Primary', 'imic-framework-admin'); ?> </option> <option <?php echo $feat_data['icon_type'][$i] == 'label-success' ? 'selected' : ''; ?> value="label-success"><?php _e('Success', 'imic-framework-admin'); ?> </option> <option <?php echo $feat_data['icon_type'][$i] == 'label-info' ? 'selected' : ''; ?> value="label-info"><?php _e('Info', 'imic-framework-admin'); ?> </option> <option <?php echo $feat_data['icon_type'][$i] == 'label-warning' ? 'selected' : ''; ?> value="label-warning"><?php _e('Warning', 'imic-framework-admin'); ?> </option> <option <?php echo $feat_data['icon_type'][$i] == 'label-danger' ? 'selected' : ''; ?> value="label-danger"><?php _e('Danger', 'imic-framework-admin'); ?> </option> </select></div> </div> <div class="form_field icon_field"><div class="rwmb-label"> <label><?php _e('Select Icon', 'framework'); ?> </label></div><div class="rwmb-input"> <input type="text" id="icon-image" class="meta_line_icon" name="featured[line_icon][]" value="<?php echo esc_html($feat_data['line_icon'][$i]); ?> " /></div> <ul class="font-icon-grid"><?php echo $line_icons; ?> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="field_right"> <input class="button" type="button" value="<?php _E('Remove', 'framework'); ?> " onclick="remove_field(this)" /> </div> <div class="clear" /></div> </div> <?php } // endif } // endforeach ?> </div> <div style="display:none" id="master-row"> <div class="field_row"> <div class="field_left"> <div class="form_field"> <div class="rwmb-label"> <label><?php _e('Start Time', 'framework'); ?> </label></div><div class="rwmb-input"> <select type="text" class="meta_feat_title" name="featured[start_time][]" > <?php $start = "00:00"; $end = "23:45"; $tStart = strtotime($start); $tEnd = strtotime($end); $tNow = $tStart; while ($tNow <= $tEnd) { echo '<option value="' . date("H:i", $tNow) . '">' . date("H:i", $tNow) . '</option>'; $tNow = strtotime('+15 minutes', $tNow); } ?> </select></div> </div> <div class="form_field"> <div class="rwmb-label"> <label><?php _e('End Time', 'framework'); ?> </label></div><div class="rwmb-input"> <select type="text" class="meta_feat_title" name="featured[end_time][]" > <?php $start = "00:00"; $end = "23:45"; $tStart = strtotime($start); $tEnd = strtotime($end); $tNow = $tStart; while ($tNow <= $tEnd) { echo '<option value="' . date("H:i", $tNow) . '">' . date("H:i", $tNow) . '</option>'; $tNow = strtotime('+15 minutes', $tNow); } ?> </select></div> </div> <div class="form_field"><div class="rwmb-label"> <label><?php _e('Title', 'framework'); ?> </label></div><div class="rwmb-input"> <input class="meta_sch_title" value="" type="text" name="featured[sch_title][]" /></div> </div> <div class="form_field"><div class="rwmb-label"> <label><?php _e('Icon Type', 'framework'); ?> </label></div><div class="rwmb-input"> <select type="text" class="meta_feat_title" name="featured[icon_type][]"> <option value="label-default"><?php _e('Default', 'imic-framework-admin'); ?> </option> <option value="label-primary"><?php _e('Primary', 'imic-framework-admin'); ?> </option> <option value="label-success"><?php _e('Success', 'imic-framework-admin'); ?> </option> <option value="label-info"><?php _e('Info', 'imic-framework-admin'); ?> </option> <option value="label-warning"><?php _e('Warning', 'imic-framework-admin'); ?> </option> <option value="label-danger"><?php _e('Danger', 'imic-framework-admin'); ?> </option> </select></div> </div> <div class="form_field icon_field"><div class="rwmb-label"> <label><?php _e('Select Icon', 'framework'); ?> </label></div><div class="rwmb-input"> <input class="meta_line_icon" value="" id="icon-image" type="text" name="featured[line_icon][]" /></div> <ul class="font-icon-grid"><?php echo $line_icons; ?> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="field_right image_wrap"> </div> <div class="field_right"> <input class="button" type="button" value="<?php _e('Remove', 'framework'); ?> " onclick="remove_field(this)" /> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> <div id="add_field_row"> <input class="button" type="button" value="<?php _e('Add Featured Field', 'framework'); ?> " onclick="add_field_row();" /> </div> </div> <?php }
<div class="op-bsw-grey-panel-content op-bsw-grey-panel-no-sidebar"> <select name="op[<?php echo $section_name; ?> ][type]" class="op-type-switcher"> <?php foreach ($options as $name => $title) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $name; ?> "<?php echo $feature_area_object->get_option($section_name, 'type') == $name ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; ?> ><?php _E($title, OP_T_SN); ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </div> <div class="op-bsw-grey-panel-hide"> <?php foreach ($content as $name => $content) { echo ' <div class="op-type op-type-' . $name . '">' . $content . '</div>'; } ?> </div>
$LEVEL5 = null; } if (isset($_GET['CL'])) { $CUR_LEVEL = $_GET['CL']; } else { $CUR_LEVEL = $LEVEL1; } /* LOAD AND PROCESS THE PAGE CONTENT */ // STOP CONTENT TO SCREEN OUTPUT VIA OUTPUT BUFFERING, THIS // ALLOWS US TO PROCESS VARIABLES, WITHOUT OUTPUTTING ANY HTML ob_start(); // IF ADMIN ACCESS IS ALLOWED, CHECK IF WE ARE CALLING IT if (ALLOW_ADMIN_ACCESS && $CUR_LEVEL == 'admin') { require _ADMIN . 'index.php'; } elseif ($CUR_LEVEL) { // SAVE OUR PAGE FILE PATH $requested_file = _CONTENT . $CUR_LEVEL . '.php'; if (!file_exists($requested_file)) { // NO PAGE WAS FOUND, RETURN THE 404 PAGE $LEVEL1 = $LEVEL2 = $LEVEL3 = $CUR_LEVEL = '404'; $requested_file = _CONTENT . '404.php'; } // LOAD THE REQUIRED FILE require $requested_file; // SAVE THE OUTPUT BUFFER DATA $requested_file = ob_get_contents(); } else { _E('<p>The current page variable is missing.'); } // CLEAR OUTPUT BUFFER ob_end_clean();
<div id="siteinfo"> <div class="wrapper"> <p>© 2011 <a href="">Ryan Ilg Creative Design</a> | <a href=""><?php _E(GLOBAL_TITLE); ?> </a></p> </div> </div><!-- #siteinfo --> <?php if ($JQUERY) { ?> <script src="<?php _E($SCRIPTS); ?> script.js"></script> <?php } if ($FLASH) { ?> <script src="<?php _E($SCRIPTS); ?> swfobject.js"></script> <?php } ?> </body> </html>
while ($file = readdir($listing)) { // ONLY SHOW FILES THAT DON'T START WITH A DOT if (strpos($file, '.') == 0) { // OUTPUT LINKS TO THE FILES ?> <li <?php if (isset($_GET['file'])) { if ($_GET['file'] == $file) { ?> class="active"<?php } } ?> > <a href="?file=<?php _E($file); ?> "><?php _E(str_replace(".php", "", $file)); ?> </a> </li> <?php } } // CLOSE THE DIRECTORY closedir($listing); ?> </ul>
/** * generate_payment_gateways_html function. * * @access public * @return void */ public function generate_single_select_page_html() { $args = array('name' => 'woocommerce_rewards_settings_rewards_page', 'id' => 'woocommerce_rewards_settings_rewards_page', 'sort_column' => 'menu_order', 'sort_order' => 'ASC', 'show_option_none' => ' ', 'echo' => false, 'selected' => $this->rewards_page); if (isset($value['args'])) { $args = wp_parse_args($value['args'], $args); } ob_start(); ?> <tr valign="top" id="gateways_options"> <th scope="row" class="titledesc"><?php _E('Rewards page description', 'wc_rewards'); ?> </th> <td class="forminp"> <?php echo str_replace(' id=', " data-placeholder='" . __('Select a page…', 'wc_rewards') . "' id=", wp_dropdown_pages($args)); ?> </td> </tr> <?php return ob_get_clean(); }