<?php include 'includes/session.inc'; $title = _('Michigan Section NTS'); include 'includes/miscFunctions.inc'; $db = openDatabase($dppE); mysql_select_db($DatabaseName, $db); NTSheader($title, "NTS Michigan Section Traffic"); // Remember the launch time $starttime = strftime("%A, %B %d %Y, %H:%M"); leftBar($db); ?> <div id="main"> <?php // Initialize the latest data counter $maxdate = 0; // Get the requested period, if blank choose the latest $period = $_GET['period']; if ($period < 1) { $SQL = "SELECT MAX(`period`) FROM `netreport`"; $period = singleResult($SQL, $db); } echo " <center>\n"; $lastperiod = $period; echo "<p><h1>Net History</h1></p>\n"; echo "<table width=\"90%\">\n"; echo "<tr><th align=\"left\">Period</th><th>QNI</th><th>QTC" . "</th><th>QTR</th><th>Sess</th><th>Hours</th></tr>\n"; for ($period = $lastperiod; $period > 71; $period--) { // Display the month name for this report $SQL = 'SELECT `lastday` FROM `periods` WHERE `periodno`=' . $period;
<?php include '../includes/session.inc'; $title = _('ARES Data Entry Help'); include '../includes/functions.inc'; $db = mysql_connect($host, $dbuser, $dbpassword); mysql_select_db($DatabaseName, $db); NTSheader($title, "FSD-212"); leftbar($db); ?> <div id="main" style="background-color:lightcyan;"> <center> <h2>Detailed Instructions for FSD-212 Download</h2> </center> <p>Note that if you click on one of the images below, a full size image will be opened in another window or tab allowing you to read all the text.</p> <h3>Save file as .csv</h3> <p>Open your report in Open Office Calc, Navigate to the Report tab and Select File->Save As...</p> <p><center> <a target="image" href="helpoo/01SaveAs.png"> <img src="helpoo/01SaveAs.png" width="130" height="216" /> </a></center> </p> <p>Navigate to the desired directory and select file type as Text CSV. (Any directory you can find again will do. </p> <p><center> <a target="image" href="helpoo/02csv.png"> <img src="helpoo/02csv.png" width="312" height="128" />
// AlertTweets.php // // arpsc_tweets displays the mi_arpsc twitter timeline inside // a normal mi-arpsc frame. The timeline is generated by some // javascript provided by twitter. // include 'includes/session.inc'; $title = _('Homeland Security Alerts'); include 'includes/functions.inc'; // Remember the launch time $starttime = strftime("%A, %B %d %Y, %H:%M"); // Open the database $db = mysql_connect($host, $dbuser, $dbpassword); mysql_select_db($DatabaseName, $db); NTSheader($title, "ARES RACES ARPSC Michigan Section Twitter"); leftBar($db); ?> <div id="main"> <center> <h1>Homeland Security Alerts</h1> <script src="http://widgets.twimg.com/j/2/widget.js"></script> <script> new TWTR.Widget({ version: 2, type: 'list', rpp: 1, interval: 6000, title: 'NTASAlerts', subject: 'Recent DHS Alerts',
<?php include 'includes/session.inc'; $title = _('Michigan Section NTS'); include 'includes/miscFunctions.inc'; $db = openDatabase($dppE); mysql_select_db($DatabaseName, $db); NTSheader($title, "NTS Michigan Section Liaisons"); // Remember the launch time $starttime = strftime("%A, %B %d %Y, %H:%M"); $maxdate = 0; leftBar($db); ?> <div id="main"> <?php // Initialize the latest data counter $maxdate = 0; echo " <center>\n"; echo "<p><h1>Eighth Region Liaisons" . "</h1></p>\n"; echo "<p> </p>\n"; echo "<table>\n"; echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <th>Day</th>\n"; // Determine nets represented $SQL1 = "SELECT DISTINCT `net` FROM `rep_liaisons` ORDER BY `net`"; $res1 = getResult($SQL1, $db); while ($row1 = getRow($res1, $db)) { $SQL2 = "SELECT `net_name` FROM `rep_nets` WHERE `id`=" . $row1[0]; $net = singleResult($SQL2, $db); if ($net) {
<?php include 'includes/session.inc'; $title = _('Michigan Section NTS'); include 'includes/miscFunctions.inc'; $db = openDatabase($dppE); mysql_select_db($DatabaseName, $db); NTSheader($title, "NTS Michigan Section Net Controls"); // Remember the launch time $starttime = strftime("%A, %B %d %Y, %H:%M"); $maxdate = 0; leftBar($db); echo " <div id=\"main\">\n"; // Initialize the latest data counter $maxdate = 0; // Get the requested net $netid = $_GET['netid']; if ($netid < 1) { echo "<h1 style=\"color:red;\">ERROR - No Net Provided</h1>\n"; $netid = 0; } else { $SQLA = "SELECT netfullname FROM nets WHERE netid=" . $netid; $netname = singleResult($SQLA, $db); //echo "<p> </p>\n"; echo " <center>\n"; echo " <h1>Net Controls</h1>\n"; echo " <h3>" . $netname . "</h3>\n"; echo " <table cellpadding=\"5px\">\n"; echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <th>Day</th>\n"; // Get data for net