Esempio n. 1
     $rp_id = isset($_GET['rp_id']) ? $_GET['rp_id'] : '';
     if (!empty($rp_id)) {
         $Rep = new evRepeat($rp_id);
         $pagetitle = COM_stripslashes($Rep->Event->title);
         echo $Rep->Detail('', '', 'event_print');
     } else {
         // Shouldn't be in this file without an event ID to display or edit
         echo COM_refresh(EVLIST_URL . '/index.php');
 case 'printtickets':
     if ($_EV_CONF['enable_rsvp'] && !COM_isAnonUser()) {
         $eid = COM_sanitizeID($_GET['eid'], false);
         $doc = evTicket::PrintTickets($eid, 0, $_USER['uid']);
         echo $doc;
     } else {
         $content .= 'Function not available';
 case 'view':
     if (empty($eid)) {
         // Default action, view the calendar or event
         COM_setArgNames(array('eid', 'ts', 'range', 'cat'));
         $eid = COM_sanitizeID(COM_getArgument('eid'), false);
Esempio n. 2
  *   Register a user for an event.
  *   @param  integer $num_attendees  Number of attendees, default 1
  *   @param  integer $uid    User ID to register, 0 for current user
  *   @return integer         Message code, zero for success
 public function Register($num_attendees = 1, $tick_type = 0, $uid = 0)
     global $_TABLES, $_USER, $_EV_CONF, $LANG_EVLIST;
     if ($_EV_CONF['enable_rsvp'] != 1) {
         return 0;
     // Make sure that registrations are enabled and that the current user
     // has access to this event.  If $uid > 0, then this is an admin
     // registering another user, don't check access
     if ($this->Event->options['use_rsvp'] == 0 || $uid == 0 && !$this->Event->hasAccess(2)) {
         return 20;
     } elseif ($this->Event->options['use_rsvp'] == 1) {
         // Registering for entire event, all repeats
         $rp_id = 0;
     } else {
         // Registering for a single occurance
         $rp_id = $this->rp_id;
     if (!isset($this->Event->options['tickets'][$tick_type])) {
         return 24;
     $uid = $uid == 0 ? (int) $_USER['uid'] : (int) $uid;
     $num_attendees = (int) $num_attendees;
     $fee = (double) $this->Event->options['tickets'][$tick_type]['fee'];
     // Check that the current user isn't already registered
     // TODO: Allow registrations up to max count, or to waitlist
     //if ($this->isRegistered()) {
     //    return 21;
     // Check that the event isn't already full, or that
     // waitlisting is disabled
     $total_reg = $this->TotalRegistrations();
     $new_total = $total_reg + $num_attendees;
     if ($this->Event->options['max_rsvp'] > 0 && $this->Event->options['max_rsvp'] <= $new_total) {
         if ($this->Event->options['rsvp_waitlist'] == 0 || $fee > 0) {
             // Event is full, no waiting list. Can't waitlist paid tickets.
             return 22;
         } else {
             // Set message indicating the waiting list and continue to register
             $waitlist = $new_total - $this->Event->options['max_rsvp'];
             if ($waitlist == $num_attendees) {
                 // All tickets are waitlisted
                 $str = $LANG_EVLIST['all'];
             } else {
                 $str = $waitlist;
             LGLIB_storeMessage($LANG_EVLIST['messages']['22'] . ' ' . sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['messages'][27], $str));
     if ($fee > 0) {
         // add tickes to the shopping cart. Tickets will be created
         // when paid.
         $this->AddToCart($tick_type, $num_attendees);
         $status = LGLIB_invokeService('paypal', 'getURL', array('type' => 'checkout'), $url, $msg);
         if ($status == PLG_RET_OK) {
             LGLIB_storeMessage(sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['messages']['26'], $url), '', true);
     } else {
     // for free tickets, just create the ticket records
     $TickType = new evTicketType($tick_type);
     if ($TickType->event_pass) {
         $t_rp_id = 0;
     } else {
         $t_rp_id = $this->rp_id;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $num_attendees; $i++) {
         evTicket::Create($this->Event->id, $tick_type, $t_rp_id, $fee, $uid);
     /*if ($fee < .01) {
       DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['evlist_rsvp']} SET
                   ev_id = '{$this->Event->id}',
                   rp_id = '{$rp_id}',
                   uid = '{$uid}',
                   num_attendees = '{$num_attendees}',
                   dt_reg = " . time());
       if (DB_error())
           return 23;
       } else {
           $this->AddToCart($tick_type, $num_attendees);
     return 0;
Esempio n. 3
*   Handle the purchase of a product via IPN message.
*   @param  array   $args       Array of item and IPN data
*   @param  array   &$output    Return array
*   @param  string  &$svc_msg   Unused
*   @return integer     Return value
function service_handlePurchase_evlist($args, &$output, &$svc_msg)
    global $_TABLES, $LANG_PHOTO, $_CONF;
    $item = $args['item'];
    $paypal_data = $args['ipn_data'];
    $item_id = explode(':', $item['item_id']);
    $quantity = (int) $item['quantity'];
    // Must have an item ID following the plugin name
    if (!is_array($item_id) || !isset($item_id[1])) {
        return PLG_RET_ERROR;
    // Initialize the output array
    $output = array('product_id' => $item['item_id'], 'name' => $item['name'], 'short_description' => $item['name'], 'price' => (double) $item['price'], 'expiration' => NULL, 'download' => 0, 'file' => '');
    // User ID is provided in the 'custom' field, so make sure it's numeric.
    if (is_numeric($paypal_data['custom']['uid'])) {
        $uid = (int) $paypal_data['custom']['uid'];
    } else {
        $uid = 1;
    // Initialize an array of payment info to log
    $pmt_info = array('type' => 'payment', 'payment_date' => $paypal_data['sql_date'], 'txn_id' => $paypal_data['txn_id'], 'amount' => (double) $item['price']);
    switch ($item_id[1]) {
        case 'eventfee':
            // Get event, ticket_type and repeat ID
            $item_parts = explode('/', $item_id[2]);
            if (count($item_parts) < 3) {
                return PLG_RET_ERROR;
            $ev_id = $item_parts[0];
            $tick_type = $item_parts[1];
            $rp_id = $item_parts[2];
            // includes event class
            $TickType = new evTicketType($tick_type);
            $repeats = array();
            if ($rp_id > 0) {
                $repeats[] = $rp_id;
                // Ticket to a single occurrence
                $Rp = new evRepeat($rp_id);
                $Ev = $Rp->Event;
                $dt_info = $Rp->start_date1 . ' ' . $Rp->start_time1;
            } else {
                // rp_id = 0, make sure it's an event pass
                if ($TickType->event_pass) {
                    $Ev = new evEvent($ev_id);
                    $dt_info = $Ev->date_start1 . ' ' . $Ev->time_start1;
                } else {
                    return PLG_RET_ERROR;
            $ev_fee = (double) $Ev->options['tickets'][$tick_type]['fee'];
            $output['price'] = $ev_fee;
            $output['name'] = $TickType->description . ': ' . $Ev->Detail->title . ', ' . $dt_info;
            $output['short_description'] = $output['name'];
            // TODO: fix to handle qty > 1, need loop and calc per-item pmt amt.
            $unpaid = evTicket::MarkPaid($quantity, $ev_id, $rp_id, $uid);
            if ($unpaid < 0) {
                EVLIST_Log("ALERT: {$quantity} tickets paid for user {$uid} for event {$ev_id}, exceeds unpaid count by {$unpaid}");
            } else {
                EVLIST_Log("{$quantity} tickets paid for user {$uid}, event {$ev_id}/{$rp_id}");
            /*$tick = new evTicket();
              $tick->ev_id = $ev_id;
              $tick->tic_type = $tick_type;
              $tick->fee = $ev_fee;
              $tick->uid = $uid;
              $tick->paid = $tick->fee;
              //foreach ($repeats as $save_rp_id) {
                  $tick->rp_id = $rp_id;
              //$tick_id = evTicket::Create($ev_id, $rp_id, $tick_type, $ev_fee, $uid);
              //evTicket::AddPayment($tick_id, $ev_fee);
    return PLG_RET_OK;