
if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
require 'init_smarty.php';
require 'tmUtils.php';
class gFormVar
    public $name = "Recent Task Updates";
    public $stylesheet = 'normal.css';
    public $pageTitle = 'Project Tracking Database';
$g = new gFormVar();
$g->compCols = "Project Name, Task Name, Who, Status, Comment, Modified Date";
$g->compDetails = MakeTable("p.projectname, taskname, u.name, s.status, tc.comment, date_format(tc.createddate,\"%d-%m-%Y\")", "project p, task t, taskcompletion tc, users u, status s", "p.projectid = t.projectid and t.taskid = tc.taskid and t.developerid = u.userid and tc.statusid = s.statusid\r\nand tc.createddate > (current_date() - interval 1 month)\r\nand t.taskid not in (select taskid from taskcompletion where taskid = t.taskid and statusid = 5) and comment != ''", "tc.createddate desc");
if (is_array($g->compDetails)) {
    $g->updates = 'yes';
} else {
    $g->updates = 'no';
$tmpl->assign('g', $g);
#  session_start();
require 'init_smarty.php';
require 'tmUtils.php';
    if (isset($user)) {
        class gFormVar
            public $holCols;
            public $holDetails;
        $g = new gFormVar();
        $today = date('Y-m-d');
        $g->holCols = "Developer, Start Date, EndDate";
        $g->holDetails = MakeTable("name, date_format(startdate,\"%d-%m-%Y\"), date_format(enddate,\"%d-%m-%Y\")", "holiday, users", "holiday.developerid = users.userid and enddate > '{$today}' and developerid = {$user}", "startdate desc");
        if (count($g->holDetails) == 0) {
            echo "No Out of Office weeks found<br>";
        } else {
            $tmpl->assign('g', $g);
            echo $tmpl->fetch('holtable.tpl');
} else {
    echo "User not set<br>";

Esempio n. 3
        if ($g->projid >= 1) {
            $g->statusMessage = "Project Inserted";
            $g->formAction = "Update";
        } else {
            $g->statusMessage = "Insert Failed";
    } elseif ($_POST['ProjAction'] == "Update") {
        $g->post = $_POST;
        if (UpdateProj($_POST)) {
            $g->statusMessage = "Project Updated";
            $g->formAction = "Update";
        } else {
            $g->statusMessage = "Update Failed";
    if ($_POST['ProjectID']) {
        $g->proj = $_POST['ProjectID'];
        $g->formAction = "Update";
        $g->projDetails = $_POST['ProjectID'] . " - " . $_POST['ProjectName'];
    if ($_POST['Status']) {
        $g->status = $_POST['Status'];
$g->statList = array("L" => "Current", "O" => "Completed");
$g->compCols = "Task, Date Entered, Comment, Estimated Start, Estimated Completion, Status, Who";
$g->compDetails = MakeTable("taskname, date_format(tc.createddate,\"%d-%m-%Y\"), comment, date_format(commencedate,\"%d-%m-%Y\"),\r\n   date_format(completiondate,\"%d-%m-%Y\"), status, u.name", "task t, taskcompletion tc, status s, users u", "t.taskid = tc.taskid and projectid = " . $g->proj . " and tc.statusid = s.statusid\r\n  and t.developerid = u.userid \r\n  and completionid in (select max(completionid) from taskcompletion group by taskid)", "t.taskid");
$g->trAttr = array("class='odd'", "class='even'");
$g->taskRows = count($g->compDetails);
$tmpl->assign('g', $g);
                if ($userRes) {
                    $g->formAction = "Update";
                    $g->post = $userRow;
                    $g->taskDetails = $g->taskDetails . " - " . $taskRow['TaskName'];
if ($_POST['UserAction']) {
    if ($_POST['UserAction'] == "Insert") {
        $sts = mysql_query("insert into users (UserName,Name, Team) values('" . $_POST['UserName'] . "','" . $_POST['Name'] . "','" . $_POST['Team'] . "')", $sqlSess);
        if ($sts) {
            $g->statusMessage = "New User inserted";
        } else {
            $g->statusMessage = "An error occured inserting the user. " . $sts;
    if ($_POST['UserAction'] == "Update") {
        $sts = mysql_query("update users set UserName = '******'UserName'] . "', Name = '" . $_POST['Name'] . "', Team = '" . $_POST['Team'] . "' where userid = '" . $_POST['UserID'] . "'", $sqlSess);
        if ($sts) {
            $g->statusMessage = "User Updated";
        } else {
            $g->statusMessage = "An error occured updating the user. " . $_POST['UserID'] . $sts;
$g->userCols = "ID, User Name, Name";
$g->userList = MakeTable("UserID, UserName, Name, Team", "users", "", "Name");
$tmpl->assign('g', $g);
Esempio n. 5
$_SESSION['Status'] = $g->status;
$_SESSION['CompDate'] = $g->compDate;
$_SESSION['StartDate'] = $g->startDate;
$_SESSION['Comment'] = $g->comment;
$where = "";
if ($g->status > 1) {
    $where = "statusid > 1";
$g->projList = MakeDropDown("projectid", "projectname", "project", "live='L'", "projectname");
$g->devList = MakeDropDown("userid", "name", "users", null, "name");
$g->statList = MakeDropDown("statusid", "status", "status", $where, "statusid");
if (!isset($g->compDate)) {
    $g->compDate = date("Y-m-d");
if (!isset($g->startDate)) {
    $g->startDate = date("Y-m-d");
$g->trAttr = array("class='odd'", "class='even'");
//select date_format(createddate,"%d-%m-%Y"), comment, date_format(createddate,"%d-%m-%Y"), status
//from taskcompletion, status where taskcompletion.statusid = status.statusid and taskid = 11
if ($g->taskid >= 1) {
    $g->compCols = "Date Entered, Comment, Estimated Start, Estimated Completion, Status";
    $g->compDetails = MakeTable("date_format(createddate,\"%d-%m-%Y\"), comment, date_format(commencedate,\"%d-%m-%Y\"),\r\n   date_format(completiondate,\"%d-%m-%Y\"), status", "taskcompletion, status", "taskcompletion.statusid = status.statusid and taskid =" . $g->taskid, "createddate desc");
    $g->timeCols = "Year,Month,Time";
    $g->timeDetails = MakeTable("year(date), monthname(date), concat (sum(minutes) div 60, ':', lpad(sum(minutes) mod 60,2,0)) hhmm", "time", "taskid=" . $g->taskid, "year(date),month(date)", "year(date), month(date)");
$g->calendar = MakeCalendar();
$tmpl->registerPlugin("function", "minsToHours", "minsToHours");
$tmpl->assign('g', $g);