Esempio n. 1
	function cold_caller_3000 () {
		// Insert New DB Rows, If Applicable
		if ($this->input->post('id')) {
		// Prepare Data
		$start = $this->input->get('start');
		if ($start == FALSE) $start = 1;
		$query = $this->input->get('q');
		$loc = $this->input->get('loc');
		if ($loc == FALSE) {
			$q = $this->db->get('addrbook');
			$r = $q->row_array();
			$loc = $r['zip5'];
		// Prepare Request
		$request['start'] = $start;
		$request['results'] = 5;
		$request['appid'] = 'vLWSsN4u';
		if ($query == FALSE || strtolower($query) == 'everything') $request['query'] = '*'; 
		else $request['query'] = $query; 
		$request['location'] = $loc;
		$request['output'] = 'json';
		// Fetch Data
		$yahoo_raw = json_decode(Feed_Request('',$request)); 
		$results = array();		
		if ($yahoo_raw->ResultSet->totalResultsReturned > 0) {
			$yahoo = $yahoo_raw->ResultSet->Result;

			// Prepare List of Yahoo Listing IDs
			foreach ($yahoo as $location) $yids[] = $location->id;
			// Get Statuses of Businesses Already Cold Called
			$dbresults = array();
			$db = $this->db->get('sales_cold_calls');
			$db = $db->result_array();
			foreach ($db as $dbresult) $status[element('yid',$dbresult)] = $dbresult['status'];
			foreach ($yahoo as $location) {
				$a_location = (array) $location;
				$result['id'] = $location->id;
				if (isset($status[$location->id])) $result['dead'] = TRUE;
				else $result['dead'] = FALSE;
				$result['name'] = element('Title', $a_location);
				$result['addr'] = element('Address', $a_location);
				$result['city'] = element('City', $a_location);
				$result['state'] = element('State', $a_location);
				$result['phone'] = element('Phone', $a_location);
				$result['lat'] = element('Latitude', $a_location);
				$result['long'] = element('Longitude', $a_location);
				$result['url'] = element('BusinessUrl', $a_location);
				//$result['domain'] = domain_filter($result['url']);
				$result['dist'] = element('Distance', $a_location);
				// Concatenate Category List
				$result['cats'] = null;
				if ( isset($location->Categories->Category) ) {
					foreach( $location->Categories->Category as $cat) {
						if (isset($cat->content)) $result['cats'] .= $cat->content.', ';
					$result['cats'] = substr($result['cats'], 0, -2);
				// Perform WHOIS Lookup
				/*if ($result['domain']) {
				// Send Result Array
				$results[] = $result;
			} //foreach
		} //if
		// Get Coordinates
		$coordinates = array();
		foreach ($results as $result) $coordinates[] = $result['lat'].','.$result['long'];
		// Get Map URL
		$map = google_map('300x700',$coordinates);
		$config['base_url'] = site_url('sales_tools/cold_caller_3000').'?q='.urlencode($query).'&loc='.urlencode($loc);
		$config['page_query_string'] = TRUE;
		$config['query_string_segment'] = 'start';
		$config['num_links'] = 3;
		$config['total_rows'] = $yahoo_raw->ResultSet->totalResultsAvailable;
		$config['per_page'] = $yahoo_raw->ResultSet->totalResultsReturned; 
		$config['next_link'] = 'Next';
		$config['prev_link'] = 'Previous';
		$pagination = $this->pagination->create_links();
		$console['header'] = 'Results '.number_format($yahoo_raw->ResultSet->firstResultPosition).'-'.number_format($yahoo_raw->ResultSet->totalResultsReturned + $yahoo_raw->ResultSet->firstResultPosition - 1).' of '.number_format($yahoo_raw->ResultSet->totalResultsAvailable);
		$console['body'] = $this->load->view('sales_tools/cold_call_map', array('data'=>$results, 'map'=>$map, 'loc'=>$loc, 'query'=>$query, 'pagination'=>$pagination), TRUE);
		$console['footer_lt'] = null;
		$console['footer_rt'] = $console['header'];
		$data['content']['body'] = $this->load->view('console', $console, true);
		$data['content']['side'] = $this->load->view('_sidebar', null, true);
Esempio n. 2
	<h3 class="handle">News and Blogs</h3>
		$feeds[] = '';
		$feeds[] = '';
		$feeds[] = '';
		$feeds[] = '';
		$feeds[] = '';
		$feeds[] = '';
		$feeds[] = '';
		$feeds[] = '';
		foreach ($feeds as $fid=>$feed) $rss[$fid] = simplexml_load_string(Feed_Request($feed));
	<div class="tab">
			<?php foreach ($rss as $fid=>$feed) if (isset($feed->channel)) : ?>
			<li><a href="#blog-<?=$fid?>"><?=$feed->channel->title?></a></li>
			<?php endif; ?>
		<?php foreach ($rss as $fid=>$feed) if (isset($feed->channel)) : ?>
		<div id="blog-<?=$fid?>">
			<?php foreach(array_slice((array)$feed->xpath('//item'),0,5) as $item) : ?>
					<strong><a href="<?=$item->link ?>" class="headline"><?=$item->title ?></a></strong><br>
					<?php if (empty($item->pubDate) !== true) : ?><dt>Published <?=date_relative($item->pubDate)?></dt><?php endif; ?>