function oldReadConfig($configname) { if (strstr($configname, ',')) { $configlist = explode(',', $configname); foreach ($configlist as $key => $configname) { ReadConfig(trim($configname)); } } else { $configname = basename($configname); $path = './config/' . $configname; if (!file_exists($path)) { die("Error! File <b>" . htmlspecialchars($configname) . "</b> doesn't exist!</font><br /><font color=blue>Before the setup starts, please ensure that you have properly configured file and directory access permissions. Please see below.</font><br /><br />chmod 777 config/<br />chmod 777 config/" . $configname); } $fp = fopen($path, 'r'); $content = ''; while (!feof($fp)) { $content .= fread($fp, 102400); } fclose($fp); if (empty($content)) { return array(); } $tmp = @unserialize($content); if (empty($tmp)) { die("Error! <font color=red>Cannot read configuration file <b>" . htmlspecialchars($configname) . "</b></font><br /><font color=blue>Before the setup starts, please ensure that you have properly configured file and directory access permissions. For *nix system, please see below.</font><br />chmod 777 config <br />chmod 777 config/" . $configname . "<br /><br /> If access permission is alright, perhaps there's some misconfiguration or the configuration file is corrupted. Please check config/" . $configname); } $GLOBALS[$configname] = $tmp; return $tmp; } }
function Auth($u, $p) { if (is_string($conf = ReadConfig($u))) { return $conf; } if (sha1($conf['passwd']) == $p) { /* Version 3.2.0 updates */ if (isset($conf['limitRows'])) { $conf['queryPageSize'] = $conf['limitRows']; unset($conf['limitRows']); } if (isset($conf['limitCell'])) { $conf['queryMaxCellSize'] = $conf['limitCell']; unset($conf['limitCell']); } /* * * * * * * * * * * */ foreach (array('hosts' => array(), 'encrypt' => TRUE, 'reqTimeout' => 60, 'hideSysDBs' => FALSE, 'showQueryRowNums' => TRUE, 'queryMaxDataSize' => 20, 'queryMaxRows' => 100000, 'queryPageSize' => 100, 'queryMaxCellSize' => 1024) as $k => $v) { if (!isset($conf[$k])) { $conf[$k] = $v; } } foreach ($conf['hosts'] as &$i) { if (!isset($i['cid'])) { $i['cid'] = uniqid(); } } $_SESSION['uname'] = $u; $_SESSION['key1'] = $conf['passwd']; $_SESSION['config'] = $conf; Cleanup(); return FALSE; } else { return AUTH_MESS; } }
function ReadConfig($configname) { if (strstr($configname, ',')) { $configlist = explode(',', $configname); foreach ($configlist as $key => $configname) { ReadConfig(trim($configname)); } } else { $configname = basename($configname); $path = ROOT_PATH . 'include/config.php' . $configname; if (!file_exists($path)) { die("<font color=red>File [<b>" . htmlspecialchars($configname) . "</b>] doesn't exist!.</font><br /><font color=blue>Before the setup starts, please ensure that you have properly configured file and directory access permissions. Please see below.</font><br /><br />chmod 777 CONFIG (config directory).<br />chmod 777 CONFIG/main (the file which save the main settings)."); } $fp = fopen($path, 'r'); $content = ''; while (!feof($fp)) { $content .= fread($fp, 102400); } fclose($fp); if (empty($content)) { if ($configname == 'JBOY') { Header("Location: index.php"); die; } return array(); } $tmp = @unserialize($content); if (empty($tmp)) { if ($configname == 'JBOY') { Header("Location: index.php"); die; } die("<font color=red>Cannot read file [<b>" . htmlspecialchars($configname) . "</b>]!.</font><br /><font color=blue>Before the setup starts, please ensure that you have properly configured file and directory access permissions. Please see below.</font><br /><br />chmod 777 CONFIG (config directory).<br />chmod 777 CONFIG/main (the file which save the main settings)."); } $GLOBALS[$configname] = $tmp; return true; } }
{ global $test, $path; $types = array_keys($arr); foreach ($types as $type) { include "objects/{$type}.php"; $fulltypename = "orm\\objects\\{$type}"; $path->dig($type); $objects = $arr[$type]; foreach ($objects as $settings) { list($name, $object) = PopFirstObject($settings); $path->update($name); if ($name == null) { break; } $bond = new $fulltypename($test); $bond->Init($name, $object, $path); if (CanRecursive($bond, $object)) { RecursiveRead($object); } } $path->pop(); } die('OK'); } function ReadConfig($file) { $yaml = \spyc_load_file($file); RecursiveRead($yaml); } ReadConfig('sql.yaml');
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>DbNinja for MySQL</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/styles-online.css" /> </head> <body> <?php $req = array('user' => 'admin', 'task' => $_GET['task']); require __INC__ . '/auth.php'; $conf = ReadConfig($req['user']); if (is_string($conf)) { exit($conf); } if (!($tasks = (include AUTH_PATH . "/{$req['user']}/tasks.php"))) { exit('No tasks are defind for this user'); } $task = NULL; foreach ($tasks as $t) { if ($t['tid'] == $req['task']) { $task = $t; break; } } if (!$task) { exit("Task #{$req['task']} was not found"); } $host = NULL; foreach ($conf['hosts'] as $h) { if ($h['cid'] == $task['cid']) {
require "../config/lang.ini.php"; $postdata = file_get_contents("php://input"); $request = json_decode($postdata); $action = $request->action; $key = $request->key; $value = $request->value; $reply; $sql1 = ""; if ($action == 'edit') { if ($value == true) { $value = 1; } else { $value = 0; } if ($key == 'alert') { if (SetConfig('alert', $value) && SetConfig('ring', $value) && SetConfig('sms', $value) && SetConfig('email', $value)) { $reply = array("result" => "Thiết lập thành công"); } else { $reply = array("result" => "Thiết lập thất bại"); } } else { if (SetConfig($key, $value)) { $reply = array("result" => "Thiết lập thành công"); } else { $reply = array("result" => "Thiết lập thất bại"); } } } elseif ($action == 'read') { $reply = ReadConfig(); } echo json_encode($reply);