print $baris[0];
?')) return false;">[hapus]</a>
        echo "</center>\r\n                                </td>\r\n                                <td>" . substr($baris[0], 0, 10) . "</td>\r\n                                <td>{$baris['5']}</td>\r\n                                <td>{$baris['3']}</td>\r\n                                <td>" . formatDuit($baris[4]) . "</td>\r\n                           </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data Detail masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" tindakan ", " id ='" . $_GET['id'] . "' and tgl ='" . $_GET['tgl'] . "' and tnd ='" . $_GET['tnd'] . "' and nm_pasien ='" . str_replace("_", " ", $_GET['nm_pasien']) . "'", "?act=InputTindakanSpesialis&action=TAMBAH&id={$id}");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    $hasil1 = bukaquery("select tindakan.tgl,\r\n              ,\r\n                        tindakan.tnd,\r\n                        master_tindakan.nama,\r\n              ,\r\n                        tindakan.nm_pasien,\r\n                        tindakan.kamar,\r\n                        tindakan.diagnosa,\r\n                        tindakan.jmlh\r\n                        from tindakan inner join master_tindakan\r\n                        where and'{$id}'\r\n\t\t\tand tgl like '%" . $tahun . "-" . $bulan . "%' ORDER BY tgl ASC");
    $jumlah1 = mysql_num_rows($hasil1);
    $i = $jumlah1 / 19;
    $i = ceil($i);
    echo "Data : {$jumlah}, Ttl.JM : " . formatDuit($ttljms) . " <a target=_blank href=/penggajian/pages/tindakan/laporandetailtindakandokter.php?&id={$id}>| Laporan |</a>  ";


Esempio n. 2
" onClick="if (!confirm('Anda yakin menghapus data status kerja <?php 
        print $baris[1];
?')) return false;">[hapus]</a>
        echo "</center>\r\n                               </td>\r\n                                <td>{$baris['0']}</td>\r\n                                <td>{$baris['1']}</td>                                \r\n                             </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data Status WP masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" stts_wp ", " stts ='" . $_GET['stts'] . "' ", "?act=ListSttswp");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    $hasil1 = bukaquery("SELECT stts,ktg FROM stts_wp ORDER BY stts ASC");
    $jumlah1 = mysql_num_rows($hasil1);
    $i = $jumlah1 / 19;
    $i = ceil($i);
    echo "<br/>Data : {$jumlah} ";
" onClick="if (!confirm('Anda yakin menghapus data pegawai <?php 
        print $baris[1];
?')) return false;">[hapus]</a>
        echo "       </center>\r\n                                </td>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n                                 <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['1']}</a></td>\r\n                                 <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['2']}</a></td>\r\n                                 <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['3']}</a></td>\r\n                                 <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['4']}</a></td>\r\n                                 <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['5']}</a></td>\r\n                                 <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['6']}</a></td>\r\n                                 <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['7']}</a></td>\r\n                                 <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['8']}</a></td>\r\n                                 <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['9']}</a></td>\r\n                                 <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['10']}</a></td>\r\n                                 <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['11']}</a></td>\r\n                                  <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['13']}</a></td>\r\n                                  <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['14']}</a></td>\r\n                                  <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['15']}</a></td>\r\n\t\t\t\t  <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['16']}</a></td>\r\n                                  <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['17']}</a></td>\r\n                                  <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['18']}</a></td>\r\n                                  <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['19']}</a></td>\r\n                                  <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['20']}</a></td>\r\n                                  <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['21']}</a></td>\r\n                                  <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['22']}</a></td>\r\n                                  <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$jmlmsk}</a></td>\r\n                                  <td><a href=?act=InputPegawai&action=UBAH&id={$baris['0']}>{$baris['24']}</a></td>\r\n                               </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data Pegawai masih kosong !</b>";

if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" pegawai ", " id ='" . $_GET['id'] . "' ", "?act=ListCariPegawai");
$BtnPrint = $_POST['BtnPrint'];
if (isset($BtnPrint)) {
    echo "<html><head><title></title><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2;pages/pegawai/LaporanPegawai.php?&keyword={$keyword}'></head><body></body></html>";


if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    $hasil1 = bukaquery("select id,nik,nama,jk,jbtn,jnj_jabatan,departemen,bidang,stts_wp,stts_kerja,\r\n                 npwp, pendidikan, gapok,tmp_lahir,tgl_lahir,alamat,kota,mulai_kerja,ms_kerja,\r\n                 indexins,bpd,rekening,stts_aktif,wajibmasuk,mulai_kontrak from pegawai\r\n                 where\r\n                 nik like '%" . $keyword . "%' or\r\n                 nama like '%" . $keyword . "%' or\r\n                 jk like '%" . $keyword . "%' or\r\n                 jbtn like '%" . $keyword . "%' or\r\n                 jnj_jabatan like '%" . $keyword . "%' or\r\n                 departemen like '%" . $keyword . "%' or\r\n                 bidang like '%" . $keyword . "%' or\r\n                 stts_wp like '%" . $keyword . "%' or\r\n                 stts_kerja like '%" . $keyword . "%' or\r\n                 npwp like '%" . $keyword . "%' or\r\n                 pendidikan like '%" . $keyword . "%' or\r\n                 gapok like '%" . $keyword . "%' or\r\n                 tmp_lahir like '%" . $keyword . "%' or\r\n                 tgl_lahir like '%" . $keyword . "%' or\r\n                 alamat like '%" . $keyword . "%' or\r\n                 kota like '%" . $keyword . "%' or\r\n                 mulai_kerja like '%" . $keyword . "%' or\r\n                 ms_kerja like '%" . $keyword . "%' or\r\n                 indexins like '%" . $keyword . "%' or\r\n                 bpd like '%" . $keyword . "%' or\r\n                 rekening like '%" . $keyword . "%' or\r\n                 stts_aktif like '%" . $keyword . "%'\r\n                 order by id ASC");
    $jumlah1 = mysql_num_rows($hasil1);
Esempio n. 4
        echo "</center>\r\n                               </td>\r\n                                <td>{$baris['1']}</td>\r\n                                <td>{$baris['2']}%</td>\r\n                                <td>" . formatDuit($bagiankry) . "</td>\r\n                             </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data Bagian Karyawan masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUSAKTE") {
    Hapus(" set_akte  ", " pendapatan_akte ='" . $_GET['pendapatan_akte'] . "' and tahun='{$tahun}' and bulan='{$bulan}' ", "?act=ListAkte");
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUSPENERIMA") {
    Hapus(" pembagian_akte ", " id ='" . $_GET['id'] . "'", "?act=ListAkte");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    echo "<br/>Data : {$jumlah}, Ttl Prosen : " . $prosen . "%, Ttl Bagian : " . formatDuit($ttl);

        print $baris[2];
?')) return false;">[hapus]</a>
        echo "</center>\n                                </td>\n                                <td>{$baris['2']}</td>\n                                <td>{$baris['3']}</td>\n                                <td>{$baris['4']}</td>\n                           </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data ketidakhadiran masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" ketidakhadiran", " id ='" . $_GET['id'] . "' and tgl ='" . $_GET['tgl'] . "' and jns ='" . $_GET['jns'] . "'", "?act=InputTidakHadir&action=TAMBAH&id={$id}");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    $hasil1 = bukaquery("SELECT tgl,id,jns,ktg,jml\n                        from ketidakhadiran where id='{$id}'\n\t\t\t     and tgl like '%" . $tahun . "-" . $bulan . "%' ORDER BY tgl ASC ");
    $jumlah1 = mysql_num_rows($hasil1);
    $i = $jumlah1 / 19;
    $i = ceil($i);
    echo "Data : {$jumlah}, A : " . $ttla . " , S : " . $ttls . ", C : " . $ttlc . ", I : " . $ttli . " ";


        print $baris[1];
?')) return false;">[hapus]</a>
        echo "</center>\n                                </td>\n                                <td>{$baris['1']}</td>\n                                <td>" . formatDuit($baris[2]) . "</td>\n                                <td>{$baris['3']}</td>\n                           </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data master tindakan masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" master_tindakan ", " id ='" . $_GET['id'] . "' ", "?act=DetailTindakanRj&action=TAMBAH&nama={$nama}");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    $hasil1 = bukaquery("SELECT id,nama,jm from master_tindakan ORDER BY nama ASC ");
    $jumlah1 = mysql_num_rows($hasil1);
    $i = $jumlah1 / 19;
    $i = ceil($i);
    echo " Data : {$jumlah} ";


        print $baris[3];
" onClick="if (!confirm('Anda yakin menghapus data ini ?')) return false;">[hapus]</a>
        echo "</center>\n                                </td>\n                                <td>" . formatDuit($baris[3]) . "</td>\n                                <td>{$baris['4']}</td>\n                           </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data jasa lain masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" jasa_lain ", " id ='" . $_GET['id'] . "' and thn ='" . $_GET['thn'] . "'\n                       and bln ='" . $_GET['bln'] . "' and bsr_jasa ='" . $_GET['bsr_jasa'] . "'", "?act=InputJasaLain&action=TAMBAH&id={$id}");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    $hasil1 = bukaquery("SELECT thn, bln, id, bsr_jasa, ktg\n                        from jasa_lain  where id='{$id}'\n\t\t\tand thn='" . $tahun . "' and bln='" . $bulan . "' ORDER BY bsr_jasa ASC ");
    $jumlah1 = mysql_num_rows($hasil1);
    $i = $jumlah1 / 19;
    $i = ceil($i);
    echo "Data : {$jumlah} ";


Esempio n. 8
 dengan pangkat <?php 
        print $baris[1];
 ? ')) return false;">hapus</a>
        echo "       </center>\r\n                                   </td>\r\n                               </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data riwayat pangkat masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" pangkat_pegawai ", " nip ='" . $_GET['nip'] . "' and golongan ='" . $_GET['golongan'] . "'  ", "?act=ListPangkat");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    $cari = bukaquery("select * from sesion ");
    $row = mysql_fetch_row($cari);
    $usi = $row[0];
    if ($usi == "ADMIN") {
        $qry = "";
    } else {
        $qry = " and nip_baru='{$usi}' ";
    $hasil1 = bukaquery("SELECT pangkat_pegawai.nip,ruang.nama,\r\n                pegawai.nama, pangkat_pegawai.gaji,pangkat_pegawai.tmt_pangkat,\r\n                pangkat_pegawai.tmt_pangkat_yad,pangkat_pegawai.pejabat_penetap,\r\n                pangkat_pegawai.nomor_sk,pangkat_pegawai.tgl_sk,\r\n                pangkat_pegawai.dasar_peraturan,\r\n                pangkat_pegawai.golongan,\r\n                pangkat_pegawai.masa_kerja,\r\n                pangkat_pegawai.bln_kerja\r\n                FROM pangkat_pegawai,pegawai,ruang\r\n                where pangkat_pegawai.nip=pegawai.nip_baru " . $qry . "\r\n                and pangkat_pegawai.golongan=ruang.kode ORDER BY nip");
    $jumlah1 = mysql_num_rows($hasil1);
Esempio n. 9
    $hasil1 = bukaquery("SELECT * FROM artikel");
    $jumlah1 = mysql_num_rows($hasil1);
    $i = $jumlah1 / 19;
    $i = ceil($i);
    echo "<br/> <p>Jumlah Record : {$jumlah} | Halaman: ";
    for ($j = 1; $j <= $i; $j++) {
        $awal = ($j - 1) * 19 + $j - 1;
        echo "<a href='?act=ListArtikel&awal={$awal}&page={$j}'>[{$j}]</a></p>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data Artikel masih kosong !</b>";

if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" artikel ", " id ='" . $_GET['id'] . "' ", "?act=ListArtikel");

Esempio n. 10
" onClick="if (!confirm('Anda yakin menghapus data struktural <?php 
        print $baris[1];
?')) return false;">| hapus</a>
        echo "</center>\r\n                               </td>\r\n                             </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data Jabatan Struktural masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" jbtn_struktural ", " kode ='" . $_GET['kode'] . "' ", "?act=ListStruktural");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    $hasil1 = bukaquery("SELECT kode,nama FROM jbtn_struktural");
    $jumlah1 = mysql_num_rows($hasil1);
    $i = $jumlah1 / 19;
    $i = ceil($i);
    echo "<br/>Jumlah Record : {$jumlah} ";
Esempio n. 11
        print $baris[2];
?')) return false;">[hapus]</a>
        echo "</center>\n                                </td>\n                                <td>{$baris['1']}</td>\n                                 <td>" . formatDuit($baris[2]) . "</td>\n                                 <td>{$baris['3']}</td>\n                                 <td>{$baris['4']}</td>\n                                 <td>{$baris['5']}</td>\n                                 <td>{$baris['6']}</td>\n                                 <td>{$baris['7']}</td>\n                                 <td>{$baris['8']}</td>\n                           </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data kasift masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" kasift", " id ='" . $id . "' ", "?act=ListKS&action=TAMBAH&id={$id}");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    $hasil1 = bukaquery("SELECT,kasift.jmlks,kasift.bsr,\n                pegawai.nik,\n                pegawai.nama,\n                pegawai.jbtn,\n                pegawai.jnj_jabatan,\n                pegawai.departemen,\n                pegawai.bidang from kasift inner join pegawai where ORDER BY pegawai.nik ");
    $jumlah1 = mysql_num_rows($hasil1);
    $i = $jumlah1 / 19;
    $i = ceil($i);
    echo " Data : {$jumlah}";


Esempio n. 12
    $i = $jumlah1 / 19;
    $i = ceil($i);
    echo "Jumlah Record : {$jumlah} | Halaman: ";
    for ($j = 1; $j <= $i; $j++) {
        $awal = ($j - 1) * 19 + $j - 1;
        echo "<a href='?act=InputDataAdmin&awal={$awal}&page={$j}'>[{$j}]</a>";
} else {
    echo "Data user masih kosong !";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 1) {
        Hapus(" user ", " nip ='" . $nip . "' ", "?act=InputDataAdmin&action=TAMBAH&nip={$nip}");
    } else {
        if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) == 1) {
            echo 'Minimal harus tersedia satu user untuk login...!!!';

        print $baris[1];
" onClick="if (!confirm('Anda yakin menghapus set tambah jaga ?')) return false;">[hapus]</a>
        echo "</center>\n                                </td>\n                                <td>" . formatDuit($baris[0]) . "</td>\n                                <td>{$baris['1']}</td>\n                           </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data set tambah jaga masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" set_jgtambah  ", " pendidikan ='" . $pendidikan . "' ", "?act=InputSetTambahJaga&action=TAMBAH&tnj=" . $tnj);


Esempio n. 14
        echo "</center>\r\n                               </td>\r\n                                <td>{$baris['1']}</td>\r\n                             </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data Bagian warung Karyawan masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUSAKTE") {
    Hapus(" set_warung  ", " pendapatan_warung ='" . $_GET['pendapatan_warung'] . "' and tahun='{$tahun}' and bulan='{$bulan}' ", "?act=ListWarung");
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUSPENERIMA") {
    Hapus(" pembagian_warung ", " id ='" . $_GET['id'] . "'", "?act=ListWarung");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    echo "<br/>Data : {$jumlah} ";

Esempio n. 15
" onClick="if (!confirm('Anda yakin menghapus data jabatan fungsional <?php 
        print $baris[1];
?')) return false;">| hapus</a>
        echo "</center>\r\n                               </td>\r\n                             </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data Jabatan Fungsional masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" fungsional ", " kode ='" . $_GET['kode'] . "' ", "?act=ListFungsional");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    $hasil1 = bukaquery("SELECT kode,nama FROM fungsional");
    $jumlah1 = mysql_num_rows($hasil1);
    $i = $jumlah1 / 19;
    $i = ceil($i);
    echo "<br/>Jumlah Record : {$jumlah} ";
Esempio n. 16
        echo "</center>\r\n                               </td>\r\n                                <td>{$baris['0']}</td>\r\n                                <td>{$baris['1']}%</td>\r\n                                <td>" . formatDuit($insentifindex) . "</td>\r\n                             </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data Insentif  masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUSINSENTIF") {
    Hapus(" set_insentif  ", " pendapatan ='" . $_GET['pendapatan'] . "' and tahun='{$tahun}' and bulan='{$bulan}' ", "?act=ListInsentif");
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUSINDEX") {
    Hapus(" indexins ", " dep_id ='" . $_GET['dep_id'] . "'", "?act=ListInsentif");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    echo "<br/>Data : {$jumlah}, Ttl Prosen : " . $prosen . "%, Ttl Insentif : " . formatDuit($ttl) . "  ";

Esempio n. 17
        print $baris[2];
?')) return false;">[hapus]</a>
        echo "</center>\n                                </td>\n                                <td>{$baris['2']}</td>\n                           </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data Jaga Malam masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" jgmlm ", " id ='" . $_GET['id'] . "' and tgl ='" . $_GET['tgl'] . "'", "?act=InputJagaMalam&action=TAMBAH&id={$id}");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    $hasil1 = bukaquery("SELECT tgl,id,jml\n                        from jgmlm  where id='{$id}'\n\t\t\t     and tgl like '%" . $tahun . "-" . $bulan . "%' ORDER BY tgl ASC ");
    $jumlah1 = mysql_num_rows($hasil1);
    $i = $jumlah1 / 19;
    $i = ceil($i);
    echo "Data : {$jumlah} <a target=_blank href=http://" . host() . "/penggajian/pages/presensi/laporanpresensidetail.php?&id={$id}>| Laporan |</a>";


        print $baris[2];
?')) return false;">[hapus]</a>
        echo "</center>\n                                </td>\n                                <td>{$baris['2']}</td>\n                           </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data tambahan jaga masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" tambahjaga ", " id ='" . $_GET['id'] . "' and tgl ='" . $_GET['tgl'] . "'", "?act=InputTambahJaga&action=TAMBAH&id={$id}");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    $hasil1 = bukaquery("SELECT tgl,id,jml\n                        from tambahjaga  where id='{$id}'\n\t\t\t     and tgl like '%" . $tahun . "-" . $bulan . "%' ORDER BY tgl ASC ");
    $jumlah1 = mysql_num_rows($hasil1);
    $i = $jumlah1 / 19;
    $i = ceil($i);
    echo "Data : {$jumlah} <a target=_blank href=http://" . host() . "/penggajian/pages/presensi/laporanpresensidetail.php?&id={$id}>| Laporan |</a> ";


        print $baris[1];
?')) return false;">[hapus]</a>
        echo "</center>\n                                </td>\n                                <td>{$baris['1']}</td>\n                                <td>" . formatDuit($baris[2]) . "</td>\n                           </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data Master Tunjangan Harian !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" master_tunjangan_harian ", " id ='" . $id . "' ", "?act=DetailTunjanganHarian&action=TAMBAH&nama=" . $nama);
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    $hasil1 = bukaquery("SELECT nama,tnj from master_tunjangan_harian ORDER BY nama ");
    $jumlah1 = mysql_num_rows($hasil1);
    $i = $jumlah1 / 19;
    $i = ceil($i);
    echo " Data : {$jumlah} ";


Esempio n. 20
        echo "</center>\r\n                               </td>\r\n                                <td>{$baris['1']}</td>\r\n                                <td>{$baris['2']}%</td>\r\n                                <td>" . formatDuit($bagiankry) . "</td>\r\n                             </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data Bagian Karyawan masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUSAKTE") {
    Hapus(" set_resume  ", " pendapatan_resume ='" . $_GET['pendapatan_resume'] . "' and tahun='{$tahun}' and bulan='{$bulan}' ", "?act=ListResume");
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUSPENERIMA") {
    Hapus(" pembagian_resume ", " id ='" . $_GET['id'] . "'", "?act=ListResume");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    echo "<br/>Data : {$jumlah}, Ttl Prosen : " . $prosen . "%, Ttl Bagian : " . formatDuit($ttl);

Esempio n. 21
" onClick="if (!confirm('Anda yakin menghapus data history pinjam ini?')) return false;">[hapus]</a>
        echo "</center>\n                                </td>\n                                <td>{$i}</td>\n                                <td>{$baris['2']}</td>\n                                <td>" . formatDuit($baris[3]) . "</td>\n                           </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data Bayar Peminjaman masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" detailpinjam_koperasi ", " no_detail ='" . $_GET['no_detail'] . "'", "?act=BayarPinjam&action=TAMBAH&nop=" . $_GET['nop']);
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    echo "Data : {$jumlah} <a target=_blank href=/penggajian/pages/pinjam/LaporanDetailPinjam.php?&id={$id}>| Laporan |</a> ";


Esempio n. 22
" onClick="if (!confirm('Anda yakin menghapus data Sub Unit Kerja  <?php 
        print $baris[1];
?')) return false;">| hapus</a>
        echo "</center>\r\n                               </td>\r\n                             </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Sub Data Unit Kerja masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" sub_unit_kerja ", " kode ='" . $_GET['kode'] . "' ", "?act=ListSubunit");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    $hasil1 = bukaquery("SELECT kode,nama FROM sub_unit_kerja");
    $jumlah1 = mysql_num_rows($hasil1);
    $i = $jumlah1 / 19;
    $i = ceil($i);
    echo "<br/>Jumlah Record : {$jumlah} ";
Esempio n. 23
        print $baris[1];
?')) return false;">[hapus]</a>
        echo "</center>\n                                </td>\n                                <td>{$baris['1']}</td>\n                                 <td>{$baris['2']}</td>\n                                 <td>{$baris['3']}</td>\n                                 <td>{$baris['4']}</td>\n                           </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data  jam jaga masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus("  jam_jaga ", " no_id ='" . $no_id . "' ", "?act=ListJam&action=TAMBAH");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    echo " Data : {$jumlah}";


        print $baris[0];
" onClick="if (!confirm('Anda yakin menghapus set lebur hari raya ?')) return false;">[hapus]</a>
        echo "</center>\n                                </td>\n                                <td>" . formatDuit($baris[0]) . "</td>\n                           </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data set lebur hari raya masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" set_lemburhr   ", " tnj ='" . $tnj . "' ", "?act=InputSetLemburHR&action=TAMBAH&tnj=" . $tnj);


Esempio n. 25
        print $baris[1];
" onClick="if (!confirm('Anda yakin menghapus data history pinjam ini?')) return false;">[hapus]</a>
        echo "</center>\n                                </td>\n                                <td>{$baris['2']}</td>\n                                <td>" . formatDuit($baris[3]) . "</td>\n                                <td>" . formatDuit($baris[4]) . "</td>\n                                <td>" . formatDuit($baris[5]) . "</td>\n                                <td>" . formatDuit($baris[6]) . "</td>\n                                <td>{$baris['7']}</td>\n                                <td>{$baris['8']}</td>\n                           </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data Peminjaman masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" pinjam_koperasi ", " nop ='" . $_GET['nop'] . "'", "?act=DetailPinjam&action=TAMBAH&id=" . $_GET['id']);
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    echo "Data : {$jumlah} <a target=_blank href=/penggajian/pages/pinjam/LaporanDetailPinjam.php?&id={$id}>| Laporan |</a> ";


Esempio n. 26
        print $baris[0];
?')) return false;">[hapus]</a>
        echo "</center>\n                                </td>\n                                <td>{$baris['0']}</td>\n                                <td>{$baris['2']}</td>\n                                <td>{$baris['3']} Jam</td>\n                           </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data lembur masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" presensi", " id ='" . $_GET['id'] . "' and tgl ='" . $_GET['tgl'] . "'", "?act=DetailPresensi&action=TAMBAH&id={$id}");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    $hasil1 = bukaquery("SELECT tgl,id,jns,lembur\n                        from presensi where id='{$id}'\n\t\t\t     and tgl like '%" . $tahun . "-" . $bulan . "%' ORDER BY tgl ASC ");
    $jumlah1 = mysql_num_rows($hasil1);
    $i = $jumlah1 / 19;
    $i = ceil($i);
    echo "Data : {$jumlah}, Ttl.Lembur HB : " . $ttllembur . " , Ttl.Lembur HR : " . $ttlhr . " <a target=_blank href=/penggajian/pages/presensi/LaporanPresensiDetail.php?&id={$id}>| Laporan |</a> ";


Esempio n. 27
        print $baris[0];
?')) return false;">[hapus]</a>
        echo "</center>\r\n                               </td>\r\n                                <td>{$baris['0']}</td>                                \r\n                             </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data Bidang masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" bidang ", " nama ='" . $_GET['nama'] . "' ", "?act=ListBidang");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    $hasil1 = bukaquery("SELECT nama FROM bidang");
    $jumlah1 = mysql_num_rows($hasil1);
    $i = $jumlah1 / 19;
    $i = ceil($i);
    echo "Data : {$jumlah} ";
Esempio n. 28
        echo "</center>\r\n                               </td>\r\n                                <td>{$baris['1']}</td>\r\n                                <td>{$baris['2']}%</td>\r\n                                <td>" . formatDuit($bagiankry) . "</td>\r\n                             </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data Bagian Karyawan masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUSAKTE") {
    Hapus(" set_tuslah  ", " pendapatan_tuslah ='" . $_GET['bagian_kry'] . "' and tahun='{$tahun}' and bulan='{$bulan}' ", "?act=ListTuslah");
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUSPENERIMA") {
    Hapus(" pembagian_tuslah ", " id ='" . $_GET['id'] . "'", "?act=ListTuslah");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    echo "<br/>Data : {$jumlah}, Ttl Prosen : " . $prosen . "%, Ttl Bagian : " . formatDuit($ttl);

        print $baris[0];
?')) return false;">[hapus]</a>
        echo "</center>\n                                </td>\n                                <td>{$baris['0']}</td>\n                                <td>" . formatDuit($baris[1]) . "</td>\n                           </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data Status Keanggotaan Jamsostek masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" jamsostek ", " stts ='" . $stts . "' ", "?act=DetailJamsostek&action=TAMBAH&stts={$stts}");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    $hasil1 = bukaquery("SELECT stts,biaya from jamsostek ORDER BY stts ");
    $jumlah1 = mysql_num_rows($hasil1);
    $i = $jumlah1 / 19;
    $i = ceil($i);
    echo " Data : {$jumlah}";


Esempio n. 30
" onClick="if (!confirm('Anda yakin menghapus data status kerja <?php 
        print $baris[1];
?')) return false;">[hapus]</a>
        echo "</center>\r\n                               </td>\r\n                                <td>{$baris['0']}</td>\r\n                                <td>{$baris['1']}</td>                                \r\n                             </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "<b>Data Departemen masih kosong !</b>";
if ($_GET['action'] == "HAPUS") {
    Hapus(" departemen ", " dep_id ='" . $_GET['dep_id'] . "' ", "?act=ListDepartemen");
if (mysql_num_rows($hasil) != 0) {
    $hasil1 = bukaquery("SELECT dep_id,nama FROM departemen ORDER BY dep_id ASC");
    $jumlah1 = mysql_num_rows($hasil1);
    $i = $jumlah1 / 19;
    $i = ceil($i);
    echo "<br/>Data : {$jumlah} ";