Esempio n. 1
// value, you run a Mysql Command to get information about that
// Pokemon and you display what ever you want.
echo "My Pokemon";
$MyPokemonList = unserialize($MyPokemon);
foreach ($MyPokemonList as $MyPoke) {
    $Pokemon = Mysql_Fetch_Array(Mysql_Query("SELECT * FROM user_pokemon WHERE uid = '" . $MyPoke . "'"));
// These are the Other Person Pokemon.
// Here the Pokemon have been unserialized, and put in a foreach
// to get each and every value from the array. After you get the
// value, you run a Mysql Command to get information about that
// Pokemon and you display what ever you want.  echo $Other."'s Pokemon";
echo $Other . "'s Pokemon";
$OthersPokemonList = unserialize($OthersPokemon);
foreach ($OthersPokemonList as $OthersPoke) {
    $Pokemon = Mysql_Fetch_Array(Mysql_Query("SELECT * FROM user_pokemon WHERE uid = '" . $OthersPoke . "'"));

	       <p>&nbsp;	               </p>
</center>      </p>

<center><script type="text/javascript"><!--
  <th> Nombre Comercial </th>
  <th> Nombre Fiscal </th>
  <th> Calle Avenida </th>
  <th> Ciudad Municipio </th>   
   <th> Codigo Postal </th>
  <th> Pais </th>
   <th> Telefono </th>
  <th> Giro </th>
  <th> Email </th>
  <th> Web </th>
  <th> Auditor Encargado </th>
  <th> Editar </th>
  <th> Eliminar </th>
while ($row = Mysql_Fetch_Array($datos1)) {

      <td> <?php 
    echo $NombreComercial = $row['NombreComercial'];
	  <td> <?php 
    echo $NombreFiscal = $row['NombreFiscal'];
      <td> <?php 
    echo $CalleAvenida = $row['CalleAvenida'];
Esempio n. 3
    echo "<b>Other's Pokemon</b>";
    if ($MyPokemon != "N;") {
        $MyPokemonList = unserialize($MyPokemon);
        foreach ($MyPokemonList as $MyPokeList) {
            $Pokemon123 = Mysql_Fetch_Array(Mysql_Query("SELECT * FROM user_pokemon WHERE id = '{$MyPokeList}'"));
            echo "<br />" . $Pokemon123['name'] . " [" . $Pokemon123['level'] . "] - Exp: ", $Pokemon123['exp'];
            $update1 = mysql_query("UPDATE user_pokemon SET uid='" . $OtherUserId . "'WHERE id = '" . $MyPokeList . "'");
    } else {
        echo "<br />None";
    echo "<br /><br /><b>My Pokemon</b>";
    if ($OthersPokemon != "N;") {
        $OthersPokemonList = unserialize($OthersPokemon);
        foreach ($OthersPokemonList as $OthersPokeList) {
            $Pokemon12 = Mysql_Fetch_Array(Mysql_Query("SELECT * FROM user_pokemon WHERE id = '{$OthersPokeList}'"));
            echo "<br />" . $Pokemon12['name'] . " [" . $Pokemon12['level'] . "] - Exp: ", $Pokemon12['exp'];
            $update12 = mysql_query("UPDATE user_pokemon SET uid='" . $MyUserId . "' WHERE id = '" . $OthersPokeList . "'");
    } else {
        echo "<br />None";
    echo "<br /><br />Trade Completed Succesfully";
    $markdeleted = mysql_query("DELETE FROM Trades WHERE id='{$tradeid}'");

Esempio n. 4
echo "<p>   </p>";
echo "<p>   </p>";
// List of Others Pokemon.
// Square Brackets needed to make the Select an Array Of Values. Because
// user might select more than 1 Pokemon for Trade. Multiple is set to
// multiple, so that the user can hit 'Shift' or 'Ctrl' to select more
// than 1 Pokemon. And Size 15 shows first 15 Pokemon, for the rest you
// have to scroll down in the select field. The Option of the Select fields
// meaning the Pokemon, are being ordered by there Name. So Absol would
// come before Charizard. Every Option has a vavlue of the Pokemon ID,
// because only the ID is unique and cannot be the same as other Pokemons.
echo "There pokemon";
echo "<p>   </p>";
echo "<select name = 'OthersPokemon[]' size = '15' multiple = 'multiple'>";
$OthersPokemon = Mysql_Query("SELECT * FROM user_pokemon WHERE uid = '" . $Other . "' ORDER BY name ASC");
while ($Pokemon = Mysql_Fetch_Array($OthersPokemon)) {
    echo "<option value='" . $Pokemon['id'] . "'>" . $Pokemon['name'] . "EXP: " . $Pokemon['exp'] . " - Level: " . $Pokemon['level'] . "</option>";
echo "</select>";
// Submit Button and Other Person.
// The others Person will be sent along in the form to be saved in the
// Database, and the Submit Button will help us send the Form to Created.php
echo "<input type = 'hidden' name = 'OtherPerson' value = '" . $Other . "'>";
echo "<input type = 'Submit' value = 'Create Trade' name = 'Create'>";
echo "</form>";