private function miao_collect_insert($item, $cate_id)
     $items_mod = D('items');
     $items_tags_mod = D('items_tags');
     $items_tags_item_mod = D('items_tags_item');
     $isset = $items_mod->where("item_key='" . $item['item_key'] . "'")->getField('id');
     if ($isset) {
     $add_time = time();
     if (strpos($item['pic_url'], 'taobao') !== false) {
         $item['img'] = $item['pic_url'] . '_210x1000.jpg';
         $item['simg'] = $item['pic_url'] . '_64x64.jpg';
         //$item['bimg'] = $item['pic_url'].'_460x460.jpg';
         $item['bimg'] = $item['pic_url'];
     } else {
         $item['img'] = str_replace('.jpg', '_210x1000.jpg', $item['pic_url']);
         $item['simg'] = str_replace('.jpg', '_60x60.jpg', $item['pic_url']);
         //$item['bimg'] = str_replace('.jpg', '_460x460.jpg', $item['pic_url']);
         $item['bimg'] = $item['pic_url'];
     if ($item['popular'] == 0) {
         $item['popular'] = 1;
     $item_id = $items_mod->add(array('title' => ReplaceKeywords(strip_tags($item['title'])), 'cid' => $cate_id, 'sid' => $item['sid'], 'item_key' => $item['item_key'], 'img' => $item['img'], 'simg' => $item['simg'], 'bimg' => $item['bimg'], 'price' => $item['price'], 'url' => $item['click_url'], 'likes' => $item['popular'], 'seller_name' => $item['seller_name'], 'cash_back_rate' => $item['cashback_scope'], 'haves' => 1, 'add_time' => $add_time));
 function doComment()
     $parse_url = parse_url($_POST['type']);
     $parse_str = parse_str($parse_url['query'], $option);
     $type = $option['m'] . ',' . $option['a'];
     $result = trim($type, ',');
     $replace = str_replace("\n", " ", $_POST['info']);
     $data['info'] = htmlspecialchars(ReplaceKeywords(trim(strip_tags($replace))));
     $data['pid'] = $_POST['pid'];
     $data['type'] = "item,index";
     $data['uid'] = $_COOKIE['user']['id'];
     $data['uname'] = $_COOKIE['user']['name'];
     $user_rel = $this->user_mod->field('id,name')->where("id='{$data['uid']}'")->find();
     $user_rel['face'] = getUserFace($data['uid']);
     $data['status'] = 1;
     $data['add_time'] = time();
     if (M('UserComments')->add($data)) {
         $arr = array('id' => $data['pid'], 'comments' => $this->user_comments_mod->where('pid=' . $data['pid'] . ' and type="item,index"')->count());
     } else {
         echo 0;
 function comments()
     $user_comments_mod = D('user_comments');
     $act = $_REQUEST['act'];
     $type = $_REQUEST['type'];
     $pid = empty($_REQUEST['pid']) ? 0 : intval($_REQUEST['pid']);
     if ($act == 'add') {
         if (empty($_COOKIE['user']['id'])) {
         $data = $user_comments_mod->create();
         $replace = str_replace("\n", " ", $data['info']);
         $data['info'] = htmlspecialchars(ReplaceKeywords($replace));
         $data['add_time'] = time();
         $data['uid'] = $_COOKIE['user']['id'];
         $data['uname'] = $_COOKIE['user']['name'];
         if ($data['type'] == 'item,index') {
             $arr = array('id' => $data['pid'], 'comments' => $this->user_comments_mod->where('pid=' . $data['pid'] . ' and type="item,index"')->count());
     $where = "type='" . $_REQUEST['type'] . "' and pid={$pid} and status=1";
     $count = $user_comments_mod->where($where)->count();
     $p = new Page($count, 8);
     $list = $user_comments_mod->where($where)->relation('user')->where($where)->order("id desc")->limit($p->firstRow . ',' . $p->listRows)->select();
     $this->assign('comments', array('list' => $list, 'page' => $p->show_1(), 'count' => $count, 'type' => $type));
     if ($this->isAjax()) {
         $this->ajaxReturn(array('list' => $this->fetch('comments_list'), 'count' => $count));
 private function add($data)
     $items_site_mod = D('items_site');
     $items_tags_mod = D('items_tags');
     $items_tags_item_mod = D('items_tags_item');
     $items_mod = $this->items_mod;
     $data['title'] = ReplaceKeywords($data['title']);
     $data['add_time'] = time();
     $data['sid'] = $items_site_mod->where("alias='miao'")->getField('id');
     $data['cid'] = 0;
     $new_item_id = $items_mod->add($data);
     if ($new_item_id) {
         $tags = $items_tags_mod->get_tags_by_title($data['title']);
         if ($tags) {
             $tags_arr = array_unique($tags);
             foreach ($tags_arr as $tag) {
                 $isset_id = $items_tags_mod->where("name='" . $tag . "'")->getField('id');
                 if ($isset_id) {
                     $items_tags_mod->where('id=' . $isset_id)->setInc('item_nums');
                     $items_tags_item_mod->add(array('item_id' => $new_item_id, 'tag_id' => $isset_id));
                 } else {
                     $tag_id = $items_tags_mod->add(array('name' => $tag));
                     $items_tags_item_mod->add(array('item_id' => $new_item_id, 'tag_id' => $tag_id));
     return $new_item_id;
  * 采集指定商品的评论
 private function collect_one_goods($iid, $item_id, $cmt_num, $users)
     $seller = $this->get_seller_id($iid);
     if (!$seller['id']) {
         return false;
     $item_mod = D('items');
     $item_comment_mod = D('user_comments');
     if ($seller['type'] == 'tmall') {
         $rate_tmall_api = '' . $iid . '&spuId=&sellerId=' . $seller_id . '&order=0&forShop=1&append=0&currentPage=1';
         $source = Http::fsockopenDownload($rate_tmall_api);
         $source = rtrim(ltrim(trim($source), '('), ')');
         $source = iconv('GBK', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $source);
         $source = str_replace('"rateDetail":', '', $source);
         $rate_resp = json_decode($source, true);
         $rate_list = $rate_resp['rateList'];
         $is_cmt_taobao = $item_mod->where(array('id' => $item_id))->getField('is_collect_comments');
         for ($i = 0; $i < $cmt_num; $i++) {
             $user_rand = array_rand($users);
             $time = strtotime($rate_list[$i]['rateDate']);
             if ($is_cmt_taobao == 1) {
                 return false;
             } else {
                 if (trim($rate_list[$i]['content']) != '') {
                     $item_comment_rel = $item_comment_mod->add(array('pid' => $item_id, 'uid' => $users[$user_rand]['id'], 'uname' => $users[$user_rand]['name'], 'info' => ReplaceKeywords($rate_list[$i]['content']), 'type' => 'item,index', 'add_time' => $time));
                     if ($item_comment_rel) {
                         $item_mod->where("id='{$item_id}'")->setInc('comments', 1);
         //更新item表的 is_collect_comments为1同时采集评论
         $item_mod->where(array('id' => $item_id))->save(array('is_collect_comments' => 1));
     } else {
         $rate_taobao_api = '' . $seller['id'] . '&auctionNumId=' . $iid . '&currentPageNum=1';
         $source = Http::fsockopenDownload($rate_taobao_api);
         $source = rtrim(ltrim(trim($source), '('), ')');
         $source = iconv('GBK', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $source);
         $rate_resp = json_decode($source, true);
         $rate_list = $rate_resp['comments'];
         $is_cmt_taobao = $item_mod->where(array('id' => $item_id))->getField('is_collect_comments');
         for ($i = 0; $i < $cmt_num; $i++) {
             $user_rand = array_rand($users);
             $date = explode('.', $rate_list[$i]['date']);
             $time = mktime(0, 0, 0, $date[1], $date[2], $date[0]);
             if ($is_cmt_taobao == 1) {
                 return false;
             } else {
                 if (trim($rate_list[$i]['content']) != '') {
                     $item_comment_rel = $item_comment_mod->add(array('pid' => $item_id, 'uid' => $users[$user_rand]['id'], 'uname' => $users[$user_rand]['name'], 'info' => ReplaceKeywords($rate_list[$i]['content']), 'type' => 'item,index', 'add_time' => $time));
                     if ($item_comment_rel) {
                         $item_mod->where("id='{$item_id}'")->setInc('comments', 1);
         //更新item表的 is_collect_comments为1同时采集评论
         $item_mod->where(array('id' => $item_id))->save(array('is_collect_comments' => 1));
         echo '正在采集,请稍后...';
Esempio n. 6
                if (($pos = mb_strpos(strtolower($res['text']), strtolower(str_replace('*', '', $srch)))) !== false) {
            if (!isset($pos) || $pos < 100) {
                $pos = 100;
            $name = $res['name'];
            $text = functions::checkout(mb_substr($res['text'], $pos - 100, 400), 1);
            if ($search_t) {
                foreach ($array as $val) {
                    $name = ReplaceKeywords($val, $name);
            } else {
                foreach ($array as $val) {
                    $text = ReplaceKeywords($val, $text);
            echo '<b><a href="index.php?id=' . $res['id'] . '">' . $name . '</a></b><br />' . $text . ' <div class="sub"><span class="gray">' . $lng_lib['added'] . ':</span> ' . $res['avtor'] . ' <span class="gray">(' . functions::display_date($res['time']) . ')</span><br />' . '<span class="gray">' . $lng_lib['reads'] . ':</span> ' . $res['count'] . '</div></div>';
    } else {
        echo '<div class="rmenu"><p>' . $lng['search_results_empty'] . '</p></div>';
    echo '<div class="phdr">' . $lng['total'] . ': ' . $total . '</div>';
    if ($total > $kmess) {
        echo '<div class="topmenu">' . functions::display_pagination('search.php?' . ($search_t ? 't=1&amp;' : '') . 'search=' . urlencode($search) . '&amp;', $start, $total, $kmess) . '</div>' . '<p><form action="search.php?' . ($search_t ? 't=1&amp;' : '') . 'search=' . urlencode($search) . '" method="post">' . '<input type="text" name="page" size="2"/>' . '<input type="submit" value="' . $lng['to_page'] . ' &gt;&gt;"/>' . '</form></p>';
} else {
    if ($error) {
        echo functions::display_error($error);
Esempio n. 7
function ReplaceKeyPENIS($Matches)
    $FixedMatches[] = $Matches[0];
    $FixedMatches[] = $Matches[1];
    $FixedMatches[] = $Matches[3];
    $FixedMatches[] = $Matches[4];
    $FixedMatches[] = $Matches[5];
    return $Matches[2] . "[" . ReplaceKeywords($FixedMatches) . "]";