Esempio n. 1
 function main()
     // First pull the report
     $row_rep = SQL_OneRow("SELECT * from reports where skey=" . gp('gp_skey'));
     $sreport = SQL_Format('char', $row_rep['report']);
     // Now the tables
     $rows_tab = SQL_AllRows("SELECT * From reporttables WHERE report={$sreport}");
     $rows_tab = KeyRowsFromRows($rows_tab, 'table_id');
     // Now all columns
     $rows_col = SQL_AllRows("SELECT * From reportcolumns WHERE report={$sreport}\n           ORDER BY uicolseq ");
     // Go get the joins
     $SQL_FROMJOINS = $this->ehProcessFromJoins(array_keys($rows_tab));
     // Build a list of columns, and order-by columns, and filters
     $SQL_COLSA = array();
     $SQL_COLSOBA = array();
     $SQL_COLSWHA = array();
     foreach ($rows_col as $row_col) {
         $SQL_COLSA[] = $row_col['table_id'] . '.' . $row_col['column_id'];
         if ($row_col['uisort'] != 0) {
             $SQL_COLSOBA[$row_col['uisort']] = $row_col['table_id'] . '.' . $row_col['column_id'];
         if ($row_col['compoper'] != '' && $row_col['compval'] != '') {
             $table_dd = DD_TableRef($row_col['table_id']);
             $ddcol =& $table_dd['flat'][$row_col['column_id']];
             $colval = SQL_Format($ddcol['type_id'], $row_col['compval']);
             $SQL_COLSWHA[] = $row_col['table_id'] . '.' . $row_col['column_id'] . $row_col['compoper'] . $colval;
     // Collapse the lists into strings
     $SQL_COLS = implode("\n       ,", $SQL_COLSA);
     $SQL_COLSOB = '';
     if (count($SQL_COLSOBA) > 0) {
         $SQL_COLSOB = "\n ORDER BY " . implode(',', $SQL_COLSOBA);
     $SQL_WHERE = '';
     if (count($SQL_COLSWHA) > 0) {
         $SQL_WHERE = "\n WHERE " . implode("\n       ", $SQL_COLSWHA);
     // Now build the final SQL
     //echo $SQ;
     // Display
     $this->ehProcessDisplay($SQ, $rows_col, $row_rep);
Esempio n. 2
 function PageUpdate($pagename, $pagetext, $pagename_par = null, $seq = null)
     $table_pg = DD_TableRef('docpages');
     $table_hi = DD_TableRef('dochiers');
     $row = array('pagename' => $pagename, 'pagename_par' => $pagename_par, 'pagetext' => $pagetext, 'flag_auto' => 'Y');
     SQLX_UpdateOrInsert($table_pg, $row);
     if (!is_null($pagename_par)) {
        // Get sequence if necessary.  
        if(is_null($seq)) {
           if(!isset($this->parseqs[$pagename_par])) {
        // Store the hierachy link for saving later
Esempio n. 3
 /** **********************************************************
    returns:echos HTML
    Does actual processing.  
 function fbProc()
     $tid = gp('gp_table_id');
     $fi = SessionGet('importfile', array());
     $t = DD_TableRef($tid);
     if (!isset($t['description']) || count($fi) == 0) {
         echo "Problem with uploads";
   <h1>Table Import Processing</h1>
   <p>For Table: <?php 
     echo $t['description'];
   <p>Name in database: <?php 
     echo $tid;
   <p>File to process: <?php 
     echo $fi['name'];
   <p>File upload size: <?php 
     echo number_format($fi['size']);
     list($linenum, $linesok) = $this->fbProcInner($fi, $t);
     echo "</pre>";
     echo "<hr>";
     echo "Processed {$linesok} of {$linenum} lines without errors";
     echo ob_get_clean();
function HTML_Format_DD($table_id, $colname, $value)
    $table = DD_TableRef($table_id);
    $type = $table['flat'][$colname]['type_id'];
    return HTML_Format($type, $value);
Esempio n. 5
parm:string Table_id
parm:string First_Letters
return:array rows

Returns an array of rows that can be put into a drop-down select box.
The first column is always "_value" and the second is always "_display".

The second parameter, if provided, filters to the results so that
only values of _display that start with "First_Letters" are returned.

For a multiple-column primary key, this routine will filter for any pk
column that exists in the session array "ajaxvars".  This feature is
controlled by an (as-yet undocumented) feature in [[ahInputsComprehensive]]
that can make inputs use Ajax when their value changes to store their
value in the session on the server.

This was created 1/15/07 to work with Ajax-dynamic-list from
function RowsForSelect($table_id, $firstletters = '', $matches = array(), $distinct = '', $allcols = false)
    $table = DD_TableRef($table_id);
    // Determine which columns to pull and get them
    // KFD 10/8/07, a DISTINCT means we are pulling a single column of
    //              a multiple column key, pull only that column
    if ($distinct != '') {
        $proj = $distinct;
    } else {
        if (ArraySafe($table['projections'], 'dropdown') == '') {
            if (!vgfGet('x6')) {
                $proj = $table['pks'];
            } else {
                $proj = $table['projections']['_uisearch'];
        } else {
            $proj = $table['projections']['dropdown'];
    $aproj = explode(',', $proj);
    $acollist = array();
    foreach ($aproj as $aproj1) {
        $acollist[] = "COALESCE({$aproj1},'')";
    $collist = str_replace(',', " || ' - ' || ", $proj);
    //$collist = implode(" || ' - ' || ",$acollist);
    // Get the primary key, and resolve which view we have perms for
    // KFD 10/8/07, do only one column if passed
    if ($distinct != '') {
        $pk = $distinct;
    } else {
        $pk = $table['pks'];
    $view_id = ddtable_idResolve($table_id);
    // Initialize the filters
    $aWhere = array();
    // Generate a filter for each pk that exists in session ajaxvars.
    // There is a BIG unchecked for issue here, which is that a multi-column
    //  PK must have *all but one* column supplied, and it then returns
    //  the unsupplied column.
    $pkeys = explode(',', $table['pks']);
    $ajaxvars = afromGP('adl_');
    foreach ($pkeys as $index => $pkey) {
        if (isset($ajaxvars[$pkey])) {
            $aWhere[] = "{$pkey}=" . SQLFC($ajaxvars[$pkey]);
            // This is important!  Unset the pk column, we'll pick the leftover
    // If we did the multi-pk route, provide the missing column
    //  as the key value
    if (count($ajaxvars) > 0) {
        $pk = implode(',', $pkeys);
    // Determine if this is a filtered table
    if (isset($table['flat']['flag_noselect'])) {
        $aWhere[] = "COALESCE(flag_noselect,'N')<>'Y'";
    // Add more matches on
    foreach ($matches as $matchcol => $matchval) {
        $aWhere[] = $matchcol . ' = ' . SQLFC($matchval);
    // See if there is a hardcoded filter in the program class
    $obj = dispatchObject($table_id);
    if (method_exists($obj, 'aSelect_where')) {
        $aWhere[] = $obj->aSelect_where();
        if (ConfigGet('LOG_SQL', 'Y') == 'Y') {
            sysLog(LOG_NOTICE, $obj->aSelect_Where());
    // If "firstletters" have been passed, we will filter each
    // select column on it
    // KFD 8/8/07, a comma in first letters now means look in
    //             1st column only + second column only
    $SLimit = '';
    $xWhere = array();
    if ($firstletters == '*') {
        // do nothing, no where clauses
    } elseif ($firstletters != '') {
        $SLimit = "Limit 40 ";
        if (strpos($firstletters, ',') === false) {
            // original code, search all columns
            $implode = ' OR ';
            foreach ($aproj as $aproj1) {
                $type_id = $table['flat'][$aproj1]['type_id'];
                $subs = '';
                if (!in_array($type_id, array('char', 'vchar', 'text'))) {
                    $subs = '::varchar';
                $sl = strlen($firstletters);
                $xWhere[] = "SUBSTRING(LOWER({$aproj1}{$subs}) FROM 1 FOR {$sl})" . "=" . strtolower(SQLFC($firstletters));
        } else {
            // New code 8/8/07, search first column, 2nd, third only,
            // based on existence of commas
            $implode = ' AND ';
            $afl = explode(',', $firstletters);
            foreach ($afl as $x => $fl) {
                $type_id = $table['flat'][$aproj1]['type_id'];
                $subs = '';
                if (!in_array($type_id, array('char', 'vchar', 'text'))) {
                    $subs = '::varchar';
                $sl = strlen($fl);
                $xWhere[] = "SUBSTRING(LOWER({$aproj[$x + 1]}{$subs}) FROM 1 FOR {$sl})" . "=" . strtolower(SQLFC($fl));
    if (count($xWhere) > 0) {
        $aWhere[] = "(" . implode($implode, $xWhere) . ")";
    // Finish off the where clause
    if (count($aWhere) > 0) {
        $SWhere = "WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $aWhere);
    } else {
        $SWhere = '';
    // Execute and return
    $sDistinct = $distinct != '' ? ' DISTINCT ' : '';
    $SOB = $aproj[0];
    if ($allcols) {
        # KFD 6/9/08, added in automatic ordering on queuopos column
        $OB = isset($table['flat']['queuepos']) ? 'queuepos' : '2';
        $sq = "SELECT skey,{$proj}\n              FROM {$view_id}\n           {$SWhere}\n            ORDER BY {$OB} {$SLimit}";
    } else {
        $sq = "SELECT {$sDistinct} {$pk} as _value,{$collist} as _display\n              FROM {$view_id}\n           {$SWhere}\n             ORDER BY {$SOB} {$SLimit} ";
    if ( ConfigGet( 'flag_syslog', 'Y' ) == 'Y' ) {
    if (ConfigGet('flag_syslog', 'Y') == 'Y') {
        syslog(LOG_INFO, $sq);
    $rows = SQL_Allrows($sq);
    return $rows;
Esempio n. 6
 function __construct($table_id = '')
     // Grab table ID if given, otherwise try to figure
     // one out, but only if we don't have one
     if ($table_id != '') {
         $this->table_id = $table_id;
     } else {
         if ($this->table_id == '') {
             $this->table_id = get_class($this);
     // Load data dictionary.  This is not a tragedy if
     // the page has no table, just forget about it.
     $this->table = DD_TableRef($this->table_id);
     $this->view_id = '';
     if (is_array($this->table)) {
         if (isset($this->table['projections']['_uisearch'])) {
             // capure this directly so it can be overridden
             $this->projections['_uisearch'] = $this->table['projections']['_uisearch'];
         $this->view_id = DDTable_IDResolve($this->table_id);
     // Look for an application-level variable for button_images
     The property "button_images" can be overridden by setting
     an application-level property with the [[vgaSet()]] function.
     if (vgaGet('button_images', '') != '') {
         $this->button_images = vgaGet('button_images');
     // Set the page subtitle if we can find it
     if ($this->PageSubtitle == '') {
         $this->PageSubtitle = ArraySafe($this->table, "description", "PLEASE SET -PageSubtitle-");
     // Set the flag_buffer to false if we detect any flags
     // that would do that
     if (gpExists('gp_ajaxcol')) {
         $this->flag_buffer = false;
     if (gpExists('gp_fbproc')) {
         $this->flag_buffer = false;
     if (gpExists('gp_xajax')) {
         $this->flag_buffer = false;
     if (gpExists('fwajax')) {
         $this->flag_buffer = false;
     // This array can be used to override properties on
     // child objects invoked by this object
     $this->children = array();
     // Now set all child tables to be 'drilldown', unless
     // overridden in datadictionary
     if (isset($this->table['fk_children'])) {
         foreach ($this->table['fk_children'] as $table_child => $tabinfo) {
             $display = trim(ArraySafe($tabinfo, 'uidisplay', 'drilldown'));
             $this->children[$table_child]['display'] = $display != '' ? $display : 'drilldown';
     // KFD 6/30/07, allow a gp variable to specify which control to
     //   set focus.  Do it early so it can be overrridden
     if (gpexists('html_focus')) {
         vgfset('HTML_focus', 'x2t_' . hx(gp('html_focus')));
     // ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((*))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
     // ((((((((((((((((( Run Custom-level Construct ))))))))))))))))
     // ((((((((((((((((( Run Custom-level Construct ))))))))))))))))
     // ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((*))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
     // Now pass through child tables again, removing any setting
     // that is not allowed by security privs.  Notice we do this
     // after the custom_construct, since that is where a setting might
     // be that conflicts with security setting.
     if (isset($this->table['fk_children'])) {
         $a = array_keys($this->table['fk_children']);
         foreach ($this->table['fk_children'] as $table_child => $tabinfo) {
             if (!DDUserPerm($table_child, 'menu')) {
                 $this->children[$table_child]['display'] = 'none';
Esempio n. 7
function X_EMAIL_SEND($em)
    $retval = false;
    if (SQLX_TrxLevel() > 0) {
        ErrorAdd("ERROR: Cannot send an email within a transaction");
    } else {
        if (configGet('email_fromaddr')) {
            $from_addr = configGet('email_fromaddr');
            $from_name = configGet('email_fromname');
        } else {
            $from_addr = trim(OPTION_GET("EMAILFROM_ADDR"));
            $from_name = trim(OPTION_GET("EMAILFROM_NAME"));
        $smtp_server = trim(OPTION_GET('SMTP_SERVER', 'localhost'));
        if ($from_addr == "") {
            ErrorAdd("The system's return email address, defined in system variable " . "EMAILFROM_ADDR, must be set to a valid email address.  " . HTMLE_A_STD("System Variables", "variables", ""));
        } else {
            if ($from_name != "") {
                $from_name = '"' . $from_name . '"';
            $from = "From: " . $from_name . " <" . $from_addr . ">";
            include_once 'Mail.php';
            $recipients = $em["email_to"];
            $headers['From'] = $from_name . "<" . $from_addr . ">";
            $headers['To'] = $em["email_to"];
            $headers['Subject'] = $em["email_subject"];
            $headers['Date'] = date("D, j M Y H:i:s O", time());
            foreach ($em['headers'] as $hname => $hval) {
                $headers[$hname] = $hval;
            $body = $em["email_message"];
            $params['sendmail_path'] = '/usr/lib/sendmail';
            $params['host'] = $smtp_server;
            // Create the mail object using the Mail::factory method
            $mail_object = Mail::factory('smtp', $params);
            $mail_object->send($recipients, $headers, $body);
            if (!$mail_object) {
                ErrorAdd("Email was not accepted by server");
            } else {
                $table_ref = DD_TableRef('adm_emails');
                SQLX_Insert($table_ref, $em, false);
                $retval = false;
    return $retval;
Esempio n. 8
 function mainPRocess($v, $dirs)
     // First create the version
     $table_dd = DD_TableRef('appversions');
     $row = array('version' => $v, 'date' => time(), 'application' => $this->app);
     SQLX_Insert($table_dd, $row);
     if (Errors()) {
         echo hErrors();
     // We'll need this for every file we load
     $this->tlf = DD_TableRef('appfiles');
     // Create the application save directory
     $app = $this->app;
     $r2 = $GLOBALS['AG']['dirs']['root'];
     if (!file_exists($r2 . 'pkg-apps')) {
         mkdir($r2 . 'pkg-apps');
     if (!file_exists($r2 . "pkg-apps/{$app}-{$v}")) {
         mkdir($r2 . "pkg-apps/{$app}-{$v}");
     $r2 = $r2 . "pkg-apps/{$app}-{$v}";
     foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
         if (!file_exists($this->root . $dir['dirname'])) {
             mkdir($this->root . $dir['dirname']);
         $this->mainPR_DirFiles($v, $r2, $this->root, $dir['dirname'], '');
     $dpa = $GLOBALS['AG']['dirs']['root'] . 'pkg-apps/';
     chdir($GLOBALS['AG']['dirs']['root'] . 'pkg-apps/');
     $command = "tar czvf {$app}-{$v}.tgz {$app}-{$v}";
     x_EchoFlush("Tarballing with this command: {$command}");
     // Now create the install version.
     if ($this->app == 'andro') {
         x_EchoFlush("Renaming install.done.php to install.php");
         rename("{$dpa}{$app}-{$v}/application/install.done.php", "{$dpa}{$app}-{$v}/application/install.php");
         x_EchoFlush("Renaming directory to andro, copying index.php");
         rename("{$dpa}{$app}-{$v}", $dpa . "andro");
         copy($dpa . "andro/root/index.php", $dpa . "andro/index.php");
         copy($dpa . "andro/root/htaccess", $dpa . "andro/.htaccess");
         // KFD 8/2/07, Sourceforge bug #1755244, for the node manager
         //             these are created by build but we need them for
         //             the build, so make them here.
         mkdir($dpa . "andro/tmp");
         mkdir($dpa . "andro/generated");
         // KFD 8/2/07, Sourceforge bug #1755244, END
         $command = "tar czvf {$app}-{$v}-install.tgz andro index.php .htaccess";
         x_EchoFlush("Tarballing install version with this command: {$command}");
         x_EchoFlush("Renaming directory back to {$app}-{$v}");
         unlink($dpa . "andro/index.php");
         unlink($dpa . "andro/.htaccess");
         rename($dpa . "andro", "{$dpa}{$app}-{$v}");
         x_EchoFlush("Process is complete!");
Esempio n. 9
 function PullCodeApp($row)
     $app = trim($row['application']);
     $sApp = SQLFC($app);
     $ver = $row['version'];
     $sVer = SQLFC($ver);
     x_EchoFlush("*** Application: " . $row['application']);
     x_EchoFlush("  Authoritative Node is: " . $row['node']);
     x_EchoFlush("  Current Local Version: " . $ver);
     // Get version from remote node
     $remote = $this->CURL($row['node_url'], "select max(version) as version\n             FROM appversions\n            WHERE application={$sApp}");
     if (count($remote) == 0) {
         x_EchoFlush("The remote server says it's got nothing for us!");
     } else {
         $vremote = $remote[0]['version'];
         x_EchoFlush("  Remote server has version: {$vremote}");
         if ($vremote == $ver) {
             x_EchoFlush("Local version is up-to-date, nothing to do here.");
         } elseif ($vremote < $ver) {
             x_EchoFlush("Local version is more recent.");
             x_EchoFlush("  --> this should not normally happen, perhaps");
             x_EchoFlush("      somebody published code on this machine?");
         } else {
             x_EchoFlush("Local version out of date, pulling latest");
             $this->VersionPull($app, $vremote, $row);
             $table_dd = DD_TableRef('appversions');
             $row = array('application' => $app, 'version' => $vremote);
             SQLX_Insert($table_dd, $row);
             echo hERrors();