function Layout() { global $link,$locsep,$resmsg; global $xm,$ym,$xo,$yo,$len,$geo,$ina,$flt,$lev,$ipi; global $mapbg,$rloc,$cloc,$bloc; $net = array(); # Gather Device Info if($ina == "vlan"){ $query = GenQuery('vlans','g','device','device','',array('vlanid'),array('regexp'),array($flt)); $res = @DbQuery($query,$link); if($res){ while( ($vl = @DbFetchRow($res)) ){ $devs[] = preg_replace('/([\^\$+])/','\\\\\\\\$1',$vl[0]); # \Q...\E Doesn't seem to work in MySQL? } @DbFreeResult($res); }else{ echo @DbError($link); } if (! is_array ($devs) ){echo $resmsg;die;} $query = GenQuery('devices','s','name,ip,location,icon','','',array('name'),array('regexp'),array(implode("|",$devs))); }elseif($ina == "network"){ $query = GenQuery('networks','g','device','device','',array('ip'),array('='),array($flt)); $res = @DbQuery($query,$link); if($res){ while( ($net = @DbFetchRow($res)) ){ $devs[] = preg_replace('/([\^\$\*\+])/','\\\\\\\\$1',$net[0]); } @DbFreeResult($res); }else{ echo @DbError($link); } if (! is_array ($devs) ){echo $resmsg;die;} $query = GenQuery('devices','s','name,ip,location,icon','','',array('name'),array('regexp'),array(implode("|",$devs))); }elseif($ina == "type"){ $query = GenQuery('devices','s','name,ip,location,icon','','',array('type'),array('regexp'),array($flt)); }else{ $query = GenQuery('devices','s','name,ip,location,icon','','',array('location'),array('regexp'),array($flt)); } $res = @DbQuery($query,$link); if($res){ while( ($d = @DbFetchRow($res)) ){ $l = explode($locsep, $d[2]); if($lev == "c" or $lev == "C"){ $locs[$l[0]][$l[1]]++; }elseif($lev == "b" or $lev == "B"){ $locs[$l[0]][$l[1]][$l[2]]++; }else{ $locs[$l[0]][$l[1]][$l[2]][$l[3]][] = $d[0]; } $dev['ip'] [$d[0]] = long2ip($d[1]); $dev['ic'] [$d[0]] = $d[3]; $dev['reg'][$d[0]] = $l[0]; $dev['cty'][$d[0]] = $l[1]; $dev['bld'][$d[0]] = $l[2]; $dev['rom'][$d[0]] = $l[4]; } @DbFreeResult($res); }else{ echo @DbError($link); } if($ipi){ $query = GenQuery('networks'); $res = @DbQuery($query,$link); if($res){ while( ($n = @DbFetchRow($res)) ){ $net[$n[0]][$n[1]] .= " ". long2ip($n[2]); } }else{ echo @DbError($link); } @DbFreeResult($res); } # Gather Link Info $query = GenQuery('links'); $res = @DbQuery($query,$link); if($res){ while( ($l = @DbFetchRow($res)) ){ if($dev[$l[1]]['ic'] and $dev[$l[3]]['ic']){ # both ends are ok, if an icon exists if($lev == "f"){ if( isset($devlink[$l[3]][$l[1]]) ){ # opposite link doesn't exist? $devlink[$l[3]][$l[1]]['nbw'][$l[3]][$l[4]][$l[1]][$l[2]] = $l[5]; }else{ $devlink[$l[1]][$l[3]]['bw'][$l[1]][$l[2]][$l[3]][$l[4]] = $l[5]; } } if($dev[$l[1]]['bld'] != $dev[$l[3]]['bld']) { # is it same bld? $nbldlink[$dev[$l[1]]['bld']] ++; $abldlink[$dev[$l[1]]['bld']][$dev[$l[3]]['bld']]++; # needed for Arranging. if(isset($bldlink[$dev[$l[3]]['bld']][$dev[$l[1]]['bld']]) ){ # link defined already? $bldlink[$dev[$l[3]]['bld']][$dev[$l[1]]['bld']]['nbw'][$l[3]][$l[4]][$l[1]][$l[2]] = $l[5]; }else{ $bldlink[$dev[$l[1]]['bld']][$dev[$l[3]]['bld']]['bw'][$l[1]][$l[2]][$l[3]][$l[4]] = $l[5]; } } if($dev[$l[1]]['cty'] != $dev[$l[3]]['cty']){ # is it same cty? $nctylink[$dev[$l[1]]['cty']]++; $actylink[$dev[$l[1]]['cty']][$dev[$l[3]]['cty']]++; # needed for Arranging. if(isset($ctylink[$dev[$l[3]]['cty']][$dev[$l[1]]['cty']]) ){ # link defined already? $ctylink[$dev[$l[3]]['cty']][$dev[$l[1]]['cty']]['nbw'][$l[3]][$l[4]][$l[1]][$l[2]] = $l[5]; }else{ $ctylink[$dev[$l[1]]['cty']][$dev[$l[3]]['cty']]['bw'][$l[1]][$l[2]][$l[3]][$l[4]] = $l[5]; } } } } @DbFreeResult($res); }else{ echo @DbError($link); } # Prepare geographic stuff $mapinfo = ""; $mapframes = ""; $maplinks = ""; $mapitems = ""; if ($geo) { if(count($cdev) == 1){ $rk = array_keys($cdev); if(count($cdev[$rk[0]]) == 1){ $ck = array_keys($cdev[$rk[0]]); $mapbg = TopoMap($rk[0],$ck[0]); }else{ $mapbg = TopoMap($rk[0]); } }else{ $mapbg = TopoMap(); } $bg = Imagecreatefrompng("log/$mapbg"); $xm = Imagesx($bg); $ym = Imagesy($bg); Imagedestroy($bg); $query = GenQuery('locations'); $res = @DbQuery($query,$link); if($res){ while( ($l = @DbFetchRow($res)) ){ if($l[3]){ if( $mapbg == TopoMap($l[1],$l[2]) ){ $bloc[$l[3]] = $l[4]; $bloc[$l[3]] = $l[5]; } }elseif($l[2]){ if($mapbg == TopoMap($l[1]) ){ $cloc[$l[2]] = $l[4]; $cloc[$l[2]] = $l[5]; } }else{ $rloc[$l[1]] = $l[4]; $rloc[$l[1]] = $l[5]; } } @DbFreeResult($res); }else{ echo @DbError($link); } } # Build Layout Drawlevel($locs,(intval($xm/2) + $xo), (intval($ym/2) + $yo),$len ); }
function Map() { global $link, $lev, $fco, $xm, $ym, $xo, $yo, $csi, $bsi, $fsi, $cro, $bro, $cwt, $loi, $bwt, $dev, $ndev, $bdev, $cdev; global $devlink, $ctylink, $bldlink, $rdevlink, $rctylink, $rbldlink, $nctylink, $nbldlink, $imgmap; global $geo, $xbl, $ybl, $xct, $yct, $mapbg, $mapinfo, $mapframes, $maplinks, $mapitems, $locsep; $mapinfo = ""; $mapframes = ""; $maplinks = ""; $mapitems = ""; $ctyscalx = 1.3; $ctyscaly = 1; $nreg = count($rdev); $ncty = count($cdev); if ($nreg == 1) { $rk = array_keys($rdev); if ($ncty == 1) { $ctyscalx = 0; $ctyscaly = 0; $ck = array_keys($rdev[$rk[0]]); $mapbg = TopoMap($rk[0], $ck[0]); } else { $mapbg = TopoMap($rk[0]); } } else { $mapbg = TopoMap(); } if ($geo) { $bg = Imagecreatefrompng("log/{$mapbg}"); $xm = Imagesx($bg); $ym = Imagesy($bg); Imagedestroy($bg); $query = GenQuery('locations'); $res = @DbQuery($query, $link); if ($res) { while ($l = @DbFetchRow($res)) { if ($l[3]) { if ($mapbg == TopoMap($l[1], $l[2])) { $xbl["{$l['1']}{$locsep}{$l['2']}"][$l[3]] = $l[4]; $ybl["{$l['1']}{$locsep}{$l['2']}"][$l[3]] = $l[5]; } } elseif ($l[2]) { if ($mapbg == TopoMap($l[1])) { $xct["{$l['1']}{$locsep}{$l['2']}"] = $l[4]; $yct["{$l['1']}{$locsep}{$l['2']}"] = $l[5]; } } else { $xrg[$l[1]] = $l[4]; $yrg[$l[1]] = $l[5]; } } @DbFreeResult($res); } else { echo @DbError($link); } } $ctynum = 0; ksort($cdev); foreach (Arrange($cdev, "c") as $cty) { $ctynum++; $nbld = count($ndev[$cty]); $ncl = $nctylink[$cty] ? $nctylink[$cty] : 1; $l = explode($locsep, $cty); if (!(isset($xct[$cty]) and isset($yct[$cty]))) { $phi = $cro * M_PI / 180 + 2 * $ctynum * M_PI / $ncty; $ctywght = pow($ncl, $cwt / 10); $xct[$cty] = intval(intval($xm / 2) + $xo + $csi * cos($phi) * $ctyscalx / $ctywght); $yct[$cty] = intval(intval($ym / 2) + $yo + $csi * sin($phi) * $ctyscaly / $ctywght); } if ($lev == "c" or $lev == "C") { $mapitems .= Drawitem($xct[$cty], $yct[$cty], $cdev[$cty], $l[1], $lev); $area = $xct[$cty] - 20 . "," . ($yct[$cty] - 20) . "," . ($xct[$cty] + 20) . "," . ($yct[$cty] + 20); $imgmap .= "<area href=?flt=" . rawurlencode($cty) . "&lev=b&loi=1&draw=1 coords=\"{$area}\" shape=rect title=\"Show {$nbld} buildings\">\n"; } else { if ($nbld == 1) { $bldscalx = 0; $bldscaly = 0; } else { $bldscalx = 1.3; $bldscaly = 1; if ($loi) { $mapinfo .= Drawitem($xct[$cty], $yct[$cty], '0', "{$l['1']} {$l['0']}", 'ci'); } } $bldnum = 0; foreach (Arrange($ndev[$cty], "b") as $bld) { $bldnum++; $nbl = $nbldlink[$bld] ? $nbldlink[$bld] : 1; if (!(isset($xbl[$bld]) and isset($ybl[$bld]))) { $eps = $bro * M_PI / 180 + 2 * $bldnum * M_PI / $nbld; $bldwght = pow($nbl, $bwt / 10); $xbl[$bld] = intval($xct[$cty] + $bsi * cos($eps) * $bldscalx / $bldwght); $ybl[$bld] = intval($yct[$cty] + $bsi * sin($eps) * $bldscaly / $bldwght); } if ($lev == "b" or $lev == "B") { $mapitems .= Drawitem($xbl[$bld], $ybl[$bld], $bdev[$cty][$bld], $bld, $lev); $area = $xbl[$bld] - 20 . "," . ($ybl[$bld] - 20) . "," . ($xbl[$bld] + 20) . "," . ($ybl[$bld] + 20); $imgmap .= "<area href=?flt=" . rawurlencode($bld) . "&lev=f&loi=1&ipi=1&draw=1 coords=\"{$area}\" shape=rect title=\"Show " . $bdev[$cty][$bld] . " devices\">\n"; } else { $cury = $rows = 0; $cols = 1; foreach (array_keys($ndev[$cty][$bld]) as $flr) { # Determine building size $cols = max(count($ndev[$cty][$bld][$flr]), $cols); # find max cols if ($cols > $fco) { # Break row, if > Floor columns $rrow = ceil($cols / $fco); # How many rows result? $rows += $rrow; $cols = $fco; } else { $rows++; } } $woff = intval($fsi * ($cols - 1) / 2); $hoff = intval($fsi * ($rows - 1) / 2); $mapframes .= Drawbox($xbl[$bld] - $woff - intval($fsi / 2) - 10, $ybl[$bld] - $hoff - intval($fsi / 2), $xbl[$bld] + $woff + intval($fsi / 2), $ybl[$bld] + $hoff + intval($fsi / 2), $bld); uksort($ndev[$cty][$bld], "Floorsort"); foreach (array_keys($ndev[$cty][$bld]) as $flr) { $mapitems .= Drawitem($xbl[$bld] - $woff - intval($fsi / 2), $ybl[$bld] - $hoff + $cury * $fsi, 0, $flr, 'fl'); usort($ndev[$cty][$bld][$flr], "Roomsort"); $curx = 0; foreach ($ndev[$cty][$bld][$flr] as $dv) { $xd[$dv] = $xbl[$bld] - $woff + $curx * $fsi; $yd[$dv] = $ybl[$bld] - $hoff + $cury * $fsi; $mapitems .= Drawitem($xd[$dv], $yd[$dv], '0', $dv, 'd'); $area = $xd[$dv] - 20 . "," . ($yd[$dv] - 20) . "," . ($xd[$dv] + 20) . "," . ($yd[$dv] + 20); $imgmap .= "<area href=Devices-Status.php?dev=" . rawurlencode($dv) . " coords=\"{$area}\" shape=rect title=\"Show {$dv} Status\">\n"; $curx++; if ($curx == $fco) { $curx = 0; $cury++; } } $cury++; } } } } } if ($lev == "c" or $lev == "C") { # Draw links after we set all coordinates foreach (array_keys($ctylink) as $ctyl) { foreach (array_keys($ctylink[$ctyl]) as $ctyn) { $mylink = Drawlink($xct[$ctyl], $yct[$ctyl], $xct[$ctyn], $yct[$ctyn], $ctylink[$ctyl][$ctyn]); $maplinks .= $mylink[0]; $mapitems .= $mylink[1]; } } } elseif ($lev == "b" or $lev == "B") { foreach (array_keys($bldlink) as $bldl) { foreach (array_keys($bldlink[$bldl]) as $bldn) { $mylink = Drawlink($xbl[$bldl], $ybl[$bldl], $xbl[$bldn], $ybl[$bldn], $bldlink[$bldl][$bldn]); $maplinks .= $mylink[0]; $mapitems .= $mylink[1]; } } } elseif ($lev == "f") { foreach (array_keys($devlink) as $devl) { foreach (array_keys($devlink[$devl]) as $devn) { $mylink = Drawlink($xd[$devl] - 8, $yd[$devl] - 4, $xd[$devn] - 8, $yd[$devn] - 4, $devlink[$devl][$devn]); $maplinks .= $mylink[0]; $mapitems .= $mylink[1]; } } } }