Esempio n. 1
/* check to ensure target is in the same sector as player */
if($targetinfo[sector] != $playerinfo[sector])
  echo $l_planet_noscan;
  if($playerinfo[turns] < 1)
    echo $l_scan_turn;
    /* determine per cent chance of success in scanning target ship - based on player's sensors and opponent's cloak */
    $success= SCAN_SUCCESS($playerinfo[sensors], $targetinfo[cloak]);
    if($success < 5)
      $success = 5;
    if($success > 95)
      $success = 95;
    $roll = rand(1, 100);
    if($roll > $success)
      /* if scan fails - inform both player and target. */
      echo $l_planet_noscan;
      playerlog($targetinfo[player_id], LOG_SHIP_SCAN_FAIL, "$playerinfo[character_name]");
                    $tollstring = NUMBER($fighterstoll);
                    $l_chf_youpaidsometoll = str_replace("[chf_tollstring]", $tollstring, $l_chf_youpaidsometoll);
                    echo "$l_chf_youpaidsometoll<BR>";
                    $db->Execute("UPDATE $dbtables[players] SET credits=credits-$fighterstoll where player_id=$playerinfo[player_id]");
                    playerlog($playerinfo[player_id], LOG_TOLL_PAID, "$tollstring|$sector");
              case "sneak":
                    $db->Execute("UPDATE $dbtables[players] SET cleared_defences = ' ' WHERE player_id = $playerinfo[player_id]");
                    $success = SCAN_SUCCESS($fighters_owner_ship[sensors], $shipinfo[cloak]);
                    if($success < 5)
                       $success = 5;
                    if($success > 95)
                       $success = 95;
                    $roll = rand(1, 100);
                    if($roll < $success)
                        // sector defences detect incoming ship
                        echo "$l_chf_thefightersdetectyou<BR>";
Esempio n. 3
if (array_key_exists('ship_selected', $_SESSION) == false || $_SESSION['ship_selected'] != $ship_id) {
    echo "You need to Click on the ship first.<BR><BR>";
    include "footer.php";
// Check to ensure target is in the same sector as player
if ($targetinfo['sector'] != $playerinfo['sector']) {
    echo $l_planet_noscan;
} else {
    if ($playerinfo['turns'] < 1) {
        echo $l_scan_turn;
    } else {
        // Determine per cent chance of success in scanning target ship - based on player's sensors and opponent's cloak
        $success = SCAN_SUCCESS($playerinfo['sensors'], $targetinfo['cloak']);
        if ($success < 5) {
            $success = 5;
        if ($success > 95) {
            $success = 95;
        $roll = mt_rand(1, 100);
        if ($roll > $success) {
            // If scan fails - inform both player and target.
            echo $l_planet_noscan;
            playerlog($db, $targetinfo['ship_id'], LOG_SHIP_SCAN_FAIL, $playerinfo['character_name']);
        } else {
            // If scan succeeds, show results and inform target. Scramble results by scan error factor.
            // Get total bounty on this player, if any
            $btyamount = 0;
						playerlog($playerinfo[player_id], LOG_TOLL_PAID, "$tollstring|$sector");
				} else {
					echo "That is not a valid option!<br>";
              case "sneak":
                    $db->Execute("UPDATE $dbtables[players] SET cleared_defences = ' ' WHERE player_id = $playerinfo[player_id]");
					// Now we need to decide how goot the sensor network is for the fighters. The answer is, it is the AVERAGE of all fighter owners
					$res = $db->Execute("SELECT (SUM(sensors)/COUNT(*)) AS sensor_average FROM $dbtables[ships], $dbtables[players], $dbtables[sector_defence] WHERE ( $dbtables[players].player_id = $dbtables[sector_defence].player_id ) AND ($dbtables[players].currentship = $dbtables[ships].ship_id) AND $dbtables[sector_defence].sector_id = $sector AND ( team = 0 OR team != $playerinfo[team] ) AND $dbtables[sector_defence].player_id != $playerinfo[player_id] AND defence_type='F'");
					$sensor_average = $res->fields;
                    $success = SCAN_SUCCESS($sensor_average[sensor_average], $shipinfo[cloak]);
					echo "<br>DEBUG: $success = SCAN_SUCCESS($sensor_average[sensor_average], $shipinfo[cloak]);<br>";
                    if($success < 5)
                       $success = 5;
                    if($success > 95)
                       $success = 95;
                    $roll = rand(1, 100);
                    if($roll < $success)
                        // sector defences detect incoming ship
                        echo "$l_chf_thefightersdetectyou<BR>";
Esempio n. 5

   	echo "<center>";
		// Is the ship owned or not? Unowned ships are always visible
		if ($targetship[player_id]==0) {
			echo "<a href=ship.php?kk=".date("U")."&ship_id=$targetship[ship_id]><img src=\"images/", $targetship[image],"\" border=0></a><BR><font size=", $basefontsize +1, " color=#ffffff face=\"arial\">$targetship[ship_name]<br>(Unowned)<br></font>";
        } else { 	
			// If the ship is towing anything then it's cloak is going to be weakened
			if ($targetship[tow]>0) {
				$targetship[cloak] = min($targetship[cloak]-1,0);
			$success = SCAN_SUCCESS($shipinfo[sensors], $targetship[cloak]);
			if($success < 5)
			   $success = 5;
			if($success > 95)
			   $success = 95;
			$roll = rand(1, 100);
			if($roll < $success)
				// Get the player's medals
				$medRes = $db->Execute("SELECT graphic,medal_name FROM award_winners, $dbtables[medals], $dbtables[config] WHERE character_name='".addslashes($targetship[character_name])."' AND award_winners.type_id=$dbtables[medals].type_id AND award_winners.game_num=($dbtables[config].game_num-1)");
				$medalList = "";
				if (!$medRes->EOF) {
Esempio n. 6
                    $ok = 0;
                } else {
                    $tollstring = NUMBER($fighterstoll);
                    $l_chf_youpaidsometoll = str_replace("[chf_tollstring]", $tollstring, $l_chf_youpaidsometoll);
                    echo "{$l_chf_youpaidsometoll}<br>";
                    $resx = $db->Execute("UPDATE {$db->prefix}ships SET credits=credits-{$fighterstoll} WHERE ship_id=?;", array($playerinfo['ship_id']));
                    db_op_result($db, $resx, __LINE__, __FILE__, $db_logging);
                    distribute_toll($db, $sector, $fighterstoll, $total_sector_fighters);
                    playerlog($db, $playerinfo['ship_id'], LOG_TOLL_PAID, "{$tollstring}|{$sector}");
                    $ok = 1;
            case "sneak":
                $resx = $db->Execute("UPDATE {$db->prefix}ships SET cleared_defences = ' ' WHERE ship_id = ?;", array($playerinfo['ship_id']));
                db_op_result($db, $resx, __LINE__, __FILE__, $db_logging);
                $success = SCAN_SUCCESS($fighters_owner['sensors'], $playerinfo['cloak']);
                if ($success < 5) {
                    $success = 5;
                if ($success > 95) {
                    $success = 95;
                $roll = mt_rand(1, 100);
                if ($roll < $success) {
                    // Sector defences detect incoming ship
<div class="tablecell content both-border">
	<div class="pad">
                    echo "{$l_chf_thefightersdetectyou}<br>";
Esempio n. 7
      $num_detected = 0;
        $row = $result4->fields;
		if ($row[tow]>0) {
			// Cloak is reduced
			$row[cloak] = min($row[cloak]-1,0);
		// If the ship is unowned you can always see it
		if ($row[player_id] == 0) {
          	echo $row['ship_name'] . " (" . $row['character_name'] . ")<BR>";
		} else {
			// display other ships in sector - unless they are successfully cloaked
			$success = SCAN_SUCCESS($shipinfo[sensors], $row[cloak]);
			if($success < 5)
			  $success = 5;
			if($success > 95)
			  $success = 95;
			$roll = rand(1, 100);
			if($roll < $success)
			  echo $row['ship_name'] . " (" . $row['character_name'] . ")<BR>";