public function get_images() { $all_img = array(); foreach ($this->html->find('img') as $obj) { $src = $obj->src; $src = ConvertRelativeToAbsoluteURL(ExtractURL($GLOBALS['root_url']), $src); array_push($all_img, $src); } return $all_img; }
public function ExtractForms($baseurl, $data) { $result = array(); if ($this->html === false) { $this->html = new simple_html_dom(); } $this->html->load($data); $html5rows = $this->html->find("input[form],textarea[form],select[form],button[form],datalist[id]"); $rows = $this->html->find("form"); foreach ($rows as $row) { $info = array(); if (isset($row->id)) { $info["id"] = trim($row->id); } if (isset($row->name)) { $info["name"] = (string) $row->name; } $info["action"] = isset($row->action) ? ConvertRelativeToAbsoluteURL($baseurl, (string) $row->action) : $baseurl; $info["method"] = isset($row->method) && strtolower(trim($row->method)) == "post" ? "post" : "get"; if ($info["method"] == "post") { $info["enctype"] = isset($row->enctype) ? strtolower($row->enctype) : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; } if (isset($row->{"accept-charset"})) { $info["accept-charset"] = (string) $row->{"accept-charset"}; } $fields = array(); $rows2 = $row->find("input,textarea,select,button"); foreach ($rows2 as $row2) { if (!isset($row2->form)) { $this->ExtractFieldFromDOM($fields, $row2); } } // Handle HTML5. if (isset($info["id"]) && $info["id"] != "") { foreach ($html5rows as $row2) { if (strpos(" " . $info["id"] . " ", " " . $row2->form . " ") !== false) { $this->ExtractFieldFromDOM($fields, $row2); } } } $form = new WebBrowserForm(); $form->info = $info; $form->fields = $fields; $result[] = $form; } return $result; }
DownloadFailed("Error retrieving URL. " . $result["error"]); } else { if ($result["response"]["code"] != 200) { DownloadFailed("Error retrieving URL. Server returned: " . $result["response"]["code"] . " " . $result["response"]["meaning"]); } } $baseurl = $result["url"]; $html->load($result["body"]); $rows = $html->find("a[href]"); foreach ($rows as $row) { if (preg_match('/^\\/downloads\\/releases\\/php-(5\\.5\\.\\d+)$/', $row->href, $matches)) { echo "Found: " . $row->href . "\n"; echo "Latest version: " . $matches[1] . "\n"; echo "Currently installed: " . (isset($installed["php"]) ? $installed["php"] : "Not installed") . "\n"; if (!isset($installed["php"]) || $matches[1] != $installed["php"]) { DownloadAndExtract("php", ConvertRelativeToAbsoluteURL($baseurl, $row->href)); $extractpath = dirname(FindExtractedFile($stagingpath, "php.exe")) . "/"; @copy($installpath . "vc_redist/msvcr110.dll", $extractpath . "bin/msvcr110.dll"); echo "Copying staging files to final location...\n"; CopyDirectory($extractpath, $installpath . "php"); echo "Cleaning up...\n"; ResetStagingArea($stagingpath); $installed["php"] = $matches[1]; SaveInstalledData(); echo "PHP binaries updated to " . $matches[1] . ".\n\n"; } break; } } ResetStagingArea($stagingpath); rmdir($stagingpath);