Esempio n. 1
    function StartBuild($ACTUAL_TICK, $building, $planet)
        global $MAX_BUILDING_LVL;
        $res = BUILD_ERR_DB;
        // Building queue full?
        $this->db->queryrow('SELECT installation_type FROM scheduler_instbuild WHERE planet_id=' . $planet['planet_id']);
        if ($this->db->num_rows() >= BUILDING_QUEUE_LEN) {
            return BUILD_ERR_QUEUE;
        // Retrieve some BOT infos
        $sql = 'SELECT user_race, user_capital, pending_capital_choice FROM user WHERE user_id=' . $this->bot['user_id'];
        $userdata = $this->db->queryrow($sql);
        $race = $userdata['user_data'];
        // Planet selected is capital or not?
        $capital = $userdata['user_capital'] == $planet['planet_id'] ? 1 : 0;
        if ($userdata['pending_capital_choice']) {
            $capital = 0;
        // Check if building hasn't reached max level
        if ($planet['building_' . ($building + 1)] == $MAX_BUILDING_LVL[$capital][$building]) {
            return BUILD_ERR_MAXLEVEL;
        // Calculate resources needed for the building
        $resource_1 = GetBuildingPrice($building, 0, $planet, $race);
        $resource_2 = GetBuildingPrice($building, 1, $planet, $race);
        $resource_3 = GetBuildingPrice($building, 2, $planet, $race);
        // Check resources availability
        if ($planet['resource_1'] >= $resource_1 && $planet['resource_2'] >= $resource_2 && $planet['resource_3'] >= $resource_3) {
            // Calculate planet power consumption
            $buildings = $planet['building_1'] + $planet['building_2'] + $planet['building_3'] + $planet['building_4'] + $planet['building_10'] + $planet['building_6'] + $planet['building_7'] + $planet['building_8'] + $planet['building_9'] + $planet['building_11'] + $planet['building_12'] + $planet['building_13'];
            /* I think we don't need this check here...
            			if (($building==11 && $planet['building_1']<4) ||
            			($building==10 && $planet['building_1']<3) ||
            			($building==6 && $planet['building_1']<5) ||
            			($building==8 && $planet['building_1']<9) ||
            			($building==7 && $planet['building_7']<1) ||
            			($building==9 && ($planet['building_6']<5 ||$planet['building_7']<1)) ||
            			($building==12 && ($planet['building_6']<1 || $planet['building_7']<1)) )
            				return BUILD_ERR_REQUIRED;
            // If we are building a power plant, or there is energy still available
            if ($building == 4 || $buildings <= ($capital ? $planet['building_5'] * 11 + 14 : $planet['building_5'] * 15 + 3)) {
                // Remove resources needed from the planet
                $sql = 'UPDATE planets SET
				               resource_1=resource_1-' . $resource_1 . ',
				               resource_2=resource_2-' . $resource_2 . ',
				               resource_3=resource_3-' . $resource_3 . '
				        WHERE planet_id= ' . $planet['planet_id'];
                if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
                    $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> Cannot remove resources need for construction from planet #' . $planet['planet_id'] . '!', TICK_LOG_FILE_NPC);
                // Check planet activity
                $sql = 'SELECT build_finish FROM scheduler_instbuild
				        WHERE planet_id=' . $planet['planet_id'] . '
				        ORDER BY build_finish DESC';
                $userquery = $this->db->queryrow($sql);
                if ($this->db->num_rows() > 0) {
                    $build_start = $userquery['build_finish'];
                    // BOT take a little bonus here: future level of the building is not
                    // considered, also for simplicity.
                    $build_finish = $build_start + GetBuildingTimeTicks($building, $planet, $race);
                } else {
                    $build_start = $ACTUAL_TICK;
                    $build_finish = $build_start + GetBuildingTimeTicks($building, $planet, $race);
                $sql = 'INSERT INTO scheduler_instbuild (installation_type,planet_id,build_start,build_finish)
					    VALUES ("' . $building . '",
					            "' . $planet['planet_id'] . '",
					            "' . $build_start . '",
					            "' . $build_finish . '")';
                if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
                    $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> cannot add building <b>#' . $building . '</b> to the planet <b>#' . $planet['planet_id'] . '</b>', TICK_LOG_FILE_NPC);
                } else {
                    $this->sdl->log('Construction of <b>#' . $building . '</b> started on planet <b>#' . $planet['planet_id'] . '</b>', TICK_LOG_FILE_NPC);
                    $res = BUILD_SUCCESS;
            } else {
                $this->sdl->log('Insufficient energy on planet <b>#' . $planet['planet_id'] . '</b> for building <b>#' . $building . '</b>', TICK_LOG_FILE_NPC);
                $res = BUILD_ERR_ENERGY;
        } else {
            $this->sdl->log('Insufficient resources on planet <b>#' . $planet['planet_id'] . '</b> for building <b>#' . $building . '</b>', TICK_LOG_FILE_NPC);
            $res = BUILD_ERR_RESOURCES;
        return $res;
 if (($q_inst = $db->query($sql)) === false) {
     echo "Error: could not query scheduler instbuild data!\n";
 } else {
     if ($db->num_rows() > 0) {
         $n_instbuild = 0;
         while ($build = $db->fetchrow($q_inst)) {
             $building_name = 'building_' . ($build['installation_type'] + 1);
             echo "Building being built  : " . $build['installation_type'] . " (name: " . $building_name . ") Level: " . $build[$building_name] . "\n";
             echo "Building will be built: " . ($build['building_queue'] - 1) . "\n";
             // In order to calculate times correctly, I need to consider also the building
             // being built at the moment
             if ($build['installation_type'] == $build['building_queue'] - 1) {
                 echo "New level: " . $build[$building_name] . "\n";
             $time = GetBuildingTimeTicks($build['building_queue'] - 1, $build, $build['user_race']);
             // Insert the queued building using the new method
             $sql = 'INSERT INTO scheduler_instbuild (installation_type,planet_id,build_start,build_finish)
                 VALUES ("' . ($build['building_queue'] - 1) . '",
                         "' . $build['planet_id'] . '",
                         "' . $build['build_finish'] . '",
                         "' . ($build['build_finish'] + $time) . '")';
             //echo "Second query:\n".$sql."\n";
             if (!$db->query($sql)) {
                 echo "Error: coudl not insert new row in scheduler_instbuild table!\n";
             echo "Queue new building: " . ($build['building_queue'] - 1) . " start: " . $build['build_finish'] . " finish: " . ($build['build_finish'] + $time) . "\n";
             // Remove the queued building from the planet
             $sql = 'UPDATE planets
                 SET building_queue = 0
Esempio n. 3
function Start_Build()
    global $db, $game, $MAX_BUILDING_LVL, $ACTUAL_TICK;
    $toConstruct = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
    $done = 0;
    // New: Table locking
    // Calculate the raw materials needed
    $metNeeded = GetBuildingPrice($toConstruct, 0);
    $minNeeded = GetBuildingPrice($toConstruct, 1);
    $latNeeded = GetBuildingPrice($toConstruct, 2);
    // Check if the active planet is the user's capital
    $capital = $game->player['user_capital'] == $game->planet['planet_id'] ? 1 : 0;
    if ($game->player['pending_capital_choice']) {
        $capital = 0;
    // Retrieve construction queue for the planet
    $userquery = $db->query('SELECT * FROM scheduler_instbuild WHERE planet_id="' . $game->planet['planet_id'] . '"');
    // If queue max length
    if ($db->num_rows() == BUILDING_QUEUE_LEN) {
        $game->out('<span class="text_large">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT3")) . '</span><br>');
    } else {
        if ($db->num_rows() > 0) {
        } else {
            if ($game->planet['resource_1'] >= $metNeeded && $game->planet['resource_2'] >= $minNeeded && $game->planet['resource_3'] >= $latNeeded && $game->planet['building_' . ($toConstruct + 1)] < $MAX_BUILDING_LVL[$capital][$toConstruct]) {
                // Check if the planet matches the requirements needed
                // NOTE: maybe this is redundant since Show_Main() has already
                // built the list of available buildings performing this check
                if (areRequirementsMet($toConstruct)) {
                    // Check the required energy if we aren't building a power plant
                    if ($toConstruct != 4 && isPowerOverloaded()) {
                        $game->out('<span class="text_large">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT1")) . '<br>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT2")) . '</span><br>');
                    } else {
                        // Remove required raw materials from the planet
                        $sql = 'UPDATE planets SET resource_1=resource_1-' . $metNeeded . ',
                                           resource_2=resource_2-' . $minNeeded . ',
                                           resource_3=resource_3-' . $latNeeded . '
                        WHERE planet_id= "' . $game->planet['planet_id'] . '"';
                        if ($db->query($sql) == true) {
                            $game->planet['resource_1'] -= $metNeeded;
                            $game->planet['resource_2'] -= $minNeeded;
                            $game->planet['resource_3'] -= $latNeeded;
                            // Calculate start/finish time for the building
                            $start_time = $ACTUAL_TICK;
                            $finish_time = $ACTUAL_TICK + GetBuildingTimeTicks($toConstruct);
                            // Insert new construction in the scheduler
                            $sql = 'INSERT INTO scheduler_instbuild (installation_type,planet_id,build_start,build_finish)
                            VALUES (' . $toConstruct . ',
                                    ' . $game->planet['planet_id'] . ',
                                    ' . $start_time . ',
                                    ' . $finish_time . ')';
                            if ($db->query($sql) == false) {
                                message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'building_query: Could not call INSERT INTO in scheduler_instbuild ');
                            $done = 1;
    if ($done) {