Esempio n. 1
  * Outputs legacy user edit display
  * @deprecated 2.0
  * @param UserTable  $user
  * @param string     $option
  * @param int        $newCBuser
  * @param array      $postdata
 public function edituser($user, $option, $newCBuser, &$postdata)
     global $_CB_framework, $_CB_Backend_Title, $_PLUGINS;
     $results = $_PLUGINS->trigger('onBeforeUserProfileEditDisplay', array(&$user, 2));
     if ($_PLUGINS->is_errors()) {
         cbRedirect($_CB_framework->backendViewUrl('showusers'), $_PLUGINS->getErrorMSG(), 'error');
     $tabs = new cbTabs($_CB_framework->getUi() == 2 && !isset($_REQUEST['tab']) ? 1 : 0, 2);
     // use cookies in backend to remember selected tab.
     $tabcontent = $tabs->getEditTabs($user, $postdata, 'htmledit', 'divs');
     $_CB_Backend_Title = array(0 => array('fa fa-user', $user->id ? CBTxt::T('COMMUNITY_BUILDER_EDIT_USER_USERNAME', 'Community Builder: Edit User [[username]]', array('[username]' => $user->username)) : CBTxt::T('Community Builder: New User')));
     if (is_array($results)) {
         echo implode('', $results);
     $return = '<form action="' . $_CB_framework->backendUrl('index.php') . '" method="post" name="adminForm" id="cbcheckedadminForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" autocomplete="off" class="cb_form form-auto cbValidation">' . $tabcontent . '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . (int) $user->id . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="newCBuser" value="' . (int) $newCBuser . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_comprofiler" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="view" value="save" />' . cbGetSpoofInputTag('user') . '<div class="cbIconsBottom">' . getFieldIcons(2, true, true, '', '', true) . '</div>' . '</form>';
     echo $return;
Esempio n. 2
	function editfield( &$row, $lists, $fieldvalues, $option, $paramsEditorHtml ) {
		global $_CB_framework, $_CB_database;

		outputCbTemplate( 2 );
		outputCbJs( 2 );
		initToolTip( 2 );

		global $_CB_Backend_Title;
		$_CB_Backend_Title	=	array( 0 => array( 'cbicon-48-fields', CBTxt::T('Community Builder Field') . ': <small>' . ( $row->fieldid ? CBTxt::T('Edit') . ' [ ' . htmlspecialchars( getLangDefinition( $row->title ) ) . ' ] ' : CBTxt::T('New') ) . '</small>' ) );

		if ( $row->fieldid && ( ! $row->published ) ) {
			echo '<div class="cbWarning">' . CBTxt::T('Field is not published') . '</div>' . "\n";
		if ( $row->pluginid ) {
			$plugin		=	new moscomprofilerPlugin( $_CB_database );
			if ( ! $plugin->load( (int) $row->pluginid ) ) {
				echo '<div class="cbWarning">' . CBTxt::T('Plugin is not installed') . '</div>' . "\n";
			} else {
				if ( ! $plugin->published ) {
					echo '<div class="cbWarning">' . CBTxt::T('Plugin is not published') . '</div>' . "\n";

//		$_CB_framework->outputCbJQuery( "var cbTypeState = $('#type').val();	$('#type').change(function() { if ( cbTypeState != $('#type').val() ) submitbutton('reloadField') } ).change();" );
//		outputCbJs( 2 );
	if($row->fieldid > 0) {
		$_CB_framework->outputCbJQuery( ';; document.adminForm.type.disabled=true;');
//		disableAll();
//		selType('".$row->type."');

	$editorSave_description		=	$_CB_framework->saveCmsEditorJS( 'description' );
	$editorSave_default			=	$_CB_framework->saveCmsEditorJS( 'default' );
   function submitbutton(pressbutton) {
     if ( (pressbutton == 'showField') || (pressbutton == 'reloadField') ) {
       <?php echo $editorSave_description;
			if ( $row->type == 'editorta' ) {
				echo $editorSave_default;
     var coll = document.adminForm;
     var errorMSG = '';
     var iserror=0;
     if (coll != null) {
       var elements = coll.elements;
       // loop through all input elements in form
       for (var i=0; i < elements.length; i++) {
         // check if element is mandatory; here mosReq=1
         if ( (typeof(elements.item(i).getAttribute('mosReq')) != "undefined") && (elements.item(i).getAttribute('mosReq') == 1) ) {
           if (elements.item(i).value == '') {
             //alert(elements.item(i).getAttribute('mosLabel') + ':' + elements.item(i).getAttribute('mosReq'));
             // add up all error messages
             errorMSG += elements.item(i).getAttribute('mosLabel') + ' : <?php echo _UE_REQUIRED_ERROR; ?>\n';
             // notify user by changing background color, in this case to red
             elements.item(i).style.backgroundColor = "red";
     if(iserror==1) {
     } else {
       <?php echo $editorSave_description;
			if ( $row->type == 'editorta' ) {
				echo $editorSave_default;
		$jsTop		=	ob_get_contents();
		$_CB_framework->document->addHeadScriptDeclaration( $jsTop );
	function insertRow() {
		// Create and insert rows and cells into the first body.
//		var i = $('#adminForm input[name=valueCount]').val( Number( $('#adminForm input[name=valueCount]').val() ) + 1 ).val();
//		$('#fieldValuesBody').append('<tr><td><input id=\"vNames'+i+'\" name=\"vNames[' + i + ']\" /></td></tr>');
		var i = $('#adminForm input[name=valueCount]').val( Number( $('#adminForm input[name=valueCount]').val() ) + 1 ).val();
		$('#fieldValuesList').append('<li><input id=\"vNames'+i+'\" name=\"vNames[]\" /></li>');

	function disableAll() {

	function selType(sType) {
		var elem;
		switch (sType) {
			case 'editorta':
			case 'textarea':

			case 'emailaddress':
			case 'password':
			case 'text':
			case 'integer':
			case 'predefined':

			case 'select':
			case 'multiselect':

			case 'radio':
			case 'multicheckbox':

			case 'webaddress':

			case 'delimiter':

  function prep4SQL(o){
	if(o.value!='') {
		var cbsqloldvalue, cbsqlnewvalue;
		cbsqloldvalue = o.value;
		cbsqlnewvalue = o.value;
		o.value='cb_' + o.value;
		if (cbsqloldvalue != cbsqlnewvalue) {
			alert('<?php echo addslashes( CBTxt::T('Warning: SQL name of field has been changed to fit SQL constraints') ); ?>');
  var cbTypeState = $('#type').val();	$('#type').change(function() { selType(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value); if ( cbTypeState != $('#type').val() ) submitbutton('reloadField') } ).change();
  $('#name').change(function() { if ( ! $('#name').attr('disabled') ) { prep4SQL(this); } } ).change();
  $('#insertrow').click(function() { insertRow(); } );
  $('#fieldValuesList').sortable( { items: 'li', containment: 'parent', animated: true, placeholder: 'fieldValuesList-selected' } );
//  $('#mainparams').sortable( { items: 'tr', containment: 'parent', animated: true } );
  /* $('#adminForm').submit(function() { return submitbutton(''); } );	*/
  selType('<?php echo $row->type; ?>');
$jsContent	=	ob_get_contents();

		$_CB_framework->outputCbJQuery( $jsContent, 'ui-all' );
<form action="<?php echo $_CB_framework->backendUrl( 'index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=saveField' ); ?>" method="POST" id="adminForm" name="adminForm">
		if ( $paramsEditorHtml ) {
  <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
   <tr valign="top">
    <td width="60%" valign="top">

	<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" class="adminform" id="mainparams">
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Type'); ?>:</td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo $lists['type']; ?></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Tab'); ?>:</td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo $lists['tabs']; ?></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Name'); ?>:</td>
			<td align=left  width="20%"><input type="text" id="name" name="name" maxlength='64' mosReq="1" mosLabel="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Name') ); ?>" class="inputbox" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->name ); ?>" /></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Title'); ?>:</td>
			<td width="20%" align=left><input type="text" name="title" mosReq="1" mosLabel="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Title') ); ?>" class="inputbox" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->title ); ?>" /></td>
			<td colspan="3"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Description/"i" field-tip: text or HTML'); ?>:</td>
			<td colspan="3" align=left><?php echo $_CB_framework->displayCmsEditor( 'description', $row->description, 600 /* ( $row->type == 'delimiter' ? 600 : 286 ) */ , 200, 50, 7 );
			// <textarea name="description" cols="40" rows="6" maxlength='255' mosReq="0" mosLabel="Description" class="inputbox">< ?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->description ); ? ></textarea>
		if ( $row->type != 'delimiter' ) { ?>

<?php		if ( $row->type == 'editorta' ) {	?>
			<td colspan="3"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Pre-filled default value at registration only'); ?>:</td>
			<td colspan="3"><?php
				echo $_CB_framework->displayCmsEditor( 'cb_default', $row->default, 600, 200, 50, 7 );
			} else {
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Pre-filled default value at registration only'); ?>:</td>
			<td width="20%">
				<input type="text" name="cb_default" mosLabel="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Default value') ); ?>" class="inputbox" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->default ); ?>" />

			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Required'); ?>?:</td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo $lists['required']; ?></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Show on Profile'); ?>?:</td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo $lists['profile']; ?></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Display field title in Profile'); ?>?:</td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo $lists['displaytitle']; ?></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Searchable in users-lists'); ?>?:</td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo $lists['searchable']; ?></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('User Read Only'); ?>?:</td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo $lists['readonly']; ?></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Show at Registration'); ?>?:</td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo $lists['registration']; ?></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Published'); ?>:</td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo ( $row->sys == 1 ? ( $row->published ? _UE_YES : _UE_NO ) . ' (' . CBTxt::T('System-fields cannot be published/unpublished here.') . ( in_array( $row->name, array( 'name', 'firstname', 'middlename', 'lastname' ) ) ? ' ' . CBTxt::T('Name-fields publishing depends on your setting in global CB config.') . ')' : ')' ) : $lists['published'] ); ?></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Size'); ?>:</td>
			<td width="20%"><input type="text" name="size" mosLabel="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Size') ); ?>" class="inputbox" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->size ); ?>" /></td>
	<div id="page1"  class="pagetext">

	<div id="divText"  class="pagetext">
		<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" class="adminform">
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Max Length'); ?>:</td>
			<td width="20%"><input type="text" name="maxlength" mosLabel="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Max Length') ); ?>" class="inputbox" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->maxlength ); ?>" /></td>
	<div id="divColsRows"  class="pagetext">
		<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" class="adminform">
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Cols'); ?>:</td>
			<td width="20%"><input type="text" name="cols" mosLabel="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Cols') ); ?>" class="inputbox" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->cols ); ?>" /></td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Rows'); ?>:</td>
			<td width="20%"><input type="text" name="rows"  mosLabel="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Rows') ); ?>" class="inputbox" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->rows ); ?>" /></td>
	<div id="divWeb"  class="pagetext">
		<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" class="adminform">
			<td width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Type'); ?>:</td>
			<td width="20%"><?php echo $lists['webaddresstypes']; ?></td>
	<div id="divValues" style="text-align:left;">
		<?php echo CBTxt::T('Use the table below to add new values.'); ?><br />
		<input type=button id="insertrow" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Add a Value') ); ?>" />
		<table align="left" id="divFieldValues" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" class="adminform" >
			<th width="20%"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Name'); ?></th>
		<tbody id="fieldValuesBody">
				<ul id="fieldValuesList">
		//echo "count:".count( $fieldvalues );
		//print_r (array_values($fieldvalues));
		for ($i=0, $n=count( $fieldvalues ); $i < $n; $i++) {
			//print "count:".$i;
			$fieldvalue = $fieldvalues[$i];
			if ($i==0) $req =1;
			else $req = 0;
			echo "\n<li><input type='text' mosReq='$req'  mosLabel='" . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Value') ) . "' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $fieldvalue->fieldtitle ) . "\" name=\"vNames[]\" id=\"vNames".$i."\" /></li>\n";
		if(count( $fieldvalues )< 1) {
			echo "\n<li><input type='text' mosReq='0'  mosLabel='" . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Value') ) . "' value='' name='vNames[]' /></li>\n";
		//echo "count:".count( $fieldvalues );
		//print_r (array_values($fieldvalues));
		for ($i=0, $n=count( $fieldvalues ); $i < $n; $i++) {
			//print "count:".$i;
			$fieldvalue = $fieldvalues[$i];
			if ($i==0) $req =1;
			else $req = 0;
			echo "<tr>\n<td width=\"20%\"><input type='text' mosReq='$req'  mosLabel='" . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Value') ) . "' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $fieldvalue->fieldtitle ) . "\" name=\"vNames[".$i."]\" id=\"vNames".$i."\" /></td></tr>\n";
		if(count( $fieldvalues )< 1) {
			echo "<tr>\n<td width=\"20%\"><input type='text' mosReq='0'  mosLabel='" . htmlspecialchars( CBTxt::T('Value') ) . "' value='' name=vNames[0] /></td></tr>\n";
		if ( $paramsEditorHtml ) {
    <td width="40%" valign="top">
			foreach ( $paramsEditorHtml as $paramsEditorHtmlBlock ) {
		<table class="adminform" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
				<th colspan="2">
					<?php echo $paramsEditorHtmlBlock['title']; ?>
					<?php echo $paramsEditorHtmlBlock['content']; ?>
  <table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" class="adminform">
			<td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>

  <input type="hidden" name="valueCount" value=<?php echo $i; ?> />
  <input type="hidden" name="oldtabid" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->tabid ); ?>" />
  <input type="hidden" name="fieldid" value="<?php echo (int) $row->fieldid; ?>" />
  <input type="hidden" name="ordering" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->ordering ); ?>" />
  <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?>" />
  <input type="hidden" name="task" value="" />
	echo cbGetSpoofInputTag( 'field' );
  * Installs the plugin By in-place Discovery
  * @param  string   $plgFile  Directory discovered
  * @return boolean            Success
 private function installPluginDisc($plgFile)
     global $_CB_framework;
     // Try extending time, as unziping/ftping took already quite some... :
     $installer = new cbInstallerPlugin();
     // Check if file xml exists
     if (!$plgFile) {
         cbInstaller::showInstallMessage(CBTxt::T('No file selected'), CBTxt::T('Install new plugin from discovery - error'), false);
         return false;
     $path = _cbPathName($_CB_framework->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/' . $plgFile);
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
         $path = dirname($path);
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
         cbInstaller::showInstallMessage(CBTxt::T('FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_FILE', 'File does not exist - [file]', array('[file]' => $path)), CBTxt::T('INSTALL_NEW_PLUGIN_FROM_DISCOVERY_ERROR', 'Install new plugin from discovery - error'), false);
         return false;
     $ret = $installer->install($path, true);
     cbInstaller::showInstallMessage($installer->getError(), CBTxt::T('INSTALL_NEW_PLUGIN_FROM_DISCOVERY_ERROR_FILE_STATUS', 'Install new plugin from discovery - [file] - [status]', array('[file]' => $path, '[status]' => $ret ? CBTxt::T('Success') : CBTxt::T('Failed'))), $ret);
     return $ret;
    function edituser($user, $option, $newCBuser, &$postdata)
        global $_CB_framework, $_PLUGINS;
        $results = $_PLUGINS->trigger('onBeforeUserProfileEditDisplay', array(&$user, 2));
        if ($_PLUGINS->is_errors()) {
            echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert(\"" . str_replace(array("\n", '<br />'), array('\\n', '\\n'), addslashes($_PLUGINS->getErrorMSG())) . "\"); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
        $tabs = new cbTabs($_CB_framework->getUi() == 2 && !isset($_REQUEST['tab']) ? 1 : 0, 2);
        // use cookies in backend to remember selected tab.
        $tabcontent = $tabs->getEditTabs($user, $postdata);
        global $_CB_Backend_Title;
        //OLD:	$_CB_Backend_Title	=	array( 0 => array( 'cbicon-48-users', "Community Builder User: <small>" . ( $user->id ? "Edit" . ' [ '. $user->username .' ]' : "New" ) . '</small>' ) );
        $_CB_Backend_Title = array(0 => array('cbicon-48-users', CBTxt::T('Community Builder User') . ": <small>" . ($user->id ? CBTxt::T('Edit') . ' [ ' . $user->username . ' ]' : CBTxt::T('New')) . '</small>'));
        if (defined('_CB_VALIDATE_NEW')) {

$('div.cbtoolbaractions .cbtoolbaraction').click( function() {
		if ( $(this).attr('href') ) {
			var taskVal = $(this).attr('href').substring(1);
		} else if ( $(this).attr('value') ) {
			taskVal = $(this).attr('value').substring(1);
		$('#cbcheckedadminForm input[name=task]').val( taskVal );
		if (taskVal == 'showusers') {
		} else {
		return false;
	} );

            $cbjavascript = ob_get_contents();
            $_CB_framework->outputCbJQuery($cbjavascript, array('metadata', 'validate'));
        } else {
            // old way:
var cbDefaultFieldbackgroundColor;
function cbFrmSubmitButton() {
	var me = this.elements;
            $version = checkJversion();
            if ($version == 1) {
                // var r = new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z](([\.\-a-zA-Z0-9@])?[a-zA-Z0-9]*)*$", "i");
	var r = new RegExp("^[\<|\>|\"|\'|\%|\;|\(|\)|\&|\+|\-]*$", "i");
            } elseif ($version == -1) {
	var r = new RegExp("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "i");
            } else {
	var r = new RegExp("[\<|\>|\"|\'|\%|\;|\(|\)|\&|\+|\-]", "i");
	var errorMSG = '';
	var iserror=0;
	if (cbDefaultFieldbackgroundColor === undefined) cbDefaultFieldbackgroundColor = ((me['username'].style.getPropertyValue) ? me['username'].style.getPropertyValue("backgroundColor") : me['username'].style.backgroundColor);
            echo $tabs->fieldJS;
	if (me['username'].value == "") {
		errorMSG += "<?php 
            echo str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), ' ', CBTxt::html_entity_decode(_REGWARN_UNAME));
		me['username'].style.backgroundColor = "red";
	} else if (r.exec(me['username'].value) || (me['username'].value.length < 3)) {
		errorMSG += "<?php 
            echo str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), ' ', sprintf(CBTxt::html_entity_decode(_VALID_AZ09), CBTxt::html_entity_decode(_PROMPT_UNAME), 2));
		me['username'].style.backgroundColor = "red";
	} else if (me['username'].style.backgroundColor.slice(0,3)=="red") {
		me['username'].style.backgroundColor = cbDefaultFieldbackgroundColor;
	if ((me['password'].value != "") && (me['password'].value != me['password__verify'].value)){
		errorMSG += "<?php 
            echo CBTxt::html_entity_decode(_REGWARN_VPASS2);
		me['password'].style.backgroundColor = "red"; me['password__verify'].style.backgroundColor = "red";
	} else {
		if (me['password'].style.backgroundColor.slice(0,3)=="red") me['password'].style.backgroundColor = cbDefaultFieldbackgroundColor;
		if (me['password__verify'].style.backgroundColor.slice(0,3)=="red") me['password__verify'].style.backgroundColor = cbDefaultFieldbackgroundColor;
	if (!$('input[name^=\"gid\"],select[name^=\"gid\"]').val()) {
		errorMSG += '<?php 
            echo addslashes(CBTxt::T('You must assign user to a group.'));
' + "\n";

	// loop through all input elements in form
	var fieldErrorMessages = new Array;
	for (var i=0; i < me.length; i++) {
		// check if element is mandatory; here mosReq=1
		if ( (typeof(me[i].getAttribute('mosReq')) != "undefined") && ( me[i].getAttribute('mosReq') == 1) ) {
			if (me[i].type == 'radio' || me[i].type == 'checkbox') {
				var rOptions = me[me[i].getAttribute('name')];
				var rChecked = 0;
				if(rOptions.length > 1) {
					for (var r=0; r < rOptions.length; r++) {
						if ( (typeof(rOptions[r].getAttribute('mosReq')) != "undefined") && ( rOptions[r].getAttribute('mosReq') == 1) ) {
							if (rOptions[r].checked) {
				} else {
					if (me[i].checked) {
				if(rChecked==0) {
					for (var k=0; k < me.length; k++) {
						if (me[i].getAttribute('name') == me[k].getAttribute('name')) {
							if (me[k].checked) {
				if(rChecked==0) {
					var alreadyFlagged = false;
					for (var j = 0, n = fieldErrorMessages.length; j < n; j++) {
						if (fieldErrorMessages[j] == me[i].getAttribute('name')) {
							alreadyFlagged = true;
					if ( ! alreadyFlagged ) {
						// add up all error messages
						errorMSG += me[i].getAttribute('mosLabel') + ' : <?php 
            echo CBTxt::html_entity_decode(_UE_REQUIRED_ERROR);
						// notify user by changing background color, in this case to red
						me[i].style.backgroundColor = "red";
				} else if (me[i].style.backgroundColor.slice(0,3)=="red") me[i].style.backgroundColor = cbDefaultFieldbackgroundColor;
			if (me[i].value == '') {
				// add up all error messages
				errorMSG += me[i].getAttribute('mosLabel') + ' : <?php 
            echo CBTxt::html_entity_decode(_UE_REQUIRED_ERROR);
				// notify user by changing background color, in this case to red
				me[i].style.backgroundColor = "red";
			} else if (me[i].style.backgroundColor.slice(0,3)=="red") me[i].style.backgroundColor = cbDefaultFieldbackgroundColor;
	if(iserror==1) {
		return false;
	} else {
		return true;
$('#cbcheckedadminForm').submit( cbFrmSubmitButton );
$('div.cbtoolbaractions .cbtoolbaraction').click( function() {
		if ( $(this).attr('href') ) {
			var taskVal = $(this).attr('href').substring(1);
		} else if ( $(this).attr('value') ) {
			taskVal = $(this).attr('value').substring(1);
		$('#cbcheckedadminForm input[name=task]').val( taskVal );
		if (taskVal == 'showusers') {
			$('#userEditTable input').val('');
		} else {
		return false;
	} );
            $cbjavascript = ob_get_contents();
            // end of old way
        if (is_array($results)) {
            echo implode('', $results);
<div id="cbErrorMessages"></div>
<form action="<?php 
        echo $_CB_framework->backendUrl('index.php');
" method="post" name="adminForm" id="cbcheckedadminForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" autocomplete="off">
        echo "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4' border='0' width='100%' id='userEditTable'><tr><td width='100%'>\n";
        echo $tabcontent;
        echo "</td></tr></table>";
  <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php 
        echo $user->id;
" />
  <input type="hidden" name="newCBuser" value="<?php 
        echo $newCBuser;
" />
  <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php 
        echo $option;
" />
  <input type="hidden" name="task" value="save" />
        echo cbGetSpoofInputTag('user');
<div style="align:center;">
        echo getFieldIcons(2, true, true, "", "", true);
        if (isset($_REQUEST['tab'])) {
            $_CB_framework->outputCbJQuery("showCBTab( '" . addslashes(urldecode(stripslashes(cbGetParam($_REQUEST, 'tab')))) . "' );");
function finishInstallation($option)
    global $_CB_framework, $ueConfig, $task;
    // Try extending time, as unziping/ftping took already quite some... :
    $tgzFile = $_CB_framework->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/pluginsfiles.tgz';
    $installerFile = $_CB_framework->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/';
    if (file_exists($installerFile . 'comprofiler.xml')) {
        $installerFile .= 'comprofiler.xml';
    } elseif (file_exists($installerFile . 'comprofilej.xml')) {
        $installerFile .= 'comprofilej.xml';
    } elseif (file_exists($installerFile . 'comprofileg.xml')) {
        $installerFile .= 'comprofileg.xml';
    if (!file_exists($tgzFile)) {
        echo CBTxt::T('UE_NOT_AUTHORIZED', 'You are not authorized to view this page!');
    $installer = new cbInstallerPlugin();
    $client = 2;
    // Check that the zlib is available
    if (!extension_loaded('zlib')) {
        cbInstaller::renderInstallMessage(CBTxt::T('The installer cannot continue before zlib is installed'), CBTxt::T('Installer - Error'), $installer->returnTo($option, $task, $client));
    if (!$installer->upload($tgzFile, true, false)) {
        cbInstaller::renderInstallMessage(sprintf(CBTxt::T('Uncompressing %s failed.'), $tgzFile), CBTxt::T('Installer - Error'), $installer->returnTo($option, '', 2));
    $adminFS = cbAdminFileSystem::getInstance();
    $installFrom = $installer->installDir();
    $filesList = cbReadDirectory($installFrom, '.', true);
    // check if core directories exist as are needed to install plugins:
    $baseDir = $_CB_framework->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/components/com_comprofiler';
    if (!$adminFS->is_dir($baseDir . '/plugin')) {
        if (!$adminFS->mkdir($baseDir . '/plugin')) {
            cbInstaller::renderInstallMessage(sprintf(CBTxt::T('Failed to create directory "%s"'), $baseDir . '/plugin'), CBTxt::T('Installer - Error'), $installer->returnTo($option, '', 2));
        if (!$adminFS->copy($baseDir . '/index.html', $baseDir . '/plugin/index.html')) {
            cbInstaller::renderInstallMessage(sprintf(CBTxt::T('Failed to create index "%s"'), $baseDir . '/plugin/index.html'), CBTxt::T('Installer - Error'), $installer->returnTo($option, '', 2));
    if (!$adminFS->is_dir($baseDir . '/plugin/language')) {
        if (!$adminFS->mkdir($baseDir . '/plugin/language')) {
            cbInstaller::renderInstallMessage(sprintf(CBTxt::T('Failed to create directory "%s"'), $baseDir . '/plugin/language'), CBTxt::T('Installer - Error'), $installer->returnTo($option, '', 2));
        if (!$adminFS->copy($baseDir . '/index.html', $baseDir . '/plugin/language/index.html')) {
            cbInstaller::renderInstallMessage(sprintf(CBTxt::T('Failed to create index "%s"'), $baseDir . '/plugin/language/index.html'), CBTxt::T('Installer - Error'), $installer->returnTo($option, '', 2));
    if (!$adminFS->is_dir($baseDir . '/plugin/templates')) {
        if (!$adminFS->mkdir($baseDir . '/plugin/templates')) {
            cbInstaller::renderInstallMessage(sprintf(CBTxt::T('Failed to create directory "%s"'), $baseDir . '/plugin/templates'), CBTxt::T('Installer - Error'), $installer->returnTo($option, '', 2));
        if (!$adminFS->copy($baseDir . '/index.html', $baseDir . '/plugin/templates/index.html')) {
            cbInstaller::renderInstallMessage(sprintf(CBTxt::T('Failed to create index "%s"'), $baseDir . '/plugin/templates/index.html'), CBTxt::T('Installer - Error'), $installer->returnTo($option, '', 2));
    if (!$adminFS->is_dir($baseDir . '/plugin/user')) {
        if (!$adminFS->mkdir($baseDir . '/plugin/user')) {
            cbInstaller::renderInstallMessage(sprintf(CBTxt::T('Failed to create directory "%s"'), $baseDir . '/plugin/user'), CBTxt::T('Installer - Error'), $installer->returnTo($option, '', 2));
        if (!$adminFS->copy($baseDir . '/index.html', $baseDir . '/plugin/user/index.html')) {
            cbInstaller::renderInstallMessage(sprintf(CBTxt::T('Failed to create index "%s"'), $baseDir . '/plugin/user/index.html'), CBTxt::T('Installer - Error'), $installer->returnTo($option, '', 2));
    // install core plugins:
    foreach ($filesList as $file) {
        if (preg_match('/^.+\\.xml$/i', $file)) {
            $plgPath = $installFrom . (substr($installFrom, -1, 1) == '/' ? '' : '/') . $file;
            $plgXml = new \CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement(trim(file_get_contents($plgPath)));
            if ($plgXml->getName() == 'cbinstall') {
                $plgDir = dirname($plgPath) . '/';
                $plgInstaller = new cbInstallerPlugin();
                if (!$plgInstaller->install($plgDir)) {
                    cbInstaller::renderInstallMessage(sprintf(CBTxt::T('Installing plugin failed with error: %s : %s'), $plgInstaller->i_elementname ? $plgInstaller->i_elementname : $file, $plgInstaller->getError()), CBTxt::T('Installer - Error'), $installer->returnTo($option, '', 2));
    $result = $adminFS->deldir(_cbPathName($installFrom . '/'));
    if ($result === false) {
        cbInstaller::renderInstallMessage(CBTxt::T('Deleting expanded tgz file directory failed with an error.'), CBTxt::T('Installer - Error'), $installer->returnTo($option, '', 2));
    $tgzFileOS = _cbPathName($tgzFile, false);
    $result = $adminFS->unlink($tgzFileOS);
    if ($result === false) {
        cbInstaller::renderInstallMessage(sprintf(CBTxt::T('Deleting file %s failed with an error.'), $tgzFileOS), CBTxt::T('Installer - Error'), $installer->returnTo($option, '', 2));
    // adapt published fields to global CB config (regarding name type)
    $htmlToDisplay = $_CB_framework->getUserState('com_comprofiler_install');
    // clears the session buffer memory after installaion done:
    $_CB_framework->setUserState('com_comprofiler_install', '');
    $installerXml = new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents($installerFile));
    if (is_object($installerXml)) {
        $description = $installerXml->getElementByPath('description');
        if ($description !== false) {
            echo '<h2>' . $description->data() . '</h2>';
    echo $htmlToDisplay;
    echo '<div style="color:green;font-size:18px;font-weight:bold;margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:15px;">' . CBTxt::Th('Installation done.') . '</div>' . '<div style="color:green;font-size:18px;font-weight:bold;margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:15px;">' . CBTxt::Th('Now is a great time to checkout the <a href="[help_url]" target="_blank">Getting Started</a> resources.', null, array('[help_url]' => ';pk_kwd=installedwelcomescreen')) . '</div>' . '<div style="margin-bottom:10px;">' . '<div style="font-size:12px;"><a href=";pk_kwd=installedwelcomescreen" target="_blank">' . CBTxt::Th('Click here to see more CB Plugins (Languages, Fields, Tabs, Signup-Connect, Paid Memberships and over 30 more) by CB Team at') . '</a></div>' . '<div style="font-size:12px;"><a href="" target="_blank">' . CBTxt::Th('Click here to see our CB listing on the Joomla! Extensions Directory (JED) and find third-party add-ons for your website.') . '</a></div>' . '<div style="font-size:12px;margin:10px 0 25px;">or &nbsp; <a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&view=showconfig" class="btn btn-primary">' . CBTxt::Th('Start to Configure Community Builder') . '</a></div>' . '</div>';
    $_CB_framework->setUserState("com_comprofiler_install", '');
    function showUsers(&$rows, &$pageNav, $search, $option, &$lists, &$pluginColumns, $inputTextExtras, $searchTabContent, $canAdmin, $canManage, $canCreate, $canEdit, $canEditOwn, $canEditState)
        global $_CB_framework;
        global $_CB_Backend_Title;
        $_CB_Backend_Title = array(0 => array('cbicon-48-user', CBTxt::T('CB User Manager')));
         * 		Auto-submission was a pain: added 2 buttons in advanced search.
        $('#cbUserListsSearcher select,#cbUserListsSearcher input,#cbUserListsSearcher textarea').live('change', function() {
        	if ( $(this).parent('div').hasClass('cbSearchKind') ) {
        		if ( $(this).val() == '' ) {
        	} else {
        			$cbjavascript	=	ob_get_contents();
        			$_CB_framework->outputCbJQuery( $cbjavascript );
        $colspans = 13 + count($pluginColumns);
<form action="<?php 
        echo $_CB_framework->backendUrl('index.php');
" method="post" name="adminForm" class="cb_form" id="cbshowusersform">
        $this->_userslistFilters($search, $lists, $inputTextExtras, $searchTabContent);
  <table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" class="adminlist">
      <th align="center" colspan="<?php 
        echo $colspans;
"> <?php 
        echo $pageNav->writePagesLinks();
      <th width="1%" class="title"><?php 
        echo CBTxt::T('#');
      <th width="3%" class="title">
      	<input type="checkbox" name="toggle" value="" <?php 
        echo 'onClick="cbToggleAll( this, ' . count($rows) . ', \'cb\' );"';
      <th width="23%" class="title"><?php 
        echo CBTxt::T('Name');
      <th width="12%" class="title"><?php 
        echo CBTxt::T('UserName');
      <th width="3%" class="title" nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
        echo CBTxt::T('Logged In');
        foreach ($pluginColumns as $name => $content) {
	  <th width="15%" class="title"><?php 
            echo $name;

      <th width="12%" class="title"><?php 
        echo CBTxt::T('Group');
      <th width="13%" class="title"><?php 
        echo CBTxt::T('E-Mail');
      <th width="8%" class="title"><?php 
        echo CBTxt::T('Registered');
      <th width="8%" class="title" nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
        echo CBTxt::T('Last Visit');
      <th width="3%" class="title"><?php 
        echo CBTxt::T('Enabled');
      <th width="3%" class="title"><?php 
        echo CBTxt::T('Confirmed');
      <th width="3%" class="title"><?php 
        echo CBTxt::T('Approved');
      <th width="1%" class="title"><?php 
        echo CBTxt::T('ID');
        $k = 0;
        $imgpath = '../components/com_comprofiler/images/';
        for ($i = 0, $n = count($rows); $i < $n; $i++) {
            $row =& $rows[$i];
            $img = $row->block ? 'publish_x.png' : 'tick.png';
            $task = $row->block ? 'unblock' : 'block';
            $hover1 = $row->block ? CBTxt::T('Blocked') : CBTxt::T('Enabled');
            switch ($row->approved) {
                case 0:
                    $img2 = 'pending.png';
                    $task2 = 'approve';
                    $hover = CBTxt::T('Pending Approval');
                case 1:
                    $img2 = 'tick.png';
                    $task2 = 'reject';
                    $hover = CBTxt::T('Approved');
                case 2:
                    $img2 = 'publish_x.png';
                    $task2 = 'approve';
                    $hover = CBTxt::T('Rejected');
            $img3 = $row->confirmed ? 'tick.png' : 'publish_x.png';
            // $task3 = $row->confirmed ?   'reject' : 'approve';
            $hover3 = $row->confirmed ? CBTxt::T('confirmed') : CBTxt::T('unconfirmed');
    <tr class="<?php 
            echo "row{$k}";
            echo $i + 1 + $pageNav->limitstart;
      	<input type="checkbox" id="cb<?php 
            echo $i;
" name="cid[]" value="<?php 
            echo $row->id;
" onClick="cbIsChecked(this.checked);" />
            if ($canEdit && $row->id != $_CB_framework->myId() || $canEditOwn && $row->id == $_CB_framework->myId()) {
        <a href="#edit" onClick="return cbListItemTask( this, 'edit', null, null, 'cb', '<?php 
                echo $i;
' )">
                echo htmlspecialchars($row->name);
            } else {
                echo htmlspecialchars($row->name);
            if (checkJversion() >= 2) {
      		<div class="fltrt">
                if (version_compare(checkJversion('release'), '2.5', '>=') && $canManage) {
                    if ($row->note_count) {
                        // Filter notes:
                        echo '<a href="' . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_users&view=notes&filter_search=uid:' . (int) $row->id) . '">' . JHtml::_('image', 'admin/filter_16.png', 'COM_USERS_NOTES', array('title' => JText::_('COM_USERS_FILTER_NOTES'), 'height' => '16', 'width' => '16'), true) . '</a>';
                        // Show notes:
                        echo '<a class="modal"' . ' href="' . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_users&view=notes&tmpl=component&layout=modal&u_id=' . (int) $row->id) . '"' . ' rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x: 800, y: 450}}">' . JHtml::_('image', 'menu/icon-16-user-note.png', 'COM_USERS_NOTES', array('title' => JText::plural('COM_USERS_N_USER_NOTES', $row->note_count), 'height' => '16', 'width' => '16'), true) . '</a>';
                    if ($canCreate) {
                        echo '<a href="' . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_users&task=note.add&u_id=' . (int) $row->id) . '">' . JHtml::_('image', 'admin/note_add_16.png', 'COM_USERS_NOTES', array('title' => JText::_('COM_USERS_ADD_NOTE'), 'height' => '16', 'width' => '16'), true) . '</a>';
                if (($_CB_framework->acl->amIaSuperAdmin() || $canAdmin && $canManage) && $_CB_framework->getCfg('debug')) {
			<div class="fltrt">
				<a href="<?php 
                    echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_users&view=debuguser&user_id=' . (int) $row->id);
                    echo JHtml::_('image', 'menu/icon-16-stats.png', 'COM_USERS_DEBUG_USER', array('title' => JText::_('COM_USERS_DEBUG_USER'), 'height' => '16', 'width' => '16'), true);
            echo htmlspecialchars($row->username);
      <td align="center"><?php 
            echo $row->loggedin ? '<img src="' . $imgpath . 'tick.png" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="" />' : '';
            foreach ($pluginColumns as $name => $content) {
                echo $content[$row->id];

            echo $row->groupname;
      <td><a href="mailto:<?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars($row->email);
            echo htmlspecialchars($row->email);
            echo cbFormatDate($row->registerDate);
            echo cbFormatDate($row->lastvisitDate);
      <td width="10%">
            if ($canEditState) {
      	<a href="javascript: void(0);" onClick="return cbListItemTask( this, '<?php 
                echo $task;
', null, null, 'cb', '<?php 
                echo $i;
' )">
      		<img src="<?php 
            echo $imgpath . $img;
" width="16" height="16" border="0" title="<?php 
            echo $hover1;
" alt="<?php 
            echo $hover1;
" />
            if ($canEditState) {
      <td width="10%">
      	<img src="<?php 
            echo $imgpath . $img3;
" width="16" height="16" border="0" title="<?php 
            echo $hover3;
" alt="<?php 
            echo $hover3;
" />
      <td width="10%">
            if ($canEditState) {
      	<a href="javascript: void(0);" onClick="return cbListItemTask( this, '<?php 
                echo $task2;
', null, null, 'cb', '<?php 
                echo $i;
' )">
      		<img src="<?php 
            echo $imgpath . $img2;
" width="16" height="16" border="0" title="<?php 
            echo $hover;
" alt="<?php 
            echo $hover;
" />
            if ($canEditState) {
            echo $row->id;

            $k = 1 - $k;
      <th align="center" colspan="<?php 
        echo $colspans;
"> <?php 
        echo $pageNav->getListFooter();
  <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php 
        echo $option;
" />
  <input type="hidden" name="task" value="showusers" />
  <input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="0" />
        echo cbGetSpoofInputTag('user');
Esempio n. 7
  * Sends legacy mass mailer
  * @deprecated 2.0
  * @param  UserTable[]  $rows
  * @param  string       $emailSubject
  * @param  string       $emailBody
  * @param  string       $emailAttach
  * @param  string       $emailFromName
  * @param  string       $emailFromAddr
  * @param  string       $emailReplyName
  * @param  string       $emailReplyAddr
  * @param  int          $emailsPerBatch
  * @param  int          $emailsBatch
  * @param  int          $emailPause
  * @param  bool         $simulationMode
  * @param  array        $pluginRows
  * @return void
 public function startEmailUsers($rows, $emailSubject, $emailBody, $emailAttach, $emailFromName, $emailFromAddr, $emailReplyName, $emailReplyAddr, $emailsPerBatch, $emailsBatch, $emailPause, $simulationMode, $pluginRows)
     global $_CB_framework, $_CB_Backend_Title;
     $_CB_Backend_Title = array(0 => array('fa fa-envelope-o', CBTxt::T('Community Builder: Sending Mass Mailer')));
     $userIds = array();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $userIds[] = (int) $row->id;
     $cbSpoofField = cbSpoofField();
     $cbSpoofString = cbSpoofString(null, 'cbadmingui');
     $regAntiSpamFieldName = cbGetRegAntiSpamFieldName();
     $regAntiSpamValues = cbGetRegAntiSpams();
     $maximumBatches = count($rows) / $emailsPerBatch;
     if ($maximumBatches < 1) {
         $maximumBatches = 1;
     $progressPerBatch = round(100 / $maximumBatches);
     $delayInMilliseconds = $emailPause ? 0 : $emailPause * 1000;
     $js = "var cbbatchemail = function( batch, emailsbatch, emailsperbatch ) {" . "\$.ajax({" . "type: 'POST'," . "url: '" . addslashes($_CB_framework->backendViewUrl('ajaxemailusers', false, array(), 'raw')) . "'," . "dataType: 'json'," . "data: {" . "emailsubject: '" . addslashes($emailSubject) . "'," . "emailbody: '" . addslashes(rawurlencode($emailBody)) . "'," . "emailattach: '" . addslashes($emailAttach) . "'," . "emailfromname: '" . addslashes($emailFromName) . "'," . "emailfromaddr: '" . addslashes($emailFromAddr) . "'," . "emailreplyname: '" . addslashes($emailReplyName) . "'," . "emailreplyaddr: '" . addslashes($emailReplyAddr) . "'," . "emailsperbatch: emailsperbatch," . "emailsbatch: emailsbatch," . "emailpause: '" . addslashes($emailPause) . "'," . "simulationmode: '" . addslashes($simulationMode) . "'," . "cid: " . json_encode($userIds) . "," . $cbSpoofField . ": '" . addslashes($cbSpoofString) . "'," . $regAntiSpamFieldName . ": '" . addslashes($regAntiSpamValues[0]) . "'" . "}," . "success: function( data, textStatus, jqXHR ) {" . "if ( data.result == 1 ) {" . "var progress = ( " . (int) $progressPerBatch . " * batch ) + '%';" . "\$( '#cbProgressIndicatorBar > .progress-bar' ).css({ width: progress });" . "\$( '#cbProgressIndicatorBar > .progress-bar > span' ).html( progress );" . "\$( '#cbProgressIndicator' ).html( data.htmlcontent );" . "setTimeout( cbbatchemail( ( batch + 1 ), ( emailsbatch + emailsperbatch ), emailsperbatch ), " . (int) $delayInMilliseconds . " );" . "} else if ( data.result == 2 ) {" . "\$( '#cbProgressIndicatorBar' ).removeClass( 'progress-striped active' );" . "\$( '#cbProgressIndicatorBar > .progress-bar' ).css({ width: '100%' });" . "\$( '#cbProgressIndicatorBar > .progress-bar' ).addClass( 'progress-bar-success' );" . "\$( '#cbProgressIndicatorBar > .progress-bar > span' ).html( '100%' );" . "\$( '#cbProgressIndicator' ).html( data.htmlcontent );" . "} else {" . "\$( '#cbProgressIndicatorBar' ).removeClass( 'progress-striped active' );" . "\$( '#cbProgressIndicatorBar > .progress-bar' ).css({ width: '100%' });" . "\$( '#cbProgressIndicatorBar > .progress-bar' ).addClass( 'progress-bar-danger' );" . "\$( '#cbProgressIndicatorBar > .progress-bar > span' ).html( '" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Email failed to send')) . "' );" . "\$( '#cbProgressIndicator' ).html( data.htmlcontent );" . "}" . "}," . "error: function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {" . "\$( '#cbProgressIndicatorBar' ).removeClass( 'progress-striped active' );" . "\$( '#cbProgressIndicatorBar > .progress-bar' ).css({ width: '100%' });" . "\$( '#cbProgressIndicatorBar > .progress-bar' ).addClass( 'progress-bar-danger' );" . "\$( '#cbProgressIndicatorBar > .progress-bar > span' ).html( '" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Email failed to send')) . "' );" . "\$( '#cbProgressIndicator' ).html( errorThrown );" . "}" . "});" . "};" . "cbbatchemail( 1, " . (int) $emailsBatch . ", " . (int) $emailsPerBatch . " );";
     $return = '<form action="' . $_CB_framework->backendUrl('index.php') . '" method="post" id="cbmailbatchform" name="adminForm" class="cb_form form-auto cbEmailUsersBatchForm">';
     if ($simulationMode) {
         $return .= '<div class="form-group cb_form_line clearfix">' . '<label class="control-label col-sm-3">' . CBTxt::T('MASS_MAILER_SIMULATION_MODE_LABEL', 'Simulation Mode') . '</label>' . '<div class="cb_field col-sm-9">' . '<div><input type="checkbox" name="simulationmode" id="simulationmode" checked="checked" disabled="disabled" /> <label for="simulationmode">' . CBTxt::T('Do not send emails, just show me how it works') . '</label></div>' . '</div>' . '</div>';
     $return .= $this->_pluginRows($pluginRows) . '<div class="form-group cb_form_line clearfix">' . '<label class="control-label col-sm-3">' . CBTxt::T('SEND_EMAIL_TO_TOTAL_USERS', 'Send Email to [total] users', array('[total]' => (int) count($rows))) . '</label>' . '<div class="cb_field col-sm-9">' . '<div>' . '<div id="cbProgressIndicatorBar" class="progress progress-striped active">' . '<div class="progress-bar" style="width: 0%;">' . '<span></span>' . '</div>' . '</div>' . '<div id="cbProgressIndicator"></div>' . '</div>' . '</div>' . '</div>' . $this->_pluginRows($pluginRows);
     if (!$simulationMode) {
         $return .= '<input type="hidden" name="simulationmode" value="' . htmlspecialchars($simulationMode) . '" />';
     $return .= '<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_comprofiler" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="view" value="ajaxemailusers" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="0" />';
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $return .= '<input type="hidden" name="cid[]" value="' . (int) $row->id . '">';
     $return .= cbGetSpoofInputTag('user') . '</form>';
     echo $return;
    function edittab(&$row, $option, &$lists, $tabid, &$paramsEditorHtml)
        global $_CB_framework, $task, $_CB_database, $_PLUGINS;
        global $_CB_Backend_Title;
        $_CB_Backend_Title = array(0 => array('cbicon-48-tabs', CBTxt::T('Community Builder Tab') . ": <small>" . ($row->tabid ? CBTxt::T('Edit') . ' [ ' . htmlspecialchars(getLangDefinition($row->title)) . ' ]' : CBTxt::T('New')) . '</small>'));
        if ($row->tabid && !$row->enabled) {
            echo '<div class="cbWarning">' . CBTxt::T('Tab is not published') . '</div>' . "\n";
        $editorSave_description = $_CB_framework->saveCmsEditorJS('description');
		function submitbutton(pressbutton) {
			var form = document.adminForm;
			if (pressbutton == 'showTab') {
        echo $editorSave_description;
				cbsubmitform( pressbutton );
			var r = new RegExp("[^0-9A-Za-z]", "i");

			// do field validation
			if (jQuery.trim(form.title.value) == "") {
        echo addslashes(CBTxt::T('You must provide a title.'));
			} else {
        echo $editorSave_description;
				cbsubmitform( pressbutton );
        $js = ob_get_contents();
	<div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:10000;"></div>

	<form action="<?php 
        echo $_CB_framework->backendUrl('index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=saveTab');
" method="POST" name="adminForm">
	<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
	<tr valign="top">
		<td width="60%" valign="top">
			<table class="adminform">
				<th colspan="3">
        echo CBTxt::T('Tab Details');
				<td width="20%"><?php 
        echo CBTxt::T('Title');
				<td width="35%"><input type="text" name="title" class="inputbox" size="40" value="<?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars($row->title);
" /></td>
				<td width="45%"><?php 
        echo CBTxt::T('Title as will appear on tab.');
				<td colspan="3"><?php 
        echo CBTxt::T('Description: This description appears only on user edit, not on profile (For profile text, use delimiter fields)');
				<td colspan="3" align="left"><?php 
        echo $_CB_framework->displayCmsEditor('description', $row->description, 600, 200, 50, 10);
        // <textarea name="description" class="inputbox" cols="40" rows="10">< ?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->description ); ? ></textarea>
        echo CBTxt::T('Publish');
        echo $lists['enabled'];
        echo CBTxt::T('Profile ordering');
        echo $lists['ordering'];
        echo CBTxt::T('Tabs and fields on profile are ordered as follows:');
        echo CBTxt::T('position of tab on user profile (top-down, left-right)');
        echo CBTxt::T('This ordering of tab on position of user profile');
        echo CBTxt::T('ordering of field within tab position of user profile.');
        echo CBTxt::T('Registration ordering');
<br /><?php 
        echo CBTxt::T('(default value: 10)');
        echo $lists['ordering_register'];
        echo CBTxt::T('Tabs and fields on registration are ordered as follows:');
        echo CBTxt::T('This registration ordering of tab');
        echo CBTxt::T('position of tab on user profile (top-down, left-right)');
        echo CBTxt::T('ordering of tab on position of user profile');
        echo CBTxt::T('ordering of field within tab position of user profile.');
        echo CBTxt::T('Position');
        echo $lists['position'];
        echo CBTxt::T('Position on profile and ordering on registration.');
        echo CBTxt::T('Display type');
        echo $lists['displaytype'];
        echo CBTxt::T('In which way the content of this tab will be displayed on the profile.');
        echo CBTxt::Th('View Access Level');
        echo $lists['viewaccesslevel'];
        echo CBTxt::Th('Only users which are in groups assigned to this View Access Level will see this tab.') . ($lists['useraccessgroup'] ? ' (' . CBTxt::Th('New method working in all Joomla and Mambo versions') . ')' : '');
        if ($lists['useraccessgroup']) {
            echo CBTxt::Th('User Group to allow access to') . (checkJversion() >= 2 ? '<br /><em>(' . CBTxt::Th("Old deprecated method of Joomla 1.5, do not use here") . '. ' . CBTxt::Th('Keep setting "-- Everybody --" and Use View Access Level above instead') . ')</em>' : '');
            echo $lists['useraccessgroup'];
            echo CBTxt::Ph('Old Joomla [VERSION] method', array('[VERSION]' => '1.0 and 1.5 and Mambo')) . ': ' . CBTxt::Th('This method is kept for backwards compatibility but will be removed at next major Community Builder version.') . '<br />' . CBTxt::Th('Use View Access Level above instead and set this Group setting to - "Everybody" -.') . ' ' . CBTxt::Th('All groups above that level will also have access to this tab.');
		<td width="40%">
			<table class="adminform">
				<th colspan="2">
        echo CBTxt::T('Parameters');
        if ($row->tabid && $row->pluginid > 0) {
            $plugin = new moscomprofilerPlugin($_CB_database);
            $plugin->load((int) $row->pluginid);
            // fail if checked out not by 'me'
            if ($plugin->checked_out && $plugin->checked_out != $_CB_framework->myId()) {
                echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('" . addslashes(sprintf(CBTxt::T('The plugin %s is currently being edited by another administrator'), $plugin->name)) . "'); document.location.href='" . $_CB_framework->backendUrl("index.php?option={$option}") . "'</script>\n";
            // get params values
            if ($plugin->type !== "language" && $plugin->id) {
                $_PLUGINS->loadPluginGroup($plugin->type, array((int) $plugin->id), 0);
            $element = $_PLUGINS->loadPluginXML('editTab', $row->pluginclass, $plugin->id);
            					$xmlfile = $_CB_framework->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/' .$plugin->type . '/'.$plugin->folder . '/' . $plugin->element .'.xml';
            					// $params = new cbParameters( $row->params, $xmlfile );
            					$xmlDoc = new CBSimpleXML();
            					if ( $xmlDoc->loadFile( $xmlfile ) ) {
            						$element =& $xmlDoc->document;
            					} else {
            						$element = null;
            $pluginParams = new cbParamsBase($plugin->params);
            $params = new cbParamsEditorController($row->params, $element, $element, $plugin, $row->tabid);
            $options = array('option' => $option, 'task' => $task, 'pluginid' => $row->pluginid, 'tabid' => $row->tabid);
            echo $params->draw('params', 'tabs', 'tab', 'class', $row->pluginclass);
        } else {
            echo '<em>' . CBTxt::T('No Parameters') . '</em>';
        if ($paramsEditorHtml) {
            foreach ($paramsEditorHtml as $paramsEditorHtmlBlock) {
					<table class="adminform" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
							<th colspan="2">
                echo $paramsEditorHtmlBlock['title'];
                echo $paramsEditorHtmlBlock['content'];
  <input type="hidden" name="tabid" value="<?php 
        echo $row->tabid;
" />
  <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php 
        echo $option;
" />
  <input type="hidden" name="task" value="" />
        if (!$lists['useraccessgroup']) {
  <input type="hidden" name="useraccessgroupid" value="-2" />
        echo cbGetSpoofInputTag('tab');
	static function secureAboveForm( $functionName ) {
		return _CBsecureAboveForm( $functionName );
     * Writes the edit form for new and existing module
     * A new record is defined when <var>$row</var> is passed with the <var>id</var>
     * property set to 0.
     * @param moscomprofilerPlugin $row
     * @param array of string $lists  An array of select lists
     * @param cbParamsEditor $params
     * @param string $option of component.
    function editPlugin(&$row, &$lists, &$params, $options)
        global $_CB_framework, $_PLUGINS;
        $nameA = '';
        $filesInstalled = true;
        if ($row->id) {
            $nameA = '[ ' . htmlspecialchars(getLangDefinition($row->name)) . ' ]';
            $xmlfile = $_PLUGINS->getPluginXmlPath($row);
            $filesInstalled = file_exists($xmlfile);
        global $_CB_Backend_Title;
        $_CB_Backend_Title = array(0 => array('cbicon-48-plugins', CBTxt::T('Community Builder Plugin') . ": <small>" . ($row->id ? CBTxt::T('Edit') . ' ' . $nameA : CBTxt::T('New')) . '</small>'));
        if ($row->id && !$row->published) {
            echo '<div class="cbWarning">' . CBTxt::T('Plugin is not published') . '</div>' . "\n";
		<form action="<?php 
        echo $_CB_framework->backendUrl('index.php');
" method="post" name="adminForm">
		<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
		<tr valign="top">
			<td width="60%" valign="top">
				<table class="adminform">
					<th colspan="2">
        echo CBTxt::T('Plugin Common Settings');
					<td width="100" align="left">
        echo CBTxt::T('Name');
					<input class="text_area" type="text" name="name" size="35" value="<?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars($row->name);
        /* ideally a translation of this field should be given and this field be not editable */
" />
					<td valign="top" align="left">
        echo CBTxt::T('Plugin Order');
        echo $lists['ordering'];
					<td valign="top" align="left">
        echo CBTxt::T('Access Level');
        echo $lists['access'];
					<td valign="top">
        echo CBTxt::T('Published');
        echo $lists['published'];
					<td valign="top" colspan="2">&nbsp;

					<td valign="top">
        echo CBTxt::T('Description');
        echo CBTxt::T($row->description);
					<td valign="top" align="left">
        echo CBTxt::T('Folder / File');
        echo $lists['type'] . "/" . htmlspecialchars($row->element) . ".php";
        if ($filesInstalled && $row->id) {
            $settingsHtml = $params->draw('params', 'views', 'view', 'type', 'settings');
            if ($settingsHtml) {
				<table class="adminform">
                echo htmlspecialchars($row->name);
                echo CBTxt::T('Specific Plugin Settings');
					<td width="100%" align="left"><?php 
                echo $settingsHtml;
			<td width="40%">
				<table class="adminform" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
					<th colspan="2">
        echo CBTxt::T('Parameters');
        if ($filesInstalled && $row->id) {
            echo $params->draw();
        } elseif (!$filesInstalled) {
            echo '<strong><font style="color:red;">' . CBTxt::T('Plugin not installed') . '</font></strong><br />';
            echo $params->draw();
        } else {
            echo '<em>' . CBTxt::T('No Parameters') . '</em>';

		<input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php 
        echo $options['option'];
" />
		<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php 
        echo $row->id;
" />
		<input type="hidden" name="task" value="editPlugin" />
        echo cbGetSpoofInputTag('plugin');
Esempio n. 11
	function showUsers( &$rows, &$pageNav, $search, $option, &$lists, &$pluginColumns, $inputTextExtras, $searchTabContent ) {
		global $_CB_framework;


		outputCbTemplate( 2 );
		outputCbJs( 2 );

		global $_CB_Backend_Title;
		$_CB_Backend_Title	=	array( 0 => array( 'cbicon-48-user', CBTxt::T('CB User Manager') ) );

 * 		Auto-submission was a pain: added 2 buttons in advanced search.
$('#cbUserListsSearcher select,#cbUserListsSearcher input,#cbUserListsSearcher textarea').live('change', function() {
	if ( $(this).parent('div').hasClass('cbSearchKind') ) {
		if ( $(this).val() == '' ) {
	} else {

			$cbjavascript	=	ob_get_contents();
			$_CB_framework->outputCbJQuery( $cbjavascript );
			$_CB_framework->outputCbJQuery( '' );

			$colspans			=	13 + count( $pluginColumns );
<form action="<?php echo $_CB_framework->backendUrl( 'index.php' ); ?>" method="post" name="adminForm" class="cb_form" id="cbshowusersform">
		$this->_userslistFilters( $search, $lists, $inputTextExtras, $searchTabContent );
  <table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" class="adminlist">
      <th align="center" colspan="<?php echo $colspans; ?>"> <?php echo $pageNav->writePagesLinks(); ?></th>
      <th width="1%" class="title"><?php echo CBTxt::T('#'); ?></th>
      <th width="3%" class="title"> <input type="checkbox" name="toggle" value="" <?php echo 'onClick="checkAll(' . count($rows) . ');"'; ?> />
      <th width="15%" class="title"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Name'); ?></th>
      <th width="10%" class="title"><?php echo CBTxt::T('UserName'); ?></th>
      <th width="5%" class="title" nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Logged In'); ?></th>
		foreach ( $pluginColumns as $name => $content ) {
	  <th width="15%" class="title"><?php echo $name; ?></th>

      <th width="15%" class="title"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Group'); ?></th>
      <th width="15%" class="title"><?php echo CBTxt::T('E-Mail'); ?></th>
      <th width="10%" class="title"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Registered'); ?></th>
      <th width="10%" class="title" nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Last Visit'); ?></th>
      <th width="5%" class="title"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Enabled'); ?></th>
      <th width="5%" class="title"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Confirmed'); ?></th>
      <th width="5%" class="title"><?php echo CBTxt::T('Approved'); ?></th>
      <th width="1%" class="title"><?php echo CBTxt::T('ID'); ?></th>
		$k = 0;
		for ($i=0, $n=count( $rows ); $i < $n; $i++) {
			$row =& $rows[$i];
			$img = $row->block ? 'publish_x.png' : 'tick.png';
			$task = $row->block ? 'unblock' : 'block';
			$hover1 = $row->block ? CBTxt::T('Blocked') : CBTxt::T('Enabled');

			switch ($row->approved) {
				case 0:
	        		$img2 = 'pending.png';
	        		$task2 = 'approve';
					$hover = CBTxt::T('Pending Approval');
				case 1:
	        		$img2 = 'tick.png';
	        		$task2 = 'reject';
					$hover = CBTxt::T('Approved');
				case 2:
	        		$img2 = 'publish_x.png';
	        		$task2 = 'approve';
					$hover = CBTxt::T('Rejected');


		        $img3 = $row->confirmed ?  'tick.png' : 'publish_x.png';
		        // $task3 = $row->confirmed ?   'reject' : 'approve';
		        $hover3 = $row->confirmed ?   CBTxt::T('confirmed') : CBTxt::T('unconfirmed');

    <tr class="<?php echo "row$k"; ?>">
      <td><?php echo $i+1+$pageNav->limitstart;?></td>
      <td><input type="checkbox" id="cb<?php echo $i;?>" name="cid[]" value="<?php echo $row->id; ?>" onClick="isChecked(this.checked);" /></td>
      <td> <a href="#edit" onClick="return listItemTask('cb<?php echo $i;?>','edit')">
        <?php echo $row->name; ?> </a> </td>
      <td><?php echo $row->username; ?></td>
      <td align="center"><?php echo $row->loggedin ? '<img src="' . $imgpath . 'tick.png" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="" />': ''; ?></td>
		foreach ( $pluginColumns as $name => $content ) {
	  <td><?php echo $content[$row->id]; ?></td>

      <td><?php echo $row->groupname; ?></td>
      <td><a href="mailto:<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->email ); ?>"><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $row->email ); ?></a></td>
      <td><?php echo cbFormatDate( $row->registerDate ); ?></td>
      <td><?php echo cbFormatDate( $row->lastvisitDate ); ?></td>
      <td width="10%"><a href="javascript: void(0);" onClick="return listItemTask('cb<?php echo $i;?>','<?php echo $task;?>')"><img src="<?php echo $imgpath.$img;?>" width="16" height="16" border="0" title="<?php echo $hover1; ?>" alt="<?php echo $hover1; ?>" /></a></td>
      <td width="10%"><img src="<?php echo $imgpath.$img3;?>" width="16" height="16" border="0" title="<?php echo $hover3; ?>" alt="<?php echo $hover3; ?>" /></td>
      <td width="10%"><a href="javascript: void(0);" onClick="return listItemTask('cb<?php echo $i;?>','<?php echo $task2;?>')"><img src="<?php echo $imgpath.$img2;?>" width="16" height="16" border="0" title="<?php echo $hover; ?>" alt="<?php echo $hover; ?>" /></a></td>
      <td><?php echo $row->id; ?></td>

    <?php $k = 1 - $k;
      <th align="center" colspan="<?php echo $colspans; ?>"> <?php echo $pageNav->getListFooter(); ?></th>
  <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option;?>" />
  <input type="hidden" name="task" value="showusers" />
  <input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="0" />
	echo cbGetSpoofInputTag( 'user' );
<?php }