function GetBipot2($pmb, $bipotid, &$total) { global $_lf; $s0 = "select b2.*, bn.Nama, bn.DefJumlah, bn.DefBesar, bn.Diskon\r\n from bipot2 b2\r\n left outer join bipotnama bn on b2.BIPOTNamaID=bn.BIPOTNamaID\r\n where b2.BIPOTID='{$bipotid}' and b2.SaatID=1\r\n and INSTR(b2.StatusAwalID, '.{$pmb['StatusAwalID']}.')>0\r\n order by b2.Prioritas"; $r0 = _query($s0); $thn = substr($w['PMBID'], 0, 4); $a = ''; $n = 0; $total = 0; while ($w0 = _fetch_array($r0)) { if ($w0['Jumlah'] == 0) { } elseif ($w0['GunakanGradeNilai'] == 'Y') { if (strpos($w0['GradeNilai'], ".{$pmb['GradeNilai']}.") === false) { } else { $n++; $a .= InsertBIPOT($n, $w0, $tot, $bipotid, $pmb); $total += $tot; } } else { $n++; $a .= InsertBIPOT($n, $w0, $tot, $bipotid, $pmb); $total += $tot; } } $strtotal = str_pad(' ', 57, ' ') . str_pad('-', 15, '-') . $_lf; $strtotal .= str_pad('Total :', 57, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad(number_format($total), 15, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT); return number_format($total); }
function GetBipot2($bipotid, &$total) { global $_lf; $s0 = "select b2.*, bn.Nama, bn.DefJumlah, bn.DefBesar, bn.Diskon\r\n from bipot2 b2\r\n left outer join bipotnama bn on b2.BIPOTNamaID=bn.BIPOTNamaID\r\n where b2.BIPOTID='{$bipotid}' and b2.SaatID=1\r\n and INSTR(b2.StatusAwalID, '.S.')>0\r\n and b2.NA='N'\r\n order by b2.Prioritas"; $r0 = _query($s0); $thn = substr($w['PMBID'], 0, 4); $a = ''; $n = 0; $total = 0; while ($w0 = _fetch_array($r0)) { $n++; $a .= InsertBIPOT($n, $w0, $tot, $bipotid); $total += $tot; } $strtotal = str_pad(' ', 57, ' ') . str_pad('-', 15, '-') . $_lf; $strtotal .= str_pad('Total :', 57, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad(number_format($total), 15, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT); return $a . $strtotal; }
function CekBIPOT($w) { $s0 = "select b2.*, bn.Nama\r\n from bipot2 b2\r\n left outer join bipotnama bn on b2.BIPOTNamaID=bn.BIPOTNamaID\r\n where b2.BIPOTID='{$w['BIPOTID']}' and b2.SaatID=1 \r\n and b2.NA='N' and b2.Otomatis='Y'\r\n and INSTR(b2.StatusAwalID, '.{$w['StatusAwalID']}.')>0\r\n order by b2.Prioritas"; $r0 = _query($s0); $thn = $w['PMBPeriodID']; while ($w0 = _fetch_array($r0)) { $sdh = GetFields('bipotmhsw', "PMBMhswID=0 and TahunID='{$thn}' and PMBID='{$w['PMBID']}' and BIPOT2ID", $w0['BIPOT2ID'], "*"); if ($w0['GunakanScript'] == 'Y') { $khs = array(); $khs['TahunID'] = $thn; $khs['Sesi'] = 1; InsertBIPOTScript1($w, $khs, $w0, $sdh); } else { if (empty($sdh)) { $ada = GetFields('bipotmhsw', "PMBID = '{$w['PMBID']}' and BipotNamaID", $w0['BipotNamaID'], '*'); if (empty($ada)) { if ($w0['GunakanGradeNilai'] == 'Y') { if (strpos($w0['GradeNilai'], ".{$w['GradeNilai']}.") === false) { } else { InsertBIPOT($w, $w0); } } else { InsertBIPOT($w, $w0); } } else { $s1 = "update bipotmhsw set Besar='{$w0['Jumlah']}', Bipot2ID = '{$w0['BIPOT2ID']}', LoginEdit='{$_SESSION['_Login']}', TanggalEdit=now() where BIPOTMhswID='{$ada['BIPOTMhswID']}'"; $r1 = _query($s1); } } } } $byr = GetaField('bayarmhsw', "TrxID=1 and TahunID='{$thn}' and PMBID", $w['PMBID'], "sum(Jumlah)") + 0; if ($byr != 0) { //ProsesBipotMhswPMB($byr, $w['PMBID'], $thn); } // update total biaya $TOTBIA = GetaField('bipotmhsw', "PMBMhswID=0 and TahunID='0' and PMBID", $w['PMBID'], "sum(Jumlah*Besar)") + 0; $sbi = "update pmb set TotalBiayaMhsw={$TOTBIA} where PMBID='{$w['PMBID']}' "; $rbi = _query($sbi); }