function ProperDate($date = '', $length = 'long') { $months_number['JAN'] = '1'; $months_number['FEB'] = '2'; $months_number['MAR'] = '3'; $months_number['APR'] = '4'; $months_number['MAY'] = '5'; $months_number['JUN'] = '6'; $months_number['JUL'] = '7'; $months_number['AUG'] = '8'; $months_number['SEP'] = '9'; $months_number['OCT'] = '10'; $months_number['NOV'] = '11'; $months_number['DEC'] = '12'; if ($date && strlen($date) == 9) { $year = substr($date, 7); $month = $months_number[strtoupper(substr($date, 3, 3))]; $day = substr($date, 0, 2) * 1; $comment = '<!-- ' . ($year < 50 ? 20 : 19) . $year . MonthNWSwitch(substr($date, 3, 3), 'tonum') . substr($date, 0, 2) . ' -->'; } elseif ($date) { $year = substr($date, 0, 4); $month = substr($date, 5, 2) * 1; $day = substr($date, 8) * 1; $comment = '<!-- ' . $year . substr($date, 5, 2) . substr($date, 8) . ' -->'; } if ((Preferences('MONTH') == 'm' || Preferences('MONTH') == 'M') && (Preferences('DAY') == 'j' || Preferences('DAY') == 'd') && Preferences('YEAR')) { $sep = '/'; } else { $sep = ' '; } if ($date) { return date(($length == 'long' || Preferences('MONTH') != 'F' ? Preferences('MONTH') : 'M') . $sep . Preferences('DAY') . $sep . Preferences('YEAR'), mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)); } }
function VerifyDate($date) { /* if(strlen($date)==9) // ORACLE { $day = substr($date,0,2)*1; $month = MonthNWSwitch(substr($date,3,3),'tonum')*1; $year = substr($date,7,2); $year = (($year<50)?20:19) . $year; } elseif(strlen($date)==10) // POSTGRES { $day = substr($date,8,2)*1; $month = substr($date,5,2)*1; $year = substr($date,0,4); } else return false; */ $vdate = explode("-", $date); if (count($vdate)) { $day = $vdate[0]; $month = MonthNWSwitch($vdate[1], 'tonum'); $year = $vdate[2]; $e_date = '01-' . $month . '-' . $year; $num_days = date('t', strtotime($e_date)); if ($num_days < $day) { return false; } } else { return false; } return checkdate($month, $day, $year); }
function date_to_timestamp($date) { $newarr = array(); foreach ($date as $dt) { $arr_date = explode('/', $dt); $month = MonthNWSwitch($arr_date[0], 'tonum'); $day = $arr_date[1]; $year = $arr_date[2]; array_push($newarr, mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)); } return $newarr; }
function VerifyDate($date) { $vdate = explode("-", $date); if (count($vdate)) { $day = $vdate[0]; $month = MonthNWSwitch($vdate[1], 'tonum'); $year = $vdate[2]; $e_date = '01-' . $month . '-' . $year; $num_days = date('t', strtotime($e_date)); if ($num_days < $day) { return false; } } else { return false; } return checkdate($month, $day, $year); }
function VerifyDate($date) { if (strlen($date) == 9) { $day = substr($date, 0, 2) + 0; $month = MonthNWSwitch(substr($date, 3, 3), 'tonum') + 0; $year = substr($date, 7, 2); $year = ($year < 50 ? 20 : 19) . $year; } elseif (strlen($date) == 10) { $day = substr($date, 8, 2) + 0; $month = substr($date, 5, 2) + 0; $year = substr($date, 0, 4); } elseif (strlen($date) == 11) { $day = substr($date, 0, 2) + 0; $month = MonthNWSwitch(substr($date, 3, 3), 'tonum') + 0; $year = substr($date, 7, 4); } else { return false; } return checkdate($month, $day, $year); }
# This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License. # See license.txt. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # #*************************************************************************************** include '../../Redirect_modules.php'; DrawBC("" . _('Attendance') . " > " . ProgramTitle()); $message = '<TABLE><TR><TD colspan=7 align=center>' . _('From') . ' ' . PrepareDate(DBDate(), '_min') . ' ' . _('to') . ' ' . PrepareDate(DBDate(), '_max') . '</TD></TR></TABLE>'; if (Prompt_Home(_('Confirm'), _('When do you want to recalculate the daily attendance?'), $message)) { $current_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT DISTINCT DATE_FORMAT(SCHOOL_DATE,\'%d-%m-%Y\') as SCHOOL_DATE FROM attendance_calendar WHERE SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\''), array(), array('SCHOOL_DATE')); $students_RET = GetStuList(); $begin = mktime(0, 0, 0, MonthNWSwitch($_REQUEST['month_min'], 'to_num'), $_REQUEST['day_min'] * 1, $_REQUEST['year_min']) + 43200; $end = mktime(0, 0, 0, MonthNWSwitch($_REQUEST['month_max'], 'to_num'), $_REQUEST['day_max'] * 1, $_REQUEST['year_max']) + 43200; for ($i = $begin; $i <= $end; $i += 86400) { if ($current_RET[strtoupper(date('d-M-y', $i))]) { foreach ($students_RET as $student) { UpdateAttendanceDaily($student['STUDENT_ID'], date('d-M-y', $i)); } } } unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); DrawHeader('<table><tr><td><IMG SRC=assets/check.gif></td><td>' . _('The Daily Attendance for that timeframe has been recalculated.') . '</td></tr></table>'); }
} } else { $err_msg = "End date cannot be after {$nm} end date"; break 2; } } else { if ($dates['END_DATE'] != '') { if (strtotime($dates['END_DATE']) <= strtotime($columns['END_DATE'])) { $cal_sql = 'SELECT CALENDAR_ID FROM school_calendars WHERE SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\''; $calender = DBGet(DBQuery($cal_sql)); $calender = $calender[1]; $attendance_calendar = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT MIN(SCHOOL_DATE) as START_DATE,MAX(SCHOOL_DATE) as END_DATE FROM attendance_calendar WHERE SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\'')); // $vdate = explode("-", $columns['END_DATE']); $calender = $calender[1]; $m = MonthNWSwitch($vdate[1], 'tonum'); $end_m = $vdate[0] . "-" . $m . "-" . $vdate[1]; if ($attendance_calendar[1]['END_DATE'] != '' && strtotime($end_m) > strtotime($attendance_calendar[1]['END_DATE'])) { $err_msg = "End date cannot be changed because the calendar has already been created"; break 2; } if ($value != '') { while (!VerifyDate($value)) { $value = date('d-M-Y', strtotime($value) - 86400); } $sql .= $column . '=\'' . str_replace("'", "''", str_replace("\\'", "'", $value)) . '\','; $go = true; } } else { $err_msg = "End date cannot be before {$nm} end date"; break 2;
echo "<TR><TD>" . button('dot', '0000FF', '', '6') . "</TD><TD> <A HREF=# onclick='\"for_window.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&modfunc=detail&event_id={$event['ID']}&year={$_REQUEST['year']}&month=" . MonthNWSwitch($_REQUEST['month'], 'tochar') . "\",\"blank\",\"width=500,height=300\"); return false;'><b>" . ($event['TITLE'] ? $event['TITLE'] : '***') . "</b></A></TD></TR>"; } if (count($assignments_RET[$date])) { foreach ($assignments_RET[$date] as $event) { echo "<TR><TD>" . button('dot', $event['ASSIGNED'] == 'Y' ? '00FF00' : 'FF0000', '', 6) . "</TD><TD><A HREF=# onclick='\"for_window.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&modfunc=detail&assignment_id={$event['ID']}&year={$_REQUEST['year']}&month=" . MonthNWSwitch($_REQUEST['month'], 'tochar') . "\",\"blank\",\"width=500,height=300\"); return false;'>" . $event['TITLE'] . "</A></TD></TR>"; } } echo '</TABLE>'; } elseif (count($assignments_RET[$date])) { echo '<TABLE cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>'; foreach ($assignments_RET[$date] as $event) { echo "<TR><TD>" . button('dot', $event['ASSIGNED'] == 'Y' ? '00FF00' : 'FF0000', '', 6) . "</TD><TD><A HREF=# onclick='\"for_window.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&modfunc=detail&assignment_id={$event['ID']}&year={$_REQUEST['year']}&month=" . MonthNWSwitch($_REQUEST['month'], 'tochar') . "\",\"blank\",\"width=500,height=300\"); return false;'>" . $event['TITLE'] . "</A></TD></TR>"; } echo '</TABLE>'; } echo "</td></tr>"; if (AllowEdit()) { echo "<tr><td valign=bottom align=left>" . button('add', '', "# onclick='\"for_window.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&modfunc=detail&event_id=new&school_date={$date}&year={$_REQUEST['year']}&month=" . MonthNWSwitch($_REQUEST['month'], 'tochar') . "\",\"blank\",\"width=500,height=300\"); return false;'") . "</td></tr>"; } echo "</table></TD>"; $return_counter++; if ($return_counter % 7 == 0) { echo "</TR><TR>"; } } echo "</TR></TABLE>"; echo "</TD></TR></TABLE>"; echo '<BR>' . SubmitButton('Save', '', 'class=btn_medium'); echo "</CENTER>"; echo '</FORM>'; }
# GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # #*************************************************************************************** include '../../Redirect_modules.php'; define('LANG_RECORDS_ADDED_CONFIRMATION', 'Absence records were added for the selected students.'); define('LANG_CHOOSE_STUDENT_ERROR', 'You must choose at least one period and one student.'); define('LANG_ABSENCE_CODE', 'Absence Code'); define('LANG_ABSENCE_REASON', 'Absence Reason'); //include("languages/English/$_REQUEST[modname]"); if (!$_REQUEST['month']) { $_REQUEST['month'] = date("m"); } else { $_REQUEST['month'] = MonthNWSwitch($_REQUEST['month'], 'tonum'); } if (!$_REQUEST['year']) { $_REQUEST['year'] = date("Y"); } else { $_REQUEST['year'] = $_REQUEST['year'] < 1900 ? '20' . $_REQUEST['year'] : $_REQUEST['year']; } //if($_REQUEST['modfunc']=='save') if (optional_param('modfunc', '', PARAM_NOTAGS) == 'save') { if (count($_REQUEST['period']) && count($_REQUEST['student']) && count($_REQUEST['dates'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['period'] as $period_id => $yes) { $periods_list .= ",'" . $period_id . "'"; } $periods_list = '(' . substr($periods_list, 1) . ')'; foreach ($_REQUEST['student'] as $student_id => $yes) { $students_list .= ",'" . $student_id . "'";
function _makeNumeric($number, $column) { global $max_min_RET, $chart, $diff, $diff_max, $mins, $THIS_RET, $start_date, $end_date; if ($_REQUEST['timeframe'] == 'month') { $index = $THIS_RET['TIMEFRAME'] * 1 - MonthNWSwitch($_REQUEST['month_start'], 'tonum') * 1 + 1 + 12 * ($_REQUEST['year_end'] - $_REQUEST['year_start']); } elseif ($_REQUEST['timeframe'] == 'SYEAR') { $start = GetSyear($start_date); $end = GetSyear($end_date); $index = 0; for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) { $index++; if ($i == $THIS_RET['TIMEFRAME']) { break; } } } if (!$number) { $number = 0; } if ($diff == 0) { $chart['chart_data'][0][1] = $number; $chart['chart_data'][$index][1]++; } elseif ($diff < $diff_max) { //$chart['chart_data'][0][((int) $number - (int) $max_min_RET[1]['MIN']+1)] = (int) $number; $chart['chart_data'][$index][(int) $number - (int) $max_min_RET[1]['MIN'] + 1]++; } else { for ($i = 1; $i <= $diff_max; $i++) { if ($number >= $mins[$i] && $number < $mins[$i + 1] || $i == $diff_max) { $chart['chart_data'][$index][$i]++; break; } } } return $number; }
function PrepareDate($date, $title = '', $allow_na = true, $options = '') { global $_CENTRE; if ($options == '') { $options = array(); } if (!$options['Y'] && !$options['M'] && !$options['D'] && !$options['C']) { $options += array('Y' => true, 'M' => true, 'D' => true, 'C' => true); } if ($options['short'] == true) { $extraM = "style='width:65;' "; } if ($options['submit'] == true) { if ($options['C']) { $e = "onchange='document.location.href=\"" . PreparePHP_SELF($_REQUEST, array('month' . $title, 'day' . $title, 'year' . $title)) . "&month{$title}=\"+this.form.month{$title}.value+\"&day{$title}=\"{$title}.value+\"&year{$title}=\"+this.form.year{$title}.value;'"; $extraM .= $e; $extraD .= $e; $extraY .= $e; } else { $extraM .= "onchange='document.location.href=\"" . PreparePHP_SELF($_REQUEST, array('month' . $title)) . "&month{$title}=\"+this.form.month{$title}.value;'"; $extraD .= "onchange='document.location.href=\"" . PreparePHP_SELF($_REQUEST, array('day' . $title)) . "&day{$title}=\"{$title}.value;'"; $extraY .= "onchange='document.location.href=\"" . PreparePHP_SELF($_REQUEST, array('year' . $title)) . "&year{$title}=\"+this.form.year{$title}.value;'"; } } if ($options['C']) { $_CENTRE['PrepareDate']++; } if (strlen($date) == 9) { $day = substr($date, 0, 2); $month = substr($date, 3, 3); $year = substr($date, 7, 2); if ($year == '00' && ($month == '000' && $day == '00')) { $year = '0000'; } else { $year = ($year < 50 ? '20' : '19') . $year; } $return .= '<!-- ' . $year . MonthNWSwitch($month, 'tonum') . $day . ' -->'; } elseif (strlen($date) == 10) { $day = substr($date, 8, 2); $month = MonthNWSwitch(substr($date, 5, 2), 'tochar'); $year = substr($date, 0, 4); $return .= '<!-- ' . $year . MonthNWSwitch($month, 'tonum') . $day . ' -->'; } else { $day = substr($date, 0, 2); $month = substr($date, 3, 3); $year = substr($date, 7, 4); $return .= '<!-- ' . $year . MonthNWSwitch($month, 'tonum') . $day . ' -->'; } // MONTH --------------- if ($options['M']) { $return .= '<SELECT NAME=month' . $title . ' id=monthSelect' . $_CENTRE['PrepareDate'] . ' SIZE=1 ' . $extraM . '>'; if ($allow_na) { if ($month == '000') { $return .= '<OPTION value="" SELECTED>N/A'; } else { $return .= '<OPTION value="">N/A'; } } foreach (array('JAN' => _('January'), 'FEB' => _('February'), 'MAR' => _('March'), 'APR' => _('April'), 'MAY' => _('May'), 'JUN' => _('June'), 'JUL' => _('July'), 'AUG' => _('August'), 'SEP' => _('September'), 'OCT' => _('October'), 'NOV' => _('November'), 'DEC' => _('December')) as $key => $name) { $return .= '<OPTION VALUE=' . $key . ($month == $key ? ' SELECTED' : '') . '>' . $name; } $return .= '</SELECT>'; } // DAY --------------- if ($options['D']) { $return .= '<SELECT NAME=day' . $title . ' id=daySelect' . $_CENTRE['PrepareDate'] . ' SIZE=1 ' . $extraD . '>'; if ($allow_na) { if ($day == '00') { $return .= '<OPTION value="" SELECTED>N/A'; } else { $return .= '<OPTION value="">N/A'; } } for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) { if (strlen($i) == 1) { $print = '0' . $i; } else { $print = $i; } $return .= '<OPTION VALUE=' . $print . ($day == $print ? ' SELECTED' : '') . '>' . $i; } $return .= '</SELECT>'; } // YEAR --------------- if ($options['Y']) { if (!$year || $year == '0000') { $begin = date('Y') - 20; $end = date('Y') + 5; } else { $begin = $year - 5; $end = $year + 5; } $return .= '<SELECT NAME=year' . $title . ' id=yearSelect' . $_CENTRE['PrepareDate'] . ' SIZE=1 ' . $extraY . '>'; if ($allow_na) { if ($year == '0000') { $return .= '<OPTION value="" SELECTED>N/A'; } else { $return .= '<OPTION value="">N/A'; } } for ($i = $begin; $i <= $end; $i++) { $return .= '<OPTION VALUE=' . $i . ($year == $i ? ' SELECTED' : '') . '>' . $i; } $return .= '</SELECT>'; } if ($options['C']) { $return .= '<img src="assets/jscalendar/img.gif" id="trigger' . $_CENTRE['PrepareDate'] . '" style="cursor: pointer; cursor:hand; border: 1px solid red;""red";""; />'; } if ($_REQUEST['_CENTRE_PDF']) { $return = ProperDate($date); } return $return; }
function PrepareDateSchedule($date = '', $title = '', $allow_na = true, $options = '') { global $_openSIS; if ($options == '') { $options = array(); } if (!$options['Y'] && !$options['M'] && !$options['D'] && !$options['C']) { $options += array('Y' => true, 'M' => true, 'D' => true, 'C' => true); } if ($options['short'] == true) { $extraM = "style='width:60;' "; } if ($options['submit'] == true) { $tmp_REQUEST['M'] = $tmp_REQUEST['D'] = $tmp_REQUEST['Y'] = $_REQUEST; unset($tmp_REQUEST['M']['month' . $title]); unset($tmp_REQUEST['D']['day' . $title]); unset($tmp_REQUEST['Y']['year' . $title]); $extraM .= "onchange='document.location.href=\"" . PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST['M']) . "&month{$title}=\"+this.form.month{$title}.value;'"; $extraD .= "onchange='document.location.href=\"" . PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST['D']) . "&day{$title}=\"{$title}.value;'"; $extraY .= "onchange='document.location.href=\"" . PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST['Y']) . "&year{$title}=\"+this.form.year{$title}.value;'"; } if ($options['C']) { $_openSIS['PrepareDate']++; } if (strlen($date) == 9) { $day = substr($date, 0, 2); $month = substr($date, 3, 3); $year = substr($date, 7, 2); $return .= '<!-- ' . $year . MonthNWSwitch($month, 'tonum') . $day . ' -->'; } else { $temp = split('-', $date); if (strlen($temp[0]) == 4) { $day = $temp[2]; $year = substr($temp[0], 2, 2); } else { $day = $temp[0]; $year = substr($temp[2], 2, 2); } $month = MonthNWSwitch($temp[1], 'tochar'); $return .= '<!-- ' . $year . MonthNWSwitch($month, 'tonum') . $day . ' -->'; } // MONTH --------------- if ($options['M']) { $return .= "<div style='float:left; margin-right:2px;'><SELECT CLASS=cal_month NAME=month" . $title . " id=monthSelect" . $_openSIS['PrepareDate'] . " SIZE=1 {$extraM}>"; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if ($month == 'JAN') { $month = 1; } elseif ($month == 'FEB') { $month = 2; } elseif ($month == 'MAR') { $month = 3; } elseif ($month == 'APR') { $month = 4; } elseif ($month == 'MAY') { $month = 5; } elseif ($month == 'JUN') { $month = 6; } elseif ($month == 'JUL') { $month = 7; } elseif ($month == 'AUG') { $month = 8; } elseif ($month == 'SEP') { $month = 9; } elseif ($month == 'OCT') { $month = 10; } elseif ($month == 'NOV') { $month = 11; } elseif ($month == 'DEC') { $month = 12; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if ($allow_na) { if ($month == '000') { $return .= "<OPTION value=\"\" SELECTED>N/A"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION value=\"\">N/A"; } } if ($month == '1') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=JAN SELECTED>January"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=JAN>January"; } if ($month == '2') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=FEB SELECTED>February"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=FEB>February"; } if ($month == '3') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=MAR SELECTED>March"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=MAR>March"; } if ($month == '4') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=APR SELECTED>April"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=APR>April"; } if ($month == '5') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=MAY SELECTED>May"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=MAY>May"; } if ($month == '6') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=JUN SELECTED>June"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=JUN>June"; } if ($month == '7') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=JUL SELECTED>July"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=JUL>July"; } if ($month == '8') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=AUG SELECTED>August"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=AUG>August"; } if ($month == '9') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=SEP SELECTED>September"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=SEP>September"; } if ($month == '10') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=OCT SELECTED>October"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=OCT>October"; } if ($month == '11') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=NOV SELECTED>November"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=NOV>November"; } if ($month == '12') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=DEC SELECTED>December"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=DEC>December"; } $return .= "</SELECT></div>"; } // DAY --------------- if ($options['D']) { $return .= "<div style='float:left; margin-right:2px;'><SELECT NAME=day" . $title . " id=daySelect" . $_openSIS['PrepareDate'] . " SIZE=1 {$extraD}>"; if ($allow_na) { if ($day == '00') { $return .= "<OPTION value=\"\" SELECTED>N/A"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION value=\"\">N/A"; } } for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) { if (strlen($i) == 1) { $print = '0' . $i; } else { $print = $i; } $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=" . $print; if ($day == $print) { $return .= " SELECTED"; } $return .= ">{$i} "; } $return .= "</SELECT></div>"; } // YEAR --------------- if ($options['Y']) { if (!$year) { $begin = date('Y') - 20; $end = date('Y') + 5; } else { if ($year < 50) { $year = '20' . $year; } else { $year = '19' . $year; } $begin = $year - 5; $end = $year + 5; } $return .= "<div style='float:left; margin-right:2px;'><SELECT NAME=year" . $title . " id=yearSelect" . $_openSIS['PrepareDate'] . " SIZE=1 {$extraY}>"; if ($allow_na) { if ($year == '00') { $return .= "<OPTION value=\"\" SELECTED>N/A"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION value=\"\">N/A"; } } for ($i = $begin; $i <= $end; $i++) { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=" . substr($i, 0); if ($year == $i) { $return .= " SELECTED"; } $return .= ">" . $i; } $return .= "</SELECT></div>"; } if ($options['C']) { $return .= '<div style="margin-top:-3px; float:left"><img src="assets/calendar.gif" id="trigger' . $_openSIS['PrepareDate'] . '" style="cursor: hand;""";""; onClick=' . "MakeDate('" . $_openSIS['PrepareDate'] . "',this);" . ' /></div>'; } if ($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF']) { $return = ProperDate($date); } return $return; }
function PrepareDate_for_EndInput($date = '', $title = '', $allow_na = true, $options = '') { global $_openSIS; if ($options == '') { $options = array(); } if (!$options['Y'] && !$options['M'] && !$options['D'] && !$options['C']) { $options += array('Y' => true, 'M' => true, 'D' => true, 'C' => true); } if ($options['short'] == true) { $extraM = "style='width:60;' "; } if ($options['submit'] == true) { $tmp_REQUEST['M'] = $tmp_REQUEST['D'] = $tmp_REQUEST['Y'] = $_REQUEST; unset($tmp_REQUEST['M']['month' . $title]); unset($tmp_REQUEST['D']['day' . $title]); unset($tmp_REQUEST['Y']['year' . $title]); $extraM .= "onchange='document.location.href=\"" . PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST['M']) . "&month{$title}=\"+this.form.month{$title}.value;'"; $extraD .= "onchange='document.location.href=\"" . PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST['D']) . "&day{$title}=\"{$title}.value;'"; $extraY .= "onchange='document.location.href=\"" . PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST['Y']) . "&year{$title}=\"+this.form.year{$title}.value;'"; } if ($options['C']) { $_openSIS['PrepareDate']++; } if (strlen($date) == 9) { $day = substr($date, 0, 2); $month = substr($date, 3, 3); $year = substr($date, 7, 2); $return .= '<!-- ' . $year . MonthNWSwitch($month, 'tonum') . $day . ' -->'; } else { $day = substr($date, 8, 2); $month = MonthNWSwitch(substr($date, 5, 2), 'tochar'); $year = substr($date, 2, 2); $return .= '<!-- ' . $year . MonthNWSwitch($month, 'tonum') . $day . ' -->'; } // MONTH --------------- if ($options['M']) { $return .= "<div style=white-space:nowrap ><SELECT NAME=month" . $title . " id=monthSelect" . $_openSIS['PrepareDate'] . " SIZE=1 {$extraM}>"; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if ($month == 'JAN') { $month = 1; } elseif ($month == 'FEB') { $month = 2; } elseif ($month == 'MAR') { $month = 3; } elseif ($month == 'APR') { $month = 4; } elseif ($month == 'MAY') { $month = 5; } elseif ($month == 'JUN') { $month = 6; } elseif ($month == 'JUL') { $month = 7; } elseif ($month == 'AUG') { $month = 8; } elseif ($month == 'SEP') { $month = 9; } elseif ($month == 'OCT') { $month = 10; } elseif ($month == 'NOV') { $month = 11; } elseif ($month == 'DEC') { $month = 12; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if ($allow_na) { if ($month == '000') { $return .= "<OPTION value=\"\" SELECTED>N/A"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION value=\"\">N/A"; } } if ($month == '1') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=JAN SELECTED>January"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=JAN>January"; } if ($month == '2') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=FEB SELECTED>February"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=FEB>February"; } if ($month == '3') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=MAR SELECTED>March"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=MAR>March"; } if ($month == '4') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=APR SELECTED>April"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=APR>April"; } if ($month == '5') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=MAY SELECTED>May"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=MAY>May"; } if ($month == '6') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=JUN SELECTED>June"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=JUN>June"; } if ($month == '7') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=JUL SELECTED>July"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=JUL>July"; } if ($month == '8') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=AUG SELECTED>August"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=AUG>August"; } if ($month == '9') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=SEP SELECTED>September"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=SEP>September"; } if ($month == '10') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=OCT SELECTED>October"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=OCT>October"; } if ($month == '11') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=NOV SELECTED>November"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=NOV>November"; } if ($month == '12') { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=DEC SELECTED>December"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=DEC>December"; } $return .= "</SELECT> "; } // DAY --------------- if ($options['D']) { $return .= "<SELECT NAME=day" . $title . " id=daySelect" . $_openSIS['PrepareDate'] . " SIZE=1 {$extraD}>"; if ($allow_na) { if ($day == '00') { $return .= "<OPTION value=\"\" SELECTED>N/A"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION value=\"\">N/A"; } } for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) { if (strlen($i) == 1) { $print = '0' . $i; } else { $print = $i; } $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=" . $print; if ($day == $print) { $return .= " SELECTED"; } $return .= ">{$i} "; } $return .= "</SELECT> "; } // YEAR --------------- if ($options['Y']) { if (!$year) { $begin = date('Y') - 60; $end = date('Y') + 20; } else { if ($year < 50) { $year = '20' . $year; } else { $year = '19' . $year; } $begin = $year - 59; $end = $year + 21; } $return .= "<SELECT NAME=year" . $title . " id=yearSelect" . $_openSIS['PrepareDate'] . " SIZE=1 {$extraY}>"; if ($allow_na) { if ($year == '00') { $return .= "<OPTION value=\"\" SELECTED>N/A"; } else { $return .= "<OPTION value=\"\">N/A"; } } for ($i = $begin; $i <= $end; $i++) { $return .= "<OPTION VALUE=" . substr($i, 0); if ($year == $i) { $return .= " SELECTED"; } $return .= ">" . $i; } $return .= "</SELECT> "; } if ($options['C']) { $return .= '</div>'; } if ($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF']) { $return = ProperDate($date); } return $return; }
function _makeNumeric($number, $column) { global $max_min_RET, $chart, $diff, $mins, $THIS_RET; $index = $THIS_RET['TIMEFRAME'] * 1 - MonthNWSwitch($_REQUEST['month_start'], 'tonum') * 1 + 1; if (!$number) { $number = 0; } if ($diff == 0) { $chart['chart_data'][0][1] = $number; $chart['chart_data'][$index][1]++; } elseif ($diff < 5) { $chart['chart_data'][0][(int) $number - (int) $max_min_RET[1]['MIN'] + 1] = (int) $number; $chart['chart_data'][$index][(int) $number - (int) $max_min_RET[1]['MIN'] + 1]++; } else { for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) { if ($number >= $mins[$i] && $number < $mins[$i + 1] || $i == 5) { $chart['chart_data'][$index][$i]++; break; } } } return $number; }
foreach ($assignments_RET[$date] as $event) { echo '<TR class="center"><TD style="width:1px; background-color:' . ($event['ASSIGNED'] == 'Y' ? '#00FF00' : '#FF0000') . '"></TD><TD>' . '<A HREF="#" onclick=\'"Modules.php?modname=' . $_REQUEST['modname'] . '&modfunc=detail&assignment_id=' . $event['ID'] . '&year=' . $_REQUEST['year'] . '&month=' . MonthNWSwitch($_REQUEST['month'], 'tochar') . '","blank","width=500,height=400"); return false;\'>' . $event['TITLE'] . '</A></TD></TR>'; } } echo '</TABLE>'; } elseif (count($assignments_RET[$date])) { echo '<TABLE class="cellpadding-0" style="border-collapse:separate; border-spacing:2px;">'; foreach ($assignments_RET[$date] as $event) { echo '<TR class="center"><TD style="width:1px; background-color:' . ($event['ASSIGNED'] == 'Y' ? '#00FF00' : '#FF0000') . '"></TD><TD>' . '<A HREF="#" onclick=\'"Modules.php?modname=' . $_REQUEST['modname'] . '&modfunc=detail&assignment_id=' . $event['ID'] . '&year=' . $_REQUEST['year'] . '&month=' . MonthNWSwitch($_REQUEST['month'], 'tochar') . '","blank","width=500,height=400"); return false;\'>' . $event['TITLE'] . '</A></TD></TR>'; } echo '</TABLE>'; } echo '</TD></TR>'; if (AllowEdit()) { //modif Francois: days numbered echo '<tr style="height:100%"><td style="vertical-align:bottom; text-align:left;">' . button('add', '', '"#" onclick=\'"Modules.php?modname=' . $_REQUEST['modname'] . '&modfunc=detail&event_id=new&school_date=' . $date . '&year=' . $_REQUEST['year'] . '&month=' . MonthNWSwitch($_REQUEST['month'], 'tochar') . '","blank","width=500,height=400"); return false;\' title="' . _('New Event') . '"') . '</td>'; if (SchoolInfo('NUMBER_DAYS_ROTATION') !== null) { echo '<td style="text-align:right; vertical-align:bottom;">' . (($dayNumber = dayToNumber($day_time)) ? _('Day') . ' ' . $dayNumber : ' ') . '</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } elseif (SchoolInfo('NUMBER_DAYS_ROTATION') !== null) { echo '<tr><td style="text-align:right; vertical-align: bottom;">' . (($dayNumber = dayToNumber($day_time)) ? _('Day') . ' ' . $dayNumber : ' ') . '</td></tr>'; } echo '</table></TD>'; $return_counter++; if ($return_counter % 7 == 0) { echo '</TR><TR>'; } } echo '</TR></TABLE>'; echo '</TD></TR></TABLE>';