Esempio n. 1
* GalaxyRowActions.php
* @version 1.1
* @copyright 2008 by Chlorel for XNova
function GalaxyRowActions($GalaxyRow, $GalaxyRowPlanet, $GalaxyRowPlayer, $Galaxy, $System, $Planet, $PlanetType)
    global $lang, $user, $dpath, $CurrentMIP, $CurrentSystem, $CurrentGalaxy;
    // Icones action
    $Result = "<th style=\"white-space: nowrap;\" width=125>";
    if ($GalaxyRowPlayer['id'] != $user['id']) {
        if ($CurrentMIP != 0) {
            if ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] != $user['id']) {
                if ($GalaxyRowPlanet["galaxy"] == $CurrentGalaxy) {
                    $Range = GetMissileRange();
                    $SystemLimitMin = $CurrentSystem - $Range;
                    if ($SystemLimitMin < 1) {
                        $SystemLimitMin = 1;
                    $SystemLimitMax = $CurrentSystem + $Range;
                    if ($System <= $SystemLimitMax) {
                        if ($System >= $SystemLimitMin) {
                            $MissileBtn = true;
                        } else {
                            $MissileBtn = false;
                    } else {
                        $MissileBtn = false;
                } else {
                    $MissileBtn = false;
            } else {
                $MissileBtn = false;
        } else {
            $MissileBtn = false;
        if ($GalaxyRowPlayer && $GalaxyRowPlanet["destruyed"] == 0) {
            if ($user["settings_esp"] == "1" && $GalaxyRowPlayer['id']) {
                $Result .= "<a href=# onclick=\"javascript:doit(6, " . $Galaxy . ", " . $System . ", " . $Planet . ", 1, " . $user["spio_anz"] . ");\" >";
                $Result .= "<img src=" . $dpath . "img/e.gif alt=\"" . $lang['gl_espionner'] . "\" title=\"" . $lang['gl_espionner'] . "\" border=0></a>";
                $Result .= "&nbsp;";
            if ($user["settings_wri"] == "1" && $GalaxyRowPlayer['id']) {
                $Result .= "<a href=messages.php?mode=write&id=" . $GalaxyRowPlayer["id"] . ">";
                $Result .= "<img src=" . $dpath . "img/m.gif alt=\"" . $lang['gl_sendmess'] . "\" title=\"" . $lang['gl_sendmess'] . "\" border=0></a>";
                $Result .= "&nbsp;";
            if ($user["settings_bud"] == "1" && $GalaxyRowPlayer['id']) {
                $Result .= "<a href=buddy.php?mode=2&u=" . $GalaxyRowPlayer['id'] . " >";
                $Result .= "<img src=" . $dpath . "img/b.gif alt=\"" . $lang['gl_buddyreq'] . "\" title=\"" . $lang['gl_buddyreq'] . "\" border=0></a>";
                $Result .= "&nbsp;";
            if ($user["settings_mis"] == "1" and $MissileBtn == true && $GalaxyRowPlayer['id']) {
                $Result .= "<a href=galaxy.php?mode=2&galaxy=" . $Galaxy . "&system=" . $System . "&planet=" . $Planet . "&current=" . $user['current_planet'] . " >";
                $Result .= "<img src=" . $dpath . "img/r.gif alt=\"" . $lang['gl_mipattack'] . "\" title=\"" . $lang['gl_mipattack'] . "\" border=0></a>";
    $Result .= "</th>";
    return $Result;
Esempio n. 2
 * GalaxyRowActions.php
 * @Licence GNU (GPL)
 * @version 3.0
 * @copyright 2009
 * @Team Space Beginner
function GalaxyRowActions($GalaxyRow, $GalaxyRowPlanet, $GalaxyRowPlayer, $Galaxy, $System, $Planet, $PlanetType)
    global $lang, $user, $dpath, $CurrentMIP, $CurrentSystem, $CurrentGalaxy;
    $Result = "<td style='white-space:nowrap; width:150px;' align='center'>";
    if ($GalaxyRowPlayer['id'] != $user['id']) {
        if ($CurrentMIP != 0) {
            if ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] != $user['id']) {
                if ($GalaxyRowPlanet["galaxy"] == $CurrentGalaxy) {
                    $Range = GetMissileRange();
                    $SystemLimitMin = $CurrentSystem - $Range;
                    if ($SystemLimitMin < 1) {
                        $SystemLimitMin = 1;
                    $SystemLimitMax = $CurrentSystem + $Range;
                    if ($System <= $SystemLimitMax) {
                        if ($System >= $SystemLimitMin) {
                            $MissileBtn = true;
                        } else {
                            $MissileBtn = false;
                    } else {
                        $MissileBtn = false;
                } else {
                    $MissileBtn = false;
            } else {
                $MissileBtn = false;
        } else {
            $MissileBtn = false;
        if ($GalaxyRowPlayer && $GalaxyRowPlanet["destruyed"] == 0) {
            if ($user["settings_esp"] == "1" && $GalaxyRowPlayer['id']) {
                $Result .= "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"javascript:doit(6, " . $Galaxy . ", " . $System . ", " . $Planet . ", 1, " . $user["spio_anz"] . ");\" >";
                $Result .= "<img src=\"" . $dpath . "img/e.gif\" alt=\"e.gif\" title=\"" . $lang['gala']['0701'] . "\" border=\"0\"></a>";
                $Result .= "&nbsp;";
            if ($user["settings_wri"] == "1" && $GalaxyRowPlayer['id']) {
                $Result .= "<a href=\"messages.php?mode=write&amp;id=" . $GalaxyRowPlayer["id"] . "\">";
                $Result .= "<img src=\"" . $dpath . "img/m.gif\" alt=\"m.gif\" title=\"" . $lang['gala']['0702'] . "\" border=\"0\"></a>";
                $Result .= "&nbsp;";
            if ($user["settings_bud"] == "1" && $GalaxyRowPlayer['id']) {
                $Result .= "<a href=\"buddy.php?mode=2&amp;u=" . $GalaxyRowPlayer['id'] . "\" >";
                $Result .= "<img src=\"" . $dpath . "img/b.gif\" alt=\"b.gif\" title=\"" . $lang['gala']['0703'] . "\" border=\"0\"></a>";
                $Result .= "&nbsp;";
            if ($user["settings_mis"] == "1" and $MissileBtn == true && $GalaxyRowPlayer['id']) {
                $Result .= "<a href=\"galaxy.php?mode=2&amp;galaxy=" . $Galaxy . "&amp;system=" . $System . "&amp;planet=" . $Planet . "&amp;current=" . $user['current_planet'] . "\" >";
                $Result .= "<img src=\"" . $dpath . "img/r.gif\" alt=\"r.gif\" title=\"" . $lang['gala']['0704'] . "\" border=\"0\"></a>";
    $Result .= "</td>";
    return $Result;
Esempio n. 3
function _TooltipActions($Row, $Galaxy, $System, $Planet, $PlanetType)
    global $lang, $user, $dpath, $CurrentMIP, $CurrentSystem, $CurrentGalaxy;
    if ($Row['id'] != $user['id']) {
        if ($CurrentMIP != 0) {
            if ($Row['id'] != $user['id']) {
                if ($Row['galaxy'] == $Galaxy) {
                    $Range = GetMissileRange();
                    $SystemLimitMin = $CurrentSystem - $Range;
                    if ($SystemLimitMin < 1) {
                        $SystemLimitMin = 1;
                    $SystemLimitMax = $CurrentSystem + $Range;
                    if ($System <= $SystemLimitMax) {
                        if ($System >= $SystemLimitMin) {
                            $MissileBtn = true;
                        } else {
                            $MissileBtn = false;
                    } else {
                        $MissileBtn = false;
                } else {
                    $MissileBtn = false;
            } else {
                $MissileBtn = false;
        } else {
            $MissileBtn = false;
        if ($Row && $Row["destruyed"] == 0) {
            if ($user["settings_esp"]) {
                $Result .= "<a href=# onclick=\"javascript:pada_galaxy(6, " . $Galaxy . ", " . $System . ", " . $Planet . ", 1, " . $user["spio_anz"] . ");\" >";
                $Result .= "<img src=" . $dpath . "img/e.gif alt=\"" . $lang['gl_espionner'] . "\" title=\"" . $lang['gl_espionner'] . "\" border=0></a>";
                $Result .= "&nbsp;";
            if ($user["settings_wri"]) {
                $Result .= "<a href=messages.php?mode=write&id=" . $Row["id"] . ">";
                $Result .= "<img src=" . $dpath . "img/m.gif alt=\"" . $lang['gl_sendmess'] . "\" title=\"" . $lang['gl_sendmess'] . "\" border=0></a>";
                $Result .= "&nbsp;";
            if ($user["settings_bud"]) {
                $Result .= "<a href=buddy.php?a=2&amp;u=" . $Row['id'] . " >";
                $Result .= "<img src=" . $dpath . "img/b.gif alt=\"" . $lang['gl_buddyreq'] . "\" title=\"" . $lang['gl_buddyreq'] . "\" border=0></a>";
                $Result .= "&nbsp;";
            if ($user["settings_mis"] and $MissileBtn) {
                $Result .= "<a href=galaxy.php?mode=2&galaxy=" . $Galaxy . "&system=" . $System . "&planet=" . $Planet . "&current=" . $user['current_planet'] . " >";
                $Result .= "<img src=" . $dpath . "img/r.gif alt=\"" . $lang['gl_mipattack'] . "\" title=\"" . $lang['gl_mipattack'] . "\" border=0></a>";
    return $Result;
Esempio n. 4
 * GalaxyRowPlanet.php
 * @Licence GNU (GPL)
 * @version 3.0
 * @copyright 2009
 * @Team Space Beginner
function GalaxyRowPlanet($GalaxyRow, $GalaxyRowPlanet, $GalaxyRowUser, $Galaxy, $System, $Planet, $PlanetType)
    global $lang, $dpath, $user, $CurrentMIP, $HavePhalanx, $CurrentSystem, $CurrentGalaxy, $game_config;
    $Result = "<td style='width:30px; height:30px;' align='center'>";
    $GalaxyRowUser = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='" . $GalaxyRowPlanet['id_owner'] . "';", 'users', true);
    if ($GalaxyRow && $GalaxyRowPlanet["destruyed"] == 0 && $GalaxyRow["id_planet"] != 0) {
        if ($HavePhalanx != 0) {
            if ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] != $user['id']) {
                if ($GalaxyRowPlanet["galaxy"] == $CurrentGalaxy) {
                    $PhRange = GetPhalanxRange($HavePhalanx);
                    $SystemLimitMin = $CurrentSystem - $PhRange;
                    if ($SystemLimitMin < 1) {
                        $SystemLimitMin = 1;
                    $SystemLimitMax = $CurrentSystem + $PhRange;
                    if ($System <= $SystemLimitMax) {
                        if ($System >= $SystemLimitMin) {
                            $PhalanxTypeLink = "<a href=# onclick=fenster(&#039;phalanx.php?galaxy=" . $Galaxy . "&amp;system=" . $System . "&amp;planet=" . $Planet . "&amp;planettype=" . $PlanetType . "&#039;) >" . $lang['gala']['0207'] . "</a>";
                        } else {
                            $PhalanxTypeLink = "";
                    } else {
                        $PhalanxTypeLink = "";
                } else {
                    $PhalanxTypeLink = "";
            } else {
                $PhalanxTypeLink = "";
        } else {
            $PhalanxTypeLink = "";
        if ($CurrentMIP != 0) {
            if ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] != $user['id']) {
                if ($GalaxyRowPlanet["galaxy"] == $CurrentGalaxy) {
                    $MiRange = GetMissileRange();
                    $SystemLimitMin = $CurrentSystem - $MiRange;
                    if ($SystemLimitMin < 1) {
                        $SystemLimitMin = 1;
                    $SystemLimitMax = $CurrentSystem + $MiRange;
                    if ($System <= $SystemLimitMax) {
                        if ($System >= $SystemLimitMin) {
                            $MissileBtn = true;
                        } else {
                            $MissileBtn = false;
                    } else {
                        $MissileBtn = false;
                } else {
                    $MissileBtn = false;
            } else {
                $MissileBtn = false;
        } else {
            $MissileBtn = false;
        if ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] != $user['id']) {
            $MissionType6Link = "<a href=# onclick=&#039;javascript:doit(6, " . $Galaxy . ", " . $System . ", " . $Planet . ", " . $PlanetType . ", " . $user["spio_anz"] . ");&#039; >              " . $lang['type_mission'][6] . "</a>";
        } elseif ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] == $user['id']) {
            $MissionType6Link = "";
        if ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] != $user['id']) {
            $MissionType1Link = "<a href=fleet.php?galaxy=" . $Galaxy . "&amp;system=" . $System . "&amp;planet=" . $Planet . "&amp;planettype=" . $PlanetType . "&amp;target_mission=1>         " . $lang['type_mission'][1] . "</a>";
        } elseif ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] == $user['id']) {
            $MissionType1Link = "";
        if ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] != $user['id']) {
            $MissionType5Link = "<a href=fleet.php?galaxy=" . $Galaxy . "&amp;system=" . $System . "&amp;planet=" . $Planet . "&amp;planettype=" . $PlanetType . "&amp;target_mission=5>         " . $lang['type_mission'][5] . "</a>";
        } elseif ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] == $user['id']) {
            $MissionType5Link = "";
        if ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] == $user['id']) {
            $MissionType4Link = "<a href=fleet.php?galaxy=" . $Galaxy . "&amp;system=" . $System . "&amp;planet=" . $Planet . "&amp;planettype=" . $PlanetType . "&amp;target_mission=4>         " . $lang['type_mission'][4] . "</a>";
        } elseif ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] != $user['id']) {
            $MissionType4Link = "";
        if ($user["settings_mis"] == "1" and $MissileBtn == true && $GalaxyRowUser['id']) {
            $MissionType10Link = "<a href=galaxy.php?mode=2&amp;galaxy=" . $Galaxy . "&amp;system=" . $System . "&amp;planet=" . $Planet . "&amp;current=" . $user['current_planet'] . " >       " . $lang['type_mission'][10] . "</a>";
        } elseif ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] != $user['id']) {
            $MissionType10Link = "";
        $MissionType3Link = "<a href=fleet.php?galaxy=" . $Galaxy . "&amp;system=" . $System . "&amp;planet=" . $Planet . "&amp;planettype=" . $PlanetType . "&amp;target_mission=3>             " . $lang['type_mission'][3] . "</a>";
        $Result .= "<a style=\"cursor: pointer;\"";
        $Result .= " onmouseover='return overlib(\"";
        $Result .= "<table width=270px cellspacing=0px>";
        $Result .= "<tr><td class=c align=center rowspan=5 width=60px><img src=" . $dpath . "planeten/" . $GalaxyRowPlanet["image"] . ".gif height=60px width=60px alt=planet.gif>                                                                                                                                           </td></tr>";
        $Result .= "<tr><td class=c align=left width=140px>" . $lang['gala']['5003'] . " " . $lang['gala']['0201'] . "" . $lang['gala']['5002'] . " </td><td class=c align=left width=140px> " . $lang['gala']['5000'] . "" . $Galaxy . "" . $lang['gala']['5003'] . "" . $System . "" . $lang['gala']['5003'] . "" . $Planet . "" . $lang['gala']['5001'] . "   </td></tr>";
        $Result .= "<tr><td class=c align=left width=110px>" . $lang['gala']['5003'] . " " . $lang['gala']['0202'] . "" . $lang['gala']['5002'] . " </td><td class=c align=left width=110px> " . $GalaxyRowPlanet["name"] . "                                                                                                          </td></tr>";
        $Result .= "<tr><td class=c align=left width=110px>" . $lang['gala']['5003'] . " " . $lang['gala']['0203'] . "" . $lang['gala']['5002'] . " </td><td class=c align=left width=110px> " . number_format($GalaxyRowPlanet['diameter'], 0, '', '.') . " " . $lang['gala']['0205'] . "                                                 </td></tr>";
        $Result .= "<tr><td class=c align=left width=110px>" . $lang['gala']['5003'] . " " . $lang['gala']['0204'] . "" . $lang['gala']['5002'] . " </td><td class=c align=left width=110px> " . number_format($GalaxyRowPlanet['temp_min'], 0, '', '.') . " " . $lang['gala']['0206'] . "                                                 </td></tr>";
        $Result .= "</table><table width=270px cellspacing=0px>";
        $Result .= "<tr><td class=c align=left width=50%> " . $lang['gala']['5003'] . " ";
        $Result .= $MissionType1Link;
        // Angreifen
        $Result .= "</td><td class=c align=left width=50%>" . $lang['gala']['5003'] . " ";
        $Result .= $MissionType5Link;
        // Halten
        $Result .= "</td></tr> ";
        $Result .= "<tr><td class=c align=left width=50%> " . $lang['gala']['5003'] . " ";
        $Result .= $MissionType3Link;
        // Transportieren
        $Result .= "</td><td class=c align=left width=50%>" . $lang['gala']['5003'] . " ";
        $Result .= $MissionType6Link;
        // Spionage
        $Result .= "</td></tr> ";
        $Result .= "<tr><td class=c align=left width=50%> " . $lang['gala']['5003'] . " ";
        $Result .= $MissionType4Link;
        // Stationieren
        $Result .= "</td><td class=c align=left width=50%>" . $lang['gala']['5003'] . " ";
        $Result .= $PhalanxTypeLink;
        $Result .= "</td></tr> ";
        $Result .= "</table>\"";
        $Result .= ", STICKY, MOUSEOFF, DELAY, 750, CENTER, OFFSETX, -40, OFFSETY, -40 );'";
        $Result .= " onmouseout='return nd();'>";
        $Result .= "<img src='" . $dpath . "planeten/" . $GalaxyRowPlanet["image"] . ".gif' style='width:28px; height:28px;' alt='planet.gif'>";
        $Result .= "</a>";
    } else {
        $bild = array('s_dschjungelplanet01.gif', 's_dschjungelplanet02.gif', 's_dschjungelplanet03.gif', 's_dschjungelplanet04.gif', 's_dschjungelplanet05.gif', 's_dschjungelplanet06.gif', 's_dschjungelplanet07.gif', 's_dschjungelplanet08.gif', 's_dschjungelplanet09.gif', 's_dschjungelplanet10.gif', 's_eisplanet01.gif', 's_eisplanet02.gif', 's_eisplanet03.gif', 's_eisplanet04.gif', 's_eisplanet05.gif', 's_eisplanet06.gif', 's_eisplanet07.gif', 's_eisplanet08.gif', 's_eisplanet09.gif', 's_eisplanet10.gif', 's_gasplanet01.gif', 's_gasplanet02.gif', 's_gasplanet03.gif', 's_gasplanet04.gif', 's_gasplanet05.gif', 's_gasplanet06.gif', 's_gasplanet07.gif', 's_gasplanet08.gif', 's_gasplanet09.gif', 's_normaltempplanet01.gif', 's_normaltempplanet02.gif', 's_normaltempplanet03.gif', 's_normaltempplanet04.gif', 's_normaltempplanet05.gif', 's_normaltempplanet06.gif', 's_normaltempplanet07.gif', 's_normaltempplanet08.gif', 's_trockenplanet01.gif', 's_trockenplanet02.gif', 's_trockenplanet03.gif', 's_trockenplanet04.gif', 's_trockenplanet05.gif', 's_trockenplanet06.gif', 's_trockenplanet07.gif', 's_trockenplanet08.gif', 's_trockenplanet09.gif', 's_trockenplanet10.gif', 's_wasserplanet01.gif', 's_wasserplanet02.gif', 's_wasserplanet03.gif', 's_wasserplanet04.gif', 's_wasserplanet05.gif', 's_wasserplanet06.gif', 's_wasserplanet07.gif', 's_wasserplanet08.gif', 's_wasserplanet09.gif', 's_wuestenplanet01.gif', 's_wuestenplanet02.gif', 's_wuestenplanet03.gif', 's_wuestenplanet04.gif');
        $Result .= "<img src='" . $dpath . "planeten/small_planet/" . $bild[0] . "' style='height:20px; width:20px;' alt='planet01.gif'>";
    $Result .= "</td>";
    return $Result;
Esempio n. 5
function GalaxyRowPlanet($GalaxyRow, $GalaxyRowPlanet, $GalaxyRowUser, $Galaxy, $System, $Planet, $PlanetType)
    global $lang, $dpath, $user, $CurrentMIP, $HavePhalanx, $CurrentSystem, $CurrentGalaxy, $game_config;
    // Planete (Image)
    $Result = "<th width=30>";
    //$Buddy = CanDoACS($user['id'], $GalaxyRowUser['id']);
    $GalaxyRowUser = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='" . $GalaxyRowPlanet['id_owner'] . "';", 'users', true);
    if ($GalaxyRow && $GalaxyRowPlanet["destruyed"] == 0 && $GalaxyRow["id_planet"] != 0) {
        if ($HavePhalanx != 0) {
            if ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] != $user['id']) {
                if ($GalaxyRowPlanet["galaxy"] == $CurrentGalaxy) {
                    $PhRange = GetPhalanxRange($HavePhalanx);
                    $SystemLimitMin = $CurrentSystem - $PhRange;
                    if ($SystemLimitMin < 1) {
                        $SystemLimitMin = 1;
                    $SystemLimitMax = $CurrentSystem + $PhRange;
                    if ($System <= $SystemLimitMax) {
                        if ($System >= $SystemLimitMin) {
                            $PhalanxTypeLink = "<a href=# onclick=fenster(&#039;phalanx.php?galaxy=" . $Galaxy . "&amp;system=" . $System . "&amp;planet=" . $Planet . "&amp;planettype=" . $PlanetType . "&#039;) >" . $lang['gl_phalanx'] . "</a><br />";
                        } else {
                            $PhalanxTypeLink = "";
                    } else {
                        $PhalanxTypeLink = "";
                } else {
                    $PhalanxTypeLink = "";
            } else {
                $PhalanxTypeLink = "";
        } else {
            $PhalanxTypeLink = "";
        if ($CurrentMIP != 0) {
            if ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] != $user['id']) {
                if ($GalaxyRowPlanet["galaxy"] == $CurrentGalaxy) {
                    $MiRange = GetMissileRange();
                    $SystemLimitMin = $CurrentSystem - $MiRange;
                    if ($SystemLimitMin < 1) {
                        $SystemLimitMin = 1;
                    $SystemLimitMax = $CurrentSystem + $MiRange;
                    if ($System <= $SystemLimitMax) {
                        if ($System >= $SystemLimitMin) {
                            $MissileBtn = true;
                        } else {
                            $MissileBtn = false;
                    } else {
                        $MissileBtn = false;
                } else {
                    $MissileBtn = false;
            } else {
                $MissileBtn = false;
        } else {
            $MissileBtn = false;
        if ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] != $user['id']) {
            $MissionType6Link = "<a href=# onclick=&#039javascript:doit(6, " . $Galaxy . ", " . $System . ", " . $Planet . ", " . $PlanetType . ", " . $user["spio_anz"] . ");&#039 >" . $lang['type_mission'][6] . "</a><br /><br />";
        } elseif ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] == $user['id']) {
            $MissionType6Link = "";
        if ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] != $user['id']) {
            $MissionType1Link = "<a href=fleet.php?galaxy=" . $Galaxy . "&amp;system=" . $System . "&amp;planet=" . $Planet . "&amp;planettype=" . $PlanetType . "&amp;target_mission=1>" . $lang['type_mission'][1] . "</a><br />";
        } elseif ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] == $user['id']) {
            $MissionType1Link = "";
        //if ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] != $user['id'] AND $game_config['allow_acs'] == 1 AND $Buddy)
        if ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] != $user['id']) {
            $MissionType5Link = "<a href=fleet.php?galaxy=" . $Galaxy . "&system=" . $System . "&planet=" . $Planet . "&planettype=" . $PlanetType . "&target_mission=5>" . $lang['type_mission'][5] . "</a><br />";
        } elseif ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] == $user['id']) {
            $MissionType5Link = "";
        if ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] == $user['id']) {
            $MissionType4Link = "<a href=fleet.php?galaxy=" . $Galaxy . "&system=" . $System . "&planet=" . $Planet . "&planettype=" . $PlanetType . "&target_mission=4>" . $lang['type_mission'][4] . "</a><br />";
        } elseif ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] != $user['id']) {
            $MissionType4Link = "";
        if ($user["settings_mis"] == "1" and $MissileBtn == true && $GalaxyRowUser['id']) {
            $MissionType10Link = "<a href=galaxy.php?mode=2&galaxy=" . $Galaxy . "&system=" . $System . "&planet=" . $Planet . "&current=" . $user['current_planet'] . " >" . $lang['type_mission'][10] . "</a><br />";
        } elseif ($GalaxyRowUser['id'] != $user['id']) {
            $MissionType10Link = "";
        $MissionType3Link = "<a href=fleet.php?galaxy=" . $Galaxy . "&system=" . $System . "&planet=" . $Planet . "&planettype=" . $PlanetType . "&target_mission=3>" . $lang['type_mission'][3] . "</a><br />";
        $Result .= "<a style=\"cursor: pointer;\"";
        $Result .= " onmouseover='return overlib(\"";
        $Result .= "<table width=240>";
        $Result .= "<tr>";
        $Result .= "<td class=c colspan=2>";
        $Result .= $lang['gl_planet'] . " " . $GalaxyRowPlanet["name"] . " [" . $Galaxy . ":" . $System . ":" . $Planet . "]";
        $Result .= "</td>";
        $Result .= "</tr>";
        $Result .= "<tr>";
        $Result .= "<th width=80>";
        $Result .= "<img src=" . $dpath . "planeten/small/s_" . $GalaxyRowPlanet["image"] . ".jpg height=75 width=75 />";
        $Result .= "</th>";
        $Result .= "<th align=left>";
        $Result .= $MissionType6Link;
        $Result .= $PhalanxTypeLink;
        $Result .= $MissionType1Link;
        $Result .= $MissionType5Link;
        $Result .= $MissionType4Link;
        $Result .= $MissionType3Link;
        $Result .= $MissionType10Link;
        $Result .= "</th>";
        $Result .= "</tr>";
        $Result .= "</table>\"";
        //      $Result .= ", STICKY, MOUSEOFF, DELAY, ". ($user["settings_tooltiptime"] * 1000) .", CENTER, OFFSETX, -40, OFFSETY, -40 );'";
        $Result .= ", STICKY, MOUSEOFF, DELAY, 750, CENTER, OFFSETX, -40, OFFSETY, -40 );'";
        $Result .= " onmouseout='return nd();'>";
        $Result .= "<img src=" . $dpath . "planeten/small/s_" . $GalaxyRowPlanet["image"] . ".jpg height=30 width=30>";
        //      $Result .= $GalaxyRowPlanet["name"];
        $Result .= "</a>";
    $Result .= "</th>";
    return $Result;
Esempio n. 6
    return $MissileRange;
if ($_GET['type'] == "planetsize") {
    if (is_numeric($_GET['pos'])) {
        $size = PlanetSizeRandomiser($_GET['pos'], false, true);
        echo "<br /><font color=red>" . $size['field_max'] . "</font><br /><br /><br />";
        echo "<form action='' method='GET'>\r\n\t\t<input type='hidden' value='planetsize' name='type' />\r\n\t\t<input type='s' value='" . UNI . "' name='type' />\r\n\t\tPosition: <input type='text' name='pos' value='" . $_GET['pos'] . "' maxlenth='2' size='3' />\r\n\t\t<input type='submit' value='Go' />";
    } else {
        echo "<form action='' method='GET'>\r\n\t\t<input type='hidden' value='planetsize' name='type' />\r\n\t\t<input type='s' value='" . UNI . "' name='type' />\r\n\t\tPosition: <input type='text' name='pos' maxlenth='2' size='3' />\r\n\t\t<input type='submit' value='Go' />";
} elseif ($_GET['type'] == "missilerange") {
    if (is_numeric($_GET['impulse'])) {
        $userimpulse = $user[$resource[117]];
        $user[$resource[117]] = $_GET['impulse'];
        $result = GetMissileRange();
        $user[$resource[117]] = $userimpulse;
        echo "<br /><font color=red>With Impulse drive level " . $_GET['impulse'] . " you can fire across " . $result . " systems</font><br /><br /><br />";
        echo "<form action='' method='GET'>\r\n\t\t<input type='hidden' value='missilerange' name='type' />\r\n\t\t<input type='s' value='" . UNI . "' name='type' />\r\n\t\tImpulse Drive: <input type='text' name='impulse' value='" . ($_GET['impulse'] + 1) . "' maxlenth='2' size='3' />\r\n\t\t<input type='submit' value='Go' />";
    } else {
        echo "<form action='' method='GET'>\r\n\t\t<input type='hidden' value='missilerange' name='type' />\r\n\t\t<input type='s' value='" . UNI . "' name='type' />\r\n\t\tImpulse Drive: <input type='text' name='impulse' maxlenth='2' size='3' />\r\n\t\t<input type='submit' value='Go' />";
} elseif ($_GET['type'] == "phalanxrange") {
    if (is_numeric($_GET['level'])) {
        $result = GetPhalanxRange($_GET['level']);
        echo "<br /><font color=red>A Phalanx level " . $_GET['level'] . " has a range of " . $result . " systems.</font><br /><br /><br />";
        echo "<form action='' method='GET'>\r\n\t\t<input type='hidden' value='phalanxrange' name='type' />\r\n\t\t<input type='s' value='" . UNI . "' name='type' />\r\n\t\tSensor Phalanx Level: <input type='text' name='level' value='" . ($_GET['level'] + 1) . "' maxlenth='2' size='3' />\r\n\t\t<input type='submit' value='Go' />";
    } else {
        echo "<form action='' method='GET'>\r\n\t\t<input type='hidden' value='phalanxrange' name='type' />\r\n\t\t<input type='s' value='" . UNI . "' name='type' />\r\n\t\tSensor Phalanx Level: <input type='text' name='level' maxlenth='2' size='3' />\r\n\t\t<input type='submit' value='Go' />";