Esempio n. 1
function InsertPage($dbi, $pagename, $pagehash)
    global $WikiPageStore;
    // ugly hack
    if ($dbi['table'] == $WikiPageStore) {
        // HACK
        $linklist = ExtractWikiPageLinks($pagehash['content']);
        SetWikiPageLinks($dbi, $pagename, $linklist);
    $pagehash = MakeDBHash($pagename, $pagehash);
    $COLUMNS = "author, content, created, flags, " . "lastmodified, pagename, refs, version";
    $VALUES = "'{$pagehash['author']}', '{$pagehash['content']}', " . "{$pagehash['created']}, {$pagehash['flags']}, " . "{$pagehash['lastmodified']}, '{$pagehash['pagename']}', " . "'{$pagehash['refs']}', {$pagehash['version']}";
    if (!mysql_query("replace into {$dbi['table']} ({$COLUMNS}) values ({$VALUES})", $dbi['dbc'])) {
        $msg = sprintf(gettext("Error writing page '%s'"), $pagename);
        $msg .= "<BR>";
        $msg .= sprintf(gettext("MySQL error: %s"), mysql_error());
Esempio n. 2
function InsertPage($dbi, $pagename, $pagehash)
    global $WikiPageStore;
    // ugly hack
    if ($dbi['table'] == $WikiPageStore) {
        // HACK
        $linklist = ExtractWikiPageLinks($pagehash['content']);
        SetWikiPageLinks($dbi, $pagename, $linklist);
    $pagehash = MakeDBHash($pagename, $pagehash);
    // record the time of modification
    $pagehash["lastmodified"] = time();
    if (IsWikiPage($dbi, $pagename)) {
        $PAIRS = "author='{$pagehash['author']}'," . "content='{$pagehash['content']}'," . "created={$pagehash['created']}," . "flags={$pagehash['flags']}," . "lastmodified={$pagehash['lastmodified']}," . "pagename='{$pagehash['pagename']}'," . "refs='{$pagehash['refs']}'," . "version={$pagehash['version']}";
        $query = "UPDATE {$dbi['table']} SET {$PAIRS} WHERE pagename='{$pagename}'";
    } else {
        // do an insert
        // build up the column names and values for the query
        $COLUMNS = "author, content, created, flags, lastmodified, " . "pagename, refs, version";
        $VALUES = "'{$pagehash['author']}', '{$pagehash['content']}', " . "{$pagehash['created']}, {$pagehash['flags']}, " . "{$pagehash['lastmodified']}, '{$pagehash['pagename']}', " . "'{$pagehash['refs']}', {$pagehash['version']}";
        $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbi['table']} ({$COLUMNS}) VALUES({$VALUES})";
    //echo "<p>Insert/Update Query: $query<p>\n";
    $retval = mssql_query($query);
    if ($retval == false) {
        printf(gettext("Insert/Update failed: %s <br>\n"), mssql_get_last_message());
Esempio n. 3
function SaveCopyToArchive($dbi, $pagename, $pagehash)
    global $ArchivePageStore;
    $pagehash = MakeDBHash($pagename, $pagehash);
    // $pagehash["content"] is now an array of strings
    if (IsInArchive($dbi, $pagename)) {
        $PAIRS = "author='{$pagehash['author']}'," . "created={$pagehash['created']}," . "flags={$pagehash['flags']}," . "lastmodified={$pagehash['lastmodified']}," . "pagename='{$pagehash['pagename']}'," . "refs='{$pagehash['refs']}'," . "version={$pagehash['version']}";
        $query = "UPDATE {$ArchivePageStore['table']} SET {$PAIRS} WHERE pagename='{$pagename}'";
    } else {
        // do an insert
        // build up the column names and values for the query
        $COLUMNS = "author, created, flags, lastmodified, " . "pagename, refs, version";
        $VALUES = "'{$pagehash['author']}', " . "{$pagehash['created']}, {$pagehash['flags']}, " . "{$pagehash['lastmodified']}, '{$pagehash['pagename']}', " . "'{$pagehash['refs']}', {$pagehash['version']}";
        $query = "INSERT INTO archive ({$COLUMNS}) VALUES({$VALUES})";
    // echo "<p>Query: $query<p>\n";
    // first, insert the metadata
    $retval = msql_query($query, $dbi['dbc']);
    if ($retval == false) {
        printf(gettext("Insert/update into table 'archive' failed: %s"), msql_error());
        print "<br>\n";
    // second, insert the page data
    // remove old data from page_table
    $query = "delete from {$ArchivePageStore['page_table']} where pagename='{$pagename}'";
    // echo "Delete query: $query<br>\n";
    $retval = msql_query($query, $dbi['dbc']);
    if ($retval == false) {
        printf(gettext("Delete on %s failed: %s"), $ArchivePageStore[page_table], msql_error());
        print "<br>\n";
    // insert the new lines
    for ($x = 0; $x < count($pagehash["content"]); $x++) {
        $line = addslashes($pagehash["content"][$x]);
        $query = "INSERT INTO {$ArchivePageStore['page_table']} " . "(pagename, lineno, line) " . "VALUES('{$pagename}', {$x}, '{$line}')";
        // echo "Page line insert query: $query<br>\n";
        $retval = msql_query($query, $dbi['dbc']);
        if ($retval == false) {
            printf(gettext("Insert into %s failed: %s"), $ArchivePageStore[page_table], msql_error());
            print "<br>\n";