<?php if (isset($_COOKIE['userid'])) { $now = datetime(); $online = WhoIsOnline($now); echo "<h3>Online Now:</h3><div id='users'>Registered users online: "; foreach ($online as $ol) { echo "<span>" . $ol[0] . "</span>,"; } echo "</div>"; } include 'views/footer.php';
echo '<a href="' . api_get_self() . '?' . Security::remove_XSS($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) . '&export=csv"><img src="../img/excel.gif"> ' . get_lang('ExportAsCSV') . '</a>'; if (!empty($a_infosUser['email'])) { $sendMail = Display::encrypted_mailto_link($a_infosUser['email'], get_lang('SendMail')); } else { $sendMail = Display::return_icon('send_mail.gif', get_lang('SendMail')) . ' ' . get_lang('SendMail'); } echo $sendMail; if (!empty($_GET['student']) && !empty($_GET['course'])) { //only show link to connection details if course and student were defined in the URL echo '<a href="access_details.php?student=' . Security::remove_XSS($_GET['student']) . '&course=' . Security::remove_XSS($_GET['course']) . '&origin=' . Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin']) . '&cidReq=' . Security::remove_XSS($_GET['course']) . '">' . Display::return_icon('statistics.gif', get_lang('AccessDetails')) . ' ' . get_lang('AccessDetails') . '</a>'; } echo '</div>'; // is the user online ? $statistics_database = Database::get_statistic_database(); $student_on_line = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['student']); $a_usersOnline = WhoIsOnline($student_on_line, $statistics_database, 30); foreach ($a_usersOnline as $a_online) { if (in_array($_GET['student'], $a_online)) { $online = get_lang('Yes'); break; } else { $online = get_lang('No'); } } $avg_student_progress = $avg_student_score = $nb_courses = 0; $sql = 'SELECT course_code FROM ' . $tbl_course_user . ' WHERE user_id=' . Database::escape_string($a_infosUser['user_id']); $rs = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $a_courses = array(); while ($row = Database::fetch_array($rs)) { $a_courses[$row['course_code']] = $row['course_code']; }