Esempio n. 1
function PMBP_getln($path, $close = false, $org_path = false)
    if (!isset($GLOBALS['lnFile'])) {
        $GLOBALS['lnFile'] = null;
    if (!$org_path) {
        $org_path = $path;
    } else {
        $org_path = PMBP_EXPORT_DIR . $org_path;
    // gz file
    if (PMBP_file_info("gzip", $org_path) == "gz") {
        if (!$close) {
            if ($GLOBALS['lnFile'] == null) {
                $GLOBALS['lnFile'] = gzopen($path, "r");
            if (!gzeof($GLOBALS['lnFile'])) {
                return gzgets($GLOBALS['lnFile']);
            } else {
                $close = true;
        if ($close) {
            // remove the file handler
            $GLOBALS['lnFile'] = null;
            return null;
        // zip file
    } elseif (PMBP_file_info("zip", $org_path) == "zip") {
        if (!$close) {
            if ($GLOBALS['lnFile'] == null) {
                // try to guess the filename of the packed file
                // known problem: ZIP file contains file abc.sql which already exists with different content!
                if (!file_exists(substr($org_path, 0, strlen($org_path) - 4))) {
                    // extract the file
                    include_once "pclzip.lib.php";
                    $pclzip = new PclZip($path);
                    $extracted_file = $pclzip->extract(PMBP_EXPORT_DIR, "");
                    if ($pclzip->error_code != 0) {
                        // print pclzip error message
                        echo "<div class=\"red\">pclzip: " . $pclzip->error_string . "<br>" . BI_BROKEN_ZIP . "!</div>";
                        return false;
                    } else {
            // read the extracted file
            $line = PMBP_getln(substr($org_path, 0, strlen($org_path) - 4));
            if ($line == null) {
                $close = true;
            } else {
                return $line;
        // remove the temporary file
        if ($close) {
            $GLOBALS['lnFile'] = null;
            @unlink(substr($org_path, 0, strlen($org_path) - 4));
            return null;
        // sql file
    } else {
        if (!$close) {
            if ($GLOBALS['lnFile'] == null) {
                $GLOBALS['lnFile'] = fopen($path, "r");
            if (!feof($GLOBALS['lnFile'])) {
                return fgets($GLOBALS['lnFile']);
            } else {
                $close = true;
        if ($close) {
            // remove the file handler
            $GLOBALS['lnFile'] = null;
            return null;
Esempio n. 2
         echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
         // set delete to 1 to delete the renamed file afterwards
         echo "window.onload=popUp(\"big_import.php?fn=" . $filename . "&delete=1&dbn=" . $_POST['db'] . "\",\"" . B_IMPORT . "\",\"" . $CONF['confirm'] . "\",\"" . B_CONF_IMP . "\");\n";
         echo "\n</script>";
     // standard import
 } else {
     // trim lines and remove comments
     $sql_file = "";
     // remove comments and store sql queries in $sql_file
     while ($line = PMBP_getln($_FILES['sql_file']['tmp_name'], false, $_FILES['sql_file']['name'])) {
         if (trim($line) && substr(trim($line), 0, 1) != "#" && substr(trim($line), 0, 2) != "--") {
             $sql_file .= trim($line) . "\n";
     PMBP_getln($_FILES['sql_file']['tmp_name'], true, $_FILES['sql_file']['name']);
     // do everything below once for the POST-data and once for the file
     $file_and_post = array($_POST['sql_query'], $sql_file);
     // alternative code instead of the paragraph before:
     // it uses exec_sql for executing the sql queries but does not output any query results!!!
     		    // extract zip file
     		    if (PMBP_file_info("comp",$_FILES['sql_file']['name'])=="zip") {
     				$pclzip = new PclZip($_FILES['sql_file']['tmp_name']);
     				if ($pclzip->error_code!=0) $error="plczip: ".$pclzip->error_string."<br>".BI_BROKEN_ZIP."!";
Esempio n. 3
require_once "login.php";
// set the timelimit
// show the requested file
if (isset($_GET['view']) && file_exists($_GET['view'])) {
    $ext4 = substr($_GET['view'], -4);
    $ext5 = substr($_GET['view'], -5);
    $ext7 = substr($_GET['view'], -7);
    $ext8 = substr($_GET['view'], -8);
    if ($ext4 != ".php" && $ext5 != ".html" && $ext4 != ".htm" && $ext5 != ".php3" && $ext4 != ".sql" && $ext8 != "" && $ext7 != ".sql.gz" || substr($_GET['view'], -strlen("definitions.php")) == "definitions.php" || substr($_GET['view'], -strlen(PMBP_GLOBAL_CONF_SQL)) == PMBP_GLOBAL_CONF_SQL || substr($_GET['view'], -strlen(PMBP_GLOBAL_CONF_MU)) == PMBP_GLOBAL_CONF_MU || substr($_GET['view'], -strlen($_PMBP_GLOBAL_CONF)) == $_PMBP_GLOBAL_CONF) {
        echo GF_INVALID_EXT;
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['download'])) {
            header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
            header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . basename($_GET['view']));
        } else {
            header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
            echo "<pre>";
            while ($line = PMBP_getln($_GET['view'])) {
                echo htmlspecialchars($line);
            PMBP_getln($_GET['view'], true);
            echo "</pre>";
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['view'])) {
        echo $_GET['view'] . " " . F_MAIL_3 . "!";