Esempio n. 1
function InsertVk($k, $uk)
    $con = GetMyConnection();
    $query = sprintf("insert into url_query(queried_key,user_key) values('%s','%s')", mysql_real_escape_string($k), mysql_real_escape_string($uk));
    $result = mysql_query($query, $con);
Esempio n. 2
 function formToDB($table, $exceptions = '', $sql_type = 'insert', $sql_condition = NULL, $passedVals = NULL)
     // define some vars
     $fields = '';
     $values = '';
     // format input fields into sql
     // deal with passed values...
     if ($passedVals == NULL) {
         // insert the _POST values...
         $passedVals = $_POST;
     //foreach ($_POST as $field => $value) {
     foreach ($passedVals as $field => $value) {
         if (!preg_match("/{$field}, /", $exceptions)) {
             $value = mysql_real_escape_string($value, GetMyConnection());
             if ($sql_type == 'insert') {
                 $fields .= "{$field}, ";
                 $values .= "'{$value}', ";
             } else {
                 $fields .= "{$field} = '{$value}', ";
     // remove trailing ", " from $fields and $values
     $fields = preg_replace('/, $/', '', $fields);
     $values = preg_replace('/, $/', '', $values);
     // create sql statement
     if ($sql_type == 'insert') {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO {$table} ({$fields}) VALUES ({$values})";
     } elseif ($sql_type == 'update') {
         if (!isset($sql_condition)) {
             echo 'ERROR: You must enter a sql condition!';
         $sql = "UPDATE {$table} SET {$fields} WHERE {$sql_condition}";
     } else {
         echo 'ERROR: Invalid input for argument $sql_type: must be "insert" or "update"';
     // execute sql
     // $result = mysql_query($sql, GetMyConnection('operators'));
     //die ($sql);
     if (mysql_query($sql, GetMyConnection('operators'))) {
         $rct = mysql_result(mysql_query('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()'), 0);
         //global $g_link;
         return $rct;
     } else {
         die(mysql_error() . 'SQL : ' . $sql);
         //return false;
// Default FM session time. We use it if we can't find close DB(or connection) record
define('FM_MAX_DURATION_SESSION', 12 * 60 * 60);
// Max FM session time. We close session with default time if we can't find close DB (session) record and session time is more that FM_MAX_DURATION_SESSION
define('FM_RELOGIN_TIMEOUT', 1);
// If 2 actions from the same client are xx sec close to each other we save them in one session (like relogin as ... action)
define('FM_TYPE_OTHER', 'Other');
define('FM_TYPE_REGEXP', '/^([a-zA-Z_ ]+) /');
define('FM_CONN_PAID_REGEXP', '/(^Go )|(^Go_iPad)|(\\[fmwebdirect\\]S)/');
// Start here
$LOG->message("session started");
$ckStart = new CheckStart($CONFIG['VAR_DIR'] . 'sessions.lock');
if (!$ckStart->canStart()) {
    // Check if script already running. Doesn't allow customer to send multiple restart requests
    printLogAndDie("Script is already running.");
// Cleanup DB
$user_session = array();
$script_session = array();
$opened_connections = array();
$session_to_close = array();
$last_used_app = array();
$lastProcessedDate = '';
$sth = $DB->dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM FmAccessLog WHERE SessionId=? ORDER BY LogDate, LogTime, LogSec, Id LIMIT 100000");
# Limit request to prevent Allowed memory size ... exhausted error
if ($sth->errorInfo()[1]) {
    printLogAndDie("DB error: " . $sth->errorInfo()[2]);
while ($rec = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
    $lastProcessedDate = $rec['LogDate'] . ' ' . $rec['LogTime'];