<?php $tab = 'Test Result'; $nosubheader = true; $headerType = 'video'; $filmstrip = $_REQUEST['tests']; include 'header.inc'; if ($error) { echo "<h1>{$error}</h1>"; } elseif ($ready) { if (isset($location) && strlen($location)) { echo "<div id=\"location\">Tested From: {$location}</div>"; } ScreenShotTable(); DisplayGraphs(); } else { DisplayStatus(); } ?> <?php include 'footer.inc'; ?> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> function ShowAdvanced() { $("#advanced").modal({opacity:80}); } $("#videoDiv").scroll(function() {
$aProcesses[$sPHPClass] = $oExecInstance; } } $bVerbose = utils::ReadParam('verbose', false, true); $bDebug = utils::ReadParam('debug', false, true); if ($bVerbose) { $aDisplayProcesses = array(); foreach ($aProcesses as $oExecInstance) { $aDisplayProcesses[] = get_class($oExecInstance); } $sDisplayProcesses = implode(', ', $aDisplayProcesses); $oP->p("Background processes: " . $sDisplayProcesses); } if (utils::ReadParam('status_only', false, true)) { // Display status and exit DisplayStatus($oP); exit(0); } require_once APPROOT . 'core/mutex.class.inc.php'; $oP->p("Starting: " . time() . ' (' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ')'); try { $oConfig = utils::GetConfig(); $oMutex = new iTopMutex('cron.' . $oConfig->GetDBName() . '_' . $oConfig->GetDBSubname()); if ($oMutex->TryLock()) { // Note: testing this now in case some of the background processes forces the read-only mode for a while // in that case it is better to exit with the check on reentrance (mutex) if (!MetaModel::DBHasAccess(ACCESS_ADMIN_WRITE)) { $oP->p("A database maintenance is ongoing (read-only mode even for admins)."); $oP->Output(); exit - 1; }