function MEMBERS_SEARCH_USERS() { $gid = $_GET["FindInGroup"]; $pattern = $_GET["pattern"]; $pattern = str_replace('*', '', $pattern); $styleRoll = "\n\tstyle='border:1px solid white;width:190px;float:left;margin:1px'\n\tOnMouseOver=\"'#F3F3DF';'pointer';'1px solid #CCCCCC'\"\n\tOnMouseOut=\"'transparent';'auto';'1px solid white'\"\n\t"; //first we search the users $ldap = new clladp(); $hash = $ldap->UserSearch(null, $pattern); //second we load users uids of the group and build the hash $sr = @ldap_search($ldap->ldap_connection, $ldap->suffix, "(gidnumber={$gid})", array("memberUid")); if (!$sr) { writelogs("Search members for (gidnumber={$gid}) failed", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); return null; } $entry_id = ldap_first_entry($ldap->ldap_connection, $sr); if (!$entry_id) { return null; } $attrs = ldap_get_attributes($ldap->ldap_connection, $entry_id); if (!is_array($attrs["memberUid"])) { writelogs("memberUid no attrs", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); return null; } $count = $attrs["memberUid"]["count"]; while (list($num, $ligne) = each($attrs["memberUid"])) { $hash_members[$ligne] = true; } //now we parse the search results $count = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $hash["count"]; $i++) { if ($hash_members[$hash[$i]["uid"][0]]) { $uid = $hash[$i]["uid"][0]; $count = $count + 1; $html = $html . "<div {$styleRoll} id='mainid_{$uid}'>" . MEMBERS_SELL($uid) . "</div>"; if ($count > 41) { break; } } } $tpl = new templates(); echo $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body($html); }
function MEMBERS_LIST_LIST($gid) { if ($gid == "undefined") { $gid = 0; } $ldap = new clladp(); $hashGroup = $ldap->GroupDatas($gid); $members = $hashGroup["ARRAY_MEMBERS"]; $count = count($members); $number_of_users = $count; writelogs("found {$count} members for (gidnumber={$gid})", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); if (!is_array($members)) { return null; } sort($members); if ($_GET["page"] == null) { $_GET["page"] = 0; } $priv = new usersMenus(); $pagesNumber = round($count / 40, 1); //if(strpos($pagesNumber,'.')>0){$pagesNumber=$pagesNumber+1;} $pageaffich = round($pagesNumber); $pageaffich = $pageaffich + 1; if ($count > 40) { $start = $_GET["page"] * 40; $max = $start + 40; $curmx = $count - $start; $cols = round($curmx / 10); } else { $start = 0; $max = $count; $cols = round($max / 10); } if ($pagesNumber > 1) { $title_pages = " « {$_GET["page"]}/{$pageaffich} {pages} {members} {$start}/{$max} ({$number_of_users} {members}) » "; $tabs = MEMBERS_LIST_TABS($pagesNumber, $_GET["page"]); } $html = "\n\t{$tabs}\n\t<table style='width:100%;padding:1px;border:1px solid #CCCCCC'>\n\t</tr><td valign='top'><div id='listofMembersOfThisGroup'>"; $styleRoll = "\n\tstyle='border:1px solid white;width:190px;float:left;margin:1px'\n\tOnMouseOver=\"'#F3F3DF';'pointer';'1px solid #CCCCCC'\"\n\tOnMouseOut=\"'transparent';'auto';'1px solid white'\"\n\t"; for ($i = $start; $i <= $max; $i++) { $html = $html . "<div {$styleRoll} id='mainid_{$members[$i]}'>" . MEMBERS_SELL($members[$i], $i) . "</div>"; } $html = $html . "</div></td></table><p> </p>"; $tpl = new templates(); $html = "\n\t<p class=caption>{$title_pages}</p>\n\t<div style='width:99.5%;height:300px;overflow:auto'>{$html}</div>"; return $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body($html); }