function GetTree($tree_Res, $flag = '') { global $DBConn; if ($tree_Row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($tree_Res)) { do { if (empty($_REQUEST['RID']) || ($tree_Row['Release_ID'] == $_REQUEST['RID'] || Num_Children($tree_Row['AID']) != 0)) { echo '<li id="' . $tree_Row['AID'] . '" data-nodndflag="' . $flag . '" data-iteration="' . Get_Iteration_Name($tree_Row['Iteration_ID'], False) . '" data-iid="' . $tree_Row['Iteration_ID'] . '" data-pid="' . $tree_Row['Project_ID'] . '" >'; echo '<div class="treebox">'; PrintStory($tree_Row); echo '</div>'; // if i have children, then go and fetch them $sql = 'SELECT * FROM story WHERE story.Parent_Story_ID=' . $tree_Row['AID'] . ' order by story.Epic_Rank'; $Child_Res = mysqli_query($DBConn, $sql); if ($Child_Res) { echo '<ul>'; GetTree($Child_Res, $flag); echo '</ul>'; } echo '</li>'; } } while ($tree_Row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($tree_Res)); } }
require_once 'include/'; require_once 'include/common.php'; $user_details = check_user($_SESSION['user_identifier']); if (!$user_details) { exit; } global $statuscolour; global $Project; global $Sizecount; global $OSizecount; global $Toggle; global $Iterationcount; global $OIterationcount; global $DBConn; global $LockedIteration; $dummy = Get_Project_Name($_GET['PID']); $dummy = buildstatuspop($_GET['PID']); $sumpts = 0; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM story where story.Project_ID=' . $_GET['PID'] . ' and story.Iteration_ID=' . $_GET['IID'] . ' and 0=(select count(Parent_Story_ID) from story as p where p.Parent_Story_ID = story.AID) order by story.Iteration_Rank'; $story_Res = mysqli_query($DBConn, $sql); echo '<ul id="sortable-' . $_GET['LorR'] . '" class="connectedSortable mh15">'; if ($story_Row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($story_Res)) { do { echo '<li class="storybox" id=story_' . $story_Row['AID'] . '>'; PrintStory($story_Row); echo '</li>'; $sumpts += $story_Row['Size']; } while ($story_Row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($story_Res)); } echo '</ul>'; echo '{6B89778E-1B36-4E75-A7F2-301656217750}' . $sumpts;