Esempio n. 1
 public function getRecords(&$config, $db, $user, $request)
     if (!is_array($request->categories)) {
         return true;
     if ($request->action == 'new') {
         return true;
     foreach ($request->categories as $category => $identifiers) {
         $this->assets[$category] = array();
         /* if the order-by field isn't in this category, default to Identifier */
         if (!in_array($request->order['field'], array_keys($this->fields[$category]))) {
             $request->order['field'] = 'Identifier';
         /* convert identifiers to numeric sort */
         if ($request->order['field'] == 'Identifier') {
             $order = 'CAST(SUBSTR(`Identifier`,6) AS SIGNED) ' . sql_real_escape($request->order['direction'], $db->link);
         } else {
             $order = "`" . sql_real_escape($request->order['field'], $db->link) . "` " . sql_real_escape($request->order['direction'], $db->link);
         /* retrieve assets from the table */
         if (empty($identifiers) || $request->action == 'save') {
             $select = "1=1";
             $limit = $request->limit > 0 ? "{$request->limit}," . ($request->limit + $config->values['list_max']) : "0,{$config->values['list_max']}";
         } else {
             $select = "`Identifier`='" . implode("' OR `Identifier`='", $identifiers) . "'";
             $limit = count($identifiers);
         $query = SLAM_makePermsQuery($config, $db, $user, '*', $category, $select, $order, $limit);
         if (($this->assets[$category] = $db->getRecords($query)) === false) {
             $config->errors[] = 'Database error: Error retrieving assets:' . $db->ErrorState() . $query;
         /* count the number of visible assets in the category */
         $query = SLAM_makePermsQuery($config, $db, $user, 'COUNT(*)', $category, $select);
         if (($count = $db->getRecords($query)) === false) {
             $config->errors[] = 'Database error: Error counting assets:' . $db->ErrorState() . $query;
         $this->counts[$category] = $count[0]['COUNT(*)'];
     return true;
function SLAM_loadSearchResults($config, $db, $user, $request)
    	runs a search query on the requested tables and returns as SLAMresult containing the matching records
    /* return empty result on invalid attempt */
    if (empty($request->search)) {
        return new SLAMresult();
    $categories = array_keys($request->categories);
    if (empty($categories)) {
        return new SLAMresult();
    /* collect all of the possible fields to search in from the current category(s)*/
    $result = new SLAMresult();
    /* retrieve the structure of the categories in the request */
    $result->getStructures($config, $db, $user, $request);
    /* retrieve all the searchable fields in the provided category(s) */
    $fields = array();
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
        if (empty($fields)) {
            $fields = array_keys($result->fields[$category]);
        } else {
            $fields = array_intersect($fields, array_keys($result->fields[$category]));
    /* if the user isn't a superuser, make sure that hidden fields aren't searched */
    $diff = array_intersect($fields, $config->values['hide_fields']);
    if (!$user->superuser) {
        $fields = array_diff($fields, $diff);
    /* don't forget to remove the pseudofields! */
    $diff = array_intersect($fields, array('permissions', 'Files'));
    $fields = array_diff($fields, $diff);
    /* use an assoc array to sanitize search modes */
    $allowed_modes = array('LIKE' => 'LIKE', 'NOT LIKE' => 'NOT LIKE', '>' => '>', '<' => '<', '=' => '=');
    $allowed_likes = array('LIKE', 'NOT LIKE');
    $allowed_joins = array('AND', 'OR');
    /* extract search terms */
    $terms = array();
    $joins = array();
    foreach ($request->search['field'] as $i => $field) {
        /* automatically bracket LIKE and NOTLIKE terms with % */
        $value = in_array($request->search['mode'][$i], $allowed_likes) ? "%{$request->search['value'][$i]}%" : $request->search['value'][$i];
        /* joins have to be in the approved list, or they default to AND */
        $joins[] = in_array($request->search['join'][$i], $allowed_joins) ? $request->search['join'][$i] : 'AND';
        if (in_array($field, $fields)) {
            $terms[] = '`' . sql_real_escape($field, $db->link) . '` ' . $allowed_modes[$request->search['mode'][$i]] . ' \'' . sql_real_escape($value, $db->link) . '\'';
        } elseif ($field == '(Search all)') {
            /* build a special term that contains all of the available fields with OR joins */
            $sub_terms = array();
            foreach ($fields as $field) {
                $sub_terms[] = '`' . sql_real_escape($field, $db->link) . '` ' . $allowed_modes[$request->search['mode'][$i]] . ' \'' . sql_real_escape($value, $db->link) . '\'';
            if ($request->search['mode'][$i] == 'LIKE') {
                $terms[] = '( ' . implode(' OR ', $sub_terms) . ' )';
            } else {
                $terms[] = '( ' . implode(' AND ', $sub_terms) . ' )';
        } else {
            /* if the field name isn't present in the fields of the current category(s), bail */
            $config->errors[] = "Error: User attempted to search field named '{$field}' which isn't in the current categories.";
    /* generate the limit based upon the previously provided limit */
    $limit = $request->limit > 0 ? "{$request->limit}," . ($request->limit + $config->values['list_max']) : "0,{$config->values['list_max']}";
    /* run the query on each category */
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
        /* check that the order-by field is appropriate for this category */
        if (!in_array($request->order['field'], array_keys($result->fields[$category]))) {
            $request->order['field'] = 'Identifier';
        /* convert identifiers to numeric sort */
        if ($request->order['field'] == 'Identifier') {
            $order = 'CAST(SUBSTR(`Identifier`,6) AS SIGNED) ' . sql_real_escape($request->order['direction'], $db->link);
        } else {
            $order = "`" . sql_real_escape($request->order['field'], $db->link) . "` " . sql_real_escape($request->order['direction'], $db->link);
        /* construct the select statement by putting together the field names and joining conjunctions */
        $select = '';
        foreach ($terms as $i => $term) {
            $select .= count($terms) > 1 && $i < count($terms) - 1 ? "{$term} {$joins[$i]} " : $term;
        /* generate the query */
        $query = SLAM_makePermsQuery($config, $db, $user, '*', $category, $select, $order, $limit);
        /* execute the query */
        if (($result->assets[$category] = $db->getRecords($query)) === false) {
            $config->errors[] = 'Database error: Error retrieving search:' . $db->ErrorState() . $query;
            return new SLAMresult();
        /* count the number of assets in the category */
        $query = SLAM_makePermsQuery($config, $db, $user, 'COUNT(*)', $category, $select);
        if (($count = $db->getRecords($query)) === false) {
            $config->errors[] = 'Database error: Error counting assets:' . $db->ErrorState() . $query;
        $result->counts[$category] = $count[0]['COUNT(*)'];
    /* associate the retrieved records with their permissions*/
    $result->getPermissions($config, $db, $user, $request);
    return $result;