Esempio n. 1
function DisplayModSelection($compare = 0, $type = 'theater')
    $fields = array('mod', 'version', $type);
    $fieldname = $ext = $type;
    $suffix = $compare ? '_compare' : '';
    $js = $vars = $data = array();
    $path = array("{$type}s");
    foreach ($fields as $field) {
        switch ($field) {
            case 'theater':
                $fieldname = 'theaterfile';
                array_unshift($path, 'scripts');
            case 'map':
                $path = array('resource', 'overviews');
                $fieldname = $field;
        $data[$field] = $suffix ? $GLOBALS["{$fieldname}{$suffix}"] == $GLOBALS[$fieldname] ? '-' : $GLOBALS["{$fieldname}{$suffix}"] : $GLOBALS[$fieldname];
        echo "{$field}: <select name='{$field}{$suffix}' id='{$field}{$suffix}'></select>\n";
        $vars[$field] = $data[$field];
        $jsf = $field == $type ? 'item' : $field;
        $js[] = "var select_{$jsf}{$suffix} = \$('#{$field}{$suffix}');";
        $js[] = "var cur_{$jsf}{$suffix} = '{$vars[$field]}';";
    // If showing comparison options, put in blank as first entry to denote no comparison
    if ($compare) {
        $vars['data']['-']['-']['-'] = '-';
    // Populate data hash
    foreach ($GLOBALS['mods'] as $mname => $mdata) {
        foreach ($mdata as $vname => $vdata) {
            foreach ($path as $key) {
                if (!isset($vdata[$key])) {
                    continue 2;
                $vdata =& $vdata[$key];
            foreach ($vdata as $tname => $tpath) {
                $bn = preg_replace('/\\.[^\\.]+$/', '', basename($tname));
                if ($type == 'map') {
                    if (!GetDataFile("maps/parsed/{$bn}.json")) {
                $vars['data'][$mname][$vname][$bn] = $bn;
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function($) {
	var data = <?php 
    echo prettyPrint(json_encode($vars['data']));
    echo implode("\n\t", $js) . "\n";

	$(select_mod).change(function () {
		var mod = $(this).val(), vers = data[mod] || [];
		var html =  $.map(Object.keys(vers).sort().reverse(), function(ver){
			return '<option value="' + ver + '">' + ver + '</option>'

	$(select_version).change(function () {
		var version = $(this).val(), mod = $(select_mod).val(), values = data[mod][version] || [];
		var html =  $.map(Object.keys(values), function(item){
			return '<option value="' + item + '">' + item + '</option>'
	var html =  $.map(Object.keys(data), function(mod){
		return '<option value="' + mod + '">' + mod + '</option>'
function ParseMap($mapname, $force = 0)
    global $datapath, $linebreak, $gametypelist, $mapdata_version;
    $entities_key = 'entities';
    $points_key = 'points';
    $controlpoints = array();
    $map_objects = array();
    $map = array();
    $reader = new KVReader();
    $dstfile = GetDataFile("maps/parsed/{$mapname}.json", null, null, -2);
    if (file_exists($dstfile)) {
        $dstdata = json_decode(file_get_contents($dstfile), true);
    $srcfiles = array("CPSetup" => GetDataFile("maps/{$mapname}.txt"), "Overview" => GetDataFile("resource/overviews/{$mapname}.txt"), "VMF Source" => GetDataFile("maps/src/{$mapname}_d.vmf"));
    foreach ($srcfiles as $name => $file) {
        if (!file_exists($file)) {
            echo "FAIL: Missing {$name} \"{$file}\"!{$linebreak}";
        // Get MD5 of source file
        $map['source_files'][$name] = md5_file($file);
    $map['mapdata_version'] = $mapdata_version;
    // TODO: Proper KeyValues parser!!!
    // Load cpsetup.txt
    //echo "loading cpsetup\n";
    $data = $reader->read(strtolower(file_get_contents($srcfiles["CPSetup"])));
    //echo "done loading cpsetup\n";
    // Merge in bases
    foreach ($data as $name => $item) {
        if ($name == "#base") {
            //echo "found bases\n";
            if (!is_array($item)) {
                $item = array($item);
            foreach ($item as $base) {
                //echo "merging {$base}\n";
                $data = array_merge_recursive($reader->read(strtolower(file_get_contents(GetDataFile("maps/{$base}")))), $data);
    // Process all nodes
    foreach ($data as $name => $item) {
        if (is_array($item)) {
            foreach ($item as $key => $val) {
                if (in_array($key, array_keys($gametypelist))) {
                    $map['gametypes'][$key] = $val;
                } else {
                    $map['CPSetup'][$key] = $val;
    // Load Overview
    //echo "starting load overview\n";
    //Get overview information (file, position, scale)
    $lines = file($srcfiles["Overview"], FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
        $data = explode("\t", preg_replace('/\\s+/', "\t", str_replace('"', '', trim($line))));
        if (isset($data[1])) {
            $map['overview'][$data[0]] = is_numeric($data[1]) ? (double) $data[1] : $data[1];
    //echo "done load overview\n";
    // Load VMF Source
    //Parse the decompiled VMF file
    if (file_exists($srcfiles["VMF Source"])) {
        //echo "start load vmf source\n";
        // Remove non-printable characters to make processing easier
        // Change to lowercase to make array indexing simpler
        $data = preg_replace('/[\\x00-\\x08\\x14-\\x1f]+/', '', strtolower(file_get_contents($srcfiles["VMF Source"])));
        // Quote all unquoted keys
        $data = preg_replace('/(\\s*)([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(\\s*{)/', '${1}"${2}"${3}', $data);
        // Get all nested objects
        preg_match_all('~[^{}]+ { ( (?>[^{}]+) | (?R) )* } ~x', $data, $matches);
        // Process entities
        //echo "start process entities\n";
        foreach ($matches[0] as $rawent) {
            // Read in KV
            $object = $reader->read($rawent);
            $type = implode('', array_keys($object));
            if ($type == "entity") {
                $entity = $object[$type];
            } else {
            //Only interested in certain entities
            $classnames = array("trigger_capture_zone", "point_controlpoint", "obj_weapon_cache", "ins_spawnzone", "ins_blockzone");
            if (in_array($entity['classname'], $classnames) !== false) {
                //echo "start processing {$entity['classname']} {$entity['id']}\n";
                //Special processing for capture zone
                				if ($entity['classname'] == "trigger_capture_zone") {
                //					continue;
                					$entity['targetname'] = $entity['controlpoint'];
                					$entity['classname'] = 'point_controlpoint';
                // Create data structure for point
                $point = CreatePoint($entity, $map);
                $entname = $point['pos_name'];
                //if (!isset($point['pos_name'])) {
                //(isset($entity['controlpoint'])) ? $entity['controlpoint'] : $entity['targetname'];
                if (isset($entity['solid'])) {
                    if (isset($entity['solid']['is_multiple_array'])) {
                        $entity['solid'] = $entity['solid'][0];
                        //Temp hack for complex zones
                    $point['pos_type'] = 'area';
                    //This is silly, but I add together all the coordinates and average them to get the actual location on the map.
                    // I think a better way is to actually calculate the difference and average that way.
                    // TODO: Send all coord numbers into array, then sort and get min/max to average that way
                    $path = array();
                    foreach ($entity['solid']['side'] as $side) {
                        if (isset($side['plane'])) {
                            preg_match_all('#\\(([^)]+)\\)#', $side['plane'], $coord);
                            //Add coordinate to collection
                            foreach ($coord[1] as $xyz) {
                                $xyz = explode(' ', $xyz);
                                $vector = round(abs(($xyz[0] - $map['overview']['pos_x']) / $map['overview']['scale'])) . ',' . round(abs(($xyz[1] - $map['overview']['pos_y']) / $map['overview']['scale']));
                                $path[$vector] = $vector;
                    //This is terrible logic that loops through the path points and calculates the high/low points for shape
                    if (count($path)) {
                        $min = array(0 => -1, 1 => -1);
                        $max = array(0 => -1, 1 => -1);
                        foreach ($path as $coord) {
                            $vector = explode(',', $coord);
                            $min[0] = $vector[0] < $min[0] || !isset($min[0]) || $min[0] < 0 ? $vector[0] : $min[0];
                            $min[1] = $vector[1] < $min[1] || !isset($min[1]) || $min[1] < 0 ? $vector[1] : $min[1];
                            $max[0] = $vector[0] > $max[0] || !isset($max[0]) ? $vector[0] : $max[0];
                            $max[1] = $vector[1] > $max[1] || !isset($max[1]) ? $vector[1] : $max[1];
                        // Count the sides to see if this is a square or not.
                        if (count($path) == 4) {
                            $point['pos_x'] = (int) $min[0];
                            $point['pos_y'] = (int) $min[1];
                            $point['pos_width'] = (int) ($max[0] - $min[0]);
                            $point['pos_height'] = (int) ($max[1] - $min[1]);
                            $point['pos_shape'] = 'rect';
                        } else {
                            $point['pos_shape'] = 'poly';
                            if ($point['pos_x'] < 1) {
                                $point['pos_x'] = (int) $min[0];
                                $point['pos_y'] = (int) $min[1];
                            $point['pos_points'] = implode(' ', $path);
                    //echo "done processing {$entity['classname']} {$entity['id']}\n";
                //Hackly logic to allow merging of cache/control point data gracefully no matter what order the entities come in
                foreach ($point as $key => $val) {
                    if (!isset($map[$points_key][$entname][$key])) {
                        $map[$points_key][$entname][$key] = $val;
            //echo "done process entities\n";
        //echo "done parse vmf\n";
    // Process combined data
    //Process game type data for this map
    foreach ($map['gametypes'] as $gtname => $gtdata) {
        //echo "start process gametypes\n";
        //Create an array called cps with the names of all the control points for this mode
        if (!isset($gtdata['controlpoint'])) {
        if (!is_array($gtdata['controlpoint'])) {
            $map['gametypes'][$gtname]['controlpoint'] = array($gtdata['controlpoint']);
        $cps = $map['gametypes'][$gtname]['controlpoint'];
        //Process any entities in the gamedata text file.
        $entlist = array();
        if (!isset($gtdata[$entities_key])) {
        foreach ($gtdata[$entities_key] as $entname => $entity) {
            //KV reader now handles multiple like-named resources by creating a numerically indexed array
            //When doing that, the is_multiple_array flag is set
            if (isset($entity['is_multiple_array'])) {
                //If multiple items, send each to the array
                foreach ($entity as $subent) {
                    if (is_array($subent)) {
                        $subent['classname'] = $entname;
                        $entlist[] = CreatePoint($subent, $map);
            } else {
                //Otherwise, pack the single item
                $entity['classname'] = $entname;
                $entlist[] = CreatePoint($entity, $map);
        //Process all gamedata entities that are referenced by the controlpoints list
        foreach ($entlist as $id => $entity) {
            if (!isset($entity['pos_name'])) {
            $cp = $entity['pos_name'];
            //(isset($entity['controlpoint'])) ? $entity['controlpoint'] : $entity['targetname'];
            foreach ($entity as $key => $val) {
                if (!isset($map['gametypes'][$gtname][$points_key][$cp][$key]) || @$entity['targetname'] == $cp && $key != 'classname' || @$entity['targetname'] != $cp && $key == 'classname') {
                    $map['gametypes'][$gtname][$points_key][$cp][$key] = $val;
        		//chr 65 is uppercase A. This lets me 'increment' letters
        		$chr = 65;
        		// Loop through control points and name them
        		foreach ($cps as $idx => $cp) {
        			$cpname = chr($chr);
        			$map['gametypes'][$gtname]['controlpoint'][$cpname] = (isset($map['gametypes'][$gtname][$points_key][$cp])) ? $map['gametypes'][$gtname][$points_key][$cp] : $map[$points_key][$cp];
        			//Set point name to the letter of the objective
        			$map['gametypes'][$gtname]['controlpoint'][$cpname]['pos_name'] = $cpname;
        			if (isset($gtdata['attackingteam'])) {
        				$map['gametypes'][$gtname]['controlpoint'][$cpname]['pos_team'] = ($gtdata['attackingteam'] == 'security') ? 3 : 2;
        //Bullshit to add teams to points, Skirmish game logic does it instead of saving it in the maps.
        if ($gtname == 'skirmish') {
            $map['gametypes'][$gtname]['controlpoint']['B']['pos_team'] = 2;
            $map['gametypes'][$gtname]['controlpoint']['D']['pos_team'] = 3;
        //Same deal for Firefight
        if ($gtname == 'firefight') {
            $map['gametypes'][$gtname]['controlpoint']['A']['pos_team'] = 2;
            $map['gametypes'][$gtname]['controlpoint']['C']['pos_team'] = 3;
        		//Parse spawn zones. This is tricky because there will usually be two zones with the same targetname
        		// but different teamnum. This is to allow spawning to move as the game changes I believe.
        		if (isset($gtdata['spawnzones'])) {
        			foreach ($gtdata['spawnzones'] as $szid => $szname) {
        				if (is_numeric($szid)) {
        					$sz = array();
        					foreach (array('_team2','_team3') as $suffix) {
        						if (isset($map[$points_key]["{$szname}{$suffix}"]))
        							$sz["{$szname}{$suffix}"] = $map[$points_key]["{$szname}{$suffix}"];
        					$map['gametypes'][$gtname]['spawnzones'][$szname] = $sz;
        		// Remove the points and entities sections from the finished data structure. We no longer need them.
        		if (@is_array($map['gametypes'][$gtname][$points_key])) {
        		if (@is_array($map['gametypes'][$gtname][$entities_key])) {
        //echo "done parse gametypes\n";
    $json = prettyPrint(json_encode($map));
    file_put_contents($dstfile, $json);
    echo "OK: Parsed {$mapname}{$linebreak}";
    //	var_dump(array_merge_recursive($srcfiles,$map['source_files']));
function GetMaterial($name, $type = 'img', $path = '')
    // This is shit path munging, fix it
    $pathparts = array_filter(array_merge(explode("/", preg_replace('/\\.(vmt|vtf|png)$/', '', "{$path}/{$name}"))));
    if ($pathparts[0] != 'materials') {
        array_unshift($pathparts, 'materials');
    $filepath = implode("/", $pathparts);
    // If we have a PNG, just send it
    if (file_exists(GetDataFile("{$filepath}.png"))) {
        return GetDataURL("{$filepath}.png");
    // Try to use VMT to get image
    if (file_exists(GetDataFile("{$filepath}.vmt"))) {
        $vmt = file_get_contents(GetDataFile("{$filepath}.vmt"));
        preg_match_all('/basetexture[" ]+([^"\\s]*)/', $vmt, $matches);
        return GetMaterial($matches[1][0], $type);
        		if (file_exists(GetDataFile("{$matches[1][0]}.png"))) {
        			return GetDataURL("{$$matches[1][0]}.png");
    // No hope
    return '';
Esempio n. 4
 foreach ($mapfiles as $mapfile) {
     $mapname = basename($mapfile, ".txt");
     if (in_array($mapname, $excludemaps)) {
     $mapdir = dirname($mapfile);
     $mapver = basename(dirname($mapdir));
     $mapmod = basename(dirname(dirname($mapdir)));
     $mapdata = parseKeyValues(strtolower(file_get_contents($mapfile)));
     foreach ($mapdata as $name => $item) {
         if ($name == "#base") {
             if (!is_array($item)) {
                 $item = array($item);
             foreach ($item as $base) {
                 $mapdata = array_merge_recursive(parseKeyValues(strtolower(file_get_contents(GetDataFile("maps/{$base}", $mapmod, $mapver)))), $mapdata);
     $maplist[$mapname] = 1;
     $maps[$mapname]['dir'] = $mapdir;
     $maps[$mapname]['mod'] = $mapmod;
     $maps[$mapname]['version'] = $mapver;
     $maps[$mapname]['cpsetup'] = array_shift(array_values($mapdata));
 $gametypes = isset($_REQUEST["gametypes"]) ? $_REQUEST["gametypes"] : array('checkpoint', 'hunt');
 $mc .= "";
 foreach ($maps as $mapname => $mapdata) {
     if (in_array($mapname, $excludemaps)) {