Esempio n. 1
/*ip address of user */
$gameId = $_POST['gameId'];
/*get game id*/
$userId = GetIdFromConnections($ip);
/*get user id associated with this ip*/
$player_Pos = $_POST['latLng'];
/*get the players current lat, lng*/
$itemId = $_POST['item'];
/*get the itemId to be picked up*/
/*validate ip is associated with a user*/
$message['ITEMSFOUND'] = null;
$message['MyItemsList'] = null;
if ($userId != null) {
    /*Verify the user is part of this game*/
    if (IsPlayerInGame($gameId, $userId) == true) {
        UpdatePlayerLocation($gameId, $userId, $player_Pos["lat"], $player_Pos["lng"]);
        /*set players location*/
        /*Verify that user is in range of item to be picked up*/
        if (UserInRangeOfItem($gameId, $userId, $itemId) == true) {
            /*Check if item needs a key and use if needed and player has key */
            if (UseKeyIfNeeded($gameId, $userId, $itemId) == true) {
                AsignItemToPlayer($gameId, $userId, $itemId);
                /*asign the item to the player*/
            } else {
                $message['NOKEY'] = "need the key";
        $activeItems = GetActiveItems($gameId);
        /*get the items in game*/
        while ($r = $activeItems->fetch_assoc()) {
            $message['ITEMSFOUND'][] = $r;
Esempio n. 2
$message = array();
/*message to be returned*/
$userId = GetIdFromConnections($ip);
/*get user id associated with this ip*/
$player_Lat = $_POST['lat'];
/*get the players current lat*/
$player_Lng = $_POST['lng'];
/*get the players current lng*/
/*validate ip is associated with a user*/
$message['ITEMSFOUND'] = null;
$message['PlayersInGame'] = null;
$message['MyItemsList'] = null;
if ($userId != null) {
    /*Verify the user is part of this game*/
    if (IsPlayerInGame($gameId, $userId) == true) {
        UpdatePlayerLocation($gameId, $userId, $player_Lat, $player_Lng);
        /*set players location*/
        $activeItems = GetActiveItems($gameId);
        /*get the items in game*/
        while ($r = $activeItems->fetch_assoc()) {
            $message['ITEMSFOUND'][] = $r;
        $message['PLAYERICON'] = GetPlayerIcon($gameId, $userId);
        /*Get the players icon*/
        $playerItems = GetPlayersItems($gameId, $userId);
        /*get the Players picked up items*/
        while ($r = $playerItems->fetch_assoc()) {
            $message['MyItemsList'][] = $r;
        $message['CurrentGold'] = GetPlayersGold($gameId, $userId);
        //*get the current players gold*/