public function index($fid = 'id', $id = 0, $page = 1) { $id = intval($id); //ID $page = intval($page); //ID if (preg_match("/^\\d*\$/", $fid)) { $id = intval($fid); $page = intval($id); $fid = 'id'; } $cid = intval($this->input->get_post('cid')); if ($page == 0) { $page = 1; } //判断ID if ($id == 0) { msg_url('出错了,ID不能为空!', Web_Path); } //获取数据 $row = $this->CsdjDB->get_row_arr('singer', '*', $id); if (!$row || $row['yid'] > 0 || $row['hid'] > 0) { msg_url('出错了,该歌手不存在!', Web_Path); } //判断运行模式,生成则跳转至静态页面 $html = config('Html_Uri'); if (config('Web_Mode') == 3 && $html['show']['check'] == 1) { //获取静态路径 $Htmllink = LinkUrl('pic', $cid, $id, 0, 'singer'); header("Location: " . $Htmllink); exit; } if ($cid > 0) { $arr['cid'] = getChild($cid); } $arr['tags'] = $row['tags']; $arr['singerid'] = $id; //摧毁部分需要超级链接字段数组 $rows = $row; //先保存数组保留下面使用 unset($row['tags']); //装载模板并输出 $Mark_Text = $this->CsdjTpl->plub_list($row, $id, $fid, $page, $arr, TRUE, 'pic.html', 'pic', 'singer', $row['name'], $row['name']); //评论 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[singer:pl]", get_pl('singer', $id), $Mark_Text); //分类地址、名称 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[singer:link]", LinkUrl('show', 'id', $row['id'], 1, 'singer'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[singer:classlink]", LinkUrl('lists', 'id', $row['cid'], 1, 'singer'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[singer:classname]", $this->CsdjDB->getzd('singer_list', 'name', $row['cid']), $Mark_Text); //标签加超级连接 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[singer:tags]", SearchLink($rows['tags']), $Mark_Text); echo $Mark_Text; $this->cache->end(); //由于前面不是直接输出,所以这里需要加入写缓存 }
function SetPanelSettings() { $output = ''; if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_NEWSEARCH']->GetNumResults() > 0) { // Do we need to show paging, etc? if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_NEWSEARCH']->GetNumResults() > GetConfig('CategoryProductsPerPage')) { // Workout the paging data $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['PagingData'] = ""; $num_pages_either_side_of_current = 5; $start = max($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_NEWSEARCH']->GetPage() - $num_pages_either_side_of_current, 1); $end = min($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_NEWSEARCH']->GetPage() + $num_pages_either_side_of_current, $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_NEWSEARCH']->GetNumPages()); for ($page = $start; $page <= $end; $page++) { if ($page == $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_NEWSEARCH']->GetPage()) { $snippet = "CategoryPagingItemCurrent"; } else { $snippet = "CategoryPagingItem"; } $GLOBALS['PageLink'] = SearchLink($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_NEWSEARCH']->GetQuery(), $page); $GLOBALS['PageNumber'] = $page; $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['PagingData'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet($snippet); } // Parse the paging snippet if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_NEWSEARCH']->GetPage() > 1) { // Do we need to output a "Previous" link? $GLOBALS['PrevLink'] = SearchLink($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_NEWSEARCH']->GetQuery(), $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_NEWSEARCH']->GetPage() - 1); $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['CategoryPagingPrevious'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("CategoryPagingPrevious"); } if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_NEWSEARCH']->GetPage() < $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_NEWSEARCH']->GetNumPages()) { // Do we need to output a "Next" link? $GLOBALS['NextLink'] = SearchLink($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_NEWSEARCH']->GetQuery(), $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_NEWSEARCH']->GetPage() + 1); $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['CategoryPagingNext'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("CategoryPagingNext"); } $output = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("CategoryPaging"); $output = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->ParseSnippets($output, $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']); $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['SearchPaging'] = $output; } } else { // No search results were found $GLOBALS['HideSearchResults'] = "none"; } }
public function SetPanelSettings() { $count = 0; $output = ""; $params = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_SEARCH']->_searchterms; $this->searchterms = $params; $path = GetConfig('ShopPath'); /* the below mmy links are passed to the breadcrumbs */ $mmy_links = ""; /*---------- This below section is for generating search phrase----------*/ $GLOBALS['Category'] = ""; $GLOBALS['MMY'] = ""; $GLOBALS['PQ'] = ""; $GLOBALS['VQ'] = ""; $GLOBALS['SearchPhrase'] = ""; $ext_links = ""; // this variable is passed to the product detail page $seo_delim = "&"; if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $seo_delim = "/"; } if (isset($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME'])) { $GLOBALS['Category'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME']; } if (isset($params['year'])) { $GLOBALS['MMY'] .= $params['year'] . "<br>"; $ext_links .= $seo_delim . "year=" . $params['year']; } if (isset($params['make'])) { $GLOBALS['MMY'] .= strtoupper($params['make']) . "<br>"; $ext_links .= $seo_delim . "make=" . $params['make']; } if (isset($_REQUEST['model']) && !empty($_REQUEST['model']) && (!isset($params['model_flag']) || $params['model_flag'] != 0)) { $GLOBALS['MMY'] .= strtoupper($_REQUEST['model']) . "<br>"; $ext_links .= $seo_delim . "model=" . strtoupper($params['model']); } else { if (isset($params['model'])) { $ext_links .= $seo_delim . "model=" . $params['model']; } } /* this condition has been added seperately here to show submodel at last */ if (isset($params['submodel'])) { $GLOBALS['MMY'] .= strtoupper($params['submodel']) . "<br>"; } /*if(isset($params['year'])) { $ext_links .= $seo_delim."year=".$params['year']; }*/ if (isset($params['dynfilters']) && !empty($params['dynfilters'])) { foreach ($params['dynfilters'] as $key => $value) { if (eregi('vq', $key)) { $key = str_ireplace('vq', '', $key); $GLOBALS['VQ'] .= ucfirst($key) . ": {$value}<br>"; } else { if (eregi('pq', $key)) { $key = str_ireplace('pq', '', $key); $GLOBALS['PQ'] .= ucfirst($key) . ": {$value}<br>"; } } } } $filter_var = array('vq', 'pq'); /* this below patch is used for getting description of the category. Here currently the selected category id will be last one in the $params['srch_category'] array. if input['category'] is used then it will be the first one */ if (!empty($params['srch_category'])) { if (isset($params['category'])) { $selected_catg = $params['srch_category'][0]; } else { $selected_catg = end($params['srch_category']); } $catg_desc_qry = "select catdesc from [|PREFIX|]categories where categoryid = " . $selected_catg; $catg_desc_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($catg_desc_qry); if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($catg_desc_res) > 0) { $catg_desc_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($catg_desc_res); } /* this below patch is used to show the display name for the qualifiers from the qualifier association table */ $map_names = array(); $display_names = array(); $filter_names = "select qid , column_name , display_names from [|PREFIX|]qualifier_names where column_name regexp '^(pq|vq)'"; $filter_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($filter_names); while ($filter_row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($filter_result)) { $map_names[$filter_row['qid']] = $filter_row['column_name']; $display_names[$filter_row['qid']] = $filter_row['display_names']; } $this->GetAssocDetails($selected_catg, $OwnAssoc, $ParentAssoc, $OwnValue, $ParentValue); } // for breadcrumbs $this->_BuildBreadCrumbs(); /* the below line has been commented as client told to remove it */ //$GLOBALS['SearchPhrase'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SearchPhrase"); if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_SEARCH']->GetNumResults() > 30) { $msg_qry = "select value from [|PREFIX|]display where messageid = 1"; $msg_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($msg_qry); $msg_row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FetchOne($msg_res); $GLOBALS['SearchPhrase'] = $msg_row; //$GLOBALS['SearchPhrase'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SearchPhrase"); } /*if(!empty($params['dynfilters'])) $GLOBALS['SearchPhrase'] .= " ".implode(" ",$params['dynfilters']); /*---------- Ending section for generating search phrase----------*/ $vq_column_title = ""; $GLOBALS['SearchResultList'] = ""; if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_SEARCH']->GetNumResults() > 0) { // We have at least one result, let's show it to the world! $GLOBALS['HideNoResults'] = "none"; // Only show the "compare" option if there are 2 or more products on this page if (GetConfig('EnableProductComparisons') == 0 || $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($GLOBALS['SearchResults']) < 2) { $GLOBALS['HideCompareItems'] = "none"; } if (GetConfig('EnableProductReviews') == 0) { $GLOBALS['HideProductRating'] = "display: none"; } $GLOBALS['AlternateClass'] = ''; $counter = 1; $CurCatId = 0; $mmy_links = $this->GetYMMLinks($params); $mmy_links .= $this->GetOtherLinks($params); while ($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($GLOBALS['SearchResults'])) { /* Added by Simha to check inf prodcucts comes from different categories*/ if (empty($params['srch_category']) || !isset($params['srch_category'])) { if ($CurCatId != $row['categoryid']) { $CurCatId = $row['categoryid']; $map_names = array(); $display_names = array(); $filter_names = "SELECT DISTINCT qn.qid, qn.column_name, qn.display_names from \n [|PREFIX|]qualifier_names qn\n LEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]qualifier_associations qa ON qa.qualifierid = qn.qid\n WHERE (qa.categoryid = '{$CurCatId}') \n AND qn.column_name regexp '^(pq|vq)'"; // || qa.categoryid IN (SELECT catparentid FROM isc_categories WHERE categoryid = '$CurCatId') $filter_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($filter_names); while ($filter_row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($filter_result)) { $map_names[$filter_row['qid']] = $filter_row['column_name']; $display_names[$filter_row['qid']] = $filter_row['display_names']; } $this->GetAssocDetails($CurCatId, $OwnAssoc, $ParentAssoc, $OwnValue, $ParentValue); } } /* Added by Simha Ends */ $GLOBALS['SearchTrackClass'] = "TrackLink"; $imagefile = ""; if ($GLOBALS['AlternateClass'] == 'Odd') { $GLOBALS['AlternateClass'] = 'Even'; } else { $GLOBALS['AlternateClass'] = 'Odd'; } $qry_string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $page = "&page=" . $_GET['page']; $qry_string = str_ireplace($page, '', $qry_string); } if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { if (isset($_GET['search_key'])) { $qry_string = str_ireplace('&search_key=' . $_GET['search_key'], '', $qry_string); } if (isset($params['search_query']) && !strstr($qry_string, 'search_query=')) { $qry_string .= "search_query=" . MakeURLSafe($params['search_query']); } if (isset($params['make']) && !strstr($qry_string, 'make=')) { $qry_string .= "&make=" . MakeURLSafe($params['make']); } if (isset($params['model']) && !strstr($qry_string, 'model=')) { $qry_string .= "&model=" . MakeURLSafe($params['model']); } if (isset($params['year']) && !strstr($qry_string, 'year=')) { $qry_string .= "&year=" . MakeURLSafe($params['year']); } if (isset($params['make']) && !strstr($qry_string, 'make=')) { $qry_string .= "&make=" . MakeURLSafe($params['make']); } if (isset($params['model_flag']) && !strstr($qry_string, 'model_flag=')) { $qry_string .= "&model_flag=" . MakeURLSafe($params['model_flag']); } if (isset($params['submodel']) && !strstr($qry_string, 'submodel=')) { $qry_string .= "&submodel=" . MakeURLSafe($params['submodel']); } } if (isset($params['partnumber']) || $params['flag_srch_category'] == 1 || isset($params['flag_srch_category']) && isset($GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG']) && $GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG'] == 1) { if (isset($params['srch_category'])) { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = isset($catg_desc_arr['catdesc']) ? $catg_desc_arr['catdesc'] : ''; // description will be added here to show it at the top of product listing page. } $GLOBALS['ProductCartQuantity'] = ''; if (isset($GLOBALS['CartQuantity' . $row['productid']])) { $GLOBALS['ProductCartQuantity'] = (int) $GLOBALS['CartQuantity' . $row['productid']]; } if ($counter % 2 == 0) { $GLOBALS['RowColor'] = 'grayrow'; } else { $GLOBALS['RowColor'] = 'whiterow'; } $counter++; $GLOBALS['ProductId'] = (int) $row['productid']; $GLOBALS['ProductName'] = isc_html_escape($row['prodname']); $GLOBALS['ProductLink'] = ProdLink($row['prodname']); $GLOBALS['ProductRating'] = (int) $row['prodavgrating']; $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = $row['brandname']; $GLOBALS['ProdCode'] = $row['prodcode']; //$GLOBALS['ProdDesc'] = $this->strip_html_tags($row['proddesc']); //$GLOBALS['ProdOptions'] = $row['productoption']; $GLOBALS['VehicleOptions'] = ""; $GLOBALS['ProdOptions'] = ""; foreach ($row as $key => $val) { if ($val != "" && $val != "~") { if (($qualifier_id = array_search($key, $map_names)) !== false) { if (eregi('^vq', $key)) { $val = trim($val, "~"); $val = preg_split('/[~;]+/', $val); $val = array_unique($val); $val = array_values($val); $val = implode(",", $val); /* -- Setting display name for qualifier name -- */ if (isset($OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id]) && $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname'] != '') { $key = $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname']; } else { if (isset($ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id]) && $ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname'] != '') { $key = $ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname']; } else { if (isset($display_names[$qualifier_id]) && !empty($display_names[$qualifier_id])) { $key = $display_names[$qualifier_id]; } else { $key = ucfirst(str_ireplace($filter_var, "", $key)); } } } /* -- Setting display name for qualifier name ends -- */ /* -- Setting display name for qualifier value -- */ if (($m = array_search(strtolower($val), $OwnValue[$qualifier_id])) !== false && $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname'] != "") { $val = $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname']; } else { if (isset($ParentValue[$qualifier_id]) && ($m = array_search(strtolower($val), $ParentValue[$qualifier_id])) !== false && $ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname'] != "") { $val = $ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname']; } } /* -- Setting display name for qualifier value ends-- */ $GLOBALS['VehicleOptions'] .= $key . " : " . $val . "<br>"; } if (eregi('^pq', $key)) { $val = trim($val, "~"); $val = preg_split('/[~;]+/', $val); $val = array_unique($val); $val = array_values($val); $val = implode(",", $val); /* -- Setting display name for qualifier name -- */ if (isset($OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id]) && $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname'] != '') { $key = $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname']; } else { if (isset($ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id]) && $ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname'] != '') { $key = $ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname']; } else { if (isset($display_names[$qualifier_id]) && !empty($display_names[$qualifier_id])) { $key = $display_names[$qualifier_id]; } else { $key = ucfirst(str_ireplace($filter_var, "", $key)); } } } /* -- Setting display name for qualifier name ends -- */ /* -- Setting display name for qualifier value -- */ if (isset($OwnValue[$qualifier_id]) && ($m = array_search(strtolower($val), $OwnValue[$qualifier_id])) !== false && $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname'] != '') { $val = $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname']; } else { if (isset($ParentValue[$qualifier_id]) && ($m = array_search(strtolower($val), $ParentValue[$qualifier_id])) !== false && $ParentValue[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname'] != '') { $val = $ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname']; } } /* -- Setting display name for qualifier value ends-- */ $GLOBALS['ProdOptions'] .= $key . " : " . $val . "<br>"; } } } } if (isset($row['vehicleoption'])) { $GLOBALS['VehicleOptions'] = $row['vehicleoption']; } if (isset($row['productoption'])) { $GLOBALS['ProdOptions'] = $row['productoption']; } if (isset($row['catuniversal']) && $row['catuniversal'] == 1) { $GLOBALS['VehicleOptions'] = $GLOBALS['ProductName']; if ($vq_column_title == "") { $vq_column_title = "Product Name"; } else { if ($vq_column_title != "Product Name") { $vq_column_title = "Product Name / Vehicle Options"; } } } else { if ($vq_column_title == "") { $vq_column_title = "Vehicle Options"; } else { if ($vq_column_title != "Vehicle Options") { $vq_column_title = "Product Name / Vehicle Options"; } } } if (empty($GLOBALS['VehicleOptions'])) { $GLOBALS['VehicleOptions'] = " "; } if (empty($GLOBALS['ProdOptions'])) { $GLOBALS['ProdOptions'] = " "; } /*--- the below lines are added for back 2 search link in the product detail page. Also modified line no 56 & 60 --- */ if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $GLOBALS['ProductLink'] .= "/refer=true" . $ext_links; } else { $GLOBALS['ProductLink'] .= "&refer=true" . $ext_links; } ### Added by Simha for onsale addition // Determine the price of this product //$GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] = CalculateProductPrice_retail($row); $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] = CalculateProductPriceRetail($row); $FinalPrice = $GLOBALS['ProductPrice']; $SalePrice = $row['prodsaleprice']; //$DiscountAmount = $FinalPrice; if ((double) $SalePrice > 0 && $SalePrice < $FinalPrice) { $DiscountPrice = $SalePrice; } else { $DiscountPrice = $FinalPrice; $DiscountPrice = CalculateDiscountPrice($FinalPrice, $DiscountPrice, $row['categoryid'], $row['brandseriesid']); } /* foreach($DiscountInfo as $DiscountInfoSub) { if(isset($DiscountInfoSub['catids'])) { $catids = explode(",", $DiscountInfoSub['catids']); foreach($catids as $catid) { if($catid == $row['categoryid']) { $DiscountAmount = $FinalPrice * ((int)$DiscountInfoSub['amount']/100); if ($DiscountAmount < 0) { $DiscountAmount = 0; } $DiscountPrice = $FinalPrice - $DiscountAmount; } } } } */ if (isset($DiscountPrice) && $DiscountPrice < $FinalPrice) { //&& GetConfig('ShowOnSale') $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] = '<strike>' . CurrencyConvertFormatPrice($FinalPrice) . '</strike>'; $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] .= '<br>' . CurrencyConvertFormatPrice($DiscountPrice) . ''; $GLOBALS['ShowOnSaleImage'] = '<img id="OnSale" src="' . GetConfig('ShopPath') . '/templates/default/images/onsale.gif" alt="">'; if (GetConfig('ShowOnSale')) { $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] .= '<br>' . $GLOBALS['ShowOnSaleImage'] . ''; } } else { $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] = '' . CurrencyConvertFormatPrice($FinalPrice) . ''; } ### Added by Simha Ends // commented the below line by vikas //$GLOBALS['ProductThumb'] = ImageThumb($row['imagefile'], ProdLink($row['prodname'])); $GLOBALS['ProductThumb'] = ImageThumb($row['imagefile'], $GLOBALS['ProductLink']); if (isId($row['prodvariationid']) || trim($row['prodconfigfields']) != '' || $row['prodeventdaterequired'] == 1) { //$GLOBALS['ProductURL'] = ProdLink($row['prodname']); // commented by vikas $GLOBALS['ProductURL'] = $GLOBALS['ProductLink']; $GLOBALS['ProductAddText'] = GetLang('ProductChooseOptionLink'); } else { //$GLOBALS['ProductURL'] = CartLink($row['productid']); //$GLOBALS['ProductURL'] = ProdLink($row['prodname']); // commented by vikas $GLOBALS['ProductURL'] = $GLOBALS['ProductLink']; //blessen if (intval($row['prodretailprice']) <= 0) { //$GLOBALS['ProductAddText'] = GetLang('ProductAddToCartLink'); // commented by vikas on 15-7-09 $GLOBALS['ProductAddText'] = "<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/view.gif' border=0>"; } else { //$GLOBALS['ProductAddText'] = GetLang('ProductAddToCartLink1'); // commented by vikas on 15-7-09 $GLOBALS['ProductAddText'] = "<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/view.gif' border=0>"; } //blessen // original $GLOBALS['ProductAddText'] = GetLang('ProductAddToCartLink'); } if (CanAddToCart($row) && GetConfig('ShowAddToCartLink')) { $GLOBALS['HideActionAdd'] = ''; } else { $GLOBALS['HideActionAdd'] = 'none'; } $GLOBALS['HideProductVendorName'] = 'display: none'; $GLOBALS['ProductVendor'] = ''; if (GetConfig('ShowProductVendorNames') && $row['prodvendorid'] > 0) { $vendorCache = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DATA_STORE']->Read('Vendors'); if (isset($vendorCache[$row['prodvendorid']])) { $GLOBALS['ProductVendor'] = '<a href="' . VendorLink($vendorCache[$row['prodvendorid']]) . '">' . isc_html_escape($vendorCache[$row['prodvendorid']]['vendorname']) . '</a>'; $GLOBALS['HideProductVendorName'] = ''; } } $GLOBALS['CartURL'] = CartLink($row['productid']); $offer = $this->IsProductMakeanOffer($row['brandseriesid'], $row['brandname'], $row['categoryid']); if ($offer == 'yes') { $GLOBALS['HideOfferButton'] = 'block'; } else { $GLOBALS['HideOfferButton'] = 'none'; } $GLOBALS['SearchResultList'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SubCategoryProductsItem"); } else { if ($GLOBALS['results_page_flag'] == 0) { $subcatg_link = $this->LeftCatLink($mmy_links, 'subcategory', $row['catname']); $link = "<a href='" . $subcatg_link . "'>"; if (isset($row['imagefile']) && !empty($row['imagefile'])) { $images = explode("~", $row['imagefile']); for ($j = 0; $j < count($images); $j++) { if (!empty($images[$j])) { $imagefile = "{$link}<img src='{$path}/category_images/" . $images[$j] . "'></a>"; break; } } } else { if (empty($row['imagefile']) || empty($imagefile)) { $imagefile = "{$link}<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/ProductDefault.gif' border=0></a>"; } } $GLOBALS['LeftImage'] = $imagefile; $GLOBALS['ProductsCount'] = "(" . $row['totalproducts'] . ") Products Available"; $row['brandname'] = str_replace('~', ' , ', $row['brandname']); //$GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] = $row['brandname']; if (!empty($row['seriesname'])) { $row['brandname'] .= "<br>" . $row['seriesname']; } if ($row['seriesids'] != "") { $seriesids = str_ireplace("~", ",", $row['seriesids']); $seriesids_qry = "select brandname , seriesname from isc_brand_series bs left join isc_brands b on bs.brandid = b.brandid where seriesid in (" . $seriesids . ")"; $seriesids_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($seriesids_qry); if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($seriesids_res) > 0) { while ($seriesids_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($seriesids_res)) { if (!isset($params['brand'])) { if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $GLOBALS['ProductsCount'] .= "<br><a href='" . $subcatg_link . "/brand/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['brandname'])) . "/series/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['seriesname'])) . "'>" . $seriesids_arr['brandname'] . " " . $seriesids_arr['seriesname'] . "</a>"; } else { $GLOBALS['ProductsCount'] .= "<br><a href='" . $subcatg_link . "&brand=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['brandname'])) . "&series=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['seriesname'])) . "'>" . $seriesids_arr['brandname'] . " " . $seriesids_arr['seriesname'] . "</a>"; } } else { if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $GLOBALS['ProductsCount'] .= "<br><a href='" . $subcatg_link . "/series/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['seriesname'])) . "'>" . $seriesids_arr['brandname'] . " " . $seriesids_arr['seriesname'] . "</a>"; } else { $GLOBALS['ProductsCount'] .= "<br><a href='" . $subcatg_link . "&series=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['seriesname'])) . "'>" . $seriesids_arr['brandname'] . " " . $seriesids_arr['seriesname'] . "</a>"; } } } } } $content = $row['brandname'] . "<br>"; if (!isset($params['category']) && (isset($params['srch_category']) || !isset($GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG']))) { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = isset($catg_desc_arr['catdesc']) ? $catg_desc_arr['catdesc'] : ''; // description will be added here to show it at the top of subcatg page. $content .= "<h3><a href='" . $path . "/search.php?{$qry_string}&subcategory=" . MakeURLSafe($row['catname']) . "'>" . $row['catname'] . "</a></h3>>"; $GLOBALS['TitleLink'] = "<h2><a href='" . $subcatg_link . "'>" . $row['catname'] . "</a></h2>"; } $content .= "Price starting from \$" . number_format($row['prodcalculatedprice'], 2, '.', '') . "<br>" . $imagefile; $GLOBALS['leftsidecontent'] = $content; $GLOBALS['PriceRange'] = "Price starting from \$" . number_format($row['prodcalculatedprice'], 2, '.', ''); $content = "<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/free-shipping2.gif'><br>" . strip_tags($row['proddesc']) . "<br>" . $row['prodwarranty']; $GLOBALS['rightsidecontent'] = $content; $GLOBALS['ShippingImage'] = "<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/free-shipping2.gif'>"; $GLOBALS['ProductWarranty'] = "<h3>" . $row['prodwarranty'] . "</h3>"; $content = "{$link}<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/view.gif'></a>"; $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] = $content; if (IsDiscountAvailable('category', $row['categoryid'])) { $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= '<img id="OnSale" src="' . GetConfig('ShopPath') . '/templates/default/images/onsale.gif" alt="">'; } if ($this->IsMakeAnOffer('category', $row['categoryid']) == 'yes') { $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= "<h3>Qualifies for Make an Offer!</h3>"; } $GLOBALS['lowersidecontent'] = $content; $GLOBALS['SearchResultList'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SubCategoryListing"); } else { $series_link = $this->LeftCatLink($mmy_links, 'series', $row['seriesname']); $link = "<a href='" . $series_link . "'>"; if (isset($row['imagefile']) && !empty($row['imagefile'])) { $images = explode("~", $row['imagefile']); for ($j = 0; $j < count($images); $j++) { if (!empty($images[$j])) { $imagefile = "{$link}<img src='{$path}/category_images/" . $images[$j] . "'></a>"; break; } } } else { if (empty($row['imagefile']) || empty($imagefile)) { $imagefile = "{$link}<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/ProductDefault.gif' border=0></a>"; } } $GLOBALS['LeftImage'] = $imagefile; $row['brandname'] = str_replace('~', ' , ', $row['brandname']); $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] = $row['brandname']; if (isset($row['seriesname']) && !empty($row['seriesname']) && (!isset($params['srch_category']) || isset($params['category'])) && isset($GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG'])) { if (empty($row['imagefile']) || empty($imagefile)) { $GLOBALS['LeftImage'] = "{$link}<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/ProductDefault.gif'></a>"; } else { $GLOBALS['LeftImage'] = "{$link}<img src='{$path}/series_images/" . $row['imagefile'] . "' width='140px'></a>"; } $GLOBALS['TitleLink'] = "<h2><a href='" . $series_link . "'>" . $row['brandname'] . " " . $row['seriesname'] . " " . $row['parentcatname'] . "</a></h2>"; //"<h3>".$row['catname']."</h3> $GLOBALS['ProductsCount'] = "(" . $row['totalproducts'] . ") Products Available"; $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] = "<ul class='featurepoints'>"; if (!empty($row['feature_points1'])) { $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] .= "<li>" . $row['feature_points1'] . "</li>"; } if (!empty($row['feature_points2'])) { $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] .= "<li>" . $row['feature_points2'] . "</li>"; } if (!empty($row['feature_points3'])) { $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] .= "<li>" . $row['feature_points3'] . "</li>"; } if (!empty($row['feature_points4'])) { $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] .= "<li>" . $row['feature_points4'] . "</li>"; } $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] .= "</ul>"; /*if(isset($row['brandlargefile']) && !empty($row['brandlargefile'])) { $brand_image_path = "product_images/".$row['brandlargefile']; if(file_exists($brand_image_path)) { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = "<img src='$path/product_images/".$row['brandlargefile']."'>"; } else if(isset($row['brandimagefile']) && !empty($row['brandimagefile'])) { $brand_image_path = "product_images/".$row['brandimagefile']; if(file_exists($brand_image_path)) $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = "<img src='$path/product_images/".$row['brandimagefile']."'>"; } } else if(isset($row['brandimagefile']) && !empty($row['brandimagefile'])) { $brand_image_path = "product_images/".$row['brandimagefile']; if(file_exists($brand_image_path)) $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = "<img src='$path/product_images/".$row['brandimagefile']."'>"; }*/ } $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = $row['branddescription']; if ($row['subcatgids'] != "") { $subcatgids = str_ireplace("~", ",", $row['subcatgids']); $subcatgids_qry = "select catname from [|PREFIX|]categories where categoryid in (" . $subcatgids . ")"; $subcatgids_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($subcatgids_qry); if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($subcatgids_res) > 0) { while ($subcatgids_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($subcatgids_res)) { if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $GLOBALS['ProductsCount'] .= "<br><a href='" . $series_link . "/subcategory/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($subcatgids_arr['catname'])) . "'>" . $subcatgids_arr['catname'] . "</a>"; } else { $GLOBALS['ProductsCount'] .= "<br><a href='" . $series_link . "&subcategory=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($subcatgids_arr['catname'])) . "'>" . $subcatgids_arr['catname'] . "</a>"; } } } } $content = $row['brandname'] . "<br>"; $content .= $row['catname'] . "<br>"; $content .= "Price starting from \$" . number_format($row['prodcalculatedprice'], 2, '.', ''); $GLOBALS['leftsidecontent'] = $content; $GLOBALS['PriceRange'] = "Price starting from \$" . number_format($row['prodcalculatedprice'], 2, '.', ''); $content = "<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/free-shipping2.gif'><br>" . strip_tags($row['proddesc']) . "<br>" . $row['prodwarranty']; $GLOBALS['rightsidecontent'] = $content; $GLOBALS['ShippingImage'] = "<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/free-shipping2.gif'>"; $GLOBALS['ProductWarranty'] = "<h3>" . $row['prodwarranty'] . "</h3>"; $content = "{$link}<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/view.gif'></a>"; $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] = $content; if (IsDiscountAvailable('series', $row['brandseriesid'])) { $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= '<img id="OnSale" src="' . GetConfig('ShopPath') . '/templates/default/images/onsale.gif" alt="">'; } if ($this->IsMakeAnOffer('series', $row['brandseriesid']) == 'yes') { $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= "<h3>Qualifies for Make an Offer!</h3>"; } $GLOBALS['lowersidecontent'] = $content; $GLOBALS['SearchResultList'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SubCategoryListing"); $GLOBALS['HideCompareItems'] = "none"; } } } $get_variables = $_GET; $sort_qry = "{$path}/search.php?search_query=" . urlencode($params['search_query']); unset($get_variables['orderby'], $get_variables['sort'], $get_variables['search_query'], $get_variables['sortby']); $i = 0; foreach ($get_variables as $key => $value) { $sort_qry .= "&{$key}={$value}"; } if (isset($_REQUEST['sortby']) && $_REQUEST['sortby'] == 'desc') { $sort = "asc "; $img = " <img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/ArrowDown.gif' border=0>"; } else { $sort = "desc "; $img = " <img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/ArrowUp.gif' border=0>"; } //$GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = $GLOBALS['SearchResultList']; // commented by vikas if (isset($params['partnumber']) || $params['flag_srch_category'] == 1 || isset($params['flag_srch_category']) && isset($GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG']) && $GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG'] == 1) { if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $GLOBALS['ProductBrand'] = "<a href='{$path}{$mmy_links}/orderby/brandname/sortby/{$sort}'>Brand</a>"; $GLOBALS['ProductPartNumber'] = "<a href='{$path}{$mmy_links}/orderby/prodcode/sortby/{$sort}'>Part Number</a>"; $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] = "<a href='{$path}{$mmy_links}/orderby/prodcalculatedprice/sortby/{$sort}'>Price</a>"; } else { $GLOBALS['ProductBrand'] = "<a href='{$path}/search.php?search_query={$mmy_links}&orderby=brandname&sortby={$sort}'>Brand</a>"; $GLOBALS['ProductPartNumber'] = "<a href='{$path}/search.php?search_query={$mmy_links}&orderby=prodcode&sortby={$sort}'>Part Number</a>"; $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] = "<a href='{$path}/search.php?search_query={$mmy_links}&orderby=prodcalculatedprice&sortby={$sort}'>Price</a>"; } if (isset($_REQUEST['orderby']) && $_REQUEST['orderby'] == 'brandname') { $GLOBALS['ProductBrand'] .= $img; } $GLOBALS['ProductVQ'] = $vq_column_title; /*if(isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'brandname') $GLOBALS['Product_VQ'] .= $img;*/ if (isset($_REQUEST['orderby']) && $_REQUEST['orderby'] == 'prodcode') { $GLOBALS['ProductPartNumber'] .= $img; } $GLOBALS['ProductPQ'] = "Product Options"; /*if(isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'productoption') $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] .= $img;*/ if (isset($_REQUEST['orderby']) && $_REQUEST['orderby'] == 'prodcalculatedprice') { $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] .= $img; } $GLOBALS['ProductDetails'] = "Details"; $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SubCategoryProductsItemHeader"); } else { // $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = "<div>".$GLOBALS['SearchResultList']."</div>"; $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SubCategoryListingMain"); } if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $back2url = $_SESSION['back2url'] = preg_replace("/^\\//", "", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } else { $back2url = $_SESSION['back2url'] = "search.php?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } ISC_SetCookie("back2search", $back2url, 0, "/"); // Showing the syndication option? if (GetConfig('RSSNewProducts') != 0 && GetConfig('RSSCategories') != 0 && GetConfig('RSSSyndicationIcons') != 0) { $GLOBALS['RSSURL'] = SearchLink($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_SEARCH']->GetQuery(), 0, false); $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['SearchResultsFeed'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SearchResultsFeed"); } } else { // No search results were found $GLOBALS['HideSearchResults'] = "none"; $GLOBALS['HidePanels'][] = 'SearchPageProducts'; } }
public function SetPanelSettings() { //$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_SEARCH'] = GetClass('ISC_SEARCH'); //$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_NEWSEARCH'] = GetClass('ISC_NEWSEARCH'); $count = 0; $output = ""; $params = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_NEWSEARCH']->_searchterms; $GLOBALS['DynamicDisplay'] = 'block'; $GLOBALS['YMMTableDisplay'] = 'block'; if (!empty($_COOKIE['last_search_selection']['year'])) { $params['year'] = $_COOKIE['last_search_selection']['year']; } if (!empty($_COOKIE['last_search_selection']['make'])) { $params['make'] = $_COOKIE['last_search_selection']['make']; } if (!empty($_COOKIE['last_search_selection']['model'])) { $params['model'] = $_COOKIE['last_search_selection']['model']; } $this->searchterms = $params; /* Checking the search string. If it is used in any search, will be retained. else it will not be retained - starts */ if (isset($this->searchterms['search'])) { $search_str = trim(str_ireplace($this->searchterms['search_string'], "", $this->searchterms['search'])); if ($search_str == '') { unset($this->searchterms['search'], $params['search']); } else { $this->searchterms['search'] = $params['search'] = $search_str; } } $path = GetConfig('ShopPath'); /* the below mmy links are passed to the breadcrumbs */ $mmy_links = ""; /*---------- This below section is for generating search phrase----------*/ $GLOBALS['Category'] = ""; $GLOBALS['MMY'] = ""; $GLOBALS['PQ'] = ""; $GLOBALS['VQ'] = ""; $GLOBALS['SearchPhrase'] = ""; $ext_links = ""; // this variable is passed to the product detail page $seo_delim = "&"; if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $seo_delim = "/"; } if (isset($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME'])) { $GLOBALS['Category'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME']; } if (isset($params['year'])) { $GLOBALS['MMY'] .= $params['year'] . "<br>"; $ext_links .= $seo_delim . "year=" . $params['year']; } if (isset($params['make'])) { $GLOBALS['MMY'] .= strtoupper($params['make']) . "<br>"; $ext_links .= $seo_delim . "make=" . MakeURLSafe($params['make']); } if (isset($params['model']) && (!isset($params['model_flag']) || $params['model_flag'] == 1)) { $GLOBALS['MMY'] .= strtoupper($params['model']) . "<br>"; $ext_links .= $seo_delim . "model=" . MakeURLSafe($params['model']); } /*else if(isset($params['model'])) $ext_links .= $seo_delim."model=".$params['model'];*/ /* this condition has been added seperately here to show submodel at last */ if (isset($params['submodel'])) { $GLOBALS['MMY'] .= MakeURLSafe($params['submodel']) . "<br>"; } /*if(isset($params['year'])) { $ext_links .= $seo_delim."year=".$params['year']; }*/ if (isset($params['dynfilters']) && !empty($params['dynfilters'])) { foreach ($params['dynfilters'] as $key => $value) { if (eregi('vq', $key)) { $key = str_ireplace('vq', '', $key); $GLOBALS['VQ'] .= ucfirst($key) . ": {$value}<br>"; } else { if (eregi('pq', $key)) { $key = str_ireplace('pq', '', $key); $GLOBALS['PQ'] .= ucfirst($key) . ": {$value}<br>"; } } } } $filter_var = array('vq', 'pq'); $catg_desc_arr = array(); $isDynamicPage = true; /* this below patch is used for getting description of the category. Here currently the selected category id will be last one in the $params['srch_category'] array. if input['category'] is used then it will be the first one */ if (!empty($params['srch_category'])) { if (isset($params['category'])) { $selected_catg = $params['srch_category'][0]; } //else //$selected_catg = end($params['srch_category']); $selected_catg = $params['srch_category']; //wirror_20100806: add selected files like pagecontenttype and customcontentid; //$catg_desc_qry = "select pagecontenttype, customcontentid, catdesc , categoryfooter from [|PREFIX|]categories where categoryid = ".$selected_catg; $catg_desc_qry = "select categoryid, pagecontenttype, customcontentid, catdesc , categoryfooter from [|PREFIX|]categories where categoryid in(" . implode(',', $selected_catg) . ")"; $catg_desc_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($catg_desc_qry); if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($catg_desc_res) > 0) { while ($rs = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($catg_desc_res)) { $catg_desc_arr[$rs['categoryid']] = $rs; //zcs=add "$rs['categoryid']" as indexs } //$catg_desc_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($catg_desc_res); } //zcs=>Compat for "Custom Landing page" //filter out the category parents that have products $hasProductParents = $this->_filterParents($selected_catg); if (count($hasProductParents) == 1) { $catg_desc_arr = $catg_desc_arr[$hasProductParents[0]]; } //<=zcs $isDynamicPage = $catg_desc_arr['pagecontenttype'] == 0 ? true : false; //wirror_20100806: get the custom prudocts list; $catg_custom_arr = array(); /*$catg_custom_qry = "SELECT cp.productids, cp.categoryid, cp.subcategoryid, cp.brandid, cp.seriesid, cp.description FROM [|PREFIX|]custom_products cp INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]custom_contents cc on cc.contentid=cp.contentid WHERE cc.contentid IN ( SELECT customcontentid FROM [|PREFIX|]categories WHERE categoryid = '$selected_catg' ) AND cp.enabled=1 "; */ $catg_custom_qry = "SELECT cp.productids, cp.categoryid, cp.subcategoryid, cp.brandid, cp.seriesid, cp.description\n \t\t FROM [|PREFIX|]custom_products cp \n \t\t INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]custom_contents cc on cc.contentid=cp.contentid\n \t\t WHERE cc.contentid\n IN (\n SELECT customcontentid\n FROM [|PREFIX|]categories\n WHERE categoryid in(" . implode(',', $selected_catg) . ")\n )\n AND cp.enabled=1 "; if (isset($params['brand']) && $params['brand'] != "") { $brand_query = "select brandid from [|PREFIX|]brands WHERE brandname='" . $params['brand'] . "'"; $brand_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($brand_query); $brandId = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FetchOne($brand_result); if ((int) $brandId > 0) { $catg_custom_qry .= " AND cp.brandid={$brandId} "; } } $catg_custom_qry .= " ORDER BY cp.displayorder ASC "; $catg_custom_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($catg_custom_qry); while ($rows = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($catg_custom_res)) { $catg_custom_arr[] = $rows; } $catCustomFlag = false; /* this below patch is used to show the display name for the qualifiers from the qualifier association table */ $map_names = array(); $display_names = array(); $filter_names = "select qid , column_name , display_names from [|PREFIX|]qualifier_names where column_name regexp '^(pq|vq)'"; $filter_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($filter_names); while ($filter_row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($filter_result)) { $map_names[$filter_row['qid']] = $filter_row['column_name']; $display_names[$filter_row['qid']] = $filter_row['display_names']; } $this->GetAssocDetails($selected_catg, $OwnAssoc, $ParentAssoc, $OwnValue, $ParentValue); } if (isset($params['brand'])) { $brand_desc_arr = array(); $brand_desc_qry = "select branddescription , brandfooter from [|PREFIX|]brands where brandname = '" . $params['brand'] . "'"; $brand_desc_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($brand_desc_qry); if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($brand_desc_res) > 0) { $brand_desc_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($brand_desc_res); } } // for breadcrumbs $this->_BuildBreadCrumbs(); /* the below line has been commented as client told to remove it */ //$GLOBALS['SearchPhrase'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SearchPhrase"); if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_NEWSEARCH']->GetNumResults() > 30) { $msg_qry = "select value from [|PREFIX|]display where messageid = 1"; $msg_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($msg_qry); $msg_row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FetchOne($msg_res); $GLOBALS['SearchPhrase'] = $msg_row; //$GLOBALS['SearchPhrase'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SearchPhrase"); } /*if(!empty($params['dynfilters'])) $GLOBALS['SearchPhrase'] .= " ".implode(" ",$params['dynfilters']); /*---------- Ending section for generating search phrase----------*/ $vq_column_title = ""; $GLOBALS['SearchResultList'] = ""; $brand_rating = 0; if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_NEWSEARCH']->GetNumResults() > 0) { $category_rating = 0; if ($GLOBALS['results_page_flag'] == 1) { $brand_rating_qry = "select avg(revrating) as rating from [|PREFIX|]reviews r left join [|PREFIX|]products p on r.revproductid = p.productid left join [|PREFIX|]brands b on p.prodbrandid = b.brandid where r.revstatus = 1 and b.brandname = '" . $params['brand'] . "'"; $brand_rating_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($brand_rating_qry); $brand_rating_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FetchOne($brand_rating_res); if (isset($brand_rating_arr['rating'])) { $brand_rating = (int) $brand_rating_arr['rating']; } } else { if ($GLOBALS['results_page_flag'] == 0 && isset($selected_catg)) { // 3rdAug2010: added the condition "isset($selected_catg)" as no need to show rating when only YMM is selected // lguan_20100612: Category page mode, calculate the rating //$catquery = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query("SELECT categoryid FROM [|PREFIX|]categories where catparentid = $selected_catg"); $catquery = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query("SELECT categoryid FROM [|PREFIX|]categories where catparentid in(" . implode(',', $selected_catg) . ")"); $catlistid = array(); while ($catrow = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($catquery)) { $catlistid[] = $catrow['categoryid']; } $catcountlist = implode(",", $catlistid); //lguan_20100612: Changed following codes to get product rating for categories if (count($catlistid) > 0) { $catcountlist = $selected_catg . "," . $catcountlist; } $cat_rating_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query("SELECT floor(SUM(p.prodratingtotal)/SUM(p.prodnumratings))AS prodavgrating FROM [|PREFIX|]categoryassociations c INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]products p on c.productid=p.productid where c.categoryid IN ({$catcountlist})"); $cat_rating_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FetchOne($cat_rating_res); if (isset($cat_rating_arr['prodavgrating'])) { $category_rating = (int) $cat_rating_arr['prodavgrating']; } } } /* displaying the dropdowns for YMM */ if (!isset($params['make']) || !isset($params['year']) || !isset($params['model']) || isset($params['model_flag']) && $params['model_flag'] == 0) { $this->YMMSelectors($params); } // We have at least one result, let's show it to the world! $GLOBALS['HideNoResults'] = "none"; // Only show the "compare" option if there are 2 or more products on this page if (GetConfig('EnableProductComparisons') == 0 || $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($GLOBALS['SearchResults']) < 2) { $GLOBALS['HideCompareItems'] = "none"; } if (GetConfig('EnableProductReviews') == 0) { $GLOBALS['HideProductRating'] = "display: none"; } $mmy_links = $this->GetYMMLinks($params); $mmy_links .= $this->GetOtherLinks($params); $subcatId = array(); if (isset($params['partnumber']) || $params['flag_srch_category'] == 1 || isset($params['flag_srch_category']) && isset($GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG']) && $GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG'] == 1) { $this->ShowProductList($mmy_links, $params, $catg_desc_arr, $ext_links, $vq_column_title); } else { if ($GLOBALS['results_page_flag'] == 0) { //alandy mark. //class.newsearch.php $this->DoSearch($start, $GLOBALS['SearchResults'], $this->_numresults); $this->ShowSubCategoies($mmy_links, $params, $catg_desc_arr, $subcatId, $catCustomFlag); } else { $this->ShowSeriesPage($mmy_links, $params, $brand_rating); } } if (!$isDynamicPage) { $catCustomFlag = true; } ///wirror_code_mark_end $get_variables = $_GET; $sort_qry = "{$path}/search.php?search_query=" . urlencode($params['search_query']); unset($get_variables['orderby'], $get_variables['sort'], $get_variables['search_query'], $get_variables['sortby']); $i = 0; foreach ($get_variables as $key => $value) { $sort_qry .= "&{$key}={$value}"; } if (isset($_REQUEST['sortby']) && $_REQUEST['sortby'] == 'desc') { $sort = "asc "; $img = " <img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/ArrowDown.gif' border=0>"; } else { $sort = "desc "; $img = " <img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/ArrowUp.gif' border=0>"; } //wirror_code_mark_begin //$GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = $GLOBALS['SearchResultList']; // commented by vikas if (isset($params['partnumber']) || $params['flag_srch_category'] == 1 || isset($params['flag_srch_category']) && isset($GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG']) && $GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG'] == 1) { if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $GLOBALS['ProductBrand'] = "<a href='{$path}{$mmy_links}/orderby/brandname/sortby/{$sort}'>Brand / Series</a>"; $GLOBALS['ProductPartNumber'] = "<a href='{$path}{$mmy_links}/orderby/prodcode/sortby/{$sort}'>Image / Part#</a>"; $GLOBALS['ProductDetails'] = "<a href='{$path}{$mmy_links}/orderby/prodfinalprice/sortby/{$sort}'>Price</a>"; } else { $GLOBALS['ProductBrand'] = "<a href='{$path}/search.php?search_query={$mmy_links}&orderby=brandname&sortby={$sort}'>Brand / Series</a>"; $GLOBALS['ProductPartNumber'] = "<a href='{$path}/search.php?search_query={$mmy_links}&orderby=prodcode&sortby={$sort}'>Image / Part#</a>"; $GLOBALS['ProductDetails'] = "<a href='{$path}/search.php?search_query={$mmy_links}&orderby=prodfinalprice&sortby={$sort}'>Price</a>"; } if (isset($_REQUEST['orderby']) && $_REQUEST['orderby'] == 'brandname') { $GLOBALS['ProductBrand'] .= $img; } $GLOBALS['ProductVQ'] = $vq_column_title; /*if(isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'brandname') $GLOBALS['Product_VQ'] .= $img;*/ if (isset($_REQUEST['orderby']) && $_REQUEST['orderby'] == 'prodcode') { $GLOBALS['ProductPartNumber'] .= $img; } $GLOBALS['ProductPQ'] = "Product Options"; /*if(isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'productoption') $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] .= $img;*/ if (isset($_REQUEST['orderby']) && $_REQUEST['orderby'] == 'prodcalculatedprice') { $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] .= $img; } if (isset($_REQUEST['orderby']) && $_REQUEST['orderby'] == 'prodfinalprice') { $GLOBALS['ProductDetails'] .= $img; } //wirror_20110324: replace the empyt ymm selector with the given picture if (!isset($GLOBALS['YMMTable']) || !$GLOBALS['YMMTable']) { $GLOBALS['YMMTable'] = "<img src='/images/mmy-middle-6.jpg'/>"; } $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SubCategoryProductsItemHeader"); } else { if ($catCustomFlag) { //wirror_20100809: show the custom filter items if ($isDynamicPage) { $GLOBALS['DynamicDisplay'] = 'block'; $GLOBALS['YMMTableDisplay'] = 'block'; } else { $GLOBALS['DynamicDisplay'] = 'none'; $GLOBALS['YMMTableDisplay'] = 'none'; } //wirror_20100809: record the searched productids $searchedProductIds = array(); $subcatIds = implode("','", $subcatId); $querySubcatProdsStr = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t \tSELECT DISTINCT(p.productid)\n \t\t\t\tFROM [|PREFIX|]products p\n \t\t\t LEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]categoryassociations ca on ca.productid = p.productid\n \t\t\t %s\n \t\t\t\tWHERE 1=1 \n \t\t\t\tAND p.prodvisible='1'\n \t\t\t\tAND ca.categoryid in ('{$subcatIds}')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t "; $hasYMM = false; if (isset($params['year']) && !empty($params['year'])) { $hasYMM = true; $year = $params['year']; $querySubcatProdsStr .= " AND ({$year} between v.prodstartyear and v.prodendyear OR v.prodstartyear = 'ALL')"; } if (isset($params['make']) && !empty($params['make'])) { $hasYMM = true; $make = $params['make']; $querySubcatProdsStr .= " AND (v.prodmake='{$make}' or v.prodmake='NON-SPEC VEHICLE')"; } if (isset($params['model']) && !empty($params['model'])) { $hasYMM = true; $model = $params['model']; $querySubcatProdsStr .= " AND (v.prodmodel='{$model}' or v.prodmodel='ALL')"; } if ($hasYMM) { $querySubcatProds = sprintf($querySubcatProdsStr, ' LEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]import_variations v on v.productid = p.productid '); } else { $querySubcatProds = sprintf($querySubcatProdsStr, ''); } $resultSubcatProds = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($querySubcatProds); while ($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($resultSubcatProds)) { $searchedProductIds[] = $row['productid']; } if (isset($_GET['debug']) && $_GET['debug'] == 1) { // echo $GLOBALS['DoSearchQuery'].'<br/>'; // echo $querySubcatProds;echo '<br/>'; // var_dump($searchedProductIds); // echo '<br/>'; } $hasProds = false; $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = isset($catg_desc_arr['catdesc']) ? $catg_desc_arr['catdesc'] : ''; // description will be added here to show it at the top of subcatg page. $GLOBALS['CustomPage'] = ''; foreach ($catg_custom_arr as $subArr) { $pIds = explode(',', $subArr['productids']); if (count($pIds) == 1 && in_array('0', $pIds)) { $condArr = array('category' => $subArr['categoryid'], 'subscategory' => $subArr['subcategoryid'], 'brand' => $subArr['brandid'], 'series' => $subArr['seriesid']); $pIdArr = GetClass('ISC_ADMIN_CUSTOMCONTENTS')->GetProductIds($condArr); } else { $pIdArr = $pIds; } //print_r($pIdArr); if (!empty($searchedProductIds) && $this->is_subarray($pIdArr, $searchedProductIds)) { $hasProds = true; $GLOBALS['CustomPage'] .= $subArr['description']; } } if ($hasProds) { $GLOBALS['YMMTableDisplay'] = 'block'; } else { //if there is no static items, show the dynamic page if (!empty($searchedProductIds)) { $GLOBALS['DynamicDisplay'] = 'block'; } $GLOBALS['YMMTableDisplay'] = 'block'; } } //lguan_20100612: Show overal product rating at category landing page if ($category_rating != 0) { //$GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] .= "<br><h2>Rating : <img width='64' height='12' src='".$GLOBALS['TPL_PATH']."/images/IcoRating$category_rating.gif' alt='' /></h2>"; } // $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = "<div>".$GLOBALS['SearchResultList']."</div>"; //wirror_20110324: replace the empyt ymm selector with the given picture if (!isset($GLOBALS['YMMTable']) || !$GLOBALS['YMMTable']) { $GLOBALS['YMMTable'] = "<img src='/images/mmy-middle-6.jpg'/>"; } $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SubCategoryListingMain"); /* //alandy_2012-1-19 modify. if(isset($GLOBALS['showDialog']) && !empty($GLOBALS['showDialog'])){ $showDialog = true; } */ if ($GLOBALS['results_page_flag'] == 0 && !isset($params['srch_category'])) { $GLOBALS['SearchLink'] = ""; if (isset($params['searchtext'])) { $GLOBALS['SearchLink'] .= "/searchtext/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['searchtext'])); } if (isset($params['search'])) { $GLOBALS['SearchLink'] .= "/searchtext/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['search'])); } if (isset($params['model']) && !isset($params['make'])) { $GLOBALS['SearchLink'] .= "/model/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['model'])); } if (isset($params['model_flag']) && $params['model_flag'] == 0 && !isset($params['make'])) { $GLOBALS['SearchLink'] .= "/model_flag/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['model_flag'])); } $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = ""; if (isset($GLOBALS['YMMTable']) && $GLOBALS['YMMTable'] !== "<img src='/images/mmy-middle-6.jpg'/>") { $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] .= "<div>" . $GLOBALS['YMMTable'] . "</div>"; } if ($_REQUEST['is_smart_search']) { $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] .= '<p class="ErrorMessage">' . GetLang('SearchYourSearch') . ' <strong>"' . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['OriginalSearchQuery']) . '"</strong> ' . GetLang('SearchDidNotMatch') . '</p>'; if ($GLOBALS['OriginalSearchQuery'] == '') { $GLOBALS['SearchTitle'] = ''; } else { $GLOBALS['SearchTitle'] = " " . sprintf(GetLang('SearchResultsFor'), $GLOBALS['OriginalSearchQuery']); //$GLOBALS['SearchTitle'] = GetLang('SearchResultsFor'); } } //$GLOBALS['SearchResults'] .= "<div style='width:100%'><p class='InfoMessage'>Please choose a category or brand</p></div>"; $GLOBALS['CategoryBrandList'] = "%%Panel.StaticFeaturedCategories%%\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t%%Panel.StaticFeaturedBrands%%"; $GLOBALS['HidePanels'][] = 'SearchPagingTop'; } } $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> \$('.focushiddendiv').css({'position':'absolute', 'margin-top':'-200px', 'display':'block'}); </script>"; if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $back2url = $_SESSION['back2url'] = preg_replace("/^\\//", "", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } else { $back2url = $_SESSION['back2url'] = "search.php?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } ISC_SetCookie("back2search", $back2url, 0, "/"); // Showing the syndication option? if (GetConfig('RSSNewProducts') != 0 && GetConfig('RSSCategories') != 0 && GetConfig('RSSSyndicationIcons') != 0) { $GLOBALS['RSSURL'] = SearchLink($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_NEWSEARCH']->GetQuery(), 0, false); $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['SearchResultsFeed'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SearchResultsFeed"); } /* //alandy_2012-1-16 add logic. if(isset($showDialog) && $showDialog){ $GLOBALS['Displaydialog'] = 5; } */ } else { if (isset($GLOBALS['showDialog']) && !empty($GLOBALS['showDialog'])) { $GLOBALS['Displaydialog'] = 5; unset($GLOBALS['showDialog']); } $this->YMMSelectors($params); //alandy_2012-2-6 hidde middle ymm selector. //$GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = "<div>".$GLOBALS['YMMTable']."</div>"; $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = ''; $GLOBALS['CategoryBrandList'] = "\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t %%Panel.StaticFeaturedCategories%%\n\t\t\t\t %%Panel.StaticFeaturedBrands%%\n\t\t\t\t "; // No search results were found // commented below code as need to show the favorite categories and brands as in homepage // $GLOBALS['HideSearchResults'] = "none"; //$GLOBALS['HidePanels'][] = 'SearchPageProducts'; } //var_dump($GLOBALS['SearchResults']);exit; }
public function index($fid = 'id', $id = 0) { $id = intval($fid) > 0 ? intval($fid) : intval($id); //ID //判断ID if ($id == 0) { msg_url(L('dance_09'), Web_Path); } //获取数据 $row = $this->CsdjDB->get_row_arr('dance', '*', $id); if (!$row || $row['yid'] > 0 || $row['hid'] > 0) { msg_url(L('dance_10'), Web_Path); } //判断运行模式,生成则跳转至静态页面 $html = config('Html_Uri'); if (config('Web_Mode') == 3 && $html['play']['check'] == 1) { //获取静态路径 $Htmllink = LinkUrl('play', 'id', $id, 0, 'dance'); header("Location: " . $Htmllink); exit; } //摧毁部分需要超级链接字段数组 $rows = $row; //先保存数组保留下面使用 unset($row['tags']); //获取当前分类下二级分类ID $arr['cid'] = getChild($row['cid']); $arr['uid'] = $row['uid']; $arr['did'] = $row['id']; $arr['singerid'] = $row['singerid']; $arr['tags'] = $rows['tags']; //装载模板并输出 $skins = empty($row['skins']) ? 'play.html' : $row['skins']; $Mark_Text = $this->CsdjTpl->plub_show('dance', $row, $arr, TRUE, $skins, $row['name'], $row['name']); //评论 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:pl]", get_pl('dance', $id), $Mark_Text); //分类地址、名称 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:link]", LinkUrl('play', 'id', $row['id'], 1, 'news'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:classlink]", LinkUrl('lists', 'id', $row['cid'], 1, 'dance'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:classname]", $this->CsdjDB->getzd('dance_list', 'name', $row['cid']), $Mark_Text); //专辑 if ($row['tid'] == 0) { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:topiclink]", "###", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:topicname]", L('dance_11'), $Mark_Text); } else { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:topiclink]", LinkUrl('topic', 'show', $row['tid'], 1, 'dance'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:topicname]", $this->CsdjDB->getzd('dance_topic', 'name', $row['tid']), $Mark_Text); } //获取上下曲 preg_match_all('/[dance:slink]/', $Mark_Text, $arr); if (!empty($arr[0]) && !empty($arr[0][0])) { $rowd = $this->db->query("Select id,cid,name from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "dance where yid=0 and hid=0 and id<" . $id . " order by id desc limit 1")->row(); if ($rowd) { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:slink]", LinkUrl('play', 'id', $rowd->id, 1, 'dance'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:sname]", $rowd->name, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:sid]", $rowd->id, $Mark_Text); } else { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:slink]", "#", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:sname]", L('dance_20'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:sid]", 0, $Mark_Text); } } unset($arr); preg_match_all('/[dance:xlink]/', $Mark_Text, $arr); if (!empty($arr[0]) && !empty($arr[0][0])) { $rowd = $this->db->query("Select id,cid,name from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "dance where yid=0 and hid=0 and id>" . $id . " order by id asc limit 1")->row(); if ($rowd) { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:xlink]", LinkUrl('play', 'id', $rowd->id, 1, 'dance'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:xname]", $rowd->name, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:xid]", $rowd->id, $Mark_Text); } else { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:xlink]", "#", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:xname]", L('dance_20'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:xid]", 0, $Mark_Text); } } unset($arr); //标签加超级连接 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:tags]", SearchLink($rows['tags']), $Mark_Text); //歌曲完整试听地址 preg_match_all('/[dance:qurl]/', $Mark_Text, $arr); if (!empty($arr[0]) && !empty($arr[0][0])) { $purl = $row['purl']; if ($row['fid'] > 0) { $rowf = $this->db->query("Select purl from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "dance_server where id=" . $row['fid'] . "")->row_array(); if ($rowf) { $purl = $rowf['purl'] . $row['purl']; } } $purl = annexlink($purl); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:qurl]", $purl, $Mark_Text); } unset($arr); //cmp音频播放器 $player = "<script type='text/javascript'>\r\n\t\t\tvar mp3_w='" . CS_Play_w . "';\r\n\t\t\tvar mp3_h='" . CS_Play_h . "';\r\n\t\t\tvar mp3_i='" . $id . "';\r\n\t\t\tvar mp3_p='" . hitslink('play', 'dance') . "';\r\n\t\t\tvar mp3_t='" . Web_Path . "';\r\n\t\t\tmp3_play();\r\n\t\t\t</script>"; $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:player]", $player, $Mark_Text); //jp音频播放器 $jplayer = "<script type='text/javascript'>\r\n\t\t\tvar mp3_i='" . $id . "';\r\n\t\t\tvar mp3_p='" . hitslink('play', 'dance') . "';\r\n\t\t\tvar mp3_n='" . str_replace("'", "", $row['name']) . "';\r\n\t\t\tvar mp3_x='" . LinkUrl('down', 'id', $row['id'], 1, 'dance') . "';\r\n\t\t\tvar mp3_l='" . LinkUrl('down', 'lrc', $row['id'], 1, 'dance') . "';\r\n\t\t\tmp3_jplayer();\r\n\t\t\t</script>"; $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:jplayer]", $jplayer, $Mark_Text); //增加人气 $Mark_Text = hits_js($Mark_Text, hitslink('hits/ids/' . $id, 'dance')); echo $Mark_Text; $this->cache->end(); //由于前面不是直接输出,所以这里需要加入写缓存 }
public function index($fid = 'id', $id = 0) { $id = intval($fid) > 0 ? intval($fid) : intval($id); //ID //判断ID if ($id == 0) { msg_url('出错了,ID不能为空!', Web_Path); } //获取数据 $row = $this->CsdjDB->get_row_arr('news', '*', $id); if (!$row || $row['yid'] > 0 || $row['hid'] > 0) { msg_url('出错了,该数据不存在或者没有审核!', Web_Path); } //判断运行模式,生成则跳转至静态页面 $html = config('Html_Uri'); if (config('Web_Mode') == 3 && $html['show']['check'] == 1) { //获取静态路径 $Htmllink = LinkUrl('show', $fid, $id, 0, 'news'); header("Location: " . $Htmllink); exit; } //摧毁部分需要超级链接字段数组 $rows = $row; //先保存数组保留下面使用 unset($row['tags']); unset($row['content']); //获取当前分类下二级分类ID $arr['cid'] = getChild($row['cid']); $arr['uid'] = $row['uid']; $arr['tags'] = $rows['tags']; //默认模板 $skins = empty($row['skins']) ? 'show.html' : $row['skins']; //装载模板并输出 $Mark_Text = $this->CsdjTpl->plub_show('news', $row, $arr, TRUE, $skins, $row['name'], $row['name']); //评论 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[news:pl]", get_pl('news', $id), $Mark_Text); //分类地址、名称 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[news:link]", LinkUrl('show', 'id', $row['id'], 1, 'news'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[news:classlink]", LinkUrl('lists', 'id', $row['cid'], 1, 'news'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[news:classname]", $this->CsdjDB->getzd('news_list', 'name', $row['cid']), $Mark_Text); //获取上下篇 preg_match_all('/[news:slink]/', $Mark_Text, $arr); if (!empty($arr[0]) && !empty($arr[0][0])) { $rowd = $this->db->query("Select id,cid,name from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news where yid=0 and hid=0 and id<" . $id . " order by id desc limit 1")->row(); if ($rowd) { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[news:slink]", LinkUrl('show', 'id', $rowd->id, 1, 'news'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[news:sname]", $rowd->name, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[news:sid]", $rowd->id, $Mark_Text); } else { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[news:slink]", "#", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[news:sname]", "没有了", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[news:sid]", 0, $Mark_Text); } } unset($arr); preg_match_all('/[news:xlink]/', $Mark_Text, $arr); if (!empty($arr[0]) && !empty($arr[0][0])) { $rowd = $this->db->query("Select id,cid,name from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news where yid=0 and hid=0 and id>" . $id . " order by id asc limit 1")->row(); if ($rowd) { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[news:xlink]", LinkUrl('show', 'id', $rowd->id, 1, 'news'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[news:xname]", $rowd->name, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[news:xid]", $rowd->id, $Mark_Text); } else { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[news:xlink]", "#", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[news:xname]", "没有了", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[news:xid]", 0, $Mark_Text); } } unset($arr); //标签加超级连接 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[news:tags]", SearchLink($rows['tags']), $Mark_Text); //文章内容,判断是否是收费文章 if ($row['vip'] > 0 || $row['level'] > 0 || $row['cion'] > 0) { $content = "<div id='cscms_content'></div>"; if (config('Ym_Mode', 'news') == 1) { $content .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='http://" . config('Ym_Url', 'news') . Web_Path . "index.php/show/pay/" . $id . "'></script>"; } else { $content .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='http://" . Web_Url . Web_Path . "index.php/news/show/pay/" . $id . "'></script>"; } } else { $content = $rows['content']; } $Mark_Text = str_replace("[news:content]", $content, $Mark_Text); //增加人气 $Mark_Text = hits_js($Mark_Text, hitslink('hits/ids/' . $id, 'news')); echo $Mark_Text; $this->cache->end(); //由于前面不是直接输出,所以这里需要加入写缓存 }
public function index($fid = 'id', $id = 0) { $id = intval($fid) > 0 ? intval($fid) : intval($id); //ID //判断ID if ($id == 0) { msg_url('出错了,ID不能为空!', Web_Path); } //获取数据 $row = $this->CsdjDB->get_row_arr('pic_type', '*', $id); if (!$row || $row['yid'] > 0 || $row['hid'] > 0) { msg_url('出错了,该数据不存在或者没有审核!', Web_Path); } //判断运行模式,生成则跳转至静态页面 $html = config('Html_Uri'); if (config('Web_Mode') == 3 && $html['show']['check'] == 1) { //获取静态路径 $Htmllink = LinkUrl('show', $fid, $id, 0, 'pic'); header("Location: " . $Htmllink); exit; } //摧毁部分需要超级链接字段数组 $rows = $row; //先保存数组保留下面使用 unset($row['tags']); //获取当前分类下二级分类ID $arr['cid'] = getChild($row['cid']); $arr['uid'] = $row['uid']; $arr['tags'] = $rows['tags']; $arr['sid'] = $row['id']; //默认模板 $skins = empty($row['skins']) ? 'show.html' : $row['skins']; //装载模板并输出 $Mark_Text = $this->CsdjTpl->plub_show('pic', $row, $arr, TRUE, $skins, $row['name'], $row['name']); //评论 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:pl]", get_pl('pic', $id), $Mark_Text); //分类地址、名称 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:link]", LinkUrl('show', 'id', $row['id'], 1, 'pic'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:classlink]", LinkUrl('lists', 'id', $row['cid'], 1, 'pic'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:classname]", $this->CsdjDB->getzd('pic_list', 'name', $row['cid']), $Mark_Text); //获取上下张 preg_match_all('/[pic:slink]/', $Mark_Text, $arr); if (!empty($arr[0]) && !empty($arr[0][0])) { $rowd = $this->db->query("Select id,cid,pic,name from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "pic_type where yid=0 and hid=0 and id<" . $id . " order by id desc limit 1")->row(); if ($rowd) { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:slink]", LinkUrl('show', 'id', $rowd->id, 1, 'pic'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:sname]", $rowd->name, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:sid]", $rowd->id, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:spic]", piclink('pic', $rowd->pic), $Mark_Text); } else { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:slink]", "#", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:sname]", "没有了", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:sid]", 0, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:spic]", piclink('pic', ''), $Mark_Text); } } unset($arr); preg_match_all('/[pic:xlink]/', $Mark_Text, $arr); if (!empty($arr[0]) && !empty($arr[0][0])) { $rowd = $this->db->query("Select id,cid,pic,name from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "pic_type where yid=0 and hid=0 and id>" . $id . " order by id asc limit 1")->row(); if ($rowd) { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xlink]", LinkUrl('show', 'id', $rowd->id, 1, 'pic'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xname]", $rowd->name, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xid]", $rowd->id, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xpic]", piclink('pic', $rowd->pic), $Mark_Text); } else { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xlink]", "#", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xname]", "没有了", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xid]", 0, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xpic]", piclink('pic', ''), $Mark_Text); } } unset($arr); //标签加超级连接 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:tags]", SearchLink($rows['tags']), $Mark_Text); //获取当前相册总数 $pcount = $this->db->query("Select id from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "pic where sid=" . $id . " and hid=0 and yid=0")->num_rows(); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:count]", $pcount, $Mark_Text); //第一张图片 $rowp = $this->db->query("Select pic,content from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "pic where sid=" . $id . " and hid=0 and yid=0 order by id desc limit 1")->row(); $pics = $rowp ? $rowp->pic : ''; $content = $rowp ? $rowp->content : ''; $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:url]", piclink('pic', $pics), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:content]", $content, $Mark_Text); //增加人气 $Mark_Text = hits_js($Mark_Text, hitslink('hits/ids/' . $id, 'pic')); echo $Mark_Text; $this->cache->end(); //由于前面不是直接输出,所以这里需要加入写缓存 }
public function SetPanelSettings() { $count = 0; $output = ""; $params = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_SEARCH']->_searchterms; $this->searchterms = $params; /* Checking the search string. If it is used in any search, will be retained. else it will not be retained - starts */ if (isset($this->searchterms['search'])) { $search_str = trim(str_ireplace($this->searchterms['search_string'], "", $this->searchterms['search'])); if ($search_str == '') { unset($this->searchterms['search'], $params['search']); } else { $this->searchterms['search'] = $params['search'] = $search_str; } } $path = GetConfig('ShopPath'); /* the below mmy links are passed to the breadcrumbs */ $mmy_links = ""; /*---------- This below section is for generating search phrase----------*/ $GLOBALS['Category'] = ""; $GLOBALS['MMY'] = ""; $GLOBALS['PQ'] = ""; $GLOBALS['VQ'] = ""; $GLOBALS['SearchPhrase'] = ""; $ext_links = ""; // this variable is passed to the product detail page $seo_delim = "&"; if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $seo_delim = "/"; } if (isset($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME'])) { $GLOBALS['Category'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME']; } if (isset($params['year'])) { $GLOBALS['MMY'] .= $params['year'] . "<br>"; $ext_links .= $seo_delim . "year=" . $params['year']; } if (isset($params['make'])) { $GLOBALS['MMY'] .= strtoupper($params['make']) . "<br>"; $ext_links .= $seo_delim . "make=" . MakeURLSafe($params['make']); } if (isset($params['model']) && (!isset($params['model_flag']) || $params['model_flag'] == 1)) { $GLOBALS['MMY'] .= strtoupper($params['model']) . "<br>"; $ext_links .= $seo_delim . "model=" . MakeURLSafe($params['model']); } /*else if(isset($params['model'])) $ext_links .= $seo_delim."model=".$params['model'];*/ /* this condition has been added seperately here to show submodel at last */ if (isset($params['submodel'])) { $GLOBALS['MMY'] .= MakeURLSafe($params['submodel']) . "<br>"; } /*if(isset($params['year'])) { $ext_links .= $seo_delim."year=".$params['year']; }*/ if (isset($params['dynfilters']) && !empty($params['dynfilters'])) { foreach ($params['dynfilters'] as $key => $value) { if (eregi('vq', $key)) { $key = str_ireplace('vq', '', $key); $GLOBALS['VQ'] .= ucfirst($key) . ": {$value}<br>"; } else { if (eregi('pq', $key)) { $key = str_ireplace('pq', '', $key); $GLOBALS['PQ'] .= ucfirst($key) . ": {$value}<br>"; } } } } $filter_var = array('vq', 'pq'); /* this below patch is used for getting description of the category. Here currently the selected category id will be last one in the $params['srch_category'] array. if input['category'] is used then it will be the first one */ if (!empty($params['srch_category'])) { if (isset($params['category'])) { $selected_catg = $params['srch_category'][0]; } else { $selected_catg = end($params['srch_category']); } //wirror_20100806: add selected files like pagecontenttype and customcontentid; $catg_desc_qry = "select pagecontenttype, customcontentid, catdesc , categoryfooter from [|PREFIX|]categories where categoryid = " . $selected_catg; $catg_desc_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($catg_desc_qry); if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($catg_desc_res) > 0) { $catg_desc_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($catg_desc_res); } //wirror_20100806: get the custom prudocts list; $catg_custom_arr = array(); $catg_custom_qry = "SELECT cp.productids, cp.categoryid, cp.subcategoryid, cp.brandid, cp.seriesid, cp.description\n \t\t FROM [|PREFIX|]custom_products cp \n \t\t INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]custom_contents cc on cc.contentid=cp.contentid\n \t\t WHERE cc.contentid\n IN (\n SELECT customcontentid\n FROM [|PREFIX|]categories\n WHERE categoryid = '{$selected_catg}'\n )\n AND cp.enabled=1 "; if (isset($params['brand']) && $params['brand'] != "") { $brand_query = "select brandid from [|PREFIX|]brands WHERE brandname='" . $params['brand'] . "'"; $brand_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($brand_query); $brandId = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FetchOne($brand_result); if ((int) $brandId > 0) { $catg_custom_qry .= " AND cp.brandid={$brandId} "; } } $catg_custom_qry .= " ORDER BY cp.displayorder ASC "; $catg_custom_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($catg_custom_qry); while ($rows = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($catg_custom_res)) { $catg_custom_arr[] = $rows; } $catCustomFlag = false; /* this below patch is used to show the display name for the qualifiers from the qualifier association table */ $map_names = array(); $display_names = array(); $filter_names = "select qid , column_name , display_names from [|PREFIX|]qualifier_names where column_name regexp '^(pq|vq)'"; $filter_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($filter_names); while ($filter_row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($filter_result)) { $map_names[$filter_row['qid']] = $filter_row['column_name']; $display_names[$filter_row['qid']] = $filter_row['display_names']; } $this->GetAssocDetails($selected_catg, $OwnAssoc, $ParentAssoc, $OwnValue, $ParentValue); } if (isset($params['brand'])) { $brand_desc_arr = array(); $brand_desc_qry = "select branddescription , brandfooter from [|PREFIX|]brands where brandname = '" . $params['brand'] . "'"; $brand_desc_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($brand_desc_qry); if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($brand_desc_res) > 0) { $brand_desc_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($brand_desc_res); } } // for breadcrumbs $this->_BuildBreadCrumbs(); /* the below line has been commented as client told to remove it */ //$GLOBALS['SearchPhrase'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SearchPhrase"); if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_SEARCH']->GetNumResults() > 30) { $msg_qry = "select value from [|PREFIX|]display where messageid = 1"; $msg_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($msg_qry); $msg_row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FetchOne($msg_res); $GLOBALS['SearchPhrase'] = $msg_row; //$GLOBALS['SearchPhrase'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SearchPhrase"); } /*if(!empty($params['dynfilters'])) $GLOBALS['SearchPhrase'] .= " ".implode(" ",$params['dynfilters']); /*---------- Ending section for generating search phrase----------*/ $vq_column_title = ""; $GLOBALS['SearchResultList'] = ""; if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_SEARCH']->GetNumResults() > 0) { $brand_rating = 0; $category_rating = 0; if ($GLOBALS['results_page_flag'] == 1) { $brand_rating_qry = "select avg(revrating) as rating from [|PREFIX|]reviews r left join [|PREFIX|]products p on r.revproductid = p.productid left join [|PREFIX|]brands b on p.prodbrandid = b.brandid where r.revstatus = 1 and b.brandname = '" . $params['brand'] . "'"; $brand_rating_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($brand_rating_qry); $brand_rating_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FetchOne($brand_rating_res); if (isset($brand_rating_arr['rating'])) { $brand_rating = (int) $brand_rating_arr['rating']; } } else { if ($GLOBALS['results_page_flag'] == 0 && isset($selected_catg)) { // 3rdAug2010: added the condition "isset($selected_catg)" as no need to show rating when only YMM is selected // lguan_20100612: Category page mode, calculate the rating $catquery = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query("SELECT categoryid FROM [|PREFIX|]categories where catparentid = {$selected_catg}"); $catlistid = array(); while ($catrow = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($catquery)) { $catlistid[] = $catrow['categoryid']; } $catcountlist = implode(",", $catlistid); //lguan_20100612: Changed following codes to get product rating for categories if (count($catlistid) > 0) { $catcountlist = $selected_catg . "," . $catcountlist; } $cat_rating_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query("SELECT floor(SUM(p.prodratingtotal)/SUM(p.prodnumratings))AS prodavgrating FROM [|PREFIX|]categoryassociations c INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]products p on c.productid=p.productid where c.categoryid IN ({$catcountlist})"); $cat_rating_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FetchOne($cat_rating_res); if (isset($cat_rating_arr['prodavgrating'])) { $category_rating = (int) $cat_rating_arr['prodavgrating']; } } } /* displaying the dropdowns for YMM */ if (!isset($params['make']) || !isset($params['year']) || !isset($params['model']) || isset($params['model_flag']) && $params['model_flag'] == 0) { $this->YMMSelectors($params); } // We have at least one result, let's show it to the world! $GLOBALS['HideNoResults'] = "none"; // Only show the "compare" option if there are 2 or more products on this page if (GetConfig('EnableProductComparisons') == 0 || $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($GLOBALS['SearchResults']) < 2) { $GLOBALS['HideCompareItems'] = "none"; } if (GetConfig('EnableProductReviews') == 0) { $GLOBALS['HideProductRating'] = "display: none"; } $GLOBALS['AlternateClass'] = ''; $counter = 1; $CurCatId = 0; $mmy_links = $this->GetYMMLinks($params); $mmy_links .= $this->GetOtherLinks($params); //wirror_code_mark_begin //wirror_20100809: show the custom filter items $subcatId = array(); while ($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($GLOBALS['SearchResults'])) { /* Added by Simha to check inf prodcucts comes from different categories*/ if (empty($params['srch_category']) || !isset($params['srch_category'])) { if ($CurCatId != $row['categoryid']) { $CurCatId = $row['categoryid']; $map_names = array(); $display_names = array(); $filter_names = "SELECT DISTINCT qn.qid, qn.column_name, qn.display_names from \n [|PREFIX|]qualifier_names qn\n LEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]qualifier_associations qa ON qa.qualifierid = qn.qid\n WHERE (qa.categoryid = '{$CurCatId}') \n AND qn.column_name regexp '^(pq|vq)'"; // || qa.categoryid IN (SELECT catparentid FROM isc_categories WHERE categoryid = '$CurCatId') $filter_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($filter_names); while ($filter_row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($filter_result)) { $map_names[$filter_row['qid']] = $filter_row['column_name']; $display_names[$filter_row['qid']] = $filter_row['display_names']; } $this->GetAssocDetails($CurCatId, $OwnAssoc, $ParentAssoc, $OwnValue, $ParentValue); } } /* Added by Simha Ends */ $GLOBALS['SearchTrackClass'] = "TrackLink"; $imagefile = ""; if ($GLOBALS['AlternateClass'] == 'Odd') { $GLOBALS['AlternateClass'] = 'Even'; } else { $GLOBALS['AlternateClass'] = 'Odd'; } $qry_string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $page = "&page=" . $_GET['page']; $qry_string = str_ireplace($page, '', $qry_string); } if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { if (isset($_GET['search_key'])) { $qry_string = str_ireplace('&search_key=' . $_GET['search_key'], '', $qry_string); } if (isset($params['search_query']) && !strstr($qry_string, 'search_query=')) { $qry_string .= "search_query=" . MakeURLSafe($params['search_query']); } if (isset($params['make']) && !strstr($qry_string, 'make=')) { $qry_string .= "&make=" . MakeURLSafe($params['make']); } if (isset($params['model']) && !strstr($qry_string, 'model=')) { $qry_string .= "&model=" . MakeURLSafe($params['model']); } if (isset($params['year']) && !strstr($qry_string, 'year=')) { $qry_string .= "&year=" . MakeURLSafe($params['year']); } if (isset($params['make']) && !strstr($qry_string, 'make=')) { $qry_string .= "&make=" . MakeURLSafe($params['make']); } if (isset($params['model_flag']) && !strstr($qry_string, 'model_flag=')) { $qry_string .= "&model_flag=" . MakeURLSafe($params['model_flag']); } if (isset($params['submodel']) && !strstr($qry_string, 'submodel=')) { $qry_string .= "&submodel=" . MakeURLSafe($params['submodel']); } } if ($GLOBALS['results_page_flag'] == 0 && !isset($params['srch_category'])) { break; } if (isset($params['partnumber']) || $params['flag_srch_category'] == 1 || isset($params['flag_srch_category']) && isset($GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG']) && $GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG'] == 1) { //wirror_mark_condition1 /*if( isset($params['srch_category']) ) { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = isset($catg_desc_arr['catdesc']) ? $catg_desc_arr['catdesc'] : ''; // description will be added here to show it at the top of product listing page. }*/ if (isset($params['category']) || !isset($params['subcategory']) && isset($params['series'])) { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = $row['seriesdescription']; //$GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = $row['seriesfooter']; $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = ""; if ((isset($params['category']) || isset($params['subcategory'])) && $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] == "") { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = isset($catg_desc_arr['catdesc']) ? $catg_desc_arr['catdesc'] : ''; //$GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = isset($catg_desc_arr['categoryfooter']) ? $catg_desc_arr['categoryfooter'] : ''; $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = ""; } } else { if (isset($params['srch_category'])) { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = isset($catg_desc_arr['catdesc']) ? $catg_desc_arr['catdesc'] : ''; $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = isset($catg_desc_arr['categoryfooter']) ? $catg_desc_arr['categoryfooter'] : ''; if (isset($params['series']) && $row['seriesdescription'] != "") { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = $row['seriesdescription']; //$GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = $row['seriesfooter']; $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = ""; } if ($GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] == '' && $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] == '' && isset($params['brand'])) { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = isset($brand_desc_arr['branddescription']) ? $brand_desc_arr['branddescription'] : ''; //$GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = isset($brand_desc_arr['brandfooter']) ? $brand_desc_arr['brandfooter'] : ''; $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = ""; } } else { if (isset($params['brand'])) { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = isset($brand_desc_arr['branddescription']) ? $brand_desc_arr['branddescription'] : ''; $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = isset($brand_desc_arr['brandfooter']) ? $brand_desc_arr['brandfooter'] : ''; } } } /* No need to show footer description when YMM are selected */ if (isset($params['make']) || isset($params['model']) || isset($params['year'])) { $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = ""; } $GLOBALS['ProductCartQuantity'] = ''; if (isset($GLOBALS['CartQuantity' . $row['productid']])) { $GLOBALS['ProductCartQuantity'] = (int) $GLOBALS['CartQuantity' . $row['productid']]; } if ($counter % 2 == 0) { $GLOBALS['RowColor'] = 'grayrow'; } else { $GLOBALS['RowColor'] = 'whiterow'; } $counter++; $GLOBALS['ProductId'] = (int) $row['productid']; $GLOBALS['ProductName'] = isc_html_escape($row['prodname']); $GLOBALS['ProductLink'] = ProdLink($row['prodname']); $GLOBALS['ProductRating'] = (int) $row['prodavgrating']; //$GLOBALS['BrandName'] = $row['brandname']; /* -- The below code is added to display the brand and series logo -- */ $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = ""; $brandlogo = realpath(ISC_BASE_PATH . '/product_images/' . $row['brandimagefile']); if ($row['brandimagefile'] != '' && file_exists($brandlogo)) { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] .= "<img src=\"" . $GLOBALS['ShopPath'] . "/product_images/" . $row['brandimagefile'] . "\" class=\"BrandSeriesLogo\" />"; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] .= $row['brandname']; } $serieslogo = realpath(ISC_BASE_PATH . '/series_images/' . $row['serieslogoimage']); if ($row['serieslogoimage'] != '' && file_exists($serieslogo)) { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] .= "<br><img src=\"" . $GLOBALS['ShopPath'] . "/series_images/" . $row['serieslogoimage'] . "\" />"; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] .= "<br>" . $row['seriesname']; } /* --- ends --- */ $GLOBALS['ProdCode'] = $row['prodcode']; //$GLOBALS['ProdDesc'] = $this->strip_html_tags($row['proddesc']); $GLOBALS['icon_file'] = ''; if (isset($row['icon_file'])) { if (stripos($row['icon_file'], 'http://') >= 0) { $GLOBALS['icon_file'] = "<img src='" . $row['icon_file'] . "' border=0 class='icon_image_class' width='125' />"; } else { $GLOBALS['icon_file'] = "<img src='" . $GLOBALS["SHOP_PATH"] . "/" . $row['icon_file'] . "' border=0 class='icon_image_class' width='125'/>"; } } //$GLOBALS['ProdOptions'] = $row['productoption']; $GLOBALS['VehicleOptions'] = ""; $GLOBALS['ProdOptions'] = ""; foreach ($row as $key => $val) { if ($val != "" && $val != "~") { if (($qualifier_id = array_search($key, $map_names)) !== false) { if (eregi('^vq', $key)) { $val = trim($val, "~"); $val = preg_split('/[~;]+/', $val); $val = array_unique($val); $val = array_values($val); $val = implode(",", $val); /* -- Setting display name for qualifier name -- */ if (isset($OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id]) && $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname'] != '') { $key = $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname']; } else { if (isset($ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id]) && $ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname'] != '') { $key = $ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname']; } else { if (isset($display_names[$qualifier_id]) && !empty($display_names[$qualifier_id])) { $key = $display_names[$qualifier_id]; } else { $key = ucfirst(str_ireplace($filter_var, "", $key)); } } } /* -- Setting display name for qualifier name ends -- */ /* -- Setting display name for qualifier value -- */ if (isset($OwnValue[$qualifier_id]) && ($m = array_search(strtolower($val), $OwnValue[$qualifier_id])) !== false && $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname'] != "") { $val = $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname']; } else { if (isset($ParentValue[$qualifier_id]) && ($m = array_search(strtolower($val), $ParentValue[$qualifier_id])) !== false && $ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname'] != "") { $val = $ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname']; } } /* -- Setting display name for qualifier value ends-- */ //$GLOBALS['VehicleOptions'] .= "<b>".$key."</b> : ".$val."<br>"; $GLOBALS['VehicleOptions'] .= "<div class='qualifierwrap'><div class='qualifiertitle'>" . $key . " :</div> " . $val . "</div>"; } if (eregi('^pq', $key)) { $val = trim($val, "~"); $val = preg_split('/[~;]+/', $val); $val = array_unique($val); $val = array_values($val); $val = implode(",", $val); /* -- Setting display name for qualifier name -- */ if (isset($OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id]) && $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname'] != '') { $key = $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname']; } else { if (isset($ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id]) && $ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname'] != '') { $key = $ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname']; } else { if (isset($display_names[$qualifier_id]) && !empty($display_names[$qualifier_id])) { $key = $display_names[$qualifier_id]; } else { $key = ucfirst(str_ireplace($filter_var, "", $key)); } } } /* -- Setting display name for qualifier name ends -- */ /* -- Setting display name for qualifier value -- */ if (isset($OwnValue[$qualifier_id]) && ($m = array_search(strtolower($val), $OwnValue[$qualifier_id])) !== false && $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname'] != '') { $val = $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname']; } else { if (isset($ParentValue[$qualifier_id]) && ($m = array_search(strtolower($val), $ParentValue[$qualifier_id])) !== false && $ParentValue[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname'] != '') { $val = $ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname']; } } /* -- Setting display name for qualifier value ends-- */ //$GLOBALS['ProdOptions'] .= "<b>".$key."</b> : ".$val."<br>"; $GLOBALS['ProdOptions'] .= "<div class='qualifierwrap'><div class='qualifiertitle'>" . $key . " :</div> " . $val . "</div>"; } } } } if (isset($row['vehicleoption'])) { $GLOBALS['VehicleOptions'] = $row['vehicleoption']; } if (isset($row['productoption'])) { $GLOBALS['ProdOptions'] = $row['productoption']; } if (isset($row['catuniversal']) && $row['catuniversal'] == 1) { $GLOBALS['VehicleOptions'] = $GLOBALS['ProductName']; if ($vq_column_title == "") { $vq_column_title = "Product Name"; } else { if ($vq_column_title != "Product Name") { $vq_column_title = "Product Name / Vehicle"; } } } else { if ($vq_column_title == "") { $vq_column_title = "Vehicle Options"; } else { if ($vq_column_title != "Vehicle Options") { $vq_column_title = "Product Name / Vehicle"; } } } if (empty($GLOBALS['ProdOptions']) && empty($GLOBALS['VehicleOptions'])) { $GLOBALS['ProdOptions'] = " "; } if (empty($GLOBALS['VehicleOptions'])) { $GLOBALS['VehicleOptions'] = " "; } /*--- the below lines are added for back 2 search link in the product detail page. Also modified line no 56 & 60 --- */ if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $GLOBALS['ProductLink'] .= "/refer=true" . $ext_links; if (isset($GLOBALS['SearchId'])) { $GLOBALS['ProductLink'] .= '/SearchLogId/' . $GLOBALS['SearchId']; } } else { $GLOBALS['ProductLink'] .= "&refer=true" . $ext_links; if (isset($GLOBALS['SearchId'])) { $GLOBALS['ProductLink'] .= '&SearchLogId=' . $GLOBALS['SearchId']; } } ### Added by Simha for onsale addition // Determine the price of this product //$GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] = CalculateProductPrice_retail($row); $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] = CalculateProductPriceRetail($row); $FinalPrice = $GLOBALS['ProductPrice']; $SalePrice = $row['prodsaleprice']; //$DiscountAmount = $FinalPrice; $discounttype = 0; $discountname = ''; if ((double) $SalePrice > 0 && $SalePrice < $FinalPrice) { $DiscountPrice = $SalePrice; } else { $DiscountPrice = $FinalPrice; $DiscountPrice = CalculateDiscountPrice($FinalPrice, $DiscountPrice, $row['categoryid'], $row['brandseriesid'], $discounttype, $discountname); /*if($discounttype == 0) { $DiscountPrice = $FinalPrice; }*/ } /* foreach($DiscountInfo as $DiscountInfoSub) { if(isset($DiscountInfoSub['catids'])) { $catids = explode(",", $DiscountInfoSub['catids']); foreach($catids as $catid) { if($catid == $row['categoryid']) { $DiscountAmount = $FinalPrice * ((int)$DiscountInfoSub['amount']/100); if ($DiscountAmount < 0) { $DiscountAmount = 0; } $DiscountPrice = $FinalPrice - $DiscountAmount; } } } } */ if (isset($DiscountPrice) && $DiscountPrice < $FinalPrice && $discounttype == 0) { //&& GetConfig('ShowOnSale') $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] = '<strike>' . CurrencyConvertFormatPrice($FinalPrice) . '</strike>'; $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] .= '<br><div class="finalprice">' . CurrencyConvertFormatPrice($DiscountPrice) . '</div> '; if (strtolower($discountname) == "clearance") { $GLOBALS['ShowOnSaleImage'] = '<img id="OnSale" src="' . GetConfig('ShopPath') . '/templates/default/images/clearance.gif" alt="">'; } else { $GLOBALS['ShowOnSaleImage'] = '<img id="OnSale" src="' . GetConfig('ShopPath') . '/templates/default/images/onsale.gif" alt="">'; } if (GetConfig('ShowOnSale')) { $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] .= '' . $GLOBALS['ShowOnSaleImage'] . ''; } } else { $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] = '<div class="finalprice">' . CurrencyConvertFormatPrice($FinalPrice) . '</div>'; } ### Added by Simha Ends // commented the below line by vikas //$GLOBALS['ProductThumb'] = ImageThumb($row['imagefile'], ProdLink($row['prodname'])); $GLOBALS['ProductThumb'] = ImageThumb($row['imagefile'], $GLOBALS['ProductLink']); if (isId($row['prodvariationid']) || trim($row['prodconfigfields']) != '' || $row['prodeventdaterequired'] == 1) { //$GLOBALS['ProductURL'] = ProdLink($row['prodname']); // commented by vikas $GLOBALS['ProductURL'] = $GLOBALS['ProductLink']; $GLOBALS['ProductAddText'] = GetLang('ProductChooseOptionLink'); } else { //$GLOBALS['ProductURL'] = CartLink($row['productid']); //$GLOBALS['ProductURL'] = ProdLink($row['prodname']); // commented by vikas $GLOBALS['ProductURL'] = $GLOBALS['ProductLink']; //blessen if (intval($row['prodretailprice']) <= 0) { //$GLOBALS['ProductAddText'] = GetLang('ProductAddToCartLink'); // commented by vikas on 15-7-09 $GLOBALS['ProductAddText'] = "<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/view.gif' border=0>"; } else { //$GLOBALS['ProductAddText'] = GetLang('ProductAddToCartLink1'); // commented by vikas on 15-7-09 $GLOBALS['ProductAddText'] = "<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/view.gif' border=0>"; } //blessen // original $GLOBALS['ProductAddText'] = GetLang('ProductAddToCartLink'); } if (CanAddToCart($row) && GetConfig('ShowAddToCartLink')) { $GLOBALS['HideActionAdd'] = ''; } else { $GLOBALS['HideActionAdd'] = 'none'; } $GLOBALS['HideProductVendorName'] = 'display: none'; $GLOBALS['ProductVendor'] = ''; if (GetConfig('ShowProductVendorNames') && $row['prodvendorid'] > 0) { $vendorCache = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DATA_STORE']->Read('Vendors'); if (isset($vendorCache[$row['prodvendorid']])) { $GLOBALS['ProductVendor'] = '<a href="' . VendorLink($vendorCache[$row['prodvendorid']]) . '">' . isc_html_escape($vendorCache[$row['prodvendorid']]['vendorname']) . '</a>'; $GLOBALS['HideProductVendorName'] = ''; } } $GLOBALS['CartURL'] = CartLink($row['productid']); if (isset($GLOBALS['SearchId'])) { $GLOBALS['CartURL'] .= '&SearchLogId=' . $GLOBALS['SearchId']; } $offer = $this->IsProductMakeanOffer($row['brandseriesid'], $row['brandname'], $row['categoryid']); if ($offer == 'yes') { $GLOBALS['HideOfferButton'] = 'block'; } else { $GLOBALS['HideOfferButton'] = 'none'; } $GLOBALS['SearchResultList'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SubCategoryProductsItem"); } else { if ($GLOBALS['results_page_flag'] == 0) { //wirror_mark_condition2 $isDynamicPage = $catg_desc_arr['pagecontenttype'] == 0 ? true : false; $mmy_links_modified = $mmy_links; if (!isset($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_ID'])) { $parentid = $GLOBALS['categories_all'][$row['categoryid']]['catparentid']; if ($parentid != 0) { if (isset($GLOBALS['categories_all'][$parentid])) { // if parent catg is not visible $mmy_links_modified = "/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($GLOBALS['categories_all'][$parentid]['catname'])) . $mmy_links; } else { $mmy_links_modified = "/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($GLOBALS['categories_all'][$row['categoryid']]['catname'])) . $mmy_links; } } else { $mmy_links_modified = "/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($GLOBALS['categories_all'][$row['categoryid']]['catname'])) . $mmy_links; } } $subcatg_link = $this->LeftCatLink($mmy_links_modified, 'subcategory', $row['catname']); $link = "<a href='" . $subcatg_link . "'>"; $tiplink = "<a class='thickbox1' href='" . $GLOBALS['ShopPath'] . "/catgbrand.php?categoryid=" . $row['categoryid'] . "&url=" . urlencode($subcatg_link) . "' title=''><img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/fastlook_red.gif' border=0></a>"; $imagelink = "<a class='thickbox' href='" . $GLOBALS['ShopPath'] . "/catgbrand.php?categoryid=" . $row['categoryid'] . "&url=" . urlencode($subcatg_link) . "' title='' onmouseover='createtip(" . $row['categoryid'] . ")' onmouseout='UnTip()'>"; //$imagelink = "<a href='".$GLOBALS['ShopPath']."/catgbrand.php?categoryid=".$row['categoryid']."&url=$subcatg_link' class='thickbox' title=''>"; if (isset($row['imagefile']) && !empty($row['imagefile'])) { $images = explode("~", $row['imagefile']); for ($j = 0; $j < count($images); $j++) { if (!empty($images[$j])) { $imagefile = "{$imagelink}<img src='{$path}/category_images/" . $images[$j] . "' alt='" . $row['catimagealt'] . "' title='" . $row['catimagealt'] . "'></a>"; $imagefile .= "<span id='span" . $row['categoryid'] . "' style='display:none'>" . $tiplink . "</span>"; break; } } } else { if (empty($row['imagefile']) || empty($imagefile)) { $imagefile = "{$imagelink}<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/ProductDefault.gif' border=0></a>"; $imagefile .= "<span id='span" . $row['categoryid'] . "' style='display:none'>" . $tiplink . "</span>"; } } $GLOBALS['LeftImage'] = $imagefile; $GLOBALS['ProductsCount'] = "(" . $row['totalproducts'] . ") Products Available"; $row['brandname'] = str_replace('~', ' , ', $row['brandname']); //$GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] = $row['brandname']; if (!empty($row['seriesname'])) { $row['brandname'] .= "<br>" . $row['seriesname']; } $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] = ""; if ($row['seriesids'] != "") { $seriesids = str_ireplace("~", ",", $row['seriesids']); $seriesids_qry = "select seriesid , brandname , seriesname from isc_brand_series bs left join isc_brands b on bs.brandid = b.brandid where seriesid in (" . $seriesids . ")"; $seriesids_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($seriesids_qry); if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($seriesids_res) > 0) { while ($seriesids_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($seriesids_res)) { if ($GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] == "") { $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<br><a href='javascript:' onclick=\"checkanimate('" . $row['categoryid'] . "')\">View Brands ></a><div id='" . $row['categoryid'] . "' style='display:block'>"; } else { $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<br>"; } $tooltipscript = "onmouseover='createtip(" . $row['categoryid'] . $seriesids_arr['seriesid'] . ")' onmouseout='UnTip()'"; if (!isset($params['brand'])) { if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $series_link = $subcatg_link . "/brand/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['brandname'])) . "/series/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['seriesname'])); $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<a href='" . $subcatg_link . "/brand/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['brandname'])) . "/series/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['seriesname'])) . "' {$tooltipscript}>" . $seriesids_arr['brandname'] . " " . $seriesids_arr['seriesname'] . "</a>"; } else { $series_link = $subcatg_link . "&brand=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['brandname'])) . "&series=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['seriesname'])); $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<a href='" . $subcatg_link . "&brand=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['brandname'])) . "&series=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['seriesname'])) . "' {$tooltipscript}>" . $seriesids_arr['brandname'] . " " . $seriesids_arr['seriesname'] . "</a>"; } } else { if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $series_link = $subcatg_link . "/series/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['seriesname'])); $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<a href='" . $subcatg_link . "/series/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['seriesname'])) . "' {$tooltipscript}>" . $seriesids_arr['brandname'] . " " . $seriesids_arr['seriesname'] . "</a>"; } else { $series_link = $subcatg_link . "&series=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['seriesname'])); $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<a href='" . $subcatg_link . "&series=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['seriesname'])) . "' {$tooltipscript}>" . $seriesids_arr['brandname'] . " " . $seriesids_arr['seriesname'] . "</a>"; } } //wirror20100728: keep the catname consistent with the displayname $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<span id='span" . $row['categoryid'] . $seriesids_arr['seriesid'] . "' style='display:none'><a class='thickbox1' href='" . $GLOBALS['ShopPath'] . "/catgbrand.php?seriesid=" . $seriesids_arr['seriesid'] . "&catname=" . rawurlencode($row['catname']) . "&url=" . urlencode($series_link) . "' class='' ><img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/fastlook_red.gif' border=0></a></span>"; } $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "</br></div>"; } } $content = $row['brandname'] . "<br>"; if (!isset($params['category']) && (isset($params['srch_category']) || !isset($GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG']))) { //wirror_20100806: add condition to control the display of static page if ($isDynamicPage) { //$GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = ''; //lguan_20100826: Quick fix for missing category head in dynamic category content page $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = isset($catg_desc_arr['catdesc']) ? $catg_desc_arr['catdesc'] : ''; // description will be added here to show it at the top of subcatg page. $GLOBALS['CustomDisplay'] = 'none'; } else { $subcatId[] = $row['categoryid']; $GLOBALS['CustomDisplay'] = 'block'; $catCustomFlag = true; } $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = isset($catg_desc_arr['categoryfooter']) ? $catg_desc_arr['categoryfooter'] : ''; if (isset($params['make']) || isset($params['model']) || isset($params['year']) || isset($params['brand'])) { $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = ""; } $content .= "<h3><a href='" . $path . "/search.php?{$qry_string}&subcategory=" . MakeURLSafe($row['catname']) . "'>" . $row['catname'] . "</a></h3>>"; $GLOBALS['TitleLink'] = "<h2><a href='" . $subcatg_link . "' onmouseover='createtip(" . $row['categoryid'] . ")' onmouseout='UnTip()'>" . $row['catname'] . "</a></h2>"; } /* copy the code to outer //lguan_20100612: Show overal product rating at category landing page if($category_rating != 0) { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] .= "<br><h2>Rating : <img width='64' height='12' src='".$GLOBALS['TPL_PATH']."/images/IcoRating$category_rating.gif' alt='' /></h2>"; } */ /*$ProdStartPrice = GetStartingPrice($row['categoryid'], $row['prodcalculatedprice']); $content .= "Price starting from $".number_format($ProdStartPrice, 2, '.', '')."<br>".$imagefile;*/ $GLOBALS['leftsidecontent'] = $content; if (number_format($row['prodminprice'], 2, '.', '') < number_format($row['prodmaxprice'], 2, '.', '')) { $GLOBALS['PriceRange'] = "Price range from \$" . number_format($row['prodminprice'], 2, '.', '') . " to \$" . number_format($row['prodmaxprice'], 2, '.', ''); } else { $GLOBALS['PriceRange'] = "Available at \$" . number_format($row['prodminprice'], 2, '.', ''); } //lguan_20100612: Show product ratings in categories/sub-categories page $GLOBALS['Rating'] = isset($row['prodavgrating']) ? $row['prodavgrating'] : 0; $GLOBALS['RatingVisible'] = $GLOBALS['Rating'] == 0 ? 'display:none' : ''; $content = "<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/free-shipping2.gif'><br>" . strip_tags($row['proddesc']) . "<br>" . $row['prodwarranty']; $GLOBALS['rightsidecontent'] = $content; $GLOBALS['ShippingImage'] = "<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/free-shipping2.gif'>"; $GLOBALS['ProductWarranty'] = "<h3>" . $row['prodwarranty'] . "</h3>"; $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] = "<a href='{$path}/catgbrand.php?categoryid=" . $row['categoryid'] . "&url=" . urlencode($subcatg_link) . "' class='thickbox'><img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/fastlook_red.gif'></a> "; $content = "{$link}<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/viewproducts.gif'></a>"; $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= $content; $discountname = ''; if (IsDiscountAvailable('category', $row['categoryid'], $discountname)) { if (strtolower($discountname) == "clearance") { $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= '<img id="OnSale" src="' . GetConfig('ShopPath') . '/templates/default/images/clearance.gif" alt="">'; } else { $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= '<img id="OnSale" src="' . GetConfig('ShopPath') . '/templates/default/images/onsale.gif" alt="">'; } } if ($this->IsMakeAnOffer('category', $row['categoryid']) == 'yes') { $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= "<h3>Qualifies for Make an Offer!</h3>"; } $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] = $row['featurepoints']; $GLOBALS['lowersidecontent'] = $content; $GLOBALS['SearchResultList'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SubCategoryListing"); } else { //wirror_mark_condition3 $series_link = $this->LeftCatLink($mmy_links, 'series', $row['seriesname']); $link = "<a href='" . $series_link . "'>"; //$imagelink = "<a href='".$path."/catgbrand.php?seriesid=".$row['brandseriesid']."&catname=".MakeURLSafe($row['parentcatname'])."&url=$series_link' class='thickbox' title=''>"; $main_catg_link = ""; $catg_count = array(); $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] = ""; if ($row['subcatgids'] != "") { $subcatgids = str_ireplace("~", ",", $row['subcatgids']); $subcatgids_qry = "select c.categoryid , c.catname as childcatname , p.categoryid as parentid , p.catname as parentcatname from [|PREFIX|]categories c left join [|PREFIX|]categories p on c.catparentid = p.categoryid where c.categoryid in (" . $subcatgids . ")"; $subcatgids_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($subcatgids_qry); //$catg_count = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($subcatgids_res); if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($subcatgids_res) > 0) { while ($subcatgids_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($subcatgids_res)) { if ($subcatgids_arr['parentid'] != 0) { $main_catg_link = $series_link . "/category/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($subcatgids_arr['parentcatname'])); $catg_count[$subcatgids_arr['parentid']] = $subcatgids_arr['parentcatname']; } else { $catg_count[$subcatgids_arr['categoryid']] = $subcatgids_arr['childcatname']; } if ($GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] == "") { $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<br><a href='javascript:' onclick=\"checkanimate('" . $row['brandseriesid'] . "')\">View Category ></a><div id='" . $row['brandseriesid'] . "' style='display:none'>"; } else { $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<br>"; } $tooltipscript = "onmouseover='createtip(" . $subcatgids_arr['categoryid'] . $row['brandseriesid'] . ")' onmouseout='UnTip()'"; if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { if ($subcatgids_arr['parentcatname'] == "") { $catgs_link = $series_link . "/category/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($subcatgids_arr['childcatname'])); } else { $catgs_link = $series_link . "/category/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($subcatgids_arr['parentcatname'])) . "/subcategory/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($subcatgids_arr['childcatname'])); } if (isset($GLOBALS['SearchId'])) { $catgs_link .= '/SearchLogId/' . $GLOBALS['SearchId']; } $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<a href='" . $catgs_link . "' {$tooltipscript}>" . $subcatgids_arr['childcatname'] . "</a>"; } else { if ($subcatgids_arr['parentcatname'] == "") { $catgs_link = $series_link . "&category=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($subcatgids_arr['childcatname'])); } else { $catgs_link = $series_link . "&category=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($subcatgids_arr['parentcatname'])) . "&subcategory=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($subcatgids_arr['childcatname'])); } if (isset($GLOBALS['SearchId'])) { $catgs_link .= '&SearchLogId=' . $GLOBALS['SearchId']; } $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<a href='" . $catgs_link . "' {$tooltipscript}>" . $subcatgids_arr['childcatname'] . "</a>"; } $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<span id='span" . $subcatgids_arr['categoryid'] . $row['brandseriesid'] . "' style='display:none'><a class='thickbox1' href='" . $GLOBALS['ShopPath'] . "/catgbrand.php?categoryid=" . $subcatgids_arr['categoryid'] . "&url=" . urlencode($catgs_link) . "' class='' ><img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/fastlook_red.gif' border=0></a></span>"; } $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "</br></div>"; } } if (isset($GLOBALS['SearchId'])) { if (isset($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls']) && $GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $main_catg_link .= '/SearchLogId/' . $GLOBALS['SearchId']; $catgs_link .= '/SearchLogId/' . $GLOBALS['SearchId']; $series_link .= '/SearchLogId/' . $GLOBALS['SearchId']; } else { $main_catg_link .= '&SearchLogId=' . $GLOBALS['SearchId']; $catgs_link .= '&SearchLogId=' . $GLOBALS['SearchId']; $series_link .= '&SearchLogId=' . $GLOBALS['SearchId']; } } //wirror_20100727:show the displayname from db $titleName = isset($row['displayname']) && $row['displayname'] != '' ? $row['displayname'] : $row['brandname'] . " " . $row['seriesname'] . " " . $row['parentcatname']; $GLOBALS['TitleLink'] = "<h2><a href='" . $series_link . "' onmouseover='createtip(" . $row['brandseriesid'] . ")' onmouseout='UnTip()'>" . $titleName . "</a></h2>"; if (count($catg_count) == 1) { $GLOBALS['TitleLink'] = "<h2><a href='" . $main_catg_link . "' onmouseover='createtip(" . $row['brandseriesid'] . ")' onmouseout='UnTip()'>" . $titleName . "</a></h2>"; } else { if (count($catg_count) > 1) { $GLOBALS['TitleLink'] = "<h2><a href='" . $series_link . "' onmouseover='createtip(" . $row['brandseriesid'] . ")' onmouseout='UnTip()' onclick='return checkcategoryselection()'>" . $titleName . "</a></h2>"; } } //wirror20100728: keep the catname consistent with the displayname $tiplink = "<a class='thickbox1' href='" . $GLOBALS['ShopPath'] . "/catgbrand.php?seriesid=" . $row['brandseriesid'] . "&catname=" . rawurlencode($row['parentcatname']) . "&url="; if (count($catg_count) == 1) { $tiplink .= urlencode($main_catg_link) . "'"; } else { if (count($catg_count) > 1) { $tiplink .= "#' "; } else { $tiplink .= urlencode($series_link) . "'"; } } $tiplink .= " title=''><img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/fastlook_red.gif' border=0></a>"; //wirror20100728: keep the catname consistent with the displayname $imagelink = "<a class='thickbox' href='" . $GLOBALS['ShopPath'] . "/catgbrand.php?seriesid=" . $row['brandseriesid'] . "&catname=" . rawurlencode($row['parentcatname']) . "&url="; if (count($catg_count) == 1) { $imagelink .= urlencode($main_catg_link) . "'"; } else { if (count($catg_count) > 1) { $imagelink .= "#' "; } else { $imagelink .= urlencode($series_link) . "'"; } } $imagelink .= " title='' onmouseover='createtip(" . $row['brandseriesid'] . ")' onmouseout='UnTip()'>"; if (isset($row['imagefile']) && !empty($row['imagefile'])) { $images = explode("~", $row['imagefile']); for ($j = 0; $j < count($images); $j++) { if (!empty($images[$j])) { $imagefile = "{$imagelink}<img src='{$path}/category_images/" . $images[$j] . "'></a>"; break; } } } else { if (empty($row['imagefile']) || empty($imagefile)) { $imagefile = "{$imagelink}<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/ProductDefault.gif' border=0></a>"; } } $GLOBALS['LeftImage'] = $imagefile; $row['brandname'] = str_replace('~', ' , ', $row['brandname']); $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] = $row['brandname']; if (isset($row['seriesname']) && !empty($row['seriesname']) && (!isset($params['srch_category']) || isset($params['category'])) && isset($GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG'])) { if (empty($row['imagefile']) || empty($imagefile)) { $GLOBALS['LeftImage'] = "{$imagelink}<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/ProductDefault.gif' alt='" . $row['seriesimagealt'] . "' title='" . $row['seriesimagealt'] . "'></a>"; $GLOBALS['LeftImage'] .= "<span id='span" . $row['brandseriesid'] . "' style='display:none'>" . $tiplink . "</span>"; } else { $GLOBALS['LeftImage'] = "{$imagelink}<img src='{$path}/series_images/" . $row['imagefile'] . "' width='140px' alt='" . $row['seriesimagealt'] . "' title='" . $row['seriesimagealt'] . "'></a>"; $GLOBALS['LeftImage'] .= "<span id='span" . $row['brandseriesid'] . "' style='display:none'>" . $tiplink . "</span>"; } //"<h3>".$row['catname']."</h3> $GLOBALS['ProductsCount'] = "(" . $row['totalproducts'] . ") Products Available"; $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] = "<ul class='featurepoints'>"; if (!empty($row['feature_points1'])) { $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] .= "<li>" . $row['feature_points1'] . "</li>"; } if (!empty($row['feature_points2'])) { $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] .= "<li>" . $row['feature_points2'] . "</li>"; } if (!empty($row['feature_points3'])) { $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] .= "<li>" . $row['feature_points3'] . "</li>"; } if (!empty($row['feature_points4'])) { $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] .= "<li>" . $row['feature_points4'] . "</li>"; } $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] .= "</ul>"; /*if(isset($row['brandlargefile']) && !empty($row['brandlargefile'])) { $brand_image_path = "product_images/".$row['brandlargefile']; if(file_exists($brand_image_path)) { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = "<img src='$path/product_images/".$row['brandlargefile']."'>"; } else if(isset($row['brandimagefile']) && !empty($row['brandimagefile'])) { $brand_image_path = "product_images/".$row['brandimagefile']; if(file_exists($brand_image_path)) $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = "<img src='$path/product_images/".$row['brandimagefile']."'>"; } } else if(isset($row['brandimagefile']) && !empty($row['brandimagefile'])) { $brand_image_path = "product_images/".$row['brandimagefile']; if(file_exists($brand_image_path)) $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = "<img src='$path/product_images/".$row['brandimagefile']."'>"; }*/ } $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] = $row['feature_points']; $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = $row['branddescription']; $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = $row['brandfooter']; if (isset($params['make']) || isset($params['model']) || isset($params['year']) || isset($params['srch_category'])) { $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = ""; } if ($brand_rating != 0) { //$GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] .= "<br><h2>Rating : <img width='64' height='12' src='".$GLOBALS['TPL_PATH']."/images/IcoRating$brand_rating.gif' alt='' /></h2>"; } $content = $row['brandname'] . "<br>"; $content .= $row['catname'] . "<br>"; /*$ProdStartPriceSeries = GetStartingPriceForSeries($row['brandseriesid'], $row['prodcalculatedprice']); $content .= "Price starting from $".number_format($ProdStartPriceSeries, 2, '.', '');*/ $GLOBALS['leftsidecontent'] = $content; //$GLOBALS['PriceRange'] = "Price range from $".number_format($row['prodminprice'], 2, '.', '')." to $".number_format($row['prodmaxprice'], 2, '.', ''); if (number_format($row['prodminprice'], 2, '.', '') < number_format($row['prodmaxprice'], 2, '.', '')) { $GLOBALS['PriceRange'] = "Price range from \$" . number_format($row['prodminprice'], 2, '.', '') . " to \$" . number_format($row['prodmaxprice'], 2, '.', ''); } else { $GLOBALS['PriceRange'] = "Available at \$" . number_format($row['prodminprice'], 2, '.', ''); } //lguan_20100612: Show product ratings in brand/series page $GLOBALS['Rating'] = isset($row['prodavgrating']) ? $row['prodavgrating'] : 0; $GLOBALS['RatingVisible'] = $GLOBALS['Rating'] == 0 ? 'display:none' : ''; $content = "<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/free-shipping2.gif'><br>" . strip_tags($row['proddesc']) . "<br>" . $row['prodwarranty']; $GLOBALS['rightsidecontent'] = $content; $GLOBALS['ShippingImage'] = "<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/free-shipping2.gif'>"; $GLOBALS['ProductWarranty'] = "<h3>" . $row['prodwarranty'] . "</h3>"; //wirror20100727: show displayname for fastlook $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] = "<a class='thickbox' href='" . $GLOBALS['ShopPath'] . "/catgbrand.php?seriesid=" . $row['brandseriesid'] . "&catname=" . rawurlencode($row['parentcatname']) . "&url="; if (count($catg_count) > 1) { $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= "#'"; } else { if (count($catg_count) == 1) { $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= urlencode($main_catg_link) . "'"; } else { $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= urlencode($series_link); } } if (isset($GLOBALS['SearchId'])) { $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= '&SearchLogId=' . $GLOBALS['SearchId']; } $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= "' ><img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/fastlook_red.gif'></a> "; $content = "{$link}"; if (count($catg_count) == 1) { $content = "<a href='" . $main_catg_link . "'>"; } else { if (count($catg_count) > 1) { $content = "<a href='" . $series_link . "' onclick='return checkcategoryselection()'>"; } } $content .= "<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/viewproducts.gif'></a>"; $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= $content; $discountname = ''; if (IsDiscountAvailable('series', $row['brandseriesid'], $discountname)) { if (strtolower($discountname) == "clearance") { $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= '<img id="OnSale" src="' . GetConfig('ShopPath') . '/templates/default/images/clearance.gif" alt="">'; } else { $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= '<img id="OnSale" src="' . GetConfig('ShopPath') . '/templates/default/images/onsale.gif" alt="">'; } } if ($this->IsMakeAnOffer('series', $row['brandseriesid']) == 'yes') { $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= "<h3>Qualifies for Make an Offer!</h3>"; } $GLOBALS['lowersidecontent'] = $content; $GLOBALS['SearchResultList'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SubCategoryListing"); $GLOBALS['HideCompareItems'] = "none"; } } } ///wirror_code_mark_end $get_variables = $_GET; $sort_qry = "{$path}/search.php?search_query=" . urlencode($params['search_query']); unset($get_variables['orderby'], $get_variables['sort'], $get_variables['search_query'], $get_variables['sortby']); $i = 0; foreach ($get_variables as $key => $value) { $sort_qry .= "&{$key}={$value}"; } if (isset($_REQUEST['sortby']) && $_REQUEST['sortby'] == 'desc') { $sort = "asc "; $img = " <img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/ArrowDown.gif' border=0>"; } else { $sort = "desc "; $img = " <img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/ArrowUp.gif' border=0>"; } //wirror_code_mark_begin //$GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = $GLOBALS['SearchResultList']; // commented by vikas if (isset($params['partnumber']) || $params['flag_srch_category'] == 1 || isset($params['flag_srch_category']) && isset($GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG']) && $GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG'] == 1) { if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $GLOBALS['ProductBrand'] = "<a href='{$path}{$mmy_links}/orderby/brandname/sortby/{$sort}'>Brand / Series</a>"; $GLOBALS['ProductPartNumber'] = "<a href='{$path}{$mmy_links}/orderby/prodcode/sortby/{$sort}'>Image / Part#</a>"; $GLOBALS['ProductDetails'] = "<a href='{$path}{$mmy_links}/orderby/prodfinalprice/sortby/{$sort}'>Price</a>"; } else { $GLOBALS['ProductBrand'] = "<a href='{$path}/search.php?search_query={$mmy_links}&orderby=brandname&sortby={$sort}'>Brand / Series</a>"; $GLOBALS['ProductPartNumber'] = "<a href='{$path}/search.php?search_query={$mmy_links}&orderby=prodcode&sortby={$sort}'>Image / Part#</a>"; $GLOBALS['ProductDetails'] = "<a href='{$path}/search.php?search_query={$mmy_links}&orderby=prodfinalprice&sortby={$sort}'>Price</a>"; } if (isset($_REQUEST['orderby']) && $_REQUEST['orderby'] == 'brandname') { $GLOBALS['ProductBrand'] .= $img; } $GLOBALS['ProductVQ'] = $vq_column_title; /*if(isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'brandname') $GLOBALS['Product_VQ'] .= $img;*/ if (isset($_REQUEST['orderby']) && $_REQUEST['orderby'] == 'prodcode') { $GLOBALS['ProductPartNumber'] .= $img; } $GLOBALS['ProductPQ'] = "Product Options"; /*if(isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'productoption') $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] .= $img;*/ if (isset($_REQUEST['orderby']) && $_REQUEST['orderby'] == 'prodcalculatedprice') { $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] .= $img; } if (isset($_REQUEST['orderby']) && $_REQUEST['orderby'] == 'prodfinalprice') { $GLOBALS['ProductDetails'] .= $img; } //wirror_20110324: replace the empyt ymm selector with the given picture if (!isset($GLOBALS['YMMTable']) || !$GLOBALS['YMMTable']) { $GLOBALS['YMMTable'] = "<img src='/images/mmy-middle-6.jpg'/>"; } $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SubCategoryProductsItemHeader"); } else { if ($catCustomFlag) { //wirror_20100809: show the custom filter items if ($isDynamicPage) { $GLOBALS['DynamicDisplay'] = 'block'; $GLOBALS['YMMTableDisplay'] = 'block'; } else { $GLOBALS['DynamicDisplay'] = 'none'; $GLOBALS['YMMTableDisplay'] = 'none'; } //wirror_20100809: record the searched productids $searchedProductIds = array(); $subcatIds = implode("','", $subcatId); $querySubcatProdsStr = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t \tSELECT DISTINCT(p.productid)\n \t\t\t\tFROM [|PREFIX|]products p\n \t\t\t LEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]categoryassociations ca on ca.productid = p.productid\n \t\t\t %s\n \t\t\t\tWHERE 1=1 \n \t\t\t\tAND p.prodvisible='1'\n \t\t\t\tAND ca.categoryid in ('{$subcatIds}')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t "; $hasYMM = false; if (isset($params['year']) && !empty($params['year'])) { $hasYMM = true; $year = $params['year']; $querySubcatProdsStr .= " AND ({$year} between v.prodstartyear and v.prodendyear OR v.prodstartyear = 'ALL')"; } if (isset($params['make']) && !empty($params['make'])) { $hasYMM = true; $make = $params['make']; $querySubcatProdsStr .= " AND (v.prodmake='{$make}' or v.prodmake='NON-SPEC VEHICLE')"; } if (isset($params['model']) && !empty($params['model'])) { $hasYMM = true; $model = $params['model']; $querySubcatProdsStr .= " AND (v.prodmodel='{$model}' or v.prodmodel='ALL')"; } if ($hasYMM) { $querySubcatProds = sprintf($querySubcatProdsStr, ' LEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]import_variations v on v.productid = p.productid '); } else { $querySubcatProds = sprintf($querySubcatProdsStr, ''); } $resultSubcatProds = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($querySubcatProds); while ($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($resultSubcatProds)) { $searchedProductIds[] = $row['productid']; } if (isset($_GET['debug']) && $_GET['debug'] == 1) { // echo $GLOBALS['DoSearchQuery'].'<br/>'; // echo $querySubcatProds;echo '<br/>'; // var_dump($searchedProductIds); // echo '<br/>'; } $hasProds = false; $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = isset($catg_desc_arr['catdesc']) ? $catg_desc_arr['catdesc'] : ''; // description will be added here to show it at the top of subcatg page. $GLOBALS['CustomPage'] = ''; foreach ($catg_custom_arr as $subArr) { $pIds = explode(',', $subArr['productids']); if (count($pIds) == 1 && in_array('0', $pIds)) { $condArr = array('category' => $subArr['categoryid'], 'subscategory' => $subArr['subcategoryid'], 'brand' => $subArr['brandid'], 'series' => $subArr['seriesid']); $pIdArr = GetClass('ISC_ADMIN_CUSTOMCONTENTS')->GetProductIds($condArr); } else { $pIdArr = $pIds; } //print_r($pIdArr); if (!empty($searchedProductIds) && $this->is_subarray($pIdArr, $searchedProductIds)) { $hasProds = true; $GLOBALS['CustomPage'] .= $subArr['description']; } } if ($hasProds) { $GLOBALS['YMMTableDisplay'] = 'block'; } else { //if there is no static items, show the dynamic page if (!empty($searchedProductIds)) { $GLOBALS['DynamicDisplay'] = 'block'; } $GLOBALS['YMMTableDisplay'] = 'block'; } } //lguan_20100612: Show overal product rating at category landing page if ($category_rating != 0) { //$GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] .= "<br><h2>Rating : <img width='64' height='12' src='".$GLOBALS['TPL_PATH']."/images/IcoRating$category_rating.gif' alt='' /></h2>"; } // $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = "<div>".$GLOBALS['SearchResultList']."</div>"; //wirror_20110324: replace the empyt ymm selector with the given picture if (!isset($GLOBALS['YMMTable']) || !$GLOBALS['YMMTable']) { $GLOBALS['YMMTable'] = "<img src='/images/mmy-middle-6.jpg'/>"; } $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SubCategoryListingMain"); if ($GLOBALS['results_page_flag'] == 0 && !isset($params['srch_category'])) { $GLOBALS['SearchLink'] = ""; if (isset($params['searchtext'])) { $GLOBALS['SearchLink'] .= "/searchtext/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['searchtext'])); } if (isset($params['search'])) { $GLOBALS['SearchLink'] .= "/searchtext/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['search'])); } if (isset($params['model']) && !isset($params['make'])) { $GLOBALS['SearchLink'] .= "/model/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['model'])); } if (isset($params['model_flag']) && $params['model_flag'] == 0 && !isset($params['make'])) { $GLOBALS['SearchLink'] .= "/model_flag/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['model_flag'])); } $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = ""; if (isset($GLOBALS['YMMTable']) && $GLOBALS['YMMTable'] !== "<img src='/images/mmy-middle-6.jpg'/>") { $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] .= "<div>" . $GLOBALS['YMMTable'] . "</div>"; } if ($_REQUEST['is_smart_search']) { $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] .= '<p class="ErrorMessage">' . GetLang('SearchYourSearch') . ' <strong>"' . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['OriginalSearchQuery']) . '"</strong> ' . GetLang('SearchDidNotMatch') . '</p>'; if ($GLOBALS['OriginalSearchQuery'] == '') { $GLOBALS['SearchTitle'] = ''; } else { $GLOBALS['SearchTitle'] = " " . sprintf(GetLang('SearchResultsFor'), $GLOBALS['OriginalSearchQuery']); } } //$GLOBALS['SearchResults'] .= "<div style='width:100%'><p class='InfoMessage'>Please choose a category or brand</p></div>"; $GLOBALS['CategoryBrandList'] = "%%Panel.StaticFeaturedCategories%%\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t%%Panel.StaticFeaturedBrands%%"; $GLOBALS['HidePanels'][] = 'SearchPagingTop'; } } $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> \$('.focushiddendiv').css({'position':'absolute', 'margin-top':'-200px', 'display':'block'}); </script>"; if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $back2url = $_SESSION['back2url'] = preg_replace("/^\\//", "", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } else { $back2url = $_SESSION['back2url'] = "search.php?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } ISC_SetCookie("back2search", $back2url, 0, "/"); // Showing the syndication option? if (GetConfig('RSSNewProducts') != 0 && GetConfig('RSSCategories') != 0 && GetConfig('RSSSyndicationIcons') != 0) { $GLOBALS['RSSURL'] = SearchLink($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_SEARCH']->GetQuery(), 0, false); $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['SearchResultsFeed'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SearchResultsFeed"); } } else { $this->YMMSelectors($params); $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = "<div>" . $GLOBALS['YMMTable'] . "</div>"; $GLOBALS['CategoryBrandList'] = "%%Panel.StaticFeaturedCategories%%\n\t\t\t\t%%Panel.StaticFeaturedBrands%%"; // No search results were found // commented below code as need to show the favorite categories and brands as in homepage /*$GLOBALS['HideSearchResults'] = "none"; $GLOBALS['HidePanels'][] = 'SearchPageProducts';*/ } }
public function album($row) { if ($row) { $id = $row['id']; $template = $this->load->view('album.html', '', true); $pagesize = 50; preg_match_all('/{cscms:([\\S]+)\\s+(.*?pagesize=\\"([\\S]+)\\".*?)}([\\s\\S]+?){\\/cscms:\\1}/', $template, $page_arr); if (!empty($page_arr) && !empty($page_arr[3][0])) { $pagesize = $page_arr[3][0]; } $datacount = $this->db->query("select id from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "dance_topic where yid=0 and singerid=" . $id . "")->num_rows(); //总数量 $pagejs = ceil($datacount / $pagesize); if ($pagejs == 0) { $pagejs = 1; } for ($i = 1; $i <= $pagejs; $i++) { $fids = array('id', 'hits'); $arr['cid'] = getChild($row['cid']); $arr['tags'] = $row['tags']; $arr['singerid'] = $id; //摧毁部分需要超级链接字段数组 $rows = $row; //先保存数组保留下面使用 unset($row['tags']); foreach ($fids as $fid) { ob_end_flush(); //关闭缓存 //获取静态路径 $Htmllinks = LinkUrl('album', $fid, $row['id'], $i, 'singer'); //转换成生成路径 $Htmllink = adminhtml($Htmllinks, 'singer'); //装载模板并输出 $Mark_Text = $this->CsdjTpl->plub_list($row, $id, $fid, $i, $arr, TRUE, 'album.html', 'album', 'singer', $row['name'], $row['name']); //评论 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[singer:pl]", get_pl('singer', $id), $Mark_Text); //分类地址、名称 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[singer:link]", LinkUrl('show', 'id', $row['id'], 1, 'singer'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[singer:classlink]", LinkUrl('lists', 'id', $row['cid'], 1, 'singer'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[singer:classname]", $this->CsdjDB->getzd('singer_list', 'name', $row['cid']), $Mark_Text); //标签加超级连接 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[singer:tags]", SearchLink($rows['tags']), $Mark_Text); //动态人气 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[singer:hits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/hits/' . $id, 'singer') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[singer:yhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/yhits/' . $id, 'singer') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[singer:zhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/zhits/' . $id, 'singer') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[singer:rhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/rhits/' . $id, 'singer') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); //生成 write_file(FCPATH . $Htmllink, $Mark_Text); echo " <font style=font-size:10pt;color:#006600>生成专辑页按《<font color=#0000ff>" . $fid . "</font>》排序,完成:<a href=" . $Htmllinks . " target=_blank>" . $Htmllinks . "</a></font><br/>"; ob_flush(); flush(); } } } }
public function SetPanelSettings() { if (!$GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_SEARCH"]->searchIsLoaded()) { return; } // Do we have any categories $GLOBALS["SearchResultsCategory"] = ""; if ($GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_SEARCH"]->GetNumResults("category") > 0) { $GLOBALS["SearchResultsCategory"] = ISC_CATEGORY::buildSearchResultsHTML(); } if (trim($GLOBALS["SearchResultsCategory"]) !== "") { $GLOBALS["HideSearchResultsCategory"] = ""; } else { $GLOBALS["HideSearchResultsCategory"] = "none"; } // Do we have any brands $GLOBALS["SearchResultsBrand"] = ""; if ($GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_SEARCH"]->GetNumResults("brand") > 0) { $GLOBALS["SearchResultsBrand"] = ISC_BRANDS::buildSearchResultsHTML(); } if (trim($GLOBALS["SearchResultsBrand"]) !== "") { $GLOBALS["HideSearchResultsBrand"] = ""; } else { $GLOBALS["HideSearchResultsBrand"] = "none"; } // Now for the products $GLOBALS["SearchResultsProduct"] = ""; $productSearchResults = ""; if ($GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_SEARCH"]->GetNumResults("product") > 0) { $productSearchResults = ISC_PRODUCT::buildSearchResultsHTML(); } if (GetConfig("SearchProductDisplayMode") == "list") { $displayMode = "List"; } else { $displayMode = "Grid"; } if (trim($productSearchResults) !== "") { $GLOBALS["SectionResults"] = $productSearchResults; $GLOBALS["SectionType"] = "ProductList"; $GLOBALS["SectionExtraClass"] = ""; $GLOBALS["HideAddButton"] = "none"; $GLOBALS["CompareButton"] = ""; $GLOBALS["CompareButtonTop"] = ""; $totalPages = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_SEARCH']->GetNumPages("product"); $totalRecords = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_SEARCH']->GetNumResults("product"); $page = (int)@$_REQUEST['page']; if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } else if ($page > $totalPages) { $page = $totalPages; } if (GetConfig("SearchProductDisplayMode") == "list") { $GLOBALS["SectionExtraClass"] = "List"; $GLOBALS["HideAddButton"] = ""; $GLOBALS["ListJS"] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("ListCheckForm"); $GLOBALS["CompareButton"] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("CompareButton" . $displayMode); if ($totalPages > 1) { $GLOBALS["CompareButtonTop"] = $GLOBALS["CompareButton"]; } } else { $GLOBALS["CompareButton"] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("CompareButton"); } // generate url with all current GET params except page, ajax and section $url = array(); foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'page' || $key == 'ajax' || $key == 'section') { continue; } if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $subvalue) { $url[] = urlencode($key . '[]') . '=' . urlencode($subvalue); } } else { $url[] = urlencode($key) . '=' . urlencode($value); } } $url[] = "page={page}"; $url[] = "section=product"; $url = 'search.php?' . implode('&', $url) . '#results'; $GLOBALS['SectionPaging'] = ''; $maxPagingLinks = 5; if($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->getIsMobileDevice()) { $maxPagingLinks = 3; } $start = max($page - $maxPagingLinks, 1); $end = min($page + $maxPagingLinks, $totalPages); for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) { if($i == $page) { $snippet = "CategoryPagingItemCurrent"; } else { $snippet = "CategoryPagingItem"; } $GLOBALS['PageLink'] = str_replace('{page}', $i, $url); $GLOBALS['PageNumber'] = $i; $GLOBALS['SectionPaging'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet($snippet); } // Parse the paging snippet if($page > 1) { $prevPage = $page - 1; $GLOBALS['PrevLink'] = str_replace('{page}', $prevPage, $url); $GLOBALS['SectionPagingPrevious'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("CategoryPagingPrevious"); } if($page < $totalPages) { $prevPage = $page + 1; $GLOBALS['NextLink'] = str_replace('{page}', $prevPage, $url); $GLOBALS['SectionPagingNext'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("CategoryPagingNext"); } if ($totalPages > 1) { $GLOBALS["HideSectionPaging"] = ""; } else { $GLOBALS["HideSectionPaging"] = "none"; } if ($GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_SEARCH"]->GetNumResults("product") <= 1) { $GLOBALS["HideSectionSorting"] = "none"; } else { $GLOBALS["HideSectionSorting"] = ""; } $GLOBALS["SectionSortingOptions"] = getAdvanceSearchSortOptions("product"); $GLOBALS["SectionSearchResults"] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SearchResultGrid"); $GLOBALS["SearchResultsProduct"] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SearchResultSectionProduct"); $GLOBALS["HideSearchResultsProduct"] = "none"; if(!getProductReviewsEnabled()) { $GLOBALS["HideProductRating"] = "display: none"; } } else { $GLOBALS["HideSearchResultsProduct"] = ""; } // If no results then show the 'no results found' div if (trim($GLOBALS["SearchResultsBrand"]) == "" && trim($GLOBALS["SearchResultsCategory"]) == "" && trim($GLOBALS["SearchResultsProduct"]) == "") { $GLOBALS["HideSearchResultsCategoryAndBrand"] = "none"; $GLOBALS["HideSearchResultsProduct"] = "none"; $GLOBALS["HideSearchResultsNoResult"] = ""; // Else if we just have no categories or brands then do not show the top containing div } else if (trim($GLOBALS["SearchResultsBrand"]) == "" && trim($GLOBALS["SearchResultsCategory"]) == "") { $GLOBALS["HideSearchResultsCategoryAndBrand"] = "none"; $GLOBALS["HideSearchResultsProduct"] = ""; $GLOBALS["HideSearchResultsNoResult"] = "none"; // Else if we have categories or brands BUT no products then display the 'no results found' div } else if ((trim($GLOBALS["SearchResultsBrand"]) == "" || trim($GLOBALS["SearchResultsCategory"]) !== "") && trim($GLOBALS["SearchResultsProduct"]) == "") { $GLOBALS["HideSearchResultsCategoryAndBrand"] = ""; $GLOBALS["HideSearchResultsProduct"] = "none"; $GLOBALS["HideSearchResultsNoResult"] = ""; } else { $GLOBALS["HideSearchResultsCategoryAndBrand"] = ""; $GLOBALS["HideSearchResultsProduct"] = ""; $GLOBALS["HideSearchResultsNoResult"] = "none"; } /* * if the "Enable Product Search Feeds?" is ticked in Store * Settings -> Display and we are searching add the link */ if (isset($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_SEARCH']) && GetConfig('RSSProductSearches')) { $GLOBALS['RSSURL'] = SearchLink($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_SEARCH']->GetQuery(), 0, false); $GLOBALS['SnippetSearchResultsFeed'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet('SearchResultsFeed'); } }
public function getplay($row) { //评论 $dance_pl = get_pl('vod', $row['id']); $rows = $row; //先保存数组保留下面使用 $id = $rows['id']; //播放页 if (!empty($row['purl'])) { $Data_Arr = explode("#cscms#", $row['purl']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($Data_Arr); $i++) { $DataList_Arr = explode("\n", $Data_Arr[$i]); for ($j = 0; $j < count($DataList_Arr); $j++) { //摧毁部分需要超级链接字段数组 unset($row['zhuyan']); unset($row['daoyan']); unset($row['yuyan']); unset($row['diqu']); unset($row['tags']); unset($row['year']); //动态人气 unset($row['hits']); unset($row['yhits']); unset($row['zhits']); unset($row['rhits']); unset($row['dhits']); unset($row['chits']); unset($row['xhits']); unset($row['shits']); $arr['cid'] = getChild($row['cid']); $arr['uid'] = $row['uid']; $arr['singerid'] = $row['singerid']; $arr['tags'] = $rows['tags']; $skins = $row['skins']; if (empty($skins) || $skins == 'play.html') { $skins = getzd('vod_list', 'skins3', $row['cid']); } if (empty($skins)) { $skins = 'play.html'; } //装载模板并输出 $Mark_Text = $this->CsdjTpl->plub_show('vod', $row, $arr, TRUE, $skins, $row['name'], $row['name']); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:pl]", $dance_pl, $Mark_Text); //分类地址、名称 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:link]", LinkUrl('show', 'id', $row['id'], 1, 'vod'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:classlink]", LinkUrl('lists', 'id', $row['cid'], 1, 'vod'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:classname]", $this->CsdjDB->getzd('vod_list', 'name', $row['cid']), $Mark_Text); //主演、导演、标签、年份、地区、语言加超级连接 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:zhuyan]", SearchLink($rows['zhuyan'], 'zhuyan'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:daoyan]", SearchLink($rows['daoyan'], 'daoyan'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:yuyan]", SearchLink($rows['yuyan'], 'yuyan'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:diqu]", SearchLink($rows['diqu'], 'diqu'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:tags]", SearchLink($rows['tags']), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:year]", SearchLink($rows['year'], 'year'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = Vod_Playlist($Mark_Text, 'play', $id, $row['purl']); //播放器 if ($i >= count($Data_Arr)) { $i = 0; } $DataList_Arr = explode("\n", $Data_Arr[$i]); $Dataurl_Arr = explode('$', $DataList_Arr[$j]); $laiyuan = str_replace("\r", "", @$Dataurl_Arr[2]); //来源 $url = $Dataurl_Arr[1]; //地址 $pname = $Dataurl_Arr[0]; //当前集数 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:qurl]", $url, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:laiy]", $laiyuan, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:ji]", $pname, $Mark_Text); if (count($DataList_Arr) > $j + 1) { $DataNext = $DataList_Arr[$j + 1]; $DataNextArr = explode('$', $DataNext); if (count($DataNextArr) == 2) { $DataNext = $DataNextArr[1]; } $xurl = VodPlayUrl('play', $id, $i, $j + 1); $Dataurl_Arr2 = explode('$', $DataList_Arr[$j + 1]); } else { $DataNext = $DataList_Arr[$j]; $DataNextArr = explode('$', $DataNext); if (count($DataNextArr) == 2) { $DataNext = $DataNextArr[1]; } $xurl = VodPlayUrl('play', $id, $i, $j); } if ($j == 0) { $surl = VodPlayUrl('play', $id, $i, $j); } else { $surl = VodPlayUrl('play', $id, $i, $j - 1); } $psname = ''; for ($a = 0; $a < count($Data_Arr); $a++) { $jis = ''; $Ji_Arr = explode("\n", $Data_Arr[$a]); for ($k = 0; $k < count($Ji_Arr); $k++) { $Ly_Arr = explode('$', $Ji_Arr[$k]); $jis .= $Ly_Arr[0] . '$$' . @$Ly_Arr[2] . '===='; } $psname .= substr($jis, 0, -4) . '#cscms#'; } $player_arr = str_replace("\r", "", substr($psname, 0, -7)); if ($laiyuan == 'xgvod' || $laiyuan == 'jjvod' || $laiyuan == 'yyxf' || $laiyuan == 'bdhd' || $laiyuan == 'qvod') { $url = str_replace("+", "__", base64_encode($url)); } else { $url = escape($url); } $player = "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . site_url('vod/play/pay/' . $id . '/' . $i . '/' . $j) . "'></script><script type='text/javascript' src='" . hitslink('play/form', 'vod') . "'></script><script type='text/javascript'>var cs_playlink='" . VodPlayUrl('play', $id, $i, $j, 1) . "';var cs_did='" . $id . "';var player_name='" . $player_arr . "';var cs_pid='" . $j . "';var cs_zid='" . $i . "';var cs_vodname='" . $row['name'] . " - " . $pname . "';var cs_root='http://" . Web_Url . Web_Path . "';var cs_width=" . CS_Play_sw . ";var cs_height=" . CS_Play_sh . ";var cs_surl='" . $surl . "';var cs_xurl='" . $xurl . "';var cs_laiy='" . $laiyuan . "';var cs_adloadtime='" . CS_Play_AdloadTime . "';</script>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t <iframe border=\"0\" name=\"cscms_vodplay\" id=\"cscms_vodplay\" src=\"" . Web_Path . "packs/vod_player/play.html\" marginwidth=\"0\" framespacing=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" noresize=\"\" vspale=\"0\" style=\"z-index: 9998;\" frameborder=\"0\" height=\"" . (CS_Play_sh + 30) . "\" scrolling=\"no\" width=\"100%\"></iframe>"; $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:player]", $player, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:surl]", $surl, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:xurl]", $xurl, $Mark_Text); //解析动态人气标签 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:hits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/hits/' . $id, 'vod') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:yhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/yhits/' . $id, 'vod') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:zhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/zhits/' . $id, 'vod') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:rhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/rhits/' . $id, 'vod') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:shits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/shits/' . $id, 'vod') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:xhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/xhits/' . $id, 'vod') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:dhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/dhits/' . $id, 'vod') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:chits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/chits/' . $id, 'vod') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:pfen]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/pfen/' . $id, 'vod') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:pfenbi]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/pfenbi/' . $id, 'vod') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); //增加人气 $Mark_Text = hits_js($Mark_Text, hitslink('hits/ids/' . $id, 'vod')); //替换后台控制器 $Mark_Text = str_replace(SELF, 'index.php', $Mark_Text); //获取静态路径 $Htmllinks = VodPlayUrl('play', $id, $i, $j); //生成地址转换 $Htmllink = adminhtml($Htmllinks, 'vod'); //生成 write_file(FCPATH . $Htmllink, $Mark_Text); } echo " <font style=font-size:9pt;color:red;>--生成第" . ($i + 1) . "组播放器:<a href=" . $Htmllinks . " target=_blank>" . $Htmllinks . "</a></font><br/>"; } } }
public function index($fid = 'id', $id = 0) { $id = intval($fid) > 0 ? intval($fid) : intval($id); //ID //判断ID if ($id == 0) { msg_url(L('dance_09'), Web_Path); } //获取数据 $row = $this->CsdjDB->get_row_arr('dance', '*', $id); if (!$row || $row['yid'] > 0 || $row['hid'] > 0) { msg_url(L('dance_10'), Web_Path); } //判断运行模式,生成则跳转至静态页面 $html = config('Html_Uri'); if (config('Web_Mode') == 3 && $html['down']['check'] == 1) { //获取静态路径 $Htmllink = LinkUrl('play', 'id', $id, 0, 'dance'); header("Location: " . $Htmllink); exit; } //摧毁部分需要超级链接字段数组 $rows = $row; //先保存数组保留下面使用 unset($row['tags']); //获取当前分类下二级分类ID $arr['cid'] = getChild($row['cid']); $arr['uid'] = $row['uid']; $arr['singerid'] = $row['singerid']; $arr['tags'] = $rows['tags']; //装载模板并输出 $Mark_Text = $this->CsdjTpl->plub_show('dance', $row, $arr, TRUE, 'down.html', $row['name'], $row['name']); //评论 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:pl]", get_pl('dance', $id), $Mark_Text); //分类地址、名称 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:link]", LinkUrl('play', 'id', $row['id'], 1, 'news'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:classlink]", LinkUrl('lists', 'id', $row['cid'], 1, 'dance'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:classname]", $this->CsdjDB->getzd('dance_list', 'name', $row['cid']), $Mark_Text); //专辑 if ($row['tid'] == 0) { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:topiclink]", "###", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:topicname]", L('dance_11'), $Mark_Text); } else { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:topiclink]", LinkUrl('topic', 'show', $row['tid'], 1, 'dance'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:topicname]", $this->CsdjDB->getzd('dance_topic', 'name', $row['tid']), $Mark_Text); } //标签加超级连接 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:tags]", SearchLink($rows['tags']), $Mark_Text); //歌曲完整试听、下载地址 preg_match_all('/[dance:qurl]/', $Mark_Text, $arr); if (!empty($arr[0]) && !empty($arr[0][0])) { $purl = $row['purl']; $durl = $row['durl']; if ($row['fid'] > 0) { $rowf = $this->db->query("Select purl,durl from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "dance_server where id=" . $row['fid'] . "")->row_array(); if ($rowf) { $purl = $rowf['purl'] . $row['purl']; $durl = $rowf['durl'] . $row['durl']; } } $purl = annexlink($purl); $durl = annexlink($durl); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:qurl]", $purl, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:qxurl]", $durl, $Mark_Text); } unset($arr); echo $Mark_Text; $this->cache->end(); //由于前面不是直接输出,所以这里需要加入写缓存 }
public function SetPanelSettings() { // Do we have any live chat service code to show in the header? $modules = GetConfig('LiveChatModules'); if(!empty($modules)) { $liveChatClass = GetClass('ISC_LIVECHAT'); $GLOBALS['LiveChatCode'] = $liveChatClass->GetPageTrackingCode('header'); $GLOBALS['LiveChatCodeEnabled'] = ''; } else { $GLOBALS['LiveChatCodeEnabled'] = 'display:none'; } $GLOBALS['TrackingCode'] = ''; // Get the visitor tracking Javascript $tracker = GetClass('ISC_VISITOR'); $GLOBALS['TrackingCode'] .= $tracker->GetTrackingJavascript(); $GLOBALS['CharacterSet'] = GetConfig('CharacterSet'); // Are quick searches enabled? if(GetConfig('QuickSearch') != 0) { $GLOBALS['QuickSearchJS'] = sprintf("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"%s/javascript/quicksearch.js\"></script>", GetConfig('ShopPath')); } $activeTemplate = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->getActiveTemplateName(); $activeColorScheme = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->getActiveColorScheme(); if(isset($GLOBALS['TPL_CFG']['HeaderImageElement'])) { $headerImageLocation = ''; $headerImages = array( GetConfig('ImageDirectory') . '/header_images/' . $activeTemplate . '_headerImage.jpg', GetConfig('ImageDirectory') . '/header_images/' . $activeTemplate . '_headerImage.png', 'templates/'.$activeTemplate . '/images/' . $activeColorScheme . '/headerImage.jpg', 'templates/'.$activeTemplate . '/images/' . $activeColorScheme . '/headerImage.png' ); foreach($headerImages as $path) { if(file_exists(ISC_BASE_PATH . '/' . $path)) { $headerImageLocation = GetConfig('ShopPath') . '/' . $path; break; } } if(!empty($headerImageLocation)) { $GLOBALS['HeaderImageStyle'] = '<style type="text/css"> ' .$GLOBALS['TPL_CFG']['HeaderImageElement'] . ' { background-image: url("' . $headerImageLocation . '"); } </style>'; } } if (GetConfig('FastCartAction') == 'popup' && GetConfig('ShowCartSuggestions')) { $GLOBALS['AdditionalScripts'][] = GetConfig('AppPath').'/javascript/jquery/plugins/imodal/imodal.js'; $GLOBALS['AdditionalStylesheets'][] = GetConfig('AppPath').'/javascript/jquery/plugins/imodal/imodal.css'; } // Any additional stylesheets to include? $GLOBALS['Stylesheets'] = ''; if(!empty($GLOBALS['TPL_CFG']['Stylesheets'])) { $stylesheets = $GLOBALS['TPL_CFG']['Stylesheets']; } else { $stylesheets = array( array( 'stylesheet' => 'Styles/styles.css', ), array( 'stylesheet' => 'Styles/iselector.css' ) ); // Color overrides $colorCSS = 'Styles/'.$activeColorScheme.'.css'; if(file_exists(ISC_BASE_PATH.'/templates/'.$activeTemplate.'/'.$colorCSS)) { $stylesheets[] = array( 'stylesheet' => $colorCSS ); } // Generic Internet Explorer stylesheet $genericIE = 'Styles/ie.css'; if(file_exists(ISC_BASE_PATH.'/templates/'.$activeTemplate.'/'.$genericIE)) { $stylesheets[] = array( 'stylesheet' => $genericIE, 'condition' => 'IE' ); } if(!empty($GLOBALS['TPL_CFG']['AdditionalStylesheets'])) { $stylesheets = array_merge($stylesheets, $GLOBALS['TPL_CFG']['AdditionalStylesheets']); } } $GLOBALS['Stylesheets'] = ''; // Global/common front-end stylesheet $masterStylesheet = getConfig('ShopPath') . '/templates/__master/Styles/styles.css?' . getConfig('JSCacheToken'); $GLOBALS['Stylesheets'] .= '<link href="' . $masterStylesheet . '" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />'; $styleRoot = GetConfig('ShopPath').'/templates/'.$activeTemplate; foreach($stylesheets as $stylesheet) { if(empty($stylesheet['media'])) { $stylesheet['media'] = 'all'; } // Add caching token if(strpos($stylesheet['stylesheet'], '?') === false) { $stylesheet['stylesheet'] .= '?'; } else { $stylesheet['stylesheet'] .= '&'; } $stylesheet['stylesheet'] .= getConfig('JSCacheToken'); $link = '<link href="'.$styleRoot.'/'.$stylesheet['stylesheet'].'" media="'.$stylesheet['media'].'" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />'; if(!empty($stylesheet['condition'])) { $link = '<!--[if '.$stylesheet['condition'].']>'.$link.'<![endif]-->'; } $GLOBALS['Stylesheets'] .= $link."\n"; } // @todo this check should be a method of it's which determines if flyout css is required since flyout support // may be disabled by the selected template, and there may be other, non-category flyout menus added in future if (ISC_CATEGORY::areCategoryFlyoutsEnabled()) { // css for fly-out menus if (!isset($GLOBALS['AdditionalStylesheets']) || !is_array($GLOBALS['AdditionalStylesheets'])) { $GLOBALS['AdditionalStylesheets'] = array(); } $GLOBALS['AdditionalStylesheets'][] = GetConfig('AppPath') . '/javascript/superfish/css/store.css'; } if(!empty($GLOBALS['AdditionalStylesheets']) && is_array($GLOBALS['AdditionalStylesheets'])) { $GLOBALS['AdditionalStylesheets'] = array_unique($GLOBALS['AdditionalStylesheets']); $replacements = array( ':template' => $activeTemplate, ':color' => $activeColorScheme ); foreach($GLOBALS['AdditionalStylesheets'] as $stylesheet) { $stylesheet = strtr($stylesheet, $replacements); // Add caching token if(strpos($stylesheet, '?') === false) { $stylesheet .= '?'; } else { $stylesheet .= '&'; } $stylesheet .= getConfig('JSCacheToken'); $GLOBALS['Stylesheets'] .= '<link href="'.$stylesheet.'" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />'; } } $GLOBALS['AdditionalScriptTags'] = ''; if(!empty($GLOBALS['AdditionalScripts']) && is_array($GLOBALS['AdditionalScripts'])) { $GLOBALS['AdditionalScripts'] = array_unique($GLOBALS['AdditionalScripts']); foreach($GLOBALS['AdditionalScripts'] as $script) { // Add caching token if(strpos($script, '?') === false) { $script .= '?'; } else { $script .= '&'; } $script .= getConfig('JSCacheToken'); $GLOBALS['AdditionalScriptTags'] .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$script.'"></script>'; } } // Are site wide RSS feeds enabled? if(!isset($GLOBALS['HeadRSSLinks'])) { $GLOBALS['HeadRSSLinks'] = ''; } if(GetConfig('RSSLatestBlogEntries') != 0) { $GLOBALS['HeadRSSLinks'] .= GenerateRSSHeaderLink($GLOBALS['ShopPathNormal']."/rss.php?action=newblogs", GetLang('HeadRSSLatestNews')); } if(GetConfig('RSSNewProducts') != 0) { $GLOBALS['HeadRSSLinks'] .= GenerateRSSHeaderLink($GLOBALS['ShopPathNormal']."/rss.php", GetLang('HeadRSSNewProducts')); } if(GetConfig('RSSPopularProducts') != 0) { $GLOBALS['HeadRSSLinks'] .= GenerateRSSHeaderLink($GLOBALS['ShopPathNormal']."/rss.php?action=popularproducts", GetLang('HeadRSSPopularProducts')); } /* * if the "Enable Product Search Feeds?" is ticked in Store * Settings -> Display and we are searching add the link */ if (isset($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_SEARCH']) && GetConfig('RSSProductSearches')) { $rssUri = $GLOBALS['ShopPathNormal'] . '/rss.php?action=searchproducts&type=rss' . SearchLink($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_SEARCH']->GetQuery(), 0, false); $GLOBALS['HeadRSSLinks'] .= GenerateRSSHeaderLink($rssUri, GetLang('HeadRSSProductSearchFeeds')); } // Do we need to include the script for design mode? if(!empty($_COOKIE['designModeToken']) || !empty($_POST['designModeToken'])) { if(GetClass('ISC_ADMIN_AUTH')->isDesignModeAuthenticated()) { $GLOBALS['DesignModeStyleSheet'] = sprintf("<link href=\"%s/lib/designmode/designmode.css\" type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" />", $GLOBALS['AppPath']); // If the control panel is accessibly only via SSL, we need to send design mode // updates to that URL instead. if(GetConfig('ForceControlPanelSSL')) { $GLOBALS['DesignModeUpdateUrl'] = GetConfig('ShopPathSSL'); } else { $GLOBALS['DesignModeUpdateUrl'] = GetConfig('AppPath'); } $GLOBALS['DesignModeUpdateUrl'] .= '/admin/designmode.php'; $GLOBALS['DesignModeCurrentTemplate'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->_tplName.'.html'; $GLOBALS['DesignModeIdleTime'] = (int)GetConfig('PCILoginIdleTimeMin') * 60 * 1000; $GLOBALS['DesignModeScriptTag'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet('DesignModeFooter'); } } // Include the tracking code for each analytics module $GLOBALS['TrackingCode'] .= GetTrackingCodeForAllPackages(); // Define the favicon link $GLOBALS['Favicon'] = GetConfig('ShopPath') . '/' . GetConfig('ImageDirectory') . '/' . GetConfig('Favicon'); if(!isset($GLOBALS['OptimizerControlScript'])) { $GLOBALS['OptimizerControlScript'] = ''; } if(!isset($GLOBALS['OptimizerTrackingScript'])) { $GLOBALS['OptimizerTrackingScript'] = ''; } if(!isset($GLOBALS['OptimizerConversionScript'])) { $GLOBALS['OptimizerConversionScript'] = ''; } $runStorewideTesting = true; //this is product/category/page based optimizer test page, turn off storewide test on this page. if ((isset($GLOBALS['PerPageOptimizerEnabled']) && $GLOBALS['PerPageOptimizerEnabled'] == 1)) { $runStorewideTesting=false; } unset($GLOBALS['PerPageOptimizerEnabled']); $enabledOptimizerTests = GetConfig('OptimizerMethods'); //the optimizer methods in the config.php file is not an array. set it to an empty array. if(!is_array($enabledOptimizerTests)) { $enabledOptimizerTests = array(); } foreach ($enabledOptimizerTests as $moduleId => $date) { //if "optimizer" is in the URL, that means this is a request from Google to validate the scripts installed on the page for a paticular test, in this case, we should only insert the scripts for the particular test. if(isset($_GET['optimizer']) && 'optimizer_'.$_GET['optimizer'] != $moduleId && $_GET['optimizer'] != 'singlemulticheckout') { continue; } if(getModuleById('optimizer', $module, $moduleId)){ if($runStorewideTesting) { $module->insertControlScript(); $module->insertTrackingScript(); } $module->insertConversionScript(); } //we are here when optimizer is set, that means the needed optimizer scripts for google to validate have already installed on the page, so get out from the loop. if(isset($_GET['optimizer']) && $_GET['optimizer'] != 'singlemulticheckout'){ break; } } //insert perpage based optimizer conversion script $perPageOptimizer = getClass('ISC_OPTIMIZER_PERPAGE'); $perPageOptimizer->insertConversionScript(); if(isset($_SESSION['JustAddedProduct'])) { $_SESSION['JustAddedProduct'] = ''; } $GLOBALS['ProductThumbImageWidth'] = GetConfig('ProductImagesStorewideThumbnail_width'); $GLOBALS['ProductThumbImageHeight'] = GetConfig('ProductImagesStorewideThumbnail_height'); }
public function down_save() { if ($this->huri['down']['check'] == 0) { admin_msg(L('plub_47'), 'javascript:history.back();', 'no'); } $day = intval($this->input->get_post('day', true)); //最近几天 $ids = $this->input->get_post('ids', true); //需要生成的数据ID $cid = $this->input->get_post('cid', true); //需要生成的分类ID $newid = intval($this->input->get_post('newid')); //最新个数 $ksid = intval($this->input->get_post('ksid')); //开始ID $jsid = intval($this->input->get_post('jsid')); //结束ID $kstime = $this->input->get_post('kstime', true); //开始日期 $jstime = $this->input->get_post('jstime', true); //结束日期 $pagesize = intval($this->input->get('pagesize')); //每页多少条 $pagejs = intval($this->input->get('pagejs')); //总页数 $datacount = intval($this->input->get('datacount')); //数据总数 $page = intval($this->input->get('page')); //当前页 if ($page == 0) { $page = 1; } $str = ''; //将数组转换成字符 if (is_array($cid)) { $cid = implode(',', $cid); } if (is_array($ids)) { $ids = implode(',', $ids); } if ($day > 0) { $times = time() - 86400 * $day; $str .= ' and addtime>' . $times . ''; } if (!empty($cid)) { $str .= ' and cid in (' . $cid . ')'; } if (!empty($ids)) { $str .= ' and id in (' . $ids . ')'; } if ($ksid > 0 && $jsid > 0) { $str .= ' and id>' . ($ksid - 1) . ' and id<' . ($jsid + 1) . ''; } if (!empty($kstime) && !empty($jstime)) { $ktime = strtotime($kstime) - 86400; $jtime = strtotime($jstime) + 86400; $str .= ' and addtime>' . $ktime . ' and addtime<' . $jtime . ''; } $limit = ''; if ($newid > 0) { $limit = ' order by id desc limit ' . $newid; } if ($datacount == 0) { $sqlstr = "select id from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "dance where yid=0 and hid=0 " . $str . $limit; $datacount = $this->db->query($sqlstr)->num_rows(); //总数量 $pagejs = ceil($datacount / Html_PageNum); } if ($datacount == 0) { $pagejs = 1; } $pagesize = Html_PageNum; if ($datacount < $pagesize) { $pagesize = $datacount; } //全部生成完毕 if ($page > $pagejs) { admin_msg(L('plub_48'), site_url('dance/admin/html/down')); } //公众URI $uri = '?day=' . $day . '&cid=' . $cid . '&ids=' . $ids . '&newid=' . $newid . '&ksid=' . $ksid . '&jsid=' . $jsid . '&kstime=' . $kstime . '&jstime=' . $jstime . '&pagesize=' . $pagesize . '&pagejs=' . $pagejs . '&datacount=' . $datacount; //重新定义模板路径 $this->load->get_templates('dance', 2); echo '<LINK href="' . base_url() . 'packs/admin/css/style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"><br>'; echo vsprintf(L('plub_49'), array($pagejs, $page)); $sql_string = "select * from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "dance where yid=0 and hid=0 " . $str . " order by id desc"; $sql_string .= ' limit ' . $pagesize * ($page - 1) . ',' . $pagesize; $query = $this->db->query($sql_string); //获取下载页是否需要生成 $html = config('Html_Uri', 'dance'); foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) { ob_end_flush(); //关闭缓存 $id = $row['id']; //获取静态路径 $Htmllinks = LinkUrl('down', 'id', $row['id'], 0, 'dance', $row['name']); //转换成生成路径 $Htmllink = adminhtml($Htmllinks, 'dance'); //摧毁部分需要超级链接字段数组 $rows = $row; //先保存数组保留下面使用 unset($row['tags']); unset($row['hits']); unset($row['yhits']); unset($row['zhits']); unset($row['rhits']); unset($row['dhits']); unset($row['chits']); unset($row['shits']); unset($row['xhits']); //获取当前分类下二级分类ID $arr['cid'] = getChild($row['cid']); $arr['uid'] = $row['uid']; $arr['did'] = $row['id']; $arr['singerid'] = $row['singerid']; $arr['tags'] = $rows['tags']; //装载模板并输出 $Mark_Text = $this->CsdjTpl->plub_show('dance', $row, $arr, TRUE, 'down.html', $row['name'], $row['name']); //评论 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:pl]", get_pl('dance', $id), $Mark_Text); //分类地址、名称 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:link]", LinkUrl('play', 'id', $row['id'], 1, 'dance'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:classlink]", LinkUrl('lists', 'id', $row['cid'], 1, 'dance'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:classname]", $this->CsdjDB->getzd('dance_list', 'name', $row['cid']), $Mark_Text); //专辑 if ($row['tid'] == 0) { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:topiclink]", "###", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:topicname]", "未加入", $Mark_Text); } else { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:topiclink]", LinkUrl('topic', 'show', $row['tid'], 1, 'dance'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:topicname]", $this->CsdjDB->getzd('dance_topic', 'name', $row['tid']), $Mark_Text); } //获取上下曲 preg_match_all('/[dance:slink]/', $Mark_Text, $arr); if (!empty($arr[0]) && !empty($arr[0][0])) { $rowd = $this->db->query("Select id,cid,name from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "dance where yid=0 and hid=0 and id<" . $id . " order by id desc limit 1")->row(); if ($rowd) { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:slink]", LinkUrl('play', 'id', $rowd->id, 1, 'dance'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:sname]", $rowd->name, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:sid]", $rowd->id, $Mark_Text); } else { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:slink]", "#", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:sname]", L('plub_45'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:sid]", 0, $Mark_Text); } } unset($arr); preg_match_all('/[dance:xlink]/', $Mark_Text, $arr); if (!empty($arr[0]) && !empty($arr[0][0])) { $rowd = $this->db->query("Select id,cid,name from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "dance where yid=0 and hid=0 and id>" . $id . " order by id asc limit 1")->row(); if ($rowd) { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:xlink]", LinkUrl('play', 'id', $rowd->id, 1, 'dance'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:xname]", $rowd->name, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:xid]", $rowd->id, $Mark_Text); } else { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:xlink]", "#", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:xname]", L('plub_45'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:xid]", 0, $Mark_Text); } } unset($arr); //标签加超级连接 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:tags]", SearchLink($rows['tags']), $Mark_Text); //动态人气 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:hits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/hits/' . $id, 'dance') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:yhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/yhits/' . $id, 'dance') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:zhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/zhits/' . $id, 'dance') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:rhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/rhits/' . $id, 'dance') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:dhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/dhits/' . $id, 'dance') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:chits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/chits/' . $id, 'dance') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:shits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/shits/' . $id, 'dance') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:xhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/xhits/' . $id, 'dance') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); //歌曲完整试听、下载地址 preg_match_all('/[dance:qurl]/', $Mark_Text, $arr); if (!empty($arr[0]) && !empty($arr[0][0])) { $purl = $row['purl']; $durl = $row['durl']; if ($row['fid'] > 0) { $rowf = $this->db->query("Select purl,durl from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "dance_server where id=" . $row['fid'] . "")->row_array(); if ($rowf) { $purl = $rowf['purl'] . $row['purl']; $durl = $rowf['durl'] . $row['durl']; } } $purl = annexlink($purl); $durl = annexlink($durl); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:qurl]", $purl, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[dance:qxurl]", $durl, $Mark_Text); } unset($arr); //生成 write_file(FCPATH . $Htmllink, $Mark_Text); echo " <font style=font-size:10pt;>" . L('plub_50') . "<font color=red>" . $row['name'] . "</font>" . L('plub_36') . "<a href=" . $Htmllinks . " target=_blank>" . $Htmllinks . "</a></font><br/>"; ob_flush(); flush(); } if (!empty($ids)) { $url = 'javascript:history.back();'; $str = " <b>" . L('plub_66') . " >>>> <a href='" . $url . "'>" . L('plub_28') . "</a></b>"; } else { $url = site_url('dance/admin/html/down_save') . $uri . '&page=' . ($page + 1); $str = " <b>" . vsprintf(L('plub_27'), array(Html_StopTime)) . " >>>> <a href='" . $url . "'>" . L('plub_28') . "</a></b>"; } echo "</br>" . $str . "<script>setTimeout('updatenext();'," . Html_StopTime . "000);function updatenext(){location.href='" . $url . "';}</script>"; }
public function index($a1, $a2 = 0, $a3 = 0, $a4 = 0) { if (intval($a1) > 0) { $id = intval($a1); //ID $zu = intval($a2); //组 $ji = intval($a3); //集数 } else { $id = intval($a2); //ID $zu = intval($a3); //组 $ji = intval($a4); //集数 } $login = '******'; //判断ID if ($id == 0) { msg_url('出错了,ID不能为空!', Web_Path); } //获取数据 $row = $this->CsdjDB->get_row_arr('vod', '*', $id); if (!$row || $row['yid'] > 0 || $row['hid'] > 0) { msg_url('出错了,该数据不存在或者没有审核!', Web_Path); } if (empty($row['purl'])) { msg_url('该视频播放地址不正确!', Web_Path); } //判断运行模式,生成则跳转至静态页面 $html = config('Html_Uri'); if (config('Web_Mode') == 3 && $html['play']['check'] == 1 && !defined('MOBILE')) { //获取静态路径 $Htmllink = VodPlayUrl('play', $id, $zu, $ji); header("Location: " . $Htmllink); exit; } //判断收费 if ($row['vip'] > 0 || $row['level'] > 0 || $row['cion'] > 0) { if (!$this->CsdjUser->User_Login(1)) { msg_url('观看这部视频需要登录,请先登录!', spacelink('login')); } $rowu = $this->CsdjDB->get_row_arr('user', 'vip,level,cion', $_SESSION['cscms__id']); } //判断会员组下载权限 if ($row['vip'] > 0 && $row['uid'] != $_SESSION['cscms__id']) { if ($row['vip'] > $rowu['vip']) { msg_url('抱歉,您所在的会员组不能观看该视频,请先升级!', 'javascript:window.close();'); } } //判断会员等级下载权限 if ($row['level'] > 0 && $row['uid'] != $_SESSION['cscms__id']) { if ($row['level'] > $rowu['level']) { msg_url('抱歉,您等级不够,不能观看该视频!', 'javascript:window.close();'); } } //判断金币下载 $down = 0; if ($row['cion'] > 0 && $row['uid'] != $_SESSION['cscms__id']) { //判断是否下载过 $did = $id . '-' . $zu . '-' . $ji; $rowd = $this->db->query("SELECT id,addtime FROM " . CS_SqlPrefix . "vod_look where did='" . $did . "' and uid='" . $_SESSION['cscms__id'] . "' and sid=0")->row_array(); if ($rowd) { $down = 1; //数据已经存在 $downtime = User_Downtime * 3600 + $rowd['addtime']; if ($downtime > time()) { $down = 2; //在多少时间内不重复扣币 } } //判断会员组下载权限 $rowz = $this->db->query("SELECT id,did FROM " . CS_SqlPrefix . "userzu where id='" . $rowu['vip'] . "'")->row_array(); if ($rowz && $rowz['did'] == 1) { //有免费下载权限 $down = 2; //该会员下载不收费 } if ($down < 2) { //判断扣币 if ($row['cion'] > $rowu['cion']) { msg_url('这部视频观看每集需要' . $row['cion'] . '个金币,您的当前金币不够,请先充值!', 'javascript:window.close();'); } else { //扣币 $edit['cion'] = $rowu['cion'] - $row['cion']; $this->CsdjDB->get_update('user', $_SESSION['cscms__id'], $edit); //写入消费记录 $add2['title'] = '观看视频《' . $row['name'] . '》- 第' . ($ji + 1) . '集'; $add2['uid'] = $_SESSION['cscms__id']; $add2['nums'] = $row['cion']; $add2['ip'] = getip(); $add2['dir'] = 'vod'; $add2['addtime'] = time(); $this->CsdjDB->get_insert('spend', $add2); //判断分成 if (User_DownFun == 1 && $row['uid'] > 0) { //分成比例 $bi = User_Downcion < 10 ? '0.0' . User_Downcion : '0.' . User_Downcion; $scion = intval($row['cion'] * $bi); if ($scion > 0) { $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "user set cion=cion+" . $scion . " where id=" . $row['uid'] . ""); //写入分成记录 $add3['title'] = '视频《' . $row['name'] . '》- 第' . ($ji + 1) . '集 - 观看分成'; $add3['uid'] = $row['uid']; $add3['dir'] = 'vod'; $add3['nums'] = $scion; $add3['ip'] = getip(); $add3['addtime'] = time(); $this->CsdjDB->get_insert('income', $add3); } } } } //增加观看记录 if ($down == 0) { $add['name'] = $row['name']; $add['cid'] = $row['cid']; $add['sid'] = 0; $add['did'] = $did; $add['uid'] = $_SESSION['cscms__id']; $add['cion'] = $row['cion']; $add['addtime'] = time(); $this->CsdjDB->get_insert('vod_look', $add); } } //摧毁部分需要超级链接字段数组 $rows = $row; //先保存数组保留下面使用 unset($row['zhuyan']); unset($row['daoyan']); unset($row['yuyan']); unset($row['diqu']); unset($row['tags']); unset($row['year']); unset($row['pfen']); unset($row['phits']); //获取当前分类下二级分类ID $arr['cid'] = getChild($row['cid']); $arr['uid'] = $row['uid']; $arr['singerid'] = $row['singerid']; $arr['tags'] = $rows['tags']; $skins = $row['skins']; if (empty($skins) || $skins == 'play.html') { $skins = getzd('vod_list', 'skins3', $row['cid']); } if (empty($skins)) { $skins = 'play.html'; } //装载模板并输出 $Mark_Text = $this->CsdjTpl->plub_show('vod', $row, $arr, TRUE, $skins, $row['name'], $row['name']); //评论 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:pl]", get_pl('vod', $id), $Mark_Text); //分类地址、名称 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:zu]", $zu + 1, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:ji]", $ji + 1, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:link]", LinkUrl('show', 'id', $row['id'], 1, 'vod'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:playlink]", VodPlayUrl('play', $id, $zu, $ji), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:classlink]", LinkUrl('lists', 'id', $row['cid'], 1, 'vod'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:classname]", $this->CsdjDB->getzd('vod_list', 'name', $row['cid']), $Mark_Text); //主演、导演、标签、年份、地区、语言加超级连接 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:zhuyan]", SearchLink($rows['zhuyan'], 'zhuyan'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:daoyan]", SearchLink($rows['daoyan'], 'daoyan'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:yuyan]", SearchLink($rows['yuyan'], 'yuyan'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:diqu]", SearchLink($rows['diqu'], 'diqu'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:tags]", SearchLink($rows['tags']), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:year]", SearchLink($rows['year'], 'year'), $Mark_Text); //评分 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:pfen]", getpf($rows['pfen'], $rows['phits']), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:pfenbi]", getpf($rows['pfen'], $rows['phits'], 2), $Mark_Text); //解析播放地址 $Mark_Text = Vod_Playlist($Mark_Text, 'play', $id, $row['purl']); //播放器 $Data_Arr = explode("#cscms#", $row['purl']); if ($zu >= count($Data_Arr)) { $zu = 0; } $DataList_Arr = explode("\n", $Data_Arr[$zu]); $Dataurl_Arr = explode('$', $DataList_Arr[$ji]); $xpurl = ""; //下集播放地址 $laiyuan = str_replace("\r", "", @$Dataurl_Arr[2]); //来源 $url = $Dataurl_Arr[1]; //地址 $pname = $Dataurl_Arr[0]; //当前集数 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:qurl]", $url, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:laiy]", $laiyuan, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:ji]", $pname, $Mark_Text); //手机播放地址 if (substr($url, 0, 7) == 'http://') { $wapurl = $url; } else { $wapurl = '' . $laiyuan . '/' . cs_base64_encode($url) . '/cscms.mp4'; } $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:wapurl]", $wapurl, $Mark_Text); if (count($DataList_Arr) > $ji + 1) { $DataNext = $DataList_Arr[$ji + 1]; $DataNextArr = explode('$', $DataNext); if (count($DataNextArr) == 2) { $DataNext = $DataNextArr[1]; } $xurl = VodPlayUrl('play', $id, $zu, $ji + 1); $Dataurl_Arr2 = explode('$', $DataList_Arr[$ji + 1]); $xpurl = @$Dataurl_Arr2[1]; //下集播放地址 } else { $DataNext = $DataList_Arr[$ji]; $DataNextArr = explode('$', $DataNext); if (count($DataNextArr) == 2) { $DataNext = $DataNextArr[1]; } $xurl = '#'; $xpurl = ''; //下集播放地址 } if ($ji == 0) { $surl = '#'; } else { $surl = VodPlayUrl('play', $id, $zu, $ji - 1); } $psname = ''; for ($j = 0; $j < count($Data_Arr); $j++) { $jis = ''; $Ji_Arr = explode("\n", $Data_Arr[$j]); for ($k = 0; $k < count($Ji_Arr); $k++) { $Ly_Arr = explode('$', $Ji_Arr[$k]); $jis .= $Ly_Arr[0] . '$$' . @$Ly_Arr[2] . '===='; } $psname .= substr($jis, 0, -4) . '#cscms#'; } $player_arr = str_replace("\r", "", substr($psname, 0, -7)); if ($laiyuan == 'xgvod' || $laiyuan == 'jjvod' || $laiyuan == 'yyxf' || $laiyuan == 'bdhd' || $laiyuan == 'qvod') { $xpurl = str_replace("+", "__", base64_encode($xpurl)); $url = str_replace("+", "__", base64_encode($url)); } else { $xpurl = escape($xpurl); $url = escape($url); } $player = "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . hitslink('play/form', 'vod') . "'></script><script type='text/javascript'>var cs_playlink='" . VodPlayUrl('play', $id, $zu, $ji, 1) . "';var cs_did='" . $id . "';var player_name='" . $player_arr . "';var cs_pid='" . $ji . "';var cs_zid='" . $zu . "';var cs_vodname='" . $row['name'] . " - " . $pname . "';var cs_root='" . Web_Path . "';var cs_width=" . CS_Play_sw . ";var cs_height=" . CS_Play_sh . ";var cs_surl='" . $surl . "';var cs_xurl='" . $xurl . "';var cs_url='" . $url . "';var cs_xpurl='" . $xpurl . "';var cs_laiy='" . $laiyuan . "';var cs_adloadtime='" . CS_Play_AdloadTime . "';</script><iframe border=\"0\" name=\"cscms_vodplay\" id=\"cscms_vodplay\" src=\"" . Web_Path . "packs/vod_player/play.html\" marginwidth=\"0\" framespacing=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" noresize=\"\" vspale=\"0\" style=\"z-index: 9998;\" frameborder=\"0\" height=\"" . (CS_Play_sh + 30) . "\" scrolling=\"no\" width=\"100%\"></iframe>"; $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:player]", $player, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:surl]", $surl, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:xurl]", $xurl, $Mark_Text); //增加人气 $Mark_Text = hits_js($Mark_Text, hitslink('hits/ids/' . $id, 'vod')); echo $Mark_Text; $this->cache->end(); //由于前面不是直接输出,所以这里需要加入写缓存 }
public function show_save() { if ($this->huri['show']['check'] == 0) { admin_msg('相册内容页未开启生成~!', 'javascript:history.back();', 'no'); } $day = intval($this->input->get_post('day', true)); //最近几天 $ids = $this->input->get_post('ids', true); //需要生成的数据ID $cid = $this->input->get_post('cid', true); //需要生成的分类ID $newid = intval($this->input->get_post('newid')); //最新个数 $ksid = intval($this->input->get_post('ksid')); //开始ID $jsid = intval($this->input->get_post('jsid')); //结束ID $kstime = $this->input->get_post('kstime', true); //开始日期 $jstime = $this->input->get_post('jstime', true); //结束日期 $pagesize = intval($this->input->get('pagesize')); //每页多少条 $pagejs = intval($this->input->get('pagejs')); //总页数 $datacount = intval($this->input->get('datacount')); //数据总数 $page = intval($this->input->get('page')); //当前页 if ($page == 0) { $page = 1; } $str = ''; //将数组转换成字符 if (is_array($cid)) { $cid = implode(',', $cid); } if (is_array($ids)) { $ids = implode(',', $ids); } if ($day > 0) { $times = time() - 86400 * $day; $str .= ' and addtime>' . $times . ''; } if (!empty($cid)) { $str .= ' and cid in (' . $cid . ')'; } if (!empty($ids)) { $str .= ' and id in (' . $ids . ')'; } if ($ksid > 0 && $jsid > 0) { $str .= ' and id>' . ($ksid - 1) . ' and id<' . ($jsid + 1) . ''; } if (!empty($kstime) && !empty($jstime)) { $ktime = strtotime($kstime) - 86400; $jtime = strtotime($jstime) + 86400; $str .= ' and addtime>' . $ktime . ' and addtime<' . $jtime . ''; } $limit = ''; if ($newid > 0) { $limit = ' order by id desc limit ' . $newid; } if ($datacount == 0) { $sqlstr = "select id from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "pic_type where yid=0 and hid=0 " . $str . $limit; $datacount = $this->db->query($sqlstr)->num_rows(); //总数量 $pagejs = ceil($datacount / Html_PageNum); } if ($datacount == 0) { $pagejs = 1; } $pagesize = Html_PageNum; if ($datacount < $pagesize) { $pagesize = $datacount; } //全部生成完毕 if ($page > $pagejs) { admin_msg('所有内容页全部生成完毕~!', site_url('pic/admin/html/show')); } //公众URI $uri = '?day=' . $day . '&cid=' . $cid . '&ids=' . $ids . '&newid=' . $newid . '&ksid=' . $ksid . '&jsid=' . $jsid . '&kstime=' . $kstime . '&jstime=' . $jstime . '&pagesize=' . $pagesize . '&pagejs=' . $pagejs . '&datacount=' . $datacount; //重新定义模板路径 $this->load->get_templates('pic', 2); echo '<LINK href="' . base_url() . 'packs/admin/css/style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"><br>'; echo ' <b>正在开始生成相册内容,分<font color=red>' . $pagejs . '</font>次生成,当前第<font color=red>' . $page . '</font>次</b><br/>'; $sql_string = "select * from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "pic_type where yid=0 and hid=0 " . $str . " order by id desc"; $sql_string .= ' limit ' . $pagesize * ($page - 1) . ',' . $pagesize; $query = $this->db->query($sql_string); //获取内容页是否需要生成 $html = config('Html_Uri', 'pic'); foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) { ob_end_flush(); //关闭缓存 $id = $row['id']; //获取静态路径 $Htmllinks = LinkUrl('show', 'id', $row['id'], 0, 'pic'); //转换成生成路径 $Htmllink = adminhtml($Htmllinks, 'pic'); //摧毁部分需要超级链接字段数组 $rows = $row; //先保存数组保留下面使用 unset($row['tags']); unset($row['hits']); unset($row['yhits']); unset($row['zhits']); unset($row['rhits']); unset($row['dhits']); unset($row['chits']); unset($row['content']); //默认模板 $skins = empty($row['skins']) ? 'show.html' : $row['skins']; $arr['cid'] = getChild($row['cid']); $arr['uid'] = $row['uid']; $arr['tags'] = $rows['tags']; $arr['sid'] = $row['id']; //装载模板并输出 $Mark_Text = $this->CsdjTpl->plub_show('pic', $row, $arr, TRUE, $skins, $row['name'], $row['name']); //评论 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:pl]", get_pl('pic', $id), $Mark_Text); //分类地址、名称 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:link]", LinkUrl('show', 'id', $row['id'], 1, 'pic'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:classlink]", LinkUrl('lists', 'id', $row['cid'], 1, 'pic'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:classname]", $this->CsdjDB->getzd('pic_list', 'name', $row['cid']), $Mark_Text); //获取上下篇 preg_match_all('/[pic:slink]/', $Mark_Text, $arr); if (!empty($arr[0]) && !empty($arr[0][0])) { $rowd = $this->db->query("Select id,cid,pic,name from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "pic_type where yid=0 and hid=0 and id<" . $id . " order by id desc limit 1")->row(); if ($rowd) { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:slink]", LinkUrl('show', 'id', $rowd->id, 1, 'pic'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:sname]", $rowd->name, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:sid]", $rowd->id, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:spic]", piclink('pic', $rowd->pic), $Mark_Text); } else { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:slink]", "#", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:sname]", "没有了", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:sid]", 0, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:spic]", piclink('pic', ''), $Mark_Text); } } unset($arr); preg_match_all('/[pic:xlink]/', $Mark_Text, $arr); if (!empty($arr[0]) && !empty($arr[0][0])) { $rowd = $this->db->query("Select id,cid,pic,name from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "pic_type where yid=0 and hid=0 and id>" . $id . " order by id asc limit 1")->row(); if ($rowd) { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xlink]", LinkUrl('show', 'id', $rowd->id, 1, 'pic'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xname]", $rowd->name, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xid]", $rowd->id, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xpic]", piclink('pic', $rowd->pic), $Mark_Text); } else { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xlink]", "#", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xname]", "没有了", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xid]", 0, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xpic]", piclink('pic', ''), $Mark_Text); } } unset($arr); //标签加超级连接 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:tags]", SearchLink($rows['tags']), $Mark_Text); //动态人气 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:hits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/hits/' . $id, 'pic') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:yhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/yhits/' . $id, 'pic') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:zhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/zhits/' . $id, 'pic') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:rhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/rhits/' . $id, 'pic') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:dhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/dhits/' . $id, 'pic') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:chits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/chits/' . $id, 'pic') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); //获取当前相册总数 $pcount = $this->db->query("Select id from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "pic where sid=" . $id . " and hid=0 and yid=0")->num_rows(); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:count]", $pcount, $Mark_Text); //第一张图片 $rowp = $this->db->query("Select pic,content from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "pic where sid=" . $id . " and hid=0 and yid=0 order by id desc limit 1")->row(); $pics = $rowp ? $rowp->pic : ''; $content = $rowp ? $rowp->content : ''; $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:url]", piclink('pic', $pics), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:content]", $content, $Mark_Text); //增加人气 $Mark_Text = hits_js($Mark_Text, hitslink('hits/ids/' . $id, 'pic')); //生成 write_file(FCPATH . $Htmllink, $Mark_Text); echo " <font style=font-size:10pt;>生成相册:<font color=red>" . $row['name'] . "</font>成功:<a href=" . $Htmllinks . " target=_blank>" . $Htmllinks . "</a></font><br/>"; ob_flush(); flush(); } if (!empty($ids)) { $url = 'javascript:history.back();'; $str = " <b>全部生成完毕 >>>> <a href='" . $url . "'>如果您的 浏览器没有跳转,请点击继续...</a></b>"; } else { $url = site_url('pic/admin/html/show_save') . $uri . '&page=' . ($page + 1); $str = " <b>暂停" . Html_StopTime . "秒后继续 >>>> <a href='" . $url . "'>如果您的 浏览器没有跳转,请点击继续...</a></b>"; } echo "</br>" . $str . "<script>setTimeout('updatenext();'," . Html_StopTime . "000);function updatenext(){location.href='" . $url . "';}</script>"; }
public function index($fid = 'id', $id = 0, $return = FALSE) { $id = intval($fid) > 0 ? intval($fid) : intval($id); //ID //判断ID if ($id == 0) { msg_url('出错了,ID不能为空!', Web_Path); } //获取数据 $row = $this->CsdjDB->get_row_arr('vod', '*', $id); if (!$row || $row['yid'] > 0 || $row['hid'] > 0) { msg_url('出错了,该数据不存在或者没有审核!', Web_Path); } //判断运行模式,生成则跳转至静态页面 $html = config('Html_Uri'); if (config('Web_Mode') == 3 && $html['show']['check'] == 1 && !defined('MOBILE')) { //获取静态路径 $Htmllink = LinkUrl('show', $fid, $id, 0, 'vod'); header("Location: " . $Htmllink); exit; } //摧毁部分需要超级链接字段数组 $rows = $row; //先保存数组保留下面使用 unset($row['zhuyan']); unset($row['daoyan']); unset($row['yuyan']); unset($row['diqu']); unset($row['tags']); unset($row['year']); unset($row['pfen']); unset($row['phits']); //获取当前分类下二级分类ID $arr['cid'] = getChild($row['cid']); $arr['uid'] = $row['uid']; $arr['singerid'] = $row['singerid']; $arr['tags'] = $rows['tags']; $skins = getzd('vod_list', 'skins2', $row['cid']); if (empty($skins)) { $skins = 'show.html'; } //装载模板并输出 $Mark_Text = $this->CsdjTpl->plub_show('vod', $row, $arr, TRUE, $skins, $row['name'], $row['name']); //评论 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:pl]", get_pl('vod', $id), $Mark_Text); //分类地址、名称 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:link]", LinkUrl('show', 'id', $row['id'], 1, 'vod'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:classlink]", LinkUrl('lists', 'id', $row['cid'], 1, 'vod'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:classname]", $this->CsdjDB->getzd('vod_list', 'name', $row['cid']), $Mark_Text); //主演、导演、标签、年份、地区、语言加超级连接 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:zhuyan]", SearchLink($rows['zhuyan'], 'zhuyan'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:daoyan]", SearchLink($rows['daoyan'], 'daoyan'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:yuyan]", SearchLink($rows['yuyan'], 'yuyan'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:diqu]", SearchLink($rows['diqu'], 'diqu'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:tags]", SearchLink($rows['tags']), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:year]", SearchLink($rows['year'], 'year'), $Mark_Text); //评分 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:pfen]", getpf($rows['pfen'], $rows['phits']), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:pfenbi]", getpf($rows['pfen'], $rows['phits'], 2), $Mark_Text); //解析播放下载地址 $Mark_Text = Vod_Playlist($Mark_Text, 'play', $id, $row['purl']); $Mark_Text = Vod_Playlist($Mark_Text, 'down', $id, $row['durl']); echo $Mark_Text; $this->cache->end(); //由于前面不是直接输出,所以这里需要加入写缓存 }
public function SetPanelSettings() { $count = 0; $output = ""; $params = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_SEARCH']->_searchterms; $this->searchterms = $params; $path = GetConfig('ShopPath'); /* the below mmy links are passed to the breadcrumbs */ $mmy_links = ""; /*---------- This below section is for generating search phrase----------*/ $GLOBALS['Category'] = ""; $GLOBALS['MMY'] = ""; $GLOBALS['PQ'] = ""; $GLOBALS['VQ'] = ""; $GLOBALS['SearchPhrase'] = ""; $ext_links = ""; // this variable is passed to the product detail page $seo_delim = "&"; if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $seo_delim = "/"; } if (isset($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME'])) { $GLOBALS['Category'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME']; } if (isset($params['year'])) { $GLOBALS['MMY'] .= $params['year'] . "<br>"; $ext_links .= $seo_delim . "year=" . $params['year']; } if (isset($params['make'])) { $GLOBALS['MMY'] .= strtoupper($params['make']) . "<br>"; $ext_links .= $seo_delim . "make=" . MakeURLSafe($params['make']); } if (isset($params['model']) && (!isset($params['model_flag']) || $params['model_flag'] == 1)) { $GLOBALS['MMY'] .= strtoupper($params['model']) . "<br>"; $ext_links .= $seo_delim . "model=" . MakeURLSafe($params['model']); } /*else if(isset($params['model'])) $ext_links .= $seo_delim."model=".$params['model'];*/ /* this condition has been added seperately here to show submodel at last */ if (isset($params['submodel'])) { $GLOBALS['MMY'] .= MakeURLSafe($params['submodel']) . "<br>"; } /*if(isset($params['year'])) { $ext_links .= $seo_delim."year=".$params['year']; }*/ if (isset($params['dynfilters']) && !empty($params['dynfilters'])) { foreach ($params['dynfilters'] as $key => $value) { if (eregi('vq', $key)) { $key = str_ireplace('vq', '', $key); $GLOBALS['VQ'] .= ucfirst($key) . ": {$value}<br>"; } else { if (eregi('pq', $key)) { $key = str_ireplace('pq', '', $key); $GLOBALS['PQ'] .= ucfirst($key) . ": {$value}<br>"; } } } } $filter_var = array('vq', 'pq'); /* this below patch is used for getting description of the category. Here currently the selected category id will be last one in the $params['srch_category'] array. if input['category'] is used then it will be the first one */ if (!empty($params['srch_category'])) { if (isset($params['category'])) { $selected_catg = $params['srch_category'][0]; } else { $selected_catg = end($params['srch_category']); } $catg_desc_qry = "select catdesc , categoryfooter from [|PREFIX|]categories where categoryid = " . $selected_catg; $catg_desc_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($catg_desc_qry); if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($catg_desc_res) > 0) { $catg_desc_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($catg_desc_res); } /* this below patch is used to show the display name for the qualifiers from the qualifier association table */ $map_names = array(); $display_names = array(); $filter_names = "select qid , column_name , display_names from [|PREFIX|]qualifier_names where column_name regexp '^(pq|vq)'"; $filter_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($filter_names); while ($filter_row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($filter_result)) { $map_names[$filter_row['qid']] = $filter_row['column_name']; $display_names[$filter_row['qid']] = $filter_row['display_names']; } $this->GetAssocDetails($selected_catg, $OwnAssoc, $ParentAssoc, $OwnValue, $ParentValue); } if (isset($params['brand'])) { $brand_desc_arr = array(); $brand_desc_qry = "select branddescription , brandfooter from [|PREFIX|]brands where brandname = '" . $params['brand'] . "'"; $brand_desc_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($brand_desc_qry); if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($brand_desc_res) > 0) { $brand_desc_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($brand_desc_res); } } // for breadcrumbs $this->_BuildBreadCrumbs(); /* the below line has been commented as client told to remove it */ //$GLOBALS['SearchPhrase'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SearchPhrase"); if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_SEARCH']->GetNumResults() > 30) { $msg_qry = "select value from [|PREFIX|]display where messageid = 1"; $msg_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($msg_qry); $msg_row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FetchOne($msg_res); $GLOBALS['SearchPhrase'] = $msg_row; //$GLOBALS['SearchPhrase'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SearchPhrase"); } /*if(!empty($params['dynfilters'])) $GLOBALS['SearchPhrase'] .= " ".implode(" ",$params['dynfilters']); /*---------- Ending section for generating search phrase----------*/ $vq_column_title = ""; $GLOBALS['SearchResultList'] = ""; if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_SEARCH']->GetNumResults() > 0) { $brand_rating = 0; if ($GLOBALS['results_page_flag'] == 1) { $brand_rating_qry = "select avg(revrating) as rating from [|PREFIX|]reviews r left join [|PREFIX|]products p on r.revproductid = p.productid left join [|PREFIX|]brands b on p.prodbrandid = b.brandid where r.revstatus = 1 and b.brandname = '" . $params['brand'] . "'"; $brand_rating_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($brand_rating_qry); $brand_rating_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FetchOne($brand_rating_res); if (isset($brand_rating_arr['rating'])) { $brand_rating = (int) $brand_rating_arr['rating']; } } /* displaying the dropdowns for YMM */ if (!isset($params['make']) || !isset($params['year']) || !isset($params['model']) || isset($params['model_flag']) && $params['model_flag'] == 0) { $this->YMMSelectors($params); } // We have at least one result, let's show it to the world! $GLOBALS['HideNoResults'] = "none"; // Only show the "compare" option if there are 2 or more products on this page if (GetConfig('EnableProductComparisons') == 0 || $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($GLOBALS['SearchResults']) < 2) { $GLOBALS['HideCompareItems'] = "none"; } if (GetConfig('EnableProductReviews') == 0) { $GLOBALS['HideProductRating'] = "display: none"; } $GLOBALS['AlternateClass'] = ''; $counter = 1; $CurCatId = 0; $mmy_links = $this->GetYMMLinks($params); $mmy_links .= $this->GetOtherLinks($params); while ($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($GLOBALS['SearchResults'])) { /* Added by Simha to check inf prodcucts comes from different categories*/ if (empty($params['srch_category']) || !isset($params['srch_category'])) { if ($CurCatId != $row['categoryid']) { $CurCatId = $row['categoryid']; $map_names = array(); $display_names = array(); $filter_names = "SELECT DISTINCT qn.qid, qn.column_name, qn.display_names from \n [|PREFIX|]qualifier_names qn\n LEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]qualifier_associations qa ON qa.qualifierid = qn.qid\n WHERE (qa.categoryid = '{$CurCatId}') \n AND qn.column_name regexp '^(pq|vq)'"; // || qa.categoryid IN (SELECT catparentid FROM isc_categories WHERE categoryid = '$CurCatId') $filter_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($filter_names); while ($filter_row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($filter_result)) { $map_names[$filter_row['qid']] = $filter_row['column_name']; $display_names[$filter_row['qid']] = $filter_row['display_names']; } $this->GetAssocDetails($CurCatId, $OwnAssoc, $ParentAssoc, $OwnValue, $ParentValue); } } /* Added by Simha Ends */ $GLOBALS['SearchTrackClass'] = "TrackLink"; $imagefile = ""; if ($GLOBALS['AlternateClass'] == 'Odd') { $GLOBALS['AlternateClass'] = 'Even'; } else { $GLOBALS['AlternateClass'] = 'Odd'; } $qry_string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $page = "&page=" . $_GET['page']; $qry_string = str_ireplace($page, '', $qry_string); } if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { if (isset($_GET['search_key'])) { $qry_string = str_ireplace('&search_key=' . $_GET['search_key'], '', $qry_string); } if (isset($params['search_query']) && !strstr($qry_string, 'search_query=')) { $qry_string .= "search_query=" . MakeURLSafe($params['search_query']); } if (isset($params['make']) && !strstr($qry_string, 'make=')) { $qry_string .= "&make=" . MakeURLSafe($params['make']); } if (isset($params['model']) && !strstr($qry_string, 'model=')) { $qry_string .= "&model=" . MakeURLSafe($params['model']); } if (isset($params['year']) && !strstr($qry_string, 'year=')) { $qry_string .= "&year=" . MakeURLSafe($params['year']); } if (isset($params['make']) && !strstr($qry_string, 'make=')) { $qry_string .= "&make=" . MakeURLSafe($params['make']); } if (isset($params['model_flag']) && !strstr($qry_string, 'model_flag=')) { $qry_string .= "&model_flag=" . MakeURLSafe($params['model_flag']); } if (isset($params['submodel']) && !strstr($qry_string, 'submodel=')) { $qry_string .= "&submodel=" . MakeURLSafe($params['submodel']); } } if (isset($params['partnumber']) || $params['flag_srch_category'] == 1 || isset($params['flag_srch_category']) && isset($GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG']) && $GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG'] == 1) { /*if( isset($params['srch_category']) ) { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = isset($catg_desc_arr['catdesc']) ? $catg_desc_arr['catdesc'] : ''; // description will be added here to show it at the top of product listing page. }*/ if (isset($params['category']) || !isset($params['subcategory']) && isset($params['series'])) { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = $row['seriesdescription']; $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = $row['seriesfooter']; if ((isset($params['category']) || isset($params['subcategory'])) && $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] == "") { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = isset($catg_desc_arr['catdesc']) ? $catg_desc_arr['catdesc'] : ''; $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = isset($catg_desc_arr['categoryfooter']) ? $catg_desc_arr['categoryfooter'] : ''; } } else { if (isset($params['srch_category'])) { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = isset($catg_desc_arr['catdesc']) ? $catg_desc_arr['catdesc'] : ''; $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = isset($catg_desc_arr['categoryfooter']) ? $catg_desc_arr['categoryfooter'] : ''; if (isset($params['series']) && $row['seriesdescription'] != "") { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = $row['seriesdescription']; $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = $row['seriesfooter']; } if ($GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] == '' && $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] == '' && isset($params['brand'])) { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = isset($brand_desc_arr['branddescription']) ? $brand_desc_arr['branddescription'] : ''; $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = isset($brand_desc_arr['brandfooter']) ? $brand_desc_arr['brandfooter'] : ''; } } else { if (isset($params['brand'])) { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = isset($brand_desc_arr['branddescription']) ? $brand_desc_arr['branddescription'] : ''; $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = isset($brand_desc_arr['brandfooter']) ? $brand_desc_arr['brandfooter'] : ''; } } } $GLOBALS['ProductCartQuantity'] = ''; if (isset($GLOBALS['CartQuantity' . $row['productid']])) { $GLOBALS['ProductCartQuantity'] = (int) $GLOBALS['CartQuantity' . $row['productid']]; } if ($counter % 2 == 0) { $GLOBALS['RowColor'] = 'grayrow'; } else { $GLOBALS['RowColor'] = 'whiterow'; } $counter++; $GLOBALS['ProductId'] = (int) $row['productid']; $GLOBALS['ProductName'] = isc_html_escape($row['prodname']); $GLOBALS['ProductLink'] = ProdLink($row['prodname']); $GLOBALS['ProductRating'] = (int) $row['prodavgrating']; $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = $row['brandname']; $GLOBALS['ProdCode'] = $row['prodcode']; //$GLOBALS['ProdDesc'] = $this->strip_html_tags($row['proddesc']); //$GLOBALS['ProdOptions'] = $row['productoption']; $GLOBALS['VehicleOptions'] = ""; $GLOBALS['ProdOptions'] = ""; foreach ($row as $key => $val) { if ($val != "" && $val != "~") { if (($qualifier_id = array_search($key, $map_names)) !== false) { if (eregi('^vq', $key)) { $val = trim($val, "~"); $val = preg_split('/[~;]+/', $val); $val = array_unique($val); $val = array_values($val); $val = implode(",", $val); /* -- Setting display name for qualifier name -- */ if (isset($OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id]) && $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname'] != '') { $key = $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname']; } else { if (isset($ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id]) && $ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname'] != '') { $key = $ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname']; } else { if (isset($display_names[$qualifier_id]) && !empty($display_names[$qualifier_id])) { $key = $display_names[$qualifier_id]; } else { $key = ucfirst(str_ireplace($filter_var, "", $key)); } } } /* -- Setting display name for qualifier name ends -- */ /* -- Setting display name for qualifier value -- */ if (($m = array_search(strtolower($val), $OwnValue[$qualifier_id])) !== false && $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname'] != "") { $val = $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname']; } else { if (isset($ParentValue[$qualifier_id]) && ($m = array_search(strtolower($val), $ParentValue[$qualifier_id])) !== false && $ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname'] != "") { $val = $ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname']; } } /* -- Setting display name for qualifier value ends-- */ $GLOBALS['VehicleOptions'] .= $key . " : " . $val . "<br>"; } if (eregi('^pq', $key)) { $val = trim($val, "~"); $val = preg_split('/[~;]+/', $val); $val = array_unique($val); $val = array_values($val); $val = implode(",", $val); /* -- Setting display name for qualifier name -- */ if (isset($OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id]) && $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname'] != '') { $key = $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname']; } else { if (isset($ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id]) && $ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname'] != '') { $key = $ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id][0]['qname']; } else { if (isset($display_names[$qualifier_id]) && !empty($display_names[$qualifier_id])) { $key = $display_names[$qualifier_id]; } else { $key = ucfirst(str_ireplace($filter_var, "", $key)); } } } /* -- Setting display name for qualifier name ends -- */ /* -- Setting display name for qualifier value -- */ if (isset($OwnValue[$qualifier_id]) && ($m = array_search(strtolower($val), $OwnValue[$qualifier_id])) !== false && $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname'] != '') { $val = $OwnAssoc[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname']; } else { if (isset($ParentValue[$qualifier_id]) && ($m = array_search(strtolower($val), $ParentValue[$qualifier_id])) !== false && $ParentValue[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname'] != '') { $val = $ParentAssoc[$qualifier_id][$m]['vname']; } } /* -- Setting display name for qualifier value ends-- */ $GLOBALS['ProdOptions'] .= $key . " : " . $val . "<br>"; } } } } if (isset($row['vehicleoption'])) { $GLOBALS['VehicleOptions'] = $row['vehicleoption']; } if (isset($row['productoption'])) { $GLOBALS['ProdOptions'] = $row['productoption']; } if (isset($row['catuniversal']) && $row['catuniversal'] == 1) { $GLOBALS['VehicleOptions'] = $GLOBALS['ProductName']; if ($vq_column_title == "") { $vq_column_title = "Product Name"; } else { if ($vq_column_title != "Product Name") { $vq_column_title = "Product Name / Vehicle Options"; } } } else { if ($vq_column_title == "") { $vq_column_title = "Vehicle Options"; } else { if ($vq_column_title != "Vehicle Options") { $vq_column_title = "Product Name / Vehicle Options"; } } } if (empty($GLOBALS['VehicleOptions'])) { $GLOBALS['VehicleOptions'] = " "; } if (empty($GLOBALS['ProdOptions'])) { $GLOBALS['ProdOptions'] = " "; } /*--- the below lines are added for back 2 search link in the product detail page. Also modified line no 56 & 60 --- */ if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $GLOBALS['ProductLink'] .= "/refer=true" . $ext_links; } else { $GLOBALS['ProductLink'] .= "&refer=true" . $ext_links; } ### Added by Simha for onsale addition // Determine the price of this product //$GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] = CalculateProductPrice_retail($row); $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] = CalculateProductPriceRetail($row); $FinalPrice = $GLOBALS['ProductPrice']; $SalePrice = $row['prodsaleprice']; //$DiscountAmount = $FinalPrice; $discounttype = 0; if ((double) $SalePrice > 0 && $SalePrice < $FinalPrice) { $DiscountPrice = $SalePrice; } else { $DiscountPrice = $FinalPrice; $DiscountPrice = CalculateDiscountPrice($FinalPrice, $DiscountPrice, $row['categoryid'], $row['brandseriesid'], $discounttype); /*if($discounttype == 0) { $DiscountPrice = $FinalPrice; }*/ } /* foreach($DiscountInfo as $DiscountInfoSub) { if(isset($DiscountInfoSub['catids'])) { $catids = explode(",", $DiscountInfoSub['catids']); foreach($catids as $catid) { if($catid == $row['categoryid']) { $DiscountAmount = $FinalPrice * ((int)$DiscountInfoSub['amount']/100); if ($DiscountAmount < 0) { $DiscountAmount = 0; } $DiscountPrice = $FinalPrice - $DiscountAmount; } } } } */ if (isset($DiscountPrice) && $DiscountPrice < $FinalPrice && $discounttype == 0) { //&& GetConfig('ShowOnSale') $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] = '<strike>' . CurrencyConvertFormatPrice($FinalPrice) . '</strike>'; $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] .= '<br>' . CurrencyConvertFormatPrice($DiscountPrice) . ''; $GLOBALS['ShowOnSaleImage'] = '<img id="OnSale" src="' . GetConfig('ShopPath') . '/templates/default/images/onsale.gif" alt="">'; if (GetConfig('ShowOnSale')) { $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] .= '<br>' . $GLOBALS['ShowOnSaleImage'] . ''; } } else { $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] = '' . CurrencyConvertFormatPrice($FinalPrice) . ''; } ### Added by Simha Ends // commented the below line by vikas //$GLOBALS['ProductThumb'] = ImageThumb($row['imagefile'], ProdLink($row['prodname'])); $GLOBALS['ProductThumb'] = ImageThumb($row['imagefile'], $GLOBALS['ProductLink']); if (isId($row['prodvariationid']) || trim($row['prodconfigfields']) != '' || $row['prodeventdaterequired'] == 1) { //$GLOBALS['ProductURL'] = ProdLink($row['prodname']); // commented by vikas $GLOBALS['ProductURL'] = $GLOBALS['ProductLink']; $GLOBALS['ProductAddText'] = GetLang('ProductChooseOptionLink'); } else { //$GLOBALS['ProductURL'] = CartLink($row['productid']); //$GLOBALS['ProductURL'] = ProdLink($row['prodname']); // commented by vikas $GLOBALS['ProductURL'] = $GLOBALS['ProductLink']; //blessen if (intval($row['prodretailprice']) <= 0) { //$GLOBALS['ProductAddText'] = GetLang('ProductAddToCartLink'); // commented by vikas on 15-7-09 $GLOBALS['ProductAddText'] = "<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/view.gif' border=0>"; } else { //$GLOBALS['ProductAddText'] = GetLang('ProductAddToCartLink1'); // commented by vikas on 15-7-09 $GLOBALS['ProductAddText'] = "<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/view.gif' border=0>"; } //blessen // original $GLOBALS['ProductAddText'] = GetLang('ProductAddToCartLink'); } if (CanAddToCart($row) && GetConfig('ShowAddToCartLink')) { $GLOBALS['HideActionAdd'] = ''; } else { $GLOBALS['HideActionAdd'] = 'none'; } $GLOBALS['HideProductVendorName'] = 'display: none'; $GLOBALS['ProductVendor'] = ''; if (GetConfig('ShowProductVendorNames') && $row['prodvendorid'] > 0) { $vendorCache = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DATA_STORE']->Read('Vendors'); if (isset($vendorCache[$row['prodvendorid']])) { $GLOBALS['ProductVendor'] = '<a href="' . VendorLink($vendorCache[$row['prodvendorid']]) . '">' . isc_html_escape($vendorCache[$row['prodvendorid']]['vendorname']) . '</a>'; $GLOBALS['HideProductVendorName'] = ''; } } $GLOBALS['CartURL'] = CartLink($row['productid']); $offer = $this->IsProductMakeanOffer($row['brandseriesid'], $row['brandname'], $row['categoryid']); if ($offer == 'yes') { $GLOBALS['HideOfferButton'] = 'block'; } else { $GLOBALS['HideOfferButton'] = 'none'; } $GLOBALS['SearchResultList'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SubCategoryProductsItem"); } else { if ($GLOBALS['results_page_flag'] == 0) { $mmy_links_modified = $mmy_links; if (!isset($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_ID'])) { $parentid = $GLOBALS['categories_all'][$row['categoryid']]['catparentid']; if ($parentid != 0) { if (isset($GLOBALS['categories_all'][$parentid])) { // if parent catg is not visible $mmy_links_modified = "/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($GLOBALS['categories_all'][$parentid]['catname'])) . $mmy_links; } else { $mmy_links_modified = "/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($GLOBALS['categories_all'][$row['categoryid']]['catname'])) . $mmy_links; } } else { $mmy_links_modified = "/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($GLOBALS['categories_all'][$row['categoryid']]['catname'])) . $mmy_links; } } $subcatg_link = $this->LeftCatLink($mmy_links_modified, 'subcategory', $row['catname']); $link = "<a href='" . $subcatg_link . "'>"; $tiplink = "<a class='thickbox1' href='" . $GLOBALS['ShopPath'] . "/catgbrand.php?categoryid=" . $row['categoryid'] . "&url=" . urlencode($subcatg_link) . "' title=''><img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/fastlook_red.gif' border=0></a>"; $imagelink = "<a class='thickbox' href='" . $GLOBALS['ShopPath'] . "/catgbrand.php?categoryid=" . $row['categoryid'] . "&url=" . urlencode($subcatg_link) . "' title='' onmouseover='createtip(" . $row['categoryid'] . ")' onmouseout='UnTip()'>"; //$imagelink = "<a href='".$GLOBALS['ShopPath']."/catgbrand.php?categoryid=".$row['categoryid']."&url=$subcatg_link' class='thickbox' title=''>"; if (isset($row['imagefile']) && !empty($row['imagefile'])) { $images = explode("~", $row['imagefile']); for ($j = 0; $j < count($images); $j++) { if (!empty($images[$j])) { $imagefile = "{$imagelink}<img src='{$path}/category_images/" . $images[$j] . "' alt='" . isc_html_escape($row['catimagealt']) . "' title='" . isc_html_escape($row['catimagealt']) . "' class='subcat-image'></a>"; $imagefile .= "<span id='span" . $row['categoryid'] . "' style='display:none'>" . $tiplink . "</span>"; break; } } } else { if (empty($row['imagefile']) || empty($imagefile)) { $imagefile = "{$imagelink}<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/ProductDefault.gif' border=0 class='subcat-image'></a>"; $imagefile .= "<span id='span" . $row['categoryid'] . "' style='display:none'>" . $tiplink . "</span>"; } } $GLOBALS['LeftImage'] = $imagefile; $GLOBALS['ProductsCount'] = "(" . $row['totalproducts'] . ") Products Available"; $row['brandname'] = str_replace('~', ' , ', $row['brandname']); //$GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] = $row['brandname']; if (!empty($row['seriesname'])) { $row['brandname'] .= "<br>" . $row['seriesname']; } $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] = ""; if ($row['seriesids'] != "") { $seriesids = str_ireplace("~", ",", $row['seriesids']); $seriesids_qry = "select seriesid , brandname , seriesname from isc_brand_series bs left join isc_brands b on bs.brandid = b.brandid where seriesid in (" . $seriesids . ")"; $seriesids_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($seriesids_qry); if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($seriesids_res) > 0) { while ($seriesids_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($seriesids_res)) { if ($GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] == "") { $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<br><a href='javascript:' onclick=\"checkanimate('" . $row['categoryid'] . "')\">View Brands ></a><div id='" . $row['categoryid'] . "' style='display:block'>"; } else { $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<br>"; } $tooltipscript = "onmouseover='createtip(" . $row['categoryid'] . $seriesids_arr['seriesid'] . ")' onmouseout='UnTip()'"; if (!isset($params['brand'])) { if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $series_link = $subcatg_link . "/brand/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['brandname'])) . "/series/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['seriesname'])); $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<a href='" . $subcatg_link . "/brand/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['brandname'])) . "/series/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['seriesname'])) . "' {$tooltipscript}>" . $seriesids_arr['brandname'] . " " . $seriesids_arr['seriesname'] . "</a>"; } else { $series_link = $subcatg_link . "&brand=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['brandname'])) . "&series=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['seriesname'])); $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<a href='" . $subcatg_link . "&brand=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['brandname'])) . "&series=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['seriesname'])) . "' {$tooltipscript}>" . $seriesids_arr['brandname'] . " " . $seriesids_arr['seriesname'] . "</a>"; } } else { if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $series_link = $subcatg_link . "/series/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['seriesname'])); $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<a href='" . $subcatg_link . "/series/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['seriesname'])) . "' {$tooltipscript}>" . $seriesids_arr['brandname'] . " " . $seriesids_arr['seriesname'] . "</a>"; } else { $series_link = $subcatg_link . "&series=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['seriesname'])); $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<a href='" . $subcatg_link . "&series=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($seriesids_arr['seriesname'])) . "' {$tooltipscript}>" . $seriesids_arr['brandname'] . " " . $seriesids_arr['seriesname'] . "</a>"; } } $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<span id='span" . $row['categoryid'] . $seriesids_arr['seriesid'] . "' style='display:none'><a class='thickbox1' href='" . $GLOBALS['ShopPath'] . "/catgbrand.php?seriesid=" . $seriesids_arr['seriesid'] . "&catname=" . MakeURLSafe($row['catname']) . "&url=" . urlencode($series_link) . "' class='' ><img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/fastlook_red.gif' border=0></a></span>"; } $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "</br></div>"; } } $content = $row['brandname'] . "<br>"; if (!isset($params['category']) && (isset($params['srch_category']) || !isset($GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG']))) { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = isset($catg_desc_arr['catdesc']) ? $catg_desc_arr['catdesc'] : ''; // description will be added here to show it at the top of subcatg page. $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = isset($catg_desc_arr['categoryfooter']) ? $catg_desc_arr['categoryfooter'] : ''; $content .= "<h3><a href='" . $path . "/search.php?{$qry_string}&subcategory=" . MakeURLSafe($row['catname']) . "'>" . $row['catname'] . "</a></h3>>"; $GLOBALS['TitleLink'] = "<h2><a href='" . $subcatg_link . "' onmouseover='createtip(" . $row['categoryid'] . ")' onmouseout='UnTip()'>" . $row['catname'] . "</a></h2>"; } /*$ProdStartPrice = GetStartingPrice($row['categoryid'], $row['prodcalculatedprice']); $content .= "Price starting from $".number_format($ProdStartPrice, 2, '.', '')."<br>".$imagefile;*/ $GLOBALS['leftsidecontent'] = $content; if (number_format($row['prodminprice'], 2) < number_format($row['prodmaxprice'], 2)) { $GLOBALS['PriceRange'] = "Price range from \$" . number_format($row['prodminprice'], 2, '.', '') . " to \$" . number_format($row['prodmaxprice'], 2, '.', ''); } else { $GLOBALS['PriceRange'] = "Available at \$" . number_format($row['prodminprice'], 2, '.', ''); } $content = "<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/free-shipping2.gif'><br>" . strip_tags($row['proddesc']) . "<br>" . $row['prodwarranty']; $GLOBALS['rightsidecontent'] = $content; $GLOBALS['ShippingImage'] = "<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/free-shipping2.gif'>"; $GLOBALS['ProductWarranty'] = "<h3>" . $row['prodwarranty'] . "</h3>"; $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] = "<a href='{$path}/catgbrand.php?categoryid=" . $row['categoryid'] . "&url=" . urlencode($subcatg_link) . "' class='thickbox'><img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/fastlook_red.gif'></a> "; $content = "{$link}<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/viewproducts.gif'></a>"; $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= $content; if (IsDiscountAvailable('category', $row['categoryid'])) { $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= '<img id="OnSale" src="' . GetConfig('ShopPath') . '/templates/default/images/onsale.gif" alt="">'; } if ($this->IsMakeAnOffer('category', $row['categoryid']) == 'yes') { $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= "<h3>Qualifies for Make an Offer!</h3>"; } $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] = $row['featurepoints']; $GLOBALS['lowersidecontent'] = $content; /* This below conditions is added to have different templates for tonneau covers page */ if (isset($params['srch_category']) && !empty($params['srch_category']) && $selected_catg == 4 && $GLOBALS['results_page_flag'] == 0) { $GLOBALS['rightsidecontent'] = $row['featurepoints']; $GLOBALS['warranty'] = ""; /*if( trim($row['prodwarranty']) != '' ) { $GLOBALS['warranty'] = "<img alt='Warranty' src='".$GLOBALS['ShopPath']."/images/warranty-icon.gif' style='margin-right: 7px;'/><strong>".$row['prodwarranty']."</strong>"; }*/ if ($GLOBALS['SearchResultList'] != "") { $GLOBALS['SearchResultList'] .= '<hr style="clear: left;"/>'; } $GLOBALS['SearchResultList'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("NewSubCategoryListing"); } else { $GLOBALS['SearchResultList'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SubCategoryListing"); } } else { $series_link = $this->LeftCatLink($mmy_links, 'series', $row['seriesname']); $link = "<a href='" . $series_link . "'>"; //$imagelink = "<a href='".$path."/catgbrand.php?seriesid=".$row['brandseriesid']."&catname=".MakeURLSafe($row['parentcatname'])."&url=$series_link' class='thickbox' title=''>"; $main_catg_link = ""; $catg_count = array(); $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] = ""; if ($row['subcatgids'] != "") { $subcatgids = str_ireplace("~", ",", $row['subcatgids']); $subcatgids_qry = "select c.categoryid , c.catname as childcatname , p.categoryid as parentid , p.catname as parentcatname from [|PREFIX|]categories c left join [|PREFIX|]categories p on c.catparentid = p.categoryid where c.categoryid in (" . $subcatgids . ")"; $subcatgids_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($subcatgids_qry); //$catg_count = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($subcatgids_res); if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($subcatgids_res) > 0) { while ($subcatgids_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($subcatgids_res)) { if ($subcatgids_arr['parentid'] != 0) { $main_catg_link = $series_link . "/category/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($subcatgids_arr['parentcatname'])); $catg_count[$subcatgids_arr['parentid']] = $subcatgids_arr['parentcatname']; } else { $catg_count[$subcatgids_arr['categoryid']] = $subcatgids_arr['childcatname']; } if ($GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] == "") { $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<br><a href='javascript:' onclick=\"checkanimate('" . $row['brandseriesid'] . "')\">View Category ></a><div id='" . $row['brandseriesid'] . "' style='display:none'>"; } else { $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<br>"; } $tooltipscript = "onmouseover='createtip(" . $subcatgids_arr['categoryid'] . $row['brandseriesid'] . ")' onmouseout='UnTip()'"; if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { if ($subcatgids_arr['parentcatname'] == "") { $catgs_link = $series_link . "/category/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($subcatgids_arr['childcatname'])); } else { $catgs_link = $series_link . "/category/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($subcatgids_arr['parentcatname'])) . "/subcategory/" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($subcatgids_arr['childcatname'])); } $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<a href='" . $catgs_link . "' {$tooltipscript}>" . $subcatgids_arr['childcatname'] . "</a>"; } else { if ($subcatgids_arr['parentcatname'] == "") { $catgs_link = $series_link . "&category=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($subcatgids_arr['childcatname'])); } else { $catgs_link = $series_link . "&category=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($subcatgids_arr['parentcatname'])) . "&subcategory=" . MakeURLSafe(Strtolower($subcatgids_arr['childcatname'])); } $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<a href='" . $catgs_link . "' {$tooltipscript}>" . $subcatgids_arr['childcatname'] . "</a>"; } $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "<span id='span" . $subcatgids_arr['categoryid'] . $row['brandseriesid'] . "' style='display:none'><a class='thickbox1' href='" . $GLOBALS['ShopPath'] . "/catgbrand.php?categoryid=" . $subcatgids_arr['categoryid'] . "&url=" . urlencode($catgs_link) . "' class='' ><img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/fastlook_red.gif' border=0></a></span>"; } $GLOBALS['CatgSeriesList'] .= "</br></div>"; } } $GLOBALS['TitleLink'] = "<h2><a href='" . $series_link . "' onmouseover='createtip(" . $row['brandseriesid'] . ")' onmouseout='UnTip()'>" . $row['brandname'] . " " . $row['seriesname'] . " " . $row['parentcatname'] . "</a></h2>"; if (count($catg_count) == 1) { $GLOBALS['TitleLink'] = "<h2><a href='" . $main_catg_link . "' onmouseover='createtip(" . $row['brandseriesid'] . ")' onmouseout='UnTip()'>" . $row['brandname'] . " " . $row['seriesname'] . " " . $row['parentcatname'] . "</a></h2>"; } else { if (count($catg_count) > 1) { $GLOBALS['TitleLink'] = "<h2><a href='" . $series_link . "' onmouseover='createtip(" . $row['brandseriesid'] . ")' onmouseout='UnTip()' onclick='return checkcategoryselection()'>" . $row['brandname'] . " " . $row['seriesname'] . " " . $row['parentcatname'] . "</a></h2>"; } } $tiplink = "<a class='thickbox1' href='" . $GLOBALS['ShopPath'] . "/catgbrand.php?seriesid=" . $row['brandseriesid'] . "&catname=" . MakeURLSafe($row['parentcatname']) . "&url="; if (count($catg_count) == 1) { $tiplink .= urlencode($main_catg_link) . "'"; } else { if (count($catg_count) > 1) { $tiplink .= "#' "; } else { $tiplink .= urlencode($series_link) . "'"; } } $tiplink .= " title=''><img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/fastlook_red.gif' border=0></a>"; $imagelink = "<a class='thickbox' href='" . $GLOBALS['ShopPath'] . "/catgbrand.php?seriesid=" . $row['brandseriesid'] . "&catname=" . MakeURLSafe($row['parentcatname']) . "&url="; if (count($catg_count) == 1) { $imagelink .= urlencode($main_catg_link) . "'"; } else { if (count($catg_count) > 1) { $imagelink .= "#' "; } else { $imagelink .= urlencode($series_link) . "'"; } } $imagelink .= " title='' onmouseover='createtip(" . $row['brandseriesid'] . ")' onmouseout='UnTip()'>"; if (isset($row['imagefile']) && !empty($row['imagefile'])) { $images = explode("~", $row['imagefile']); for ($j = 0; $j < count($images); $j++) { if (!empty($images[$j])) { $imagefile = "{$imagelink}<img src='{$path}/category_images/" . $images[$j] . "'></a>"; break; } } } else { if (empty($row['imagefile']) || empty($imagefile)) { $imagefile = "{$imagelink}<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/ProductDefault.gif' border=0></a>"; } } $GLOBALS['LeftImage'] = $imagefile; $row['brandname'] = str_replace('~', ' , ', $row['brandname']); $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] = $row['brandname']; if (isset($row['seriesname']) && !empty($row['seriesname']) && (!isset($params['srch_category']) || isset($params['category'])) && isset($GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG'])) { if (empty($row['imagefile']) || empty($imagefile)) { $GLOBALS['LeftImage'] = "{$imagelink}<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/ProductDefault.gif' alt='" . isc_html_escape($row['seriesimagealt']) . "' title='" . isc_html_escape($row['seriesimagealt']) . "'></a>"; $GLOBALS['LeftImage'] .= "<span id='span" . $row['brandseriesid'] . "' style='display:none'>" . $tiplink . "</span>"; } else { $GLOBALS['LeftImage'] = "{$imagelink}<img src='{$path}/series_images/" . $row['imagefile'] . "' width='140px' alt='" . isc_html_escape($row['seriesimagealt']) . "' title='" . isc_html_escape($row['seriesimagealt']) . "'></a>"; $GLOBALS['LeftImage'] .= "<span id='span" . $row['brandseriesid'] . "' style='display:none'>" . $tiplink . "</span>"; } //"<h3>".$row['catname']."</h3> $GLOBALS['ProductsCount'] = "(" . $row['totalproducts'] . ") Products Available"; $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] = "<ul class='featurepoints'>"; if (!empty($row['feature_points1'])) { $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] .= "<li>" . $row['feature_points1'] . "</li>"; } if (!empty($row['feature_points2'])) { $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] .= "<li>" . $row['feature_points2'] . "</li>"; } if (!empty($row['feature_points3'])) { $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] .= "<li>" . $row['feature_points3'] . "</li>"; } if (!empty($row['feature_points4'])) { $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] .= "<li>" . $row['feature_points4'] . "</li>"; } $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] .= "</ul>"; /*if(isset($row['brandlargefile']) && !empty($row['brandlargefile'])) { $brand_image_path = "product_images/".$row['brandlargefile']; if(file_exists($brand_image_path)) { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = "<img src='$path/product_images/".$row['brandlargefile']."'>"; } else if(isset($row['brandimagefile']) && !empty($row['brandimagefile'])) { $brand_image_path = "product_images/".$row['brandimagefile']; if(file_exists($brand_image_path)) $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = "<img src='$path/product_images/".$row['brandimagefile']."'>"; } } else if(isset($row['brandimagefile']) && !empty($row['brandimagefile'])) { $brand_image_path = "product_images/".$row['brandimagefile']; if(file_exists($brand_image_path)) $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = "<img src='$path/product_images/".$row['brandimagefile']."'>"; }*/ } $GLOBALS['RelatedBrands'] = $row['feature_points']; $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = $row['branddescription']; $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = $row['brandfooter']; if ($brand_rating != 0) { $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] .= "<br><h2>Rating : <img width='64' height='12' src='" . $GLOBALS['TPL_PATH'] . "/images/IcoRating{$brand_rating}.gif' alt='' /></h2>"; } $content = $row['brandname'] . "<br>"; $content .= $row['catname'] . "<br>"; /*$ProdStartPriceSeries = GetStartingPriceForSeries($row['brandseriesid'], $row['prodcalculatedprice']); $content .= "Price starting from $".number_format($ProdStartPriceSeries, 2, '.', '');*/ $GLOBALS['leftsidecontent'] = $content; //$GLOBALS['PriceRange'] = "Price range from $".number_format($row['prodminprice'], 2, '.', '')." to $".number_format($row['prodmaxprice'], 2, '.', ''); if (number_format($row['prodminprice'], 2) < number_format($row['prodmaxprice'], 2)) { $GLOBALS['PriceRange'] = "Price range from \$" . number_format($row['prodminprice'], 2, '.', '') . " to \$" . number_format($row['prodmaxprice'], 2, '.', ''); } else { $GLOBALS['PriceRange'] = "Available at \$" . number_format($row['prodminprice'], 2, '.', ''); } $content = "<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/free-shipping2.gif'><br>" . strip_tags($row['proddesc']) . "<br>" . $row['prodwarranty']; $GLOBALS['rightsidecontent'] = $content; $GLOBALS['ShippingImage'] = "<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/free-shipping2.gif'>"; $GLOBALS['ProductWarranty'] = "<h3>" . $row['prodwarranty'] . "</h3>"; $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] = "<a class='thickbox' href='" . $GLOBALS['ShopPath'] . "/catgbrand.php?seriesid=" . $row['brandseriesid'] . "&catname=" . MakeURLSafe($row['parentcatname']) . "&url="; if (count($catg_count) > 1) { $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= "#'"; } else { if (count($catg_count) == 1) { $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= urlencode($main_catg_link) . "'"; } else { $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= urlencode($series_link) . "'"; } } $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= "><img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/fastlook_red.gif'></a> "; $content = "{$link}"; if (count($catg_count) == 1) { $content = "<a href='" . $main_catg_link . "'>"; } else { if (count($catg_count) > 1) { $content = "<a href='" . $series_link . "' onclick='return checkcategoryselection()'>"; } } $content .= "<img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/viewproducts.gif'></a>"; $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= $content; if (IsDiscountAvailable('series', $row['brandseriesid'])) { $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= '<img id="OnSale" src="' . GetConfig('ShopPath') . '/templates/default/images/onsale.gif" alt="">'; } if ($this->IsMakeAnOffer('series', $row['brandseriesid']) == 'yes') { $GLOBALS['ViewDetailsImage'] .= "<h3>Qualifies for Make an Offer!</h3>"; } $GLOBALS['lowersidecontent'] = $content; $GLOBALS['SearchResultList'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SubCategoryListing"); $GLOBALS['HideCompareItems'] = "none"; } } } $get_variables = $_GET; $sort_qry = "{$path}/search.php?search_query=" . urlencode($params['search_query']); unset($get_variables['orderby'], $get_variables['sort'], $get_variables['search_query'], $get_variables['sortby']); $i = 0; foreach ($get_variables as $key => $value) { $sort_qry .= "&{$key}={$value}"; } if (isset($_REQUEST['sortby']) && $_REQUEST['sortby'] == 'desc') { $sort = "asc "; $img = " <img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/ArrowDown.gif' border=0>"; } else { $sort = "desc "; $img = " <img src='{$path}/templates/default/images/ArrowUp.gif' border=0>"; } //$GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = $GLOBALS['SearchResultList']; // commented by vikas if (isset($params['partnumber']) || $params['flag_srch_category'] == 1 || isset($params['flag_srch_category']) && isset($GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG']) && $GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG'] == 1) { if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $GLOBALS['ProductBrand'] = "<a href='{$path}{$mmy_links}/orderby/brandname/sortby/{$sort}'>Brand</a>"; $GLOBALS['ProductPartNumber'] = "<a href='{$path}{$mmy_links}/orderby/prodcode/sortby/{$sort}'>Part Number</a>"; $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] = "<a href='{$path}{$mmy_links}/orderby/prodcalculatedprice/sortby/{$sort}'>Price</a>"; } else { $GLOBALS['ProductBrand'] = "<a href='{$path}/search.php?search_query={$mmy_links}&orderby=brandname&sortby={$sort}'>Brand</a>"; $GLOBALS['ProductPartNumber'] = "<a href='{$path}/search.php?search_query={$mmy_links}&orderby=prodcode&sortby={$sort}'>Part Number</a>"; $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] = "<a href='{$path}/search.php?search_query={$mmy_links}&orderby=prodcalculatedprice&sortby={$sort}'>Price</a>"; } if (isset($_REQUEST['orderby']) && $_REQUEST['orderby'] == 'brandname') { $GLOBALS['ProductBrand'] .= $img; } $GLOBALS['ProductVQ'] = $vq_column_title; /*if(isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'brandname') $GLOBALS['Product_VQ'] .= $img;*/ if (isset($_REQUEST['orderby']) && $_REQUEST['orderby'] == 'prodcode') { $GLOBALS['ProductPartNumber'] .= $img; } $GLOBALS['ProductPQ'] = "Product Options"; /*if(isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'productoption') $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] .= $img;*/ if (isset($_REQUEST['orderby']) && $_REQUEST['orderby'] == 'prodcalculatedprice') { $GLOBALS['ProductPrice'] .= $img; } $GLOBALS['ProductDetails'] = "Details"; $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SubCategoryProductsItemHeader"); } else { // $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = "<div>".$GLOBALS['SearchResultList']."</div>"; if (isset($params['srch_category']) && !empty($params['srch_category']) && $GLOBALS['results_page_flag'] == 0 && $selected_catg == 4) { $GLOBALS['FilterTitle'] = "Narrow by Category"; $GLOBALS['ResultTitle'] = "Category Details"; if (count($GLOBALS['SearchBrands']) > 0) { $GLOBALS['BrandsList'] = ""; $brandlistingqry = " select brandname , brandimagefile, brandlargefile, brandaltkeyword from [|PREFIX|]brands where brandid in (" . implode($GLOBALS['SearchBrands'], ",") . ")"; $brandlistingresult = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($brandlistingqry); while ($brandlisting_row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($brandlistingresult)) { if (isset($params['brand'])) { $file = realpath(ISC_BASE_PATH . '/' . GetConfig('ImageDirectory') . '/' . $brandlisting_row['brandlargefile']); if (file_exists($file)) { $attribs = @getimagesize($file); $width = $attribs[0]; $height = $attribs[1]; if ($width > 240) { $width = "240"; } /*if( $height > 240 ) $height = "240";*/ $GLOBALS['BrandsList'] .= "<img alt='" . $brandlisting_row['brandaltkeyword'] . "' src='" . $GLOBALS['ShopPath'] . "/product_images/" . $brandlisting_row['brandlargefile'] . "' width='" . $width . "' /> "; $brandparams = $params; unset($brandparams['brand'], $brandparams['series']); $mmylinks = $this->GetYMMLinks($brandparams); $GLOBALS['BrandsList'] .= "<br><a href='" . $path . $mmylinks . "'>View All Brands</a>"; } } else { if (isset($params['srch_category'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandsList'] .= "<a href='" . $path . $mmy_links . "/brand/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($brandlisting_row['brandname'])) . "'>"; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandsList'] .= "<a href='" . $path . "/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($brandlisting_row['brandname'])) . $mmy_links . "'>"; } $GLOBALS['BrandsList'] .= "<img alt='" . $brandlisting_row['brandname'] . "' src='" . $GLOBALS['ShopPath'] . "/product_images/" . $brandlisting_row['brandimagefile'] . "'/></a>"; } } } else { $GLOBALS['BrandListStyle'] = "display:none"; } $GLOBALS['ResultCategories'] = ""; foreach ($GLOBALS['SearchCategories'] as $key => $catid) { $parentid = $GLOBALS['categories_all'][$catid]['catparentid']; if ($parentid != 0) { if (isset($params['srch_category'])) { $mmy_links_modified = $mmy_links; } else { if (isset($GLOBALS['categories_all'][$parentid])) { // if parent catg is not visible $mmy_links_modified = "/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($GLOBALS['categories_all'][$parentid]['catname'])) . $mmy_links; } else { $mmy_links_modified = "/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($GLOBALS['categories_all'][$catid]['catname'])) . $mmy_links; } } } else { $mmy_links_modified = "/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($GLOBALS['categories_all'][$catid]['catname'])) . $mmy_links; } /*echo "<br>".$mmy_links; exit;*/ $subcatg_link = $this->LeftCatLink($mmy_links_modified, 'subcategory', $GLOBALS['categories_all'][$catid]['catname']); $GLOBALS['ResultCategories'] .= "<div class='button'><a href='" . $subcatg_link . "'>" . $GLOBALS['categories_all'][$catid]['catname'] . "</a></div>"; } $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("NewSubCategoryListingMain"); } else { $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SubCategoryListingMain"); } } $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> \$('.focushiddendiv').css({'position':'absolute', 'margin-top':'-200px', 'display':'block'}); </script>"; if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $back2url = $_SESSION['back2url'] = preg_replace("/^\\//", "", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } else { $back2url = $_SESSION['back2url'] = "search.php?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } ISC_SetCookie("back2search", $back2url, 0, "/"); // Showing the syndication option? if (GetConfig('RSSNewProducts') != 0 && GetConfig('RSSCategories') != 0 && GetConfig('RSSSyndicationIcons') != 0) { $GLOBALS['RSSURL'] = SearchLink($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_SEARCH']->GetQuery(), 0, false); $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['SearchResultsFeed'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SearchResultsFeed"); } } else { $this->YMMSelectors($params); $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = "<div style='float:left'>" . $GLOBALS['YMMTable'] . "</div>"; $GLOBALS['CategoryBrandList'] = "%%Panel.StaticFeaturedCategories%%\n\t\t\t\t%%Panel.StaticFeaturedBrands%%"; // No search results were found // commented below code as need to show the favorite categories and brands as in homepage /*$GLOBALS['HideSearchResults'] = "none"; $GLOBALS['HidePanels'][] = 'SearchPageProducts';*/ } }