Esempio n. 1
} else {
    echo "<title>Skills</title>";
include "Scripts/HeaderScript.php";
include "Scripts/Menu.php";
include "Scripts/SkillsScript.php";


if ($querylist[1] != "") {
    MenuList("Skill", "Data/", "Skills.php");
    SkillDetail($querylist[0], $querylist[1]);
} else {
    echo "<p>The skills that describe heroes in DINO-PIRATES OF NINJA ISLAND are listed below:</p>";
    SkillList("Name", "All");
    echo "<h2 style=\"clear:left;margin-top:2em;\">Skill Descriptions</h2>";
    echo "<p>Skills are presented in alphabetical order, in the following format. Entries that do not apply to a particular skill are omitted in that skill's description.</p>";
    echo "<h3>Skill Description Format</h3>";
    echo "<p><b>Skill Name (Key Ability)</b></p>";
    echo "<p><b>Trained Only; Armor Penalty</b></p>";
    echo "<p>The skill name line and the line beneath it include the following information:</p>";
    echo "<p><b>Key Ability:</b> The abbreviation for the ability whose modifier applies to the skill check.</p>";
    echo "<p><b>Trained Only:</b> If \"Trained Only\" appears on the line beneath the skill name, a character must have at least 1 rank in the skill to use it. If \"Trained Only\" is omitted, the skill can be used untrained. If any particular notes apply to trained or untrained use, they are covered in the Special section (see below).</p>";
    echo "<p><b>Armor Penalty:</b> If \"Armor Penalty\" appears on the line beneath the skill name, apply the armor penalty for the armor the character is wearing to checks involving this skill.</p>";
    echo "<p><b>Check:</b> What a character can do with a successful skill check, and the check's DC.</p>";
    echo "<p><b>Challenges:</b> Any specific challenges associated with this skill and their effects.</p>";
Esempio n. 2
    $querylist = explode("=", $query);
if ($querylist[1] != "") {
    echo "<title>Creature Types: " . $querylist[1] . "</title>";
} else {
    echo "<title>Creature Types</title>";
include "Scripts/HeaderScript.php";
include "Scripts/Menu.php";
include "Scripts/CreaturesTypesScript.php";

if ($querylist[1] != "") {
    MenuList($querylist[1], "Data/", "Creatures.php", "Type", $querylist[1]);
    CreaturesTypeList($querylist[0], $querylist[1]);
} else {
    echo "<p>A creature's Type is what determines the creature's abilities, skills, feats and other statistics. All creatures have one Type. Note that 1st-level creatures with a heroic role determine their combat bonus, saves, skills and feats according to their heroic role alone (as heroes do). Monsters with multiple levels in any given creature type that gain levels in a heroic role do so using <a href=\"RolesAdvancement.php\">the rules for mixed-role heroes</a>.</p>";
    echo "<p>The creature types are as follows:</p>";
    echo "<h2>Creature Type Table</h2>";
    echo "<p>Calculate a creature's saving throws and combat bonus using the Creature Types Table below.</p>";
    echo "<a Name=\"CreatureTable\"><h5>Table: Creature Save and Combat Bonuses</h5></a><table class=\"last-row\" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=\"100%\"><th>Creature's Level</th><th>Good Save Bonus </th><th>Normal Save Bonus </th><th>Combat Bonus Level x3/4</th><th>Combat Bonus Level x1</th><th>Combat Bonus Level x1/2</th><tr class=\"odd-row\"><td>1 or less</td><td>+2</td><td>+0</td><td>+0</td><td>+1</td><td>+0</tr></td><tr><td>2</td><td>+3</td><td>+0</td><td>+1</td><td>+2</td><td>+0</tr></td><tr class=\"odd-row\"><td>3</td><td>+3</td><td>+1</td><td>+2</td><td>+3</td><td>+1</tr></td><tr><td>4</td><td>+4</td><td>+1</td><td>+3</td><td>+4</td><td>+1</tr></td><tr class=\"odd-row\"><td>5</td><td>+4</td><td>+1</td><td>+3</td><td>+5</td><td>+2</tr></td><tr><td>6</td><td>+5</td><td>+2</td><td>+4</td><td>+6</td><td>+2</tr></td><tr class=\"odd-row\"><td>7</td><td>+5</td><td>+2</td><td>+5</td><td>+7</td><td>+3</tr></td><tr><td>8</td><td>+6</td><td>+2</td><td>+6</td><td>+8</td><td>+4</tr></td><tr class=\"odd-row\"><td>9</td><td>+6</td><td>+3</td><td>+6</td><td>+9</td><td>+4</tr></td><tr><td>10</td><td>+7</td><td>+3</td><td>+7</td><td>+10</td><td>+5</tr></td><tr class=\"odd-row\"><td>11</td><td>+7</td><td>+3</td><td>+8</td><td>+11</td><td>+5</tr></td><tr><td>12</td><td>+8</td><td>+4</td><td>+9</td><td>+12</td><td>+6</tr></td><tr class=\"odd-row\"><td>13</td><td>+8</td><td>+4</td><td>+9</td><td>+13</td><td>+6</tr></td><tr><td>14</td><td>+9</td><td>+4</td><td>+10</td><td>+14</td><td>+7</tr></td><tr class=\"odd-row\"><td>15</td><td>+9</td><td>+5</td><td>+11</td><td>+15</td><td>+7</tr></td><tr><td>16</td><td>+10</td><td>+5</td><td>+12</td><td>+16</td><td>+8</tr></td><tr class=\"odd-row\"><td>17</td><td>+10</td><td>+5</td><td>+12</td><td>+17</td><td>+8</tr></td><tr><td>18</td><td>+11</td><td>+6</td><td>+13</td><td>+18</td><td>+9</tr></td><tr class=\"odd-row\"><td>19</td><td>+11</td><td>+6</td><td>+14</td><td>+19</td><td>+9</tr></td><tr><td>20</td><td>+12</td><td>+6</td><td>+15</td><td>+20</td><td>+10</tr></td></table><p>Combat Bonus Level x3/4:</b> Use this column for <a href=\"CreaturesTypes.php?Name=Aberration\">aberrations</a>, <a href=\"CreaturesTypes.php?Name=Animal\">animals</a>, <a href=\"CreaturesTypes.php?Name=Construct\">constructs</a>, <a href=\"CreaturesTypes.php?Name=Humanoid\">humanoids</a>, <a href=\"CreaturesTypes.php?Name=Ooze\">oozes</a>, <a href=\"CreaturesTypes.php?Name=Plant\">plants</a>, and <a href=\"CreaturesTypes.php?Name=Vermin\">vermin</a>.</p><p>Combat Bonus level x1:</b> Use this column for <a href=\"CreaturesTypes.php?Name=Dragon\">dragons</a>, <a href=\"CreaturesTypes.php?Name=Supernatural%20Beast\">supernatural beasts</a>, <a href=\"CreaturesTypes.php?Name=Monstrous%20Humanoid\">monstrous humanoids</a>, and <a href=\"CreaturesTypes.php?Name=Spirit\">spirits</a>.</p><p>Combat Bonus Level x1/2:</b> Use this column for <a href=\"CreaturesTypes.php?Name=Fey\">fey</a> and <a href=\"CreaturesTypes.php?Name=Undead\">undead</a>.</p>";

Esempio n. 3
			var creature = new DPoNIStatblock(data.fields, data.role_name, "#statblock", data.npc_name);

<h1 id="title">CREATURES</h1>

MenuList("Creature", "Data/", "Creatures.php");

<p id="description"></p>
<div id="statblock"></div>
<div id="details">
	<p>Below is a brief list of some of the sorts of creatures heroes might encounter as they voyage through the jungle-infested islands of the DINO-PIRATES. Of course, many islands remain unexplored and home to unknown creatures, so this list is by no means exhaustive.</p>
CreaturesTable("Name", "All");
	<h2 style="clear:left;padding-top:2em">Creature Descriptions</h2>
	<p>Each creature is organized in the same general format, as described in the following text. Much of the information on a creature is condensed into a creature statistics block, the contents of which are explained below. </p>
	<p>Each creature in this section is given in the same general format, and includes the following information:</p>
Esempio n. 4
$query = urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
if (${$query}[0] == 0) {
    $querylist = explode("=", $query);
if ($querylist[1] != "") {
    echo "<title>Actions: " . $querylist[1] . "</title>";
} else {
    echo "<title>Actions</title>";
include "Scripts/HeaderScript.php";
include "Scripts/Menu.php";
include "Scripts/CombatActionsScript.php";
MenuList("Action", "Data/", "CombatActions.php");
if ($querylist[1] != "") {
    if ($querylist[0] == "Type" || $querylist[0] == "Time") {
        print "<h1>" . strtoupper($querylist[1]) . " ACTIONS</h1>";
    } else {
        print "<h1>ACTIONS</h1>";
    ActionDetail($querylist[0], $querylist[1]);
} else {
    echo "<h1>ACTIONS</h1>";
    echo "<h2>Action Types</h2><p>The five types of actions are standard, move, full, free, and reaction. In a normal round, you can perform a standard action and a move action (or two move actions; you can always take a move action in place of a standard action), or you can perform a full action. You can also perform as many free and reaction actions as your Narrator allows.</p><p>In some situations (such as in the surprise round), you may be limited to taking only a standard or move action, not both.</p>";
    echo "<h4>Fast Task</h4><p>Remember that the <a href=\"BasicsChecks.php#Challenges\">Fast Task challenge</a> allows you to make some actions (skill checks and power checks, but not attack rolls or maneuver rolls) in a shorter time than usual.</p>";
    echo "<h3>Standard Action</h3><p>A standard action allows you to do something. You can make an attack, use a <a href=\"Skills.php\">skill</a>, <a href=\"Feats.php\">feat</a>, or <a href=\"Powers.php\">power</a> (unless it requires a full action to perform; see below), or perform other similar actions. During a combat round, you can take a standard action and a move action. You can take the move action before or after, but not during, the standard action. Below is a complete list of standard actions:</p><p>";
    ActionTitleList("Time", "Standard");
    echo "</p><h3>Move Action</h3><p>A move action allows you to move your speed or perform an action taking a similar amount of time, such as climb one-quarter of your speed, draw or stow a weapon or other object, stand up, pick up an object, or perform some equivalent action.</p><p>You can take a move action in place of a standard action. For example, rather than moving your speed and attacking you can stand up and move your speed (two move actions), draw a weapon and climb one-quarter your speed (two move actions), or pick up an object and stow it in a backpack (two move actions).</p><p>If you move no actual distance in a round (usually because you have traded a move action for an equivalent action like standing up), you can take a 5-foot \"step\" before, during, or after the action. For example, you can stand up (a move action), take a 5-foot step, and attack (a standard action). Below is a complete list of move actions:</p><p>";
    ActionTitleList("Time", "Move");
Esempio n. 5
if (${$query}[0] == 0) {
    $querylist = explode("=", $query);
if ($querylist[1] != "") {
    echo "<title>Traits: " . $querylist[1] . "</title>";
} else {
    echo "<title>Creatures: Traits</title>";
include "Scripts/HeaderScript.php";
include "Scripts/Menu.php";
include "Scripts/CreaturesTraitsScript.php";


MenuList("Trait", "Data/", "CreaturesTraits.php");
if ($querylist[1] != "") {
    TraitsList($querylist[0], $querylist[1]);
} else {
    echo "<p>A creature's traits describe all its special abilities, including attacks, defenses, immunities and other such things. A creature may have any number of traits. The traits found amongst creatures of the islands are listed below:</p>";
    TraitsList("Name", "All");

Esempio n. 6
$query = urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
if (${$query}[0] == 0) {
    $querylist = explode("=", $query);
if ($querylist[1] != "") {
    echo "<title>Modifiers: " . $querylist[1] . "</title>";
} else {
    echo "<title>Combat Modifiers</title>";
include "Scripts/HeaderScript.php";
include "Scripts/Menu.php";
include "Scripts/CombatModifiersScript.php";


MenuList("Modifier", "Data/", "CombatModifiers.php");
if ($querylist[1] != "") {
    ModifierDetail($querylist[0], $querylist[1]);
} else {
    echo "<p>Combat is fluid and complex, and many factors can influence one combatant's advantage over another. Below are listed the most common modifiers to combat rolls.</p>";
    echo "<div style=\"float:left; margin-right:1em; margin-top: 1em; \">";
    echo "<table class=\"last-row\" width=\"150px\" style=\"float:left;\">";
    echo "<th class=\"center\">Combat Modifiers</th>";
    ModifierTitleList("Name", "All");
    echo "</table></div>";
    ModifierDetail("Name", "All");
Esempio n. 7
    echo "<title>Feats: " . $querylist[1] . "</title>";
} else {
    echo "<title>Feats</title>";
include "Scripts/HeaderScript.php";
include "Scripts/Menu.php";
include "Scripts/FeatsScript.php";


MenuList("Feat", "Data/", "Feats.php");
if ($querylist[0] == "Name") {
    FeatDetail($querylist[0], $querylist[1]);
} elseif ($querylist[0] == "Type") {
    print "<h2>" . $querylist[1] . " Feats</h2>";
    if ($querylist[1] == "General") {
        print "<p>The following feats are available to all characters:</p>";
    } elseif ($querylist[1] == "Expert") {
        print "<p>The following feats are available to <a href=\"RolesExpert.php\">Expert</a> and <a href=\"RolesGeneralist.php\">Generalist</a> characters:";
    } else {
        print "<p>The following feats are available to <a href=\"Roles" . $querylist[1] . ".php\">" . $querylist[1] . "</a> characters:";
    FeatList($querylist[0], $querylist[1]);
} else {
    echo "<h2>All Feats</h2>";
    echo "<p>Below are listed all feats in DINO-PIRATES OF NINJA ISLAND.";
Esempio n. 8
} else {
    echo "<title>Powers</title>";
include "Scripts/HeaderScript.php";
include "Scripts/Menu.php";
include "Scripts/PowersScript.php";


MenuList("Power", "Data/", "Powers.php");
if ($querylist[1] != "") {
    PowerList($querylist[0], $querylist[1]);
} else {
    echo "<p>Powers are strange supernatural forces that can be controlled and commanded by sorcerers, shamans, witch doctors, mystics and the like. All forms of magic are represented as powers, listed below:</p>";
    PowersTable("Name", "All");
    echo "<h2 style=\"clear:left;padding-top:2em\">Title</h2>";
    echo "<p>Often helpful. Hopefully self-explanatory.</p>";
    echo "<h2><a name=\"Fatiguing\">Descriptors</a></h2>";
    echo "<p>Most powers will have one or more descriptors after the title. These explain how the powers are used in play.</p>";
    echo "<h3><a name=\"Maintenance\">Fatiguing</a></h3>";
    echo "<p>If a power has the \"Fatiguing\" descriptor after the title, that means you have to make a Resilience roll every time you use that power. If you fail the Resilience roll but are not <a href=\"PlayingConditions.php?Name=Unconscious\">unconscious</a>, the power still takes effect normally; you just take a level of <a href=\"CombatDamage.php#NonLethalDamage\">non-lethal damage</a>. You always take the lowest possible degree of non-lethal damage as a result of failing your Resilience roll.</p>";
    echo "<h3><a name=\"Concentration\">Maintenance</a></h3>";
    echo "<p>Some powers can be maintained for some time, assuming you remain able to keep them running. Such powers don't require much on your part; but you must be able to spend a free action each round in order to maintain them. If you fall <a href=\"PlayingConditions.php?Name=Unconscious\">unconscious</a> these powers shut down immediately and their effects end. If you are distracted while maintaining these powers you must make an immediate <a href=\"Skills.php?Name=Concentration\">Concentration</a> check in order to keep maintaining them. The Difficulty of the <a href=\"Skills.php?Name=Concentration\">Concentration</a> check is 10 + 2 for every power you are currently maintaining, plus any damage modifiers you may be subjected to (as per the <a href=\"Skills.php?Name=Concentration\">Concentration</a> skill). If you fail the <a href=\"Skills.php?Name=Concentration\">Concentration</a> check, all maintained powers fail and their effects end immediately. If no maximum duration is listed, the power can be maintained indefinitely, as long as you remain able to take a free action each round.</p>";
    echo "<h3><a name=\"MentalContact\">Concentration</a></h3>";
    echo "<p>Some powers are not so easy to maintain. A power with the \"Concentration\" descriptor requires more effort on your part to maintain. You must spend a standard action each round to maintain a Concentration power. Distractions require the same sort of <a href=\"Skills.php?Name=Concentration\">Concentration</a> check as a Maintenance power.</p>";
    $querylist = explode("=", $query);
if ($querylist[1] != "") {
    echo "<title>Conditions: " . $querylist[1] . "</title>";
} else {
    echo "<title>Playing: Conditions</title>";
include "Scripts/HeaderScript.php";
include "Scripts/Menu.php";
include "Scripts/PlayingConditionsScript.php";


MenuList("Condition", "Data/", "PlayingConditions.php");
if ($querylist[1] != "") {
    ConditionList($querylist[0], $querylist[1]);
} else {
    echo "<p>This section describes the different adverse conditions that can affect characters. If multiple conditions apply to a character, apply all of their effects. If effects conflict, apply the most severe.</p>";
    ConditionList("Name", "All");
