function Builsql($uri, $ip, $virus)
    $virus = str_replace("+", " ", $virus);
    $virus = trim($virus);
    $md5 = md5(time() . "{$uri},{$ip},{$virus}");
    $ip = GetComputerName($ip);
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `antivirus_events` (`zDate`, `TaskName`, `email`, `VirusName`, `InfectedPath`, `ComputerName`, `zmd5`) \n\tVALUES (NOW(), 'HTTP Scan', 0, '{$virus}', '{$uri}', '{$ip}', '{$md5}')";
    $q = new mysql();
    $q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_events");
    if (!$q->ok) {
    events("Virus {$virus} found from {$uri} to {$ip}");
Esempio n. 2
function Builsql($CLIENT, $username = null, $uri, $code_error, $size = 0, $time, $cached, $mac = null)
    $squid_error["100"] = "Continue";
    $squid_error["101"] = "Switching Protocols";
    $squid_error["102"] = "Processing";
    $squid_error["200"] = "Pass";
    $squid_error["201"] = "Created";
    $squid_error["202"] = "Accepted";
    $squid_error["203"] = "Non-Authoritative Information";
    $squid_error["204"] = "No Content";
    $squid_error["205"] = "Reset Content";
    $squid_error["206"] = "Partial Content";
    $squid_error["207"] = "Multi Status";
    $squid_error["300"] = "Multiple Choices";
    $squid_error["301"] = "Moved Permanently";
    $squid_error["302"] = "Moved Temporarily";
    $squid_error["303"] = "See Other";
    $squid_error["304"] = "Not Modified";
    $squid_error["305"] = "Use Proxy";
    $squid_error["307"] = "Temporary Redirect";
    $squid_error["400"] = "Bad Request";
    $squid_error["401"] = "Unauthorized";
    $squid_error["402"] = "Payment Required";
    $squid_error["403"] = "Forbidden";
    $squid_error["404"] = "Not Found";
    $squid_error["405"] = "Method Not Allowed";
    $squid_error["406"] = "Not Acceptable";
    $squid_error["407"] = "Proxy Authentication Required";
    $squid_error["408"] = "Request Timeout";
    $squid_error["409"] = "Conflict";
    $squid_error["410"] = "Gone";
    $squid_error["411"] = "Length Required";
    $squid_error["412"] = "Precondition Failed";
    $squid_error["413"] = "Request Entity Too Large";
    $squid_error["414"] = "Request URI Too Large";
    $squid_error["415"] = "Unsupported Media Type";
    $squid_error["416"] = "Request Range Not Satisfiable";
    $squid_error["417"] = "Expectation Failed";
    $squid_error["424"] = "Locked";
    $squid_error["424"] = "Failed Dependency";
    $squid_error["433"] = "Unprocessable Entity";
    $squid_error["500"] = "Internal Server Error";
    $squid_error["501"] = "Not Implemented";
    $squid_error["502"] = "Bad Gateway";
    $squid_error["503"] = "Service Unavailable";
    $squid_error["504"] = "Gateway Timeout";
    $squid_error["505"] = "HTTP Version Not Supported";
    $squid_error["507"] = "Insufficient Storage";
    $squid_error["600"] = "Squid header parsing error";
    if (preg_match("#^(?:[^/]+://)?([^/:]+)#", $uri, $re)) {
        $sitename = $re[1];
        if (preg_match("#^www\\.(.+)#", $sitename, $ri)) {
            $sitename = $ri[1];
    } else {
        events("dansguardian-stats2:: unable to extract domain name from {$uri}");
        return false;
    $TYPE = $squid_error[$code_error];
    $REASON = $TYPE;
    $CLIENT = trim($CLIENT);
    $date = date('Y-m-d') . " " . $time;
    if ($username == null) {
        $username = GetComputerName($ip);
    if ($size == null) {
        $size = 0;
    if (trim($GLOBALS["IPs"][$sitename]) == null) {
        $site_IP = trim(gethostbyname($sitename));
        $GLOBALS["IPs"][$sitename] = $site_IP;
    } else {
        $site_IP = $GLOBALS["IPs"][$sitename];
    if (count($_GET["IPs"]) > 5000) {
    if (count($_GET["COUNTRIES"]) > 5000) {
    if (trim($GLOBALS["COUNTRIES"][$site_IP]) == null) {
        if (function_exists("geoip_record_by_name")) {
            if ($site_IP == null) {
                $site_IP = $sitename;
            $record = @geoip_record_by_name($site_IP);
            if ($record) {
                $Country = $record["country_name"];
                $GLOBALS["COUNTRIES"][$site_IP] = $Country;
        } else {
            $geoerror = "geoip_record_by_name no such function...";
    } else {
        $Country = $GLOBALS["COUNTRIES"][$site_IP];
    $zMD5 = md5("{$uri}{$date}{$CLIENT}{$username}{$TYPE}{$Country}{$site_IP}");
    if (!is_dir("/var/log/artica-postfix/dansguardian-stats2")) {
        @mkdir("/var/log/artica-postfix/dansguardian-stats2", 600, true);
    if (!is_dir("/var/log/artica-postfix/dansguardian-stats3")) {
        @mkdir("/var/log/artica-postfix/dansguardian-stats3", 600, true);
    if (!$GLOBALS["SINGLE_SITE"][$sitename]) {
        $filewebsite = "/var/log/artica-postfix/dansguardian-stats3/" . md5($sitename);
        $filewebsite_array = array("sitename" => $sitename, "country" => $Country, "ipaddr" => $site_IP);
        $filecontent = serialize($filewebsite_array);
        if (!is_file($filewebsite)) {
            events("{$date} dansguardian-stats3:: " . basename($filewebsite) . " -> \"sitename\"=>{$sitename},\"country\"=>{$Country},\"ipaddr\"=>{$site_IP}  (" . __LINE__ . ")");
            @file_put_contents($filewebsite, $filecontent);
            if (is_file($filewebsite)) {
                $GLOBALS["SINGLE_SITE"][$sitename] = true;
            events("{$date} dansguardian-stats3:: " . count($GLOBALS["SINGLE_SITE"]) . " analyzed websites");
    if (count($GLOBALS["SINGLE_SITE"]) > 1500) {
    events("{$date} dansguardian-stats2:: {$REASON}:: [{$mac}]{$CLIENT} ({$username}) -> {$sitename} ({$site_IP}) Country={$Country} ({$geoerror}) REASON:\"{$REASON}\" TYPE::\"{$TYPE}\" size={$size} (" . __LINE__ . ")");
    $uri = addslashes($uri);
    $Country = addslashes($Country);
    $sql = "('{$sitename}','{$uri}','{$TYPE}','{$REASON}','{$CLIENT}','{$date}','{$zMD5}','{$site_IP}','{$Country}','{$size}','{$username}','{$cached}','{$mac}')";
    @file_put_contents("/var/log/artica-postfix/dansguardian-stats2/{$zMD5}.sql", $sql);
    if (count($GLOBALS["RTIME"]) > 500) {
    $GLOBALS["RTIME"][] = array($sitename, $uri, $TYPE, $REASON, $CLIENT, $date, $zMD5, $site_IP, $Country, $size, $username, $mac);
    @file_put_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/squid-realtime.cache", base64_encode(serialize($GLOBALS["RTIME"])));
Esempio n. 3
function parseURL($url)
    $uri = null;
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
        WLOG("parseURL():: Analyze [{$url}]");
    $md5 = md5($url);
    // 00:1e:8c:a5:39:19 - crash-
    // 00:25:22:73:31:d5 -
    // 00:1d:92:70:96:70 -
    if (preg_match("#([0-9\\.]+)\\s+([0-9\\:a-z]+)\\s+-(.+?):([0-9]+)\$#", $url, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["LOGIN"] = null;
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["IPADDR"] = $re[1];
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["MAC"] = $re[2];
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["HOST"] = GetComputerName($re[1]);
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["URI"] = null;
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["RHOST"] = $re[3];
        return $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5];
    if (preg_match("#([0-9\\.]+)\\s+([0-9\\:a-z]+)\\s+-\$#", $url, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["LOGIN"] = null;
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["IPADDR"] = $re[1];
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["MAC"] = $re[2];
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["HOST"] = GetComputerName($re[1]);
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["URI"] = null;
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["RHOST"] = null;
        return $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5];
    if (preg_match("#([0-9\\.]+)\\s+([0-9\\:a-z]+)\\s+-\\s+([a-z]+)-\$#", $url, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["LOGIN"] = null;
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["IPADDR"] = $re[1];
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["MAC"] = $re[2];
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["HOST"] = GetComputerName($re[1]);
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["URI"] = null;
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["RHOST"] = $re[3];
        return $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5];
    if (preg_match("#(http|ftp|https|ftps):\\/\\/(.*)#i", $url, $re)) {
        $uri = $re[1] . "://" . $re[2];
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
            WLOG("found uri {$uri}");
        $url = trim(str_replace($uri, "", $url));
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
            WLOG("Analyze {$url}");
    if ($uri == null) {
        if (preg_match("#([a-z0-9\\.]+):([0-9]+)\$#i", $url, $re)) {
            $uri = "http://" . $re[1] . ":" . $re[2];
            if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
                WLOG("found uri {$uri}");
            $url = trim(str_replace($re[1] . ":" . $re[2], "", $url));
            if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
                WLOG("Analyze \"{$url}\"");
    if ($uri != null) {
        $URLAR = parse_url($uri);
        if (isset($URLAR["host"])) {
            $rhost = $URLAR["host"];
    if (isset($GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5])) {
        return $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5];
    $tr = explode(" ", $url);
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
        while (list($index, $line) = each($tr)) {
            WLOG("tr[{$index}] = {$line}");
    //max auth=4
    if (count($tr) == 4) {
        WLOG("count --> 4");
        $login = $tr[0];
        $ipaddr = $tr[1];
        $mac = $tr[2];
        $forwarded = $tr[3];
        if (isset($tr[4])) {
            $uri = $tr[4];
        if ($mac == "00:00:00:00:00:00") {
            $mac = null;
        if (preg_match("#^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\$#", $forwarded)) {
            $ipaddr = $forwarded;
        if ($mac == null) {
            $mac = GetMacFromIP($ipaddr);
        if ($mac == "00:00:00:00:00:00") {
            $mac = null;
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["LOGIN"] = $login;
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["IPADDR"] = $ipaddr;
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["MAC"] = $mac;
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["HOST"] = GetComputerName($ipaddr);
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["URI"] = $uri;
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["RHOST"] = $rhost;
        return $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5];
    if (count($tr) == 3) {
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
            WLOG("count --> 3");
        if (preg_match("#^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\$#", $tr[0])) {
            //ip en premier donc mac=ok, pas de login
            $login = null;
            $ipaddr = $tr[0];
            $mac = $tr[1];
            $forwarded = $tr[2];
            if (isset($tr[3])) {
                $uri = $tr[3];
        } else {
            //login en premier donc mac=bad
            $login = $tr[0];
            $ipaddr = $tr[1];
            $forwarded = $tr[2];
            if (isset($tr[3])) {
                $uri = $tr[3];
        if ($mac == "00:00:00:00:00:00") {
            $mac = null;
        if (preg_match("#[0-9]+\\[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+#", $forwarded)) {
            $ipaddr = $forwarded;
        if ($mac == null) {
            $mac = GetMacFromIP($ipaddr);
        if ($mac == "00:00:00:00:00:00") {
            $mac = null;
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["LOGIN"] = $login;
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["IPADDR"] = $ipaddr;
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["MAC"] = $mac;
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["HOST"] = GetComputerName($ipaddr);
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["URI"] = $uri;
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["RHOST"] = $rhost;
        return $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5];
    if (count($tr) == 2) {
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
            WLOG("count --> 2");
        //pas de login et pas de MAC;
        $login = null;
        $ipaddr = $tr[0];
        $mac = null;
        $forwarded = $tr[1];
        if (isset($tr[2])) {
            $uri = $tr[2];
        if (preg_match("#[0-9]+\\[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+#", $forwarded)) {
            $ipaddr = $forwarded;
    if ($mac == null) {
        $mac = GetMacFromIP($ipaddr);
    } else {
        if ($mac == "00:00:00:00:00:00") {
            $mac = null;
            $mac = GetMacFromIP($ipaddr);
    if ($mac == "00:00:00:00:00:00") {
        $mac = null;
    $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["LOGIN"] = $login;
    $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["IPADDR"] = $ipaddr;
    $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["MAC"] = $mac;
    $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["HOST"] = GetComputerName($ipaddr);
    $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["URI"] = $uri;
    $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]["RHOST"] = $rhost;
    return $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5];
function ParseUsersSize()
    $f = array();
    $unix = new unix();
    $hostname = $unix->hostname_g();
    $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN();
    if (function_exists("system_is_overloaded")) {
        if (system_is_overloaded()) {
    $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
    if (!$q->TABLE_EXISTS("UserSizeRTT")) {
        ufdbguard_admin_events("Fatal:{$hostname} UserSizeRTT no such table, die();", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, "stats");
    if (!($handle = opendir("/var/log/artica-postfix/squid-usersize"))) {
        @mkdir("/var/log/artica-postfix/squid-usersize", 0755, true);
    if (!($handle = opendir("/var/log/artica-postfix/squid-usersize"))) {
        ufdbguard_admin_events("Fatal:{$hostname} /var/log/artica-postfix/squid-usersize no such directory", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, "stats");
    $prefix = "INSERT IGNORE INTO UserSizeRTT (`zMD5`,`uid`,`zdate`,`ipaddr`,`hostname`,`account`,`MAC`,`UserAgent`,`size`) VALUES";
    $countDeFiles = 0;
    while (false !== ($filename = readdir($handle))) {
        if ($filename == ".") {
        if ($filename == "..") {
        $targetFile = "/var/log/artica-postfix/squid-usersize/{$filename}";
        $account = 0;
        $array = unserialize(@file_get_contents($targetFile));
        if (!is_array($array)) {
        $time = $array["TIME"];
        $md5 = $array["MD5"];
        if ($md5 == null) {
        if (!is_numeric($time)) {
        if ($time == 0) {
        $zdate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $time);
        $md5 = md5($md5 . $time);
        $uid = $array["uid"];
        if ($uid == "-") {
            $uid = null;
        $ipaddr = $array["IP"];
        $MAC = $array["MAC"];
        if (!__IsPhysicalAddress($MAC)) {
            $MAC = null;
        $hostname = $array["HOSTNAME"];
        $UserAgent = $array["UGNT"];
        if (strlen($UserAgent) < 2) {
            $UserAgent = null;
        $size = $array["SIZE"];
        if ($size == 0) {
        if ($hostname == null) {
            $hostname = GetComputerName($ipaddr);
        if (!is_numeric($account)) {
            $account = 0;
        if ($MAC != null) {
            if ($uid == null) {
                $uid = $q->UID_FROM_MAC($MAC);
        if ($ipaddr != null) {
            if ($uid == null) {
                $uid = $q->UID_FROM_IP($ipaddr);
        if (strlen($UserAgent) < 3) {
            $UserAgent = null;
        if (strlen($uid) < 3) {
            $uid = null;
        if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
            echo "('{$md5}','{$uid}','{$zdate}','{$ipaddr}','{$hostname}','{$account}','{$MAC}','{$UserAgent}','{$size}')\n";
        $f[] = "('{$md5}','{$uid}','{$zdate}','{$ipaddr}','{$hostname}','{$account}','{$MAC}','{$UserAgent}','{$size}')";
    if (count($f) > 0) {
        $q->QUERY_SQL("{$prefix} " . @implode(",", $f));
        shell_exec("{$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.squid.quotasbuild.php");
        if (!$q->ok) {
            events("Fatal:{$hostname} {$q->mysql_error}");
            ufdbguard_admin_events("Fatal:{$hostname} {$q->mysql_error}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, "stats");
    events("Closing... /var/log/artica-postfix/squid-usersize/ ({$countDeFiles} files scanned)");
Esempio n. 5
function parseURL($url, $return_rhost = false)
    $uri = null;
    $md5 = md5($url);
    $MAIN_ARRAY = array();
    if (isset($GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5])) {
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
            WLOG("MEMORY {$md5} " . strlen($GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]) . " [" . __LINE__ . "]");
        if ($return_rhost) {
            $a = unserialize($GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]);
            if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
                WLOG("RETURN MEMORY {$md5} [" . __LINE__ . "]");
            return $a["RHOST"];
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
            WLOG("RETURN MEMORY {$md5} [" . __LINE__ . "]");
        return unserialize($GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5]);
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
        WLOG("\n -----------------------------------------------------\n");
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
        WLOG("parseURL():: Analyze {$url} /CATZ = {$GLOBALS["CATZ-EXTRN"]} [" . __LINE__ . "]");
    if ($GLOBALS["CATZ-EXTRN"] > 0) {
        $tr = explode(" ", $url);
        $MAIN_ARRAY["LOGIN"] = null;
        $MAIN_ARRAY["IPADDR"] = $tr[0];
        $MAIN_ARRAY["MAC"] = $tr[1];
        $MAIN_ARRAY["HOST"] = GetComputerName($tr[0]);
        $MAIN_ARRAY["URI"] = $tr[3];
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
            WLOG("parseURL():: Analyze RHOST = {$tr[3]} [" . __LINE__ . "]");
        if (preg_match("#^(.*?):([0-9]+)\$#i", $tr[3], $re)) {
            $MAIN_ARRAY["RHOST"] = $re[1];
            if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
                WLOG("parseURL():: FOUND RHOST = {$MAIN_ARRAY["RHOST"]} [" . __LINE__ . "]");
            if ($return_rhost) {
                return $re[1];
            $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5] = serialize($MAIN_ARRAY);
            return $MAIN_ARRAY;
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
            WLOG("parseURL():: {$tr[3]} != ^([a-z0-9\\.]+):([0-9]+) [" . __LINE__ . "]");
        if (preg_match("#^http.*?:#", $tr[3])) {
            $URLAR = parse_url($tr[3]);
            if (isset($URLAR["host"])) {
                $MAIN_ARRAY["RHOST"] = $URLAR["host"];
                if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
                    WLOG("parseURL():: FOUND RHOST = {$MAIN_ARRAY["RHOST"]} [" . __LINE__ . "]");
                if ($return_rhost) {
                    return $re[1];
                $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5] = serialize($MAIN_ARRAY);
                return $MAIN_ARRAY;
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
        WLOG("parseURL():: Analyze {$url} [" . __LINE__ . "]");
    if (preg_match("#-\\s+(.+?)\\s+ID([0-9]+)#", $url, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["RULE_ID"] = $re[2];
        $url = str_replace($re[0], "", $url);
        if (preg_match("#(.+?):([0-9]+)#", $re[1], $ri)) {
            $re[1] = $ri[1];
        $MAIN_ARRAY["RHOST"] = $re[1];
        $MAIN_ARRAY["RULE_ID"] = $re[2];
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
            WLOG("parseURL()::found ID:{$GLOBALS["RULE_ID"]} remote host={$re[1]}  [" . __LINE__ . "]");
    if (preg_match("#-\\s+ID([0-9]+)#", $url, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["RULE_ID"] = $re[1];
        $MAIN_ARRAY["RULE_ID"] = $re[1];
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
            WLOG("parseURL()::found ID:{$GLOBALS["RULE_ID"]}  [" . __LINE__ . "]");
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
            WLOG("parseURL()::Analyze {$re[0]}  [" . __LINE__ . "]");
        $url = str_replace($re[0], "", $url);
    if (preg_match("#(http|ftp|https|ftps):\\/\\/(.*)#i", $url, $re)) {
        $uri = $re[1] . "://" . $re[2];
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
            WLOG("parseURL()::found uri {$uri}  [" . __LINE__ . "]");
        $url = trim(str_replace($uri, "", $url));
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
            WLOG("parseURL()::Analyze {$url}  [" . __LINE__ . "]");
    if ($uri == null) {
        if (preg_match("#^(.*?):([0-9]+)\$#i", $url, $re)) {
            $uri = "http://" . $re[1];
            if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
                WLOG("parseURL()::found uri {$uri}  [" . __LINE__ . "]");
            $url = trim(str_replace($re[1] . ":" . $re[2], "", $url));
            if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
                WLOG("parseURL()::Analyze \"{$url}\"  [" . __LINE__ . "]");
    if ($uri != null) {
        $URLAR = parse_url($uri);
        if (isset($URLAR["host"])) {
            $rhost = $URLAR["host"];
    $tr = explode(" ", $url);
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
        while (list($index, $line) = each($tr)) {
            WLOG("parseURL()::tr[{$index}] = {$line}");
    //max auth=4
    if (count($tr) == 4) {
        $login = $tr[0];
        $ipaddr = $tr[1];
        $mac = $tr[2];
        $forwarded = $tr[3];
        if (isset($tr[4])) {
            $uri = $tr[4];
        if ($mac == "00:00:00:00:00:00") {
            $mac = null;
        if (preg_match("#^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\$#", $forwarded)) {
            $ipaddr = $forwarded;
        if ($mac == null) {
            $mac = GetMacFromIP($ipaddr);
        if ($mac == "00:00:00:00:00:00") {
            $mac = null;
        $MAIN_ARRAY["LOGIN"] = $login;
        $MAIN_ARRAY["IPADDR"] = $ipaddr;
        $MAIN_ARRAY["MAC"] = $mac;
        $MAIN_ARRAY["HOST"] = GetComputerName($ipaddr);
        $MAIN_ARRAY["URI"] = $uri;
        $MAIN_ARRAY["RHOST"] = $rhost;
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5] = serialize($MAIN_ARRAY);
        return $MAIN_ARRAY;
    if (count($tr) == 3) {
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
            WLOG("parseURL()::count --> 3");
        if (preg_match("#^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\$#", $tr[0])) {
            //ip en premier donc mac=ok, pas de login
            $login = null;
            $ipaddr = $tr[0];
            $mac = $tr[1];
            $forwarded = $tr[2];
            if (isset($tr[3])) {
                $uri = $tr[3];
        } else {
            //login en premier donc mac=bad
            $login = $tr[0];
            $ipaddr = $tr[1];
            $forwarded = $tr[2];
            if (isset($tr[3])) {
                $uri = $tr[3];
        if ($mac == "00:00:00:00:00:00") {
            $mac = null;
        if (preg_match("#[0-9]+\\[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+#", $forwarded)) {
            $ipaddr = $forwarded;
        if ($mac == null) {
            $mac = GetMacFromIP($ipaddr);
        if ($mac == "00:00:00:00:00:00") {
            $mac = null;
        $MAIN_ARRAY["LOGIN"] = $login;
        $MAIN_ARRAY["IPADDR"] = $ipaddr;
        $MAIN_ARRAY["MAC"] = $mac;
        $MAIN_ARRAY["HOST"] = GetComputerName($ipaddr);
        $MAIN_ARRAY["URI"] = $uri;
        $MAIN_ARRAY["RHOST"] = $rhost;
        $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5] = serialize($MAIN_ARRAY);
        return $MAIN_ARRAY;
    if (count($tr) == 2) {
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
            WLOG("parseURL()::count --> 2");
        //pas de login et pas de MAC;
        $login = null;
        $ipaddr = $tr[0];
        $mac = null;
        $forwarded = $tr[1];
        if (isset($tr[2])) {
            $uri = $tr[2];
        if (preg_match("#[0-9]+\\[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+#", $forwarded)) {
            $ipaddr = $forwarded;
    if ($mac == null) {
        $mac = GetMacFromIP($ipaddr);
    } else {
        if ($mac == "00:00:00:00:00:00") {
            $mac = null;
            $mac = GetMacFromIP($ipaddr);
    if ($mac == "00:00:00:00:00:00") {
        $mac = null;
    $MAIN_ARRAY["LOGIN"] = $login;
    $MAIN_ARRAY["IPADDR"] = $ipaddr;
    $MAIN_ARRAY["MAC"] = $mac;
    $MAIN_ARRAY["HOST"] = GetComputerName($ipaddr);
    $MAIN_ARRAY["URI"] = $uri;
    $MAIN_ARRAY["RHOST"] = $rhost;
    $GLOBALS["CACHE_URI"][$md5] = serialize($MAIN_ARRAY);
    return $MAIN_ARRAY;
Esempio n. 6
function haproxy_events()
    $qs = new mysql_squid_builder();
    $q = new mysql_haproxy_builder();
    if (!($handle = opendir("{$GLOBALS["ARTICALOGDIR"]}/haproxy-rtm"))) {
        @mkdir("{$GLOBALS["ARTICALOGDIR"]}/haproxy-rtm", 0755, true);
    $hash = array();
    $prefixMid = " (sitename,uri,td,http_code,client,hostname,familysite,service,backend,zDate,size,MAC,zMD5,statuslb)";
    while (false !== ($filename = readdir($handle))) {
        if ($filename == ".") {
        if ($filename == "..") {
        $targetFile = "{$GLOBALS["ARTICALOGDIR"]}/haproxy-rtm/{$filename}";
        $ARRAY = unserialize(@file_get_contents($targetFile));
        while (list($key, $value) = each($ARRAY)) {
            $ARRAY[$key] = trim(addslashes($value));
        $ARRAY["MAC"] = GetMacFromIP($ARRAY["SOURCE"]);
        $hostname = GetComputerName($ARRAY["SOURCE"]);
        $dayhour = date("YmdH", $ARRAY["TIME"]);
        $time = date("H:i:s", $ARRAY["TIME"]);
        $fulldate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $ARRAY["TIME"]);
        $table = "hour_{$dayhour}";
        if (preg_match("#(.+?)\\s+(.*?)#", $ARRAY["SERVICE"], $ri)) {
            $ARRAY["SERVICE"] = $ri[1];
        if (preg_match("#(.+?)\\s+(.*?)#", $ARRAY["BACKEND"], $ri)) {
            $ARRAY["BACKEND"] = $ri[1];
        $uri = $ARRAY["URI"];
        $md5 = md5(serialize($ARRAY));
        if (preg_match("#^(?:[^/]+://)?([^/:]+)#", $uri, $re)) {
            $sitename = $re[1];
            if (preg_match("#^www\\.(.+)#", $sitename, $ri)) {
                $sitename = $ri[1];
            $familysite = $qs->GetFamilySites($sitename);
        $linsql = "('{$sitename}','{$uri}','{$ARRAY["TD"]}','{$ARRAY["HTTP_CODE"]}','{$ARRAY["SOURCE"]}','{$hostname}','{$familysite}','{$ARRAY["SERVICE"]}','{$ARRAY["BACKEND"]}','{$fulldate}','{$ARRAY["BYTES"]}','{$ARRAY["MAC"]}','{$md5}','{$ARRAY["STATUSLB"]}')";
        $hash[$table][] = $linsql;
        if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
            echo "Remove: {$targetFile}\n";
        if (system_is_overloaded()) {
    while (list($table, $tr) = each($hash)) {
        if (trim($table) == null) {
        if (!$q->create_TableHour($table)) {
            @mkdir("{$GLOBALS["ARTICALOGDIR"]}/haproxy-errors", 0755, true);
            @file_put_contents("{$GLOBALS["ARTICALOGDIR"]}/haproxy-errors/" . md5(serialize($hash)), serialize($hash));
        $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO {$table} {$prefixMid} VALUES " . @implode(",", $tr);
        if (!$q->ok) {
            WriteMyLogs($q->mysql_error, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
            @mkdir("{$GLOBALS["ARTICALOGDIR"]}/haproxy-errors", 0755, true);
            @file_put_contents("{$GLOBALS["ARTICALOGDIR"]}/haproxy-errors/" . md5(serialize($hash)), serialize($hash));
Esempio n. 7
function Builsql($CLIENT, $username = null, $uri, $code_error, $size = 0, $time)
    $squid_error["100"] = "Continue";
    $squid_error["101"] = "Switching Protocols";
    $squid_error["102"] = "Processing";
    $squid_error["200"] = "Pass";
    $squid_error["201"] = "Created";
    $squid_error["202"] = "Accepted";
    $squid_error["203"] = "Non-Authoritative Information";
    $squid_error["204"] = "No Content";
    $squid_error["205"] = "Reset Content";
    $squid_error["206"] = "Partial Content";
    $squid_error["207"] = "Multi Status";
    $squid_error["300"] = "Multiple Choices";
    $squid_error["301"] = "Moved Permanently";
    $squid_error["302"] = "Moved Temporarily";
    $squid_error["303"] = "See Other";
    $squid_error["304"] = "Not Modified";
    $squid_error["305"] = "Use Proxy";
    $squid_error["307"] = "Temporary Redirect";
    $squid_error["400"] = "Bad Request";
    $squid_error["401"] = "Unauthorized";
    $squid_error["402"] = "Payment Required";
    $squid_error["403"] = "Forbidden";
    $squid_error["404"] = "Not Found";
    $squid_error["405"] = "Method Not Allowed";
    $squid_error["406"] = "Not Acceptable";
    $squid_error["407"] = "Proxy Authentication Required";
    $squid_error["408"] = "Request Timeout";
    $squid_error["409"] = "Conflict";
    $squid_error["410"] = "Gone";
    $squid_error["411"] = "Length Required";
    $squid_error["412"] = "Precondition Failed";
    $squid_error["413"] = "Request Entity Too Large";
    $squid_error["414"] = "Request URI Too Large";
    $squid_error["415"] = "Unsupported Media Type";
    $squid_error["416"] = "Request Range Not Satisfiable";
    $squid_error["417"] = "Expectation Failed";
    $squid_error["424"] = "Locked";
    $squid_error["424"] = "Failed Dependency";
    $squid_error["433"] = "Unprocessable Entity";
    $squid_error["500"] = "Internal Server Error";
    $squid_error["501"] = "Not Implemented";
    $squid_error["502"] = "Bad Gateway";
    $squid_error["503"] = "Service Unavailable";
    $squid_error["504"] = "Gateway Timeout";
    $squid_error["505"] = "HTTP Version Not Supported";
    $squid_error["507"] = "Insufficient Storage";
    $squid_error["600"] = "Squid header parsing error";
    if (preg_match("#^(?:[^/]+://)?([^/:]+)#", $uri, $re)) {
        $sitename = $re[1];
    } else {
        events("unable to extract domain name from {$uri}");
        return false;
    $TYPE = $squid_error[$code_error];
    $REASON = $TYPE;
    $CLIENT = trim($CLIENT);
    $date = date('Y-m-d') . " " . $time;
    if ($username == null) {
        $username = GetComputerName($ip);
    if ($size == null) {
        $size = 0;
    if (trim($GLOBALS["IPs"][$sitename]) == null) {
        $site_IP = trim(gethostbyname($sitename));
        $GLOBALS["IPs"][$sitename] = $site_IP;
    } else {
        $site_IP = $GLOBALS["IPs"][$sitename];
    if (count($_GET["IPs"]) > 5000) {
    if (count($_GET["COUNTRIES"]) > 5000) {
    if (trim($GLOBALS["COUNTRIES"][$site_IP]) == null) {
        if (function_exists("geoip_record_by_name")) {
            if ($site_IP == null) {
                $site_IP = $sitename;
            $record = geoip_record_by_name($site_IP);
            if ($record) {
                $Country = $record["country_name"];
                $GLOBALS["COUNTRIES"][$site_IP] = $Country;
    } else {
        $Country = $GLOBALS["COUNTRIES"][$site_IP];
    $zMD5 = md5("{$uri}{$date}{$CLIENT}{$username}{$TYPE}{$Country}{$site_IP}");
    events("{$date} {$REASON}:: {$CLIENT} ({$username}) -> {$sitename} ({$site_IP}) Country={$Country} REASON:\"{$REASON}\" TYPE::\"{$TYPE}\" size={$size}");
    $uri = addslashes($uri);
    $sql = "INSERT INTO dansguardian_events (`sitename`,`uri`,`TYPE`,`REASON`,`CLIENT`,`zDate`,`zMD5`,`remote_ip`,`country`,`QuerySize`,`uid`) \n\tVALUES('{$sitename}','{$uri}','{$TYPE}','{$REASON}','{$CLIENT}','{$date}','{$zMD5}','{$site_IP}','{$Country}','{$size}','{$username}');";
    @file_put_contents("/var/log/artica-postfix/dansguardian-stats/{$zMD5}.sql", $sql);