 * Добавляет строку таблицы для выбора и загрузки изображения
 * @param $Title
 * @param $LoadTitle
 * @param $FileName
 * @param $Dir
 * @param string $Name
 * @param string $LoadName
 * @param string $FormName
 * @return void
function AdminImageControl($Title, $LoadTitle, $FileName, $Dir, $Name = 'image', $LoadName = 'up_image', $FormName = 'edit_form')
    $max_file_size = ini_get('upload_max_filesize');
    $images_data = array();
    $Dir = RealPath2($Dir) . '/';
    $images = array();
    $images = GetFiles($Dir, false, true, '.gif.png.jpeg.jpg');
    $images[-1] = 'no_image/no_image.png';
    System::admin()->DataAdd($images_data, $images[-1], 'Нет картинки', $FileName == '');
    $selindex = -1;
    for ($i = 0, $c = count($images) - 1; $i < $c; $i++) {
        if ($FileName == $images[$i]) {
            $sel = true;
            $selindex = $i;
        } else {
            $sel = false;
        System::admin()->DataAdd($images_data, $images[$i], $images[$i], $sel);
    $select = System::admin()->Select($Name, $images_data, false, 'onchange="document.' . $FormName . '.iconview.src=\'' . $Dir . '\'+document.' . $FormName . '.' . $Name . '.value;"');
    $ctrl = <<<HTML
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
\t\t<td valign="top" style="border-bottom:none;">{$select}</td>
\t\t<td style="border-bottom:none; padding-top: 5px;" width="100%" align="left"><img height="80" id="iconview" src="{$Dir}{$images[$selindex]}"></td>
    System::admin()->FormRow($Title, $ctrl);
    System::admin()->FormRow($LoadTitle, System::admin()->FFile($LoadName) . '<br /><small>Формат изображений только *.jpg,*.jpeg,*.gif,*.png</small><br /><small>Максимальный размер файла: ' . $max_file_size . '</small>');
function AdminUpdateMain()
    global $updates_folder;
    System::admin()->AddCenterBox('Обновление системы');
    System::admin()->FormTitleRow('Выберите файл с обновлением');
    $update_files = GetFiles($updates_folder, false, true, '.zip');
    $update_files_data = array();
    foreach ($update_files as $file) {
        $zip = new ZipArchive();
        if ($zip->open($updates_folder . $file) !== true) {
            $metadata = JsonDecode($zip->getFromName('metadata'));
            if (isset($metadata) && isset($metadata['type']) && $metadata['type'] == 'update' && isset($metadata['from_version']) && $metadata['from_version'] == CMS_VERSION) {
                System::site()->DataAdd($update_files_data, $file, $file);
    if (count($update_files_data) > 0) {
        System::admin()->FormRow('Выбрать ранее загруженный файл', System::site()->Select('select_file', $update_files_data));
    System::admin()->FormRow('Загрузить файл', System::site()->FFile('upload_file'));
    System::admin()->AddForm(System::admin()->FormOpen(ADMIN_FILE . '?exe=update&a=upload', 'post', true), System::admin()->Submit('Продолжить'));
 * Рекурсивно обходит каталог и возвращает массив с относительными именами файлов просматриваемого каталога.
 * @param String  $folder         Имя папки.
 * @param Boolean $use_subfolders Искать в подпапках
 * @param Boolean $use_mask       Использовать маску поиска
 * @param String  $mask           Маска поиска. Вы можете указать расширения (с точкой) через запятую.
 * @param Boolean $newSearch      Начать ли новый поиск (статическая переменная будет перезаписана)
 * @param String  $parentf        Не обращайте внимания. Нужна для работы функции.
 * @return Array Список найденных файлов
function GetFiles($folder, $use_subfolders = false, $use_mask = false, $mask = '', $newSearch = true, $parentf = '')
    static $sfiles = array();
    if (!is_dir($folder)) {
        return array();
    if ($newSearch) {
        $sfiles = array();
    $mask = strtolower($mask);
    if ($parentf == '') {
        $parentf = $folder;
    $files = scandir($folder);
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        if (is_dir($folder . $file) && $file != '.' && $file != '..') {
            if ($use_subfolders) {
                GetFiles($folder . $file . '/', $use_subfolders, $use_mask, $mask, false, $parentf);
        } elseif (is_file($folder . $file)) {
            $ext = GetFileExt($file);
            if (!$use_mask || stripos($mask, strtolower($ext)) !== false) {
                $rf = str_replace($parentf, '', $folder . $file);
                $sfiles[] = $rf;
    return $sfiles;
  * Возвращае список всех доступных ключей в группе.
  * @param string $Group
  * @return array
 public function GetKeys($Group)
     $files = GetFiles($this->Path . $Group . '/');
     foreach ($files as $key => $file) {
         $files[$key] = GetFileName($file, true);
     return $files;
function AdminExtensionsConfig()
    System::admin()->AddSubTitle('Настройки модуля');
    $name = SafeEnv($_GET['name'], 255, str);
    System::database()->Select('modules', "`folder`='" . $name . "'");
    $mod = System::database()->FetchRow();
    System::admin()->FormRow('Имя', System::admin()->Edit('name', $mod['name'], false, 'style="width:200px;" class="autofocus"'));
    $dir = System::config('tpl_dir') . System::config('general/site_template') . '/themes/';
    if (is_dir($dir)) {
        $templates = GetFiles($dir, false, true, ".html");
    } else {
        $templates = array();
    System::admin()->DataAdd($templates_data, '', 'Стандартный "theme.html"', $mod['theme'] == '');
    foreach ($templates as $template) {
        System::admin()->DataAdd($templates_data, $template, $template, $mod['theme'] == $template);
    System::admin()->FormRow('Шаблон страницы', System::admin()->Select('theme', $templates_data));
    System::admin()->FormRow('Кто видит', System::admin()->Select('view', GetUserTypesFormData(SafeDB($mod['view'], 1, int))));
    System::admin()->FormRow('Включить', System::admin()->Select('enabled', GetEnData((bool) $mod['enabled'], 'Да', 'Нет')));
    System::admin()->AddCenterBox('Настройка модуля "' . SafeDB($mod['name'], 255, str) . '"');
    System::admin()->AddForm(System::admin()->FormOpen(ADMIN_FILE . '?exe=extensions&a=mod_configsave&name=' . SafeDB($mod['folder'], 255, str)), System::admin()->Button('Отмена', 'onclick="history.go(-1)"') . System::admin()->Submit('Сохранить'));
 * Возвращает имена шаблонов блоков, которые имеет текущий шаблон сайта
 * @return Array
function GetBlockTemplates()
    $TemplateDir = System::config('tpl_dir') . System::config('general/site_template') . '/block/';
    return GetFiles($TemplateDir, false, true, '.html.htm.tpl', true);
Esempio n. 7

include "php/tools.php";
include "php/image.php";
include "php/config.php";
include "php/session.php";
$ROOT_FOLDER = explode(",", $SESSION["dir_root"]);
include "php/action.php";
$tmp = explode('/', $SESSION["dir"]);
$FOLDER = $tmp[count($tmp) - 2];
$FILES = array();
$FILES = GetFiles($SESSION["dir"], $SESSION["orderby"], explode(",", $SESSION["hidden_filetype"]));

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<meta http-equiv="content-style-type" content="text/css" />
<meta http-equiv="content-script-type" content="text/javascript" />
<meta name="author" content="Jens Stolinski" />
<meta name="publisher" content="Jens Stolinski" />
<meta name="company" content="SYNASYS MEDIA" />

if ($CONFIG["no_cache"] == 1) {
    echo "<meta http-equiv=\"cache-control\" content=\"no-cache\" />\n";
CreateBackup = function(){
	Admin.ShowSplashScreen("Создание резервной копии");
		type: "POST",
		url: "' . ADMIN_FILE . '?exe=dbadmin&a=backup_create",
		data: {},
		success: function(data){
			Admin.LoadPage("' . ADMIN_FILE . '?exe=dbadmin&a=backups", undefined, "Обновление страницы");
$backup_files = GetFiles($backup_dir, false, true, '.zip');
rsort($backup_files, SORT_STRING);
$backup_files2 = array();
foreach ($backup_files as $file) {
    if (GetSecondFileExt($file, true) == System::database()->Name) {
        $backup_files2[] = $file;
$text = '';
$text .= '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="cfgtable">';
$text .= '<tr><th>Имя файла (дата-время...)</th><th>Функции</th></tr>';
foreach ($backup_files2 as $file) {
    $file = SafeDB($file, 255, str);
    $func = System::admin()->SpeedConfirm('Восстановить', ADMIN_FILE . '?exe=dbadmin&a=backup_restore&name=' . $file, 'images/admin/restore.png', 'Все текущие данные будут затёрты. Восстановить БД из резервной копии?');
    $func .= System::admin()->SpeedConfirm('Удалить', ADMIN_FILE . '?exe=dbadmin&a=backup_delete&name=' . $file, 'images/admin/delete.png', 'Удалить?');
    $text .= '<tr>
 * Выполняет поиск аватар в галерее и генерирует данные для HTML::Select
 * @param $avatar
 * @param $personal
 * @return array
function GetGalleryAvatarsData($avatar, $personal)
    $avatars = GetFiles(System::config('general/avatars_dir'), false, true, '.gif.jpg.jpeg.png');
    $selindex = 0;
    $avd = array();
    if ($personal == '1') {
        System::site()->DataAdd($avd, '', 'Персональный', true);
    for ($i = 0, $c = count($avatars); $i < $c; $i++) {
        if ($avatar == $avatars[$i]) {
            $sel = true;
            $selindex = $i;
        } else {
            $sel = false;
        System::site()->DataAdd($avd, $avatars[$i], $avatars[$i], $sel);
    return array($avd, $avatars[$selindex]);
Esempio n. 10
echo "\nChecking for curldist.txt ";
if (file_exists($MirrorPath . "curldist.txt")) {
    echo "Found !\n";
    if (filesize($MirrorPath . "curldist.txt") != strlen($FileList)) {
        echo "New list and old list differ in size, pulling all the files down again\n";
        exec("rm -Rf {$MirrorPath}");
        exec("mkdir {$MirrorPath}");
    } else {
        echo "Lists are the same size, all done\n";
} else {
    echo "Not Found.";
    $fd = fopen($MirrorPath . "curldist.txt", "w+");
    fputs($fd, $FileList);
        This function gets new files from the curl server.
function GetFiles($FileArray)
    global $MirrorPath, $CurlURL;
    echo "Chaning into {$MirrorPath}\n";
    exec("cd {$MirrorPath}");
    while (list($k, $v) = each($FileArray)) {
        exec("wget " . $CurlURL . "" . trim($v) . " -O {$MirrorPath}" . $v);
Esempio n. 11

include_once "../common.php";
include_once ROOT_PATH . "/mod/files.php";
include_once ROOT_PATH . "/mod/tasks.php";
if (!$user->Check()) {
if (!(isset($_POST['file']) && isset($_POST['note']))) {
    $RES = array();
    $files = GetFiles();
    if ($files) {
        foreach ($files as $v) {
            $RES[] = array('FID' => $v['fId'], 'FNAME' => $v['fName'], 'FTYPE' => $v['fType']);
    $smarty->assign('FILES', $RES);
    $smarty->assign('EXT', $file_ext);
    $smarty->assign('FILEID', $file_id);
$file = (int) $_POST['file'];
if ($file == 0) {
    die("<font class='error'>Plz, select file!</font>");
$note = $_POST['note'];
if (isset($_POST['pe_loader'])) {
    $peload = 1;
} else {
function AdminUserAvatarsGallery()
    global $galeryedit;
    TAddSubTitle('Галерея аватар');
    if (isset($_GET['user']) && $_GET['user'] == '1') {
        $personal = true;
        $dir = System::config('general/personal_avatars_dir');
        $dirlink = System::admin()->Link('Показать аватары из галереи', ADMIN_FILE . '?exe=user&a=avatars');
        $users = System::database()->Select('users', "`type`='2'");
        $c = sizeof($users);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
            $users[$users[$i]['avatar']] = $i;
    } else {
        $personal = false;
        $dir = System::config('general/avatars_dir');
        $dirlink = System::admin()->Link('Показать аватары пользователей', ADMIN_FILE . '?exe=user&a=avatars&user=1');
    $avatars2 = GetFiles($dir, false, true, '.gif.jpg.jpeg.png');
    $avatars = array();
    foreach ($avatars2 as $av) {
        $name = GetFileName($av, true);
        $sub = substr($name, -3);
        if ($sub != 'x24' && $sub != 'x64') {
            $avatars[] = $av;
    $c = count($avatars);
    $allsize = 0;
    $text = '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="cfgtable">';
    if ($c > 0) {
        $col = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
            if ($col == 0) {
                $text .= '<tr>';
            $imagfn = $dir . $avatars[$i];
            $size = getimagesize($imagfn);
            $fsize = filesize($imagfn);
            $allsize = $allsize + $fsize;
            if ($galeryedit) {
                $funcs = System::admin()->SpeedConfirm('Удалить', ADMIN_FILE . '?exe=user&a=delavatar&filename=' . $avatars[$i] . ($personal ? '&personal' : ''), 'images/admin/delete.png', 'Удалить аватар?');
            } else {
                $funcs = '&nbsp;';
            $text .= '<td align="center">
				<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" style="border:none; background: none;">
				<tr style="border:none; background: none;">
					<td style="border:none; background: none;"><a href="' . $imagfn . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $imagfn . '" border="0" width="64" title="(' . $size[0] . ' x ' . $size[1] . ', ' . FormatFileSize($fsize) . ') ' . $avatars[$i] . '" /></a></td>
					<td valign="top" style="border:none; background: none;">' . $funcs . '</td>
            if ($personal && isset($users[$avatars[$i]])) {
                $text .= '<tr><td colspan="2" align="left" style="border:none; background: none;"><a href="' . ADMIN_FILE . '?exe=user&a=edituser&id=' . SafeDB($users[$users[$avatars[$i]]]['id'], 11, int) . '">' . SafeDB($users[$users[$avatars[$i]]]['name'], 255, str) . '</a></td></tr>';
            $text .= '</table></td>';
            if ($col == 5) {
                $text .= '</tr>';
                $col = 0;
        if ($col < 5) {
            $text .= '<td colspan="' . (5 - $col) . '"></td>';
            $text .= '</tr>';
    } else {
        $text .= '<tr><td>В галерее нет ни одного аватара.</td></tr>';
    $text .= '</table>';
    $info = '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="cfgtable">
		<td width="34%">Аватар в галерее: ' . $c . '</td>
		<td width="33%">Общий размер: ' . FormatFileSize($allsize) . '</td>
		<td>' . $dirlink . '</td>
    $text = $info . $text;
    AddCenterBox('Галерея аватар', $text);
    if (!$personal && $galeryedit) {
        System::admin()->FormTitleRow('Загрузить аватар');
        FormRow('Выберите файл', System::site()->FFile('avatar'));
        AddForm(System::site()->FormOpen(ADMIN_FILE . '?exe=user&a=saveavatar', 'post', true), System::site()->Submit('Загрузить'));
    AddText('<br />');
function IndexUserRegistration($acceptPost = false, $edit = false)
    if (!$edit) {
    } else {
        if (!System::user()->Auth) {
		function checkData(f){
			if(f.login.value = \'\'){
				alert("Логин должен быть не менее ' . System::config('user/login_min_length') . ' и не более 15 символов.");
				return false;
    if (!$edit && System::config('user/registration') == 'off') {
        System::site()->AddTextBox('Ошибка', '<p align="center">Извините, регистрация приостановлена.</p>');
    if ($acceptPost) {
        AcceptPost($login, $pass, $rpass, $email, $hideemail, $nikname, $realname, $age, $homepage, $icq, $city, $avatar, $apersonal, $gmt, $about, $snews);
    } elseif ($edit) {
        GetEditUserData($login, $email, $hideemail, $nikname, $realname, $age, $homepage, $icq, $city, $avatar, $apersonal, $gmt, $about, $snews);
        $pass = '';
        $rpass = '';
    } else {
        $login = '';
        $pass = '';
        $rpass = '';
        $email = '';
        $hideemail = false;
        $nikname = '';
        $realname = '';
        $age = '';
        $homepage = '';
        $icq = '';
        $city = '';
        $avatar = 'noavatar.gif';
        $apersonal = '0';
        $gmt = System::config('general/default_timezone');
        $about = '';
        $snews = false;
    //Генерируем текст формы
    System::site()->AddBlock('user_form', true, false, 'form');
    $vars = array();
    if ($edit) {
        $vars['action'] = 'update';
        $vars['laction'] = 'Сохранить';
        $topcaption = 'Данные пользователя';
    } else {
        $vars['action'] = 'create';
        $vars['laction'] = 'Зарегистрироваться';
        $topcaption = 'Регистрация';
    $fields = explode(',', System::config('user/register_call_data'));
    $activate = System::config('user/activate_type');
    //auto, mail, manual
    $vars['form_name'] = 'userform';
    $vars['url'] = Ufu('index.php?name=user&op=registration', 'user/{op}/');
    $vars['enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data';
    $vars['llogin'] = '******';
    $vars['login'] = $login;
    $vars['lpass'] = '******';
    $vars['pass'] = $pass;
    $vars['lrpass'] = '******';
    $vars['rpass'] = $rpass;
    $vars['lnikname'] = 'Ваше имя на сайте <font color="#FF0000">*</font>';
    $vars['nikname'] = $nikname;
    $vars['lrealname'] = 'Настоящее имя(Ф.И.О.)';
    $vars['realname'] = $realname;
    $vars['use_realname'] = in_array('realname', $fields) || $edit;
    $vars['lemail'] = 'E-mail <font color="#FF0000">*</font>';
    $vars['email'] = $email;
    $vars['lhideemail'] = 'Скрыть e-mail';
    $vars['hideemail'] = $hideemail ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
    $vars['use_email'] = in_array('email', $fields) || $activate == 'mail' || $edit;
    $vars['lage'] = 'Возраст';
    $vars['age'] = $age;
    $vars['use_age'] = in_array('age', $fields) || $edit;
    $vars['lhomepage'] = 'Сайт';
    $vars['homepage'] = $homepage;
    $vars['use_homepage'] = in_array('homepage', $fields) || $edit;
    $vars['licq'] = 'Номер ICQ';
    $vars['icq'] = $icq;
    $vars['use_icq'] = in_array('icq', $fields) || $edit;
    $vars['lcity'] = 'Город';
    $vars['city'] = $city;
    $vars['use_city'] = in_array('city', $fields) || $edit;
    $vars['lavatar'] = 'Аватар';
    $vars['lload_avatar'] = 'Загрузить аватар<br>(Размеры картинки могут быть автоматически уменьшены. Допустимые форматы: gif, jpeg, png.)';
    $vars['avatar_onchange_func'] = 'ShowAvatar()';
    $vars['avatar_filename'] = $avatar;
    $vars['use_avatar'] = in_array('avatar', $fields) || $edit;
    if ($vars['use_avatar']) {
        System::site()->AddBlock('avatars', true, true, 'avatar');
        $avatars = GetFiles(System::config('general/avatars_dir'), false, true, '.gif.jpg.jpeg.png');
        if ($apersonal == '1') {
            $selected = GetPersonalAvatar(System::user()->Get('u_id'));
        } elseif ($edit) {
            $selected = GetGalleryAvatar($avatar);
        } else {
            $selected = GetGalleryAvatar($avatars[1]);
        if ($apersonal == '1') {
            System::site()->AddSubBlock('avatars', true, array('name' => '', 'caption' => 'Персональный', 'selected' => true));
        for ($i = 0, $c = count($avatars); $i < $c; $i++) {
            $avars = array();
            $sel = $avatar == $avatars[$i];
            $avars['name'] = $avatars[$i];
            $avars['selected'] = $sel;
            $avars['caption'] = $avatars[$i];
            System::site()->AddSubBlock('avatars', true, $avars);
        $vars['av_selected'] = $selected;
			function ShowAvatar(){
					document.userform.avatarview.src = \'' . (System::config('user/secure_avatar_upload') ? 'index.php?name=plugins&p=avatars_render&user='******'u_id') : System::config('general/personal_avatars_dir') . $avatar) . '\';
					document.userform.avatarview.src = \'' . (System::config('user/secure_avatar_upload') ? 'index.php?name=plugins&p=avatars_render&aname=' : System::config('general/avatars_dir')) . '\'+document.userform.avatar.value;
    $vars['lgmt'] = 'Часовой пояс';
    $vars['use_gmt'] = in_array('gmt', $fields) || $edit;
    if ($vars['use_gmt']) {
        $gmtd = GetGmtArray();
        System::site()->AddBlock('gmt_data', true, true, 'gmt');
        for ($i = 0, $c = count($gmtd); $i < $c; $i++) {
            $gvars['name'] = $gmtd[$i][1];
            $gvars['caption'] = $gmtd[$i][0];
            $gvars['selected'] = $gmt == $gmtd[$i][1];
            System::site()->AddSubBlock('gmt_data', true, $gvars);
    $vars['labout'] = 'Немного о себе';
    $vars['about'] = $about;
    $vars['use_about'] = in_array('about', $fields) || $edit;
    $vars['kaptcha_url'] = 'index.php?name=plugins&p=antibot';
    $vars['kaptcha_width'] = '120';
    $vars['kaptcha_height'] = '40';
    $vars['lsnews'] = 'Разрешить администраторам сайта присылать Вам уведомления по электронной почте';
    $vars['snews'] = $snews ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
    $vars['use_snews'] = in_array('snews', $fields) || $edit;
    System::site()->AddTemplatedBox($topcaption, 'module/user_form.html');
    System::site()->Blocks['user_form']['vars'] = $vars;

 * LinkorCMS 1.4
 * © 2012 LinkorCMS Development Group
if (!defined('VALID_RUN')) {
    header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
$tables = System::database()->GetTableInfo();
// Получаем имеющиеся бекапы
$backup_files = GetFiles(System::config('backup_dir'), false, true, '.zip');
rsort($backup_files, SORT_STRING);
$backup_files2 = array();
foreach ($backup_files as $file) {
    if (GetSecondFileExt($file, true) == System::database()->Name) {
        $backup_files2[] = $file;
if (count($backup_files2) > 0) {
    $last_backup_name = SafeDB($backup_files2[0], 255, str);
} else {
    $last_backup_name = '';
$sort = 'name';
$sort_dec = false;
if (isset($_GET['sort'])) {
    $sort = $_GET['sort'];
if (isset($_GET['dec'])) {
Esempio n. 15

include "php/tools.php";
include "php/config.php";
include "php/session.php";
include "php/image.php";
// Verzeichnispfad
$IMAGE_PATH = GetDocumentRoot() . $SESSION["dir"];
$IMAGE_PATH_2 = $SESSION["dir"];
include "php/action.php";
// Verzeichnis lesen
if ($SESSION["id"] == 1) {
    $FOLDERS = GetFolders($IMAGE_PATH);
    $FILES = GetFiles($IMAGE_PATH, $SESSION["orderby"]);

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