Esempio n. 1
 function detail($user = "******", $tgl = "0000-00-00", $dep = "0", $shift = "0", $status = "0")
     $data['user'] = $user;
     //$data['path_file'] = $this->filename.'_user_migrasi';
     $data['path_file'] = $this->filename . '_user';
     $data['main_content'] = $data['path_file'];
     $data['filename'] = $this->filename;
     $data['title'] = $this->title;
     //if($user == 0 && $tgl == "0000-00-00" && !$this->uri->segment(5)) $tgl = date("Y-m-d");
     $data['tgl'] = $tgl;
     $exp = explode("~", $tgl);
     $data['tgl_today'] = $exp[0];
     if ($exp[0] != "0000-00-00") {
         $data['start_date'] = $exp[0];
         if (!isset($exp[1])) {
             $data['end_date'] = $exp[0];
         } else {
             if (!$exp[1]) {
                 $data['end_date'] = $exp[0];
             } else {
                 $data['end_date'] = $exp[1];
     } else {
         $data['start_date'] = $data['end_date'] = "";
     $data['shift'] = $shift;
     /* Mazhters */
     if ($exp[0] == date("Y-m-d")) {
         $tabel_view = "kg_view_kehadiran_rutin";
     } else {
         $tabel_view = "kg_view_kehadiran_mcci";
     /* End Mazhters */
     $path_paging = base_url() . $this->filename . "/main/" . $user . "/" . $tgl . "/" . $dep . "/" . $shift . "/" . $status;
     $uri_segment = 8;
     $pg = $this->uri->segment($uri_segment);
     $filter = array($tabel_view . ".tahun" => "order/asc", $tabel_view . ".bulan" => "order/asc", $tabel_view . ".tanggal" => "order/asc");
     $per_page = 500;
     //End Global
     $filter_where_in = array();
     $data['opt_pic'] = GetOptPIC();
     $data['opt_pic'][''] = "";
     $data['opt_dep'] = GetOptDepartment();
     //$data['opt_dep'][''] = "";
     $data['opt_tgl'] = GetOptDate();
     $data['opt_bln'] = GetOptMonth();
     $data['opt_thn'] = GetOptYear();
     $exp = explode("-", $exp[0]);
     if (!isset($exp[0])) {
         $exp[0] = "";
     if (!isset($exp[1])) {
         $exp[1] = "";
     if (!isset($exp[2])) {
         $exp[2] = "";
     //if($exp[2] > 0) $filter = array("tahun"=> "order/asc", "bulan"=> "order/asc", "tanggal"=> "order/asc");
     //else $filter = array("id_employee"=> "order/asc", "tahun"=> "order/asc", "bulan"=> "order/asc", "tanggal"=> "order/asc");
     if ($status) {
         /*if($status == "alpa2")
               $kemarin = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exp[1], $exp[2]-1, $exp[0]));
               $exp_alpa = explode("-", $kemarin);
               $filter["alpa"] = "where/1";
           else */
         if ($status == "jh") {
             $filter['terlambat !='] = "where/1";
         $filter[$status] = "where/1";
     $kondisi = "";
     if ($status == "alpa2") {
         $tgl_alpa = array($exp[2], $exp_alpa[2]);
         $filter_where_in['tanggal'] = $tgl_alpa;
         $bln_alpa = array($exp[1], $exp_alpa[1]);
         $filter_where_in['bulan'] = $bln_alpa;
         $thn_alpa = array($exp[0], $exp_alpa[0]);
         $filter_where_in['tahun'] = $thn_alpa;
     } else {
         if ($data['start_date'] == $data['end_date']) {
             if ($exp[0] > 0) {
                 $filter[$tabel_view . '.tahun'] = "where/" . $exp[0];
                 $data['title'] = $this->title . " ( " . $exp[0] . " )";
                 if ($exp[1] > 0) {
                     $filter[$tabel_view . '.bulan'] = "where/" . $exp[1];
                     $data['title'] = $this->title . " ( " . GetMonth(intval($exp[1])) . " " . $exp[0] . " )";
                     if ($exp[2] > 0) {
                         $filter[$tabel_view . '.tanggal'] = "where/" . $exp[2];
                         $data['title'] = $this->title . " ( " . $exp[2] . " " . GetMonth(intval($exp[1])) . " " . $exp[0] . " )";
             } else {
                 if ($exp[1] > 0) {
                     $exp[0] = date("Y");
                     $filter['tahun'] = "where/" . $exp[0];
                     $filter['bulan'] = "where/" . $exp[1];
                     $data['title'] = $this->title . " ( " . GetMonth(intval($exp[1])) . " " . $exp[0] . " )";
                     if ($exp[2] > 0) {
                         $filter['tanggal'] = "where/" . $exp[2];
                         $data['title'] = $this->title . " ( " . $exp[2] . " " . GetMonth(intval($exp[1])) . " " . $exp[0] . " )";
                 } else {
                     if ($exp[2] > 0) {
                         $exp[0] = date("Y");
                         $exp[1] = date("m");
                         $filter['tahun'] = "where/" . $exp[0];
                         $filter['bulan'] = "where/" . $exp[1];
                         $filter['tanggal'] = "where/" . $exp[2];
                         $data['title'] = $this->title . " ( " . $exp[2] . " " . GetMonth(intval($exp[1])) . " " . $exp[0] . " )";
     if ($dep) {
         /*$ex = explode("-",$dep);
           foreach($ex as $r)
               $dep[] = $r;
           $filter_where_in['id_department'] = $dep;*/
         $filter['id_department'] = "where/" . $dep;
     //else $dep=array();
     if ($user) {
         $temp_user = $user;
         $ex = explode("-", $user);
         $user = array();
         foreach ($ex as $r) {
             $user[] = $r;
         $filter_where_in['id_employee'] = $user;
         $user = $temp_user;
     //else $user=array();
     $data['spic'] = $user;
     $data['sdep'] = $dep;
     /*$data['stgl'] = $exp[2];
       $data['sbln'] = $exp[1];
       $data['sthn'] = $exp[0];*/
     //Grup Admin
     $id_grup = $this->session->userdata("webmaster_grup");
     $where = "";
     if ($id_grup == 4) {
         $filter['nik'] = "where/-";
     //else if($id_grup == 3) $filter['urut_position <'] = "where/40";
     //else if($id_grup == 2) $filter['urut_position >='] = "where/40";
     //$filter['urut_position'] = "order/asc";
     $filter[$tabel_view . '.id_employee'] = "order/asc";
     //if(count($user) > 0 || $exp[2] > 0)
     if ($exp[2] > 0 && $data['start_date'] == $data['end_date'] || $user) {
         $data['emp'] = GetAll("hris_persons", array("person_id" => "where/" . $user));
         $data['flag_tgl'] = 1;
         $data['grid'] = array("Date", "Hadir", "OFF", "Cuti", "Ijin", "Sick", "Alpa", "Late", "In", "Out", "Shift", "Description");
         $data['list'] = array("tgl", "jh", "off", "cuti", "ijin", "sakit", "alpa", "terlambat", "scan_masuk", "scan_pulang", "shift", "keterangan");
         if ($data['start_date']) {
             $filter['date_full >='] = "where/" . $data['start_date'];
             $filter['date_full <='] = "where/" . $data['end_date'];
         if ($shift) {
             //if($shift == "p") $where_shift = " (kg_jadwal_shift.tgl_".intval($exp[2])."='".$shift."' || kg_jadwal_shift.tgl_".intval($exp[2])."='ns')";
             if ($shift == "p") {
                 $where_shift = " (kg_jadwal_shift.tgl_" . intval($exp[2]) . "!='s' && kg_jadwal_shift.tgl_" . intval($exp[2]) . "!='m')";
             } else {
                 $where_shift = " kg_jadwal_shift.tgl_" . intval($exp[2]) . "='" . $shift . "' ";
             $data['query_all'] = GetJoin($tabel_view, "jadwal_shift", "kg_jadwal_shift.id_employee=" . $tabel_view . ".id_employee and kg_jadwal_shift.bulan='" . $exp[1] . "' and kg_jadwal_shift.tahun='" . $exp[0] . "' and {$where_shift}", "inner", "*", $filter, $filter_where_in);
             $filter['limit'] = $pg . "/" . $per_page;
             $data['query_list'] = GetJoin($tabel_view, "jadwal_shift", "kg_jadwal_shift.id_employee=" . $tabel_view . ".id_employee and kg_jadwal_shift.bulan='" . $exp[1] . "' and kg_jadwal_shift.tahun='" . $exp[0] . "' and {$where_shift}", "inner", "*," . $tabel_view . ".id as id_k", $filter, $filter_where_in);
         } else {
             $data['query_all'] = GetAll($tabel_view, $filter, $filter_where_in);
             $filter['limit'] = $pg . "/" . $per_page;
             $data['query_list'] = GetAll($tabel_view, $filter, $filter_where_in);
     } else {
         if ($data['start_date']) {
             $filter['date_full >='] = "where/" . $data['start_date'];
             $filter['date_full <='] = "where/" . $data['end_date'];
         $data['flag_tgl'] = 0;
         $data['grid'] = array("Nama Karyawan", "JHK", "Hadir", "OFF", "Cuti", "PHL", "Ijin", "Sakit", "Alpa", "Potong Gaji", "Pulang Cepat");
         $data['list'] = array("person_nm", "jhk", "jh", "off", "cuti", "phl", "ijin", "sakit", "alpa", "potong_gaji", "pc");
         /*if($exp[1] > 0) $filter['group'] = array("","bulan","tahun");
           elseif($exp[0] > 0) $filter['group'] = array("","tahun");
           else */
         //$filter['group'] = array("","tahun");
         $filter['id_employee'] = "group";
         //else $filter['group'] = array("");
         /*$select = " as a_id,,, SUM(kg_attendance.jhk) as jhk, SUM(kg_attendance.sakit) as sakit,
           SUM(kg_attendance.cuti) as cuti,SUM(kg_attendance.ijin) as ijin,,SUM(kg_attendance.alpa) as alpa,SUM( as off,
           SUM(kg_attendance.potong_gaji) as potong_gaji, SUM(kg_attendance.pc) as pc,SUM(kg_attendance.jh) as jh";
           $data['query_all'] = GetJoin("employee","attendance"," ".$kondisi, "left", $select, $filter, $filter_where_in);*/
         $select = "id, person_nm, id_employee as a_id, SUM(jhk) as jhk, SUM(sakit) as sakit,\n            SUM(cuti) as cuti,SUM(ijin) as ijin,SUM(phl) as phl,SUM(alpa) as alpa,SUM(off) as off,\n            SUM(potong_gaji) as potong_gaji, SUM(pc) as pc, SUM(jh) as jh";
         $data['query_all'] = GetAllSelect($tabel_view, $select, $filter);
         $filter['limit'] = $pg . "/" . $per_page;
         //$data['query_list'] = GetJoin("employee","attendance"," ".$kondisi, "left", $select, $filter, $filter_where_in);
         $data['query_list'] = GetAllSelect($tabel_view, $select, $filter);
     if (!$this->uri->segment(3) && !$this->uri->segment(4) && !$this->uri->segment(5)) {
         $data['dis_tgl'] = "display:none;";
     } else {
         $data['dis_tgl'] = "display:''";
     $pagination = Page($data['query_all']->num_rows(), $per_page, $pg, $path_paging, $uri_segment);
     if (!$pagination) {
         $pagination = "<strong>1</strong>";
     $data['pagination'] = $pagination;
     //End Page
     $this->_render_page($this->filename . '_detail', $data);
Esempio n. 2
 function overtime($user = "******", $tgl = "0000-00-00", $dep = "0", $status = "0")
     //Set Global
     $data['filename'] = 'overtime';
     $data['title'] = 'Overtime';
     //if($user == 0 && $tgl == "0000-00-00" && !$this->uri->segment(5)) $tgl = date("Y-m-d");
     $data['tgl'] = $tgl;
     $exp = explode("~", $tgl);
     if ($exp[0] != "0000-00-00") {
         $data['start_date'] = $exp[0];
         if (!isset($exp[1])) {
             $data['end_date'] = $exp[0];
         } else {
             if (!$exp[1]) {
                 $data['end_date'] = $exp[0];
             } else {
                 $data['end_date'] = $exp[1];
     } else {
         $data['start_date'] = $data['end_date'] = "";
     $path_paging = base_url() . $this->filename . "/main/" . $user . "/" . $tgl . "/" . $dep . "/" . $status;
     $uri_segment = 7;
     $pg = $this->uri->segment($uri_segment);
     $per_page = 15;
     //End Global
     $filter_where_in = array();
     $data['opt_pic'] = GetOptPIC();
     $data['opt_pic'][''] = "";
     $data['opt_dep'] = GetOptDepartment();
     //$data['opt_dep'][''] = "";
     $data['opt_tgl'] = GetOptDate();
     $data['opt_bln'] = GetOptMonth();
     $data['opt_thn'] = GetOptYear();
     $exp = explode("-", $exp[0]);
     if (!isset($exp[0])) {
         $exp[0] = "";
     if (!isset($exp[1])) {
         $exp[1] = "";
     if (!isset($exp[2])) {
         $exp[2] = "";
     //if($exp[2] > 0) $filter = array("tahun"=> "order/asc", "bulan"=> "order/asc", "tanggal"=> "order/asc");
     //else $filter = array("id_employee"=> "order/asc", "tahun"=> "order/asc", "bulan"=> "order/asc", "tanggal"=> "order/asc");
     //Grup Admin
     $id_grup = $this->session->userdata("webmaster_grup");
     if ($id_grup == 3) {
         $filter['urut_position <'] = "where/40";
     if ($status) {
         /*if($status == "alpa2")
               $kemarin = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exp[1], $exp[2]-1, $exp[0]));
               $exp_alpa = explode("-", $kemarin);
               $filter["alpa"] = "where/1";
           else */
         if ($status == "jh") {
             $filter['terlambat !='] = "where/1";
         $filter[$status] = "where/1";
     $kondisi = "";
     if ($status == "alpa2") {
         $tgl_alpa = array($exp[2], $exp_alpa[2]);
         $filter_where_in['tanggal'] = $tgl_alpa;
         $bln_alpa = array($exp[1], $exp_alpa[1]);
         $filter_where_in['bulan'] = $bln_alpa;
         $thn_alpa = array($exp[0], $exp_alpa[0]);
         $filter_where_in['tahun'] = $thn_alpa;
     } else {
         if ($data['start_date'] == $data['end_date']) {
             if ($exp[0] > 0) {
                 $filter['tahun'] = "where/" . $exp[0];
                 $data['title'] = $this->title . " ( " . $exp[0] . " )";
                 if ($exp[1] > 0) {
                     $filter['bulan'] = "where/" . $exp[1];
                     $data['title'] = $this->title . " ( " . GetMonth(intval($exp[1])) . " " . $exp[0] . " )";
                     if ($exp[2] > 0) {
                         $filter['tanggal'] = "where/" . $exp[2];
                         $data['title'] = $this->title . " ( " . $exp[2] . " " . GetMonth(intval($exp[1])) . " " . $exp[0] . " )";
             } else {
                 if ($exp[1] > 0) {
                     $exp[0] = date("Y");
                     $filter['tahun'] = "where/" . $exp[0];
                     $filter['bulan'] = "where/" . $exp[1];
                     $data['title'] = $this->title . " ( " . GetMonth(intval($exp[1])) . " " . $exp[0] . " )";
                     if ($exp[2] > 0) {
                         $filter['tanggal'] = "where/" . $exp[2];
                         $data['title'] = $this->title . " ( " . $exp[2] . " " . GetMonth(intval($exp[1])) . " " . $exp[0] . " )";
                 } else {
                     if ($exp[2] > 0) {
                         $exp[0] = date("Y");
                         $exp[1] = date("m");
                         $filter['tahun'] = "where/" . $exp[0];
                         $filter['bulan'] = "where/" . $exp[1];
                         $filter['tanggal'] = "where/" . $exp[2];
                         $data['title'] = $this->title . " ( " . $exp[2] . " " . GetMonth(intval($exp[1])) . " " . $exp[0] . " )";
     if ($dep) {
         /*$ex = explode("-",$dep);
           foreach($ex as $r)
               $dep[] = $r;
           $filter_where_in['id_department'] = $dep;*/
         $filter['id_department'] = "where/" . $dep;
     //else $dep=array();
     if ($user) {
         $temp_user = $user;
         $ex = explode("-", $user);
         $user = array();
         foreach ($ex as $r) {
             $user[] = $r;
         $filter_where_in['id_employee'] = $user;
         $user = $temp_user;
         if ($data['start_date']) {
             $filter['date_full >='] = "where/" . $data['start_date'];
             $filter['date_full <='] = "where/" . $data['end_date'];
     //else $user=array();
     $data['spic'] = $user;
     $data['sdep'] = $dep;
     /*$data['stgl'] = $exp[2];
       $data['sbln'] = $exp[1];
       $data['sthn'] = $exp[0];*/
     $filter['name'] = "order/asc";
     $filter['lembur'] = "where/1";
     //if(count($user) > 0 || $exp[2] > 0)
     if ($exp[2] > 0 && $data['start_date'] == $data['end_date'] || $user) {
         $data['flag_tgl'] = 1;
         $data['grid'] = array("Nama Karyawan", "Tanggal", "OT. Incidental", "Kelebihan Jam Kerja", "Tunjangan Hari Kerja", "Alasan Lembur", "Scan Masuk", "Scan Pulang", "Keterangan");
         $data['list'] = array("id_employee", "tgl", "ot_incidental", "ot_allow_shift", "ot_cont_allow", "alasan_lembur", "scan_masuk", "scan_pulang", "keterangan");
         if ($status == "alpa2") {
             $sql = "select * from kg_view_kehadiran where tanggal='" . $exp[2] . "' AND bulan='" . $exp[1] . "' AND tahun='" . $exp[0] . "' AND alpa='1'\n                AND id_employee in (select id_employee from kg_view_kehadiran where tanggal='" . $exp_alpa[2] . "' AND bulan='" . $exp_alpa[1] . "' AND tahun='" . $exp_alpa[0] . "' AND alpa='1')";
             $data['query_all'] = $this->db->query($sql);
             if (!$pg) {
                 $pg = 0;
             $data['query_list'] = $this->db->query($sql . " LIMIT {$pg}, {$per_page}");
         } else {
             $data['query_all'] = GetAll("kg_view_kehadiran", $filter, $filter_where_in);
             $filter['limit'] = $pg . "/" . $per_page;
             $data['query_list'] = GetAll("kg_view_kehadiran", $filter, $filter_where_in);
     } else {
         /*$temp = $filter['id_employee'];
           $filter['id_employee'] = $temp;
           $temp = $filter['tanggal'];
           $filter['tanggal'] = $temp;
           $temp = $filter['bulan'];
           $filter['bulan'] = $temp;
           $temp = $filter['tahun'];
           if($temp == "order/asc") $temp = "where/".date("Y");
           $filter['tahun'] = $temp;*/
         if ($data['start_date']) {
             $filter['date_full >='] = "where/" . $data['start_date'];
             $filter['date_full <='] = "where/" . $data['end_date'];
         $data['flag_tgl'] = 0;
         $data['grid'] = array("Nama Karyawan", "Overtime", "OT. Incidental", "Kelebihan Jam Kerja", "Tunjangan Hari Kerja");
         $data['list'] = array("name", "jhk", "ot_incidental", "ot_allow_shift", "ot_cont_allow");
         /*if($exp[1] > 0) $filter['group'] = array("","bulan","tahun");
           elseif($exp[0] > 0) $filter['group'] = array("","tahun");
           else */
         //$filter['group'] = array("","tahun");
         $filter['id_employee'] = "group";
         //else $filter['group'] = array("");
         /*$select = " as a_id,,, SUM(kg_kehadirandetil.jhk) as jhk, SUM(kg_kehadirandetil.sakit) as sakit,
           SUM(kg_kehadirandetil.cuti) as cuti,SUM(kg_kehadirandetil.ijin) as ijin,,SUM(kg_kehadirandetil.alpa) as alpa,SUM( as off,
           SUM(kg_kehadirandetil.potong_gaji) as potong_gaji, SUM(kg_kehadirandetil.pc) as pc,SUM(kg_kehadirandetil.jh) as jh";
           $data['query_all'] = GetJoin("employee","kehadirandetil"," ".$kondisi, "left", $select, $filter, $filter_where_in);*/
         $select = "id, name, id_employee as a_id, SUM(jhk) as jhk, SUM(ot_incidental) as ot_incidental,\n            SUM(ot_allow_shift) as ot_allow_shift,SUM(ot_cont_allow) as ot_cont_allow";
         $data['query_all'] = GetAllSelect("kg_view_kehadiran", $select, $filter);
         $filter['limit'] = $pg . "/" . $per_page;
         //$data['query_list'] = GetJoin("employee","kehadirandetil"," ".$kondisi, "left", $select, $filter, $filter_where_in);
         $data['query_list'] = GetAllSelect("kg_view_kehadiran", $select, $filter);
     if (!$this->uri->segment(3) && !$this->uri->segment(4) && !$this->uri->segment(5)) {
         $data['dis_tgl'] = "display:none;";
     } else {
         $data['dis_tgl'] = "display:''";
     $pagination = Page($data['query_all']->num_rows(), $per_page, $pg, $path_paging, $uri_segment);
     if (!$pagination) {
         $pagination = "<strong>1</strong>";
     $data['pagination'] = $pagination;
     //End Page
     $this->load->view('overtime', $data);