# # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # #*************************************************************************************** include '../../Redirect_modules.php'; $cp_id = $_REQUEST['cp_id']; if (UserStaffID() || $_REQUEST['staff_id']) { echo "<FORM action=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&dt=1&pr=1 method=POST>"; } DrawBC(_('Users') . " >" . _('Teacher Programs') . ""); ########################################### if (UserStaffID() || $_REQUEST['staff_id']) { if ($_REQUEST['modfunc'] != 'save' && $_REQUEST[modname] != 'Users/TeacherPrograms.php?include=Attendance/Missing_Attendance.php' && $_REQUEST[modname] != 'Users/TeacherPrograms.php?include=Attendance/TakeAttendance.php') { //if(UserStudentID()) // echo '<IMG SRC=assets/pixel_trans.gif height=2>'; if ($_REQUEST['staff_id']) { $RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME FROM staff WHERE STAFF_ID=\'' . $_REQUEST['staff_id'] . '\'')); } else { $RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME FROM staff WHERE STAFF_ID=\'' . UserStaffID() . '\'')); } $count_staff_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) AS NUM FROM staff')); if ($count_staff_RET[1]['NUM'] > 1) { DrawHeaderHome('' . _('Selected User') . ': ' . $RET[1]['FIRST_NAME'] . ' ' . $RET[1]['LAST_NAME'] . ' (<A HREF=Side.php?staff_id=new&modcat=' . $_REQUEST['modcat'] . '><font color=red>' . _('Deselect') . '</font></A>) | <A HREF=Modules.php?modname=' . $_REQUEST['modname'] . '&search_modfunc=list&next_modname=Users/User.php&ajax=true&bottom_back=true&return_session=true target=body>' . _('Back to User List') . '</A>'); } else { DrawHeaderHome('' . _('Selected User') . ': ' . $RET[1]['FIRST_NAME'] . ' ' . $RET[1]['LAST_NAME'] . ' (<A HREF=Side.php?staff_id=new&modcat=' . $_REQUEST['modcat'] . '><font color=red>' . _('Deselect') . '</font></A>)');
# # This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License. # See license.txt. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # #*************************************************************************************** include '../../RedirectModulesInc.php'; DrawBC("Extracurricular > " . ProgramTitle()); Widgets('activity'); Widgets('course'); Widgets('eligibility'); Search('student_id', $extra); if ($_REQUEST['modfunc'] == 'add' || $_REQUEST['student_id']) { if ($_REQUEST['student_id']) { $RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,MIDDLE_NAME,NAME_SUFFIX FROM students WHERE STUDENT_ID=\'' . $_REQUEST['student_id'] . '\'')); } else { $RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,MIDDLE_NAME,NAME_SUFFIX FROM students WHERE STUDENT_ID=\'' . UserStudentID() . '\'')); } $count_student_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) AS NUM FROM students')); if ($count_student_RET[1]['NUM'] > 1) { DrawHeaderHome('Selected Student: ' . $RET[1]['FIRST_NAME'] . ' ' . ($RET[1]['MIDDLE_NAME'] ? $RET[1]['MIDDLE_NAME'] . ' ' : '') . $RET[1]['LAST_NAME'] . ' ' . ' (<A HREF=Side.php?student_id=new&modcat=' . clean_param($_REQUEST['modcat'], PARAM_NOTAGS) . '><font color=red>Search Again</font></A>) | <A HREF=Modules.php?modname=' . clean_param($_REQUEST['modname'], PARAM_NOTAGS) . '&search_modfunc=list&next_modname=Students/Student.php&ajax=true&bottom_back=true&return_session=true target=body>Back to Student List</A>'); } else { if ($count_student_RET[1]['NUM'] == 1) {
echo '<td width="33.3%" height="86" align="center" valign="middle"> </td>'; $cols++; } if ($cols == $max_cols) { echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; } PDFstop($handle); } else { BackPrompt(_('No Students were found.')); } } } if (!$_REQUEST['modfunc']) { DrawBC("" . _('Students') . " >> " . ProgramTitle()); if ($_REQUEST['search_modfunc'] == 'list') { echo "<FORM action=for_export.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&modfunc=save&include_inactive={$_REQUEST['include_inactive']}&_search_all_schools={$_REQUEST['_search_all_schools']}" . (User('PROFILE') == 'admin' ? "&w_course_period_id_which={$_REQUEST['w_course_period_id_which']}&w_course_period_id={$_REQUEST['w_course_period_id']}" : '') . "&_openSIS_PDF=true method=POST target=_blank>"; //$extra['header_right'] = '<INPUT type=submit value=\'Create Labels for Selected Students\'>'; $extra['extra_header_left'] = '<TABLE style="margin-top:-30px;">'; $extra['extra_header_left'] .= '<TR><TD><b>' . _('Include on Labels:') . '</b></TD></TR>'; if (User('PROFILE') == 'admin') { if ($_REQUEST['w_course_period_id_which'] == 'course_period' && $_REQUEST['w_course_period_id']) { $course_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT CONCAT(s.FIRST_NAME,' . ' ' . ',s.LAST_NAME) AS TEACHER,cp.ROOM FROM staff s,course_periods cp WHERE s.STAFF_ID=cp.TEACHER_ID AND cp.COURSE_PERIOD_ID=\'' . $_REQUEST[w_course_period_id] . '\'')); $extra['extra_header_left'] .= '<TR><TD><INPUT type=checkbox name=teacher value=Y>' . _('Teacher') . ' (' . $course_RET[1]['TEACHER'] . ')</TD></TR>'; $extra['extra_header_left'] .= '<TR><TD><INPUT type=checkbox name=room value=Y>' . _('Room') . ' (' . $course_RET[1]['ROOM'] . ')</TD></TR>'; } else { $extra['extra_header_left'] .= '<TR><TD><INPUT type=checkbox name=teacher value=Y>' . _('Attendance Teacher') . '</TD></TR>'; $extra['extra_header_left'] .= '<TR><TD><INPUT type=checkbox name=room value=Y>' . _('Attendance Room') . '</TD></TR>'; } } else {
# This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License. # See license.txt. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # #*************************************************************************************** include '../../Redirect_modules.php'; include 'modules/Grades/config.inc.php'; DrawBC("GradeBook >> " . ProgramTitle()); $mp_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT MP FROM course_periods WHERE course_period_id = \'' . UserCoursePeriod() . '\'')); if ($mp_RET[1]['MP'] == 'SEM') { $sem = GetParentMP('SEM', UserMP()); $pros = GetChildrenMP('PRO', UserMP()); } if ($mp_RET[1]['MP'] == 'FY') { $sem = GetParentMP('SEM', UserMP()); if ($sem) { $fy = GetParentMP('FY', $sem); } else { $fy = GetParentMP('FY', UserMP()); } $pros = GetChildrenMP('PRO', UserMP()); } if ($mp_RET[1]['MP'] == 'QTR') {
} else { $select_stu = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME FROM STUDENTS WHERE STUDENT_ID='" . $student_id . "'")); $select_stu = $select_stu[1]['FIRST_NAME'] . " " . $select_stu[1]['LAST_NAME']; $clash .= $select_stu . "<br>"; } } unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); unset($_SESSION['MassSchedule.php']); } else { //BackPrompt('You must choose a Course'); ShowErr('You must choose a Course'); for_error(); } } if ($_REQUEST['modfunc'] != 'choose_course') { DrawBC("Scheduling > " . ProgramTitle()); if ($_REQUEST['search_modfunc'] == 'list') { echo "<FORM name=sav id=sav action=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&modfunc=save method=POST>"; #DrawHeader('',SubmitButton('Add Course to Selected Students')); PopTable_wo_header('header'); echo '<TABLE><TR><TD>Course to Add</TD><TD><DIV id=course_div>'; if ($_SESSION['MassSchedule.php']) { $course_title = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT TITLE FROM COURSES WHERE COURSE_ID='" . $_SESSION['MassSchedule.php']['course_id'] . "'")); $course_title = $course_title[1]['TITLE']; $period_title = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT TITLE FROM COURSE_PERIODS WHERE COURSE_PERIOD_ID='" . $_SESSION['MassSchedule.php']['course_period_id'] . "'")); $period_title = $period_title[1]['TITLE']; echo "{$course_title} - {$_REQUEST['course_weight']}<BR>{$period_title}"; } echo '</DIV>' . "<A HREF=# onclick='window.open(\"for_window.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&modfunc=choose_course\",\"\",\"scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=800,height=400\");'>Choose a Course</A></TD></TR>"; echo '<TR><TD>Start Date</TD><TD>' . PrepareDate(DBDate(), '') . '</TD></TR>'; echo '<TR><TD>Marking Period</TD><TD>';
echo "<tr><td width=105>" . DrawLogo() . "</td><td style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:20px;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">User Advanced Report</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:20px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "<br />Powered by openSIS</td></tr><tr><td colspan=3 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\"> </td></tr></table>"; echo "<table >"; include 'modules/miscellaneous/UserExport.php'; } } if (clean_param($_REQUEST['modfunc'], PARAM_ALPHAMOD) == 'call') { $_SESSION['st_arr'] = $_REQUEST['st_arr']; echo "<FORM action=ForExport.php?modname=" . strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST[modname])) . "&head_html=Staff+Advanced+Report&modfunc=save&search_modfunc=list&_openSIS_PDF=true&_dis_user={$_REQUEST['_dis_user']}&_search_all_schools={$_REQUEST['_search_all_schools']} method=POST target=_blank>"; echo '<DIV id=fields_div></DIV>'; echo '<br/>'; include 'modules/miscellaneous/UserExport.php'; echo '<BR><CENTER><INPUT type=submit value=\'Create Report for Selected users\' class=btn_xxlarge></CENTER>'; echo "</FORM>"; } if (!$_REQUEST['modfunc'] || $_REQUEST['modfunc'] == 'list') { DrawBC("users >> " . ProgramTitle()); if ($_REQUEST['modfunc'] == 'list') { $extra['columns_after'] = array('LAST_LOGIN' => 'Last Login'); $extra['functions'] = array('LAST_LOGIN' => 'makeLogin'); $extra['SELECT'] = ',LAST_LOGIN,CONCAT(\'<INPUT type=checkbox name=st_arr[] value=\',s.STAFF_ID,\' checked>\') AS CHECKBOX'; $extra['columns_before'] = array('CHECKBOX' => '</A><INPUT type=checkbox value=Y name=controller checked onclick="checkAll(this.form,this.form.controller.checked,\'st_arr\');"><A>'); $extra['options']['search'] = false; echo "<FORM action=Modules.php?modname=" . strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST[modname])) . "&modfunc=call method=POST>"; echo '<DIV id=fields_div></DIV>'; if ($_REQUEST['_dis_user']) { echo '<INPUT type=hidden name=_dis_user value=' . strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST['_dis_user'])) . '>'; } if ($_REQUEST['_search_all_schools']) { echo '<INPUT type=hidden name=_search_all_schools value=' . strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST['_search_all_schools'])) . '>'; } Search('staff_id', $extra);
unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['staff']); unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['modfunc']); if (User('STAFF_ID') == $_REQUEST['staff_id']) { unset($_openSIS['User']); echo '<script language=JavaScript>parent.side.location="' . $_SESSION['Side_PHP_SELF'] . '?modcat="+parent.side.document.forms[0].modcat.value;</script>'; } } $extra['SELECT'] = ',LAST_LOGIN'; $extra['columns_after'] = array('LAST_LOGIN' => 'Last Login'); $extra['functions'] = array('LAST_LOGIN' => 'makeLogin'); if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) != 'index.php') { if ($_REQUEST['staff_id'] == 'new') { DrawBC("Users > Add a User"); } else { DrawBC("Users > " . ProgramTitle()); } SearchStaff('staff_id', $extra); } else { DrawHeader('Create Account'); } if ($_REQUEST['modfunc'] == 'delete' && basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) != 'index.php' && AllowEdit()) { # ------------------------------------ For Certification Start ------------------------------------------- # if (DeletePrompt('certification')) { DBQuery("DELETE FROM staff_certification WHERE STAFF_CERTIFICATION_ID='{$_REQUEST['certification_id']}'"); unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); $_REQUEST['certification_id'] = 'new'; } } if ((UserStaffID() || $_REQUEST['staff_id'] == 'new') && (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) != 'index.php' || !$_REQUEST['staff']['USERNAME']) && $_REQUEST['modfunc'] != 'delete' && $_SESSION['fn'] != 'user' && $_REQUEST['modfunc'] != 'remove') { if ($_REQUEST['modfunc'] != 'delete' || $_REQUEST['delete_ok'] == '1') {
} else { $header .= '<TD><b>' . 'No Parent Course Selected' . '</b><br>Parent Course' . '</TD>'; } $header .= '<TD><b>' . $periods_RET[1]['START_TIME'] . '</b><br>Start Time' . '</TD>'; $header .= '<TD><b>' . $periods_RET[1]['END_TIME'] . '</b><br>End Time' . '</TD><td></td>'; $header .= '</TR>'; $header .= '</TABLE>'; DrawHeaderHome($header); } echo "</div></div></div><div class='tab_footer'>"; } else { unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['subject_id']); unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['course_id']); unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['course_weight']); unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['course_period_id']); DrawBC("Courses > " . ProgramTitle()); if ($_REQUEST['print'] != 'list') { echo PopTable('header', 'Quick Search'); } #echo "<FORM id='search' name='search' method=POST action=Modules.php?modname=$_REQUEST[modname]>"; if ($_REQUEST['print'] != 'list') { echo "<FORM name=search id=search action=for_export.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&modfunc=print&marking_period_id=" . $_REQUEST['marking_period_id'] . "&_openSIS_PDF=true&report=true&print=list method=POST target=_blank>"; echo '<table width=100%><tr><td align="center"><INPUT type=submit class=btn_medium value=\'Print\'></td></tr></table>'; echo '<TABLE align=left cellpadding="5" border="0"><TR>'; echo '<TD valign=top align=left>'; } $mp_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SHORT_NAME,'2' FROM SCHOOL_QUARTERS WHERE SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' UNION SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SHORT_NAME,'1' FROM SCHOOL_SEMESTERS WHERE SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' UNION SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SHORT_NAME,'0' FROM SCHOOL_YEARS WHERE SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' ORDER BY 3,4")); unset($options); if (count($mp_RET)) { foreach ($mp_RET as $key => $value) { if ($value['MARKING_PERIOD_ID'] == $_REQUEST['marking_period_id']) {
if (count($RET)) { echo '<p><font color=#FF0000><b>Warning!!</b></font> - You have students with food service balance below $5.00 - please deposit at least the Minimum Deposit into you children\'s accounts.'; ListOutput($RET, array('FULL_NAME' => 'Student', 'GRADE_ID' => 'Grade', 'ACCOUNT_ID' => 'AccountID', 'BALANCE' => 'Balance', 'DEPOSIT' => 'Minimum Deposit'), 'Student', 'Students', array(), array(), array('save' => false, 'search' => false)); echo '</p>'; } // warn if negative food service balance $staff = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT (SELECT STATUS FROM FOOD_SERVICE_STAFF_ACCOUNTS WHERE STAFF_ID=s.STAFF_ID) AS STATUS,(SELECT BALANCE FROM FOOD_SERVICE_STAFF_ACCOUNTS WHERE STAFF_ID=s.STAFF_ID) AS BALANCE FROM STAFF s WHERE s.STAFF_ID=' . User('STAFF_ID'))); $staff = $staff[1]; if ($staff['BALANCE'] && $staff['BALANCE'] < 0) { echo '<p><font color=#FF0000><b>Warning!!</b></font> - You have a <b>negative</b> food service balance of <font color=#FF0000>' . $staff['BALANCE'] . '</font></p>'; } } #echo '<p> Happy parenting...</p>'; break; case 'student': DrawBC($welcome . ' | Role: Student'); $notes_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT s.TITLE AS SCHOOL,pn.PUBLISHED_DATE,pn.TITLE,pn.CONTENT FROM PORTAL_NOTES pn,SCHOOLS s WHERE pn.SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND pn.START_DATE<=CURRENT_DATE AND (pn.END_DATE>=CURRENT_DATE OR pn.END_DATE IS NULL) AND pn.SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND position(',0,' IN pn.PUBLISHED_PROFILES)>0 AND s.ID=pn.SCHOOL_ID ORDER BY pn.SORT_ORDER,pn.PUBLISHED_DATE DESC"), array('PUBLISHED_DATE' => 'ProperDate', 'CONTENT' => '_nl2br')); if (count($notes_RET)) { echo '<p>'; ListOutput($notes_RET, array('PUBLISHED_DATE' => 'Date Posted', 'TITLE' => 'Title', 'CONTENT' => 'Note'), 'Note', 'Notes', array(), array(), array('save' => false, 'search' => false)); echo '</p>'; } $events_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT TITLE,SCHOOL_DATE,DESCRIPTION FROM CALENDAR_EVENTS WHERE SCHOOL_DATE BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE AND CURRENT_DATE+30 AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "'"), array('SCHOOL_DATE' => 'ProperDate')); if (count($events_RET)) { echo '<p>'; ListOutput($events_RET, array('TITLE' => 'Event', 'SCHOOL_DATE' => 'Date', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Description'), 'Upcoming Event', 'Upcoming Events', array(), array(), array('save' => false, 'search' => false)); echo '</p>'; } //echo '<p> Happy learning...</p>'; break; }
echo '<FORM action=Modules.php?modname=' . $_REQUEST['modname'] . '&modfunc=' . $_REQUEST['modfunc'] . '&month=' . $_REQUEST['month'] . '&year=' . $_REQUEST['year'] . ' METHOD=POST>'; DrawHeaderHome(PrepareDateSchedule($start_date, 'start') . ' <div style="float:left;"> -  </div> ' . PrepareDateSchedule($end_date, 'end') . ' <A HREF=Modules.php?modname=' . $_REQUEST['modname'] . '&month=' . $_REQUEST['month'] . '&year=' . $_REQUEST['year'] . '> -Back to Calendar</A>', '<INPUT type=submit class=btn_medium value=Go>'); $functions = array('SCHOOL_DATE' => 'ProperDate'); // <A HREF=Modules.php?modname='.$_REQUEST["modname"].'&month='.$_REQUEST["month"].'&year='.$_REQUEST["year"].'> $events_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT ID,SCHOOL_DATE,TITLE,DESCRIPTION FROM calendar_events WHERE SCHOOL_DATE BETWEEN \'' . $start_date . '\' AND \'' . $end_date . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' AND (calendar_id=\'' . $_REQUEST['calendar_id'] . '\' OR calendar_id=\'0\') ORDER BY SCHOOL_DATE'), $functions); $_SESSION['events_RET'] = $events_RET; echo '<div style="overflow:auto; width:820px;">'; echo '<div id="students" >'; ListOutput($events_RET, array('SCHOOL_DATE' => 'Date', 'TITLE' => 'Event', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Description'), 'Event', 'Events'); echo '</div></div></FORM>'; } if (!$_REQUEST['modfunc']) { if (User('PROFILE') != 'student') { DrawBC("School Setup >> " . ProgramTitle()); } else { DrawBC("School Info >> " . ProgramTitle()); } $last = 31; while (!checkdate($_REQUEST['month'], $last, $_REQUEST['year'])) { $last--; } $calendar_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT DATE_FORMAT(SCHOOL_DATE,\'%d-%b-%y\') as SCHOOL_DATE,MINUTES,BLOCK FROM attendance_calendar WHERE SCHOOL_DATE BETWEEN \'' . date('Y-m-d', $time) . '\' AND \'' . date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $_REQUEST['month'], $last, $_REQUEST['year'])) . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' AND SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND CALENDAR_ID=\'' . $_REQUEST['calendar_id'] . '\''), array(), array('SCHOOL_DATE')); if ($_REQUEST['minutes']) { foreach ($_REQUEST['minutes'] as $date => $minutes) { if ($calendar_RET[$date]) { if ($minutes != '0' && $minutes != '') { DBQuery('UPDATE attendance_calendar SET MINUTES=\'' . $minutes . '\' WHERE SCHOOL_DATE=\'' . $date . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' AND SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND CALENDAR_ID=\'' . $_REQUEST['calendar_id'] . '\''); } else { DBQuery('DELETE FROM attendance_calendar WHERE SCHOOL_DATE=\'' . $date . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' AND SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND CALENDAR_ID=\'' . $_REQUEST['calendar_id'] . '\''); } } elseif ($minutes != '0' && $minutes != '') {
# This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License. # See license.txt. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # #*************************************************************************************** include '../../Redirect_modules.php'; //include("languages/English/$_REQUEST[modname]"); DrawBC(_('Attendance') . " >> " . ProgramTitle()); if ($_REQUEST['codes']) { $_SESSION['code'] = $_REQUEST['codes']; } else { $_SESSION['code'] = 'A'; } if ($_REQUEST['month_date'] && $_REQUEST['day_date'] && $_REQUEST['year_date']) { //echo $_REQUEST['year_date']; while (!VerifyDate($date = $_REQUEST['day_date'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['month_date'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['year_date'])) { $_REQUEST['day_date']--; } /*if($_SESSION['Administration.php']['date'] && $_SESSION['Administration.php']['date']!=$date) { unset($_REQUEST['attendance']); unset($_REQUEST['attendance_day']); }*/
echo "<tr><td width=105>" . DrawLogo() . "</td><td style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:20px;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">" . _('User Advanced Report') . "</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:20px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "<br />" . _('Powered by openSIS') . "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=3 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\"> </td></tr></table>"; echo "<table >"; include 'modules/misc/UserExport.php'; } } if (clean_param($_REQUEST['modfunc'], PARAM_ALPHAMOD) == 'call') { $_SESSION['st_arr'] = $_REQUEST['st_arr']; echo "<meta charset='UTF-8'><FORM action=for_export.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&head_html=Staff+Advanced+Report&modfunc=save&search_modfunc=list&_openSIS_PDF=true&_dis_user={$_REQUEST['_dis_user']}&_search_all_schools={$_REQUEST['_search_all_schools']} method=POST target=_blank>"; echo '<DIV id=fields_div></DIV>'; echo '<br/>'; include 'modules/misc/UserExport.php'; echo '<BR><CENTER><INPUT type=submit value=' . _('Create Report for Selected Users') . ' class=btn_xxlarge></CENTER>'; echo "</FORM>"; } if (!$_REQUEST['modfunc'] || $_REQUEST['modfunc'] == 'list') { DrawBC("" . _('Users') . " >> " . ProgramTitle()); if ($_REQUEST['modfunc'] == 'list') { $extra['columns_after'] = array('LAST_LOGIN' => _('Last Login')); $extra['functions'] = array('LAST_LOGIN' => 'makeLogin'); #$extra['SELECT'] = ",LAST_LOGIN,CONCAT('<INPUT type=checkbox name=st_arr[] value=',s.STAFF_ID,' checked>') AS CHECKBOX"; $extra['SELECT'] = ',LAST_LOGIN,CONCAT(\'<INPUT type=checkbox name=st_arr[] value=\',s.STAFF_ID,\' checked>\') AS CHECKBOX'; $extra['columns_before'] = array('CHECKBOX' => '</A><INPUT type=checkbox value=Y name=controller checked onclick="checkAll(this.form,this.form.controller.checked,\'st_arr\');"><A>'); $extra['options']['search'] = false; echo "<meta charset='UTF-8'><FORM action=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&modfunc=call method=POST>"; echo '<DIV id=fields_div></DIV>'; if ($_REQUEST['_dis_user']) { echo '<INPUT type=hidden name=_dis_user value=' . $_REQUEST['_dis_user'] . '>'; } if ($_REQUEST['_search_all_schools']) { echo '<INPUT type=hidden name=_search_all_schools value=' . $_REQUEST['_search_all_schools'] . '>'; }
# # This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License. # See license.txt. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # #*************************************************************************************** include '../../Redirect_modules.php'; DrawBC("Grades >> " . ProgramTitle()); $mp_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT MP FROM course_periods WHERE course_period_id = \'' . UserCoursePeriod() . '\'')); if ($mp_RET[1]['MP'] == 'SEM') { $sem = GetParentMP('SEM', UserMP()); $pros = GetChildrenMP('PRO', UserMP()); } if ($mp_RET[1]['MP'] == 'FY') { $sem = GetParentMP('SEM', UserMP()); if ($sem) { $fy = GetParentMP('FY', $sem); } else { $fy = GetParentMP('FY', UserMP()); } $pros = GetChildrenMP('PRO', UserMP()); } if ($mp_RET[1]['MP'] == 'QTR') {
AND (ga.POINTS!=\'0\') ORDER BY ga.ASSIGNMENT_ID DESC')); } if (count($assignments_RET)) { $LO_columns = array('TITLE' => '' . _('Title') . '', 'CATEGORY' => '' . _('Category') . '', 'ASSIGNED_DATE' => '' . _('Assigned Date') . '', 'DUE_DATE' => '' . _('Due Date') . '', 'COMMENT' => '' . _('Description') . ''); $LO_ret = array(0 => array()); foreach ($assignments_RET as $assignment) { $LO_ret[] = array('TITLE' => $assignment['TITLE'], 'CATEGORY' => $assignment['CATEGORY'], 'ASSIGNED_DATE' => $assignment['ASSIGNED_DATE'], 'DUE_DATE' => $assignment['DUE_DATE'], 'COMMENT' => $assignment['COMMENT']); } DrawHeader('' . _('Subject') . ' - ' . _(substr($course['TITLE']), strrpos(str_replace(' - ', ' ^ ', _($course['TITLE'])), '^'))); unset($LO_ret[0]); ListOutput($LO_ret, $LO_columns, '' . _('Assignment') . '', '' . _('Assignments') . '', array(), array(), array('center' => false, 'save' => $_REQUEST['id'] != 'all', 'search' => false)); } } break; case 'student': DrawBC(_($welcome) . ' | ' . _('Role') . ' : ' . _('Student') . ''); $notes_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT IF(pn.school_id IS NULL,\'All School\',(SELECT TITLE FROM schools WHERE id=pn.school_id)) AS SCHOOL,pn.PUBLISHED_DATE,pn.TITLE,pn.CONTENT FROM portal_notes pn WHERE pn.SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' AND pn.START_DATE<=CURRENT_DATE AND (pn.END_DATE>=CURRENT_DATE OR pn.END_DATE IS NULL) AND (pn.school_id IS NULL OR pn.SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\') AND position(\',0,\' IN pn.PUBLISHED_PROFILES)>0 ORDER BY pn.SORT_ORDER,pn.PUBLISHED_DATE DESC'), array('PUBLISHED_DATE' => 'ProperDate', 'CONTENT' => '_nl2br')); if (count($notes_RET)) { echo '<p>'; ListOutput($notes_RET, array('PUBLISHED_DATE' => '' . _('Date Posted') . '', 'TITLE' => '' . _('Title') . '', 'CONTENT' => '' . _('Note') . ''), '' . _('Note') . '', '' . _('Notes') . '', array(), array(), array('save' => false, 'search' => false)); echo '</p>'; } //$events_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT TITLE,SCHOOL_DATE,DESCRIPTION FROM calendar_events WHERE SCHOOL_DATE BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE AND CURRENT_DATE+30 AND SYEAR='".UserSyear()."' AND SCHOOL_ID='".UserSchool()."'"),array('SCHOOL_DATE'=>'ProperDate')); $events_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT TITLE,SCHOOL_DATE,DESCRIPTION FROM calendar_events ce,calendar_events_visibility cev WHERE ce.calendar_id=cev.calendar_id AND cev.profile_id=0 AND SCHOOL_DATE BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE AND CURRENT_DATE+30 AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "'"), array('SCHOOL_DATE' => 'ProperDate')); $events_RET1 = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT ce.TITLE,ce.DESCRIPTION,ce.SCHOOL_DATE,s.TITLE AS SCHOOL
$start_time = $start; $start_date = strtoupper(date('d-M-y', $start_time)); $end_date = strtoupper(date('d-M-y', $end)); } else { $start_time = $_REQUEST['start_date']; $start_date = strtoupper(date('d-M-y', $start_time)); $end_date = strtoupper(date('d-M-y', $start_time + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7)); } $QI = DBQuery("SELECT PERIOD_ID,TITLE FROM SCHOOL_PERIODS WHERE SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' ORDER BY SORT_ORDER "); $periods_RET = DBGet($QI); $period_select = " <SELECT name=period><OPTION value=''>All</OPTION>"; foreach ($periods_RET as $period) { $period_select .= "<OPTION value={$period['PERIOD_ID']}" . ($_REQUEST['period'] == $period['PERIOD_ID'] ? ' SELECTED' : '') . ">" . $period['TITLE'] . "</OPTION>"; } $period_select .= "</SELECT>"; DrawBC("Eligibility > " . ProgramTitle()); echo "<FORM name=teach_comp id=teach_comp action=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']} method=POST>"; $begin_year = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT min(unix_timestamp(SCHOOL_DATE)) as SCHOOL_DATE FROM ATTENDANCE_CALENDAR WHERE SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "'")); $begin_year = $begin_year[1]['SCHOOL_DATE']; if ($start && $begin_year) { $date_select = "<OPTION value={$start}>" . date('M d, Y', $start) . ' - ' . date('M d, Y', $end) . '</OPTION>'; for ($i = $start - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; $i >= $begin_year; $i -= 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) { $date_select .= "<OPTION value={$i}" . ($i + 86400 >= $start_time && $i - 86400 <= $start_time ? ' SELECTED' : '') . ">" . date('M d, Y', $i) . ' - ' . date('M d, Y', $i + 1 + ($END_DAY - $START_DAY) * 60 * 60 * 24) . '</OPTION>'; } } DrawHeaderHome('<SELECT name=start_date>' . $date_select . '</SELECT>' . $period_select, '<INPUT type=submit class=btn_medium value=Go onclick=\'formload_ajax("teach_comp");\'>'); echo '</FORM>'; $sql = "SELECT CONCAT(s.LAST_NAME,', ',s.FIRST_NAME) AS FULL_NAME,sp.TITLE,cp.PERIOD_ID,s.STAFF_ID \n\t\tFROM STAFF s,COURSE_PERIODS cp,SCHOOL_PERIODS sp \n\t\tWHERE \n\t\t\tsp.PERIOD_ID = cp.PERIOD_ID\n\t\t\tAND cp.TEACHER_ID=s.STAFF_ID AND cp.MARKING_PERIOD_ID IN (" . GetAllMP('QTR', UserMP()) . ")\n\t\t\tAND cp.SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND cp.SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND s.PROFILE='teacher'\n\t\t\t" . ($_REQUEST['period'] ? " AND cp.PERIOD_ID='{$_REQUEST['period']}'" : '') . "\n\t\t\tAND NOT EXISTS (SELECT '' FROM ELIGIBILITY_COMPLETED ac WHERE ac.STAFF_ID=cp.TEACHER_ID AND ac.PERIOD_ID = sp.PERIOD_ID AND ac.SCHOOL_DATE BETWEEN '" . date('Y-m-d', $start_time) . "' AND '" . date('Y-m-d', $start_time + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) . "')"; $RET = DBGet(DBQuery($sql), array(), array('STAFF_ID', 'PERIOD_ID')); $i = 0; if (count($RET)) {
$start_time = $start; $start_date = strtoupper(date('d-M-y', $start_time)); $end_date = strtoupper(date('d-M-y', $end)); } else { $start_time = $_REQUEST['start_date']; $start_date = strtoupper(date('d-M-y', $start_time)); $end_date = strtoupper(date('d-M-y', $start_time + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7)); } $QI = DBQuery('SELECT PERIOD_ID,TITLE FROM school_periods WHERE SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' ORDER BY SORT_ORDER '); $periods_RET = DBGet($QI); $period_select = " <SELECT name=period><OPTION value=''>All</OPTION>"; foreach ($periods_RET as $period) { $period_select .= "<OPTION value={$period['PERIOD_ID']}" . ($_REQUEST['period'] == $period['PERIOD_ID'] ? ' SELECTED' : '') . ">" . $period['TITLE'] . "</OPTION>"; } $period_select .= "</SELECT>"; DrawBC(_('Eligibility') . " > " . ProgramTitle()); echo "<FORM name=teach_comp id=teach_comp action=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']} method=POST>"; $begin_year = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT min(unix_timestamp(SCHOOL_DATE)) as SCHOOL_DATE FROM attendance_calendar WHERE SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\'')); $begin_year = $begin_year[1]['SCHOOL_DATE']; if ($start && $begin_year) { $date_select = "<OPTION value={$start}>" . date('M d, Y', $start) . ' - ' . date('M d, Y', $end) . '</OPTION>'; for ($i = $start - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; $i >= $begin_year; $i -= 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) { $date_select .= "<OPTION value={$i}" . ($i + 86400 >= $start_time && $i - 86400 <= $start_time ? ' SELECTED' : '') . ">" . date('M d, Y', $i) . ' - ' . date('M d, Y', $i + 1 + ($END_DAY - $START_DAY) * 60 * 60 * 24) . '</OPTION>'; } } DrawHeaderHome('<SELECT name=start_date>' . $date_select . '</SELECT>' . $period_select, '<INPUT type=submit class=btn_medium value=' . _('Go') . ' onclick=\'formload_ajax("teach_comp");\'>'); echo '</FORM>'; $mp = GetAllMP('QTR', UserMP()); if (!isset($mp)) { $mp = GetAllMP('SEM', UserMP()); }
# GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #************************************************************************** if ($_REQUEST['month_date'] && $_REQUEST['day_date'] && $_REQUEST['year_date']) { while (!VerifyDate($date = $_REQUEST['day_date'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['month_date'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['year_date'])) { $_REQUEST['day_date']--; } } else { $_REQUEST['day_date'] = date('d'); $_REQUEST['month_date'] = strtoupper(date('M')); $_REQUEST['year_date'] = date('y'); $date = $_REQUEST['day_date'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['month_date'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['year_date']; } DrawBC("Attendance > " . ProgramTitle()); //$QI = DBQuery("SELECT PERIOD_ID,TITLE FROM SCHOOL_PERIODS WHERE SCHOOL_ID='".UserSchool()."' AND SYEAR='".UserSyear()."' ORDER BY SORT_ORDER "); $QI = DBQuery("SELECT sp.PERIOD_ID,sp.TITLE FROM SCHOOL_PERIODS sp WHERE sp.SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND sp.SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND EXISTS (SELECT '' FROM COURSE_PERIODS WHERE SYEAR=sp.SYEAR AND PERIOD_ID=sp.PERIOD_ID AND DOES_ATTENDANCE='Y') ORDER BY sp.SORT_ORDER"); $periods_RET = DBGet($QI, array(), array('PERIOD_ID')); $period_select = "<SELECT name=period><OPTION value=''>All</OPTION>"; foreach ($periods_RET as $id => $period) { $period_select .= "<OPTION value={$id}" . ($_REQUEST['period'] == $id ? ' SELECTED' : '') . ">" . $period[1]['TITLE'] . "</OPTION>"; } $period_select .= "</SELECT>"; echo "<FORM action=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']} method=POST>"; DrawHeaderHome(PrepareDateSchedule($date, '_date', false, array('submit' => true)) . ' - ' . $period_select . ' : <INPUT type=submit class=btn_medium value=Go>'); echo '</FORM>'; $day = date('D', strtotime($date)); switch ($day) { case 'Sun': $day = 'U';
# This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License. # See license.txt. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # #*************************************************************************************** include 'modules/Grades/DeletePromptX.fnc.php'; //echo '<pre>'; var_dump($_REQUEST); echo '</pre>'; DrawBC("" . _('Gradebook') . " > " . ProgramTitle()); if (clean_param($_REQUEST['modfunc'], PARAM_ALPHAMOD) == 'update') { if (clean_param($_REQUEST['values'], PARAM_NOTAGS) && ($_POST['values'] || $_REQUEST['ajax'])) { if ($_REQUEST['tab_id']) { foreach ($_REQUEST['values'] as $id => $columns) { if (!(isset($columns['TITLE']) && trim($columns['TITLE']) == '')) { if ($id != 'new') { if ($_REQUEST['tab_id'] != 'new') { $sql = 'UPDATE report_card_grades SET '; } else { $sql = 'UPDATE report_card_grade_scales SET '; } foreach ($columns as $column => $value) { #################gcu customization#################### if ($column == 'GPA_CAL' && $value == 'Y' && $_REQUEST['tab_id'] == 'new') { $GPA_CAL_selected = true;
# # This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License. # See license.txt. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # #*************************************************************************************** include '../../Redirect_modules.php'; DrawBC("School Setup > " . ProgramTitle()); if (!$_REQUEST['marking_period_id'] && count($fy_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID FROM school_years WHERE SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' ORDER BY SORT_ORDER'))) == 1 && !$_REQUEST['ajax']) { $_REQUEST['marking_period_id'] = $fy_RET[1]['MARKING_PERIOD_ID']; $_REQUEST['mp_term'] = 'FY'; } unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['marking_period_id']); unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['mp_term']); //print_r($_POST); //include 'validation_markingperiods.php'; switch ($_REQUEST['mp_term']) { case 'FY': $table = 'school_years'; if ($_REQUEST['marking_period_id'] == 'new') { $title = 'New Year'; } break;
# # This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License. # See license.txt. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # #*************************************************************************************** include '../../Redirect_modules.php'; DrawBC(_('Users') . " > " . ProgramTitle()); include 'Menu.php'; if (!UserStaffID()) { Search('staff_id'); } //else //{ // $profile = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT PROFILE FROM staff WHERE STAFF_ID='".UserStaffID()."'")); // if(!$profile[1]['PROFILE'] || $profile[1]['PROFILE']=='none') // { // unset($_SESSION['staff_id']); // echo '<script language=JavaScript>parent.side.location="'.$_SESSION['Side_PHP_SELF'].'?modcat="+parent.side.document.forms[0].modcat.value; // Search('staff_id'); // } //} $user_id = UserStaffID();
} } } PDFStop($handle); } else { BackPrompt('No Students were found.'); } } else { BackPrompt('You must choose at least one student.'); } unset($_SESSION['student_id']); //echo '<pre>'; var_dump($_REQUEST['modfunc']); echo '</pre>'; $_REQUEST['modfunc'] = true; } if (!$_REQUEST['modfunc']) { DrawBC("Students >> " . ProgramTitle()); if ($_REQUEST['search_modfunc'] == 'list') { echo "<FORM action=for_export.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&modfunc=save&include_inactive={$_REQUEST['include_inactive']}&_search_all_schools={$_REQUEST['_search_all_schools']}&_openSIS_PDF=true method=POST target=_blank>"; //$extra['header_right'] = '<INPUT type=submit value=\'Print Info for Selected Students\'>'; $extra['extra_header_left'] = '<TABLE>'; //Widgets('mailing_labels',true); $extra['extra_header_left'] .= $extra['search']; $extra['search'] = ''; $extra['extra_header_left'] .= ''; if (User('PROFILE_ID')) { $can_use_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT MODNAME FROM PROFILE_EXCEPTIONS WHERE PROFILE_ID='" . User('PROFILE_ID') . "' AND CAN_USE='Y'"), array(), array('MODNAME')); } else { $can_use_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT MODNAME FROM STAFF_EXCEPTIONS WHERE USER_ID='" . User('STAFF_ID') . "' AND CAN_USE='Y'"), array(), array('MODNAME')); } $categories_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT ID,TITLE,INCLUDE FROM STUDENT_FIELD_CATEGORIES ORDER BY SORT_ORDER,TITLE")); $extra['extra_header_left'] .= '';
$sql_up = 'update school_periods set length = ' . $length . ' where period_id=\'' . $period_id . '\' and syear=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' and school_id=\'' . UserSchool() . '\''; $res_up = mysql_query($sql_up); # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # // } // } } } } } } } if ($err) { echo '<font style="color:red"><b>' . $err . '</b></font>'; } } DrawBC("" . _('School Setup') . " > " . ProgramTitle()); #echo "Modules.php?modname=$_REQUEST[modname]"; if (clean_param($_REQUEST['modfunc'], PARAM_ALPHAMOD) == 'remove' && AllowEdit()) { $prd_id = paramlib_validation($colmn = PERIOD_ID, $_REQUEST[id]); $has_assigned_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) AS TOTAL_ASSIGNED FROM course_periods WHERE PERIOD_ID=\'' . $prd_id . '\'')); $has_assigned = $has_assigned_RET[1]['TOTAL_ASSIGNED']; if ($has_assigned > 0) { UnableDeletePrompt(_('Cannot delete because course periods are created on this period.')); } else { if (DeletePrompt_Period(_('period'))) { DBQuery('DELETE FROM school_periods WHERE PERIOD_ID=\'' . $prd_id . '\''); unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); } } } if ($_REQUEST['modfunc'] != 'remove') {
# # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # #*************************************************************************************** include '../../RedirectModulesInc.php'; $cp_id = $_REQUEST['cp_id']; if (UserStaffID() || $_REQUEST['staff_id']) { echo "<FORM action=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&dt=1&pr=1 method=POST>"; } DrawBC("Users > Teacher Programs"); ########################################### if (UserStaffID() || $_REQUEST['staff_id']) { if ($_REQUEST['modfunc'] != 'save' && $_REQUEST[modname] != 'users/TeacherPrograms.php?include=attendance/MissingAttendance.php' && $_REQUEST[modname] != 'users/TeacherPrograms.php?include=attendance/TakeAttendance.php') { if ($_REQUEST['staff_id']) { $RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME FROM staff WHERE STAFF_ID=\'' . $_REQUEST['staff_id'] . '\'')); } else { $RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME FROM staff WHERE STAFF_ID=\'' . UserStaffID() . '\'')); } $count_staff_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) AS NUM FROM staff')); if ($count_staff_RET[1]['NUM'] > 1) { if (trim($_REQUEST['process']) == "") { DrawHeaderHome('Selected User: '******'FIRST_NAME'] . ' ' . $RET[1]['LAST_NAME'] . ' (<A HREF=Side.php?staff_id=new&modcat=' . $_REQUEST['modcat'] . '><font color=red>Search Again</font></A>) | <A HREF=Modules.php?modname=' . $_REQUEST['modname'] . '&search_modfunc=list&next_modname=users/User.php&ajax=true&bottom_back=true&return_session=true target=body>Back to User List</A>'); } // } else {
$textcolor_s = '#999999'; $tabcolor_u = Preferences('HEADER'); $textcolor_u = '#FFFFFF'; } else { $tabcolor_s = Preferences('HEADER'); $textcolor_s = '#FFFFFF'; $tabcolor_u = '#DFDFDF'; $textcolor_u = '#999999'; } //$header = '<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 height=14><TR>'; //$header .= '<TD width=10></TD><TD>'.DrawTab('Students',"Modules.php?modname=$_REQUEST[modname]&day_start=$_REQUEST[day_start]&month_start=$_REQUEST[month_start]&year_start=$_REQUEST[year_start]&day_end=$_REQUEST[day_end]&month_end=$_REQUEST[month_end]&year_end=$_REQUEST[year_end]&type=student",$tabcolor_s,$textcolor_s,'_circle',array('tabcolor'=>Preferences('HEADER'),'textcolor'=>'#FFFFFF')).'</TD>'; //$header .= '<TD width=10></TD><TD>'.DrawTab('Users', "Modules.php?modname=$_REQUEST[modname]&day_start=$_REQUEST[day_start]&month_start=$_REQUEST[month_start]&year_start=$_REQUEST[year_start]&day_end=$_REQUEST[day_end]&month_end=$_REQUEST[month_end]&year_end=$_REQUEST[year_end]&type=staff", $tabcolor_u,$textcolor_u,'_circle',array('tabcolor'=>Preferences('HEADER'),'textcolor'=>'#FFFFFF')).'</TD>'; //$header .= '<TD width=10></TD></TR></TABLE>'; //$header = ""; //DrawHeader(($_REQUEST['type']=='staff'?'User ':'******').ProgramTitle(),'<TABLE bgcolor=#ffffff><TR><TD>'.$header.'</TD></TR></TABLE>'); DrawBC("Food Service >> " . ProgramTitle()); if ($_REQUEST['modfunc'] == 'delete') { require_once 'modules/Food_Service/includes/DeletePromptX.fnc.php'; if ($_REQUEST['item_id'] != '') { if (DeletePromptX('transaction item')) { require_once 'modules/Food_Service/includes/DeleteTransactionItem.fnc.php'; DeleteTransactionItem($_REQUEST['transaction_id'], $_REQUEST['item_id'], $_REQUEST['type']); unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); unset($_REQUEST['delete_ok']); unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['modfunc']); unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['delete_ok']); } } else { if (DeletePromptX('transaction')) { require_once 'modules/Food_Service/includes/DeleteTransaction.fnc.php'; DeleteTransaction($_REQUEST['transaction_id'], $_REQUEST['type']);
# # This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License. # See license.txt. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # #*************************************************************************************** include '../../Redirect_modules.php'; DrawBC("Gradebook > " . ProgramTitle()); if (!$_REQUEST['mp']) { $_REQUEST['mp'] = UserMP(); } $sem = GetParentMP('SEM', UserMP()); echo "<FORM action=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']} method=POST>"; $mp_select = "<SELECT name=mp onchange='document.forms[0].submit();'><OPTION value=" . UserMP() . ">" . GetMP(UserMP()) . "</OPTION><OPTION value=" . $sem . ($sem == $_REQUEST['mp'] ? ' SELECTED' : '') . ">" . GetMP($sem) . "</OPTION><OPTION value=E" . $sem . ('E' . $sem == $_REQUEST['mp'] ? ' SELECTED' : '') . ">" . GetMP($sem) . ' Exam</OPTION></SELECT>'; DrawHeaderHome($mp_select); echo '</FORM>'; $sql = "SELECT CONCAT(s.LAST_NAME,', ',s.FIRST_NAME) as FULL_NAME,s.STAFF_ID,g.REPORT_CARD_GRADE_ID FROM STUDENT_REPORT_CARD_GRADES g,STAFF s,COURSE_PERIODS cp WHERE g.COURSE_PERIOD_ID=cp.COURSE_PERIOD_ID AND cp.TEACHER_ID=s.STAFF_ID AND cp.SYEAR=s.SYEAR AND cp.SYEAR=g.SYEAR AND cp.SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND g.MARKING_PERIOD_ID='" . $_REQUEST['mp'] . "'"; $grouped_RET = DBGet(DBQuery($sql), array(), array('STAFF_ID', 'REPORT_CARD_GRADE_ID')); $grades_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT rg.ID,rg.TITLE FROM REPORT_CARD_GRADES rg,REPORT_CARD_GRADE_SCALES rs WHERE rg.SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND rg.SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND rs.ID=rg.GRADE_SCALE_ID ORDER BY rs.SORT_ORDER,rs.ID,rg.BREAK_OFF IS NOT NULL DESC,rg.BREAK_OFF DESC,rg.SORT_ORDER")); if (count($grouped_RET)) { foreach ($grouped_RET as $staff_id => $grades) { $i++; $teachers_RET[$i]['FULL_NAME'] = $grades[key($grades)][1]['FULL_NAME'];
# # This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License. # See license.txt. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # #*************************************************************************************** include '../../Redirect_modules.php'; DrawBC("Tools >> " . ProgramTitle()); if (isset($_REQUEST['del'])) { if ($_REQUEST['day_start'] && $_REQUEST['month_start'] && $_REQUEST['year_start']) { $start_date = $_REQUEST['day_start'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['month_start'] . '-' . substr($_REQUEST['year_start'], 2, 4); $org_start_date = $_REQUEST['day_start'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['month_start'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['year_start']; $conv_st_date = con_date($org_start_date); } if ($_REQUEST['day_end'] && $_REQUEST['month_end'] && $_REQUEST['year_end']) { $end_date = $_REQUEST['day_end'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['month_end'] . '-' . substr($_REQUEST['year_end'], 2, 4); $org_end_date = $_REQUEST['day_end'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['month_end'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['year_end']; $conv_end_date = con_date_end($org_end_date); } # ------------------------------- Deletion Of Log Records ----------------------------- # if (isset($conv_st_date) && isset($conv_end_date)) { $sql_del = DBQuery('DELETE FROM login_records WHERE LOGIN_TIME >=\'' . $conv_st_date . '\' AND LOGIN_TIME <=\'' . $conv_end_date . '\''); echo '<center><font color="red"><b>Log deleted successfully</b></font></center>';
//echo '<div>'.$courses[1]['GRADE_ID'].' Grade</div>'; //echo '<div>'.ProperDate($date),$_REQUEST['mp_id']?GetMP($_REQUEST['mp_id']):''.'</div>'; ListOutputPrint($courses, $columns, '' . _('Course') . '', '' . _('Courses') . '', array(), array(), array('center' => false, 'print' => false)); echo '<div style="page-break-before: always;"> </div><!-- NEW PAGE -->'; } } PDFStop($handle); } else { BackPrompt(_('No Students were found.')); } } else { BackPrompt(_('You must choose at least one student.')); } } if (!$_REQUEST['modfunc']) { DrawBC("" . _('Scheduling') . " >> " . ProgramTitle()); if ($_REQUEST['search_modfunc'] == 'list') { $mp_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SORT_ORDER,1 AS TBL FROM school_years WHERE SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' AND SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' UNION SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SORT_ORDER,2 AS TBL FROM school_semesters WHERE SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' AND SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' UNION SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SORT_ORDER,3 AS TBL FROM school_quarters WHERE SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' AND SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' ORDER BY TBL,SORT_ORDER')); $mp_select = '<SELECT name=mp_id><OPTION value="">' . _('N/A') . ''; foreach ($mp_RET as $mp) { $mp_select .= '<OPTION value=' . $mp['MARKING_PERIOD_ID'] . '>' . $mp['TITLE']; } $mp_select .= '</SELECT>'; echo "<meta charset='UTF-8'><FORM name=sch id=sch action=for_export.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&head_html=Student+Schedules+Report&modfunc=save&include_inactive={$_REQUEST['include_inactive']}&_openSIS_PDF=true method=POST target=_blank>"; #$extra['header_right'] = '<INPUT type=submit value=\'Create Schedules for Selected Students\'>'; PopTable_wo_header('header'); $extra['extra_header_left'] = '<TABLE>'; $extra['extra_header_left'] .= '<TR><TD align=right width=120>' . _('Marking Period') . '</TD><TD>' . $mp_select . '</TD></TR>'; $extra['extra_header_left'] .= '<TR><TD align=right width=120>' . _('Include only courses active as of') . '</TD><TD>' . PrepareDate('', '_include_active_date') . '</TD></TR>'; Widgets('mailing_labels', true); $extra['extra_header_left'] .= $extra['search'];
# # This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License. # See license.txt. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # #*************************************************************************************** include '../../Redirect_modules.php'; DrawBC("" . _('Attendance') . " > " . ProgramTitle()); $message = '<TABLE><TR><TD colspan=7 align=center>' . _('From') . ' ' . PrepareDate(DBDate(), '_min') . ' ' . _('to') . ' ' . PrepareDate(DBDate(), '_max') . '</TD></TR></TABLE>'; if (Prompt_Home(_('Confirm'), _('When do you want to recalculate the daily attendance?'), $message)) { $current_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT DISTINCT DATE_FORMAT(SCHOOL_DATE,\'%d-%m-%Y\') as SCHOOL_DATE FROM attendance_calendar WHERE SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\''), array(), array('SCHOOL_DATE')); $students_RET = GetStuList(); $begin = mktime(0, 0, 0, MonthNWSwitch($_REQUEST['month_min'], 'to_num'), $_REQUEST['day_min'] * 1, $_REQUEST['year_min']) + 43200; $end = mktime(0, 0, 0, MonthNWSwitch($_REQUEST['month_max'], 'to_num'), $_REQUEST['day_max'] * 1, $_REQUEST['year_max']) + 43200; for ($i = $begin; $i <= $end; $i += 86400) { if ($current_RET[strtoupper(date('d-M-y', $i))]) { foreach ($students_RET as $student) { UpdateAttendanceDaily($student['STUDENT_ID'], date('d-M-y', $i)); } } } unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); DrawHeader('<table><tr><td><IMG SRC=assets/check.gif></td><td>' . _('The Daily Attendance for that timeframe has been recalculated.') . '</td></tr></table>');
<?php include '../../Redirect_modules.php'; DrawBC(_('School Setup') . " >> " . ProgramTitle()); if ($_REQUEST['page_display']) { echo '<style type="text/css"> .back_preference { padding:2px 0px 10px 8px; text-align:left; margin:5px 5px; } </style>'; echo "<div class=back_preference><a href=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}><strong>«" . _('Back to System Preference') . "</strong>\n</a></div><br/>"; } if (clean_param($_REQUEST['page_display'], PARAM_ALPHAMOD) == 'system_preference') { if (clean_param($_REQUEST['action'], PARAM_ALPHAMOD) == 'update' && clean_param($_REQUEST['button'], PARAM_ALPHAMOD) == _('Save') && clean_param($_REQUEST['values'], PARAM_NOTAGS) && $_POST['values'] && User('PROFILE') == 'admin') { $sql = 'UPDATE system_preference SET '; foreach ($_REQUEST['values'] as $column => $value) { $value = paramlib_validation($column, $value); $sql .= $column . '=\'' . str_replace("\\'", "''", $value) . '\','; } $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1) . ' WHERE SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\''; DBQuery($sql); } elseif (clean_param($_REQUEST['action'], PARAM_ALPHAMOD) == 'insert' && clean_param($_REQUEST['button'], PARAM_ALPHAMOD) == 'Save' && clean_param($_REQUEST['values'], PARAM_NOTAGS) && $_POST['values'] && User('PROFILE') == 'admin') { $sql = 'INSERT INTO system_preference SET '; foreach ($_REQUEST['values'] as $column => $value) { $value = paramlib_validation($column, $value); $sql .= $column . '=\'' . str_replace("\\'", "''", $value) . '\','; } $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1) . ',school_id=\'' . UserSchool() . '\''; DBQuery($sql); } $sys_pref = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT * FROM system_preference WHERE SCHOOL_ID=' . UserSchool())); $sys_pref = $sys_pref[1]; PopTable('header', _('Half-day and full-day minutes'));
} else { $header .= '<TD><b>' . '' . _(' No Parent Course Selected') . '' . '</b><br>' . _('Parent Course') . '' . '</TD>'; } $header .= '<TD><b>' . $periods_RET[1]['START_TIME'] . '</b><br>' . _('Start Time') . '' . '</TD>'; $header .= '<TD><b>' . $periods_RET[1]['END_TIME'] . '</b><br>' . _('End Time') . '' . '</TD><td></td>'; $header .= '</TR>'; $header .= '</TABLE>'; DrawHeaderHome($header); } echo "</div></div></div><div class='tab_footer'>"; } else { unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['subject_id']); unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['course_id']); unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['course_weight']); unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['course_period_id']); DrawBC("" . _('Courses') . " > " . ProgramTitle()); if ($_REQUEST['print'] != 'list') { echo PopTable('header', _('Quick Search')); } #echo "<FORM id='search' name='search' method=POST action=Modules.php?modname=$_REQUEST[modname]>"; if ($_REQUEST['print'] != 'list') { echo "<FORM name=search id=search action=for_export.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&modfunc=print&marking_period_id=" . $_REQUEST['marking_period_id'] . "&_openSIS_PDF=true&report=true&print=list method=POST target=_blank>"; echo '<table width=100%><tr><td align="center"><INPUT type=submit class=btn_medium value=\'' . _('Print') . '\'></td></tr></table>'; echo '<TABLE align=left cellpadding="5" border="0"><TR>'; echo '<TD valign=top align=left>'; } $mp_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SHORT_NAME,\'2\' FROM school_quarters WHERE SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' UNION SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SHORT_NAME,\'1\' FROM school_semesters WHERE SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' UNION SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SHORT_NAME,\'0\' FROM school_years WHERE SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' ORDER BY 3,4')); unset($options); if (count($mp_RET)) { foreach ($mp_RET as $key => $value) { if ($value['MARKING_PERIOD_ID'] == $_REQUEST['marking_period_id']) {