function areaFooter() { global $db_advertdb; if (!defined('AREA_PAGE') && ($db_advertdb['Site.PopupNotice'] || $db_advertdb['Site.FloatLeft'] || $db_advertdb['Site.FloatRight'] || $db_advertdb['Site.FloatRand'])) { require PrintEot('advert'); } $output = cookTemplate(); echo ObContents($output); unset($output); N_flush(); }
function wap_footer() { global $wind_version, $db_obstart, $windid, $db_charset, $db_wapcharset, $prog, $chs; require_once PrintEot('wap_footer'); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $db_obstart && function_exists('ob_gzhandler') ? ob_start('ob_gzhandler') : ob_start(); if ($db_charset != 'utf8') { $chs = new Chinese(); $output = $chs->Convert($output, $db_charset, $db_wapcharset ? 'UTF8' : 'UNICODE'); } $output = str_replace(array('<!--<!---->', '<!---->'), '', $output); echo $output; flush(); exit; }
function getAdminTemplate($uid) { pwCache::getData(D_P . 'data/bbscache/customfield.php'); global $customfield; if (!S::isArray($customfield)) { return false; } require PrintEot('customerfield_admin'); $template = new customerFieldAdminTemplate(); $template->pwCustomerField = $this->customerField; $html = ''; $this->customerFieldData = L::loadClass('CustomerFieldData', 'user'); foreach ($customfield as $v) { $customFieldValue = $this->customerFieldData->getCustomerData($v, $uid); $html .= $template->buildHtml($v, $customFieldValue); } return $html; }
<?php !defined('P_W') && exit('Forbidden'); InitGP(array('keyword')); require_once R_P . "lib/adminsearch.class.php"; $searchpurview = new AdminSearch($keyword); $result = $searchpurview->search(); include PrintEot('search'); exit;
adminmsg('user_not_exists'); } $uid = $userdb['uid']; } if ($uid) { $sql .= " AND fs.uid=" . S::sqlEscape($uid); } if ($fid) { $sql .= " AND fs.fid=" . S::sqlEscape($fid); } $page < 1 && ($page = 1); $limit = S::sqlLimit(($page - 1) * $db_perpage, $db_perpage); $rt = $db->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) AS sum FROM pw_forumsell fs {$sql}"); $pages = numofpage($rt['sum'], $page, ceil($rt['sum'] / $db_perpage), "{$basename}&uid={$uid}&fid={$fid}&"); $buydb = array(); $query = $db->query("SELECT fs.*,m.username,m.uid FROM pw_forumsell fs LEFT JOIN pw_members m USING(uid) {$sql} ORDER BY fs.overdate DESC {$limit}"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rt['buydate'] = get_date($rt['buydate']); $rt['overtime'] = get_date($rt['overdate']); $buydb[] = $rt; } include PrintEot('forumsell'); exit; } elseif ($_POST['action'] == 'del') { S::gp(array('selid')); if (!($selid = checkselid($selid))) { adminmsg('operate_error'); } $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_forumsell WHERE id IN({$selid})"); adminmsg('operate_success'); }
$creditdb = explode('|', $value); $tmpCreditPop .= ($tmpCreditPop ? '<br/>' : '') . S::escapeChar(GetCreditLang('creditpop', $creditdb['0'])); unset($creditdb['0']); foreach ($creditdb as $val) { list($credit_1, $credit_2) = explode(':', $val); $tmpCreditPop .= '<span class="st2">' . pwCreditNames($credit_1) . ' <span class="f24">' . $credit_2 . '</span></span>'; } } $credit_pop = $tmpCreditPop; $userService = L::loadClass('UserService', 'user'); /* @var $userService PW_UserService */ $userService->update($winduid, array(), array('creditpop' => '')); } } $db_ifcredit && $credit_pop && (require PrintEot('credit_pop')); require_once PrintEot('read_addfloor'); // $output = ob_get_contents(); // $output = str_replace( // array("\r",'<!---->-->','<!--<!---->',"<!---->\n",'<!---->','<!-- -->',"<!--\n-->","\t\t",' ',"\n\t","\n\n","<!--","-->"), // array('','','','','','','','',"\n","\n","",""), // $output // ); ajax_footer(); } function viewread($read, $start_limit) { global $db, $_G, $isGM, $pwSystem, $groupid, $attach_url, $winduid, $tablecolor, $tpc_author, $tpc_buy, $tpc_pid, $tpc_tag, $count, $orderby, $pageinverse, $timestamp, $db_onlinetime, $attachdir, $attachpath, $readcolorone, $readcolortwo, $lpic, $ltitle, $imgpath, $db_ipfrom, $db_showonline, $stylepath, $db_windpost, $db_windpic, $db_signwindcode, $fid, $tid, $pid, $db_md_ifopen, $_MEDALDB, $rewardtype, $db_shield, $db_iftag, $db_readtag, $viewpic; global $ping_logs; if ($read['istop'] == 'topped') { $read['lou'] = $read['floor']; } else {
if ($rightset[$key]) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $k => $v) { $output2 .= "<tr><td class=b onmouseover=\"this.className='left_over';\" onmouseout=\"this.className='b'\">" . $v . "</td></tr>"; } } else { $output2 .= "<tr><td class=b onmouseover=\"this.className='left_over';\" onmouseout=\"this.className='b'\">" . $value . "</td></tr>"; } } } if ($output2) { $output1 .= $output2 . "</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr>"; } else { unset($output1); } $leftinfo .= $output1; $i++; } function GetDeploy($name) { global $_COOKIE; if (strpos($_COOKIE['deploy'], "\t" . $name . "\t") === false) { $type = 'fold'; } else { $type = 'open'; $style = 'display:none;'; } return array($type, $style); } include PrintEot('adminleft'); exit;
if (empty($_POST['step'])) { S::gp("id", null, 2); //* @include_once pwCache::getPath(D_P.'data/bbscache/o_config.php'); pwCache::getData(D_P . 'data/bbscache/o_config.php'); $friend = getFriends($winduid) ? getFriends($winduid) : array(); foreach ($friend as $key => $value) { $frienddb[$value['ftid']][] = $value; } $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pw_friendtype WHERE uid=" . S::sqlEscape($winduid) . " ORDER BY ftid"); $friendtype = array(); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $friendtype[$rt['ftid']] = $rt; } $no_group_name = getLangInfo('other', 'no_group_name'); $friendtype[0] = array('ftid' => 0, 'uid' => $winduid, 'name' => $no_group_name); require_once PrintEot('thread_member'); footer(); } elseif ($_POST['step'] == 1) { // 发送email邀请 S::gp(array('emails', 'customdes'), 'P'); strlen($emails) > 200 && Showmsg('mode_o_email_toolang'); strlen($content) > 200 && Showmsg('mode_o_extra_toolang'); if (strpos($emails, ',') !== false) { $emails = explode(',', $emails); } else { $emails = explode("\n", $emails); } count($emails) > 5 && Showmsg('mode_o_email_toolang'); if ($emails) { foreach ($emails as $key => $email) { $emails[$key] = trim($email);
if ($rt['fid']) { $uids2[] = $rt['uid']; } else { $uids1[] = $rt['uid']; } } else { $rt['startdate'] && ($rt['date'] = get_date($rt['startdate'])); $bandb[] = $rt; } } if ($ids) { $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_banuser WHERE id IN(" . pwImplode($ids) . ")"); $uids1 && $db->update("UPDATE pw_members SET groupid='-1' WHERE uid IN(" . pwImplode($uids1) . ")"); $uids2 && $db->update("UPDATE pw_members m LEFT JOIN pw_banuser b ON m.uid=b.uid AND b.fid>0 SET m.userstatus=m.userstatus&(~1) WHERE b.uid is NULL AND m.uid IN(" . pwImplode($uids2) . ")"); } include PrintEot('viewban'); exit; } elseif ($_POST['action'] == 'freeban') { InitGP(array('free'), 'P'); !$free && adminmsg('operate_error'); $ids = pwImplode($free); $uids1 = $uids2 = array(); $_cache = getDatastore(); $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pw_banuser WHERE uid IN ({$ids})"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $_cache->delete('UID_' . $rt['uid']); if ($rt['fid']) { $uids2[] = $rt['uid']; } else { $uids1[] = $rt['uid']; }
} } else { $child['logo'] = ''; } if ($child['forumadmin']) { $forumadmin = explode(",", $child['forumadmin']); foreach ($forumadmin as $key => $value) { if ($value) { if (!$db_adminshow) { //if ($key==4) {$child['admin'].='...'; break;} $child['admin'] .= "<a href=u.php?username="******">{$value}</a> "; } else { $child['admin'] .= "<option value={$value}>{$value}</option>"; } } } $db_adminshow && ($child['admin'] .= '</select>'); } /*The app client*/ if ($db_siteappkey && $db_apps_list['17']['status'] == 1) { $child['forumappinfo'] = $appclient->showForumappinfo($child['fid'], 'subforum_erect,subforum_across', '17'); } /*The app client*/ $forumdb[] = $child; } $db->free_result($query); $forumdb && ($foruminfo['viewsub'] == 0 || $foruminfo['viewsub'] == 1) && ($thread_children = 'thread_children'); if ($foruminfo['viewsub'] == 3 || $foruminfo['viewsub'] == 1) { require_once PrintEot('thread_childmain'); footer(); }
$messageServer->manageMessageWithMessageIds($delid); adminmsg('operate_success', "{$url}"); } } elseif ($action == 'msglog') { S::gp(array('smstype', 'keepunread', 'direct', 'page')); $page = intval($page) ? intval($page) : 1; $url = $basename . "&action=msglog&smstype={$smstype}&keepunread={$keepunread}&"; if (empty($_POST['step'])) { $direct = 1; empty($smstype) && adminmsg('类型不能为空'); list($searchCount, $searchList) = $messageServer->manageMessageWithCategory($smstype, $keepunread, $direct, $page, $db_perpage); $pages = numofpage($searchCount, $page, ceil($searchCount / $db_perpage), "{$url}"); if ($direct) { adminmsg('operate_success'); } else { include PrintEot('superdel'); exit; } } elseif ($_POST['step'] == 2) { S::gp(array('delid'), 'P'); empty($delid) && adminmsg("请选择要删除的消息"); $messageServer->manageMessageWithMessageIds($delid); adminmsg('operate_success', "{$url}"); } } } function _delModelTopic($modeldb) { global $db; foreach ($modeldb as $key => $value) { $modelids = S::sqlImplode($value);
<?php !function_exists('adminmsg') && exit('Forbidden'); $basename = "{$admin_file}?adminjob=ipban&job=ipstates"; if ($action != 'submit' && $action != 'ipIndex') { ifcheck($db_ipstates, 'ipstates'); include PrintEot('ipstates'); } elseif ($_POST['action'] == "submit") { S::gp(array('ipstates'), 'P'); setConfig('db_ipstates', $ipstates); updatecache_c(); $navConfigService = L::loadClass('navconfig', 'site'); $navConfigService->controlShowByKey('sort_ipstate', $ipstates); adminmsg('operate_success'); } elseif ($action == "ipIndex") { $ipTable = L::loadClass('IPTable', 'utility'); $ipTable->createIpIndex(); adminmsg('operate_success'); }
$title = $temp['group']['name'] . "({$rt['link']})"; } elseif ($rt['type'] == 'diary') { $title = $temp['diary']['subject'] . "({$rt['link']})"; } elseif ($rt['type'] == 'topic') { $title = $temp['topic']['subject'] . "({$rt['link']})"; } else { $title = $rt['link']; } $descrip = $temp['descrip']; $username = $rt['username']; $atc_name = getLangInfo('app', $rt['type']); require_once PrintEot('m_ajax'); ajax_footer(); } } require_once PrintEot('m_collection'); pwOutPut(); function getVideo($link, $host) { $matches = array(); switch ($host) { case '': preg_match("/v_show\\/id_(\\w+)\\.html/", $link, $matches); break; case '': preg_match("/v\\=([\\w\\-]+)/", $link, $matches); break; case '': preg_match("/\\/(\\d+)-(\\d+)\\.html/", $link, $matches); break; case '':
if (!$_checkService->getServerStatus()) { list($fsockopen, $parse_url, $isgethostbyname, $gethostbyname) = $_checkService->getFunctionsInfo(); list($searchHost, $searchIP, $searchPort, $searchPing) = $_checkService->getSearchHostInfo(); list($defendHost, $defendIp, $defendPort, $defendPing) = $_checkService->getDefendHostInfo(); } else { $step = 3; } } elseif ($step == 3) { if (!$_checkService->getServerStatus()) { Showmsg('环境检测末通过,请联系论坛空间提供商解决'); } } elseif ($step == 4) { CLOUDWIND_SECURITY_SERVICE::gp(array('siteurl', 'sitename', 'bossname', 'bossphone', 'search', 'defend')); if (!$siteurl || !$sitename || !$bossname || !$bossphone) { Showmsg('站点信息请填写完整', $basename . '&step=3'); } if (!($marksite = $_checkService->markSite())) { Showmsg('云服务验证失败,请重试', $basename . '&step=3'); } if (!CloudWind::yunApplyPlatform($siteurl, $sitename, $bossname, $bossphone, $marksite)) { $marksite = $_checkService->markSite(false); Showmsg('申请云服务失败,请检查网络或重试', $basename . '&step=3'); } is_null($db_yun_model) && $_checkService->setYunMode(array()); $_checkService->initServices($search, $defend); $step = 5; } else { $yundescribe = $_checkService->getYunDescribe(); } include PrintEot('yunbasic');
//分类模型 foreach ($topicmodeldb as $key => $value) { if ($value['ifable'] == 1) { $modeldb[$value['cateid']][$key]['cateid'] = $value['cateid']; $modeldb[$value['cateid']][$key]['modelid'] = $value['modelid']; $modeldb[$value['cateid']][$key]['name'] = $value['name']; } } !$allowtype && ($posttypestyle = 'style="display:none"'); !$modelid && ($topiccatestyle = 'style="display:none"'); !$pcid && ($postcatestyle = 'style="display:none"'); //团购活动 @(include_once D_P . 'data/bbscache/postcate_config.php'); } $ajaxurl = EncodeUrl($basename); include PrintEot('setforum'); exit; } elseif ($_POST['step'] == 2) { $forum = $db->get_one("SELECT type,fup,forumadmin,logo FROM pw_forums WHERE fid=" . pwEscape($fid)); InitGP(array('name', 'descrip', 'metadescrip'), 'P', 0); InitGP(array('vieworder', 'dirname', 'style', 'across', 'keywords'), 'P'); $name = str_replace('<iframe', '<iframe', $name); $descrip = str_replace('<iframe', '<iframe', $descrip); $metadescrip = str_replace('<iframe', '<iframe', $metadescrip); $keywords = Char_cv($keywords); strlen($descrip) > 250 && adminmsg('descrip_long'); strlen($metadescrip) > 250 && adminmsg('descrip_long'); if ($forum['type'] == 'category') { $db->update("UPDATE pw_forums SET " . pwSqlSingle(array('name' => $name, 'vieworder' => $vieworder, 'dirname' => $dirname, 'style' => $style, 'across' => $across, 'cms' => $cms)) . " WHERE fid=" . pwEscape($fid)); } else { InitGP(array('forumsetdb', 'uploadset', 'rewarddb', 'cfup', 'ffup', 'showsub', 'ifhide', 'viewsub', 'allowhide', 'allowsell', 'copyctrl', 'f_check', 'password', 'allowvisit', 'allowread', 'allowpost', 'allowrp', 'allowupload', 'allowdownload', 'otherfid', 'otherforum', 'allowtime', 'allowtype', 'recycle', 'forumsell', 'sdate', 'cprice', 'rprice', 'logotype', 'logo_upload', 'logo_url', 'ifdellogo', 't_view_db', 'new_t_view_db', 't_logo_db', 'new_t_logo_db', 'new_t_sub_logo_db', 'new_t_sub_view_db', 't_type', 'modelid', 'pcid'), 'P');
} !$rt['pid'] && ($rt['pid'] = 'tpc'); $rt['fname'] = $forum[$rt['fid']]['name']; $showdb[$key] = $rt; } require_once PrintEot('show'); footer(); } else { $pw_attachs = L::loadDB('attachs', 'forum'); $rt = $pw_attachs->get($aid); if ($rt && $rt['tid'] && $rt['fid']) { $pw_tmsgs = GetTtable($rt['tid']); $rtinfo = $db->get_one("SELECT t.fid,t.subject,t.ifcheck,t.ifshield,tm.content,m.username\r\n\t\t\tFROM pw_threads t LEFT JOIN {$pw_tmsgs} tm ON tm.tid=t.tid\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN pw_members m ON m.uid=t.authorid\r\n\t\t\tWHERE t.tid=" . S::sqlEscape($rt['tid'], false)); if (in_array($rtinfo['fid'], $fidoff) || $rtinfo['ifshield'] == '2' || $groupid != '3' && $groupid != '4' && ($rtinfo['needrvrc'] > $userrvrc || !$rtinfo['ifcheck'] || $rtinfo['ifshield'] || strpos($rtinfo['content'], "[post]") !== false && strpos($rtinfo['content'], "[/post]") !== false || strpos($rtinfo['content'], "[hide") !== false && strpos($rtinfo['content'], "[/hide]") !== false || strpos($rtinfo['content'], "[sell") !== false && strpos($rtinfo['content'], "[/sell]") !== false)) { Showmsg('pic_not_exists'); } $rt['subject'] = $rtinfo['subject']; $rt['username'] = $rtinfo['username']; $a_url = geturl($rt['attachurl'], 'show'); $rt['a_url'] = is_array($a_url) ? $a_url[0] : $a_url; $uid = $rt['uid']; $type = 1; $owner = $rt['username']; !$rt['pid'] && ($rt['pid'] = 'tpc'); !$rt['descrip'] && ($rt['descrip'] = substrs(stripWindCode($rtinfo['content']), 120)); } else { Showmsg('pic_not_exists'); } require_once PrintEot('show'); footer(); }
<?php !function_exists('adminmsg') && exit('Forbidden'); $basename = "{$admin_file}?adminjob=userpay"; if (!$_POST['action']) { include_once D_P . 'data/bbscache/ol_config.php'; !$ol_paypalcode && ($ol_paypalcode = RandString('40')); ifcheck($ol_onlinepay, 'onlinepay'); include PrintEot('userpay'); exit; } else { InitGP(array('userpay'), 'P'); !$userpay['ol_paypalcode'] && ($userpay['ol_paypalcode'] = RandString('40')); foreach ($userpay as $key => $value) { setConfig($key, $value); } updatecache_ol(); adminmsg('operate_success'); } function RandString($len) { $rand = '1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM'; mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $code .= $rand[mt_rand(0, strlen($rand))]; } return $code; }
require_once R_P . 'require/bbscode.php'; S::gp(array('pcid', 'modelid'), 'P', 2); $fielddb = array(); $data = array(); $atc_content = S::escapeChar(stripslashes(S::getGP('atc_content', 'P'))); $pcinfo = S::escapeChar(stripslashes(S::getGP('pcinfo', 'P'))); if ($modelid > 0) { $query = $db->query("SELECT fieldid,fieldname FROM pw_topicfield WHERE modelid=" . S::sqlEscape($modelid)); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $fielddb[$rt['fieldid']] = $rt['fieldname']; } $pcdb = getPcviewdata($pcinfo, 'topic'); L::loadClass('posttopic', 'forum', false); $postTopic = new postTopic($data); $topicvalue = $postTopic->getTopicvalue($modelid, $pcdb); } elseif ($pcid > 0) { $query = $db->query("SELECT fieldid,fieldname FROM pw_pcfield WHERE pcid=" . S::sqlEscape($pcid)); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $fielddb[$rt['fieldname']] = $rt['fieldid']; } $pcdb = getPcviewdata($pcinfo, 'postcate'); L::loadClass('postcate', 'forum', false); $postCate = new postCate($data); list(, $topicvalue) = $postCate->getCatevalue($pcid, $pcdb); } $atc_content = wordsConvert($atc_content); $atc_content = convert($atc_content, $db_windpost); $preatc = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $atc_content); require_once R_P . 'require/header.php'; require_once PrintEot('preview'); footer();
} } adminmsg('operate_success'); } } else { S::gp(array('page'), 'GP', 2); $page < 1 && ($page = 1); $limit = S::sqlLimit(($page - 1) * $db_perpage, $db_perpage); $rt = $db->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) AS sum FROM pw_membercredit WHERE value!=0"); $pages = numofpage($rt['sum'], $page, ceil($rt['sum'] / $db_perpage), "{$basename}&"); $query = $db->query("SELECT m.uid,m.username,mc.cid,mc.value FROM pw_membercredit mc LEFT JOIN pw_members m USING(uid) WHERE value!=0 ORDER BY cid, value DESC {$limit}"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rt['name'] = $_CREDITDB[$rt['cid']][0]; $creditdb[] = $rt; } include PrintEot('usermanage'); exit; } } function initGroupOptions() { global $db, $groupselect, $groupselect_add, $g_sel; //for template file $groupselect = "<option value='-1'>" . getLangInfo('all', 'reg_member') . "</option>"; $groupselect_add = "<option value='-1'>" . getLangInfo('all', 'reg_member') . "</option>"; $g_sel = ''; $query = $db->query("SELECT gid,gptype,grouptitle FROM pw_usergroups WHERE gid>2 AND gptype<>'member' ORDER BY gid"); while ($group = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $groupselect .= "<option value=\"{$group['gid']}\">{$group['grouptitle']}</option>"; if ($group['gid'] != 5) { $groupselect_add .= "<option value=\"{$group['gid']}\">{$group['grouptitle']}</option>";
// update posts hits if ($c_htm || $db_hits_store == 2) { $db_hithour == 0 && ($db_hithour = 4); $hit_wtime = $hit_control * $db_hithour; $hit_wtime > 24 && ($hit_wtime = 0); $hitsize = @filesize(D_P . 'data/bbscache/hits.txt'); if ($hitsize && ($hitsize > 1024 || $timestamp - $hit_tdtime > $hit_wtime * 3600) && procLock('hitupdate')) { require_once R_P . 'require/hitupdate.php'; procUnLock('hitupdate'); } } if ($higholnum < $usertotal) { pwQuery::update('pw_bbsinfo', 'id=:id', array(1), array('higholnum' => $usertotal, 'higholtime' => $timestamp)); $higholnum = $usertotal; } if ($hposts < $tposts) { pwQuery::update('pw_bbsinfo', 'id=:id', array(1), array('hposts' => $tposts)); $hposts = $tposts; } $mostinbbstime = get_date($higholtime); if (!$ol_offset && $db_onlinelmt != 0 && $usertotal >= $db_onlinelmt) { Cookie('ol_offset', '', 0); Showmsg('most_online'); } if ($plantime && $timestamp > $plantime && procLock('task')) { require_once R_P . 'require/task.php'; procUnLock('task'); } require_once PrintEot('index'); CloudWind::yunSetCookie(SCR); footer();
} elseif ($a == 'createajax') { define('AJAX', 1); define('F_M', true); banUser(); S::gp(array('job')); require_once PrintEot('m_ajax_photos'); ajax_footer(); } elseif ($a == 'getallowflash') { define('AJAX', 1); define('F_M', true); S::gp(array('aid')); $aid = (int) $aid; if ($aid) { $albumInfo = $photoService->getAlbumInfo($aid); $photonums = $albumInfo['photonum']; $o_maxphotonum && $photonums >= $o_maxphotonum && Showmsg('colony_photofull'); if ($o_maxphotonum) { $allowmutinum = $o_maxphotonum - $photonums; } else { $allowmutinum = 'infinite'; } } echo "ok\t{$allowmutinum}"; ajax_footer(); } if ($s) { require_once PrintEot('m_photos_bottom'); } else { require_once PrintEot('m_photos'); } pwOutPut();
foreach ($logdb as $key => $val) { writelog($val); } if ($tids) { $db->update("UPDATE pw_argument SET titlefont=" . S::sqlEscape($titlefont) . " WHERE tid IN(" . S::sqlImplode($tids) . ")"); } refreshto("apps.php?q=group&a=thread&cyid={$cyid}", 'highlight_success'); } } elseif ($action == 'del') { if (empty($_POST['step'])) { if (defined('AJAX')) { $a = 'del'; require_once PrintEot('m_ajax'); ajax_footer(); } else { require_once PrintEot('m_topicadmin'); footer(); } } else { PostCheck(); S::gp(array('ifdel', 'ifmsg')); $msgdb = array(); require_once R_P . 'require/credit.php'; $creditset = $credit->creditset($foruminfo['creditset'], $db_creditset); $msg_delrvrc = $ifdel ? abs($creditset['Delete']['rvrc']) : 0; $msg_delmoney = $ifdel ? abs($creditset['Delete']['money']) : 0; $delarticle = L::loadClass('DelArticle', 'forum'); $readdb = $delarticle->getTopicDb('tid ' . $delarticle->sqlFormatByIds($selids)); foreach ($readdb as $key => $read) { if ($ifmsg) { isset($msg_delrvrc) && ($tmp_msg_delrvrc = $msg_delrvrc != 0 ? "-{$msg_delrvrc}" : 0);
$postCate = new postCate($data); list(, $isviewright) = $postCate->getViewright($pcid, $tid); $memberdb = array(); $count = $sum = $paysum = 0; $query = $db->query("SELECT ifpay,nums FROM pw_pcmember WHERE tid=" . S::sqlEscape($tid)); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $count++; if ($rt['ifpay']) { $paysum += $rt['nums']; } $sum += $rt['nums']; } $page < 1 && ($page = 1); $numofpage = ceil($count / $db_perpage); if ($numofpage && $page > $numofpage) { $page = $numofpage; } $start = ($page - 1) * $db_perpage; $limit = S::sqlLimit($start, $db_perpage); $pages = numofpage($count, $page, $numofpage, "pw_ajax.php?action={$action}&tid={$tid}&jointype={$jointype}&payway={$payway}&", null, 'ajaxview'); $i = $pcid = 0; $query = $db->query("SELECT pcmid,uid,pcid,username,nums,totalcash,phone,mobile,address,extra,ifpay,jointime FROM pw_pcmember WHERE tid=" . S::sqlEscape($tid) . " ORDER BY (uid=" . S::sqlEscape($winduid) . ") DESC,ifpay ASC,pcmid DESC {$limit}"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if ($i == 0) { $pcid = $rt['pcid']; } $i++; $memberdb[] = $rt; } require_once PrintEot('ajax'); ajax_footer();
} $userdb['groupid'] == '-1' && ($userdb['groupid'] = $userdb['memberid']); if ($o_groups && strpos($o_groups, ',' . $userdb['groupid'] . ',') === false) { Showmsg('您选择的用户没有接受的权限!'); } //* $db->update("UPDATE pw_colonys SET admin=" . S::sqlEscape($userdb['username']) . ' WHERE id=' . S::sqlEscape($cyid)); pwQuery::update('pw_colonys', 'id=:id', array($cyid), array('admin' => $userdb['username'])); M::sendNotice(array($userdb['username']), array('title' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'group_attorn_title'), 'content' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'group_attorn_content', array('username' => $windid, 'cyid' => $cyid, 'cname' => $colony['cname'], 'descrip' => $colony['descrip'])))); refreshto("thread.php?cyid={$cyid}", '转让群组成功!'); } } elseif ($t == 'disband') { if (!($windid == $colony['admin'] && $groupRight['allowdisband'] || $groupid == '3')) { Showmsg('colony_out_right'); } if (empty($_POST['step'])) { require_once PrintEot('thread_set'); footer(); } else { S::gp(array('password')); if (!threadSetCheckOwnerPassword($winduid, $password)) { Showmsg('您输入的密码不正确!'); } if ($db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(*) as sum FROM pw_cnalbum WHERE atype=1 AND ownerid=" . S::sqlEscape($cyid)) > 0) { Showmsg('colony_del_photo'); } if ($colony['cnimg']) { require_once R_P . 'require/functions.php'; pwDelatt("cn_img/{$colony['cnimg']}", $db_ifftp); pwFtpClose($ftp); } $query = $db->query("SELECT uid FROM pw_cmembers WHERE colonyid=" . S::sqlEscape($cyid) . " AND ifadmin != '-1'");
} else { $allowmutinum = 'infinite'; } } echo "ok\t{$allowmutinum}"; ajax_footer(); } //require_once(M_P.'require/header.php'); if ($space == 1 && defined('F_M')) { //$basename .= "space=1&u=$u&"; $spaceurl = $baseUrl; require_once R_P . 'require/credit.php'; list($userdb, $ismyfriend, $friendcheck, $usericon, $usercredit, $totalcredit, $appcount, $p_list) = getAppleftinfo($u); //list($isheader,$isfooter,$tplname,$isuserspace) = array(true,true,"user_photos",true); require_once PrintEot('header'); require_once PrintEot('user_photos'); footer(); } else { if (!$s) { //require_once PrintEot('m_photos'); list($isheader, $isfooter, $tplname, $isleft) = array(true, true, "m_photos", true); } else { //require_once PrintEot('m_photos_bottom'); list($isheader, $isfooter, $tplname, $isleft) = array(true, true, "m_photos_bottom", true); } } //footer(); function createfail($checkpwd, $showinfo = '', $type = 'fail') { if ($checkpwd) { $showinfo = 'fail' == $type && '' != $showinfo ? getLangInfo('msg', $showinfo) : $showinfo;
} if ($createtime_s) { $addsql .= " AND created_time >= " . s::sqlEscape(PwStrtoTime($createtime_s)); } if ($createtime_e) { $addsql .= " AND created_time <= " . s::sqlEscape(PwStrtoTime($createtime_e)); } $statisticDb = array(); $sql = "SELECT keyword, sum( num ) AS times FROM `pw_searchstatistic` WHERE 1 {$addsql} GROUP BY keyword ORDER BY times DESC LIMIT 0 , 500"; $qurey = $db->query($sql); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($qurey)) { $rt['keyword'] = str_replace(array(" ", "=", " ", "<", "<", ">", ">", "(", ")", ")"), array(" "), $rt['keyword']); $statisticDb[] = $rt; } } include PrintEot('searcher'); exit; /** * 更新缓存 */ function updatecache_search() { global $db; $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pw_searchadvert WHERE ifshow = 1 ORDER BY orderby ASC"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $t = array(); $t['keyword'] = $rt['keyword']; $t['starttime'] = $rt['starttime']; $t['endtime'] = $rt['endtime']; $t['code'] = str_replace(array("\\\\", "\\'", '<', '>', '"'), array("\\", "'", '<', '>', '"'), $rt['code']); $rt['config'] = unserialize($rt['config']);
$filedata = @file_get_contents(R_P . "hack/{$hackdir}/info.xml"); } else { $filedata = readover(R_P . "hack/{$hackdir}/info.xml"); } if (preg_match('/\\<hackname\\>(.+?)\\<\\/hackname\\>\\s+\\<ifopen\\>(.+?)\\<\\/ifopen\\>/is', $filedata, $infodb)) { $infodb[1] && ($hackname = Char_cv(str_replace(array("\n"), '', $infodb[1]))); $hackopen = (int) $infodb[2]; } $hackurl = EncodeUrl("{$basename}&action=add&hackdir={$hackdir}&hackname=" . rawurlencode($hackname) . "&hackopen={$hackopen}"); $uninstalldb[] = array($hackname, $hackdir, $hackopen, $hackurl); } } closedir($fp); } unset($db_hackdb); include PrintEot('hackcenter'); exit; } elseif ($action == 'edit') { InitGP(array('hackname'), 'GP', 0); //InitGP(array('hackopen'),'GP',2); //$navMenu = L::loadClass('navmenu'); //$navMenu->settype('bbs_navinfo'); !is_array($hackname) && ($hackname = array()); foreach ($hackname as $key => $value) { $value = str_replace(array("\t", "\n", "\r", ' '), array(' ', '<br />', '', ' '), $value); if ($value && $db_hackdb[$key][1] == $key && ($db_hackdb[$key][0] != $value || $db_hackdb[$key][2] != $hackopen[$key])) { /* if ($hackopen[$key] == 0) { $navMenu->setshow('hack_'.$key,0); $navMenu->setupnav('hack_'.$key,'hack'); } elseif ($hackopen[$key] == 1) {
<?php !function_exists('adminmsg') && exit('Forbidden'); $basename = "{$admin_file}?adminjob=setads"; if ($action != 'submit') { ${'ads_' . $db_ads} = 'checked'; include PrintEot('setads'); } elseif ($_POST['action'] == "submit") { S::gp(array('ads'), 'P'); setConfig('db_ads', $ads); updatecache_c(); adminmsg('operate_success'); }
if ($special && method_exists($postSpecial, 'setInfo')) { $set = $postSpecial->setInfo(); } list($guidename, $forumtitle) = $pwforum->getTitle(); if ($cyid) { require_once R_P . 'apps/groups/lib/colony.class.php'; $newColony = new PwColony($cyid); $guidename .= "<em>></em><a href=\"thread.php?cyid={$cyid}\">" . $newColony->info['cname'] . "</a>"; } $db_metakeyword = str_replace(array('|', ' - '), ',', $forumtitle) . 'phpwind'; list($sellMoney, $hideMoney) = array(0, 0); $checkedAutourl = $winddb['postnum'] < $_G['posturlnum'] && !$pwpost->isGM ? 'disabled' : 'checked'; require_once R_P . 'require/header.php'; $msg_guide = $pwforum->headguide($guidename); $postMinLength = empty($pwpost->forum->foruminfo['forumset']['contentminlen']) ? $db_postmin : $pwpost->forum->foruminfo['forumset']['contentminlen']; require_once PrintEot('post'); CloudWind::yunSetCookie(SCR); footer(); } elseif ($_POST['step'] == 2) { S::gp(array('atc_title', 'atc_content'), 'P', 0); S::gp(array('replayorder', 'atc_anonymous', 'atc_newrp', 'atc_tags', 'atc_hideatt', 'magicid', 'magicname', 'atc_enhidetype', 'atc_credittype', 'flashatt', 'buildIfcheck', 'robstarttime', 'robendtime', 'robendbuild', 'robawardbuilds', '_usernames', 'replyrewardcredit'), 'P'); S::gp(array('atc_iconid', 'atc_email', 'digest', 'topped', 'atc_hide', 'atc_requireenhide', 'atc_rvrc', 'atc_requiresell', 'atc_money', 'atc_usesign', 'atc_html', 'p_type', 'p_sub_type', 'atc_convert', 'atc_autourl', 'replyreward'), 'P', 2); S::gp(array('iscontinue'), 'P'); //ajax提交时有敏感词时显示是否继续 $db_sellset['price'] && (int) $atc_money > $db_sellset['price'] && Showmsg('post_price_limit'); require_once R_P . 'require/bbscode.php'; $postdata = new topicPostData($pwpost); $replayorder = $replayorder == 1 || $replayorder == 2 ? $replayorder : 0; $postdata->setStatus('3', decbin($replayorder)); $postdata->setWtype($p_type, $p_sub_type, $t_per, $t_db, $db_forcetype); $postdata->setTitle($atc_title);
$delnum++; $delname .= "{$rs['attachurl']}<br>"; } } $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_attachs WHERE {$sql} AND aid IN({$attachs})"); } adminmsg('attachstats_del', "{$basename}&fid={$fid}&uid={$uid}&filename=" . rawurlencode($filename) . "&hits={$hits}&ifmore={$ifmore}&filesize={$filesize}&ifless={$ifless}&orderway={$orderway}&asc={$asc}&postdate1={$postdate1}&postdate2={$postdate2}&pernum={$pernum}&page={$page}"); } elseif ($action == 'msgList') { S::gp(array('page'), 'GP'); $messageServer = L::loadClass('message', 'message'); $attachCount = $messageServer->countAllAttachs(); $pageCount = ceil($attachCount / $db_perpage); $page = $page < 0 || empty($page) ? 1 : ($page > $pageCount ? $pageCount : $page); $attachList = $messageServer->getAllAttachs($page, $db_perpage); $pages = numofpage($attachCount, $page, $pageCount, $basename . '&action=msgList&'); include PrintEot('attachment'); exit; } elseif ($action == 'msgDel') { S::gp(array('mids'), 'GP'); !is_array($mids) && adminmsg('请选择要删除的附件'); $messageServer = L::loadClass('message', 'message'); $messageServer->deleteAttachsByMessageIds($mids); adminmsg('附件删除成功!', "{$basename}&action=msgList&"); } function attachcheck($file) { global $cache_file, $attachdir, $admin_pwd, $filename, $filesize, $ifless, $postdate1, $postdate2, $direct, $attachdir; if ($filename && strpos($file, $filename) === false) { return; } if ($filesize) {