$description_backup = 'You can save or restore a backup of your widgets. ("' . $button_text_get_backup . '" will overwrite current Widgets.)';
$description_debug = 'Beta-Feature:<br> After activating the Debug-checkbox you will be able to see your widget splitted into code pieces, when using the preview functionality (<img src="' . MCW_get_url('preview') . '">).<br>' . 'This can help to find mistakes inside of your code. A split will be done whenever html-code changes to php-code and vice versa.<br><br>' . 'Known issues: <ul>' . '<li>The debugger is not able to handle "if" statements in combination with HTML-code.</li>' . '<li>Debugger will interpret each "&lt;?php" and "?&gt;" as a php-tag.</li>' . '</ul>';
// initialize technical variables
$meta = MCW_get_meta();
if ($meta['initial']) {
    $meta['initial'] = false;
if ($_POST[$hidden_field_submit] != 'Y') {
    $cache_all_widgets = MCW_get_all_widgets();
    $my_options = MCW_get_option();
    $options_are_empty = empty($my_options);
    if ($options_are_empty) {
        $my_options = MCW_get_default_options();
        echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>Options have not been configured, yet. <br>Default values have been loaded. Click <a href="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=' . MCW_get_mainfile_name() . '">here &raquo;</a> to configure plugin.</p></div>';
} else {
    /*** set backup ***/
    if ($_POST[$element_widget_backup] == $button_text_set_backup) {
        if ($_POST[$data_widget_backup] != $data_widget_backup) {
            echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>To save backup you have to check the Backup-Checkbox as well.</p></div>';
        } else {
            $cache_all_widgets = MCW_get_all_widgets();
            $max = count($cache_all_widgets);
            echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>Backup stored successfully.</p></div>';
         //load Backup Settings
         $cache_options = MCW_get_option_backup();
         if (empty($cache_options)) {
   <div id="message" class="error fade">
             echo 'Settings have NOT been loaded.';
         } else {
             $javascript_is_allowed = $cache_options['allow_js'] == 'yes';
   <div id="message" class="updated fade">
             echo 'Settings have been loaded.';
 } else {