Esempio n. 1
function JB_echo_cat_seo_fields($id, $url, $fname, $title, $desc, $keys, $dir_name)
    //$url = urldecode($url);
    preg_match("#/([^/]+)\$#D", urldecode($url), $m);
    $matched_file_name = $m[1];
    if (!JB_get_cat_id_from_url($matched_file_name, $form_id = 1)) {
        $amb = true;
        // the url is ambiguous
        echo " <font color='red'>{$url} [Warning: ambiguous filename, please choose a unique filename below]</font> ";
    } else {
        $amb = false;
    if ($fname == '') {
        $fname = $matched_file_name;
    $fname = JB_utf8_to_html($fname);

	<b>Path / File:</b> <?php 
<input name='file_<?php 
    echo $id;
' size='40' <?php 
    if ($amb) {
        echo ' style="background-color:#FCDEC9;" ';
 type='text' value="<?php 
    echo jb_escape_html($fname);
	<b>Title:</b> <input name='title_<?php 
    echo $id;
' size='80' type='text' value="<?php 
    echo jb_escape_html($title);
	<b>Description:</b> <input name='desc_<?php 
    echo $id;
' size='80' type='text' value="<?php 
    echo jb_escape_html($desc);
	<b>Keywords:</b> <input name="keys_<?php 
    echo $id;
" size='80' type='text' value="<?php 
    echo jb_escape_html($keys);

Esempio n. 2

index.php is the main page. It displays the home page.
When an employer link is clicked, it displays the employers profile and all jobs posted by that employer
When a category is clicked, it displays a categoy sub-tree and all jobs posted to that branch.
When a user does a search for the posts, or uses the <-Prev Next-> links
See the JBPages class in include/classes/pages.php for more info

Note - All language strings are available in the $label array. To edit the language strings,
Please use the Language Editing tool in the Admin (Languages page)
# Mod Rewrite
// process mod_rewrite for categories
if (isset($_REQUEST['cat_name']) && $_REQUEST['cat_name'] != '') {
    $_REQUEST['cat'] = JB_get_cat_id_from_url($_REQUEST['cat_name']);
// process mod_rewrite for job posts
if (isset($_REQUEST['post_permalink'])) {
// process mod_rewrite for employer profiles
if (JB_PRO_MOD_REWRITE == 'YES' && isset($_REQUEST['show_emp'])) {
// proces urls with page numbers
if (isset($_REQUEST['job_page_link'])) {
    $_REQUEST['offset'] = JB_POSTS_PER_PAGE * $_REQUEST['job_page_link'] - JB_POSTS_PER_PAGE;
# End Mod Rewrite