Esempio n. 1
 function getUPSrates($pkg)
     global $messageStack, $currencies, $UPSRateCodes, $shipping_defaults;
     // Retrieve the user choices for services to rate shop
     // TBD - defaults per user db choice for now
     $user_choices = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', MODULE_SHIPPING_UPS_TYPES));
     $UPSQuote = array();
     // Initialize the Response Array
     $arrRates = array();
     // Initialize the Rate Output array
     $this->package = $pkg->split_shipment($pkg);
     if (!$this->package) {
         $messageStack->add(SHIPPING_UPS_PACKAGE_ERROR . $pkg->pkg_weight, 'error');
         return false;
     if ($shipping_defaults['TnTEnable'] && gen_get_country_iso_2($pkg->ship_to_country_code) == 'US') {
         // Use UPS time in transit to get shipment time
         $strXML = $this->FormatTnTRequest();
         $SubmitXML = GetXMLString($strXML, $url, "POST");
         // Check for XML request errors
         if ($SubmitXML['result'] == 'error') {
             return $SubmitXML;
         $ResponseXML = $SubmitXML['xmlString'];
         // Check for errors
         $XMLPath = 'TimeInTransitResponse:Response:ResponseStatusCode';
         $XMLSuccess = GetNodeData($ResponseXML, $XMLPath);
         if (!$XMLSuccess) {
             // fetch the error code
             //				$XMLPath = 'TimeInTransitResponse:Response:Error:ErrorSeverity';
             //				$XMLErrorSev = GetNodeData($ResponseXML, $XMLPath);
             $XMLPath = 'TimeInTransitResponse:Response:Error:ErrorCode';
             $XMLErrorType = GetNodeData($ResponseXML, $XMLPath);
             $XMLPath = 'TimeInTransitResponse:Response:Error:ErrorDescription';
             $XMLErrorDesc = GetNodeData($ResponseXML, $XMLPath);
             $messageStack->add(SHIPPING_UPS_TNT_ERROR . $XMLErrorType . ' - ' . $XMLErrorDesc, 'error');
             return false;
         // See if service list returned or candidate city list is returned.
         $XMLPath = 'TimeInTransitResponse:TransitResponse:ServiceSummary:Service:Code';
         // name of the index in array
         $XMLService = GetNodeData($ResponseXML, $XMLPath);
         if (!$XMLService) {
             // fetch the candidate list city and matching postal codes in case bad zip provided
             $XMLStart = 'TimeInTransitResponse:TransitResponse:TransitToList:Candidate';
             $XMLIndexName = '';
             // needs to be null to create single dimension array of cities
             $TagsToFind = array('index' => 'AddressArtifactFormat:PoliticalDivision2');
             // use 'index' to create non-associate array
             $CityCodes['City'] = GetNodeArray($ResponseXML, $XMLStart, $XMLIndexName, $TagsToFind);
             $TagsToFind = array('index' => 'AddressArtifactFormat:PostcodePrimaryLow');
             // use 'index' to create non-associate array
             $CityCodes['PostalCode'] = GetNodeArray($ResponseXML, $XMLStart, $XMLIndexName, $TagsToFind);
             $UPSQuote['validcities'] = $CityCodes;
             $UPSQuote['result'] = 'CityMatch';
             return $UPSQuote;
         } else {
             // fetch the service list
             $XMLStart = 'TimeInTransitResponse:TransitResponse:ServiceSummary';
             // base location in the XML string (repeated)
             $XMLIndexName = 'Service:Code';
             // name of the index in array
             $TagsToFind = array();
             $TagsToFind['DeliveryDOW'] = 'EstimatedArrival:DayOfWeek';
             //index name and path from XMLStart to get data
             $TagsToFind['DeliveryTime'] = 'EstimatedArrival:Time';
             $TagsToFind['TransitDays'] = 'EstimatedArrival:BusinessTransitDays';
             $Services = GetNodeArray($ResponseXML, $XMLStart, $XMLIndexName, $TagsToFind);
             // Fetch the Ship to state to insert if left blank
             $XMLPath = 'TimeInTransitResponse:TransitResponse:TransitTo:AddressArtifactFormat:PoliticalDivision1';
             // Get Ship To State
             $defaults['ShipToStateProv'] = GetNodeData($ResponseXML, $XMLPath);
             // Fetch the Ship to City
             $XMLPath = 'TimeInTransitResponse:TransitResponse:TransitTo:AddressArtifactFormat:PoliticalDivision2';
             // Get Ship To State
             $CityCodes['City'][0] = GetNodeData($ResponseXML, $XMLPath);
             $defaults['City'] = $CityCodes['City'][0];
             $CityCodes['PostalCode'][0] = '';
         foreach ($this->UPSTnTCodes as $key => $value) {
             if (isset($Services[$key]) && in_array($value, $user_choices)) {
                 $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['notes'] = $Services[$key]['TransitDays'] . SHIPPING_UPS_RATE_TRANSIT . $Services[$key]['DeliveryDOW'];
     // *******************************************************************************************
     // Fetch the book rates from UPS
     $strXML = $this->FormatRateRequest();
     //echo 'Ship Request xmlString = ' . htmlspecialchars($strXML) . '<br />';
     $SubmitXML = GetXMLString($strXML, $url, "POST");
     //echo 'Ship Request response string = ' . htmlspecialchars($SubmitXML['xmlString']) . '<br />';
     // Check for XML request errors
     if ($SubmitXML['result'] == 'error') {
         $messageStack->add(SHIPPING_UPS_CURL_ERROR . $SubmitXML['message'], 'error');
         return false;
     $ResponseXML = $SubmitXML['xmlString'];
     // Check for errors returned from UPS
     $XMLPath = 'RatingServiceSelectionResponse:Response:ResponseStatusCode';
     $XMLSuccess = GetNodeData($ResponseXML, $XMLPath);
     if (!$XMLSuccess) {
         // fetch the error code
         //			$XMLPath = 'RatingServiceSelectionResponse:Response:Error:ErrorSeverity';
         //			$XMLErrorSev = GetNodeData($ResponseXML, $XMLPath);
         $XMLPath = 'RatingServiceSelectionResponse:Response:Error:ErrorCode';
         $XMLErrorType = GetNodeData($ResponseXML, $XMLPath);
         $XMLPath = 'RatingServiceSelectionResponse:Response:Error:ErrorDescription';
         $XMLErrorDesc = GetNodeData($ResponseXML, $XMLPath);
         $messageStack->add(SHIPPING_UPS_RATE_ERROR . $XMLErrorType . ' - ' . $XMLErrorDesc, 'error');
         return false;
     // Fetch the UPS Rates
     $XMLStart = 'RatingServiceSelectionResponse:RatedShipment';
     $XMLIndexName = 'Service:Code';
     // name of the index in array
     $TagsToFind = array();
     $TagsToFind = array('TransitDays' => 'GuaranteedDaysToDelivery', 'TransitTime' => 'ScheduledDeliveryTime', 'ShipmentCost' => 'NegotiatedRates:NetSummaryCharges:GrandTotal:MonetaryValue', 'BookCharges' => 'TotalCharges:MonetaryValue');
     $UPSRates = GetNodeArray($ResponseXML, $XMLStart, $XMLIndexName, $TagsToFind);
     foreach ($this->UPSRateCodes as $key => $value) {
         if (isset($UPSRates[$key]) && in_array($value, $user_choices)) {
             if ($UPSRates[$key]['BookCharges'] != "") {
                 $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['book'] = $currencies->clean_value($UPSRates[$key]['BookCharges']);
             if ($UPSRates[$key]['ShipmentCost'] != "") {
                 $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['cost'] = $currencies->clean_value($UPSRates[$key]['ShipmentCost']);
             $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['note'] = '';
             if ($UPSRates[$key]['TransitDays'] != "") {
                 $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['note'] .= $UPSRates[$key]['TransitDays'] . ' Day(s) Transit. ';
             $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['note'] .= $UPSRates[$key]['TransitTime'] != "" ? 'by ' . $UPSRates[$key]['TransitTime'] : 'by End of Day';
             if (function_exists('ups_shipping_rate_calc')) {
                 $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['quote'] = ups_shipping_rate_calc($arrRates[$this->code][$value]['book'], $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['cost'], $value);
             } else {
                 if ($UPSRates[$key]['BookCharges'] != "") {
                     $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['quote'] = $UPSRates[$key]['BookCharges'];
     // All calculations finished, return
     $UPSQuote['result'] = 'success';
     $UPSQuote['rates'] = $arrRates;
     return $UPSQuote;
Esempio n. 2
 function queryFedEx($pkg, $user_choices, $num_packages)
     // Fetch the book rates from FEDEX
     global $messageStack, $currencies;
     $arrRates = array();
     $strXML = $this->FormatFedExRateRequest($pkg, $num_packages);
     //echo 'FedEx Express XML Submit String:<br />' . htmlspecialchars($strXML) . '<br />';
     $SubmitXML = GetXMLString($strXML, $this->rate_url, "POST");
     // Check for XML request errors
     if ($SubmitXML['result'] == 'error') {
         $messageStack->add(SHIPPING_FEDEX_CURL_ERROR . $SubmitXML['message'], 'error');
         return false;
     $ResponseXML = $SubmitXML['xmlString'];
     //echo '<br />XML Return String:<br />' . htmlspecialchars($ResponseXML) . '<br />';
     // Check for errors
     $XMLFail = GetNodeData($ResponseXML, 'Error:Code');
     if ($XMLFail) {
         // fetch the error code
         $XMLErrorDesc = GetNodeData($ResponseXML, 'Error:Message');
         $FEDEXQuote['result'] = 'error';
         $messageStack->add(SHIPPING_FEDEX_RATE_ERROR . $XMLFail . ' - ' . $XMLErrorDesc, 'error');
         return false;
     // Fetch the FedEx Rates
     $XMLStart = 'Entry';
     $XMLIndexName = 'Service';
     // name of the index in array
     $TagsToFind = array('DeliveryDOW' => 'DeliveryDay', 'TransitDays' => 'TimeInTransit', 'ShipmentCost' => 'EstimatedCharges:DiscountedCharges:NetCharge', 'BookCharges' => 'EstimatedCharges:ListCharges:NetCharge');
     $fdxRates = GetNodeArray($ResponseXML, $XMLStart, $XMLIndexName, $TagsToFind);
     //echo 'FedEx rate array = '; print_r($fdxRates); echo '<br />';
     foreach ($this->FedExRateCodes as $key => $value) {
         if (isset($fdxRates[$key]) && in_array($value, $user_choices)) {
             if ($fdxRates[$key]['BookCharges'] != "") {
                 $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['book'] = $currencies->clean_value($fdxRates[$key]['BookCharges']);
             if ($fdxRates[$key]['ShipmentCost'] != "") {
                 $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['cost'] = $currencies->clean_value($fdxRates[$key]['ShipmentCost']);
             $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['note'] = '';
             if ($fdxRates[$key]['TransitDays'] != "") {
                 $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['note'] .= $fdxRates[$key]['TransitDays'] . ' Day(s) Transit. ';
             if ($fdxRates[$key]['DeliveryDOW'] != "") {
                 $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['note'] .= 'Arrives ' . $fdxRates[$key]['DeliveryDOW'];
             if (function_exists('fedex_shipping_rate_calc')) {
                 $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['quote'] = fedex_shipping_rate_calc($arrRates[$this->code][$value]['book'], $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['cost'], $value);
             } else {
                 if ($fdxRates[$key]['BookCharges'] != "") {
                     $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['quote'] = $fdxRates[$key]['BookCharges'];
     return $arrRates;
Esempio n. 3
 function getUPSrates($pkg)
     global $messageStack, $currencies, $UPSRateCodes, $shipping_defaults;
     $user_choices = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', MODULE_SHIPPING_UPS_TYPES));
     $UPSQuote = array();
     $arrRates = array();
     $this->package = $pkg->split_shipment($pkg);
     if (!$this->package) {
         $messageStack->add(SHIPPING_UPS_PACKAGE_ERROR . $pkg->pkg_weight, 'error');
         return false;
     if ($shipping_defaults['TnTEnable'] && gen_get_country_iso_2_from_3($pkg->ship_to_country_code) == 'US') {
         // Use UPS time in transit to get shipment time
         $strXML = $this->FormatTnTRequest();
         $SubmitXML = GetXMLString($strXML, $url, "POST");
         // Check for XML request errors
         if ($SubmitXML['result'] == 'error') {
             return $SubmitXML;
         $ResponseXML = xml_to_object($SubmitXML['xmlString']);
         // Check for errors
         if (!$ResponseXML->TimeInTransitResponse->Response->ResponseStatusCode) {
             $XMLErrorType = $ResponseXML->TimeInTransitResponse->Response->Error->ErrorCode;
             $XMLErrorDesc = $ResponseXML->TimeInTransitResponse->Response->Error->ErrorDescription;
             $messageStack->add(SHIPPING_UPS_TNT_ERROR . $XMLErrorType . ' - ' . $XMLErrorDesc, 'error');
             return false;
         // See if service list returned or candidate city list is returned.
         $XMLService = $ResponseXML->TimeInTransitResponse->TransitResponse->ServiceSummary->Service->Code;
         if (!$XMLService) {
             // fetch the candidate list city and matching postal codes in case bad zip provided
             $XMLStart = 'TimeInTransitResponse:TransitResponse:TransitToList:Candidate';
             $XMLIndexName = '';
             // needs to be null to create single dimension array of cities
             $TagsToFind = array('index' => 'AddressArtifactFormat:PoliticalDivision2');
             // use 'index' to create non-associate array
             $CityCodes['City'] = GetNodeArray($ResponseXML, $XMLStart, $XMLIndexName, $TagsToFind);
             $TagsToFind = array('index' => 'AddressArtifactFormat:PostcodePrimaryLow');
             // use 'index' to create non-associate array
             $CityCodes['PostalCode'] = GetNodeArray($ResponseXML, $XMLStart, $XMLIndexName, $TagsToFind);
             $UPSQuote['validcities'] = $CityCodes;
             $UPSQuote['result'] = 'CityMatch';
             return $UPSQuote;
         } else {
             // fetch the service list
             $XMLStart = 'TimeInTransitResponse:TransitResponse:ServiceSummary';
             // base location in the XML string (repeated)
             $XMLIndexName = 'Service:Code';
             // name of the index in array
             $TagsToFind = array();
             $TagsToFind['DeliveryDOW'] = 'EstimatedArrival:DayOfWeek';
             //index name and path from XMLStart to get data
             $TagsToFind['DeliveryTime'] = 'EstimatedArrival:Time';
             $TagsToFind['TransitDays'] = 'EstimatedArrival:BusinessTransitDays';
             $Services = GetNodeArray($ResponseXML, $XMLStart, $XMLIndexName, $TagsToFind);
             // Fetch the Ship to state to insert if left blank
             $defaults['ShipToStateProv'] = $ResponseXML->TimeInTransitResponse->TransitResponse->TransitTo->AddressArtifactFormat->PoliticalDivision1;
             // Fetch the Ship to City
             $XMLPath = '';
             // Get Ship To State
             $CityCodes['City'][0] = $ResponseXML->TimeInTransitResponse->TransitResponse->TransitTo->AddressArtifactFormat->PoliticalDivision2;
             $defaults['City'] = $CityCodes['City'][0];
             $CityCodes['PostalCode'][0] = '';
         foreach ($this->UPSTnTCodes as $key => $value) {
             if (isset($Services[$key]) && in_array($value, $user_choices)) {
                 $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['notes'] = $Services[$key]['TransitDays'] . SHIPPING_UPS_RATE_TRANSIT . $Services[$key]['DeliveryDOW'];
     // *******************************************************************************************
     // Fetch the book rates from UPS
     $strXML = $this->FormatRateRequest();
     //echo 'Ship Request xmlString = ' . htmlspecialchars($strXML) . '<br />';
     $SubmitXML = GetXMLString($strXML, $url, "POST");
     //echo 'Ship Request response string = ' . htmlspecialchars($SubmitXML['xmlString']) . '<br />';
     // Check for XML request errors
     if ($SubmitXML['result'] == 'error') {
         $messageStack->add(SHIPPING_UPS_CURL_ERROR . $SubmitXML['message'], 'error');
         return false;
     $ResponseXML = xml_to_object($SubmitXML['xmlString']);
     //echo 'Ship Request response object = '; print_r($ResponseXML); echo '<br />'; exit();
     // Check for errors returned from UPS
     if (!$ResponseXML->RatingServiceSelectionResponse->Response->ResponseStatusCode) {
         // fetch the error code
         $XMLErrorType = $ResponseXML->RatingServiceSelectionResponse->Response->Error->ErrorCode;
         $XMLErrorDesc = $ResponseXML->RatingServiceSelectionResponse->Response->Error->ErrorDescription;
         $messageStack->add(SHIPPING_UPS_RATE_ERROR . $XMLErrorType . ' - ' . $XMLErrorDesc, 'error');
         return false;
     // Fetch the UPS Rates
     foreach ($ResponseXML->RatingServiceSelectionResponse->RatedShipment as $rate) {
         $code = $rate->Service->Code;
         if (!$code) {
         $value = $this->UPSRateCodes[$code];
         $del_time = $rate->GuaranteedDaysToDelivery . ' days by ' . $rate->ScheduledDeliveryTime;
         $book = $rate->TotalCharges->MonetaryValue;
         $cost = $rate->NegotiatedRates->NetSummaryCharges->GrandTotal->MonetaryValue;
         if (in_array($value, $user_choices)) {
             if ($book != "") {
                 $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['book'] = $currencies->clean_value($book);
             if ($cost != "") {
                 $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['cost'] = $currencies->clean_value($cost);
             $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['note'] = '';
             if ($rate->GuaranteedDaysToDelivery != "") {
                 $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['note'] .= $rate->GuaranteedDaysToDelivery;
             $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['note'] .= $rate->ScheduledDeliveryTime != "" ? ' by ' . $rate->ScheduledDeliveryTime : ' by End of Day';
             if (function_exists('ups_shipping_rate_calc')) {
                 $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['quote'] = ups_shipping_rate_calc($arrRates[$this->code][$value]['book'], $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['cost'], $value);
             } else {
                 if ($book != "") {
                     $arrRates[$this->code][$value]['quote'] = $book;
     /* The LTL needs debugging, UPS doesn't support PHP and doesn't provide examples for their web services, gotta love them
     	  // now check Ground LTL
           if ($pkg->pkg_weight >= 150) {
     	    $client = new SoapClient(PATH_TO_LTL_RATE_WSDL, array('trace' => 1));
     	    $strXML = $this->FormatLTLRateRequest($pkg);
     	    try {
     echo 'UPS LTL Freight XML Submit String:<pre>' . ($strXML) . '</pre><br />';
     		  $response = $client->ProcessFreightRate($strXML);
     echo 'Request <pre>'  . htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastRequest())  . '</pre>';
     echo 'Response <pre>' . htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastResponse()) . '</pre>';
     echo 'Rate response array = '; print_r($response); echo '<br />';
     	      if ($response->HighestSeverity != 'FAILURE' && $response->HighestSeverity != 'ERROR') {
     	      } else { // error returned
     	    } catch (SoapFault $exception) {
     echo 'Fault Request <pre>'  . htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastRequest()) . '</pre>';  
     echo 'Fault Response <pre>' . htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastResponse()) . '</pre>';
     	      $message = " [soap fault] ({$exception->faultcode}) {$exception->faultstring}";
     	      $messageStack->add(SHIPPING_UPS_CURL_ERROR . $message, 'error');
     	      return false;
     //echo 'arrRates array = '; print_r($arrRates); echo '<br /><br />';
     $UPSQuote['result'] = 'success';
     $UPSQuote['rates'] = $arrRates;
     return $UPSQuote;