Esempio n. 1
function build_conf(){
	$users=new usersMenus();
	if(!$users->cyrus_imapd_installed){return null;}
	if($users->ZARAFA_INSTALLED){return null;}
	if(!$users->spamassassin_installed){return null;}
	if(count($usersList)==0){return null;}
	$unix=new unix();
	$users_list=@implode(" ",$usersList);
	$sock=new sockets();
		$ldap=new clladp();
		while (list ($num, $ligne) = each ($domains) ){
		$domains_list=@implode(" ",$doms);
$l[]="# Configuration for sa-learn-cyrus";
$l[]="# hjb -- 2008-02-12";
$l[]="# -------------------------------------------------------";
$l[]="# global parameters";
$l[]="# Directory to store output of sa-learn and ipurge temporarily ";
$l[]="tmp_dir = /tmp";
$l[]="# To avoid race conditions, we use a lock file.";
$l[]="lock_file = /var/lock/sa-learn-cyrus.lock";
$l[]="# level of verbosity (0 .. 3)?";
$l[]="verbose	= 2";
$l[]="# Don't excute commands, show only what would be executed,";
$l[]="# Change this to 'no' after testing.";
$l[]="simulate = no";
$l[]="# -------------------------------------------------------";
$l[]="# Mailbox";
$l[]="# List of mailboxes/users which will be considered.";
$l[]="# If this list is empty all mailboxes will be searched.";
$l[]="include_list = '$users_list'";
$l[]="# If include_list is empty, only mailboxes matching this pattern will be considered";
$l[]="include_regexp = '.*'";
$l[]="# List of mailboxes/users which will be ignored";
$l[]="exclude_list = ''";
$l[]="# If exclude_list is empty, mailboxes matching this pattern will be ignored";
$l[]="exclude_regexp = ''";
$l[]="# Spam folder relative to INBOX (cyrus nomenclature: e.g. 'junk.Spam')";
$l[]="spam_folder = 'Junk'";
$l[]="# Ham folder relative to INBOX (cyrus nomenclature: e.g. 'junk.Ham')";
$l[]="ham_folder = 'Ham'";
$l[]="# Remove spam after feeding it to SA";
$l[]="remove_spam = yes";
$l[]="# Remove ham after feeding it to SA";
$l[]="remove_ham = no";
$l[]="# -------------------------------------------------------";
$l[]="# Spamassassin";
$l[]="# Path with system-wide SA preferences";
$l[]="site_config_path = /etc/spamassassin";
$l[]="# SA configuration file";
$l[]="prefs_file = /etc/spamassassin/";
$l[]="# Path to sa-learn";
$l[]="learn_cmd = $salearn";
$l[]="# SA user and group";
$l[]="user = root";
$l[]="group = root";
$l[]="# run sa-learn in debug mode (useful to examine problems)";
$l[]="debug = no";
$l[]="# -------------------------------------------------------";
$l[]="# IMAP";
$l[]="# Base directory of IMAP spool (below that mailboxes are located)";
$l[]="base_dir = $users->cyr_partition_default";
$l[]="# If base_dir has subdivisions with initial letters of mailbox names";
$l[]="# set initial_letter = yes (default), otherwise choose no.";
$l[]="# Example for joe's mailbox:";
$l[]="#   yes: <base_dir>/j/user/joe/";
$l[]="#    no: <base_dir>/user/joe/";
$l[]="initial_letter = yes";
$l[]="# If your cyrus spool uses domain hierarchy give a list of domains";
$l[]="# Example for mailbox and";
$l[]="#   <base_dir>/domain/b/";
$l[]="#   <base_dir>/domain/f/";
$l[]="# domains =";
$l[]="# If you don't use Cyrus's domain support leave the entry empty.";
$l[]="# The initial_letter option (see above) is applied to domains, too.    ";
$l[]="domains = '$domains_list'";
$l[]="# Choose 'unixhierarchysep = yes' if Cyrus is configured to accept usernames";
$l[]="# like 'hans.mueller.somedomain.tld'";
$l[]="unixhierarchysep = yes";
$l[]="# imap command to purge mail messages";
$l[]="purge_cmd = $ipurge";
$l[]="# Cyrus-IMAPd user";
$l[]="user = cyrus";
system(LOCATE_PHP5_BIN2()." ".dirname(__FILE__)."/exec.spamassassin.php");
Esempio n. 2
<table width="100%" height="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr><td background="" valign="top" align="left" height="32"> </td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top" width="100%" height="100%">
	<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="100%">
	<tr><td valign="top" align="left" height="100%" width=80> </td>
	<td valign="top" height="100%">
<center><img src="" border=0></center>
require_once "../../common/session.php";
require_once "../../mysql.php";
require_once "../../setup.php";
require_once "../../common/tome_of_power.php";
$realpath = ereg_replace('.*/([^/]+)/register/biglist.php$', 'chat\\1', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != '' && strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '')) {
    $realpath = preg_replace('/(.*?)\\.pjj\\.cc/is', 'chat\\1', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
if (!CheckFlags('1', $_SESSION[$realpath]['flags'])) {
    die('Only registered members of the chat may view this page, and you have to be logged in to the chat itself.');
ListUsers($_REQUEST['faction'], $_REQUEST['sort']);
<center><img src="" border=0></center>
	<td valign="top" align="right" height="100%" width=80> </td></tr>
<tr><td background="" align="center" valign="bottom" height="32"> </td></tr>