  * Test1: return unsecure URL
  * Test2: return secure URL
  * A function to generate the URL for delivery scripts without a protocol.
  * @param string $file The file name of the delivery script.
  * @param boolean $ssl Use the SSL delivery path (true) or not. Default is false.
  * @return string The parital URL to the delivery script (i.e. without
  *                an 'http:' or 'https:' prefix).
 function test_MAX_commonConstructPartialDeliveryUrl()
     $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['webpath']['deliverySSL'] = 'secure.maxstore.net/www/delivery';
     $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['webpath']['delivery'] = 'www.maxstore.net/www/delivery';
     $file = 'test.html';
     // Test1
     $ret = MAX_commonConstructPartialDeliveryUrl($file, false);
     $this->assertEqual($ret, '//www.maxstore.net/www/delivery/test.html');
     // Test2
     $ret = MAX_commonConstructPartialDeliveryUrl($file, true);
     $this->assertEqual($ret, '//secure.maxstore.net/www/delivery/test.html');
 function generateLayerCode(&$mi)
     $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
     global $align, $valign, $closetime, $padding;
     global $shifth, $shiftv, $closebutton;
     global $backcolor, $bordercolor;
     global $nobg, $noborder;
     $mi->parameters[] = 'layerstyle=simple';
     $mi->parameters[] = 'align=' . (isset($align) ? $align : 'right');
     $mi->parameters[] = 'valign=' . (isset($valign) ? $valign : 'top');
     $mi->parameters[] = 'padding=' . (isset($padding) ? (int) $padding : '2');
     if (!empty($mi->charset)) {
         $mi->parameters[] = 'charset=' . urlencode($mi->charset);
     if (isset($closetime) && $closetime > 0) {
         $mi->parameters[] = 'closetime=' . $closetime;
     if (isset($padding)) {
         $mi->parameters[] = 'padding=' . $padding;
     if (isset($shifth)) {
         $mi->parameters[] = 'shifth=' . $shifth;
     if (isset($shiftv)) {
         $mi->parameters[] = 'shiftv=' . $shiftv;
     if (isset($closebutton)) {
         $mi->parameters[] = 'closebutton=' . $closebutton;
     if (isset($backcolor)) {
         $mi->parameters[] = 'backcolor=' . substr($backcolor, 1);
     if (isset($bordercolor)) {
         $mi->parameters[] = 'bordercolor=' . substr($bordercolor, 1);
     if (isset($nobg)) {
         $mi->parameters[] = 'nobg=' . $nobg;
     if (isset($noborder)) {
         $mi->parameters[] = 'noborder=' . $noborder;
     $scriptUrl = "http:" . MAX_commonConstructPartialDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['layer']);
     if (sizeof($mi->parameters) > 0) {
         $scriptUrl .= "?" . implode("&", $mi->parameters);
     $buffer = "<script type='text/javascript'><!--//<![CDATA[\n   var ox_u = '{$scriptUrl}';\n   if (document.context) ox_u += '&context=' + escape(document.context);\n   document.write(\"<scr\"+\"ipt type='text/javascript' src='\" + ox_u + \"'></scr\"+\"ipt>\");\n//]]>--></script>";
     return $buffer;
Esempio n. 3
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            |
| GNU General Public License for more details.                              |
|                                                                           |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         |
| along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software               |
| Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA |
$Id: banner-htmlpreview.php 37157 2009-05-28 12:31:10Z andrew.hill $
// Require the initialisation file
require_once '../../init.php';
// Required files
require_once MAX_PATH . '/www/admin/config.php';
require_once MAX_PATH . '/www/admin/lib-statistics.inc.php';
require_once MAX_PATH . '/lib/max/Delivery/adRender.php';
require_once MAX_PATH . '/lib/max/Admin_DA.php';
/* Main code                                             */
$aBanner = Admin_DA::getAd($bannerid);
$aBanner['bannerid'] = $aBanner['ad_id'];
if (!empty($aBanner)) {
    $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
    $bannerName = strip_tags(phpAds_buildBannerName($bannerid, $aBanner['name'], $aBanner['alt']));
    $sizeDescription = $aBanner['type'] == 'txt' ? '&nbsp;' : "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;width: {$aBanner['width']}&nbsp;&nbsp;height: {$aBanner['height']}";
    $bannerCode = MAX_adRender($aBanner, 0, '', '', '', true, '', false, false);
    $protocol = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == $conf['openads']['sslPort'] ? "https" : "http";
    $deliveryUrl = $protocol . ':' . MAX_commonConstructPartialDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['flash']);
    echo "\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>{$bannerName}</title>\n<link rel='stylesheet' href='" . OX::assetPath() . "/css/interface-{$phpAds_TextDirection}.css'>\n<script type='text/javascript' src='{$deliveryUrl}'></script>\n</head>\n<body marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' leftmargin='0' topmargin='0' bgcolor='#EFEFEF'>\n<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>\n<tr height='32'>\n    <td width='32'><img src='" . OX::assetPath() . "/images/cropmark-tl.gif' width='32' height='32'></td>\n    <td background='" . OX::assetPath() . "/images/ruler-top.gif'>&nbsp;</td>\n    <td width='32'><img src='" . OX::assetPath() . "/images/cropmark-tr.gif' width='32' height='32'></td>\n</tr>\n<tr height='{$aBanner['height']}'>\n    <td width='32' background='" . OX::assetPath() . "/images/ruler-left.gif'>&nbsp;</td>\n    <td bgcolor='#FFFFFF' width='{$aBanner['width']}'>\n        {$bannerCode}\n    </td>\n    <td width='32'>&nbsp;</td>\n</tr>\n<tr height='32'>\n    <td width='32'><img src='" . OX::assetPath() . "/images/cropmark-bl.gif' width='32' height='32'></td>\n    <td>{$sizeDescription}</td>\n    <td width='32'><img src='" . OX::assetPath() . "/images/cropmark-br.gif' width='32' height='32'></td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</body>\n</html>";
  * Return invocation code for this plugin (codetype)
  * @return string
 function generateInvocationCode()
     $aComments = array('SSL Delivery Comment' => '', 'Comment' => $this->translate("\n  * This noscript section of this tag only shows image banners. There\n  * is no width or height in these banners, so if you want these tags to\n  * allocate space for the ad before it shows, you will need to add this\n  * information to the <img> tag.\n  *\n  * If you do not want to deal with the intricities of the noscript\n  * section, delete the tag (from <noscript>... to </noscript>). On\n  * average, the noscript tag is called from less than 1% of internet\n  * users."));
     $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
     $mi =& $this->maxInvocation;
     $buffer = $mi->buffer;
     if (isset($mi->withtext) && $mi->withtext != '0') {
         $mi->parameters['withtext'] = "withtext=1";
     if (isset($mi->block) && $mi->block == '1') {
         $mi->parameters['block'] = "block=1";
     if (isset($mi->blockcampaign) && $mi->blockcampaign == '1') {
         $mi->parameters['blockcampaign'] = "blockcampaign=1";
     if (!empty($mi->campaignid)) {
         $mi->parameters['campaignid'] = "campaignid=" . $mi->campaignid;
     // The cachebuster for JS tags is auto-generated
     $buffer .= "<script type='text/javascript'><!--//<![CDATA[\n";
     // Support for 3rd party server clicktracking
     if (!empty($mi->thirdpartytrack)) {
         // Don't pass this in as a parameter... it is dealt with seperatly
         $buffer .= "   document.MAX_ct0 = unescape('{$mi->macros['clickurl']}');\n\n";
     $buffer .= "   var m3_u = (location.protocol=='https:'?'https:" . MAX_commonConstructPartialDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['js'], true) . "':'http:" . MAX_commonConstructPartialDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['js']) . "');\n";
     $buffer .= "   var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999);\n";
     $buffer .= "   if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ',';\n";
     // Removed the non-XHTML compliant "language='JavaScript'
     $buffer .= "   document.write (\"<scr\"+\"ipt type='text/javascript' src='\"+m3_u);\n";
     if (count($mi->parameters) > 0) {
         $buffer .= "   document.write (\"?" . implode("&amp;", $mi->parameters) . "\");\n";
     $buffer .= "   document.write ('&amp;cb=' + m3_r);\n";
     // Don't pass in exclude unless necessary
     $buffer .= "   if (document.MAX_used != ',') document.write (\"&amp;exclude=\" + document.MAX_used);\n";
     if (empty($mi->charset)) {
         $buffer .= "   document.write (document.charset ? '&amp;charset='+document.charset : (document.characterSet ? '&amp;charset='+document.characterSet : ''));\n";
     } else {
         $buffer .= "   document.write ('&amp;charset=" . $mi->charset . "');\n";
     $buffer .= "   document.write (\"&amp;loc=\" + escape(window.location));\n";
     $buffer .= "   if (document.referrer) document.write (\"&amp;referer=\" + escape(document.referrer));\n";
     $buffer .= "   if (document.context) document.write (\"&context=\" + escape(document.context));\n";
     // Only pass in the 3rd party click URL if it is required and (probably) a valid URL (i.e. not a macro like '%c')
     if (!empty($mi->thirdpartytrack)) {
         $buffer .= "   if ((typeof(document.MAX_ct0) != 'undefined') && (document.MAX_ct0.substring(0,4) == 'http')) {\n";
         $buffer .= "       document.write (\"&amp;ct0=\" + escape(document.MAX_ct0));\n   }\n";
     // Pass in if the FlashObject - Inline code has already been passed in
     $buffer .= "   if (document.mmm_fo) document.write (\"&amp;mmm_fo=1\");\n";
     $buffer .= "   document.write (\"'><\\/scr\"+\"ipt>\");\n";
     $buffer .= "//]]>--></script>";
     if ($mi->extra['delivery'] != phpAds_ZoneText) {
         $buffer .= "<noscript>{$mi->backupImage}</noscript>\n";
     return $buffer;
Esempio n. 5
 function generateJavascriptTrackerCode($trackerId)
     $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
     $variablemethod = 'default';
     $trackers = Admin_DA::getTrackers(array('tracker_id' => $trackerId), true);
     if (count($trackers)) {
         $variablemethod = $trackers[$trackerId]['variablemethod'];
     $variables = Admin_DA::getVariables(array('trackerid' => $trackerId), true);
     $variablesQuerystring = '';
     $buffer = "<!--/*\n  *\n  *  OpenX JavaScript tracker code\n  *  - Generated with OpenX v" . OA_VERSION . "\n  *\n  *  To help prevent caching of the <noscript> beacon, if possible,\n  *  Replace %%RANDOM_NUMBER%% with a randomly generated number (or timestamp)\n  *\n  */-->\n";
     $varbuffer = '';
     if (!empty($variables)) {
         foreach ($variables as $id => $variable) {
             if (($variablemethod == 'default' || $variablemethod == 'js') && $variable['variablecode']) {
                 $varcode = stripslashes($variable['variablecode']);
                 $varbuffer .= "    {$varcode};\n";
             $variablesQuerystring .= "&amp;{$variable['name']}=%%" . strtoupper($variable['name']) . "_VALUE%%";
     if (!empty($varbuffer)) {
         $varprefix = $conf['var']['prefix'];
         $buffer .= "\n<!--/*\n  *\n  *  In order for the adserver to track variables for this conversion,\n  *  they must be provided by the client.\n  *\n  *  Additional variables may be added, however they must be added\n  *  in the adserver as well before they will be logged.\n  *\n  *  The '%%VARIABLE_VALUE%%' should be replaced with the\n  *  actual values for this sale.\n  *\n  *  NOTE: In order to track variables from the <noscript> section,\n  *  the above replacement must be performed within the img tag as well.\n  *\n  *  The following values have been pre-configured in the adserver\n  *\n  */-->\n\n<script type='text/javascript'><!--//<![CDATA[\n";
         $buffer .= $varbuffer;
         $buffer .= "//]]>--></script>\n";
     $buffer .= "\n<!--/*\n  *\n  *  Place this code at the top of your thank-you page, just after the <body> tag,\n  *  below any definitions of Javascript variables that need to be tracked.\n  *\n  */-->\n\n<script type='text/javascript'><!--//<![CDATA[\n    var {$varprefix}p=location.protocol=='https:'?'https:':'http:';\n    var {$varprefix}r=Math.floor(Math.random()*999999);\n    document.write (\"<\" + \"script language='JavaScript' \");\n    document.write (\"type='text/javascript' src='\"+{$varprefix}p);\n    document.write (\"" . MAX_commonConstructPartialDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['conversionjs']) . "\");\n    document.write (\"?trackerid={$trackerId}&amp;r=\"+{$varprefix}r+\"'><\" + \"\\/script>\");\n//]]>--></script><noscript>" . $this->_generateTrackerImageBeacon($trackerId) . "</noscript>";
     $buffer .= "\n";
     return $buffer;
     * Return invocation code for this plugin (codetype)
     * @return string
    function generateInvocationCode()
        $aComments = array('SSL Backup Comment' => "", 'SSL Delivery Comment' => "", 'Comment' => "");
        $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
        $mi =& $this->maxInvocation;
        $buffer = $mi->buffer;
        if (isset($mi->block) && $mi->block == '1') {
            $mi->parameters['block'] = "block=1";
        if (isset($mi->blockcampaign) && $mi->blockcampaign == '1') {
            $mi->parameters['blockcampaign'] = "blockcampaign=1";
        // The cachebuster for async tags isn't needed
        // Add ID
        $mi->parameters['id'] = 'id=' . md5("{$conf['webpath']['delivery']}*{$conf['webpath']['deliverySSL']}");
        // Remap as tag attributes with data-revive prefix
        $mi->parameters = array_map(function ($v) use($conf) {
            return preg_replace('#^(.*)=(.*)$#', 'data-' . $conf['var']['product'] . '-$1="$2"', $v);
        }, $mi->parameters);
        $buffer .= '<ins ' . join(' ', $mi->parameters) . '></ins>' . PHP_EOL;
        if ($conf['webpath']['delivery'] == $conf['webpath']['deliverySSL']) {
            // Yes, we can use the short version!
            $buffer .= '<script async src="' . MAX_commonConstructPartialDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['asyncjs']) . '"></script>';
        } else {
            // Bummer, we need the longer variant
            $url = array(MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['asyncjs']), MAX_commonConstructSecureDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['asyncjs']));
            $buffer .= <<<EOF
(function () {
  var d = document, s = d.createElement('script'), p = d.location.protocol,
      i = d.getElementsByTagName('ins'), j = i[i.length-1];
  try {
    s.src = p === 'http:' ? '{$url[0]}' :
    s.async = true; j.appendChild(s);
  } catch (e) {}
        return $buffer;
 function generateLayerCode(&$mi)
     $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
     global $align, $collapsetime, $padding, $closetext;
     $mi->parameters[] = 'layerstyle=geocities';
     $mi->parameters[] = 'align=' . (isset($align) ? $align : 'right');
     $mi->parameters[] = 'padding=' . (isset($padding) ? (int) $padding : '2');
     if (isset($closetext)) {
         $mi->parameters[] = 'closetext=' . urlencode($closetext);
     if (!empty($mi->charset)) {
         $mi->parameters[] = 'charset=' . urlencode($mi->charset);
     if (isset($collapsetime) && $collapsetime > 0) {
         $mi->parameters[] = 'collapsetime=' . $collapsetime;
     $scriptUrl = "http:" . MAX_commonConstructPartialDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['layer']);
     if (sizeof($mi->parameters) > 0) {
         $scriptUrl .= "?" . implode("&", $mi->parameters);
     $buffer = "<script type='text/javascript'><!--//<![CDATA[\n   var ox_u = '{$scriptUrl}';\n   if (document.context) ox_u += '&context=' + escape(document.context);\n   document.write(\"<scr\"+\"ipt type='text/javascript' src='\" + ox_u + \"'></scr\"+\"ipt>\");\n//]]>--></script>";
     return $buffer;
 function generateLayerCode(&$mi)
     $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
     global $ltr, $loop, $speed, $pause, $shiftv, $transparent, $backcolor;
     global $limited, $lmargin, $rmargin;
     if (!isset($limited)) {
         $limited = 'f';
     if ($limited == 't') {
         if (!isset($lmargin) || !isset($rmargin)) {
             $limited = 'f';
             $lmargin = $rmargin = '';
     if (!empty($mi->charset)) {
         $mi->parameters[] = 'charset=' . urlencode($mi->charset);
     $mi->parameters[] = 'layerstyle=floater';
     $mi->parameters[] = 'ltr=' . (isset($ltr) ? $ltr : 't');
     $mi->parameters[] = 'loop=' . (isset($loop) ? $loop : 'n');
     $mi->parameters[] = 'speed=' . (isset($speed) ? $speed : 3);
     $mi->parameters[] = 'pause=' . (isset($pause) ? $pause : 10);
     $mi->parameters[] = 'shiftv=' . (isset($shiftv) ? $shiftv : 0);
     $mi->parameters[] = 'transparent=' . (isset($transparent) ? $transparent : 't');
     if (!isset($transparent)) {
         $transparent = 't';
     if (!isset($backcolor)) {
         $backcolor = '#FFFFFF';
     if ($transparent != 't') {
         $mi->parameters[] = 'backcolor=' . urlencode($backcolor);
     $mi->parameters[] = 'limited=' . $limited;
     if ($limited == 't') {
         $mi->parameters[] = 'lmargin=' . $lmargin;
         $mi->parameters[] = 'rmargin=' . $rmargin;
     $scriptUrl = "http:" . MAX_commonConstructPartialDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['layer']);
     if (sizeof($mi->parameters) > 0) {
         $scriptUrl .= "?" . implode("&amp;", $mi->parameters);
     $buffer = "<script type='text/javascript'><!--//<![CDATA[\n   var ox_u = '{$scriptUrl}';\n   if (document.context) ox_u += '&context=' + escape(document.context);\n   document.write(\"<scr\"+\"ipt type='text/javascript' src='\" + ox_u + \"'></scr\"+\"ipt>\");\n//]]>--></script>";
     return $buffer;
Esempio n. 9
function OA_SPCGetJavaScript($affiliateid)
    $aConf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
    $varprefix = $aConf['var']['prefix'];
    $aZones = OA_cacheGetPublisherZones($affiliateid);
    foreach ($aZones as $zoneid => $aZone) {
        $zones[$aZone['type']][] = "            '" . addslashes($aZone['name']) . "' : {$zoneid}";
    $additionalParams = '';
    $magic_quotes_gpc = ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc');
    foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
        if ($key == 'id') {
        if ($magic_quotes_gpc) {
            $value = stripslashes($value);
        $additionalParams .= htmlspecialchars('&' . urlencode($key) . '=' . urlencode($value), ENT_QUOTES);
    $script = "\nif (typeof({$varprefix}zones) != 'undefined') {\nvar {$varprefix}zoneids = '';\nfor (var zonename in {$varprefix}zones) {$varprefix}zoneids += escape(zonename+'=' + {$varprefix}zones[zonename] + \"|\");\n{$varprefix}zoneids += '&amp;nz=1';\n} else {\nvar {$varprefix}zoneids = escape('" . implode('|', array_keys($aZones)) . "');\n}\nif (typeof({$varprefix}source) == 'undefined') { {$varprefix}source = ''; }\nvar {$varprefix}p=location.protocol=='https:'?'https:':'http:';\nvar {$varprefix}r=Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999);\n{$varprefix}output = new Array();\nvar {$varprefix}spc=\"<\"+\"script type='text/javascript' \";\n{$varprefix}spc+=\"src='\"+{$varprefix}p+\"" . MAX_commonConstructPartialDeliveryUrl($aConf['file']['singlepagecall']) . "?zones=\"+{$varprefix}zoneids;\n{$varprefix}spc+=\"&amp;source=\"+escape({$varprefix}source)+\"&amp;r=\"+{$varprefix}r;" . (!empty($additionalParams) ? "\n    {$varprefix}spc+=\"{$additionalParams}\";" : '') . "\n";
    if (empty($_GET['charset'])) {
        $script .= "{$varprefix}spc+=(document.charset ? '&amp;charset='+document.charset : (document.characterSet ? '&amp;charset='+document.characterSet : ''));\n";
    $script .= "\nif (window.location) {$varprefix}spc+=\"&amp;loc=\"+escape(window.location);\nif (document.referrer) {$varprefix}spc+=\"&amp;referer=\"+escape(document.referrer);\n{$varprefix}spc+=\"'><\"+\"/script>\";\ndocument.write({$varprefix}spc);\nfunction {$varprefix}show(name) {\nif (typeof({$varprefix}output[name]) == 'undefined') {\nreturn;\n} else {\ndocument.write({$varprefix}output[name]);\n}\n}\nfunction {$varprefix}showpop(name) {\nzones = window.{$varprefix}zones ? window.{$varprefix}zones : false;\nvar zoneid = name;\nif (typeof(window.{$varprefix}zones) != 'undefined') {\nif (typeof(zones[name]) == 'undefined') {\nreturn;\n}\nzoneid = zones[name];\n}\nvar {$varprefix}pop=\"<\"+\"script type='text/javascript' \";\n{$varprefix}pop+=\"src='\"+{$varprefix}p+\"" . MAX_commonConstructPartialDeliveryUrl($aConf['file']['popup']) . "?zoneid=\"+zoneid;\n{$varprefix}pop+=\"&amp;source=\"+escape({$varprefix}source)+\"&amp;r=\"+{$varprefix}r;" . (!empty($additionalParams) ? "\n        {$varprefix}spc+=\"{$additionalParams}\";" : '') . "\nif (window.location) {$varprefix}pop+=\"&amp;loc=\"+escape(window.location);\nif (document.referrer) {$varprefix}pop+=\"&amp;referer=\"+escape(document.referrer);\n{$varprefix}pop+=\"'><\"+\"/script>\";\ndocument.write({$varprefix}pop);\n}\n";
    // Add the FlashObject include to the SPC output
    $script .= MAX_javascriptToHTML(MAX_flashGetFlashObjectExternal(), $varprefix . 'fo');
    return $script;
 function generateLayerCode(&$mi)
     $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
     global $stickyness, $offsetx, $offsety, $hide, $transparancy, $delay, $trail;
     $mi->parameters[] = 'layerstyle=cursor';
     $mi->parameters[] = 'hide=' . $hide;
     $mi->parameters[] = 'trail=' . $trail;
     $mi->parameters[] = 'offsetx=' . $offsetx;
     $mi->parameters[] = 'offsety=' . $offsety;
     if (!empty($mi->charset)) {
         $mi->parameters[] = 'charset=' . urlencode($mi->charset);
     if ($trail == '1') {
         $mi->parameters[] = 'stickyness=' . $stickyness;
     if ($hide == '1') {
         $mi->parameters[] = 'transparancy=' . $transparancy;
         $mi->parameters[] = 'delay=' . $delay;
     $scriptUrl = "http:" . MAX_commonConstructPartialDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['layer']);
     if (sizeof($mi->parameters) > 0) {
         $scriptUrl .= "?" . implode("&", $mi->parameters);
     $buffer = "<script type='text/javascript'><!--//<![CDATA[\n   var ox_u = '{$scriptUrl}';\n   if (document.context) ox_u += '&context=' + escape(document.context);\n   document.write(\"<scr\"+\"ipt type='text/javascript' src='\" + ox_u + \"'></scr\"+\"ipt>\");\n//]]>--></script>";
     return $buffer;