$DBversion = ''; if (GetVersion() < TransformToNum($DBversion)) { mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `clients` ADD `category` VARCHAR( 100 ) NULL AFTER `machine_name`"); SetVersion($DBversion); echo "Updated Clients Table\n"; } $DBversion = ''; if (GetVersion() < TransformToNum($DBversion)) { mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `logins` CHANGE `id` `id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT"); SetVersion($DBversion); echo "Updated Logins Table ( Set id to auto increment )\n"; } $DBversion = ''; if (GetVersion() < TransformToNum($DBversion)) { mysql_query(" ALTER TABLE `clients` ADD `command` VARCHAR( 10 ) NULL"); SetVersion($DBversion); echo "Updated Logins Table ( Set id to auto increment )\n"; } echo "Finished updating Libki Database\n"; $version = GetVersion(); echo "Libki Database is now at version {$version}\n"; function TransformToNum($version) { # remove the 3 last . to have a Perl number $parts = explode('.', $version); $primary = $parts[0]; $secondary = implode(null, array($parts[1], $parts[2], $parts[3])); $version = "{$primary}.{$secondary}"; return $version; } function SetVersion($libki_version)
} // Get Variables $product = $_GET["product"]; $major = $_GET["major"]; $minor = $_GET["minor"]; $debug = $_GET["debug"]; $build = $_GET["build_id"]; $user = $_GET["username"]; $machine = $_GET["machine_name"]; $changeset = $_GET["changeset_id"]; $checked_out = $_GET["checked_out"]; $template = $_GET["template"]; // Check the variables if ($product == "" || $major == "" || $minor == "" || $debug == "" || $build == "" || $template == "") { exit(1); } // Get and increment the version number of the DB $conn = ConnectVersionDB(); $version = GetVersion($conn, $product); $version = IncrementVersion($version, $major, $minor, $debug, $build); SetVersion($conn, $product, $version); // Build the response $template = str_replace("\\\"", "\"", $template); $response = str_replace("VERSION", $version, $template); // Add the new build to the database AddVersionBuild($conn, $product, $version, $user, $machine, $changeset, $checked_out, $response); // Return the response echo $response; ?>