Esempio n. 1
include 'functions.php';
$message = array();
/*message to be returned*/
$gameId = $_POST['gameId'];
/*the game being played */
$itemId = $_POST['item'];
/*the item to bwe used */
$targetId = $_POST['target'];
/*get the target the item is to be used on*/
/*ip address of user */
$userId = GetIdFromConnections($ip);
/*get user id associated with this ip*/
/*Step 1 verify user is in game*/
if (IsPlayerInGame($gameId, $userId) == true) {
    /*Step 2 verify item is accoitated with
    		user and has not been used*/
    if (UserHasActiveItem($userId, $itemId, $gameId) == true) {
        /*Step 3 get distance between the user and the target,
        		verify it is less than the range of the item*/
        if (IsTargetInRange($userId, $itemId, $targetId, $gameId) == true) {
            /*Step 4 set the item acitve to 
            		false to indicate it has been used*/
            /*Step5 check if target has protection item and use*/
            if (UseProtection($targetId, $gameId) == false) {
                /*Step 6 reduce the targets gold*/
                $stealGold = GetItemsTheftAmount($itemId);
                /*get items gold theft value*/
                $targetsGold = GetPlayersGold($gameId, $targetId);
Esempio n. 2
function AddPlayerToGame($gameId, $userId, $iconId)
    /*check if player currently in game*/
    if (IsPlayerInGame($gameId, $userId) === false) {
        $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO game_players (GameId, PlayerId , Gold ,Lat ,Lng ,Alive,PlayerIcon) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ( %d, %d , 0 ,0 , 0, 1 ,%d)", $gameId, $userId, $iconId);